Re: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

2004-12-16 Thread Sally Khanna
In Ayurveda, we were taught to boil pure gold in water (I don't have the 
specifics handy) to produce "gold water"  or the same process for silver.  this 
produces a somewhat homeopathic water.

Ed Kasper  wrote:
I have a question. Since distilled water is corrosive, why doesn't it
dissolve a percentage of gold from a coin that is simply set in the water.
Isn't that what the pilgrims need with their silver dollars. Seems it would
at least produce a homeopathic type relationship.


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RE: CS>CS:> in Clear glass

2004-12-16 Thread Yogiboy
Hi Harold,

What was the acidity level before adding the mineral concentrate? Is it
necessary to add mineral concentrate and would this effect the

Thanks Ernie

-Original Message-
From: Harold MacDonald [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:32 PM
Subject: CS>CS:> in Clear glass

For three years now I have been making and storing my CS in one gallon
glass jugs.So far they are as clear as the day I started;at least to the
naked eye.I have a clear glass beaker of approx 8 oz. size in which I
one of my first batch samples to age,two plus years ago.It is as clear
the day it was put there.
For just potable water,after distilling,I put approx. 35/40 drops of
concentrace to bring up the acidity to 7.2 to 7.4 PH.;and this is kept
clear glass bottles until used.None of these four one gallon jugs have
evidence of etching.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS:> in Clear glass

2004-12-16 Thread Harold MacDonald
For three years now I have been making and storing my CS in one gallon clear
glass jugs.So far they are as clear as the day I started;at least to the
naked eye.I have a clear glass beaker of approx 8 oz. size in which I put
one of my first batch samples to age,two plus years ago.It is as clear as
the day it was put there.
For just potable water,after distilling,I put approx. 35/40 drops of mineral
concentrace to bring up the acidity to 7.2 to 7.4 PH.;and this is kept in
clear glass bottles until used.None of these four one gallon jugs have any
evidence of etching.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Paul Holloway
I identified it from microscopic examination of what I was 
rinsing out, and had it cultured by a lab, and they found the 
same species I had identified.

Paul H

- Original Message - 
From: "sol" 

Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

How did you have it diagnosed? Cultured?

Paul Holloway wrote:

I have aspergillus fumigatus in my sinuses, and despite 
rinsing and spraying with CS several times a day, it hasn't 
killed it.

Paul H

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2004-12-16 Thread Rene Thurston
I thought I would share a silver success story with everyone, especially
those who may be like me - overtly skeptical!  After this, I'm almost 100%
sold on the benefits of CS.

Ever since my daughter was three or four (she'll be 12 in January), she has
had a problem with developing staph infections out of nowhere.  She is a
very healthy child, rarely even having a cold or flu, so it's a mystery why
she continues to get them.  They started out when she was younger with sties
on her eyes.  She would get what looked like a normal sty on her eyelid,
which would then get huge and would emit green pus.  This happened several
times over a two year period with the doctor having me treat them topically
with prescription soap, hot compresses, etc.  It would clear them up -
eventually - but they were VERY painful for her and it would sometimes take
two to three weeks or more.  She developed one inside her nose one summer
that was just horrible.  That was the last straw for me and I finally
INSISTED they put her on an antibiotic to try to kill, what I felt, was a
lingering bacteria in her system.  I normally am not a fan of antibiotics,
but I was desperate.  

She went three or four years with no problems.  Then last year about this
same time, she developed a spot on her left hip that within a day or two had
turned into a staph infection (verified by testing).  It was REALLY deep
down, so far down it wouldn't even drain.  It was EXCRUCIATINGLY painful for
her, keeping her up at night crying (and she does NOT cry easily).  She was
on 21 days of antibiotics to cure it, and it was so deep, it ended up
leaving a scar.

Last week, she came to me with another of these strange infections popping
up on her knee.  She has been on a daily maintenance dose of silver for
about four or five months.  She said it was a little hot but didn't hurt. 
It looked sort of like a pimple, except for the tell-tale green/yellow pus. 
The pus was right up at the surface, and a little touch and it came right
out.  I immediately soaked a sterile gauze pad with CS and band-aided it
onto her knee.  Each time we changed the bandage, the infection had headed
up at the surface, and a little touch would send the infection right out of
it.  We also upped her to 1/4-1/2 cup of CS a day in Gatorade in addition to
the topical CS.  She complained it was a little sore like a bruise, but it
didn't really hurt unless she pushed on it.  By day three, it was completely
gone.  Now she has a big, dry scab where the skin is dead from the infection
  To get to that stage with her hip last year took 21 days of antibiotics . 
I don't even think this one will scar.  AND NO ANTIBIOTICS!!

Of course, I'm telling myself that maybe it WASN'T the CS and it would have
cleared up on its own - but I seriously doubt it.  It was getting larger the
first day we started the CS, and I think it would have continued to get
worse and worse.   I was really concerned about the infection getting into
her knee joint.  I had decided if the CS wasn't working by the second day, I
would take her to the doctor.  I even used a Sharpie and made dots around
the margins of the infection to show where the redness ended and normal skin
began.  By the next day, the redness had reduced well inside the markings I
had made.

