Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2012-04-24 Thread RaiMan
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

Description changed to:
* solution

Set Settings.WaitScanRate temporarily to a high value (e.g. 100)

Take Care: Using this as a standard might overload your system.

For details look comments #8 and #9


Starting with rc3 of SikuliX,

when I do a time-sensitive search on a small region,

* If the finder succeeds, exists() returns within the 0.01 duration specified
* If the finder fails, the duration is ignored, instead going into crazy 
resource-hog mode, activating the text recognition module for a minimum of 200 
times longer.

1) Is there YET an easy way to completely turn off the experimental text 
recognition stuff?
2) Is there a fix coming soon, to not hit that code in Vision.cpp when I'm 
searching for a .PNG and the find fails?

Thanks in advance

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2012-04-24 Thread RaiMan
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

Summary changed to:
How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails  --- 
solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2012-04-24 Thread EdEd
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

Status: Answered => Solved

EdEd confirmed that the question is solved:
H.   I don't think that's a very good work-around.

print Settings.WaitScanRate

Setting that to 100, makes me unable to reproduce the error, even though
you describe something totally different above.  So, chalk it up to
WinXP being different from Win7 emulated, I suppose.  I'll retry more
specific timing tests tonight or this weekend.  (I.e. 1, 2, 3, 10, 20,
50, 100 searches per second.)

Very interesting solutions, if it works.  (Just hope the extra overhead
doesn't crash the applications being watched.)

Thank you.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2012-04-24 Thread EdEd
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

EdEd confirmed that the question is solved:
Thanks RaiMan, that solved my question.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2012-04-25 Thread RaiMan
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
--- WinXP being different from Win7 emulated
This is the internal logic for the basic search operation:
- load the given image from the image path
- if the file is not found, take string as text and try to search for that 
using OCR (with error log message)
- start a timer
- evaluate max waiting time (standard or given value)
- evaluate WaitScanRate: 1 Second / WaitScanRate => minimum time to elapse 
until next search is started after the start of the last one (standard: 1 / 0.3 
= 0. seconds)
- make one search trial
- if found go back to caller returning match
- if not found check max waiting time reached, if yes, return to caller (might 
give FindFailed exception)
- if not found, wait until minimum search elapsed time is reached and start 
next search

This is totally written at the Java level and is definitely the same on
Win XP and Win 7, emulated or not.

I will post a request bug: when using a wait time that is smaller than the step 
timing based on the WaitScanRate when using exists, it should return after the 
given duration, even if the pattern is not found.
This makes sense, since exists() is mostly used in decision situations, where 
you might want the same timing, no matter wether it is found or not and 
independently from current WaitScanRate.

--- Just hope the extra overhead doesn't crash the applications being watched
this could easily be fixed for your situation:

instead of using
exists(image, 0)

make the following def:

def fastExists(image, wait, reg = SCREEN):
wsr = Settings.WaitScanRate
Settings.WaitScanRate = 100
m = reg.exists(image, wait)
Settings.WaitScanRate = wsr
return m

and use it
if fastExists(image, 0):

So the the high scan rate is exclusive for the fastExists and in fact
does not matter, since in this case it is searched only once anyway.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2012-04-25 Thread RaiMan
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

Linked to bug: #988206
"[request] exists(image, 0) should return immediately even if pattern is 
not found"

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2013-02-28 Thread EdEd
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

EdEd posted a new comment:
By the way, is there any penalty for changing the WSR (perhaps 10 times
per second) in that manner?

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2013-02-28 Thread RaiMan
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
Since searches is mainly processing of huge integer arrays, a search
boosts up cpu-usage to 100 %. Only searches in small regions less than
300x300 pixels have a chance to get in the range of 0.1 seconds on
capable machines.

So the penalty is 100% cpu-usage all the time, if you use a higher scan
rate. But since the average optimized searches last 0.3 to 0.5 seconds,
using a higher WSR only makes sense in very special cases (e.g.
observing something in rather small region).

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2014-09-18 Thread Eugene Maslov
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

Eugene Maslov posted a new comment:
Raimund, I still face this problem, and it is reproduced in both 1.0.1
and the last version rc3

Recognizing unrecognizable texts, I need quick response about missing images, 
searching quickly in very small regions (10x20px in 80x30px), I hope it should 
not cause hardware performance problems even with high scan rates. 
Nevertheless, nothing helps to reduce negative response time to less than 0.3 
sec, while positive response is returned within 0.02 sec. It extends the whole 
processes to dozens of seconds. AutoWaitTimeout, ObserveScanRate, WaitScanRate 
parameters seem to help to reduce to 0.3 sec, but not less.
This is the sample:

(menu_modify.png is a small screenshot of "Modify" main menu of any
program, M.png, o, d.png are just tiny characters cut out from it . I
don't know how to attach them to this message. Before start, I open
menu_modify.png in any image editor)

import time

for i in "Modus":


if smallArea.exists(tofind) is not None:
print i+" found"
print i+" not found"
print "elapsed for "+i+" : "+ str(time.time()-starttime)


This is the printed output:

M found
elapsed for M : 0.0099046326
o found
elapsed for o : 0.0099046326
d found
elapsed for d : 0.019809265
u not found
elapsed for u : 0.3155722
s not found
elapsed for s : 0.3155722

Are there any more parameters, allowing to reduce the time of negative exists() 

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2014-09-18 Thread RaiMan
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
already tried version 1.1.0?
should work there.

start here:

this example:
img = Pattern("img.png").exact()
m = get(Region.NW).find(img)
m.exists(img, 0) # in the region where the image was found
m1 = m.right(10).right(m.w)
m1.exists(img, 0) # in a region to the right, where it should not be

gives the following log: (watch the search times at the end of the lines in [ ] 
[debug] Image: from cache: 
[debug] Region: find: waiting 3,0 secs for P(img.png) S: 0.99 to appear in 
R[0,0 640x400]@S(0)
[debug] Region: checkLastSeen: not there
[debug] Region: find: P(img.png) S: 0.99 has appeared 
at M[98,60 23x23]@S(S(0)[0,0 1920x1200]) S:1,00 C:109,71 [96/96 msec]
[debug] Region: exists: waiting 0,0 secs for P(img.png) S: 0.99 to appear in 
M[98,60 23x23]@S(0)
[debug] Region: checkLastSeen: still there
[debug] Region: exists: P(img.png) S: 0.99 has appeared 
at M[98,60 23x23]@S(S(0)[0,0 1920x1200]) S:1,00 C:109,71 [3/3 msec]
[debug] Region: exists: waiting 0,0 secs for P(img.png) S: 0.99 to appear in 
R[131,60 23x23]@S(0)
[debug] Region: exists: P(img.png) S: 0.99 has not appeared [4 msec]

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2014-09-18 Thread RaiMan
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
One more thing:
to get this debug information, use 

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #194144]: How to make exists(img, 0.01) return immediately even if it fails --- solution: Settings.WaitScanRate

2014-09-18 Thread Eugene Maslov
Question #194144 on Sikuli changed:

Eugene Maslov posted a new comment:
Thank you Raimund, it really works there.

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