[SIESTA-L] Queries about reliability of SIESTA under LDA

2008-09-24 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Dear Users,

I have computed the high pressure properties and electronic structure 
calculations of a semiconducting heavy earth compounds with LDA and 
non-relativistic, alongwith polarization orbitals : perturbative polarization.  
I got underestimated results on phase transition and enrergy gap by an amount 
of 2-3 %, which seems to be within the limits of DFT - LDA. 
Is it necessary that LDA not capable to describe the strong correlations in 
heavy earth compounds with f electrons if one doesnot include spin effect 
during calculations ?

Does it mean that we might have got the right answer for a wrong reason using 
SIESTA with LDA ?  If so, what may be the causes ?

May someone answer these queries for my satisfaction ?

Thanks in anticipation,

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Re: [SIESTA-L] Magnetic properties using siesta

2008-08-08 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Resected Dr. Richardo Faccio,

Many thanks for your mail.  
I wish to calculate ferro-magnetic to anti-ferromagnetic transition along with 
structural transition.  I have computed structural phase transition without 
spin.  But in case of the material I wish to study eg.  Ce compounds (which 
shows magnetic as well as structural transition.  I wish to calculate curie 
temperature, suseptibility and other realted proeprties which lead to magnetic 
as well as structural transition under pressure as well as at high temperatures.

In what units (bohr magnetron ?) the magnetic moment is reported in .out file ?


Ricardo Faccio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Dear Nidhi  
I think we  need a little more information about which type of transition 
are you looking  for ... in order to help you in this task.  
But, in  principle, setting up a spinpolarized .true. could lead to a 
magnetic solution,  you can check the total magnetic moment per cell looking at 
Q(up-down)... as you  said. A Mulliken population analysis could give an idea 
of the partial magnetic  moment in different atoms.  
-Dr. Ricardo Faccio
  Mail: Cryssmat-Lab., Cátedra de Física,  DETEMA
  Facultad de Química, Universidad de la  República
   Av. Gral. Flores 2124, C.C.  1157
   C.P. 11800, Montevideo,  Uruguay.
  Phone: 598 2  9241860 Int.  109
  598 2 9290705
  Fax:598 2 9241906
   Web:  http://cryssmat.fq.edu.uy/ricardo/ricardo.htm
- Original Message - 
   To: SIESTA-L@listserv.uam.es 
   Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 2:55AM
   Subject: [SIESTA-L] Magnetic propertiesusing siesta

Hi to all,

I am trying to compute the magneticproperties of CdTe at 0 temperature as 
well as at high temperature.  Todo this I have used SPIN POLARIZATION 
.true. in the .fdf file.  Is anyother patch should I insert in .fdf file 
except spin polarization.  Howcan I compute the magnetic to non-magnetic 
transition in this compound. One more thing that I found in the .out file 
is that it reports some value forQ(up-down).  Is it magnetic dipole moment 
in units of bohrmagneton.  

Any suggestions are welcome.


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[SIESTA-L] Magnetic properties using siesta

2008-08-07 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Hi to all,

I am trying to compute the magnetic properties of CdTe at 0 temperature as well 
as at high temperature.  To do this I have used SPIN POLARIZATION .true. in the 
.fdf file.  Is any other patch should I insert in .fdf file except spin 
polarization.  How can I compute the magnetic to non-magnetic transition in 
this compound.  One more thing that I found in the .out file is that it reports 
some value for Q(up-down).  Is it magnetic dipole moment in units of bohr 

Any suggestions are welcome.

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[SIESTA-L] Convergence test for the mesh cut-off and k-point

2008-05-07 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Hi to all,

Will anybody please guide me how to perform the convergence test for 
mesh-cut-off and k-point (Mohnkorst-Pack scheme)?  For this what changes should 
make in the .fdf file ?


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Re: [SIESTA-L] How to define Bulk Modulus

2008-04-25 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Respected Sir (Prof.(s) Dr. S. Auluck and Andrei Postnikov)

Many thanks for giving me proper guidelines to execute mur_fit.f. 

As I defined unit cell volume in Bohr^3.  Is it same to (a.u.)^3 ? It is 
reporting one value as BP.  Does it mean B' (dB/dP) ?


Sushil Auluck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: nidhi,
try ifort..