I was a little perplexed as to why she developed one of these anyway since
she is on a maintenance dose of CS.  I have a theory, but I'm no expert.  My
theory is that these infections start topically, not from the inside out. 
Once the infection deepened enough to reach tissue or blood that had CS in
it, it began to head up and extrude the infection.  The topical CS I applied
killed what was left at the surface.  I'm sure there are people here with
more expertise than myself who might confirm or refute such a theory.

In short, the CS:

1. Cleared up an infection in three days that, from past experience, usually
takes not only much time but antibiotics to get rid of.
2. Significantly reduced the discomfort usually associated with these
3. Saved us a visit to the doctor!!  


Just thought I'd share.

Be well,

RE: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

2004-12-16 Thread Ed Kasper
water is a solvent meaning it dissolves things. There are claims that people
are sick because they are dehydrated. see  There are PhD's
and doctors that claim drinking distilled water will leech minerals form
your body so you should not drink distilled water.

Isn't oxidize a break-down of a metal. Dissolving the metal. In theory
distilled water would be pure nothing else in it and Gold as a base metal no
further breakdown into something else is possible so the end result over
enough time will be gold water.

thanks for your thoughts,


-Original Message-
From: Kay Kelly []
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:08 PM
Subject: RE: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

Distilled water is inert to gold and silver.  (water reacts to magnesium
because the magnesium splits the molecule and ignites the hydrogen)  Running
water will erode metal (and rock) over time.  However the particles are too
big to be metabolized by the body.  If you just place gold or silver in
standing water it will simply oxidize.

-Original Message-
From: Ed Kasper []
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:43 PM
Subject: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

I have a question. Since distilled water is corrosive, why doesn't it
dissolve a percentage of gold from a coin that is simply set in the water.
Isn't that what the pilgrims need with their silver dollars. Seems it would
at least produce a homeopathic type relationship.


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RE: CS>thank everyone - update on sick kid

2004-12-16 Thread Ed Kasper
V. Jean.G. that sounds like the western "Germ Theory".
Western science keeps chasing after 'cures" only to find another tragedy.

see Pleomorphism  (the morphing of something into something else)

which is closer to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory of health/disease as
illustrated by the Five Elements ...

Western science can not explain how Colloidal Silver works therefore it does
not work. That's science.

Notwithstanding the claim that  CS kills some 650 pathogens why then can't
western science accept it. (I know why pharmaceuticals and drug companies
will not accept it)  why not high school chemistry classes or public
universities or someone in there own homes. CS simply does not fit into the
germ theory. It does fit into Pleomorphism   and/or TCM. This of course does
not validate Pleomorphism or TCM or even CS. It is just another way of
looking at something.

well, that's my 2 cents. 2 cents is different than a theory or a science. 2
cents is what I put up or shut up with when someone inquires 'a penny for
your thoughts'.

still wondering where that other penny goes,

Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist
Acupuncture is a jab well done   Santa Cruz, CA.

-Original Message-
From: V.Jean.G. []
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:05 PM
Subject: CS>thank everyone - update on sick kid

Lea Ann,
I agree with your doctor, ninety percent of  illness are caused by
viruses and ten percent bacteria. When these viral infections aren't
detected or treated, surgical intervention may be required. Viruses have
the capabililty to spread to vital organs, and lastly the brain. There
is medicine for bacterial infections but nothing to fight back viruses.
Anti-biotics help to a degree but not strong enough to kill viruses.
People are left to fend for themselves.

The world is a cesspool of contamination and we're doing little to
nothing to clean up the environment.  At this time, many animals are
getting sick too. The only thing we get from Government is talk and no
action. I seriously doubt there's only one or two cases of Mad-Cow
Disease in the U.S.  Mankind is doing it to themselves, all we need is
an epidemic and the rest is history.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>lyme disease Recipe

2004-12-16 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Wayne,
Rosemary was born in 1942 and used her silver nose drops which turned her
gray over a period of time. When she started High School, a nun asked her
why she was that color? Imagine, a girl looking in a mirror daily as she
combed or brushed her hair and applied make-up and NOT realizing that she
had turned color. I have her entire story on my Favorites and will forward
it if you're interested.

Best regards,
Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: adrian []
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: CS>lyme disease Recipe

If you can find it, Victorian medical literature has some details, and
the FDA warns people about going gray. I don't think its too much silver
too fast but a side effect of other metabolic conditions as it happens
but rarely. Like fi I have a goutish disposition, which is a metabolic
variant from "normal".  I once had a 3rd degree burn and got a  pound
jar of silvazine to smear on it and did not go gray.


Wayne Fugitt wrote:
> Morning Marshall,
>  >  In reality, I think she is the only one that has the recipe.
>> I don't follow you. Rosemary Jacobs turned blue from silver nitrate nose
>> drops.  She never took colloidal silver or EIS in her life.
>Yes, I know that and you know that.
> That is why I said that poor ole Rosemary is the only one that
> really knows about the turning gray recipe.   Her medical records make
> it clear what tinted her skin.
>Is she still alive?  Anyone know here age?
>The original message suggested that more than a few ounces per drink
> would be hazardous to the skin color.

