Resolution of the light microscope

1998-07-29 Thread Jeffrey La Favre
I have noticed some discussion about using microscopy to determine particle
size of CS.  I would like to add this information in case it has not been
discussed in the past.

The resolution of a light microscope is limited by the wavelength of light
and can be determined roughly by the following formula:

R = (2)(wavelength)/(2)(numerical aperture)

R is the resolution (i.e., minimum size that can be resolved visually)

To find the resolution of a light microscope we can use the following

Numerical aperture = 1.3 (approximate value of the highest quality high
power objectives)

wavelength of green light = 0.5 microns

Then the equation becomes:

R = (2)(0.5 microns)/(2)(1.3)

R = 1/2.6  or approximately 0.5 microns.

In other words, the smallest particle that can be clearly seen in a light
microscope should be about 0.5 microns in diameter.  Anything smaller than
this can not be measured directly as I know from personal experience.

There are some other light microscopy methods that can be used to estimate
size below the limit of resolution and these are based on light scattering
methods.  A dark field microscope could be useful in this case (I have seen
some discussion on this).  I have no extensive experience with these

I happen to have a good light microscope and would be willing to help you
with your research efforts if you would like.  I have phase contrast and
dark field condensers and a Sony video camera and monitor.  I can also feed
the image into my computer to capture digital images. Btw, you can convert a
regular microscope condenser to dark field by fitting a disc stop of
appropriate size to the condenser.  I could supply more info on this to
anyone interested.  You could call this an economy dark field condenser.

I have also used electron microscopes to a limited extent.  I have noticed
some talk about obtaining an electron microscope.  It has been some years
since I have used one, but the instruments I have used were very expensive.
Unless recent breakthroughs in electronics have yielded significant price
changes in electron microscopes, I doubt that it would be possible for this
group to obtain one.  I think your best bet is to contract the work out,
which would be much more cost effective.

If I can be of any further help I would be glad to participate in your
research efforts.  I have a Ph.D. in soil microbiology and have conducted
research on symbiotic bacteria of agricultural significance.  Unfortunately,
I have no experience with bacteria that are pathogenic to humans.

Jeff La Favre

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Re: Do any of us live close enough together to meet compare mfg devices?

1998-07-29 Thread Nancy B.
I'm a fairly reasonable distance from you.  I will email you
my town  phone #.  My husband made the device, so it'd be
best if he presents it.

Also, I'm soon to order a Motherlode; it's$100 more than I
expected though!  Wish I had a job of my own to pay for this
expensive toy.  Info on the motherlode can be found at .  (I'm not
advertising; just curious about what others think about this

Nancy B.


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-Original Message-
From: Robert L. Wells
To: silver silver
Date: Wednesday, July 29, 1998 8:40 AM
Subject: Do any of us live close enough together to meet 
compare mfg devices?

Hi List,
I've been out of touch for a while.  Sorry.  I'm a banker
and have a loan that is requiring some heavy duty attention
grimace.  I've followed up with my contact regarding the
lab that would do a microbial challenge test (now
affectionately known as an MCT on this list), but I don't
have any new information yet.

I do think that we need to define a standard sample to be
tested and am pleased with what I've been reading about
progress on this front.  So far, I'm up to July 20th
messages, so obviously I'm still a week behind.  The group
moves so fast that I don't know what I'm missing at the

I'm wondering if it might be possible for some of us to get
together to work on CS.  We could compare our devices and
share ideas.  Most of all, we could simultaneously make a
bunch of batches at the same time with similar conditions
(same distilled water, etc.) and compare our results.  It
simply a logistical question regarding physical location.
live in Wilton, CT (south west corner of CT) and work in
York City.

Also, while I'm behind on my e-mail, I haven't seen a
for pure silver wire.  Marsha, I know you gave me one once,
could you post that again?  I think it was for .999 fine.
would also like to go for the . fine.

Bob Wells

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If you can't open this message, please forward it back to me.

