Re: Develocity

2024-02-05 Thread Rene Cordier

Hello Jean,

I think this is a great initiative, thank you!

The build are regularly unstable and painful to maintain, such tooling 
to maybe make builds faster, not rebuilding and retesting everything 
every time for small changes and scans to understand better about where 
we spend build time sound like very good news to me.

A big +1 on this :)


On 2/5/24 21:52, Jean Helou wrote:

Hello fellow james devs,

I'm not sure how much context to provide in the email you can read more in

TLDR; A few months ago the apache foundation announced a sponsorship of the
"gradle" company for a tool to diagnose, monitor and optimize builds  (
called gradle enterprise at the time and renamed develocity since)

I posted a first PR to plug james build in that tool

This first integration brings only build scans and local caching
- build scans can help us understand what slows our build
- local caching allows local build perf improvements (I posted a small
benchmark which shows a divide by 3 the time spent building
james-server-core in a repeat build with no changes)

The build scans also show that many tasks in the build are not actually
cached so there is room for more improvement.

The local cache does apply to surefire tasks,unfortunately the benefits for
CI are very small :

In the first stage we cache the compilation result itself but that
represents a very small part of the test stages (even if we had to compile
everything from scratch that's barely 20 minutes out of the 3h30 of the
build so caching only marginally improves the build time at the moment

the next stage would be to :
- make more tasks cacheable
- enable the remote build cache

The remote build cache allows to share caching accross builds which means
that if a change affects only a small portion of the build, only that
change would effectively be recompiled and retested, so the closer to the
"leafs" of the reactor a change would be the shorter its CI pipelines would
I pinged INFRA in to know
what the process is for enabling the remote build cache and it seems it
starts with a mailing list thread :D

note that
- only the CI would be allowed to write to the remote build cache
- build caches both local and remote can be disabled with properties (IIRC
there are pretty strict constraints on release processes in the apache
- I think it is possible to have the remote build cache be activated in
readonly mode for everyone  so that anyone pulling the repo would
experience a very fast first build (but that remains to be confirmed as I
have never experienced it)

what do you think ?


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Re: James 3.8 one OpenSuSE 15.5

2024-02-05 Thread cryptearth

Well, just as an update:

As the OpenSuSE forums are as helpful as always: not at all - I looked 
up options to change James listen directly on TCP/25 itself - and had 
not much luck.

I don't want to spam the list with the details as it doesn't belong 
here, the short version is: The packet filter doesn't seem to work the 
way I expected it to according to its own docs.

There also seem other options such as privilege dropping or enabling 
non-root processes to bind to ports below 1024 - but the former isn't 
supported by Java and the latter works not on a per-process basis but 
global on a per-executable scope: When I allow James to bind to ports 
below 1024 so can any other Java process, not exactly what I wanted.

I'm also not quite sure if it's just OpenSuSE biting me once again as it 
did for so many years with the somehow screwed up MySQL/MariaDB packages 
as when testing in a VM with Arch it works as expected. I guess I should 
start to reconsider keep using OpenSuSE for my servers as it keeps 
throwing rocks into my path, its community isn't really helpful and many 
informations one finds just don't work for one reason or another with no 
clue why or how to fix it.

Anyway ...

As for developing a client for the web-admin api: As its only security 
seems to be the JWT I still have to get my head around how to implement 
that securely so that only authorized admins with access to a valid 
token can access the web-admin.

I also plan to keep it modular so that each function can get implemented 
independently without much spaghetti code. I'm aware about some sort of 
markup languages so one can just write a simple parser and then define 
such functionalities via config files. But I guess that's something for 
someone with more experience in that style of coding.

Unfortunately I won't have much time in the next few weeks as overtime 
and extra work is planed throughout february. But I'll keep it in mind 
as I want to give something back to  such a great project.

So long,

have a good one y'all.


