Re: CS>Hoof and Mouth

2001-04-22 Thread Nancy Steele
Thank you for your quick reply and for clearing that up.  I really
appreciate it
-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley 
Date: Saturday, April 21, 2001 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Hoof and Mouth

>Nancy Steele wrote:
>>  Hey guys how about the fact that you cant give CS to animals with
>> more than one stomach. Has there been more research done that shows
>> that you can do that?  I havent checked the list for a while and I was
>> on another forum and saw people suggesting that they check here to see
>> if CS wouldn't help their cows.  Other people were asking about
>> doseages.  I think this list is pretty respected and I know you guys
>> aren't farmers but especially when Marshall and Bob Berger say to do
>> it lots of people listen.
>Theoretically it is a problem, and our web site warns against it.
>Practically however, I have had several people get back to me with
>information that they have given CS to cows with very good results.
>This is what we know.
>1. Giving CS to (at least some) insects will cause them to starve due to
>killing the bacteria in their digestive systems.  Kills bees and
>termites at a minimum.
>2. Giving CS to mammals normally causes no problems, ie. cats, dogs,
>people.  In Vitro studies have shown that CS is ineffective in solid
>materials (not to be confused with topical use where it is effective),
>thus is ineffective in the intestines, unless one has dysentery.
>Why it is a problem for insects is not known, but I can think of several
>possibilities.  First their intestines appear to contain liquid instead
>of solids, thus the effectiveness is not decreased.  Or there is so
>little material in the intestines, and they tend to drink so much CS,
>that the lack of effectiveness is not enough to prevent killing the
>bacteria anyway. Or the bacteria that they have in their intestines is
>especially susceptible to silver.
>3. Cows and other animals have more than one stomach.  The first stomach
>is basically a fermentation pot, in which bacteria and fungi break down
>cellulose so that the later stomach(s) can digest the grass/hay/leaves.
>4. If the bacteria are killed, then fermentation can not take place, the
>cellulose cannot be digested, and passes through as roughage.
>Now the question is how can one give CS to cows without disrupting the
>digestion process in the first stomach.
>There are several possibilities.
>1.  The first stomach contains material in a sludge which decreases the
>effectiveness sufficiently that fermentation can still take place. (I
>have no data on this, just a thought)
>2. When a cow drinks water, it is passed directly to the second stomach,
>bypassing the first stomach. (once again just conjecture).
>3. If the CS is given at times other than when feeding, the CS will be
>gone before feeding.
>4. The replication rate of the bacteria is so high, that it overwhelms
>the kill rate of the CS, so there is no negative effect.  This one will
>depend on the ppm of the CS.
>So, we have several different avenues that can be explored for giving CS
>to cows.  Determining if digestion is being impacted adversely should be
>easily determined by studying the cow's patties.  If the grass is not
>being broken down the paddies should contain lots of undigested grass.
>1. If number one is correct, then there is no problem, provided that the
>ppm of the CS is not too high.
>2. If number two is correct, then there is no problem, with any ppm of
>3. If we use the third method, then even if one and two are incorrect,
>we should still be able to give CS between meals. (yeh, I know a grazing
>cow eats almost continually, so it may have to be hay fed).
>4. If we use the fourth method, then one would need to use a CS which
>does not affect the digestion.  This can be determined by increasing the
>ppm of the CS and observing the patties and determining at what point
>some digestive distress is encountered.
>So at the very least, I believe some experimentation should be done.
>Fortunately one should be able to determine distress in cows long before
>they starve to death, and replenishing the bacteria in the first stomach
>should not be a problem since they eat grass that is unwashed and have
>had patties on and around it.
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>OT:Cancer Protocol...Observation.

2001-04-22 Thread BROOKS BRADLEY
In reading abstracts from Dr.
Quillin's article on "Cancer' Sweet Tooth", published in Nutirition
Science News, April, 2000, it occurred to me that in view of the fact he
states that mannoheptulose (an abstract from the avocado) has
demonstrated marked effectivity in controlling tumor cell growth (65% to
79%)there could be a useful reinforcement derived from persons
amenable to Urine Therapy protocols..since mannoheptulose displays a
marked tendency to concentrate in the urine.
This is just an
observation..not a recommendation.
Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-04-22 Thread Joanne
Dear Brooks and list
Thank you for telling me about the attachment..only problem is I did not send 
it.  I have about 8 messages in my inbox..all of them say I sent them.  When I 
check my sent items it says I sent them with an attachment.  I have not sent 
anything at all.  My son is coming over later to see if he can figure out what 
is going on.  Anyone have any ideas let me know.
Enjoy the day

CS>Poison Ivy Immunology

2001-04-22 Thread Arthur Rambo

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Conversions H2O2 and CS

2001-04-22 Thread A.V.R.A
Greetings, all:

For those interested, the second form program I've written has been modified
to optionally calculate the amount of silver in milligrams of a colloidal
silver solution, and display the amount of Hydrogen Peroxide in mg ( when a
H2O2 solution is used ).

For instance, currently, on this form one can choose 3 drops of a 35% H2O2
solution added to eight ounces of water, select that the CS solution is
about 10ppm, and the answer will display:

The exact concentration of the hydrogen peroxide in the end solution
 .0288% )

The amount of silver in the end solution ( 2.366 mg ).

The amount of hydrogen peroxide in the end solution ( .068 grams ).

I will be adding the H2O2 parts per million, as soon as my function
functions properly.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fungus Amoung us

2001-04-22 Thread Bill Fernald
If you don't have any interest in chronic Sinusitis, its treatment or cause,
don't open this page I just out up. If you are interested, get ready to have
your eyes opened wide!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Virus warning

2001-04-22 Thread Joanne
My computer is sending viruses from my address book, do not open any 
attachments from me at this time!!!

CS>Virus warning

2001-04-22 Thread Joanne
My computer is sending viruses from my address book, do not open any 
attachments from me at this time!!!


2001-04-22 Thread Lynda Khula
found two viruses in my machine,  JOKE BURPER AND JOKE SCRSWITCH  anyone else 
get these not sure but think they came from email virus alert from Joanne


2001-04-22 Thread Joanne
Hi Lynda...not sure what list you are on because all my messages just say they 
are from me and don't say who they are from.  I am assuming you are on the 
silver list.  My son has been here most of the day trying to fix this thing.  
For some reason Norton did not want to delete them.\My apologies to 
everyone.I have not sent out any attachments nor have I opened any so I 
don't know how this happened...
We are working on it but Dave just quit on me for now..he needed a break
.Again my apologies to all