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Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

2004-12-16 Thread James Allison
Jez, and here I was thinking I had to stop at 20 gallons on a daily 
basis to be safe  ;)


- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

Thanks, but I screwed up the math on that, there are 2.2 pound per 
kilogram, and

I figured 2.2 kilograms per pound. The correct answer is slightly over 100
gallons a day.

3.8 gram/.1 (10 ppm) = 38 grams of EIS
38 g/1000 g/kg = 380 Kg of EIS
380 Kg*2.2lb/Kg = 836 lbs of EIS
836 lbs/8 lb/gallon = 104.5 gallons

Marshall wrote:

In a message dated 12/16/04 2:30:00 PM EST, writes:

<< It might be noted that 3.8 grams a day of silver taken as 10 ppm EIS 

be 380 kilograms of EIS, or approximately 22 gallons a day. >>

I am SO glad you posted that.   Thank you.  MA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Ahoen Oil

2004-12-16 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Brickey,
Make some CCu (colloidal copper) and mix with some CS in a Spray bottle and
mist on your Trees--I believe that might kill the mold; In addition, I'll
ask my Citrus Consultant friend what he'd recommend and let you know his
Check my new Site & drop me a comment if you can.
Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 9:24 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Ahoen Oil

  In a message dated 12/11/2004 7:29:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
cut the heat and add two finely
sliced garlic cloves (not the whole head.)
  I made 500cc of Ahoen oil and put it into an old salad dressing bottle.
Got a bright idea to put everything in my vita-mix blender.  Seems to work
better than cutting garlic cloves.
  Garlic is one item that fights fungus. I have a sinus problem that I am
sure is fungus related. I am doing 4 500cc CS sinus flushes plus one
breath-ease perday for the last three weeks.  Still bunches of black mold
being flushed.  I even took a olive leaf capsule boiled in some CS which I
added to the gallon of CS, Xylitol, H2O2, MSM, DMSO.

  I have a big fungus problem on my christmas trees that no one seems to
know how to stop.  I am thinking of using some linseed oil with
chopped/blended garlic, CS and CCU to spray the fresh cut stumps to prevent
the root rot fungus from entering the fresh cut to the root ball.  Last year
I sprayed pure CS which did not seem to be much help. Would olive leafs also
kill the root rot fungus, which is like a mushroom (complex fungus).


2004-12-16 Thread Louise
How about using Colloidal Silver in the fresh lemon juice it will keep fresh
a long time.  But the effort to get fresh is a big difference, one makes you
more acidic while the fresh makes you more alkaline and have more energy.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

After visiting some friends recently who drank copious amounts of water
spiked with fresh organic limes and lemons from trees in their yard and
freely offered this delicious concoction to all their guests, the
following article reminded me of the value of our mutual dedication to
planetary health and wellness through simple healthful remedies.

  There are basic lifestyle habits that are important to incorporate
into your daily life, and this is certainly one of them. However, we
are talking about organic lemons that are tree ripened. If you are
buying commercial lemons from the store, learn kinesiology and muscle
test the lemons you buy so that you know one way or another whether the
lemons you are purchasing are actually therapeutic for you.

  by Ann Heustad, R.N.

  “When life gives you a lemon... squeeze it, mix it with six ounces of
distilled water and drink twice daily.”

  The value of eating lemons is reported by Jethro Kloss in his book
Back to Eden:

  “The medicinal value of the lemon is as follows: It is an antiseptic,
or is an agent that prevents sepsis [the presence of pathogenic
bacteria] or putrefaction [decomposition of tissue]. It is also
anti-scorbutic, a term meaning a remedy which will prevent disease and
assist in cleansing the system of impurities.”

  Due to the digestive qualities of lemon juice, symptoms of indigestion
such as heartburn, bloating and belching are relieved. By drinking
lemon juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more
efficiently thus controlling constipation and diarrhea.

  On page 659 of Back to Eden, Mr. Kloss points out that, “The lemon is
a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and
other poisons, liquefies the bile, and is very good in cases of
malaria. Sufferers of chronic rheumatism and gout will benefit by
taking lemon juice, also those who have a tendency to bleed, uterine
hemorrhages, etc.; rickets and tuberculosis. In pregnancy, it will help
to build bone in the child. We find that the lemon contains certain
elements which will go to build up a healthy system and keep that
system healthy and well. As a food, we find, owing to its potassium
content, it will nourish the brain and nerve cells. Its calcium builds
up the bony structure and makes healthy teeth.

  “Its magnesium, in conjunction with calcium, has an important part to
play in the formation of albumen in the blood. The lemon contains
potassium 48.3, calcium 29.9, phosphorus 11.1, magnesium 4.4. Lemons
are useful in treating asthma, biliousness, colds, coughs, sore throat,
diphtheria, la grippe [flu or influenza], heartburn, liver
complaint[s], scurvy, fevers and rheumatism.”

  Since many people today suffer from what they used to call
biliousness, it is important to edify our readers to the definition.

  Biliousness -- 1. A symptom of a disorder of the liver causing
constipation, headache, loss of appetite and vomiting of bile. 2.
excess of bile; a bilious fever.

