Re: [SIESTA-L] diamond graphite phonon frequencies

2005-05-21 Thread Andrei Postnikov
Hi Mousumi,

your zone-center acoustic frequency is not close enough to zero;
this is an indication of bad, or badly converged, forces.
(However you already get right sign and order of magnitude,
that's not always automatically the case :-)

Some considerations:

1. Your basis (SZ) is probably too small for a good phonon calculation,

2. your k-mesh (7*7*5) may be not fine enough.

3. Check if your MeshCutoff is sufficient to get small enough sum
of forces over all atoms in X,Y,Z directions independently
(200 Ry is not unreasonably low, but still...)

Try first to get the bulk modulus in diamond right, this is not so
lengthy calculation, so you can easily try different cutoffs.
With a good bulk modulus, it's a fair chance that you'll get the phonons
as well.

Good luck,


 +-- Dr. habil. Andrei Postnikov - Tel. +49-541-969.2377 -- Fax .2351 ---+
 | Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung - FZ Juelich, D-52425 Juelich, Germany |
 +-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - --+

On Sat, 21 May 2005, Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly wrote:

| Hi everybody,
|   I am trying to relax  then calculate the phonon frequencies of
| different carbon systems using siesta  fcbuild  vibra.
| For diamond structure- at Gamma point:
|  my results-  phonon freq= 0.3, 2042 cm-1. (only Gamma point calculation)
|   phonon freq= 0.50, 2163 cm-1 (Gamma to L-direction, 20
| points),
| while expt result - 1333 cm-1.
| For graphite structure, at Gamma point,
|  my results-  phonon freq.= 0.0, 1121.27  2305.7 cm-1, (only Gamma point
| calculation)
| while expt result-  0.0, 900  1600 cm-1.
| Can anybody please suggest me, why are these discrepancies in
| phonon frequencies? What should I do now to get rid of this
| huge error?
| Here is my sample relaxation input file(that creats .FC file,
| used to get phonon freq. through vibrator) for graphite -- 
|   best regards,   mousumi
| ***
| SystemName  Carbon in graphite # Descriptive name of the system
| SystemLabel graphite # Short name for naming files
| NumberOfAtoms   4# Number of atoms
| NumberOfSpecies 1# Number of species
| %block Chemical_Species_Label
|   16C
| %endblock Chemical_Species_Label
| PAO.BasisSize  SZ
| # Lattice, coordinates, k-sampling
| %block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
|   7   0   00.0
|   0   7   00.0
|   0   0   50.0
| %endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
| AtomicCoordinatesFormat Fractional # Format for coordinates
| AtomicCoorFormatOut Ang
| %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
|0.3334326744 0.3334326744 0.00   1
|0.6668653488 0.6668653488 0.00   1
|0.00 0.00 0.50   1
|0.3334326744 0.3334326744 0.50   1
| %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
| %block LatticeVectors
| 1.  0.   0.00
| 0.5000  0.86602540378443864676   0.00
| 0.000.00 2.120
|  %endblock LatticeVectors
|  LatticeConstant2.510Ang
| #kgrid_cutoff7. Ang
| XC.functional   LDA # Exchange-correlation functional type
| XC.authors  CA  # Particular parametrization of xc func
| SpinPolarized   .false. # Spin unpolarized calculation
| MeshCutoff  200. Ry # Equivalent planewave cutoff for the
| grid
| MaxSCFIterations100 # Maximum number of SCF iterations per
| step
| DM.MixingWeight 0.3 # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
| DM.Tolerance1.d-4   # Tolerance in maximum difference
| # between input and output DM
| DM.NumberPulay  3   # Number of SCF steps between pulay
| mixing
| # Eigenvalue problem: order-N or diagonalization
| SolutionMethod  diagon  # OrderN or Diagon
| ElectronicTemperature   5 K# Temp. for Fermi smearing
| # Molecular dynamics and relaxations
| MD.TypeOfRunFC  # Type of dynamics:
| #ElectronicTemperature   30 K# Temp. for Fermi smearing
| #MD.NumCGsteps   40
| # Output options
| WriteCoorInitial
| WriteCoorStep
| WriteForces
| WriteKpoints.true.
| WriteEigenvalues.false.
| WriteKbands .true.
| WriteBands  .true.
| WriteMullikenPop1# Write Mulliken Population Analysis
| WriteCoorXmol   .false.
| WriteMDCoorXmol .false.
| WriteMDhistory  .false.
| WriteCoorXmol   .false.
| # Options for saving/reading information
| DM.UseSaveDM   

