CS>dmso and collodial silver

2005-01-22 Thread Betsy Coffey
Someone posted a while back about a web site that you
can purchase a low dose dmso. I believe it may have
been 5 per cent. Does anyone know of a place that
sells this. Also, you can now buy liquid msm and i was
wondering how that would help penetrate the cs into
jaw tissues for infection.Thanks

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>xylitol and CS

2005-01-22 Thread Brickeyk
In a message dated 1/19/2005 7:11:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
ami...@starband.net writes:
Hi Brickley,

Where did you get the info that Xylitol feed Aspergillus? 
Paul Holloway (silver-List) saw Aspergillus growing inside of a Xylitol 

CS>What can I say?

2005-01-22 Thread M. G. Devour
What can I say that everybody else hasn't already?

Welcome back, Brooks! You've been missed.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Rejoining List. Brooks.

2005-01-22 Thread fg227

Glad to hear you're back. I've been using the cs/oxygen/airbrush method you 
came up with. I use 500mg niacin to make a niacin flush every second day and 
while inhaling the CS. I skip the DMSO and MSM because they make me feel 
funny. But I up the amount of CS I inhale each day to 2 or 3 full little 
Harbor Freight airbrush bottles. HF is selling them for $5 this month. At 
least my local one was. I bought one for backup and should have bought 3 
more at that price


- Original Message - 
From: "Brooks Bradley" 

Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:55 PM
Subject: CS>Rejoining List

Hello Folks,
 I am rejoining the listprimarily as an interested 
The immediately-past months have been busy and somewhat demanding of mine 
and Sylvia's time.  Additionally, my co-founding Foundation partner and 
dearest friend of fifty years (Eric Harborne) passed away the last week of 
December, 2004---climaxing an overly-eventful year for us.
  I have missed the comradeship of the members on the 
Silver-List, and certainly, the

enthusiastic efforts of all to share their talents and experiences.
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-01-22 Thread M. G. Devour
jdr...@lisco.com sent this to the list, but with HTML formatting that 
made it huge. Hopefully this pure-text version will go through.

Be well,

Mike D.

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 22 Jan 2005 09:21:42 -0800
To: "Silver List" 
Subject:60 Minutes Features Story on a Single Death as 
 Coverage on the 55,000 Vioxx Deaths
 Fades From the Headlines 


60 Minutes Features Story on a Single Death as Coverage on  the 55,000 
Vioxx Deaths Fades From the Headlines  

Dr. Mercola's Comment: 

On Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2005, the TV show, 60 Minutes, did a
story on Dr. Jim Shortt, a physician from North Carolina,
who is accused of murdering a patient because he
intravenously infused hydrogen peroxide as a treatment.
Allegedly, the hydrogen peroxide produced bubbles in the
patient's bloodstream that eventually caused multiple organ
failure and cardiac arrest. 

Using IV oxidative medicine is not something I have done
before as the simple, less aggressive approaches of diet
optimization, exercise programs and emotional work have been
so useful for most of my patients. However, I suspect this
therapy, properly applied, could be beneficial to many, and
it is sad to see it being vulcanized in the popular press. 

The mass media focus on Dr. Shortt has sparked a lot of
controversy, confusion and debate. A friend of mine and
respected colleague, Robert Jay Rowen, MD, who is president
of the International Oxidation Medicine Association, asked
me if I would therefore publish his insights below to help
clear the air, which I urge everyone to read. 

The press is concerned about one death that, upon further
examination, as you will note below, might not even be
related to the treatment. I certainly don't want to minimize
anyone's death, but more than 55,000 people died from taking
Vioxx and we are not seeing in excess of 50,000 times the
press on this issue. 

In fact, we are not seeing much coverage of the Vioxx horror
at all from the mass media relative to that drug disaster.
Shouldn't a situation responsible for so many deaths be
dominating our national headlines still, as the tsunami
disaster has been? 

Shouldn't responsible journalists like those at 60 Minutes
and all the other major TV news programs be relentlessly
probing Merck and the FDA to find out all the responsible
parties for the Vioxx disaster and ensure justice is served?

Why would they possibly run a "scare" story on a single
physician who may or may not have been responsible for a
single person's tragic death when more than 55,000 deaths
have occurred due to some very serious issues with the drug
companies and the FDA? Shouldn't the network news magazines,
with the amount of people they reach, be diligently focused
on making sure people are very wary of taking
pharmaceuticals, even if they are "FDA approved," since the
single FDA-approved drug Vioxx has killed more than 55,000? 

