Re: CS>Thank-you

2000-09-30 Thread kuki
what is herxing?please tell me.
-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, October 01, 2000 4:00 AM
Subject: CS>Thank-you


After alot of reading and recommendations I decided to suggest Essiac Tea.
Herxing from parasite die off might scare him away although I have sent that
information aswell.  Cleaning the air might prove difficult at the
hospital... if we can only get him home.  If the Essiac tea boosts his
immune system enough I will go for suggesting the parasite cleanse and ozone
purification system then stem from there.

I have sent the information with his son and hope he will try it.  An herbal
tea seems non-evasive enough, I hope...  I guess after that we have to hope
that there hasn't been too much damage done to the organs already.

I really appreciate all your help and I will keep you updated.  I hope they
try it... if not something.  What have they got to loose???
Maybe he doesn't want to die and is putting up with his kids telling him to 
let go.  We will find out... 
And maybe he is praying to god for help, like Marsha did before CS was 
introduced to her. 

Be well,

Re: CS>to Marsha Thank you

2000-09-30 Thread Marsha Hallett
Joanne ThomasonHello Marsha
   Thank you for your beautiful writing on death.  You certainly expressed 
yourself well.  I hope  it also applies to animals.  My sons Dobie lost her 
battle with cancer just today.  I have to believe that God with all his love 
and wisdom would not give you something to love so dearly and then take it away 
form you never to meet again.  I think he will be with her again somewhere in 

  Dear Joanne, Thanks!
   Of course the animals will be with us! After all, God created them, too. 
When my beloved Pug, Kewpie, died suddenly, she stayed with me for over a week, 
until my grief eased. I actually felt her spirit go. It was that feeling that 
made me realize she`d been with me all along. I still miss her, but know she`ll 
be waiting at the other end of the tunnel. She and 17 other Pugs, my Arabian 
gelding, my Saanen goat and so on...
  I still talk to Kewpie, as well as to my dad and granddaughter, who died 
exactly 2 weeks apart in May of 1998, also my grandfather, and all my other 
loved and lost (temporarily) animals. My little Pug Tashy will be going soon, 
she`s old and miserable. I`m so glad I got to be her "Mommy" in this world!
   I really do believe that everything has some intelligence, even water knows 
to be water, and the rocks to be rocks. As a lapidary I can actually sense this 
in the stones I work with! Plants are above them, animals above them, then 
people and so on. Of course God is above all things in this Creation. He has 
many creations, too numerous for us feeble humans to count. 
  There is so much to know, and so few of us know it.
  One day, we`ll all know!
  PS, Keep talking to your Dobie, she`ll hear!

CS>to Marsha Thank you

2000-09-30 Thread Joanne
Joanne ThomasonHello Marsha
 Thank you for your beautiful writing on death.  You certainly expressed 
yourself well.  I hope  it also applies to animals.  My sons Dobie lost her 
battle with cancer just today.  I have to believe that God with all his love 
and wisdom would not give you something to love so dearly and then take it away 
form you never to meet again.  I think he will be with her again somewhere in 

  Joanne Thomason

  This is my Beautiful Sami Jo

  Click on me to send my mommy mail :-)




2000-09-30 Thread KIM BROWN

After alot of reading and recommendations I decided to suggest Essiac Tea.
Herxing from parasite die off might scare him away although I have sent that
information aswell.  Cleaning the air might prove difficult at the
hospital... if we can only get him home.  If the Essiac tea boosts his
immune system enough I will go for suggesting the parasite cleanse and ozone
purification system then stem from there.

I have sent the information with his son and hope he will try it.  An herbal
tea seems non-evasive enough, I hope...  I guess after that we have to hope
that there hasn't been too much damage done to the organs already.

I really appreciate all your help and I will keep you updated.  I hope they
try it... if not something.  What have they got to loose???

Maybe he doesn't want to die and is putting up with his kids telling him to let 
go.  We will find out... 

And maybe he is praying to god for help, like Marsha did before CS was 
introduced to her. 

Be well,

Re: CS>Fw: CS>Help needed !

2000-09-30 Thread CKing001
I seldom do this, but,
that was beautifully said.
No Tag!