  Why the lemon works so well

  On page 19 of A.F. Beddoe's book “Biological Ionization in Human
Nutrition,” he states that: “Man does not live off the food he eats but
off of the energy that is produced from the food he eats.”

  The energy you get from your food comes from the atoms and molecules
of energy in your food. A reaction takes place as cationic food enters
the digestive tract and encounters anionic digestive enzymes.

  To explain further, an ion is part of a molecule con-atom or a group
of atoms that carry an electrical charge. Ions which carry positive
charges are “anions.” Lemons are considered to be anionic, having more
anions (negatively charged ions) of energy as compared to cations
(positively charged ions) in their atomic structure. Saliva,
hydrochloric acid, bile and the stomach's other digestive juices are
also anionic.

  Lemon is one of the only foods on the planet that has more anions than
cations in its atomic structure.

  When considering the electromagnetic properties of food Dr. Beddoe
points out that all foods are considered cationic with the exception of
fresh, raw lemon juice. Some have suggested that the reason fresh lemon
juice is similar to digestive enzymes is due to the low amount of
sulfur in lemons. It should be noted that pasteurized and packaged
lemon juice is cationic and, therefore, ineffective as a health remedy.

  Who Can Benefit From Lemon Water

  Dr. Beddoe continues on page 194: “Lemon water is used in every person
that can tolerate it. That is, if there is no allergy to lemon (a very
few have a true allergy to lemon) and no active ulcers, then all adults
and most children should use the lemon water. T

CS>thank everyone - update on sick kid

2004-12-16 Thread V.Jean.G.
Lea Ann,
I agree with your doctor, ninety percent of  illness are caused by
viruses and ten percent bacteria. When these viral infections aren't
detected or treated, surgical intervention may be required. Viruses have
the capabililty to spread to vital organs, and lastly the brain. There
is medicine for bacterial infections but nothing to fight back viruses.
Anti-biotics help to a degree but not strong enough to kill viruses.
People are left to fend for themselves.

The world is a cesspool of contamination and we're doing little to
nothing to clean up the environment.  At this time, many animals are
getting sick too. The only thing we get from Government is talk and no
action. I seriously doubt there's only one or two cases of Mad-Cow
Disease in the U.S.  Mankind is doing it to themselves, all we need is
an epidemic and the rest is history.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>agyria

2004-12-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
I probably will.  My blue moons on my fingernails have lightened
significantly since starting taking IP6.


bailar wrote:

> Just curious, but suppose someone did start to get agyria in a rare
> case, why couldn't they do chelation? It works for lead, mercury etc
> wouldn't it work for silver?

Re: CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread sol

How did you have it diagnosed? Cultured?

Paul Holloway wrote:

I have aspergillus fumigatus in my sinuses, and despite rinsing and 
spraying with CS several times a day, it hasn't killed it.

Paul H

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lunar Influence on the Electrochemical Production of CS

2004-12-16 Thread twllLL
This is something to think about.

Re: CS>agyria

2004-12-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
I believe it would.  My moons have lightened significantly since
starting on IP6.


bailar wrote:

> Just curious, but suppose someone did start to get agyria in a rare
> case, why couldn't they do chelation? It works for lead, mercury etc
> wouldn't it work for silver?

RE: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

2004-12-16 Thread Kay Kelly
Distilled water is inert to gold and silver.  (water reacts to magnesium
because the magnesium splits the molecule and ignites the hydrogen)  Running
water will erode metal (and rock) over time.  However the particles are too
big to be metabolized by the body.  If you just place gold or silver in
standing water it will simply oxidize.

-Original Message-
From: Ed Kasper []
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:43 PM
Subject: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

I have a question. Since distilled water is corrosive, why doesn't it
dissolve a percentage of gold from a coin that is simply set in the water.
Isn't that what the pilgrims need with their silver dollars. Seems it would
at least produce a homeopathic type relationship.


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re:CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

2004-12-16 Thread William Amos
I wasn't aware that distilled water was corrosive.
Can you explain this ?
Bill Amos
I have a question. Since distilled water is corrosive, why doesn't it dissolve 
a percentage of gold from a coin that is simply set in the water. Isn't that 
what the pilgrims need with their silver dollars. Seems it would at least 
produce a homeopathic type relationship.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>agyria

2004-12-16 Thread Jason
Hi Bailar:

"Normal" chelation has failed to produce results in cases of argyria.

Best Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: bailar 
  Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:46 PM
  Subject: CS>agyria

  Just curious, but suppose someone did start to get agyria in a rare case, why 
couldn't they do chelation? It works for lead, mercury etc wouldn't it work for 

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CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

2004-12-16 Thread Ed Kasper
I have a question. Since distilled water is corrosive, why doesn't it
dissolve a percentage of gold from a coin that is simply set in the water.
Isn't that what the pilgrims need with their silver dollars. Seems it would
at least produce a homeopathic type relationship.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

2004-12-16 Thread Jason

This would be true IF the threshold were 3.8 grams daily.  This is not true.

