Any chance I could get someone to take a look at this problem? There's no way for me to move forward until I can see my mailet logs.  I tried to dig into slf4j and log4j.  But I just don't have enough background in that to figure out what is happening.  And since I don't have a full james set up on an IDE where I can set breakpoints, I have no way to figure out why all log data is just being discarded regardless of the settings.  With the appropriate tools it seems like it'd be pretty easy to see why log4j is not writing any data.  But I just don't have the tools. Can somebody in James development please take a few minutes and see if they figure it out?  I'm sure it's probably something trivial as properties file settings.  But without some guidance, I'm shooting in the dark.

Help, please?


On 9/18/2019 10:18 AM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
Without a way to see my mailet log data, I have no way of knowing if my mailets were even called, if they succeeded, if they failed. Right now, all I know is they went into a processor and disappeared.  This is a serious problem for me.  I really need to have a way to see this data.  If it's a change, I just need to know what to change.  I'm dead in the water.

On 9/17/2019 11:08 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
I added the transport line as you suggested and sent a test email inbound.  The console showed it coming in, as does james-server.log.  But still, the only log file in the logs directory that is not empty is james-server. Nothing is going to any of these files.

On 9/17/2019 10:49 PM, Tellier Benoit wrote:
I inlined my answers...


On 18/09/2019 10:32, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
Thanks for the reply.  But I did not use my old  I
copied the one from the downloaded 3.3.0 zip file. Although, it looks
almost identical to the beta5 one.  Any chance the wrong one is included
in the package?
I think the default log4j file was never updated.

Contribution welcomed BTW...

I'm fine with logger-per-mailet. However, I'm hoping there's a way to
see the flow for an email item.  It's just as important at times to see
that various matchers passed or didn't pass on an item as it goes
through the flow.  Is there still a logger that shows the flow?
The approach regarding this is to use the MDC for doing some
contextualized logging (SLF4J API)

Within James guice application, we rely on logback, and a
"ElasticSearch" appender. Logs can then be filtered by 'mail' property.

You will then see all of the logs related to the processing of that very

I'm not a log4j expert but there should be a way of doing something
somehow similar...

Bottom line, though, I don't know what to put in the log4j file to make the mailet logs show up.  Do you have a link handy to the correct log4j
in github?
I don't think we have...

I'm not an expert here but let's play a bit:

In I would replace line 124, MAILETCONTAINER


(Rationals: all mailets are located within the
"org.apache.james.transport.mailets" &
"org.apache.james.transport.matchers" packages...


On 9/17/2019 10:23 PM, Tellier Benoit wrote:
Maybe I could help on that one:

The mailet logging had been migrated to a standard SLF4J approach.

Before that, all mailet logs went though a single logger, exposed as
part of the MailetContext object.

Before 3.0.0 release we altered that behavior, and create one logger per
mailet class for bundled mailets.

In the end, this enabled simpler logging filtering - on a per mailet
basis, got rid of the imperfect logging facade exposed in the mailet API
(no placeholder for instance), and also killed some "debug"
configuration parameters.

I believe that your log4j configuration file inherited from beta5 needs
to be revisited to adapt these changes.

Hope it helps.


On 18/09/2019 09:10, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
Not good news for me, however.  My mailet flow that worked in v3b5 is crashing now, and none of the log output I'm writing from my mailets is showing up anywhere.  I've GOT to see that log info some place in order to debug both my mailets as well as my mailet flow that is somehow no longer compatible.  All I get is a 'mail received' message, and an error saying it can't launch one of my mailets because there is a recursive loop in my flow (there is not, or at least there was not when it running
in v3b5).

There's got to be a way to see mailet log data. Tellier?

On 9/17/2019 9:02 PM, Garry Hurley wrote:
It’s not you. I have the same issue. I think those other log files are just there for backwards compatibility to make users feel good, since they never seem to be written to. “No news is good news” as the saying

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 17, 2019, at 4:34 PM, Jerry Malcolm <>

For the problem du jour.... when I start JAMES, all of the expected log files get created.  The main log output  goes to the console and to the james-server.log file as expected.  No problem there.  But the
remainder of the log files never get touched.  No matter what
happens, every file in the log folder other than james-server.log is empty.  I've tried changing and setting everything
to DEBUG level.  The console log dumps a bunch more info while in
DEBUG mode (which confirms I'm changing the correct log4j file).  But every other log file is still empty.  I used to see my mailet output in the main console and james-server.log in b5.  I'm not seeing any of that anywhere. Again, I've played around with (I
made sure I was using the latest 3.3.0 file).
Nothing.  What am I doing wrong?  How can I get log data to start
going into those other files?

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