2004-10-01 Thread Roger Barker
Hi Garnet, sorry about the tardy reply to your posting - been a bit hectic
around here lately.
As you suggest I'll make a saturated solution with urea and distilled water
then add 10% to some DMSO and do the nose test.
Will keep you informed.

Cheers,  Roger

on 26/9/2004 7:09 AM, Garnet at wrote:

Dr Jacob's did not say if it 10% by volume or weight, but I would just
get in the ball park and see if it works. Can't hurt you, as urea is in
many hand lotions and cosmetics as a moisturizing, and probably
anti-bacterial ingredient.

By volume you would need to rehydrate the urea to some standard
solution, not sure how much that would be. If you want to go this way
try dissolving it in a cup of water until no more will dissolve. Use 1
part of this to 9 parts dilute DMSO. Dilute the DMSO to 50% first, use
CS if you like or just distilled water.

By weight dilute DMSO to 50%, weigh it or assume it is one gram per ml,
since water is. Take say a liter, 1000 ml, that would weigh 1000 gms.
Ten percent by weight would call for 100 grams of urea, which you could
weigh on a good food scale. (Target has a good digital for $20). product with urea is 50% DMSO, if I am remembering
correctly. You are starting with 99.9% so basically need to cut this in
half if you are trying to replicate his formula.


On Sat, 2004-09-25 at 00:53, Roger Barker wrote:
I've got 99.9% DMSO and plenty of clean urea. If anyone would care to offer
suggestions/mixings or ideas re testing for odour removal I'll give it a try
during the following week.

Cheers,  Roger

on 20/9/2004 9:09 AM, Garnet at wrote:

I am curious if one could add their own urea to the vet grade stuff.
Urea is available as a feed product for cattle. You might have to buy
50# though! Search for Tri Medica's site, they sell urea and maybe they
sell it in smaller quantity. Jacob Lab's low odor topical liquid is 10%


Re: CShelp for asthma

2004-10-01 Thread Christine Carleton
Ensure she's aware MD's can loose their licence to practice if they do not
prescribe a pharmaceutical first.   Refer to a dictionary - anti means
against, biotic means life.  Counter-clockwise proteins and strands of DNA
do not exist on planet earth as natural substances. Simple counter-clockwise
proteins have been synthesised in a lab, but they are dead, having no place
in the life forms of this world.

What does she want?  Perhaps, gentle constant care by a doctor - it may be
nurturing when someone is holding onto emotional pain.  Some people feel
this is supportive and enjoy sharing their ailments as a topic of
conversation.  Others are too ornery, educated or independent to use a
'locked into meds' protocol. Whatever her choice, it's right for her.
Support her with her choices.  Broadening the scope of education can be
helpful.  Research the site to discover more than most MD's
will tell her in a quick visit.

For reasons known only to the supreme powers that ignite life within each of
us, the major molecules that make up living systems on earth are all chiral
in the same way. This is true for all of natures plants, animals and
micro-organisms. Amino acids are the basic molecular building material of
living matter. All amino acids are l-isomers (left-handed). Right-handed
amino acids can be made in a laboratory, but they are all dead and are not
found in living organisms.

DNA rotates in a clockwise direction.  Natural products do too.  They
harmoniously blend with the body and support it.  Intent counts.  Clockwise
circles direct the intent we are placing a spin on the molecules of our CS
waters that enables them to more easily engage within every cell of our
bodies as well as the strands of DNA that form our cellular intelligence.
Check the veracity of this with muscle testing.

There are numerous complementary practitioners who delve in natural methods
to cleanse and rebuild the body.