Prof. Sushil Auluck   Phone: +91-512-6798177(Home)
Department of Physics+91-512-6796148/7092(Work) 
Indian Institute of Technology   Mobile: +91-9305548667  
Kanpur 208016 (UP) e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Indiae-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Re: [SIESTA-L] How to define Bulk Modulus

2008-04-24 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Respected Andrei Sir,

I have run mur_fit.f this program on the bash shell using f77 complier.  It 
displays the following error 

mur_fit.f: In program `mur_fit':
 call lmdif(murna,m,n,x,y,ftol,ftol,ftol,maxfev,epsfcn,diag,mode,
Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `murna' at (^) [initially seen at 
mur_fit.f: In subroutine `lmdif':
mur_fit.f:117: warning:
 call lmdif(murna,m,n,x,y,ftol,ftol,ftol,maxfev,epsfcn,diag,mode,
mur_fit.f:222: (continued):
 subroutine lmdif(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,ftol,xtol,gtol,maxfev,epsfcn,
Argument #1 (named `fcn') of `lmdif' is a subroutine at (2) but is passed by 
reference at (1) [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ f77 mur_fit.f
mur_fit.f: In program `mur_fit':
 call lmdif(murna,m,n,x,y,ftol,ftol,ftol,maxfev,epsfcn,diag,mode,
Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `murna' at (^) [initially seen at 
mur_fit.f: In subroutine `lmdif':
mur_fit.f:117: warning:
 call lmdif(murna,m,n,x,y,ftol,ftol,ftol,maxfev,epsfcn,diag,mode,
mur_fit.f:222: (continued):
 subroutine lmdif(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,ftol,xtol,gtol,maxfev,epsfcn,
Argument #1 (named `fcn') of `lmdif' is a subroutine at (2) but is passed by 
reference at (1) [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]

Is error because of bash shell or compiler.  If yes then which compiler should 
I use ?
Please guide me.


Andrei Postnikov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nidhi:
if you are only interested in the E(a) curve, why are you doing
MD annealing? You only need a sequence of ~10 static calculations

MD.TypeOfRun CG# Default value
MD.NumCGsteps 0

(the TypeOfRun does not really matter, but you do not need more than
the initial step in whatever kind of MD!)
for values of lattice constants within several % around the equilibrium,
then you fit the results (total energy) to the Murnaghan (or other)
equation of state and you get bulk modulus and its derivative
immediately from the fit.
If you don't have your favourite fitting progran use mine,
(have a look at the fitting curve vs. your data points
before believing in the numbers you get from the fit!)
The interval of A= 5 to 7 Ang might be OK to localize the minimum,
but for a clean fit you'd need much more densely situated points
just around the minimum.

Good luck,


+-- Dr. Andrei Postnikov  Tel. +33-387315873 - mobile +33-666784053 ---+
| Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Chimie, Physique et Mat\'eriaux, |
| Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz, France |
+-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/apostnik/ --+

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008, Nidhi Sharma wrote:

| Dear users,
| I am trying to find the Energy vs alat curve for the B1 phase of LaAs.  For 
this I set the MD. type of run Anneal and Target pressure set to 0.0 GPa and 
vary the value of alat from 5 to 7 Ang in steps of 0.1. 
| MD.TypeOfRun  Anneal  
| MD.AnnealOption   Pressure   
| MD.TargetPressure 0.0 GPa
| MD.TauRelax   100.0 fs
| MD.BulkModulus100.0 Ry/Bohr**3
| MD.MaxStressTol   0.1   GPa
| MD.VariableCell   .true.
| I have given default value of Bulk Modulus in .fdf file.  What values should 
I given for MD.BulkModulus in .fdf file.
|  I got the different energies and pressure for different alat and got the 
optimal alat.  The .out file also report some data in Ry/Bohr**3.  I think it 
is bulk modulus and how we will get the first pressure derivative of Bulk 
Modulus ?
| Please guide me.
| Thanks in anticipation,
| Nidhi Sharma

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Re: [SIESTA-L] How to define Bulk Modulus

2008-04-24 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Respeted Andrei Sir,

I tried it again with g77 (earlier tried with f77) and got the error as listed 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ g77 mur_fit.f
mur_fit.f: In program `mur_fit':
 call lmdif(murna,m,n,x,y,ftol,ftol,ftol,maxfev,epsfcn,diag,mode,
Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `murna' at (^) [initially seen at 
mur_fit.f: In subroutine `lmdif':
mur_fit.f:117: warning:
 call lmdif(murna,m,n,x,y,ftol,ftol,ftol,maxfev,epsfcn,diag,mode,
mur_fit.f:222: (continued):
  subroutine lmdif(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,ftol,xtol,gtol,maxfev,epsfcn,
Argument #1 (named `fcn') of `lmdif' is a subroutine at (2) but is passed by 
reference at (1) [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]

I again request you to spare your time to help solving this problem.

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[SIESTA-L] How to define Bulk Modulus

2008-04-23 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Dear users,

I am trying to find the Energy vs alat curve for the B1 phase of LaAs.  For 
this I set the MD. type of run Anneal and Target pressure set to 0.0 GPa and 
vary the value of alat from 5 to 7 Ang in steps of 0.1. 

MD.TypeOfRun  Anneal  
MD.AnnealOption   Pressure   
MD.TargetPressure 0.0 GPa
MD.TauRelax   100.0 fs
MD.BulkModulus100.0 Ry/Bohr**3
MD.MaxStressTol   0.1   GPa
MD.VariableCell   .true.