On Sat, 30 Sep 2000 08:20:18 -0600, "Marsha Hallett" 

>Dear Kim,
> Death comes on us at various times. Some are ready, knowing illness is the
>way they are going out, others are taken quickly in a car crash, never
>knowing what hit them. No matter the way, it is always the right time for
>each soul, for God knows fully, when we may not.
>My granddaughter was two days old when she died. Was she ready to die? Yes.
>My daughter, (who was there at Children`s Hospital with her brother, the
>dad,) saw her pass; she appeared as a girl of 15 with long, curly black
>hair. She smiled at Robyn, then disappeared. Just then the heart monitor
>went flat-line.
>All she needed was to come to Earth for her body, dwell in it for a short
>time, then return Home. She was finished. She was so spiritually pure she
>needed no long life of testing and schooling.
> Molly Sorensen died recently when a tree fell on her and her family at a
>reunion here in Utah. Was she finished? Yes. She was 52.
>Her granddaughter, also named Molly Sorensen, aged 6, also died.
>Tragedy? Only for those left behind. Big Molly`s breast cancer had returned,
>so she was spared a slower, more painful death. Little Molly, like my
>Brenna, was also worthy to return.
> Death is a release from this mortal place which is a school and testing
>ground. Only here can we feel the difference between pain and pleasure, joy
>and sorrow. Knowing the oppositions isn`t possible in the spirit world. This
>is why this world was made as a place for us to come and learn. We are also
>to learn to help others, which is why letting others know of CS is so
>important to me.
> God knows each one of us perfectly. When it is time to go, we go, no matter
>our age, or condition or the need of those left behind. If we aren`t to go,
>we are saved, often in miraculous ways!
> I was literally dying from Lyme Disease. I prayed, asking God to either let
>me come Home, which was OK by me, or, if he wished me to continue my work in
>genealogy, then He`d have to help me get rid of the Lyme. A weeek later the
>CS info came from an old buddy of mine. A week after I began taking it, I
>knew the Lyme bugs were gone, and I was healing.
> Now I`m in Utah, the home of the largest genealogy library in the world,
>soon to begin doing genealogy full-time, which will be my work for the rest
>of my life.
> I hope this helps explain things a bit.

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Re: CS>Help needed !

2000-09-30 Thread CKing001
It takes awhile to realize this, doesn't it?
The other side of this coin is, "you can't die, you have no right!"
Awfully presumptive, isn't it?
The lion and the lamb shall lie down together,
 but the lamb won't get much sleep!

On 30 Sep 2000 7:38:4 GMT, wrote:

>In transactional analysis or game playing this is called the "Yes, but"
>game.Such people according to Bob Beck subconsciously WANT to die and
>play the game  "beat the healer"   I have played that game with enough
>family and friends and acquantances until I am tired.  IF this man will
>only take one product then he is not fully committed to getting well.  If
>he were fully committed he would leave no stone unturned in his serach for
>a cure.  He wants to die.that is all I can say.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #691

2000-09-30 Thread Annhope1
Some of you might recall I had questioned the strength of my 500ppm CS. I 
sent it to Bob and seeing his post below reminded me I meant to post the 
results which are:


Although his lingo is unfamiliar to me, the bottom line is the 500ppm is only 
When I first purchased this CS many years ago, I thought 500ppm was the norm 
until I started seeing 10-12ppm. Then all sorts of questions came about. 
<< Helen;
  I have tested two samples from other sources that claimed to be 500ppm. One 
 64 ppm and the other was 104 ppm.
 I have very serious doubts that you have 400 ppm colloidal silver.
 As for IV EDTA chealation I have had it and it works great as a chemical roto
 rooter for the vewssel system.
 "Ole Bob">>

Some time ago when I first found this list and had sent off my sample to be 
tested I ordered some other CS. In the interim, I had eaten lunch one day and 
within 45 started to get really ill (that'll teach me to eat my own cooking) 
I got vertigo, severe nausea, head ache...  I had food poisoning, been there, 
done that. I grabbed that NOW 105ppm CS and took about 1 - 2  T. Within 10 
minutes I was almost symptom free. I can't tell you how relieved I was, the 
last bout with food poisoning put me in the hospital, just gads of fun. 
So for the lurkers... IT WORKS!

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CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #691

2000-09-30 Thread Annhope1
Maybe this would work for your cat that has the sinus problem, you just need 
to know if cats can tolerate or are sensitive to eucalyptus? 
I have a question for all.  If during the cooking process of making CS you 
don't add salt, how does adding saline to CS afterwards affect it?
I had added saline to CS for my cats nose but then hesitated to use it due to 
someone saying "don't add salt in the cooking process".  
<< Eureka! I found it!  Thanks for all the suggestions.  
 Get a bottle of good saline solution.  Pour out half and fill to the top 
 with CS.  Add 1-2 drops of oil of eucalyptus (try one drop at first and 
 increase to two drops if you like).  Use as a nasal spray. >>

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Testing and bother

2000-09-30 Thread Henry Reed
Chuck I read that tag line before I say your name but I knew it had to
be you, and sure enough!!  What a gas. wrote:
> You might find what you want from links at theis excellent page:
> Chuck
> To air is human, to sit back and snicker while everyone holds their nose is
> sadistic!
> On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 22:14:37 -0400, "Tim Eastman"  wrote:
> >Also my sister the metalurgical chemist is driving me nuts and swears up and
> >down that we're poisoning ourselves beyond repair. Could someone PLEASE
> >point me to a good webpage or an article in the archives which will show her
> >*chemically* why that which we produce ourselves is safe to use (barring
> >deliberate massive ingestions).
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Unidentified subject! (PILES)

