Re: [sidr] Validation Reconsidered (again/again) question

2015-11-24 Thread Wes Hardaker
Christopher Morrow <> writes:

> Pinging this thread to catch anyone who didn't reply but had thoughts
> I'd like to close this out tomorrow before 5pm EST (10pm UTC).

I've been considering the concept behind this document and whether the
concept should be carried forward by the working group.  To me the
starting ID is frequently badly written or has too few editors, etc.
That always changes over time, so I'm not concerned about that issue in
particular until it is proven that no one will take it up (and many
won't volunteer for a question mark).

So, on to the concept: in my younger years I was very strict and I would
have been against this concept from the beginning, because it does bring
the status of a given certificate into question.  But my older and wiser
self has seen far too many difficult and failed protocol deployments
because of the complexity associated with "everyone everywhere needs to
do the right thing all the time".  To me, the validation reconsidered
proposal mitigates some of the very likely real-world, real-human
deployment scenarios.  And I don't think that the RPKI publicity side
can take too many negative hits (again, because I've watched too many
other protocols slow down at the minimum when negative publicity hits
them).  In short, the validation reconsidered concept reduces the
real-world impact of necessary and accidental changes, which to me means
a deployment base that will be stronger even though we're "allowing

Does that do strange things to the status of a given certificate?  Yes,
it definitely does.  I know this will ruffle some feathers: but I
believe the goal of the RPKI was to make a decision, based on available
data, about the ability to trust that origin's announcement.  Everything
else has come after, or more likely as a result of implementing, that goal.
The RPKI makes use of PKIX and certificates to achieve that goal, and
along the way became a fundamental staple that we're hesitant to

In the end, however, when I look at the primary original goal, along
with the need for a robust deployment, the validation reconsidered
proposal seems well worth the trade offs.

Wes Hardaker

sidr mailing list

Re: [sidr] sidrI-D Action: draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-grandparenting-00.txt

2012-11-29 Thread Wes Hardaker writes:

There are circumstances in RPKI operations where a resource holder's
parent may not be able to, or may not choose to, facilitate full and
proper registration of the holder's data.  As in real life, the
holder may form a relationship with their grandparent who is willing
to aid the grandchild.  This document describes simple procedures for
doing so.

It's probably worth documenting that the other option for A in the draft
is to split C's space into two sub-delegations, with C's consent, and
give G a new delegation for it's space directly under A so there is no
conflict of G's address space being controlled by both C and G where
their relationship has clearly dissolved.  Yes, that really was one sentence.
Wes Hardaker
sidr mailing list

Re: [sidr] sidrSlides for RPKI Over BitTorrent presentation

2012-05-24 Thread Wes Hardaker
heasley writes:

 This sure smells to me like a solution in need of multicast (or, more
 accurately, deployed multicast) with a fall back to something like
 bittorrent for bootstrapping or when you've missed session data and
 can't recover.  Multicast as a data stream would be much more efficient
 is collecting updates, although there are still issues that would need
 to be worked through like how do you know you heard everything.  Oh,
 and it only works if you multicast deployed to your site of course.

 please, we do not want multicast as the only solution.  does your noc know
 how to debug multicast forwarding problems?

I didn't say only :-) . In fact, I pointed at bittorrent as a backup.  I
simply said it would be more efficient when sending out *new* changes.
Wes Hardaker
sidr mailing list

Re: [sidr] sidrSlides for RPKI Over BitTorrent presentation

2012-05-24 Thread Wes Hardaker
heasley writes:

 Thu, May 24, 2012 at 06:36:51AM -0700, Wes Hardaker:
 I didn't say only :-) . In fact, I pointed at bittorrent as a backup.  I
 simply said it would be more efficient when sending out *new* changes.

 understood; i'm registering/re-enforcing that if that is developed it must
 not be the only mathod.

Agreed.  If we can't do it over carrier pigeon, we have no real backup.
Wes Hardaker
sidr mailing list

Re: [sidr] sidrKeys and algorithms for Updates - feasibility analysis? (was Re: RPKI and private keys)

2012-05-23 Thread Wes Hardaker
.  And possibly,
   assuming you keep a running memory cache to avoid replay, that it
   hasn't been seen yet so you should trust it.  But, it may have been
   monitored/stolen from a different path instead, etc.  EG, consider
   two trust caches that neither of which has seen AS R yet.  They could
   both vouch for completely different paths advertised.