On 15.01.24 03:45, Rene Cordier wrote:

Hi Matt,

Happy to see the transition didn't look too hard for you ! Regarding 
the webadmin, no there is no UI at the moment. It's been a task in the 
backlog for a long time though. But if you want to take a look, and 
even contribute, the task is here: .

I'm sure people would be happy to see a contribution about this and 
support you regarding the coding standards of the project with 
reviews, even if the UI is not really good looking, it is ok I think. 
It's destined more to sys admins than lambda users for a backend 
software, as long as it does the job, it's enough already IMO :)



On 1/14/24 09:07, cryptearth wrote:

Hi everyone,

so, I had a look into Guice+JPA and it's quite easy to setup by just 
reuse the configs I have for the Spring build. And although I still 
can use james-cli (although a bit different) I now have access to the 
REST-api via the webadmin (until now it seems I misunderstood it: I 
thought the "web admin" to be some browser admin panel instead of 
just an REST-api). And although it seems rather easy to use it to do 
the same as with the james-cli and even more - looking in the list 
archive: Is there any "client" for it like some webpage or some 
standalone gui?

Guess if not it'd be a nice project to get something together - 
although I'm only a hobbyist and hence the "most advanced" I was able 
to get done was a simple networked battle ships game with some very 
ugly ui-code for the placement of the ships. So I guess if at all I 
can only provide some simple stuff and far from the code standards of 

The next will now be to switch over to Guice+JPA and also upgrade my 
backup server. Nice to see I still can learn about James - just 
another confirmation it was the right choice after Citadel/UX got 
broken, although I'll re-visit other setups with sendmail, postfix or 
exim just for the fun of additional knowledge.

So long ... have a good one.


Am 11.01.24 um 05:40 schrieb Rene Cordier:

Hello Matt,

Thanks for keeping reporting dead links, I try to fix them every 
time firing PRs :)

Regarding the correct link to the jpa guice sample conf:

Regarding the link in a previous email with jpa-guice installation 
guide (but I think the readme is likely more complete):

For this though:, 
yes that's still not done, it's normal atm, as said this new doc is 
still a work in progress ^^'

Regarding your mail with INVALID suffixed to it... No idea really^^' 
Might want to ask the people managing the mailing lists I guess.

Well if anything else don't hesitate :)


On 1/11/24 02:45, cryptearth wrote:

Hello Rene,


2024-02-05 Thread Jean Helou
Hello fellow james devs,

I'm not sure how much context to provide in the email you can read more in

TLDR; A few months ago the apache foundation announced a sponsorship of the
"gradle" company for a tool to diagnose, monitor and optimize builds  (
called gradle enterprise at the time and renamed develocity since)

I posted a first PR to plug james build in that tool

This first integration brings only build scans and local caching
- build scans can help us understand what slows our build
- local caching allows local build perf improvements (I posted a small
benchmark which shows a divide by 3 the time spent building
james-server-core in a repeat build with no changes)

The build scans also show that many tasks in the build are not actually
cached so there is room for more improvement.

The local cache does apply to surefire tasks,unfortunately the benefits for
CI are very small :

In the first stage we cache the compilation result itself but that
represents a very small part of the test stages (even if we had to compile
everything from scratch that's barely 20 minutes out of the 3h30 of the
build so caching only marginally improves the build time at the moment

the next stage would be to :
- make more tasks cacheable
- enable the remote build cache

The remote build cache allows to share caching accross builds which means
that if a change affects only a small portion of the build, only that
change would effectively be recompiled and retested, so the closer to the
"leafs" of the reactor a change would be the shorter its CI pipelines would
I pinged INFRA in to know
what the process is for enabling the remote build cache and it seems it
starts with a mailing list thread :D

note that
- only the CI would be allowed to write to the remote build cache
- build caches both local and remote can be disabled with properties (IIRC
there are pretty strict constraints on release processes in the apache
- I think it is possible to have the remote build cache be activated in
readonly mode for everyone  so that anyone pulling the repo would
experience a very fast first build (but that remains to be confirmed as I
have never experienced it)

what do you think ?
