[SIESTA-L] Compilation error, How to start siesta programming

2007-04-07 Thread murali krishna
Dear all,
  I have been trying to compile Siesta using f95 compiler and was not 
successful. Recently, i received help from one of the users to use g95 or 
gfortran compiler. As i used it, i could compile it successfully but when i 
started to run some programs that are available in Tests directory, i was 
successful in some cases while in most others, it gave the error of Fortran 
runtime error: Allocating negative dynamic error.
  When i had run program on fe, i got the results but when i tried to run h2o, 
h2oZ and most other examples in the Test directory, it resulted in runtime 
error. Please help me to overcome this error as i am not able to run the 
programs properly.
  My second question is that i am trying very new to do coding in siesta and 
so, i am asking you the steps in which i have to start and the files that are 
required to run any new program. Is it sufficient to go through the siesta 
manual before i embark on programming.
  Kindly tell me what are the steps needed to start programming in siesta.
  Thank you all very much
  T.Murali Krishna

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Re: [SIESTA-L] Compilation error, How to start siesta programming

2007-04-10 Thread Eduardo Anglada

Dear Murali,

Dear all,

I have been trying to compile Siesta using f95 compiler and was not  
successful. Recently, i received help from one of the users to use  
g95 or gfortran compiler. As i used it, i could compile it  
successfully but when i started to run some programs that are  
available in Tests directory, i was successful in some cases while  
in most others, it gave the error of Fortran runtime error:  
Allocating negative dynamic error.

That behavior is really strange, I've just compiled Siesta with g95  
and it works. Maybe your compiler version is old. Also you can

use the following compiler flags: -Wall  -fbounds-check -ftrace=full

When i had run program on fe, i got the results but when i tried to  
run h2o, h2oZ and most other examples in the Test directory, it  
resulted in runtime error. Please help me to overcome this error as  
i am not able to run the programs properly.

My second question is that i am trying very new to do coding in  
siesta and so, i am asking you the steps in which i have to start  
and the files that are required to run any new program.

Take a look at the Tests directory, it contains all the files needed  
to perform several simulations.

 Is it sufficient to go through the siesta manual before i embark  
on programming.

Kindly tell me what are the steps needed to start programming in  

Well, if you want to develop a new extension to siesta you should  
start getting familiar with
the different parts of the program: sparse matrix (hamiltonian,  
overlap), how the different matrix
elements are calculated (matel.f, dhscf.f),  how the orbitals are  
generated (atom.f) etc. Without

more details I can't provide more information.

Thank you all very much

T.Murali Krishna

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