[silk] Talk on Internet, Transparency and Politics

2009-04-13 Thread Zainab Bawa
Dear all,
The Centre for Internet and Society organizes a talk on Internet,
Transparency and Politics.

Description: The 2009 general elections in India have been preceded by
various initiatives that seek to provide information to the voters about
candidates contesting the elections. The aim of providing this information
is to help voters to make 'informed choices' when casting their votes. This
talk is being organized in the context of the research that CIS-RAW fellow
Zainab Bawa is carrying out on Internet, Transparency and Politics. Why
has the Internet become an important space for publishing information that
is streamlined for facilitating interaction between citizens and the state?
What is the impact of making such information available to citizens? How
does it transform their relationship with political actors and government
agencies? Simultaneously, how are elected representatives and political
parties responding to these 'transparency' initiatives?

*Profile of the Speaker:* Barun Mitra is the Director of Liberty Institute,
a think-tank based in Delhi. He has conceptualized EmpoweringIndia.org to
enable voters to cast their votes thoughtfully during the elections and to
use the information on the site to hold their elected representatives
accountable after they have been voted in. Barun Mitra also writes on issues
of environment, health, trade and democracy in national and international

Time and Date: Wednesday, 15th April, 2009; 5.00 - 6.30 PM

Venue: Centre for Internet and Society, No. D2, 3rd Floor, Sheriff Chambers,
14, Cunningham Road, Bangalore - 560052
For more details, visit

Zainab Bawa
Ph.D. Student and Independent Researcher

Between Places ...

Re: [silk] On self-improvement

2009-04-13 Thread Raj Shekhar

Kiran K Karthikeyan wrote:

Yeah, and could you please
start that thread, kiran? Can't wait to see the drift.

Here goes...

Can't remember why, but somewhere in between the half intoxicated
banter, the conversation shifted to self-improvement books a la
Stephen Covey and his ilk.

I read De Bono and it has proved useful.  But will you count it as self 

The other self improvement author I read is Steve Pavlina (his blog and 
his newsletter).  He has a lot of ideas that have helped me introspect 
better, but some of them seem really far fetched.

I remain unconvinced.

My opinion is that self-improvement works.  However, it might be that 
what I am labeling as self-improvement, might be different from what you 
guys were talking about.

raj shekhar

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me

Read the latest at my blog:
nice facebook error page 

Re: [silk] On self-improvement

2009-04-13 Thread Ravi Bellur
Self-improvement, to some degree, requires self-awareness. Self-help books
try to bake some of this in, but I think ultimately having the ability to
see your automatic thoughts and understand their motivators. I think this
is the realm of cognitive psychology, and I think they use many tools from
that in self-help books -- but from what I've had recommended by
well-credentialed folks is Feeling Good (horribly trite title for a great
book) by David Burns. It describes itself as a therapy for depression, but
what it does is quite thoroughly and methologically lay forth the principles
of Cognitive Therapy as created by Dr. Aaron T. Beck at the University of
Pennsylvania. Burns was one of Beck's students (both MDs and clinical

And obviously way before that there was Astanga Yoga where
self-awareness is a big part.

For Covey the Seven Traits of Highly Effective People might be obvious, but
as we deconstruct it, we see that he's a Mormon, and therefore may live a
fairly idyllic life free from of the vicissitudes (or fun) that some face,
simple and wholesome values, and with a lot of positive thinking going on
around. For those wondering why adopting those traits may be harder than
just wanting to, I think self-awareness is key. Know thyself...

For example, I do not like fishsticks...

Re: [silk] On self-improvement

2009-04-13 Thread Venkat Mangudi
Kiran K Karthikeyan wrote:
 provide strategy on self-improvement, rather than just glorifying the
 end-product (which fashion magazines do).
When I studied object oriented programming a lng time ago, what
fascinated me was how much common sense sells. Almost all the
self-improvement books and courses say the same thing, IMO. I read the
self-help books with the same amount of faith as I read the Left
Behind[1] series.

If you have not read them (IMO, absolute religious
pot-smoking-vodka-drinking-mushroom-chomping-induced-drivel), I strongly
recommend that you do. Every other superstitious belief will seem
reasonable once you read this. 


[1] http://www.leftbehind.com/