[silatindonesia] You still turn the fire on…

2007-06-10 Thread Abdullah Syafei
  First time  our eyes met, same feel that I get. Only 
feels much stronger, I wanna  love you longer. You still turn the fire 
on…Penggalan syair dari lagu  Bryan Adams tersebut mungkin dapat menggambarkan 
perasaan yang Anda  alami saat pertama kali bertemu dengan sang belahan jiwa. 
Namun,  setelah sekian lama bersama, masihkah perasaan itu menggetarkan Anda?
Read more at: guideasia

Adung Abdullah
Graphic Designer

Kunjungi halaman depan Yahoo! Indonesia yang baru!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[silatindonesia] Fwd: Column

2007-06-10 Thread O'ong Maryono

Sahabat silat 
Silahkan baca tulisan di bawah ini, sangat menyeramkan
beladiri ini, apakah pencak silat seperti ini juga.

Subject: Fwd: Column


-Original Message- 
From:  "Michael L. Tan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subj:  Column
> Date:  Sun 10 Jun 2007 9:04
> Size:  7K
> To:  rosalia Sciortino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Boxing's other faces
> By Michael Tan
> Inquirer
> Last updated 01:05am (Mla time) 04/18/2007
> MANILA, Philippines -- Manny Pacquiao's victory last
> Sunday came only 
> two weeks after another Filipino boxer, Angelito
> Sisnorio, was killed 
> by a brain hemorrhage sustained during a boxing
> match in Thailand, 
> where he was pitted against flyweight champion
> Chatchai Sasakul.
> Pacquiao's victory might make us forget, too
> quickly, Sisnorio's 
> death. Yes, the Games and Amusements Board has since
> banned Filipino 
> boxers from going to Thailand and there was some
> outrage expressed, 
> with Inquirer sports columnist Recah Trinidad
> writing an article with 
> the title, "Did they have to deal with savage
> Thailand?" Trinidad 
> exposed a racket in Thailand: "Saturday night fights
> featuring 
> hapless Filipino pugs against rising or established
> Thai boxers have 
> been regular dinner fare in Bangkok." Not only that,
> Trinidad said, 
> some fights are rigged, with Filipino boxers
> "advised" to 
> intentionally lose a match.
> I can believe Trinidad's claims, and will give my
> reasons shortly. 
> But I did want to write, too, about the need to ask
> ourselves some 
> tough questions about the many faces of boxing,
> other than that of 
> the victorious Pacquiao.
> Paid gore
> Last year, during a visit to Thailand, I picked up a
> magazine in a 
> rural market newsstand. The magazine happened to be
> displayed with 
> its back cover facing me, and it caught my eye
> because it showed a 
> Thai boxer with a bloodied face, his eyes wide open
> with pain and 
> with fear. There were blood stains as well in
> different parts of his 
> body and the Thai captions were printed in a way
> that made it look 
> like it was dripping blood, much like you see in the
> titles of horror 
> movies. Inside the magazine, there were more
> photographs of this 
> type, including the boxer on the back page shown
> during the match 
> taking blows from his opponent.
> I bought the magazine and showed it later to O'ong
> Maryono, an 
> Indonesian martial arts expert who currently lives
> in Thailand. O'ong 
> shook his head sadly and explained that this happens
> very often in 
> Thai boxing, with people paid to both inflict and
> receive such injuries.
> I was shocked, having thought of muay Thai or Thai
> boxing as a sport 
> that had become refined through the years. Two years
> ago, Discovery 
> Channel featured a documentary on muay Thai showing
> how it had become 
> almost an art. I had also read books with detailed
> descriptions of 
> the rituals and rules that accompany muay Thai, with
> boxers actually 
> praying before each match.
> The magazine I got showed another side to Thai
> boxing, one of 
> bloodthirsty spectacle with ties to syndicates and
> paid gore.
> I was disturbed mainly because all that lust for
> blood seemed to go 
> against the perception of Thailand as a gentle
> Buddhist country that 
> eschews violence of any kind. But then as a social
> scientist, I 
> should know better. In many parts of Asia, you will
> find the gentlest 
> people, overly concerned about maintaining smooth
> interpersonal 
> relations. Yet, beneath the surface, there may be
> simmering tensions 
> and conflicts in values.
> Many Thais themselves object to the transformation
> of Thai boxing 
> into a gladiator sport, but acknowledge that it
> reflects a disturbing 
> side of the Thai psyche, one that occasionally
> erupts in the 
> political arena. Thai history has its share of
> extreme violence even 
> up to fairly recent history. There was for example
> the "Thammasat 
> Massacre" of 1976, when Right-wing paramilitary
> forces fired at a 
> pro-democracy rally near Thammasat University.
> Officially, 46 people 
> were killed, but the death toll may have been
> higher. The brutality 
> went beyond the killings, with bodies mutilated.
> And us?
> I've always felt uncomfortable about the way we lash
> out at other 
> cultures and fail to see how we, too, may have a
> similar "underside" 
> to our culture. If Thai brutality seems to
> contradict Buddhism, we 
> shouldn't forget that we, too, have cultural
> behaviors that run 
> against Christian compassion.
> I'd start with our brutality to animals, from
> dog-eating to 
> cockfighting to the "killing me softly" way of
> slaughtering chickens 
> and ducks in parts of the Cordillera region, the
> hapless birds slowly 
> beaten to death.
> I was once