Other aspects to consider:

Dr. Batmanghelidj's (aka Dr. Batman) book 'Your Bodies' Many Cries for
Internal climate is dry.  This is different than drinking water.  Sometimes
one drinks water but is unable to utilise it.  See BodyTalk practitioner for
tweaking water utilisation (hydration) internally and connection to the
spheno-basilar junction which is mobile in healthy people.
Drink CS enhanced water
Emotions:  Grief with sadness, shame, disappointment, guilt, or other
psychological factors which may be locked in emotional, mental or spiritual
energy levels... 
Virtue:  Rectitude, righteousness, dignity, INTERGITY  perhaps think again
about community standards/conventions and do what is in HEART not
Expression:  tendency to weeping, outwards and/or inwards
Smell:  Can tend towards putrid/rotten
Nose:  Smell can be depleted
Fluids tend to mucus
Body hair may be thinning or diminishing
Organs influencing: Large Intestine - congestion  often benefits from
extended internal cleansing - check out Apothecary shops for natural herbs
Primary organ:  Lungs - avoid steam inhalation.  Apply essential oils
topically, over lungs, throat, drop on pillow or diffuse subject to
respective protocols French or English certified qualities.  Essential oils
should not be inhaled for asthma related problems.  They can be applied to
the feet or ingested (if they are GRAS certified - Generally Regarded As
Safe by the FDA for human consumption.)
Triggers - maybe respiratory infection, exercise, stress, allergies
Cleansing - change internal pH from acidic to alkaline, change diet.
Dental status - lungs related to American nomenclatures #4, 5, 12, 13, 20,
21, 30, 31, 
Chiropractic - relationship of spinal challenges related to LU an LI
Endocrine influence - thymus, pituitary; intermediate and posterior lobes
Stress, trauma, tension, emotions, memories, drama are locked in limbic
brain - routed via amygdala over the frequencies of smell.  Access with
specific essential oils.  The other four primary senses are routed via
thalamus to cerebral cortex.
Asthmatic attacks may be treated with specific AFNOR standard essential oils
by insertion in the rectum which will make contact via the meridians with
the lungs in 3-5 seconds and open the lungs for the individual can breath
before the ambulance arrives.  This is distinctly off topic, so if you want
to know more contact me off line.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:01 PM
 Subject: CShelp for asthma

 to all...will someone please tell me of a successful approach with wife is seeing three drs and taking a ton of meds...nothing
 seems to help her clear her lungsthanks


2004-10-01 Thread sol

 I ordered some of the Jacob Lab Dura 60, which is their low odor 
product with Urea (60% DMSO). It may not produce the terrible BO or the 
dragon breath but it smells terrible on its own. Sort of a hydrocarbon 
or burned plastic chemical smell which I find extremely unpleasant. And 
it leaves a sticky residue on the skin which I find also unpleasant, and 
which probably comes from the glycerin.
 Given the very expensive price, I think I will stick with the garlicky 
regular DMSO, unless desperate and in need of going out publicly!
 However I'm very interested in your results with a homemade solution 
with urea. And I'd really like to know if your solution has the awful 
chemical smell the Jacob Lab product does.


Roger Barker wrote:

Hi Garnet, sorry about the tardy reply to your posting - been a bit 
hectic around here lately.
As you suggest I'll make a saturated solution with urea and distilled 
water then add 10% to some DMSO and do the nose test.

Will keep you informed.

Cheers,  Roger

on 26/9/2004 7:09 AM, Garnet at wrote:

Dr Jacob's did not say if it 10% by volume or weight, but I would just
get in the ball park and see if it works. Can't hurt you, as urea is in
many hand lotions and cosmetics as a moisturizing, and probably
anti-bacterial ingredient.

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2004-10-01 Thread ALopezTCR
Please someone, let me know if we can find a dmso product that doesn't make 
one smell terrible.  Maybe there is another compound that has the same action 
as dmso?  I have no idea.


Re: CSMuscle testing....

2004-10-01 Thread Christine Carleton
Muscle testing ( aka Applied Kinesiology - AK ) is a body of knowledge that
generally is acknowledged as beginning with Dr. George Goodheart, DC in the
early 1960's utilizing the bio-feedback technique of manual muscle testing.