2000-09-30 Thread Henry Reed
John, I think you are definitely correct on that one.  Leave off sugar
for a few days and that usually does it.  But people are weak and WILL
do the bad dietary thing no matter what usually.  And no one ever does
all they know to do always.  So other avenues are wanted/needed. 

john rigby wrote:
> Ha folks,
> Wouldn't it be really easier, much less better to find out what
> you are eating that does it ... and stop?
> Cheers,
> John
> - Original Message -
> From: "Henry Reed" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 11:00 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Unidentified subject!
> > Hold onto your hats for this one.  If you are of a delicate
> nature you
> > should quit reading this now.  A peeled, oiled garlic bud
> inserted into
> > the anus and retained for hours (until it is expelled
> naturally) will do
> > wonders for hemorrhoids.  This need to be repeated perhaps many
> times.
> > When one is expelled just insert another.  When your breath and
> skin
> > begin to exude too much garlic odor, lay off a few days and
> then start
> > up again.  If you experience nausea, headaches, etc. then you
> are
> > herxing.  When it gets too, too bad lay off for a few days.
> After a
> > while you will feel great and the herxing will stop.  After
> that, repeat
> > only as needed.  Got that from an old, old book on health.
> Works, and
> > is cheep too, even cheap.   anonymous  (hope springs eternal
> I've heard)
> >
> > Marsha Hallett wrote:
> > >
> > > > Will colloidal silver help hemmorroids? And if it can, how
> do I apply it?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks!
> > >
> > > Probably not, but it`ll sure keep infections away! I take 400
> IU to 800 IU a
> > > day of Vitamin E to keep away hemorrhoids and varicose veins,
> which are the
> > > same thing in different places.
> > >  Vitamin A, 25,000 IU of natural fish oil A  a day, helps
> too, as both keep
> > > skin stretchy, and that includes the skin tissue which forms
> veins and
> > > arteries!
> > > Both help stop migraines, too.
> > > Marsha
> > >
> > > --
> > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
> colloidal silver.
> > >
> > > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
> message to:
> > >  -or-
> > > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > > Silver-list archive:
> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Fw: CS>Help needed !

2000-09-30 Thread Marsha Hallett
> > Marsha, although I respect and appreciate your ideas no one wants to go
> this way.  It is too early when you have to go in pain.  That is why we
are all
> > teaching ourselves how to stay healthy.  I don't think that 71 years old
> is a natural age to die.  I don't think cancer is a natural way to die.
> Cancer is a theif robbing people of their lives while their minds struggle
> > prepare themselves for a death they are not ready for.  I believe that
> when it is one's time to go they are ready.  What would it be like to die
> > you are not ready???
> > Best,
> > Kim

Dear Kim,
 Death comes on us at various times. Some are ready, knowing illness is the
way they are going out, others are taken quickly in a car crash, never
knowing what hit them. No matter the way, it is always the right time for
each soul, for God knows fully, when we may not.
My granddaughter was two days old when she died. Was she ready to die? Yes.
My daughter, (who was there at Children`s Hospital with her brother, the
dad,) saw her pass; she appeared as a girl of 15 with long, curly black
hair. She smiled at Robyn, then disappeared. Just then the heart monitor
went flat-line.
All she needed was to come to Earth for her body, dwell in it for a short
time, then return Home. She was finished. She was so spiritually pure she
needed no long life of testing and schooling.
 Molly Sorensen died recently when a tree fell on her and her family at a
reunion here in Utah. Was she finished? Yes. She was 52.
Her granddaughter, also named Molly Sorensen, aged 6, also died.
Tragedy? Only for those left behind. Big Molly`s breast cancer had returned,
so she was spared a slower, more painful death. Little Molly, like my
Brenna, was also worthy to return.
 Death is a release from this mortal place which is a school and testing
ground. Only here can we feel the difference between pain and pleasure, joy
and sorrow. Knowing the oppositions isn`t possible in the spirit world. This
is why this world was made as a place for us to come and learn. We are also
to learn to help others, which is why letting others know of CS is so
important to me.
 God knows each one of us perfectly. When it is time to go, we go, no matter
our age, or condition or the need of those left behind. If we aren`t to go,
we are saved, often in miraculous ways!
 I was literally dying from Lyme Disease. I prayed, asking God to either let
me come Home, which was OK by me, or, if he wished me to continue my work in
genealogy, then He`d have to help me get rid of the Lyme. A weeek later the
CS info came from an old buddy of mine. A week after I began taking it, I
knew the Lyme bugs were gone, and I was healing.
 Now I`m in Utah, the home of the largest genealogy library in the world,
soon to begin doing genealogy full-time, which will be my work for the rest
of my life.
 I hope this helps explain things a bit.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fw: CS>Help needed !