1998-07-29 Thread robert . wells
I've been having trouble with some messages not being readable by members
of the list.  I've solved it by reading my mail in Lotus Notes and sending
mail from Netscape.  However, I'm trying to understand why the problem
occurs in the first place.  Therefore, if you can read this, just ignore
Bob Wells

Re: CS research

1998-07-29 Thread jeinert
 From:  Philip Collins
 Subject:   Re: CS research
 Date:  Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:09:54 -0400

 -Original Message-
 Date: Tuesday, July 28, 1998 10:51 PM
 Subject: CS research
 which he used his pulsing CS maker with. It really looked a bit
 different than most I have seen. It was very active, and the
 particles were all different colors. The particle size may have been
 a bit big, but I won't say for sure until I see more CS. It really
 looked good in the jar!!!
 It was a Stenulson pulsing CS maker that created the stuff I whomped my
 scalp with last week.
 That stuff certainly is effective, whatever else it is!   Anything more you
 learn about it, I sure would like to know, Jim.

Thanks for this post. This CS looked somewhat different than any I 
have looked at, but I feel that may be good. I am glad you have had a 
good experience with it. That is part of our research here. It 
doesn't matter what it looks like, or how it was made, if it doesn't 
work! Now if we can just figure out what the good stuff looks like 
and how to make it everytime, well be cooking!!!
Jim Einert, N.D.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: ppm measurement techniques?

1998-07-29 Thread Susan M. Yensen

What a mind boggling exploration here!  So many genius' here and with
just a hair of an invite we get a very good education.  Of course when your
brain looks like fried eggs in a skillet, or was that your brain on drugs??
Well anyway it is stimulating and then the decisions, darn don't they
always just pop up when you think you have everything under

Oh well, just wanted to add that unless the universe has changed the
measurements again, there are 10 drops(minums) to a cc (ml) or 15 drops can
be used according to your syringes calibration and the formula you are
undertaking to convert.  Then of course there are 30cc's to an ounce.  I
just bought a homeopathic formula which said one ounce (29cc's), so it
would seem that somewhere there is a conversion table that might actually
says there are 29cc's to an ounce.  The accepted has been 30cc's but the
only thing constant in life is change.  Does that mean the truth is a lie?
And what do all these changes do to the world of Physics for heavens sake?

I'm still making silver and still most grateful to the compassionate care I
have received from the people on this list!  Found out that I cannot make
silver in distilled room temperature water that stays in solution.

All things being equal, the same 27 volts with a light in line and over 1
hour with losts of sludge, then filtered-stayed clear as water and tested
on TDL as 14 ppm.  Turned golden in the darkened jar, then turned to clear
with black sludge on the bottom so it appears I made an unstable colloid
that turned out to be silver oxide, nasty stuff!  I didn't feel well so I
was cheating on my usual heating methodology to see.  Was pleased at first,
now I wonder what you most intelligent people can surmise from this and
possibly help explain this phenomena to me.  Remembering of course the
initial statement about my brain.

Good silvering to you-all(grin)(big grin)

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Money...

1998-07-29 Thread bjs1779
M. G. Devour wrote:
 Hi all,
 Just so everyone understands, the request for contributions you got
 from Reid is one that I have approved of. He and Jim Einert are
 getting set up to be our resident microscopists and are going to be
 of great value to the whole program.
 Would it be helpful if their address's were made known? I don't think
I ever seen them.


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Re: Research on CS

1998-07-29 Thread bjs1779
 Jeff La Favre wrote:

  ... I wonder if there should be an effort to bring in individuals
  who do medical research for a living. ... I can't help feeling
  that CS will never be used widely unless its effectiveness is
  established by the medical community.

