Re: [SIESTA-L] TB-trance proplem

2014-06-01 Por tôpico Nick Papior Andersen
This depends on the version of tbtrans used.

In the version shipped in 3.2 it is the sum of both spins (hence you get
double the current for spin-symmetric systems).

In the latest version (siesta-trunk-458, Util/TBTrans_rep) it is current
carried per spin, so they should be the same, as you would expect.

2014-05-31 14:14 GMT+00:00 Mostafa Shabani

 Hi dear transiesta users:
 I am transiesta user.I don't know why? when i calculate current in Spin
 Polarized mode for pure non magnetic structure the down current is doubled
 rather than up current .I think it is not true.T(E) (transmission function)
 respect to E for both up and down current is exactly same, but current are
 different, How knows about the problem to help me with this.
 thanks in advance
 best regards
 Sincerely Yours

Kind regards Nick

[SIESTA-L] TB-trance proplem

2014-05-31 Por tôpico Mostafa Shabani
Hi dear transiesta users:
I am transiesta user.I don't know why? when i calculate current in Spin
Polarized mode for pure non magnetic structure the down current is doubled
rather than up current .I think it is not true.T(E) (transmission function)
respect to E for both up and down current is exactly same, but current are
different, How knows about the problem to help me with this.
thanks in advance
best regards
Sincerely Yours