Any tip about this would be much appreciated.


2013/4/25 Marcelo Chiaradía <>

> Hello everyone,
> Im trying to import some external vocabulary into my wiki (for examples,
> thesauri terms, dublin core properties, etc).
> I need it because I want my pages to be exported into the semantic web,
> thorugh the "Export RDF" feature.
> Importing known vocabularies will allow me to acomplish this in a more
> massive way I think, cause I will be able to connect some of my pages to
> external resources through the imported vocabularies.
> Moreover, I dont want the imported terms will be considered as pages into
> my wiki. They represent just external terms. So I defined a new
> "External_term" namespace for them.
> So for each term imported I defined an "External_term" page for it. And
> for every property imported, I just tag my property page with the
> "equivalent" tag.
> I want to know if Im taking the right approach to expose my pages into the
> semantic web.
> Thanks in advance,
> Marcelo.
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