PING: Re: RFR(XS): 8222005: ClassRedefinition crashes with: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found

2020-06-03 Thread

PING: One more review for this fix is
  On 6/3/20 09:52, wrote:

  Thank you a lot for review, Coleen!

On 6/3/20 08:50, wrote:
Hi Serguei,
This change looks great.  Thank you for fixing this!

On 5/28/20 7:16 PM, wrote:

  Hi Coleen,

The updated webrev version is:

It has your suggestions addressed:
 - remove log_is_enabled conditions
   - move ResourceMark's out of loops


On 5/28/20 14:44,
Hi Coleen,
  Thank you a lot for reviewing this!
  On 5/28/20 12:48,

  Hi Serguei,
  Sorry for the delay reviewing this again.
  On 5/18/20 3:30 AM,
Hi Coleen and potential
  Now, the webrev:
  has a complete fix for all three failure modes related
  to the guarantee about OLD and OBSOLETE methods.
  The root cause are the following optimizations:
   1) Optimization based on the flag
      The problem is that the cpcache method entries of
  such classes are not being adjusted.
      It is explained below in the initial RFR summary.
      The fix is to get rid of this optimization.

  This seems like a good thing to do even though (actually
  especially because) I can't re-imagine the logic that went
  into this optimization.

Probably, I've not explained it well enough.
The logic was that the class marked as is_being_redefined
was considered as being redefined in the current
redefinition operation.
For classes redefined in current redefinition the cpcache is
empty, so there is  nothing to adjust.
The problem is that classes can be marked as
is_being_redefined by doit_prologue of one of the following
redefinition operations.
In such a case, the VM_RedefineClasses::CheckClass::do_klass
fails with this guarantee.
It is because the VM_RedefineClasses::CheckClass::do_klass
does not have this optimization
and does not skip such classes as the
Without this catch this issue could have unknown
consequences in the future execution far away from the root

   2) Optimization for array classes based on the flag
      The problem is that the vtable method entries are
  not adjusted for array classes.
      The array classes have to be adjusted even if the
  java.lang.Object was redefined
      by one of previous VM_RedefineClasses operation,
  not only if it was redefined in
      the current VM_RedefineClasses operation. The fix
  is is follow this requirement.

  This I can't understand.  The redefinitions are serialized
  in safepoints, so why would you need to replace vtable
  entries for arrays if java.lang.Object isn't redefined in
  this safepoint?

The VM_RedefineClasses::CheckClass::do_klass fails with the
same guarantee because of this.
It never fails this way with this optimization relaxed.
I've already broke my head trying to understand it.
It can be because of another bug we don't know yet.

   3) Optimization based on the flag _has_null_class_loader which assumes
that the Hotspot

PING: Re: RFR(XS): 8222005: ClassRedefinition crashes with: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found

2020-05-22 Thread

PING: I'm still looking for reviewers
  for this fix!
  On 5/18/20 00:34, wrote:

  On 5/18/20 00:30, wrote:
Hi Coleen and potential reviewers,
  Now, the webrev:
  has a complete fix for all three failure modes related to the
  guarantee about OLD and OBSOLETE methods.
  The root cause are the following optimizations:
   1) Optimization based on the flag
      The problem is that the cpcache method entries of such
  classes are not being adjusted.
      It is explained below in the initial RFR summary.
      The fix is to get rid of this optimization.
   2) Optimization for array classes based on the flag
      The problem is that the vtable method entries are not
  adjusted for array classes.
      The array classes have to be adjusted even if the
  java.lang.Object was redefined
      by one of previous VM_RedefineClasses operation, not only
  if it was redefined in
      the current VM_RedefineClasses operation. The fix is is
  follow this requirement.
   3) Optimization based on the flag _has_null_class_loader
which assumes that the Hotspot
    does not support delegation from the bootstrap class loader to a user-defined class
    loader. The assumption is
that if the current class being redefined has a user-defined
    class loader as its
defining class loader, then all
classes loaded by the bootstrap
    class loader can be skipped for vtable/itable method
entries adjustment.
    The problem is that this assumption is not really
correct. There are classes that
    still need the adjustment. For instance, the class
    loaded by the bootstrap class loader has the
vtable/itable references to the method:
    The class java.util.Iterator
is defined by a user-defined class loader.
    The fix is to get rid of this optimization.
  I've pushed the "Send" button too early, sorry.
  The fix also has some adjustments for log messages in cpCache.cpp
  and klassVtable.cpp
  to easier log information for these types of failures.
All three failure modes are observed with the -Xcomp flag.
With all three fixes above in place, the Kitchensink does
not fail with this guarantee anymore.
  There is still a JIT compiler relted failure:
      Kitchensink fails with: assert(destination == (address)-1
  || destination == entry) failed: b) MT-unsafe modification of
  inline cache
  I also saw this failure but just once:
      Kitchensink fails with: assert(!method->is_old())
  failed: Should not be installing old methods
  On 5/15/20 15:14, wrote:

  Hi Coleen,

Thanks a lot for review!
Good suggestion, will use it.

In fact, I've found two more related problems with the same
One is with vtable method entries adjustment and another
with itable.
This webrev version includes a fix for the vtable related

I'm still investigating the itable related issue.

It is interesting that the Kitchensink with Instrumentation
modules enabled is like a Pandora box full of surprises.
New problems are getting discovered after some road blocks
are removed.
I've just filed a couple of compiler bugs discovered in this
mode of testing:
    Kitchensink fails with: assert(!method->is_old())
failed: Should not be installing old methods
    Kitchensink fails