I am having a problem with a mailet when copying the Mail mail object to a

    MimeMessage message = mail.getMessage();

It only occurs when the message contains large attachments. Usually larger
than 2 MB.  I receive the following error in the Mailet.log


And the message is sent to the Error Processor.

Is there a way to test the size of the mail object before copying it to a
MimeMessage to access the getSize() method?

I experience the problem in both James 2.1.3 and James 2.2.0a15.  Runing on
RedHat 9 or on Windows XP and 2000.  The systems have 512 MB and 1.8GHz
processors, so I don't think it is resource related.  I am using Sun Java
version j2re1.4.2_03


Kraig Schario

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