5) And in fact, there is no assurance that the random number generated
   matches anything.  Thus any of the following paths would be treated
   the same:

   |--|   |--|   |--|   |--|   |--|
   | AS A |   | AS A |   | AS C |   | AS A |   | AS B |
   | R|   | R|   | N|   | R|   | Q|
   |--|   |--|   |--|   |--|   |--|
   | AS B |   | AS C |   | AS A |  
   | Q|   | Q|   | R|  
   |--|   |--|   |--|  
   | ...  |   | ...  |   | ...  |  

   IE, any update with AS A/num=R in it will verify, but it won't matter
   if the order is added-to, reversed, deleted, dropped, etc.

   In the end, it doesn't really provide any of the protection services
   that the original cryptographically-chained algorithm provides: proof
   that the path wasn't modified.

So, as I said, I'm all for a system that is equally secure, or provides
the minimal security properties that we need at a much faster speed.
But I fail to see how your system provides any security.  At least as
you've defined it to date.  And even a 50,000x potential improvement you
claimed doesn't seem to make me happier if we're getting nothing out of

Even if we had a more secure random number generator in use (which would
be likely slower than the existing one you were testing but still
faster than a ECDSA signing system), I fail to see how the designed
system with any random number generator will help out because we're
loosing all the path binding properties that BGPSEC is trying to secure
in the first place.

Wes Hardaker
sidr mailing list

Re: [sidr] sidrSlides for RPKI Over BitTorrent presentation

2012-05-23 Thread Wes Hardaker
Rob Austein writes:

 For those who didn't get to see the end of the RPKI Over BitTorrent
 presentation in today's SIDR meeting, the full slide deck is available

 and should be relatively self-explanatory.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, as it'll certainly be a
challenge to ensure everyone is up to date.  It doesn't matter whether
you should have pulled or whether you pull right when you get a
request.  Either way, there is an underlying data distribution problem.

Most importantly, every bit of the repository needs to pretty much get
everywhere.  Rdist works well for trying not to duplicate data.
Bittorrent works well for sharing the load, but either requires a lot of
bittorrent start files (whatever they're called), which then becomes
hard to syncronize; or a small number of bittorrent files (one per
aggregation point) that indicate you need to refetch and entire .zip
file even if you already have most of it anyway.

But the real underlying problem is what I said above: every bit needs to
get efficiently to every place, ideally at time of initial publication.

This sure smells to me like a solution in need of multicast (or, more
accurately, deployed multicast) with a fall back to something like
bittorrent for bootstrapping or when you've missed session data and
can't recover.  Multicast as a data stream would be much more efficient
is collecting updates, although there are still issues that would need
to be worked through like how do you know you heard everything.  Oh,
and it only works if you multicast deployed to your site of course.
Wes Hardaker
sidr mailing list

Re: [sidr] rpki-rtr-25 notes

2012-02-05 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sat, 04 Feb 2012 15:43:04 -0800, Randy Bush said:

 A) It's too early for nit edits

RB not really.  as the iesg has approved this one, changes are going to be
RB a process pain.  so this message pushes back on some of your suggestions
RB which i would otherwise have gladly taken.

As I said in a private message to you the other day: I think I probably
hold the record for people that responded with comments about a draft
after the very last cut-off date.  I'm exceptionally good at being a
day or two late about reviewing drafts.

RB if so, probably should be CacheKey.  but whose key it is seems very
RB clear from the next few words, yes?

I think CacheKey is perfect, except that then I'd want to change
MyKey to RouterKey.

 I) section 8: it would be prudent for the client...  This seems like a
 good place for the word SHOULD to sneak in there somewhere.

RB eenie meenie.  did not see a need to be that strongly prescriptive.

 J) section 8: if data from multiple caches are held, implementations
 MUST NOT distinguish between data sources when performing
 This one confuses me.  It's unclear, after reading the entire
 document, why you have a preference ordered list if the data from
 them all must be treated equally.

