[Server-devel] recommended ip fw rules

2008-08-05 Thread David Van Assche
So, even though we are using shorewall for now (it didnt break with an
upgrade from 163 to 164, if it does at some point, we'll go back to
using straight iptables) here are some recommended additions/changes:

- change port 3128 to 8081 (if one installs dansguardian, which really
should be integrated)
- make an exception for local internal ip, otherwise moodle and other
internal stuff is super slow
- firewall everything but allow smtp, pop3 or imap, web, ejabberd
(server 2 server)
- traffic shape into 3 categories (low prio, normal and high prio)
which would correspond to:
high prio: ssh
normal: everything except high and low
low: p2p, ftp

Not sure where ejabberd should go in there... probably normal...

I havent added our rules as they will differ from what you would do
with straight iptables...

Kind Regards,
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Time for another Server-Devel Meeting IRC or Skype?

2008-08-05 Thread Sameer Verma
Martin Langhoff wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 9:17 PM, Bryan Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We are putting a lot of work into the XS here in Nepal after a long

 Cool -

 David Van Assche is now w/ OLE nepal full-time in Kathmandu working on
 the XS. We want to make sure we are moving in the same direction and not
 waste anyone's time.

 Excellent! Sounds like you guys are doing a lot

 How about an IRC or Skype meeting open to all those interested in the XS
 later this week? If it's an IRC meeting I will be happy to post it to
 the wiki.

 Good idea. We can do it via IRC I think -- if it's just us, we can
 switch to Skype as long as we get some minutes somehow :-)

I would suggest Gobby so that more than one person can take notes. Gobby
will also support chat. We can predetermine who will take notes off of
VoIP, irc, etc.  Ubuntu uses Gobby for the same purpose at its Ubuntu
Dev Summit meetings. http://gobby.0x539.de/trac/ apt-get install gobby
in Debian/Ubuntu works.

The only major requirement is that someone will have to initiate a Gobby
session at a public IP.


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

 Looking at suitable times, I am thinking of this Friday (NZ time,
 Thursday for everyone else ;-) ) - look at:

 It is hard to coordinate a good time for Nepal and NZ and the American
 continent. It would be fantastic if Greg Smith can make it - I am

  - 2PM - early morn for Nepal, 10pm for 1CC
  - 11PM - late night for me, easy for everyone else! :-/

 let's have a quick RSVP - so we can prioritise timezones.



Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] DNS Connectivity Issues

2008-08-05 Thread Tony Pearson
Updated /dev/sda3's version /etc/resolv.conf to change second line to new 

sysresccd etc # cat resolv.conf
search venango.org

Tony Pearson
Senior Storage Consultant, IBM System Storage™
Telephone: +1 520-799-4309 |  tie 321-4309 |  Cell: +1 520 990-8669
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  GSA: http://tucgsa.ibm.com/~tpearson
Blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/InsideSystemStorage
AKA: 990tony Paravane, eightbar specialist 

08/01/2008 03:46 PM
Please respond to

[EMAIL PROTECTED], server-devel@lists.laptop.org
DNS  Connectivity Issues

Today just after noon (edt) our Qwest internet connection (not the one the 
EDU server is on) went down. I was in the middle of upgrading the DNS 
servers so it frustrated that task enormously.

Qwest seemed to have the service more or less restored by 4:30 PM or so. 
At that time I noticed an email from ATT saying that they had monitored 
outages on our ATT circuit (the one the EDU server is on). Apparently 
this was of an intermittent nature.

Apparently Verizon had a fiber cut somewhere

The result is that DNS was probably down for 5+ hours and the connection 
otherwise intermittent. There may still be DNS issues but I am too tired 
to dig too deeply until tomorrow. was probably configured as a 
secondary dns in /etc/resolv.conf on edublog. It might be better to change 
that to (opendns.org) as is no long active.


Total Blog Directory

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Ugly JABBER problem

2008-08-05 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 12:12 AM, David Van Assche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone else actually been able to register a new XO without
 specifying the jabber server?

Yes, the QA team, myself, etc. What images are you doing this with?

 We have tried this now with 5 different XOs from Nepali changed images
 and fresh non-Nepali images with the same results...

If you tell us more about which vanilla images we might be able to help.

 Am not sure what you mean with idmgr and dansguardian... we've not had
 any conflicts between the two...