Please reference the EPA document:

and the World Health Organization Document:

In fact, a single dose of 10 grams of silver nitrate taken orally can kill a
human being.

All the signs of silver toxicity, including an increase in blood pressure,
nuerological symptoms, and pulmonary abnormalities, can be enduced with EIS
by utilizing an oxygen nebulizer with EIS all day long for several days ( in
my case, a little over two days ).

Upon cessation, the symptoms quickly resolve, which suggests that the silver
is quickly eliminated from the body... However, if one were able to
introduce 3.8 grams of any type of bioavailable silver, the consequences
would be unknown...

That said, I have no problem drinking a quarter gallon of EIS in a single

Once you have the silver retention in the body, it doesn't matter what form
of silver you take, even EIS; my associate demonstrated that even properly
made EIS would start to turn his skin back to grey  This after a severe
case of Argyria caused by utilizing poorly made CS ( made with a salt
primer ) over a period of a few years.  Obviously he still had a great deal
of silver retention in other parts of the body besides the skin.  He would
stop, and continue his cleansing diet, and the grey would again be

Best Regards,


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

> In a message dated 12/16/04 2:30:00 PM EST, writes:
> << It might be noted that 3.8 grams a day of silver taken as 10 ppm EIS
> be 380 kilograms of EIS, or approximately 22 gallons a day. >>
> I am SO glad you posted that.   Thank you.  MA
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Version: 6.0.809 / Virus Database: 551 - Release Date: 12/10/2004

CS> what exactly is "electrolyzed H2O" VS "ionized H2O" vs. distilled H2O?

2004-12-16 Thread PanAmPete
In the making of CS, which water would produce the most excellent
results, and what is the diff between the three? 
Secondly, would EIS be of benefit in any way for RA?
Thanks,  Pete

CS>CS killing fungus was Lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Paul Holloway
I have aspergillus fumigatus in my sinuses, and despite rinsing 
and spraying with CS several times a day, it hasn't killed it.

Paul H

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS>lyme disease

In a message dated 12/16/04 1:52:09 PM EST, writes:

<< Thus it can have limited success with toe nail
fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as 
mixing with

DMSO. >>

So -- are you saying that CS mixed with DMSO *will* resolve 
toenail fungus?


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RE: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread cking001
Go here,

It's something I wouldn't want to be without!

I intend to live forever - so far, so good!

On 12/16/2004 9:19:03 PM, wrote:
> Hi,
> Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what DMSO is and what is
> it's function.?
> Kindest regard,
> Ernie
> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>lyme disease
> In a message dated 12/16/04 1:52:09 PM EST,
> writes:
> << Thus it can have limited success with toe nail
> fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as mixing
> with

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.5.4 - Release Date: 12/15/2004

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-12-16 Thread bailar
Just curious, but suppose someone did start to get agyria in a rare case, why 
couldn't they do chelation? It works for lead, mercury etc wouldn't it work for 

Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

2004-12-16 Thread sol
Actually the corrected math gives an even more interesting result, don't 
you think?

Thanks for working it out.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Thanks, but I screwed up the math on that, there are 2.2 pound per kilogram, and
I figured 2.2 kilograms per pound. The correct answer is slightly over 100
gallons a day.

3.8 gram/.1 (10 ppm) = 38 grams of EIS
38 g/1000 g/kg = 380 Kg of EIS
380 Kg*2.2lb/Kg = 836 lbs of EIS
836 lbs/8 lb/gallon = 104.5 gallons

Marshall wrote:

In a message dated 12/16/04 2:30:00 PM EST, writes:

<< It might be noted that 3.8 grams a day of silver taken as 10 ppm EIS would
be 380 kilograms of EIS, or approximately 22 gallons a day. >>

I am SO glad you posted that.   Thank you.  MA


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Yogiboy
Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what DMSO is and what is
it's function.?

Kindest regard,


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS>lyme disease

In a message dated 12/16/04 1:52:09 PM EST,

<< Thus it can have limited success with toe nail
 fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as mixing
DMSO. >>

So -- are you saying that CS mixed with DMSO *will* resolve toenail

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>(Fwd) Re: CS>silvergen, I made my first batch

2004-12-16 Thread Stuff

Now I know how politics was born.


At 08:35 PM 12/15/2004 -0700, you wrote:
Shows how different people are. If *I* had the power I'd make human beings 
fit to live on the earth.


--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 15 Dec 2004 00:12:31 -0800
From:   adrian 
Once upona time my tutor asked me what I'd really want to do. Before I 
thought what popped out was "If I had the power I'd reshape the earth to 
be a fit place for human beings". adrian.

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CS>Saying what you mean, was Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

2004-12-16 Thread sol
Thank you. Very clear.  My original questions though was based on this 
quote from the post by

mswla ( (I know you and she are not the same person, however 
this  is what provoked my series of questions)

"utopia silver sells a very inexpensive flask...that squeezes up the correct

You may not have said correct dosage, but the above statement sure says 
"correct dosage". I hate to harp and sound combative, but it would be 
nice if we would all make the effort to be more specific in wording. If 
someone says something is a correct dosage I understand that to mean 1) 
there is a hard and fast correct dosage, and 2) they know the hard and 
fast dosing for everyone.  "a handy 1/2 oz dose that can be repeated as 
often as deemed necessary" is not the meaning I take from "correct dosage".