[silatindonesia] Ultah ke-1 FP2STI

2007-06-10 Thread Yudhy Haryantho
Temen2 ini ada sedikit dokumentasi seputar acara ultah ke-1 FP2STI
kemarin di Sekretariat Persilat.
Liat aja di http://puragabaya.multiply.com/photos/album/4

Tolong Kang Kiki, Mas Ian, Mas Yanweka, Mas Ezra, Mas Luri ditambah
dokumentasi lainnya (video kalo ada)& reportasenya, terutama yang ada
sedikit demo dari Kisawung & Gerak Saka karena saya nggak sempet
mendokumetasikan (Battery drop).


Re: [silatindonesia] Ultah ke-1 FP2STI

2007-06-10 Thread Baterai Modern
Yth Customer
Kebetulan kami dari perusahaan baterai khusus untuk camera digital ingin 
menawarkan baterai anti Drop dengan Spesifikasi SBB :

- Untuk kamera apa saja ( Pasti cocok )
- Tahan digunakan menyala Nonstop 24 jam, katahanan baterai sampai 2000 Jam 
mungkin lebih
- Harga cukup bersaing dan lebih murah hingga 80%.
- Dapat dibeli di toko atau mal-mal
- Teknologi baru yang telah di Uji di Jerman, Afrika hingga amerika
- Berat betari 50 KG- 1 Ton tergantung Spek, bonus tas rangsel gendong untuk 

Silahkan Hubungi Bagian penjualan kami yang terdekat

Untuk anak-anak Forum Discount hingga 50 %
bagi pembeli pertama, bonus satu baterai.

Terima kasih
Bagian Promosi 
Baterai canggih

  - Original Message - 
  From: Yudhy Haryantho 
  To: silatindonesia@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 8:37 AM
  Subject: [silatindonesia] Ultah ke-1 FP2STI

  Temen2 ini ada sedikit dokumentasi seputar acara ultah ke-1 FP2STI
  kemarin di Sekretariat Persilat.
  Liat aja di http://puragabaya.multiply.com/photos/album/4

  Tolong Kang Kiki, Mas Ian, Mas Yanweka, Mas Ezra, Mas Luri ditambah
  dokumentasi lainnya (video kalo ada)& reportasenya, terutama yang ada
  sedikit demo dari Kisawung & Gerak Saka karena saya nggak sempet
  mendokumetasikan (Battery drop).



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[silatindonesia] Re: Ultah ke-1 FP2STI

2007-06-10 Thread dasaman_allaria
--- In silatindonesia@yahoogroups.com, "Baterai Modern"


> - Untuk kamera apa saja ( Pasti cocok )
- cut -
> - Berat betari 50 KG- 1 Ton tergantung Spek, bonus tas rangsel
gendong untuk beterai

HAH? *membayangkan kamera A530 punya awak dipasangin baterai segemblok
yang beratnya 1 ton*

Ini baterai apa generator diesel?