Dr. John Thie (DC) introduced AK via the book called 'Touch for Health' in
1973.  AK was the first simple, truly holistic system of health care
available to people with no previous knowledge of the body or how it works
for them (even children with allergies and ADD etc.).  Many practitioners
have employed it with different healing modalities and studies since then.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD lectures on cell biology, histology and embryology.
He researched on mechanisms controlling cell behaviour employed cloned
human muscle cells. Dr. Lipton resigned his tenured position to pursue
independent research integrating quantum physics with cell biology. His
breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, the skin of the cell, revealed
that the behaviour and health of the cell was controlled by the environment,
findings that were in direct contrast with prevailing dogma that life is
controlled by genes.

Dr. John Veltheim, ND, CD, DTCM founder of BodyTalk utilizes a form of AK
with application over established models of anatomy and physiology and
classical Chinese medicine etc.

Dr. Phil McGraw, PhD demonstrated in September 2004 on his Dr. Phil TV show
how an ADD child could use it effectively to control/balance his head's
biochemistry ups and downs.

Dr. Frank Lawlis, MD, author demonstrates electronic bio-feedback effective
controlling erratic brain impulses as shown in neuro diagnosed ADD/ADHD

Dr. David Hawkins, MD, PhD used it in his ground breaking book Power vs
Force, the Hidden Determinates of Human Behaviour.  The results correlates
well with Rupert Sheldrakes¹s Morphogenetic Fields hypothesis.  It also
correlates with Karl Pribrams¹s holographic model of brain-mind function.

In a holographic universe the achievements of every individual contribute to
the advancement and well-being of the whole. The facts presented in Power
vs Force ascertains the conclusions reached by Nobelist Sir John Eccles that
the brain acts as a receiving set for energy patterns residing in the mind
itself, which exist as consciousness expressed in the form of thought.

Dr. Dan Dyer, MD, motivational speaker and author referred to it recently in
his fund raising efforts for PBS.  Intention counts. Integrity is essential.

It is the vanity of the ego that claims thoughts as Œmine.¹ Genius commonly
attributes the source of creative leaps of awareness to that basis of all
consciousness which as traditionally been called Divinity.  It is within all
of us.  Integrity is required in self sometimes beyond prevailing social
consciousness or influenced 'belief systems'.

There are many sites dealing with AK and detractors who have vested
interests that you not to be able to ascertain truth for yourself.

Initially the deltoid muscle (thus required two people) was utilized,
however, as with all modalities refinement occurs over time.  Now many
people use their fingers in a locking and releasing pattern (can self test)
to ascertain the same results.  As one practices and builds the AK muscle,
plus learns to trust their body instead of their mind/ego, accuracy
increases.  Truth, honesty, integrity are essential and may require media
'conditioned programs' to be re-evaluated.

Any good bookstore will carry information on AK.  It's relatively easy to
learn and develops trust in one's self instead of outside influences.

Benefits apply not only to health, health products, medications, etc, but
the validity of the latest news report.  One is not as easily led by special
interest groups that may be politically influential with the FDA or other
governing bodies.  Thus there are many detractors.  One learns what is
beneficial for themselves or family.  As Al Gore wisely said 'a grass roots
up-swelling is stronger than any political platform'.  This is not to be
construed as a political position but recognition of dynamics of authentic
power verses force.  When people wake up to the truth within themselves,
our society will mature and change for the better.  Brain chemistry changes
as one moves beyond 200 MHz producing a kinder, empathetic, cognition
to the environment, nature, fundamental laws of life and living.

With specific focus on CS, one can ascertain the frequency of use, and the
strength that is most beneficial day by day or week by week.  Remember to
stir in a clockwise fashion for optimal benefits.


 From: tbass
 CS Gang,
 How does one learn Muscle testing..??
 Can it be done by one person or needs
 two people? Any comments? A direct
 e-mail is acceptable.
 Tom Bassett

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CSsota addy

2004-10-01 Thread Shirley Reed
  I think it is just  

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages! 

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Re: CSMuscle testing....

