Jim's address for donations for a camera

1998-03-11 Thread jeinert

> Reid wrote:
> > >   Post your address for donations Jim..
> Jim, being the thoughtful sort he is wrote me in private e-mail 
> (please forgive me this lapse in netiquette, Jim)...
> > Mike,
> >  What do you want me to do here. If you say it is OK for me to
> > solicite donations on the silver-list, I will give my name and
> > address so they can send them. If you say no, then I won't!
> >  Let me know!
> >  God knows I could use the donations to get a camera setup on the
> > darkfield!
> >  Take care.
> >  Jim Einert
> I think the answer is self-evident, and Jim acted appropriately. 

> Please, go ahead Jim! If you're ready to handle it at your end, post
> your address. Let us all know what you decide on in terms of hardware!
> Thank you all!
> Mike D.
> List maintainer

Thanks Mike,
For anyone on the list who is interested in helping me get a video 
camera for my darkfield microscope, as well as a computer interface 
to save to disk, here is my address:

Jim Einert
P.O. Box 10
Ozone, AR 72854

It is my hope to use the darkfield to test different CS to see how 
it looks, and judge the quality of that made by those on the list as 
well as commercial brands. I also hope to do some studies of the 
effectiveness of CS on bacteria both as a culture and as used by the 
body and shown in the blood. Some of these pictures will probably be 
put on the silver list web page as Mike sees fit to include them.
Any donations will be appreciated. If you can only send a small 
amount don't worry, every little bit helps!
Thank you all in advance and God Bless you! I will do my best to use 
this equipment to further the research of Colloidal Silver!
Jim Einert

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The question of Donations...

1998-03-11 Thread M. G. Devour
Another new situation is developing that we need a policy for!

After I hyped the idea of helping Jim Einert put a camera on his
darkfield microscope...

Reid wrote:
> >   Post your address for donations Jim..

Jim, being the thoughtful sort he is wrote me in private e-mail 
(please forgive me this lapse in netiquette, Jim)...

> Mike,
>  What do you want me to do here. If you say it is OK for me to
> solicite donations on the silver-list, I will give my name and
> address so they can send them. If you say no, then I won't!
>  Let me know!
>  God knows I could use the donations to get a camera setup on the
> darkfield!
>  Take care.
>  Jim Einert

I think the answer is self-evident, and Jim acted appropriately. 


If you have a bright idea that you think would forward our research
and would like to use the list to ask for help, ASK ME! 

If I agree with you, I'll forward the info or ask you to go ahead with
my blessing. Or I may ask the list for comment. If *I* am the one
hyping the idea you can probably count on it being approved! But check
with me first, you never can tell! 

I hope this will strike the proper balance between progress and 
protecting us from inappropriate solicitations.

Please, go ahead Jim! If you're ready to handle it at your end, post
your address. Let us all know what you decide on in terms of hardware!

Thank you all!

Mike D.
List maintainer

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Re:Lyme/tick SAVE the TICK!

1998-03-11 Thread Nancy Berntsen
UCONN does these tests:  darkfield exam and Bb Fluorescent antibody
test, and some type of culture.  (Anyone can have these tests done if they
mail the ticks in to the address in my other post; also available on my
webpage http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/lyme-borreliosis (use the link to
my old page until I get it switched over.)

CT's "free" testing includes one that can be done on dead ticks; the name
slips my mind; all I can think of is PCR.  It is a test that looks for DNA I

-Original Message-
From: Gary Grunau 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: Re:Lyme/tick SAVE the TICK!

>What type of test is preformed to determine if a tick carries Lymes"?
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Copper Usage/ Making Colloidal Copper?

1998-03-11 Thread Zan
Copper  bracelets  for  arthritis  go  way back
Anonymous  has  to  do  two  things.

Contact  the  Arthritis  Trust  in  Tennessee.
I  have  spoken  with  them  and  they are  legit.
They  have  an extensive  webpage.
Get  directly onto  it.
You  were  not  on  it.
What  you  posted  was  from  another  web  source.

Contact  Mid West  metabolics.
They  have  the  copper.
Great  Lakes  Metabolics  company  supplies  hydrazine  used in  alt. cancer
Bob  Gucciones  wife  was  taking  it.
I  wonder  if  they  are  the same?


-Original Message-
From: Nancy Berntsen 
To: Silver-List 
Date: Wednesday, March 11, 1998 9:30 AM
Subject: Copper Usage/ Making Colloidal Copper?

This post was sent to the Lyme disease newsgroup by an anonymous poster.
Does anyone have information that I can post back to him/her?


Two years ago I came across a copy of "Fight Back Against Arthritis"
which is now out of print.  It was published by the Arthritis Trust and
contained very helpful information.

Late last year I checked their website, which, when I checked today has
been sorrily changed.

I would like to know if anybody here perhaps made a hardcopy of their
original page on copper --- so that I can learn the exact quantity of
copper a medical doctor took daily for three weeks straight which cured
his rheumatoid arthritis of 23 years.

I want this doctor's name, too.

Here is their current page on copper, (which also contains some good
comments on the herxheimer reaction):

I was able to access this page through Infoseek, so I presume the above
link will work.  It's their homepage that won't allow admittance without
a name & address.

I have spent several weeks trying to learn about anybody else who has
successfully utilized plain normal copper capsules .and I'm not
having any success --- do you have ANY idea how many ads for copper
bracelets one must dig through, when doind a search on dietary
copper  :)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Copper Usage/ Making Colloidal Copper?

1998-03-11 Thread Nancy Berntsen
This post was sent to the Lyme disease newsgroup by an anonymous poster.  Does 
anyone have information that I can post back to him/her?


Two years ago I came across a copy of "Fight Back Against Arthritis" 
which is now out of print.  It was published by the Arthritis Trust and 
contained very helpful information.

Late last year I checked their website, which, when I checked today has 
been sorrily changed.  

I would like to know if anybody here perhaps made a hardcopy of their 
original page on copper --- so that I can learn the exact quantity of 
copper a medical doctor took daily for three weeks straight which cured 
his rheumatoid arthritis of 23 years.

I want this doctor's name, too.

Here is their current page on copper, (which also contains some good 
comments on the herxheimer reaction):   

I was able to access this page through Infoseek, so I presume the above 
link will work.  It's their homepage that won't allow admittance without 
a name & address.

I have spent several weeks trying to learn about anybody else who has 
successfully utilized plain normal copper capsules .and I'm not 
having any success --- do you have ANY idea how many ads for copper 
bracelets one must dig through, when doind a search on dietary 
copper  :)