Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-04-04 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
Always welcome ;-)

Fragen kannst du was du willst - wie ich antworte ist dann meine

Die kürzeste Antwort wäre z.B.: Keine Ahnung ;-)

... aber ernsthaft:
Wenn Du Fragen zum wie und was rund um die Java Programmierung allgemein hast 
und das Netz Dich im Unklaren lässt: 
benutze meine SikuliX Mail für direkten Kontakt: 

mein Slogan:
Ich habe keine Ahnung, aber immer eine Meinung.

Für Fragen mit SikuliX Bezug ist natürlich dieses Forum hier am besten, weil es 
dann viel mehr Menschen sehen können.
Ich sehe hier immer alles was vor sich geht. 

... und für die Zukunft: neues Thema -> neue Frage oder neue Mail.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-04-04 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
Wenn es ein Lernprojekt ist, dann auf jeden Fall erst mal komplett in
Java starten.

Dann auch am besten direkt bzgl. des GUI mit JavaFX statt Java Swing

Der Hinweis auf die "java-aware" Sprachen bezieht sich auf das 
Programmieren/Scripten von allem unterhalb des GUI Layers.
Mit all den genannten kann man viel sogenannten "BoilerPlateCode" vermeiden und 
viele Sachen einfach eleganter lösen.
Da kann man später aber immer noch ran gehen. Basic Java ist zum Lernen und 
Begreifen aber eh unumgänglich.

Eclipse vs. IntelliJ IDEA:
ist wirklich Geschmacksache. Wenn es auf der Arbeit genutzt wird ist das 
natürlich vorteilhaft bei der privaten Nutzung.
Für mich war das Entscheidende, dass die Unterstützung für Python/Jython und 
Ruby/JRuby bei IntelliJ einfach durchgängiger ist (Java IDEA CE inkl. Python 
Support, PyCharm für reine Python/Jython Projekte und RubyMine für Ruby/JRuby). 
Und die haben auch für die meisten kostenpflichtigen Sachen für 
OpenSourceProjekte freie Lizenzen auf Antrag.

Na dann: viel Erfolg und Spaß.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-04-04 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
Ja, es soll eine GUI werden die dann die Sikuli funktionen steuert. Das
wird ein Haufen Arbeit und viel Lernen, aber das ist ja der Sinn der
ganzen Sache :) Es ist ein Lernprojekt.

Wo ist der vorteil der "zweiten" (Java aware) Methode? 
Ich denke man lernt mehr wenn man die Koenigsdisziplin waehlt richtig?

Eclipse benutze ich jetzt schon, ueberlege auf IntelliJ umzusteigen weil
wir das auch auf der Arbeit nutzen habe aber bisher noch keine
wesentlichen Vorteile feststellen koennen (meine Einsicht ist natuerlich
stark begrenzt).

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-04-04 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
-- Version 2: dauert noch > 6 Monate - also nicht drauf warten. wird
aber abwärts kompatibel sein.

-- pausieren, stoppen, wieder starten von Abläufen (scripts): da bist du
schon wieder mitten drin im Arbeiten mit Tasks: nur was du
programmintern angestoßen hast, kannst du theoretisch später auch wieder
programmatisch beeinflussen. Die Trigger dafür könnten zum Beispiel über
HotKeys implementiert werden, haben aber mit den Wirkungen (pausieren,
stoppen, ...) nichts zu tun. Diese Funktionalität musst du so
implementieren, dass sie von außen steuerbar wird (im Groben sowas wie
ein Debugger leistet)

--- Dein Projekt: Stichwort GUI: wenn du das Ganze hinter ein GUI bringen 
willst, von dem aus dann irgendwelche SikuliX Abläufe  gesteuert werden, dann 
bist du natürlich in der Königsdisziplin angelangt. 
Wenn die Benutzung von SikuliX dein Hauptanliegen ist, dann kommt eigentlich 
nur ein Kombi aus Java Swing oder gar JavaFX und einer 
Programmiersprache/Scriptsprache die "java-aware" ist in Frage (Java, Scala, 
Kotlin, Clojure, Jython, JRuby, ) und Eclipse oder IntelliJ IDEA CE 
(benutze ich).
Logging und Datenbank/Tabelle sind da Kleinkram gegen ;-) 

Hier probiert grade jemand:

Wünsch Dir auf jeden Fall alles Gute dabei und viel Spaß.
Always welcome

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-04-04 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
Haha, ja das koennten wir tun :)

Ich vermute mal, du hast Recht und der Aufwand das zu lernen und dann zu
implementieren, lohnt sich fuer mich wohl nicht..