Well, they should be. But then, we have to ask where the
priorities of some in the mass media might really reside. We
have to remember that the drug companies, including Merck,
collectively "contribute" more than $3 billion a year on
consumer advertising of their pharmaceuticals, most of it to
the major television networks. 

If only Dr. Shortt had the foresight to contribute $3
billion in advertising with the mass media, I'm quite
convinced the story on him would never have aired.


By Robert Jay Rowen, MD 
President, International Oxidative Medicine Association  

You may have heard about Dr. Jim Shortt in South Carolina.
He's accused of murdering one his patients, Mrs. Katherine
Bibeau, by giving her intravenous hydrogen peroxide. Maybe
you read the story in your local paper or saw the hatchet
job CBS did on 60 Minutes. 

In charging Dr. Shortt with murder, the coroner and
pathologist claim this woman died as a result of bubbles in
her bloodstream. They allege these bubbles were caused by
the hydrogen peroxide infusion Dr. Shortt gave his patient.
But this is absolutely impossible. Let me tell you why. 

Why Peroxide Therapy Is Safe 

Hydrogen peroxide therapy uses the same stuff you pour on
your cuts, but at much lower concentrations. The doctor
takes a half-teaspoon of peroxide and dilutes it in 81/2
ounces of sugar water. That means, the peroxide Mrs. Bibeau
received was just 1/100th as strong as the stuff you put on

When you put hydrogen peroxide on a cut, you get bubbles.
Those bubbles are simply the hydrogen peroxide releasing

When the peroxide enters the bloodstream, it releases oxygen
there too. The roughly half-teaspoon of peroxide the doctor
uses will release about 25 cc of oxygen. And since it is
administered through an IV, it doesn't go in all at once but
over the course of two hours

CS>Welcome back, Brooks

2005-01-22 Thread Shirley Reed
   So good to have you back.  Hope you and yours
are well and happy.  pj

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>tetrasil, etc.

2005-01-22 Thread Ode Coyote

 I don't know all that much about it.
 I worked with Jason on the subject for a while and apparently there are
number of important variables that a handle needs to form on concerning the
right amount of current and current density for given applications.
 I think that much of that depends of how much electrode, where and what
sort of conductive creame or whatever is used.
 I 'think' that it can be user adjusted, like, if it doesn't tingle and
some current is flowing through the desired area..that might be OK.  And
there are a number of ways to make it not tingle..and pay some attention to
ion flow direction.
  Whatever the conductive cream is made of will be important too.  It seems
likely that anything in that will also enter through the skin in charged
ionic forms. 

..all that to do it "right"
To do it so it "works", well, anything goes that doesn't hurt, make burned
spots etc?
 The ions will travel if current flows and voltage is over, what, 1.2 volts?

 If using silver with a godziller works and doesn't make other problems?
Why not?

 Cutting ones head off with a butcher knife will certainly cure a
toothache. [Just kidding]

Now, getting silver ions 'into' a relatively non conductive and solid
medium like a toenail...could be a fairly high voltage challange.
 Making a high concentration in a localized area near the cuticle and doing
a lot of waiting might be the only way to go.


At 10:45 AM 1/21/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>At 10:05 PM 18/01/05, you wrote:
>>I think I'll try iontophorisis soon by wrapping silver wires around the
>>wetted toe and applying a little current. [Direct 'on site' silver
>>generation and injection through the skin...and blood electrification by
>Hi.  Regarding the info above, I have some questions and I'm looking for
>more info.
>Would this be like using silver electrodes in my GodZiller?  I've used
>silver electrodes instead of the steel cotter pins in my Ziller ever since
>I made it over a year ago. I kind of had that same idea as above but didn't
>know what it was called.  I noticed that it works fabulously on a tooth
>ache/gum infection I get occasionally on one of my back molars.  I put one
>silver electrode (wrapped in the cotton covering and soaked in CS) on one
>side of the tooth and the other electrode held on the other side of the
>tooth, then Zill.  There is a huge difference after just one application.
>Much less sore and swelling.  After a few applications of 15 minutes each,
>over the course of a day, soreness was gone and so was swelling.
>I didn't know if it was the Ziller's effect or the combination of the
>Ziller and the Silver/CS.  Your thoughts would be appreciated.  I want to
>use this combo in a multi-pair electrode set-up for use on/around my liver
>area for my Hep. C.  Do you think it would be better than the Ziller
>On a different item, I have to state that I've had great success with using
>CS internally against my G. herpes infections.  When I start getting the
>signs, the soreness in my thigh, buttcheek, etc.. areas, I start drinking
>the CS I make using the 3- 9 volt batteries/distilled water.   The sores
>never appear or are only there for a day and then disappear.  If I drink
>the CS everyday, I never get the breakouts.  It's when I slack off, they
>come back.
>Is there a way to use the Ziller against the G. herpes?  Since it's a nerve
>virus, would zilling the areas where the soreness starts be helpful?
>Anyone try this before?
>Christine Mc.
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Re: CS>Solubility of silver chloride in HCl and NaCl

2005-01-22 Thread Ode Coyote
A If you start with 1 oz of 10 ppm EIS, that will
>typically have about 9 ppm of silver hydroxide in it. 