2004-10-01 Thread Sally Khanna
I studied AK in the late 70's.  Very interesting and fun.  We were taught the 
latissimus dorsi muscle reacts to emotional issues more than other muscles, 
therefore the arm tests work well.
I personally found, I could control the outcome by my thoughts, if they were 
strong and intense enough.  When I would relax, there was a different outcome.  
 Admittedly, I was interfering, but it was fun to see how powerful thoughts can 

Christine Carleton wrote:
Muscle testing ( aka Applied Kinesiology - AK ) is a body of knowledge that
generally is acknowledged as beginning with Dr. George Goodheart, DC in the
early 1960's utilizing the bio-feedback technique of manual muscle testing.

Dr. John Thie (DC) introduced AK via the book called 'Touch for Health' in
1973. AK was the first simple, truly holistic system of health care
available to people with no previous knowledge of the body or how it works
for them (even children with allergies and ADD etc.). Many practitioners
have employed it with different healing modalities and studies since then.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD lectures on cell biology, histology and embryology.
He researched on mechanisms controlling cell behaviour employed cloned
human muscle cells. Dr. Lipton resigned his tenured position to pursue
independent research integrating quantum physics with cell biology. His
breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, the skin of the cell, revealed
that the behaviour and health of the cell was controlled by the environment,
findings that were in direct contrast with prevailing dogma that life is
controlled by genes.

Dr. John Veltheim, ND, CD, DTCM founder of BodyTalk utilizes a form of AK
with application over established models of anatomy and physiology and
classical Chinese medicine etc.

Dr. Phil McGraw, PhD demonstrated in September 2004 on his Dr. Phil TV show
how an ADD child could use it effectively to control/balance his head's
biochemistry ups and downs.

Dr. Frank Lawlis, MD, author demonstrates electronic bio-feedback effective
controlling erratic brain impulses as shown in neuro diagnosed ADD/ADHD

Dr. David Hawkins, MD, PhD used it in his ground breaking book Power vs
Force, the Hidden Determinates of Human Behaviour. The results correlates
well with Rupert Sheldrakes¹s Morphogenetic Fields hypothesis. It also
correlates with Karl Pribrams¹s holographic model of brain-mind function.

In a holographic universe the achievements of every individual contribute to
the advancement and well-being of the whole. The facts presented in Power
vs Force ascertains the conclusions reached by Nobelist Sir John Eccles that
the brain acts as a receiving set for energy patterns residing in the mind
itself, which exist as consciousness expressed in the form of thought.

Dr. Dan Dyer, MD, motivational speaker and author referred to it recently in
his fund raising efforts for PBS. Intention counts. Integrity is essential.

It is the vanity of the ego that claims thoughts as Œmine.¹ Genius commonly
attributes the source of creative leaps of awareness to that basis of all
consciousness which as traditionally been called Divinity. It is within all
of us. Integrity is required in self sometimes beyond prevailing social
consciousness or influenced 'belief systems'.

There are many sites dealing with AK and detractors who have vested
interests that you not to be able to ascertain truth for yourself.

Initially the deltoid muscle (thus required two people) was utilized,
however, as with all modalities refinement occurs over time. Now many
people use their fingers in a locking and releasing pattern (can self test)
to ascertain the same results. As one practices and builds the AK muscle,
plus learns to trust their body instead of their mind/ego, accuracy
increases. Truth, honesty, integrity are essential and may require media
'conditioned programs' to be re-evaluated.

Any good bookstore will carry information on AK. It's relatively easy to
learn and develops trust in one's self instead of outside influences.

Benefits apply not only to health, health products, medications, etc, but
the validity of the latest news report. One is not as easily led by special
interest groups that may be politically influential with the FDA or other
governing bodies. Thus there are many detractors. One learns what is
beneficial for themselves or family. As Al Gore wisely said 'a grass roots
up-swelling is stronger than any political platform'. This is not to be
construed as a political position but recognition of dynamics of authentic
power verses force. When people wake up to the truth within themselves,
our society will mature and change for the better. Brain chemistry changes
as one moves beyond 200 MHz producing a kinder, empathetic, cognition
to the environment, nature, fundamental laws of life and living.