The medical community does use CS, of some sort, on burn victims. I was 
just talking to a fellow last week whose son was badly burned. He
said they treated him with a substance containing silver. Other
than that he did not realize that silver could be used in other
areas. He was really impressed that such a bad burn could be healed so


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

MCT Update 7/29 AM

1998-07-29 Thread Robert L. Wells
Here is the latest pledge update:

Tom Young   $20.00
Bruce K. Stenulson  $20.00
Paul Bembower$20.00
M. G. Devour  $20.00
Nick Ferraro $50.00
Sandi  $50.00
Bill $20.00
Jerry WineBrenner   $20.00
Whitney  $20.00
D. K.$10.00
Fidget   $10.00
Robert Wells  $50.00
George N. $20.00
W. D.$10.00
Debbie   $10.00
Marsha Hallett  $20.00
Dameon   $20.00
Dean Woodward$20.00
George $20.00
George Martin $50.00
Douglas McMurtrie$50.00
Jeff Lafavre   $20.00

Total to Date   $590.00

MCT Over the Top - pledge control

1998-07-29 Thread Robert L. Wells
I see that Doug has nominated me to maintain the list of
commitments going forward.  I liked it better when he was
doing it, but OK, I'll keep and publish the list from today
on.  I will also contact people once we have an agreed upon
lab test and protocol.

As near as I can tell, the last update Doug provided, as of
Fri 7/24 was as follows:

For now the fund stands as follows:

- $20.00
 Tom Young
- $20.00
 Bruce K. Stenulson
- $20.00
 Paul Bembower
- $20.00
 M. G. Devour
- $20.00
 Nick Ferraro
- $50.00
- $50.00
- $20.00
- $20.00
 Jerry WineBrenner
- $20.00
- $20.00
 D. K.
- $10.00
- $10.00
 Robert Wells
- $50.00
 George N.
- $20.00
 W. D.
- $10.00
- $10.00
 Marsha Hallett
- $20.00
- $20.00
 Dean Woodward
- $20.00
- $20.00
 George Martin
- $50.00
 Douglas McMurtrie
- $50.00


  Total to Date
$ 570.00

If there are other updates, I'll add them when I get through
these e-mails.

Bob Wells

Do any of us live close enough together to meet compare mfg devices?

1998-07-29 Thread Robert L. Wells
Hi List,
I've been out of touch for a while.  Sorry.  I'm a banker
and have a loan that is requiring some heavy duty attention
grimace.  I've followed up with my contact regarding the
lab that would do a microbial challenge test (now
affectionately known as an MCT on this list), but I don't
have any new information yet.

I do think that we need to define a standard sample to be
tested and am pleased with what I've been reading about
progress on this front.  So far, I'm up to July 20th
messages, so obviously I'm still a week behind.  The group
moves so fast that I don't know what I'm missing at the

I'm wondering if it might be possible for some of us to get
together to work on CS.  We could compare our devices and
share ideas.  Most of all, we could simultaneously make a
bunch of batches at the same time with similar conditions
(same distilled water, etc.) and compare our results.  It is
simply a logistical question regarding physical location.  I
live in Wilton, CT (south west corner of CT) and work in New
York City.

Also, while I'm behind on my e-mail, I haven't seen a source
for pure silver wire.  Marsha, I know you gave me one once,
could you post that again?  I think it was for .999 fine.  I
would also like to go for the . fine.

Bob Wells

Re: CS research

1998-07-29 Thread Reid Smith
Hi List,
   I tried to do an experiment with CS and acidophilus between Thursday 
and Saturday. I put equal amounts of CS and distilled water in one 
small cup, and equal parts of CS and acidophilus in two others. One 
was commercial CS and one was home-made. I thought I would let them 
set for 2 days, and see if I could kill any of the good bacteria. 
Well, they all dried up, so I will have to put it in a closed 
container. I hope to try this again soon, with closed containers. I 
will let you know how it goes.
   I do want to invite anyone who makes their 
own CS to send me a small sample so I can compare different batches. 
Please let me know how you made it. I feel I need to see a lot more 
CS, both home-made and commercial, before I can learn what I am 
seeing. I don't really know what good and bad CS look like, so I 
don't have anything to judge the different batches I am looking at.
   I will continue to do the research as I get time.