I have given default value of Bulk Modulus in .fdf file.  What values should I 
given for MD.BulkModulus in .fdf file.
 I got the different energies and pressure for different alat and got the 
optimal alat.  The .out file also report some data in Ry/Bohr**3.  I think it 
is bulk modulus and how we will get the first pressure derivative of Bulk 
Modulus ?

Please guide me.

Thanks in anticipation,

Nidhi Sharma

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Re: [SIESTA-L] PAO basis of Sm and Te

2008-04-17 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Dr. Andrei Postnikov,

Many thanks for sharing valuable information with us.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Sir,

 As per your instructions to include 5d in the basis of Te

who ever gave you instructions to include 5d in the basis of Te?
The previous discussion was about Sm5d, which you now included.
As for d-states of Te - there might be a good reason
to include some if you find it necessary; but these must be
semicore 4d states (in which case, also taken as valence ones
in the generation of pseudopotential). Te5d are too far away
and not bound, as SIESTA correctly informs you:

 SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 5d
 SPLIT: ERROR Orbital with angular momentum L= 2 not bound in the atom

Note that you'd probably need Te4d (if at all) only in order to get
good elastic properties, otherwise the basis with Te 5s+5p
(add polarization orbitals on Te5p!) could be quite good.

Best regards

Andrei Postnikov

 When I define the PAO basis as
 Sm  4  # Label, l-shells
  n=6   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
  n=6   1   2
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
  n=5   2   2
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
  n=4   3   2
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
 Te  3# Species label, number of l-shells
  n=5   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
  n=5   1   2 # n, l, Nzeta
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
  n=5   2   2
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000

 it displayed the following error for Te
 SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 2

 SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 5d

 SPLIT: ERROR Orbital with angular momentum L= 2 not bound in the atom
 SPLIT: ERROR a cut off radius must be explicitely given
 Stopping Program from Node:0

 But when I remove the 5d in the basis of Te it ran successfully.
 Please guide me how can I define 5d in the basis of Te.

 Regards and thanks,

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Re: [SIESTA-L] PAO basis of Sm and Te

2008-04-16 Thread Nidhi Sharma

As per your instructions to include 5d in the basis of Te 
When I define the PAO basis as
Sm  4  # Label, l-shells
 n=6   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000
 n=6   1   2
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000
 n=5   2   2
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000
 n=4   3   2
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000 
Te  3# Species label, number of l-shells
 n=5   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000   
 n=5   1   2 # n, l, Nzeta 
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000
 n=5   2   2
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000 

it displayed the following error for Te
SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 2

SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 5d

SPLIT: ERROR Orbital with angular momentum L= 2 not bound in the atom
SPLIT: ERROR a cut off radius must be explicitely given
Stopping Program from Node:0
But when I remove the 5d in the basis of Te it ran successfully.
Please guide me how can I define 5d in the basis of Te.

Regards and thanks,


 I have made the changes according to u and defined the pseudo of Sm as

Hi -
If u refers to me, mind that I never advised you on the pseudo radii
for Sm...
I only meant that inclusing 4f is technically no error - but it will
probably lead to physically wrong results. Whatever...

Regarding your problems with calculations which sometimes stop
at an error in basis block, sometimes not:
you should carefully read the SIESTA doc file about the syntaxis
of the basis block. Namely:

 but when I define the PAO basis like
 %block PAO.Basis
  Sm  2  # Label, l-shells
   n=6   0   2 P   1 # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization,NzetaPol
 0.000  0.000
 1.000  1.000
   n=6   1   2
 0.000  0.000
 1.000  1.000
   n=5   2   2
 0.000  0.000
 1.000  1.000
   n=4   3   2
 0.000  0.000
 1.000  1.000

- yes, it fails, because you declared 2 l-shells (1st line of the Sm block)
but in the following you pass the info for 4 l-shells. I thought we were
already past this problem...

 Again I mabe the changes in PAO basis as
 %block PAO.Basis
 Sm  2  # Label, l-shells
  n=6   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
  n=4   3   2
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
 Te  2# Species label, number of l-shells
  n=5   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
  n=5   1   2 # n, l, Nzeta
0.000  0.000
1.000  1.000
  %endblock PAO.Basis

 then the program run successfully but lattice parameter and band gap is
 far from our expt values.

Now this is formally correct (number of l-shells declared equals
number of l-shells passed), but the basis (at least for Sm) is not
complete enough - you'd need 5d in the basis.
And after you do this, do not expect to get band structure right,
because 4f states will most probably be at a wrong energy...

Good luck

Andrei Postnikov

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[SIESTA-L] Body centred tetragonal structure

2008-04-08 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Hi to all,

Will anybody please guide me how to define LatticeConstant, %block 
LatticeVectors, %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies, %block BandLines for 
Body centred tetragonal structure.