RB proximity and security

The above two issues just made me wonder about the interchangeability of
the configuration model.  Since the text shys away from describing what
actually happens when you have multiple caches available, we'll end up
with a case where a configuration set on one machine may not act the
same way on another.  Though there is no standard configuration model at
the moment, so maybe it's all moot until someone creates a YANG follow-up.
Wes Hardaker
sidr mailing list

Re: [sidr] rpki-rtr-25 notes

2012-02-05 Thread Wes Hardaker

[PPS: I don't expect a response to my just-posted-note since it's really
beyond the point of worth in keeping the discussion going]
Wes Hardaker
sidr mailing list

Re: [sidr] sidrRFC 6480 on An Infrastructure to Support Secure Internet Routing

2012-02-04 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri,  3 Feb 2012 17:16:03 -0800 (PST), said:

r A [^h MANY] new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC 

r RFC 6480
r RFC 6481
r RFC 6482
r RFC 6483
r RFC 6484 (BCP173)
r RFC 6485
r RFC 6486
r RFC 6487
r RFC 6488
r RFC 6488 (BCP174)
r RFC6490
r RFC6491
r RFC6492
r RFC6493

That's certainly a nice long accomplishment list!  Congratulations to
all that have put in the time and effort to make that list happen!

Wes Hardaker 
My Pictures:
My Thoughts:
sidr mailing list

Re: [sidr] Last Call: draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-rtr-19.txt (The RPKI/Router Protocol) to Proposed Standard

2012-02-04 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 15 Dec 2011 15:56:44 -0800, Randy Bush said:

RB As you say, NetConf is for *configuring* routers.  RPKI-rtr is not used
RB for router configuration, but rather dynamic data, a la IS-IS or BGP.
RB In fact, the RPKI-rtr payload data go into the same data structure as
RB the BGP data.

Having finally read through the rtr-25 document, and having some
background in following the Netconf work, I finally am in a position to
give my opinion on this thread.  The thread is a bit old, but consensus
never seemed to be full there so I figure one more opinion might be

The short summary: Randy is right (this time; don't let it go to your
head Randy :-) )

The longer explanation:

Could netconf be used to send this type of data over?  Yes.  But...

Routers, operating in the defacto state of doing what they're supposed
to be doing (routing), need to be fast and efficient.  And that's an
understatement.  The rpki-rtr protocol is clearly designed to make sure
this is the case.  It's a cache-query protocol designed to keep a fairly
large, complex and constantly changing data set in sync with the router
that actually needs to use it.  It's binary in nature (ironically
written by some people that used to stamp on the ground about how
annoying binary protocols are) because it needs to be in order to be
efficient and fast.  Especially when the data is large and changing at a
rapid rate.

Now, lets compare those needs against netconf.  Netconf was designed to
be a protocol that operated on a data storage full of configuration
data.  The configuration data is likely to be static, except when rarely
manipulated through CLI, netconf or some other actions.  But those
modifications will be rare, not frequent.  The language is verbose (lots
of commands/pdus/operations), large (XML encoded) and complex to parse
(XML is easy-ish for humans and easy-ish for machines, but not fast for
either).  And it's designed not for operational data, but for
configuration data, which is an entirely separate beast.

Could it be used?  Yes, but with the drawbacks hinted at above: a
reduction in speed and an increase in stealing the memory CPU cycles
from what the router really should be doing (routing).  Certainly the
data isn't the same vein as the normal netconf data, so it would likely
need a separate storage container running on a separate port even if the
same protocol was used.

So if it could be used, should it be used?  No  it's just not a good

I can shoe-horn the rpki-rtr protocol into a number of other shoes, but
none of them are right either.  Consider tftp, snmp, http, or even bgp
itself.  They all could be used in theory, but none of them really meet
the operational needs either (so don't get any ideas!).  Could they be
used?  Yes.  Should they be?  No.

[and I'd argue that at least one of them might be a better choice than
netconf itself].
Wes Hardaker
sidr mailing list

[sidr] rpki-rtr-25 notes

2012-02-04 Thread Wes Hardaker

K) I didn't dive heavily into the security considerations because of
   some of the above that I suspect may affect it.  I'd be happy to if
   it's ready to be dived into though.

Again, nicely done document.  Clear and straight forward (though at
times I had to predict what was coming ahead to make sense of the
current paragraph, I think that's generally hard to avoid).

Wes Hardaker 
sidr mailing list