Version 2 ist schon geplant/in Bearbeitung? Wird die neue Version
weitere features enthalten oder mehr ein Update oder beides?

da kommt mir noch eine weitere Frage:
In Bezug auf script Steuerung, wuerdest du empfehlen dies ueber Java zu 
implementieren,  oder die Sikuli integrierte hotkey function? Konkret will ich 
das script pausieren, stoppen und wieder starten koennen.

Ich habe mir beides nur kurz angeguckt. Nachdem ich nun Blut geleckt
habe, will ich ein komplettes Programm daraus schreiben ueber die
naechsten Monate.  Mit GUI, logging,  einer database oder integrierte
tables (je nach wie umfangreich es wird).

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-04-04 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
LOL, wir können gerne auch Deutsch reden ;-)

Also in der implementierten Lösung laufen die internen Suchen (10 in
deinem Fall) schon parallel.

Das mit dem Initiativ-Vorschlag geht halt in die Richtung, dass es in
Java 8+ schon Möglichkeiten gibt, die ganze Performance etwas stabiler
zu machen gegenüber den Einflüssen der anderen Tasks auf dem Rechner.
Für mich ist die gegenwärtige Lösung aber ok für den durchschnittlichen
Anwendungsfall. In Version 2 werde ich da aber mit Sicherheit nochmal

Zusammenfassende Bewertung: ich schätze für Dich würde der zu treibende
Aufwand in keinem Verhältnis zum Nutzen stehen - behaupte ich mal - rein
so gefühlsmäßig ;-)

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-04-04 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
"You might dive into and implement your own parallel find, that tries to
reuse resources as much as possible."

I suppose that is higher level java? 
I would like to have these processes run in parallel if possible . Not really 
needed the script is very fast as of now already but why not perfect it. (the 
German in me speaks strong here ;))

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-31 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
-  there is no continuous increase or decrease,
This is how the GC works: completely asynchronous and unpredictable within the 
given ranges. As I understand: it tries to work, when cpu usage allows it.

- time varies between 3 and up to 40 ms
no idea - I think you have to live with that (might be caused by my internal 
basic threading implementation)

You might dive into and implement your own parallel find, that tries to
reuse resources as much as possible.

Generally: since your loop mainly is searching images, it is mostly
number crunching leading to a very high cpu usage. If other processes on
the machine consume CPU, this will influence your loop timing of course.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-30 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
Interesting, that means i wont have to deal with the script getting
slower then,

I made some tests measuring the ms it takes to find images and i have made the 
observsation the time varies between 3 and up to 40 ms for the same looped 
findBest(10 images), small region 17x12 pixel.
I had it running for 5+ iterations and there is no continuous increase or 
decrease, it jumps from 4 to 20 to 28 to 5 to 3 to 35 to 4 and so on, there is 
no pattern (that i could see at least). So my assumption is that these 
fluctuations are due to cpu? is there a way to allocate more resources to the 
program so that it performs the find operations even faster or more stable?
This is not really necessary but it would greatly improve the reroll speed for 
my bot :)

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-29 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
Java has an automatic garbage collection (GC) at the top controlled by
object's reference counts: in the moment an object is no longer
referenced (ref count 0), it will become a candidate for GC (but it is
not predictable when in the future it will really purged from memory
(see the Java limits)).

