This is a reminder for the March 17 Joint SPDG Directors and Evaluators' Webinar - Scaling Up Capacity: Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities in Context. Dr. Dean Fixsen, one of the Principal Investigators for the State Implementation of Scaling-up Evidence-based Practices (SISEP) Center, will describe the center's state selection process, how the center is working with the selected states to guide their capacity development process, and explain the state implementation team structure. Additionally, he will discuss how the SPDG projects in the selected states have been involved in the work.
The webinar login details have been changed from previous announcements. We no longer have an account with Adobe Connect and are now using ILinc online meeting rooms. The ILinc join link and audio dial-in procedures are listed below. March 17 Webinar - Scaling Up Capacity: Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities in Context Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Eastern/ 10:30am - 12:00pm Central/ 9:30 - 11:00am Mountain/ 8:30 - 10:00am Pacific Teleconferencing and Online Meeting Login and instructions: 1. Audio Dial-in: 1-888-447-7153 Passcode: 899594 2. On-Meeting Room Join Link: The preferred browser for ILinc meeting rooms is Internet Explorer. After selecting this link, your browser will download the necessary plugins to launch ILinc. Presenter: Dean Fixsen, Ph.D., SISEP Center - <> SISEP is a five year Technical Assistance Center funded through the Office of Special Education Programs. The purpose of SISEP is to promote students' academic achievement and behavioral health by supporting implementation and scaling-up of evidence-based practices in education settings. SISEP will provide the critical content and foundation for establishing a technology of large-scale, sustainable, high-fidelity implementation of effective educational practices. SISEP will work with selected states to improve their capacity to carry out implementation, organizational change, and systems transformation strategies to maximize achievement outcomes of all students in each state. Facilitator: Jennifer Doolittle, OSEP SPDG Project Lead and SISEP Project Officer Webinar Moderator: Audrey Desjarlais, SIGnetwork,