2000-09-30 Thread KIM BROWN
> Barb wrote:
>  IF this man will
> > only take one product then he is not fully committed to getting well.
> > he were fully committed he would leave no stone unturned in his serach
> > a cure.  He wants to die.that is all I can say.
> >
> > Barb
> Perhaps I should have explained better.  It is through the son that I have
> to go.  His father is on free fed pain meds.  I have never met his father
> and I don't think he would listen to me.  It would be convincing this
> son to get his father to try something when his state of mind is accepting
> that the MDs can't do anymore and it is time to let him go peacefully.
> Marsha, although I respect and appreciate your ideas no one wants to go
> way.  It is too early when you have to go in pain.  That is why we are all
> teaching ourselves how to stay healthy.  I don't think that 71 years old
> a natural age to die.  I don't think cancer is a natural way to die.
> is a theif robbing people of their lives while their minds struggle to
> prepare themselves for a death they are not ready for.  I believe that
> it is one's time to go they are ready.  What would it be like to die when
> you are not ready???
> Best,
> Kim

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Help needed !

2000-09-30 Thread mfinney
Dear Marsha,

NOt being a member of the "death is okay" crowd, if you feel death is a good
thing then why bother with colloidal silver or any other health modality,
why not let nature"take its course" ...?  Why use medicine at all, after
all it only prolongs the inevitible right?  

I am not a piker in this,  or my quest for physical immortality.  I am aware
of  ALL the great spiritual teachings of the world,  many based on patent
ignorance or politcal crap.  The Human Condition or mans so- called
inhumnity to man will never end until we end negativity and that includes
the big waste that death   is.  I believe in reincarnation ,   but I still
consider death a waste.   I think the purpose of life is for us to learn to
finally unite spirit and matter so that matter ceases to malfunction.  You 
may go "home' as you say. but most evidence worth anything shows that you
will be sent right back.  It is better to conquer aging and death than to
keep going to the beginning of the line and starting over.   

Michael Lee Finney

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Is this still the land of the free?

2000-09-30 Thread mfinney
Dear Frances,

Thanks for that "Visitor FRom the Past" post I have been looking for a copy
of that for over a year since I first heard it read on the radio.

Michael Lee Finney

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Parasites inside of fruit

2000-09-30 Thread mfinney
Dear Bricky,

My typing must be getting much worse.  I said radionics  not radcon?  
Radionics is very weird.  The USDA ran trials supposedly in the 1950s and
had a 95% kill rate on japaneses beetles.  I am not the best person to 
explain it as I am still trying to understand it.  Best explanation is in
the book VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE.  And the USDA trials are written in the book

Michael Lee Finney

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Help needed !

2000-09-30 Thread mfinney
Dear Kim,

Your friends father needs some full alternative cancer protocols.  One
product alone may not do it.  CS as part of the full Beck protocols may
have a chance.  But it need dedication.  As the late herblist Dr. John
Chrisopher once said,  getting well is an 18 hour a day job.!  People who
want a quick easy fix are going to be dissappointed.  That is the flaw with
the entire medical profession.  Every one wants one magic pill or surgery
that will fix everything,  make up for years of bad diet, bad, thought ,
and then when such people do try alternatives, they do so half heartedly,
not in the right way and the they can say "Ha it did not work for mre!"   
In transactional analysis or game playing this is called the "Yes, but"
game.Such people according to Bob Beck subconsciously WANT to die and
play the game  "beat the healer"   I have played that game with enough
family and friends and acquantances until I am tired.  IF this man will
only take one product then he is not fully committed to getting well.  If
he were fully committed he would leave no stone unturned in his serach for
a cure.  He wants to die.that is all I can say.

Michael Lee Finney

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RE: Help Needed! ATTN: Kim Brown

2000-09-30 Thread mfinney
Dear Kim,

Feeling guilty for my earlier negative post on the futility of dealing with
some sick people  who are not open minded.  Try this.  if you got one shot
get him Dr. Lorrane Day's video CANCER DOESN'T SCARE ME ANYMORE .  I think
her website is

Michael Lee Finney

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RE: Help Needed! ATTN: Kim Brown

2000-09-30 Thread mfinney
  Re:cancer and hydrazine sulphate(aka rocket fuel)  as I understand it this
only helps with cahexia or the rapid weight loss of many cancers, it is not
a total cure alonecorrect me if I am in error in this as I have not
done in-depth resarch into this/

Michael Lee Finney

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