You did say "a maintenance dose of 1/2 oz." Which also sounds to me like 
a hard and fast "rule". To me, "a handy dose" and "a maintenance dose" 
have very different meanings.

But then I am very literal minded.

I mean this only as a plea for listers to be more careful in wording. In 
any post, the writer knows what they intend the meaning to be. But I 
have to read the words and extract meaning from them. If the meaning of 
the literal words does not match the meaning intended by the writer it 
is very confusing, and also leads to mis-understandings.


William Amos wrote:

Hello sol:

As we all know, there is no RDA since there are no established standards for the use of colloidal solutions. 
I did not say that 1/2 oz. was the correct dosage. I only mentioned that the container holds 1/2 oz., nor did I say anything about having a hard and fast "one size fits all" dosing rule. I only suggested that this could be a maintenance dose.
Repeat as many times as you like, since there are no established standards. 
As far as silver toxicity (Argyria), quoting from Alexander G.
Schauss, Ph.D. , the amount of silver required to develop Argeria is estimated to be 3.8 grams per day. 
You can determine from this what you feel is proper for you.

Bill Amos

William Amos wrote:


I believe the flask she mentions is a maintenance dose of 
1/2 oz.

Bill Amo

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Re: CS>THANKS Everyone - Update on sick kid

2004-12-16 Thread Lea Ann
Thanks Sally and BTW, for the word "meetin" I meant to type "meeting"  :-)
Best Regards,
Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sally Khanna 
  Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:39 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>THANKS Everyone - Update on sick kid

  So happy to hear this Lea Ann.  Now, enjoy the Holiday season!


Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

2004-12-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
Thanks, but I screwed up the math on that, there are 2.2 pound per kilogram, and
I figured 2.2 kilograms per pound. The correct answer is slightly over 100
gallons a day.

3.8 gram/.1 (10 ppm) = 38 grams of EIS
38 g/1000 g/kg = 380 Kg of EIS
380 Kg*2.2lb/Kg = 836 lbs of EIS
836 lbs/8 lb/gallon = 104.5 gallons

Marshall wrote:

> In a message dated 12/16/04 2:30:00 PM EST, writes:
> << It might be noted that 3.8 grams a day of silver taken as 10 ppm EIS would
> be 380 kilograms of EIS, or approximately 22 gallons a day. >>
> I am SO glad you posted that.   Thank you.  MA
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re:Re: CS>Re:Re: CS>Colloidal Gold

2004-12-16 Thread William Amos
Hello Again:
My CG is totally clear. I was never concerned about any color.
I experimented for nearly 2 years, off & on, before finding a simple but 
complicated method of making it with HVAC and LVDC in combination. I have sent 
it to be tested, with no results yet. 
The important thing is what I have been told " it has helped "
What color is your CG? I am just beginning to look into CG, have looked  at it 
only very briefly, did not think seriously about it due to the  expense. I 
still have a trial of homeopathic gold I want to do first,  but am starting to 
compile info.

William Amos wrote:

> <>I'm not sure that it would, but I make CG and have to prepare the 
> water and use HVAC first and then use 30 vdc
> to finish the product.
> The tyndall effect is always much stronger than CS.
> The RESULTS are amazing. It is not a simple process and doesn't 
> require underwater arcing.
> Bill Amos
> --
> I seriously doubt that this set up would produce colloidal gold. I 
> wish the folks who know the requirements of a gen to make CG would 
> weigh in on this.
> sol
> -Original Message-
> I use 3x 9 volt batteries in series

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>THANKS Everyone - Update on sick kid

2004-12-16 Thread Sally Khanna
So happy to hear this Lea Ann.  Now, enjoy the Holiday season!

Lea Ann  wrote:
Hello everyone who responded to my post - "Advice Needed"
Sorry I have not responded sooner.
I just wanted to thank everyone who responded and apologize that I could not 
respond individually.
I posted on Thursday PM and had an early flight to Boulder, CO on Friday AM - 
my Mom and Dad flew to our house in Florida to baby sit our 3 boys (ages 2, 6 
and 9) and I was worried that I would not be able to go to Boulder with Luke so 
It was fortuitous that my SilverGen came in the mail the day before Luke got 
My 50/50 CS and water in Luke's water bottle did not harm him and who knows how 
much it helped (no telling what "might" have happened).  The doctor returned my 
call Friday night and assumed it was a virus (I like this guy because to him... 
most everything is a virus which does NOT need antibiotics).
On Friday AM, Luke's fever was down so the call was made that I would go ahead 
and go to Boulder... Mom thought she could handle it.  Of course, an hour after 
I left it went up to 102 (ahem, Farenheit... not Celcius :-).  Mom gave him 
some Tylenol then took him to the doctor "just to make sure" since it was about 
to be the weekend.  He gave her a script for antibiotics but THANK GOODNESS Mom 
did not have it filled.
Luke continued to get better and that's that!
BTW, this trip to Boulder was for my husband's company Christmas party (nice of 
them to do that huh?).  He flew out a couple of days early for meetins.  
Anyway, it was the FIRST time since Austin was born 9 years ago, that my 
husband and I have been away from the kids - alone!  (Needless to say... I was 
really hoping to be able to make that flight!)
THANKS again for all of your avice and support!
Best Regards,
Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL

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Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

2004-12-16 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 12/16/04 2:30:00 PM EST, writes:

<< It might be noted that 3.8 grams a day of silver taken as 10 ppm EIS would 
be 380 kilograms of EIS, or approximately 22 gallons a day. >>

I am SO glad you posted that.   Thank you.  MA

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

2004-12-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
William Amos wrote:

> Hello sol:
> As far as silver toxicity (Argyria), quoting from Alexander G.
> Schauss, Ph.D. , the amount of silver required to develop Argeria is 
> estimated to be 3.8 grams per day.
> You can determine from this what you feel is proper for you.
> Bill Amos

It might be noted that 3.8 grams a day of silver taken as 10 ppm EIS would be 
380 kilograms of EIS, or approximately 22 gallons a day.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 12/16/04 1:52:09 PM EST, writes:

<< Thus it can have limited success with toe nail
 fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as mixing with 
DMSO. >>

So -- are you saying that CS mixed with DMSO *will* resolve toenail fungus?   

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Dosage

2004-12-16 Thread William Amos
Hello sol:
Sorry you were unable to understand my explanation of the dispensing flask. It 
is an 8 oz. plastic container with two sections and two lids, one for each 
section. When the holding section is squeezed, the fluid flows up to another 
section that  holds up to 1/2 oz. The cap is removed and consumed.
As we all know, there is no RDA since there are no established standards for 
the use of colloidal solutions. 
I did not say that 1/2 oz. was the correct dosage. I only mentioned that the 
container holds 1/2 oz., nor did I say anything about having a hard and fast 
"one size fits all" dosing rule. I only suggested that this could be a 
maintenance dose.
Repeat as many times as you like, since there are no established standards. 
As far as silver toxicity (Argyria), quoting from Alexander G.
Schauss, Ph.D. , the amount of silver required to develop Argeria is estimated 
to be 3.8 grams per day. 
You can determine from this what you feel is proper for you.
Bill Amos
Sorry to be dense, but I still don't get it. 1/2 oz. ok but taken how,  and how 
many times a day?
And how do you arrive at 1/2 oz. as the "correct dosage". Are you saying  you 
believe you have a hard and fast "one size fits all" dosing rule? TIA,

William Amos wrote:

>I believe the flask she mentions is a maintenance dose of 
>1/2 oz.
>Bill Amos
>correct dosage for what?
>Ms. Wilma L. Amos wrote:
>>dear sol,
>>utopia silver sells a very inexpensive flask...that squeezes up the correct
>>dosage...very handy, very nice..

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread sol
The info I read (most likely here or at said CS 
effectively kills many if not most fungi, but not all. I don't know 
which ones it will not kill, but there is a time/kill study at that shows CS killed candida about as fast as it 
killed the tested bacteria.

As always, the hard part can be getting CS into good contact with the 
organisms one is trying to kill. Easy to do in a test tube, not always 
so easy in a living animal.

sol wrote:

In a message dated 12/16/04 10:14:00 AM EST, writes:

<< Note that CS/EIS is also a broad spectrum anti-fungal/anti-mold agent as
well. >>

It was my understanding that CS/EIS is not particularly effective against 
fungal infections.   ???   MA


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
It is quite effective in killing fungi upon contact. The issue is often getting
it in contact with the fungus.  Thus it can have limited success with toe nail
fungus for instance without taking special measures, such as mixing with DMSO.

I have found it to work quite well for athletes foot and jock itch.

Marshall wrote:

> In a message dated 12/16/04 10:14:00 AM EST, writes:
> << Note that CS/EIS is also a broad spectrum anti-fungal/anti-mold agent as
>  well. >>
> It was my understanding that CS/EIS is not particularly effective against
> fungal infections.   ???   MA
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 12/16/04 10:14:00 AM EST, writes:

<< Note that CS/EIS is also a broad spectrum anti-fungal/anti-mold agent as
 well. >>

It was my understanding that CS/EIS is not particularly effective against 
fungal infections.   ???   MA

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>date on enquirer

2004-12-16 Thread M. G. Devour
> mike, the date on the enquirer on the incredible blue man was:
>  October 29, 2002...

Thank you Wilma. Now we can all go right to the source! 

That is sure an interesting artifact for us students of CS.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>date on enquirer

2004-12-16 Thread Ms. Wilma L. Amos
mike, the date on the enquirer on the incredible blue man was:
 October 29, 2002...

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Re: CS>lyme disease

2004-12-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
"Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:

> CS/EIS is not an antibiotic.  It is a broad-spectrum
> anti-bacterial/anti-viral agent.The distinction is important.

Indeed. I never realized that by definition an antibiotic must be made by a
fungus, bacteria or other organisms.  That does certainly exclude silver.