so if you have something like that:

while(true) {
Match match = someRegion.find(new Pattern(someImg).similar(0.9))

end loop 1:
match references new object match1
anonymous object Pattern only lives until find() returns - hence GC'd (no 
outside reference)

end loop 2:
match 1 GC'd
match references new object match2
Pattern same as before

 and so on

The role of images:
- a captured image (file name) is loaded to memory when first used and then 
cached for reuse
- a used region (someRegion here) holds the screenshot last used for search 
(size depends on region size)

So in your "simple case" you might run it for years ;-) and your machine
should show about 300MB memory consumption for the Java process run from
commandline. Running it from within the IDE it might be a bit more of

... and a screenshot of the whole screen costs about pixel width *
height * 4 bytes ;-)

Feel free to use the respective tools in your IDE or the task-manager to

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-29 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
I see.. another question:

as I understand it, sikuli creates objects for matches and patterns, in
other words these objects are pictures right?

at what point will these go in and out of memory? and how big is the
impact on the system performance?

Concrete example:

In my script the most used part is creating two matches (using the same
method findBest on the same object) of 16x12 pixels. Lets say the loop
runs 50.000 times.  Will these taken pictures be stored in the memory
until the script exits or will the be dumped each time the same match is

Im worried  that if I run this script for a very long time, that it will
clutter the memory but this concern might be totally unjustified as I
dont really understand how it actually works.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-28 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
yes, just pauses the script.

It internally just uses Thread.sleep() as well, but catches a possible 
Interrupted exception with no action.
So it is just a shortcut.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-28 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
but the functionality is the same - just pauses script?
can I use it like this:

wait(0.025f) ?

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-25 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
--- why would I use wait instead of thread.sleep though?
shorter and clearer ;-)

wait(1.0d) instead of Thread.sleep(1000);

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-24 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
sorry, both my fault ;-)

these 2 lines 
 public static double Settings.MinSimilarity = 0.9; //raiman
  public static float Settings.MoveMouseDelay = 0f; //raiman
have to be moved to the beginning of main() as
Settings.MinSimilarity = 0.9; //raiman
Settings.MoveMouseDelay = 0f; //raiman

and the wait has to be written as

Use the Debug.user() should help to solve your 3/8 problem.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-24 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
Thank you for these suggestions!

I have tried applying this to my code but i get these markers on

  public static double Settings.MinSimilarity = 0.9; //raiman
  public static float Settings.MoveMouseDelay = 0f; //raiman

Multiple markers at this line
- Duplicate field 
- Syntax error on token ".", , 

and for wait(0.2f); //raiman   i get:

The method wait(long) in the type Object is not applicable for the
arguments (float)

Am I doing something wrong here? these are the only things i changed.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-24 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
I made some changes - see //raiman ;-)

The Settings.MinSimilarity is "recognized" in the Finder.
a good start is 0.9 (as suggested).
With my code you get feedback about the scores, so you might adjust the setting 
as needed.

Debug.user instead of System.out.println has the advantage, that you get
a timestamp for free and can use the String.format() systematic.

import org.sikuli.script.*;
import org.sikuli.basics.Debug;
import org.sikuli.basics.Settings;

public class TestAuto {

  public static double Settings.MinSimilarity = 0.9; //raiman
  public static float Settings.MoveMouseDelay = 0f; //raiman
  static Screen s = new Screen();

  static final String n0 = "number0.png"; //raiman
  static final String n1 = "number1.png"; //raiman
  static final String n2 = "number2.png"; //raiman
  static final String n3 = "number3.png"; //raiman
  static final String n4 = "number4.png"; //raiman
  static final String n5 = "number5.png"; //raiman
  static final String n6 = "number6.png"; //raiman
  static final String n7 = "number7.png"; //raiman
  static final String n8 = "number8.png"; //raiman
  static final String n9 = "number9.png"; //raiman

  public static void main(String[] args) throws FindFailed,
  InterruptedException {


Match reRoll = s.find(new Pattern("Reroll.png"));
Match totalRollLocator = s.find(new Pattern("TotalRoll.png"));
Match strLocator = s.find(new Pattern("Strength.png").targetOffset(170, 0));
Match intLocator = s.find(new Pattern("Intelligence.png").targetOffset(220, 
Match wisLocator = s.find(new Pattern("Wisdom.png").targetOffset(220, 0));

