On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 12:16 PM Kenneth Wyrick <caltek...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is so exciting. i will get started installing it with debian 9.6 on a
> toshiba notebook.

Thanks Kenneth!

Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.7 Preview 2 was just released:
https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.7-Release-Notes* (more on release
day later this month!)*

Including *preliminary* support for installing IIAB on Ubermix 4.1
educational distro/desktop <http://wiki.ubermix.org/page/Ubermix_Changelog>
for those schools that have hard drives in every desktop/laptop, wanting it
all (rich free content!) pre-installed on *every* student

This can be a lifesaver if you have donated laptops your team/NGO is
installing into remote schools.  Avni Khatri (President of Kids on
Computers) will help us publish many more details in coming days, as we
prepare for IIAB 6.7's final release later this month ("85+ % complete, 208
closed, 36 remaining" according to GitHub!)

LINUX VOLUNTEER REQUEST: schools would *love* it if somebody could try
installing IIAB 6.7/master onto a recent pre-release of Debian 10 "Buster" (
#878 <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/878>).  Please do get in touch
anybody who can just run our IIAB 1-line installer (http://d.iiab.io/6.7)
onto any Debian 10 from https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ --
be it Debian 10's Alpha 4 from 2018-12-15 -- or any other Debian 10 or
Debian "Sid" (bleeding edge) that you prefer!

thank you so much. i would love to see an OSSIE booth at scale2019
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 8:50 AM Adam Holt <h...@laptop.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 11:29 AM Adam Holt <h...@laptop.org> wrote:
>>> There's been huge progress here in recent weeks:
>>>    https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/4
>> "77% complete"
>> Thanks everyone who can help push forward any of these the above 55 open
>> tickets !
>> (185 already closed !!)
>> Not only are WordPress 5.0 and Nextcloud 15 officially now part of IIAB
>>> 6.7, but dramatic improvements include our experimental new Captive Portal
>>> (PR #1327 <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/1327>) and an overhauled
>>> DIY menuing system (PR iiab/iiab-admin-console#95
>>> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab-admin-console/pull/95>) !
>>> IIAB 6.7's Release Notes are NOT yet finalized, but a draft is coming
>>> together here now that IIAB 6.7 Preview 1
>>> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases> is official:
>>>    https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.7-Release-Notes
>>> A very special thank you to implementers & testers on all continents --
>>> who continue to validate our IIAB 6.7 pre-releases on Raspbian on RPi
>>> especially, but also on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9.6 -- every one of which
>>> is installable right here:
>>>    http://download.iiab.io/6.7
>>> Let's try to release IIAB 6.7 before the end of 2018, to keep to our
>>> quarterly release target, *including newbie-friendly documentation
>>> understandable to almost anybody.*  I think we CAN do it, but it will
>>> take a joint effort from all!
>> --
>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
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