Bryan wrote that you did. Google for idmgr and Dansgardian and you'll find:

 * Idmgr is using port 8080 when that is the default port for
 dansguardian, this was quite confusing to us
 * dansguardian should be included in the olpc repo, it is currently in
 the dries repo


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Setting up an XS with an AP

2008-08-05 Thread David Leeming


I am now in Nauru (very small central Pacific country) starting up a single
class trial here. They have provided a machine to be used as the XS for the
pilot. They have no active antenna (AA) so we are using two network cards
and a D-Link DWL 2100 AP. 


I installed the XS software and configured it for a small school server,
adding the shared roster online etc, and it works fine when tested using
my own prototype AA.


However, I am having problems getting it work with the AP on eth1 - can
anyone advise please. This is how I tried to set it up:

. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 


. /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd


. /etc/dhcpd.conf

at top of file:

subnet ..
option routers
option subnet-mask
option broadcast

D-Link settings:

. Mode = Access point

. DHCP server off

. Gets IP from DHCP server

. ESSID - not sure what to do with that so I tried school-mesh-0

. ESSID broadcast - on or off, did not make any difference

. The DLink works to some extent attached to the Eth1 network card.
I can see it in the XO neighbourhood view and I can connect to it on my
Windows Vista laptop - it gives me an IP in the range as above.


However, the XOs will not stay connected. Unlike with the active antenna,
which they find and connect to in seconds of booting, they do not find it
and revert to looking for XO mesh portal. If you click on the icon in
neighbourhood view they will try to connect but the connection circle/icon
on home view stays greyed out and then it gives up.


Any help appreciated!



David Leeming

OLPC Coordinator, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) www.spc.int

Technical Advisor, People First Network

P.O. Box 652, Honiara, Solomon Islands, South Pacific


Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Setting up an XS with an AP

2008-08-05 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 8:08 AM, David Leeming
 I am now in Nauru (very small central Pacific country) starting up a single
 class trial here.


 They have provided a machine to be used as the XS for the
 pilot. They have no active antenna (AA) so we are using two network cards
 and a D-Link DWL 2100 AP.

Makes sense. How many XOs are you planning to support with that?

 I installed the XS software and configured it for a small school server,
 adding the shared roster online etc, and it works fine when tested using
 my own prototype AA.

Good so far.

 However, I am having problems getting it work with the AP on eth1 – can
 anyone advise please. This is how I tried to set it up:

 · /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1

Couple of questions

 - did you set that configuration yourself? Or is that what the
network_config script did?
 - how many network cards does the server have? (tip: should be 2!)
 - did you add/remove network cards after the initial install?

 D-Link settings:

 · Mode = Access point

 · DHCP server off

 · Gets IP from DHCP server

So far good.

 · ESSID – not sure what to do with that so I tried school-mesh-0

Hmmm, possible cause of trouble. Pick any other name, perhaps call
it school or a local word for school.

 · ESSID broadcast – on or off, did not make any difference

Keep it on. It will appear *much* faster on the kids 'network view'.

 · The DLink works to some extent attached to the Eth1 network card.
 I can see it in the XO neighbourhood view and I can connect to it on my
 Windows Vista laptop – it gives me an IP in the range as above.


 However, the XOs will not stay connected. Unlike with the active antenna,
 which they find and connect to in seconds of booting, they do not find it
 and revert to looking for XO mesh portal. If you click on the icon in
 neighbourhood view they will try to connect but the connection circle/icon
 on home view stays greyed out and then it gives up.

Change the ESSID, retry, and if it still fails to connect send us the
logfiles collected by the command olpc-netlog. See the olpc-netlog
mention in http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Attaching_Sugar_Logs_to_Tickets

And we *need* to know the build numbers and the output of
olpc-netstatus for what you consider successful connections and
failed connections.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Understanding the network scripts on F7-based XS

2008-08-05 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 4:47 AM, Jerry Vonau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nice overview.


 That I can help with that also, I'm very (too?) familiar with shorewall,

that'll be cool -

  - Can we make the networking configuration work in a stable manner on

 Might just work, as is, with what you have now, just not with
 Network-Manager at the moment.

Note that it has some nasty interactions on F7 with netplugd, and that
results on us missing on some features. IE: we have to disable
netplugd, so we don't detect ethernet-cable-plugged-in events -- this
can be a prob if the WAN connection is set to use dhcp. And I assume
even internal interfaces might do something in connect/disconnect
events (flush arp tables?).

 Do we need to hook into the events infrastructure so when an
 ethernet cable gets plugged into an if we do the right thing? Could we
 make it so that we autodetect and configure an AA on usb connection?

 That would be a Dbus/Network-Manager thing, your talking usb event driven
 responses here, right?

I'm not sure - whatever does event mgmt on headless server setups for
Fedora. I don't think it's NM.