// raiman: use .x and .y instead of .getX() and .getY() - shorter ;-)
Region totalRollArea = new Region(totalRollLocator.getTopRight().x, 
totalRollLocator.getTopRight().y, 70, 50);
Region tensDigitsArea = new Region(totalRollLocator.getTopRight().x + 30, 
totalRollLocator.getTopRight().y, 15, 12);
Region onesDigitsArea = new Region(totalRollLocator.getTopRight().x + 42, 
totalRollLocator.getTopRight().y, 17, 12);

int tensDigitsValue = 0;
int onesDigitsValue = 0;
int totalRollValue = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
  // while (true) {
  Match tensDigitsRoll = tensDigitsArea.findBest(n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, 
n6, n7, n8, n9); //raiman
  tensDigitsValue = tensDigitsRoll.getIndex() * 10;
  Debug.user("tensDigit: %d score: %f", tensDigitsValue / 10, 
tensDigitsRoll.getScore()); //raiman
  Match onesDigitsRoll = onesDigitsArea.findBest(n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, 
n6, n7, n8, n9); //raiman
  onesDigitsValue = onesDigitsRoll.getIndex(); //raiman: moved here
  Debug.user("onesDigit: %d score: %f", onesDigitsValue, 
onesDigitsRoll.getScore()); //raiman
wait(0.2f); //raiman
  totalRollValue = tensDigitsValue + onesDigitsValue;
  if (totalRollValue >= 85) {
Debug.user("rollValue: %d", totalRollValue); //raiman
  } else {;

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-24 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
I have fiddled around with my little bot a bit more and Im almost done
with the main function (rerolling). However I came across a problem: the
number 3 is often identified as 8. I have tried using MinSimilarity but
I dont think my script recognises this..

import org.sikuli.script.*;
import org.sikuli.basics.Debug;
import org.sikuli.basics.Settings;

public class TestAuto {

public static double MinSimilarity = 0.99;
public static float MoveMouseDelay = 0f;
static Screen s = new Screen();

public static void main(String[] args) throws FindFailed,
InterruptedException {


Match reRoll = s.find(new Pattern("Reroll.png"));
Match totalRollLocator = s.find(new Pattern("TotalRoll.png"));
Match strLocator = s.find(new 
Pattern("Strength.png").targetOffset(170, 0));
Match intLocator = s.find(new 
Pattern("Intelligence.png").targetOffset(220, 0));
Match wisLocator = s.find(new 
Pattern("Wisdom.png").targetOffset(220, 0));

Region totalRollArea = new 
totalRollLocator.getTopRight().getY(), 70, 50);
Region tensDigitsArea = new 
Region(totalRollLocator.getTopRight().getX() + 30, 
totalRollLocator.getTopRight().getY(), 15, 12);
Region onesDigitsArea = new 
Region(totalRollLocator.getTopRight().getX() + 42, 
totalRollLocator.getTopRight().getY(), 17, 12);

int tensDigitsValue = 0;
int onesDigitsValue = 0;
int totalRollValue = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
// while (true) {
Match tensDigitsRoll = 
tensDigitsArea.findBest("number0.png", "number1.png", "number2.png", 
"number4.png", "number5.png", 
"number6.png", "number7.png", "number8.png", "number9.png");
tensDigitsValue = tensDigitsRoll.getIndex() * 10;

Match onesDigitsRoll = 
onesDigitsArea.findBest("number0.png", "number1.png", "number2.png", 
"number4.png", "number5.png", 
"number6.png", "number7.png", "number8.png", "number9.png");
onesDigitsValue = onesDigitsRoll.getIndex();
totalRollValue = tensDigitsValue + onesDigitsValue;
if (totalRollValue >= 85) {
} else {;


how can I increase the similarity needed from the standard 0.7 to lets say 0.95?
the way it is now will the script "recognize" this line ?

public static double MinSimilarity = 0.99;

Many thanks in advance again!