[SIESTA-L] diamond graphite phonon frequencies

2005-05-21 Thread Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly
Hi everybody,

  I am trying to relax  then calculate the phonon frequencies of
different carbon systems using siesta  fcbuild  vibra.

For diamond structure- at Gamma point:
 my results-  phonon freq= 0.3, 2042 cm-1. (only Gamma point calculation)
  phonon freq= 0.50, 2163 cm-1 (Gamma to L-direction, 20
while expt result - 1333 cm-1.

For graphite structure, at Gamma point,
 my results-  phonon freq.= 0.0, 1121.27  2305.7 cm-1, (only Gamma point

while expt result-  0.0, 900  1600 cm-1.

Can anybody please suggest me, why are these discrepancies in
phonon frequencies? What should I do now to get rid of this
huge error?

Here is my sample relaxation input file(that creats .FC file,
used to get phonon freq. through vibrator) for graphite -- 

  best regards,   mousumi


SystemName  Carbon in graphite # Descriptive name of the system
SystemLabel graphite # Short name for naming files

NumberOfAtoms   4# Number of atoms
NumberOfSpecies 1# Number of species

%block Chemical_Species_Label
%endblock Chemical_Species_Label

PAO.BasisSize  SZ

# Lattice, coordinates, k-sampling

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
  7   0   00.0
  0   7   00.0
  0   0   50.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

AtomicCoordinatesFormat Fractional # Format for coordinates
AtomicCoorFormatOut Ang

%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
   0.3334326744 0.3334326744 0.00   1
   0.6668653488 0.6668653488 0.00   1
   0.00 0.00 0.50   1
   0.3334326744 0.3334326744 0.50   1
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

%block LatticeVectors
1.  0.   0.00
0.5000  0.86602540378443864676   0.00
0.000.00 2.120
 %endblock LatticeVectors


#kgrid_cutoff7. Ang

XC.functional   LDA # Exchange-correlation functional type
XC.authors  CA  # Particular parametrization of xc func
SpinPolarized   .false. # Spin unpolarized calculation
MeshCutoff  200. Ry # Equivalent planewave cutoff for the
MaxSCFIterations100 # Maximum number of SCF iterations per
DM.MixingWeight 0.3 # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
DM.Tolerance1.d-4   # Tolerance in maximum difference
# between input and output DM
DM.NumberPulay  3   # Number of SCF steps between pulay

# Eigenvalue problem: order-N or diagonalization

SolutionMethod  diagon  # OrderN or Diagon
ElectronicTemperature   5 K# Temp. for Fermi smearing

# Molecular dynamics and relaxations

MD.TypeOfRunFC  # Type of dynamics:
#ElectronicTemperature   30 K# Temp. for Fermi smearing
#MD.NumCGsteps   40

# Output options

WriteKbands .true.
WriteBands  .true.
WriteMullikenPop1# Write Mulliken Population Analysis
WriteCoorXmol   .false.
WriteMDCoorXmol .false.
WriteMDhistory  .false.
WriteCoorXmol   .false.

# Options for saving/reading information

DM.UseSaveDM # Use DM Continuation files
MD.UseSaveXV.false.  # Use stored positions and velocities
MD.UseSaveCG.false.  # Use stored positions and velocities
SaveRho  # Write valence pseudocharge at the mesh
SaveDeltaRho # Write RHOscf-RHOatm at the mesh
SaveElectrostaticPotential .false.   # Write the total elect. pot. at the
SaveTotalPotential  .false.  # Write the total pot. at the mesh
WriteSiestaDim  .false.  # Write minimum dim to siesta.h and stop
WriteDenchar # Write information for DENCHAR

