SD> Carlisle

2005-07-04 Thread Gregg F.
Just an open question to all on the list. What vendors will be attending the
All Chrysler Nationals at Carlisle, PA this year?
I have not read anyone saying anything about this show this year.
.Remember everyone, it only comes around to NE PA once a year. Those of us
in PA and the surrounding states, very much look forward to this show every

Gregg Freyland

'81 Ram Van (retired)
'83 Rampage (still under construction)
'87 Charger "Shelby edition"
'96 Intrepid (155,000 miles and still going)

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Re: SD> Carlisle

2005-07-04 Thread David Salamone
> Just an open question to all on the list. What vendors will be attending
> All Chrysler Nationals at Carlisle, PA this year?
> I have not read anyone saying anything about this show this year.
> .Remember everyone, it only comes around to NE PA once a year. Those
of us
> in PA and the surrounding states, very much look forward to this show
> year!!
> Thanks!!

Since the subject of Carlisle came up I wanted to let everybody know we're
returning again this year which will be our 5th year at our same great block
of vendor spaces. Due to vehicle problems I couldn't make it last year but I
just got back in from SDAC-15 and I'm returning to the road for this great

They'll be a few new things for us starting at this year's event. Chris
Wright from Turbos Unleashed will be bring a full selection of inventory
available to purchase at the event where at he past he only had display
products. He's got a amazing selection of great new items I'm sure everybody
will want to purchase.

Since the FWD vendors have all expanding our product lines and we've only
got a limited (unexpandable) amount of vendor spaces in this great location
so it's just going to be Positive Impressions & Turbos Unleashed for this

Cindy from FWD Performance needs more space for her truck & car trailer so
she'll be in separate block of vendor spaces from now on. Unfortunately she
won't be attending this year's event but we look forward to seeing her next

The "All-Chrysler Nationals" are being held in Carlisle, PA on July 8th,
9th, & 10th. We'll be traveling in from Florida & Arizona to be a vendor at
this great show. It'll make things much easier for the SD fan by being able
to visit one area within the swap meet to find an variety of latest products
available just for OUR cars.

In addition to meeting the faces behind both Positive Impressions & Turbos
Unleashed we'll also have the latest items on display from
We're working on having a better display area than ever.

I've renewed my group of four spaces in an extremely good location. With the
larger Mopar events, location is everything (like real estate). Within their
82 acre fairgrounds our four spaces are right in the middle of the main swap
meet area, two rows from the rest rooms and very close to the food court and
"Building T" (where they have pay phones, ATM machines & the concept cars).

Another great bonus is that it's right along the "tram route" (which is a
trolley type tour train that carries the public around the parameter of the
fair ground). We'll be really easy to locate at the show.

The numbers for our vendor spaces are I-97, I-98, I-99 and I-100. If anyone
wants a map of how to find our location, check out the link below. If your
going to attend only one car show this year, Carlisle is the place to be.
It's the best organized show I've ever seen with a 2,000 car show field and
tons of great vendors.

For all the details on the show, you can visit the website for the car show
at . That'll give you all the up to date show info.

Thanks again for your continued support,

Positive Impressions ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Turbos Unleashed ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