Thanks in advance.

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[SIESTA-L] Valence configuration of samarium

2008-04-08 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Hi to all,

Dear users, as we know the valence configuration of Sm is 4f6,6s2. In order to 
combine it with chalcogenides it is necessary to make the net ionic charge of 
Sm to 2, means we have to consider the 4f6 in the core. When we define the PAO 
basis set as

%block PAO.Basis 
Sm  2  # Label, l-shells
 n=6   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000
  Te  2# Species label, number of l-shells
 n=5   0   2 P   1   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000   
 n=5   1   2 # n, l, Nzeta 
   0.000  0.000   
   1.000  1.000   
 %endblock PAO.Basis

it will display the following message
reinit: ---
reinit: System Name: SmTe
reinit: ---
reinit: System Label: SmTe 
reinit: ---

initatom: Reading input for the pseudopotentials and atomic orbitals --
 Species number:1  Label: Sm Atomic number:  62
 Species number:2  Label: Te Atomic number:  52
Ground state valence configuration:   6s02  4f06
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from Sm.psf
Ground state valence configuration:   5s02  5p04
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from Te.psf
Bad format of (n), l, nzeta line in PAO.Basis
Stopping Program from Node:0

If I include the 4f6 in basis set it will make the net charge 8 and behave as a 
semi core.

If I use a already generated pseudo file of Te which include 5s2, 5p4, 4d0 and 
4f0  But how can 4d0 is possible although it contains 10 electrons.  When I use 
this file then we get results but band gap in B1 phase is ~10eV which is quite 
far from the expt 0.67eV.  

Please help me how can i resolve the problem of valence charge .

Thanks in advance.


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[SIESTA-L] how to define the value of rc to generate pseudo potential

2008-04-05 Thread Nidhi Sharma

As I am trying to generate pseudopotential for Sm.  Will any body please spare 
your valuable time to guide me that how to calculate the last line in the 
pseuopotential input file [rc(s)  rc(p)  rc(d)  rc(f)  rcore_flag  rcore]

eg.,  it is given in the atom user manual for silicon on page 5.

1.901.901.901.90  0.000.00

as I used the already generated pseudo potential from pseudo and bases but it 
shows the valence configuration of Sm as
6s( 2.00) rc: 3.11
6p( 0.00) rc: 4.10
5d( 0.00) rc: 3.11
5f( 0.00) rc: 3.11 
There is no discussion of 4f states even it is also apart of valence states.  
So I just want to generate my own pseudo potential.  So please help me that how 
I can define rc's for Sm.  Is we can choose this value randomly?

Nidhi Sharma

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Re: [SIESTA-L] pseudo database; Zn configuration

2008-03-15 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Hi to all,

I am trying to generate the pseudo potential of Sm and S.  I am not able to 
define the last line of pseudo potential input file [rc(s) rc(p) rc(d) rc(f) 
rcore_flag rcore.]

If this data is fixed then from where I can collect this data? 


Yurko Natanzon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Andrei,

On 13/03/2008, Andrei Postnikov  wrote:
 Many thanks for Eduardo Anglada for uploading the ABINIT pseudos!
  Just two related questions:

  1. Does somebody know whether there s a way to see from the .psf file
  if the core correction is included, and with which radius?
yes, the first line has such an info:
#Zr pb nrl nc
nc = no core correction
pcec - core correction exchange

you may find this from the link below by playing with parameters and
cheking the changes in first line of output psf:
(or by using atom for this purposes)

I don't know about the radius, it seems that some standard value is used.

  +-- Dr. Andrei Postnikov  Tel. +33-387315873 - mobile +33-666784053 
  | Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Chimie, Physique et Mat\'eriaux,   
  | Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz, 
 France |
  +-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/apostnik/ --+

Yurko (aka Yuriy, Iurii, Jurij etc) Natanzon
PhD Student
Henryk Niewodniczan`ski Institute of Nuclear Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Radzikowskiego 152,
31-342 Krako`w, Poland

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Re: [SIESTA-L] difference between spin- and nonspoin- polarized .psf ?

2008-03-15 Thread Nidhi Sharma
Hi to all,

Will anybody guide me that how to modify the .fdf file to get the data for 
energy vs. lattice constant for computing phase transformation.  In which file 
we can obtained this information?


reza behnam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear all,

  I am testing a ppt for hcp-co by energy minimization with lattice constant 
and a fixed c/a. with non-polarization option in fdf file it converge very well 
and I am getting a reasonable lattice constant but when I set the  
SpinPolarized T , it dose not  converge! dose it mean that there is a  
difference between spin- and nonspoin- polarized .psf ? How can I fix this 
problem? any advice would be appreciated.

Best Regards,


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