I have spent much of ApacheCon working on testing JAMES.  Ran into some
little bits, but generally OK.  Ran with Derby for about 48 hours stably,
but was not sure if there was any memory leak or not (TOP showed a slow,
consistent, memory increase, but that's not a conclusive indicator for our
Java code), so I am running another test with with heapdump enabled.

Generally, things look good.  I will add a derby.properties file to bin/
with a statement in it to control the cache size, and to provide a
placeholder for any users who want to control Derby properties.

Would people take a look at the current code and see if they feel
comfortable with a release candidate?  Unless I encounter a definitive
memory leak or other problem, I'd like to call a vote on a release
candidate.  And since there are both configuration and functional changes,
I'd suggest that v3 is perhaps the more appropriate designation than v2.3.

        --- Noel

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