   About two or three months ago I took the time to research cameras
and video capturing equipment for Jim. We were asking for donations at 
the time and got a couple. Not enough though to cover the price of the 

   At the time I had a microscope with a camera and didn't need one.
So I went ahead, charged all the parts on my credit card and sent the 
finished setup I put together to Jim. The friend that loaned me his 
m-scope needed it back to monitor a persons blood and I had to let it 
go. For the work that I do a $30 m-scope does the job BUT I can't look 
through the eye piece for very long or that eye will go dim. It stays 
that way for several days. So I desperately need a camera so I can 
monitor my blood and continue my research. I could charge another 
camera to replace the one that I sent Jim but I can't afford any 
higher payments on my card. I'm just barely making them now. 

  Let's use a little common since here. Someone posted they needed 
$210 to do disk testing to see what the CS would kill. Last count
I saw there's $500 in that fund. There are several different designs
of CS makers so will that $210 cover the test for every design? I
doubt it!!! So what are the alternitives? Part of the answer to that 
is at the top of the page. The other part is I'll donate some of my 
time when I get a camera. 

Game plan:

1: Find out what maker makes the best killing CS. 
2: Check partical size and PPM.
3: Run the disk test for killing ability.
4: Design and prototype a circuit, and develop a standard so 
   that every batch is the same.

   So I'm begging all of you for the last time. Help Jim, in turn 
you help me, and Jim and I together will help you. Jim still owes me 


Take Care 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: ppm measurement techniques?

1998-07-29 Thread Frank Matzka
Great and creative ways to seperate the silver from water, but why not
weigh the solution? 1 litre of pure water weighs 1 Kg so anything over
1000gms is silver. 

Better yet! You could weigh the electrodes before and after(dried). 
Anybody got any ideas on how to build a scale sensitive enough to
register the small amounts? Is a beam type scale practical?

Just a couple thoughts.


M. G. Devour wrote:

 We could save some money and get quicker results if some of us could
 do our own ppm testing. Here's a couple of ideas I'd like to discuss
 and, hopefully, refine enough to make work.

 The first idea is to evaporate a quantity of CS to be tested, say
 100 ml (1/10th of a liter), and weigh the residue. 100 ml of a 20 ppm
 CS will leave 2 milligrams of residue. To get resolution to 1 ppm
 would require sensitivity to 1/10th of a milligram.

 So, ideally, you'll need access to an analytic balance sensitive to
 tenths of milligrams. This is a cut above your most common lab
 balances which will only handle milligrams. This type will typically
 have the measuring pan in a glass enclosure to stop drafts from
 effecting it. Otherwise you'd have to evaporate a much larger sample.

 I see putting the CS in a bag, bottle or funnel and allowing it to
 drip slowly onto a piece of absorbent paper. The paper would be held
 with clips over a heatlamp or hot air blower to evaporate the water.

 If you can get hold of some IV drip fittings you'd have the ideal
 setup, but I assume we could kludge up something with more common
 materials as well.

 The paper would need to be weighed before and after, and the results
 would be the difference between the weights.

 Now, right off, there are problems with this method. One is taking
 care that body oils and dust don't contaminate the paper and cause
 it to weigh more than it is supposed to. You can take care to handle
 the paper with gloves or tweezers, and perhaps enclose everything to
 minimize accumulation of dust.

 Another problem is knowing the exact state the silver is in when
 you're weighing it. Is it pure silver? Silver oxide?

 We could try using a few drops of nitric acid to digest the silver
 to form silver nitrate, which is one of the few silver compounds
 that is readily soluble in water.

 Now of course, we'd have to find out how the left over acid reacted
 with the paper. It would be easy to do a test with just the nitric
 acid in distilled water, and see how much weight the paper gained, if
 any. If all the nitrate hangs around then we *might* just be able to
 subtract it out and call the balance silver. The chemistry could
 prove to be more complicated, however.