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SD> Carlisle Thread

2006-06-22 Thread SStudiosin
To Greg F and the others following this thread,
I read this thread with somewhat shock regarding the contents.  I  think some 
*appreciation* needs to be given TO Barry, not the grief that has  been shown 
to him.
I have known Barry for about 5 or so years now. Before I joined SDAC (I  
believe 4 years ago), I didn't care for Barry (first impression, at a Carlisle  
event). I cant recall what it was, I just didn't care for him.  I  remember the 
one year at Carlisle, I was furious that a non-Shelby car parked in  the 
Shelby section and even won that year (a black 93 V6 Daytona, I  believe).  And 
course, I blamed (in my mind, anyway) Barry for not doing  a damn thing (not 
knowing the FULL story behind it -- it wasn't his  fault).
Wanna know the TRUTH about Barry?  For starters, I was wrong with my  initial 
assumption.  In getting to know Barry better the last couple of  years 
(primarily through SDAC 13-15), I found the guy to be a downright  dedicated 
The guy runs a club that has unfortunately had SDAC's that  were in the red 
(and he supported out of his own pocket).  He runs a NON  PROFIT club, that he 
never sees a penny of any of the money that comes in (if  you know anything 
about the strict laws regarding a non-profit organization,  you'd know there is 
way he could "steal from the moneybox" EVEN if he  wanted to).  Barry has put 
a lot of effort and FREE TIME into making  this club what it is today.  Could 
it be better?  Could the  newsletters be faster in coming out?  Maybe.  But 
let us remember...HE  is in charge...HE is the one taking his FREE TIME and 
dedicating to OUR  hobby.  He's ONE guy doing filling a rather tall order.  
no  compensation at all.  I don't see anyone else wanting his position..we 
 should be grateful he is willing to do it!!  What would happen if he  
finally said "enough of this, I'm quiting".  Who would take over?  Who  would 
put SO 
much time effort and their OWN money into it?  It's quite easy  to sit here 
at the computer and be a "armchair quarterback", ya know?
Now to bring my point of Carlisle, and the SDAC newsletter.  First the  
newsletter --  So what if there is a Neon on there?  After SDAC-14,  Brian 
car appeared on the cover due to the fact it was a unique hybrid  engine 
setup.  Is Brian's car a Shelby?  Hell no!  And for  what it's worth, Angelo 
is another dedicated member, and downright great  guy to meet (I met him at 
SDAC-15 after beating him out in the bracket race  by about 1/10 of a second!). 
 He was well known for his racing skills and  awards in his Dodge Omni, aka 
"Matchbox" (I believe that was the  nickname).  Shouldn't he get as much of a 
chance on the cover as anyone  else?  I hope one day when my car's restoration 
is done, that I get a  chance on the cover too - even though my car isnt a 
"True Shelby".  To  close this point, I'll say -- dont like the way the 
newsletter is being  done?  Why not step up to the plate and try to do a better 
Offer  an article?  Offer a car to PUT in there?  It's NOT as easy as you  
think, and requires A LOT of dedicated free time to put that little newsletter  
together -- and again, he's NOT being paid to do it!!
Regarding Carlisle, so what if Barry isnt there?  He is  missing it ONE time. 
 What about the MANY miles he drives to almost  EVERY major Mopar event, on 
his OWN time, on his OWN gasjust to help this  club prosper and get 
noticed.  He cant make it this year.  Big  deal.  The 3 local SDAC chapters in 
will be picking up the reigns and  taking his place.  Barry will be missed, but 
it wont be as if SDAC isnt  recognized this year at Carlisle.  The guy deserves 
support, not  grief.  I know if I was him, I would have said "f-this" a LONG 
time  ago.
In closing, I think some people really need to step back and look at the  big 
picture. Barry has apologized in the last few newsletters about "being  
behind" with respect to the newsletters being late.  I never complain...the  
guy is 
doing this on his own time!!  Have some respect!  It's not like  he gets paid 
to do this, and I am sure he has a life OUTSIDE of SDAC.   As far as his 
"attitude"hey, you cant please everyone all the time.   Running the club is 
like running a business -- something I know plenty  about.  You need to focus 
keeping the majority happy, not 1 person,  because the majority will keep 
renewing every year and spreading the word to  others to join up, which keeps 
club alive.  And truth be told, I have  watched Barry at Carlislehe 
treats EVERY potential person with the same  enthusiasm as the "regulars" that 
their behinds under the tent to cool off  every year.  Give the guy some 
credit, and some respect -- his VOLUNTEER  job of running SDAC is NO easy task, 
costs HIM money out of HIS pocket, and all  for WHAT?  Just to keep the hobby 
alive.  That's a DEDICATED club  president if I ever saw one.
My .02
David C. Luci

Re: SD> Carlisle Thread

2006-06-23 Thread Barry Goodall
While I already replied privately to Dave, I want to say
publicly,  THANK YOU Dave for the kind words, support, and
understanding.   I am truly humbled by it all.


> To Greg F and the others following this thread,
> I read this thread with somewhat shock regarding
> the contents.  I  think some *appreciation* needs
> to be given TO Barry, not the grief that has
> been shown to him.
>  . edited for brevity .
> Give the guy some credit, and some respect -- his
> VOLUNTEER  job of running SDAC is NO easy
> task, costs HIM money out of HIS pocket, and all
>  for WHAT?  Just to keep the hobby alive.  That's
> a DEDICATED club  president if I ever saw one.
> My .02
> David C. Lucidi

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