With specific focus on CS, one can ascertain the frequency of use, and the
strength that is most beneficial day by day or week by week. 

CSdog ear infection

2004-10-01 Thread Acmeair
a lab dog has come down with an ear infection, wetness inside, shaking 
ears a lot.  gave the guy some CS to wash the ears down. seemed to help 
for a while but not much help lately. would 10% dmso help?  tried to get 
help out of the archives, but didn't come up with much.  any help 


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2004-10-01 Thread Garnet
Gaylord Chemical's low odor (different process that removes an impurity)
USP DMSO product may be better than Jacob Labs product. Jacob Labs tried
to buy them out last year but it did not go through. But you must get it
through a health care provider, even though it is OTC.


On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 10:26, wrote:
 Please someone, let me know if we can find a dmso product that doesn't
 make one smell terrible.  Maybe there is another compound that has the
 same action as dmso?  I have no idea.

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2004-10-01 Thread ALopezTCR
In a message dated 10/1/2004 7:03:09 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

I wrote to them so hopefully I will see how to obtain this. 
Thanks so much,


Re: CSFDA takes action against colloidal silver

2004-10-01 Thread Dennis Gulenchin

Sorry I took so long to answer but I was away to Mn. for a few days and 
came back to almost 500 messages so I am far behind.
I'm not sure what kind of regulations the FDA has on aspertame if any, 
but they would probably take away the dairy farmers licence to sell milk.


Jim Holmes wrote:

Hi all,
Dennis wrote, re: regulation of silver, ...appropriate regulatory 
Do you mean like with Aspertame?

-Original Message-From: Dennis Gulenchin
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 11:23 PM
Subject: CSFDA takes action against colloidal silver

FDA has taken action against colloidal silver products, and is
continuing to investigate the promotion and use of colloidal
silver products in dairy and other animals. If necessary, FDA will
take further appropriate regulatory action.


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CSRe:Keeping our alternative treatments

2004-10-01 Thread Dennis Gulenchin
Maybe a way of getting around the gestapo ways of the FDA is to have the 
native people sell and promote alternative treatments for any (lack of 
health) symptoms. They have been advertising their Lakota rheumatoid 
arthritis formula in magazines and on TV for some time so maybe the FDA 
has no jurisdiction over native Americans?
Lakota Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment 

There seem to be different laws or lack of laws for natives so if they 
got into the sale of alternative treatments and supplements it would be 
benificial to everyone and the FDA could not stop them.  This is just my 
theory, not sure if it would work, but I think we have to look for ways 
to stay ahead of Codex and FDA and our gestapo health Canada people!


sol wrote:

 Thanks for posting the Dr. Rath article. I had some info from his 
site sometime ago, but had lost it and wanted to save it. The amount 
of $$$ driving the world wide push against all alternative health 
measures (complementary if you prefer!) is mind-boggling. Amazing that 
the sicker we are the more money they make. The whole medical system 
is tainted.


Christine Carleton wrote:

Also - The Alliance of Nations - 
An Open Letter by Dr. Rath in the New York Times of June 30, 2004. 

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Re: CSFW: CSHydrogen Peroxide

2004-10-01 Thread Dennis Gulenchin
Why do MD's bother taking the hippocratic oath? It is disregarded 
immediately- it should be changed to the pharmaceutical oath where they 
swear to prescribe as many drugs as possible as long as it doesn't kill 
the patient before his bank account is drained!


sol wrote:

You are probably right about the legal issue. When did the 
responsibility change from helping a patient, to prescribing 
pharmaceuticals? Is this relatively recent, or did I just spend the 
majority of my life ignorant of the true purpose of MDs? It all seems 
to be escalating so fast..


Christine Carleton wrote:


It's not personal.  It's legal.

In court the first responsibility of an MD is to prescribe 

rather than suggest clean water or food to patients.


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