  - Can we remove the service mgmt from it? :-)

 Sorry, can't find part that at the moment, which file?

Ah, just means I don't think chkconfig calls belong there -- low priority...


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Server Spec (blueprints) Comments

2008-08-05 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 4:20 AM, Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also, is that the right place for them? Are they in 0.3 and is it
 released with both those features implemented? When a new release
 comes out, maybe we should note that its released in the road map and
 link to its release notes?

Yes, but I don't think we have achieved all the goals in it, so I
won't call it done -

 Great job describing scenarios and motivation on both. That's key
 element in understanding the motivation and use of the features!

Thanks - normal practice from my moodling days :-)

 Some comments and questions:

 1 - What files are backed up from the XO?

Everything that is tracked by the datastore. The hint is in the name :-)

 2 - Is there any GUI on the XO for this feature? Is it always on or
 always off or how do you know when it is moving files from the XO view?

- always on
- a ui improvement could be to add a hint that ds-backup is working

 3 - How many XOs can backup at the same time? If they start to swamp the
 BW during class, is there any way to know that and possibly prevent it
 if needed? Looks like the traffic control script does some of that but
 could use more details on the algorithm.

Impossible to know how many. There are several mechanisms we use to
control this. It will be *fantastic* if someone can document this to
the last detail, and update it every time we change the code. In the
meantime, read the source.

The traffic control algorithm is here - line 17 and 28-37 are interesting:

 4 - Can you set the quota per XO? What is the default? How about max
 age? Do you turn this feature on with the XS and what is the interface
 to it on XS?

No. Dynamic based on a per-service quota. Again, need for
documentation helpers. Good docs take at least as much time to write
as the code itself.

 On http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Blueprints:OTP_root_passwords

 1 - My only question is if we have a lead customer for this. I would
 like to hear Bryan's comments on it too.

The blueprint talks about deploying large numbers of XSs, some of them
w/o internet. Who could that be? :-)


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Martin's new assistant

2008-08-05 Thread Douglas Bagnall

I will be working with Martin Langhoff for a couple of months, with
the hope of giving XS development a boost.

At present I am really just familiarising myself with the system, but
we aim to clean up that bug tracker and have a considerably more
useful school server.

My background is in software art, with a bit of filmmaking, web
development, and general programming.  Some of my projects are
described on http://halo.gen.nz/.  The art background is perhaps more
relevant than it might seem: it is hard to imagine an environment with
worse connectivity and less IT expertise than a typical New Zealand
art gallery.  Designing and deploying tolerably cheap and fail-safe
systems has been a large part of my work.

Anyway, I'm glad to helping the OLPC project.


Douglas Bagnall
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Time for another Server-Devel Meeting IRC or Skype?

2008-08-05 Thread Bryan Berry
I am sick in bed and too tired to really think. will work on a meeting
agenda tomorrow
On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 07:32 -0400, Greg Smith wrote:
 Hi Guys,
 I'm in for Thursday 2PM NZ, 7:45AM Nepal, 10PM US ET.
 On irc.freenode.net #olpc-meeting?
 Let's set an agenda now and keep it to one hour if we can.
 Greg S
 PS what's up with the 15 minute Nepal offset? That's even stranger than 
 India time ;-)
 Bryan Berry wrote:
  On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 10:54 +1200, Martin Langhoff wrote:
  Looking at suitable times, I am thinking of this Friday (NZ time,
  Thursday for everyone else ;-) ) - look at:
  It is hard to coordinate a good time for Nepal and NZ and the American
  continent. It would be fantastic if Greg Smith can make it - I am
   - 2PM - early morn for Nepal, 10pm for 1CC
   - 11PM - late night for me, easy for everyone else! :-/
  Friday, 7:45 AM is a bit early for Kathmandu but it works for us 
  Skype will work if it is less than 7 people but gets too messy w/ more.
  w/ 7+ people I prefer IRC.
  David and I will be there
Bryan W. Berry
Systems Engineer
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] moodle and authentication

2008-08-05 Thread David Van Assche
So... We've come to thinking about how to do the moodle authentication
from the xos in the easiest way, but also a way that involves the
teachers/administrators in some way. An idea we came up with is the

-Modify the user database to include an extra field - lets call it mac
address, but could be any unique xo identifier.
- make a little script to check the xo mac address and pass it along
to moodle to check in its user database and log on...

The teacher would then check the mac address on the XO, while filling
in the rest of the data in moodle for the student and put in the mac

what do u think?

David Van Assche
OLE Nepal
Server-devel mailing list