Note that CS/EIS is also a broad spectrum anti-fungal/anti-mold agent as


> On Tuesday, Dec 14, 2004, at 23:18 Asia/Tokyo, name withheld wrote:
> > CS is an antibiotic,
> > not a drink. more CS means more dosing times, not chugging it.
> > i believe the body intelligently uses some of the CS ions to kill
> > pathogens.
> > i believe this is an intelligent active process and smaller amounts
> > more
> > frequently help this process.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>THANKS Everyone - Update on sick kid

2004-12-16 Thread Lea Ann
Hello everyone who responded to my post - "Advice Needed"

Sorry I have not responded sooner.

I just wanted to thank everyone who responded and apologize that I could not 
respond individually.

I posted on Thursday PM and had an early flight to Boulder, CO on Friday AM - 
my Mom and Dad flew to our house in Florida to baby sit our 3 boys (ages 2, 6 
and 9) and I was worried that I would not be able to go to Boulder with Luke so 

It was fortuitous that my SilverGen came in the mail the day before Luke got 

My 50/50 CS and water in Luke's water bottle did not harm him and who knows how 
much it helped (no telling what "might" have happened).  The doctor returned my 
call Friday night and assumed it was a virus (I like this guy because to him... 
most everything is a virus which does NOT need antibiotics).

On Friday AM, Luke's fever was down so the call was made that I would go ahead 
and go to Boulder... Mom thought she could handle it.  Of course, an hour after 
I left it went up to 102 (ahem, Farenheit... not Celcius :-).  Mom gave him 
some Tylenol then took him to the doctor "just to make sure" since it was about 
to be the weekend.  He gave her a script for antibiotics but THANK GOODNESS Mom 
did not have it filled.

Luke continued to get better and that's that!

BTW, this trip to Boulder was for my husband's company Christmas party (nice of 
them to do that huh?).  He flew out a couple of days early for meetins.  
Anyway, it was the FIRST time since Austin was born 9 years ago, that my 
husband and I have been away from the kids - alone!  (Needless to say... I was 
really hoping to be able to make that flight!)

THANKS again for all of your avice and support!

Best Regards,
Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL

Re: CS>Clarification for Adrian...

2004-12-16 Thread Ode Coyote
 I second that.
 Jason and Trem are some of the good guys.


At 02:38 PM 12/15/2004 -5, you wrote:
>Just to clarify, Adrian, I felt it necessary to defend Jason and Trem 
>from what I believe was il-considered criticism. They are neither 
>"blighters" nor properly dismissed if you know them at all.
>It was primarily your criticism of other list members that made me 
>Secondarily, I hoped to make you question your hasty judgment. 
>Does that help?
>Be well,
>Mike Devour
>list owner
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>[Speaking only for myself...   ]
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver List archive:
>Address Off-Topic messages to:
>OT Archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
>Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.5.4 - Release Date: 12/15/2004

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.5.4 - Release Date: 12/15/2004

Re: CS>Clarification for Adrian...

2004-12-16 Thread fg227


You all are way too serious about Adrian. I think he's very funny with some
good ideas. I haven't heard "blighter" used in years. The silver list is
sort of lethargic these days. I made a darn good post about niacin and CS
and no one was interested but Adrian takes a few pokes and you stir.

Let's keep things in perspective.
It's Christmas time. Be of good cheer.


- Original Message -
From: "M. G. Devour" 
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 3:04 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Clarification for Adrian...

> Adrian writes:
> > Dear Mike, I AM careful, which means full of care. What I do not know is
> > what you mean by it, although I know of several possibilities. I am very
> > careful not to jump into any judgments, although some are tempting.
> Okay. Did you, with complete foreknowledge that they were your fellow
> list members, state that Trem and Jason were "blighters" whom you
> "Would not trust" for the reasons that:
> > 1: Mentions "objective" and FDA, which is a dead give away
> > 2: the other one is peddling hiw own wares. You cannot plate or
> > unplate unless it is DC, since AC would undo every switch what has
> > just been done by changing polarity.
> If so, I expect greater *COURTESY* than that. If you disagree with the
> information you found at their sites, you are certainly within your
> rights to question it and to discuss it with them, but I expect you to
> do so with a respectful and civil demeanor.
> > It's a hasty judgment in your opinion. What that tells me is that you
> > would not make it. Aren't you curious what made me make it?
> If your judgment of the information was well considered and *not*
> hasty, then you were rude, if in fact you knew they were also members,
> and I do not condone such behavior.
> Was that your intention?
> As I suggested in an earlier attempt to *gently* correct your behavior,
> I can accept a good natured curmudgeon, but not someone whose purpose
> or ultimate effect is that of an irritant and harmful to the spirit and
> mission of the list community. No one is exempt from *that* judgment.
> A major reason why this list is considered by some to be well managed
> is that I have no illusions that it is a democracy, however fairly I
> may strive to run things. You and all members are here as my guests,
> and the extent of your freedom of speech does not include insulting my
> other guests.
> Do you understand me now?
> > Did you get my picture as seen by a friend?
> Yes. That was the attachment which prevented the message from going to
> the list. Nice bit of artwork.
> Be well,
> Mike Devour
> silver-list owner

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