 Which brings us to the *other* possibility, which is an entirely
 chemical assay that uses pH or some other characteristic with
 reagents and an indicator to standardize and visualize the reaction
 and allow you to measure the silver present by quantity required.

 If anyone knows a chemist who could help us with that it could save
 us a lot of effort.

 So here are some ideas. If I've convinced you an in-house ppm test
 would be useful, I hope you'll help me get one of these ideas
 working, or suggest another.

 Be well,

 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [   ]
 [Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: Off topic (chorella)

1998-07-29 Thread Frank Matzka
I heard the same one. I also wondered if it was possible to do it at home. If
you find out let me/us know.


Harvey Flatbush wrote:

 Hi List,

 Is there anyone on the list that knows how to grow their own Chlorella as
 mentioned by Ed Dames on the Art Bell talk show several months ago?

 Thanks much,

 Harvey Flatbush
 Ione, Washington 

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Drugs broadcasted

1998-07-29 Thread Susan M. Yensen


You are both right to a certain extent about the antibiotics thing.  Think
about this.  When I was tested for chemicals at the EHC in Dallas they
found traces of compounds of drugs my patients were having IV.  i bathed
these patients with no gloves, and did other things besides handling the
drugs which I did with sterile technique.

When I was in the hospital with kidney infection in 1989, very sick I
opened my eyes one morning as the nurse was piggy backing the antibiotic
and found her running the air and the an\tibiotic out of the tubing onto
the carpeted floor---and we don't know how these resistant strains came
about?  Poo\r technique plain and simple.  Plus of course indescriminate
usage therof.

I must say however that I just had my life saved by antibiotics and that
the bug was sensitive to alot of drugs which made me very happy that I had
not taken antibiotics for every little thing--praise God!!!

Then there is Cathy, am ex pediatric oncology nurse friend of mine who
wound up with all the chemo in her body from carrying the babies around in
her arms, diapers and other excretion including breathing.  she is still
pretty sick as it wiped out her immune system and she lost tolerance for
all foods and is on parenteral feedings to live--talk about expensive and
cumbersome and so forth.

Dr. Rea at the EHC in Dallas said that if I wanted to put perfume on my
skin I might as well take a teaspoonful because it is absorbed that
easily.  Ever wonder why you smell funny after alot of garlic???  Sort of
the opposite.

Then there are morphine and fentenyl patches on the skin used for
analgesia and pain control in painful and chronic and fatal diseases--goes
right into the bloodstream from the skin and walla pain relief.  These are
really good for people who also have an absorption problem.

WHen I breathe diesel exhaust even on the hiway behind a big rig and it
gets into the car I really get bright and awake, and usually have a
siezure of some sort with in a few hours or minutes unless I can block the
whole thing with a shot or drops.

So if you are around someone on high enough dosages of antibiotics and
inhale the same air touch their skin like hugging, bathing, washing their
clothes and so forth, depending on the integrity of their system and yours
there is absolutely the chance of experiencing at least some of the
substance.  ]

Illustration was the woman whose husband was accidently dipped in dioxin
and was very sick with the flu like symptoms, slept together and the next
day he died and she barely lived in renal failure and multiple system
failure and is now a chemically sensitive person who has to be hooked to
IV's constantly with magnesium and calcium to stop her siezures as drugs
don't work--make her worse./

Well I can go on and on of course but you get the picture.  Lots of
\factors, but it seems all people are becoming a bit immune stressed with
the constant bombardment of chemicals--exhaust and so forth just happening
in normal life.  Even dishwasher detergent is hazardous to your health.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


1998-07-29 Thread Reid Smith
Does anyone know where I could find a service to send out some e-mails at a 
reasonable price? I need to send 1000 of them. 
Thnx Candace

   Do a search for bulk e-mail there are all kinds of them out there. Be
carefull if your targeting people that didn't request the e-mail. There
was a guy here in town (I'll name no names) that did a bulk mail and ticked 
off a bunch of people. They ganged up and flooded his server. His provider 
told him that he almost lost his connection because of that mistake.

Take Care 


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