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-21 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
always welcome - have fun with SikuliX

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-21 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
Yes, that is what I meant, I only need the "List" function when I expect
the images(objects) to be created in the process of execution, but since
I have all pictures already ill go without that feature. Thanks a lot!
This thread has given me a good start with your help and clarifications

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-21 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
--- why do I need findBestList instead of findBest?

same answer as this:
--- difference between findAny and findAnyList
findAny accepts a parameter series of images, whereas findAnyList accepts only 
one parameter, which is a List of images (where images are either image 
filename strings or Pattern objects) 

which version you use depends on how you setup your image list:

listOfImages is a List object, that is filled elsewhere.

findbest(image1, image2, image3, image4, ...)
here the list of images is represented as a "static" parameter list

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-21 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
why do I need findBestList instead of findBest? Im not fully getting the
difference even though I looked up both functions in the docs.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-21 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
--- findBestList() vs. findAnyList()
yep, in your case findBestList() is the preferable feature

--- just made a test with 10 images in a 500 pixel region:
- exists loop: 90 msec
- findBest: 24 msec

so findBest is faster and the code is leaner

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-21 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
the exists example should break when number is found:

found = False
foundNumber = -1
for number in numbers:
foundNumber += 1
if not reg.exists(number, 0): 
found = True
if found:
print "found number:", foundNumber
print "no success"

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-21 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
I'll think about visiting the javadoc next time! I see so in my case I dont 
really need to use findAnyList correct? since I have the images as files 
already I dont need to create patterns?
How about findBest, would that not suit my needs better here since it would 
only return one number, or is it slower?

Hmm if findAny is faster at 5+ pictures and I have 10 pictures then I suppose I 
wont use it, especially if it cant be done in java :)
thank you for the example though!

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-21 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
--- Why could it return null? It will always find a number there.
yes ... findAnyList() will always return a List object,
... but in your case all match entries in the list for the numbers not found 
will be null, only for the one found there will be a valid match entry.

--- difference between findAny and findAnyList
findAny accepts a parameter series of images, whereas findAnyList accepts only 
one parameter, which is a List of images (where images are either image 
filename strings or Pattern objects) (the javadocs mentioned in comment #1 
might have told you ;-)

--- would it be possible to use .exists() 
yes, of course: (Python script ;-)

numbers = (n0, n1, n2, ..., n9) # nX is a string having the number image 
reg =  # the search region
found = -1
for number in numbers:
if not reg.exists(number, 0): continue
else: found = found + 1 
if found > -1:
print "found number:", found
print "no success"

this is a sequential search, which will in the average need 5 searches
to identify the number (max 10 searches).

findAny() internally delegates each search into a separate thread, that
run in parallel. My checks say, that beginning with 4 images to be
searched in parallel, findAny() is faster than sequential exists()

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-20 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
sorry foe dp but i have another question regarding findAny. What exactly
is the difference between findAny and findAnyList?

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-20 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Alexander Schone posted a new comment:
Why could it return null? It will always find a number there.
a live look? i can post a screenshot of the screen i will be running the script 
on if that helps.
yes it is a w digit number and yes i will have two regions.

would it be possible to use .exists() ? like this in python:

def get_digits_in_region(region):
foundNumbers = []
for match in numbers:
if region.exists(number[1], 0.001):
return found_numbers

not sure what the def does here i suppose it would not be needed in java
due to syntax differences. but if exists could be used then it would run
faster i guess?

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-20 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
--- quick enough to use lets say not more than 0.2 seconds to determine
should be possible on a capable machine.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-20 Thread Alexander Schone
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Status: Answered => Solved

Alexander Schone confirmed that the question is solved:
Thanks RaiMan, that solved my question.

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Re: [Sikuli-driver] [Question #666773]: How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

2018-03-20 Thread RaiMan
Question #666773 on Sikuli changed:

Summary changed to:
How to get on the road as a newcomer to Java programming

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