##  Might want to check and see how soluable silver hydroxide is. It's
listed as "insoluable".
 Seems like there would be very little if any in the EIS and lots of it
stuck to an electrode or forming a white spot on the bottom where an ion
track might be contacting the container under that electrode producing a
fall-off path. [To coin yet another phrase]
 Typically such a path [at its worst] would consist of a black spot and a
white spot, one under each electrode, with a shiny silver plate-out sheet
between them [nearly impossible to scrub off].


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>basic dumb question

2005-01-22 Thread Ode Coyote
##  Well sure.  The questions pertain more towards what happens if the
silver ion 'doesn't' find a hydroxl ion and why, maybe, it's only a strong
tendency rather than a mandate.
 If making stable compounds were an 'absolute mandate', the CS water
probably wouldn't have such a long unstable state.

 If a silver ion can 'associate and orientate' itself with the hydroxl
portion of a 'non' dissociated water molecule without actually making a
compound...that might could prevent a hydroxl ion from finding it to some
degree by hiding it's electron hole to some degree.

  OH is a gas?  Could it just bubble off to some extent, leaving 'some'
silver ions with nowhere to go, leaving them with choice #2. [Loose
association with an occupied OH vs tightly bonded compound with a
previously unoccupied OH]? 
 If AgO can be formed, apparently there are some O1 atoms running about
looking for something to do and they might not all do any one given
thing...same for the hydrogen?
Could a Hydroxl ion 'Not' find a silver ion and get together with another
hydrogen atom to turn back into water as 'its' choice #2?

 It's my vauge and maybe erronious understanding that a silver particle can
accumulate a minus charge from the Zeta.  It's probably not quite the same
as an ionic charge, but could that minus zeta be similar enough have a
stabilizing effect and attraction for a plus charged silver ion?
 If some ions are orienting towards an occupied OH in a water molecule and
are also attracting zeta charged metal, I see a sort of potential for a
'charge protected' crystal lattice structure forming around a water
molecule as its nucleus...and another oriented varient using a silver oxide

 Silver hydroxide is virtually insoluable in water [listed as
"insoluable"]...one of the few hydroxides that aren't extremely soluable in
water. If it's that insoluable, it doesn't seem likely to concentrate in
It's also stable enough that you can buy it in powder form.
 That doesn't suggest spontanious conversions to silver oxide to me.

 Another thing that doesn't get mentioned much:
Many of the various deposits found in various places, regardless of color,
will leave a shiny silver smear when wiped onto a surface and there's that
silver slick that sometimes forms on top.  There's definitely some metallic
silver running about.

At 03:17 PM 1/20/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>Ode Coyote wrote:
>> Dissolved Compounds still remain those compounds and don't change into
>> something else when the water is removed.
>>  A free silver ion isn't likely to be very stable and very much wants to
>> share an electron with something.
>Solutions by their very nature are always neutral.  If you have an Ag+ ion,
>there has to be a (-) ion to balance it. The two together will define the
>compound.  For freshly made EIS the negative ion is the hydroxyl ion, IE OH-,
>so the silver compound in EIS is actually silver hydroxide.  At higher
>concentrations, silver hydroxide tends to become unstable, and will
>spontaneouly convert to silver oxide.  This could be part of the aging
>that occurs when EIS sits, not sure.

>>  Question:
>>  Does it HAVE to "share", or can it's desires be passified as an 'onlooker'
>> or 'groupie', so to speak?
>> Can a free silver ion 'associate' [identify?] itself... around and with...
>> a water molecules opposite valence oxygen componant and become at least
>> 'more' stable  without actually becoming a 'compound' made from out of that
>> water molecule? ...a protective attraction vs an absolute reaction..
>A silver ion will tend to attact the OH portion of a water molecule,
>silver hydroxide.  The remaining H will find a matching one, and form H2
>may remain dissolved or be outgassed over time.
>> Can a cluster of silver atoms that include one or more ions on it's surface
>> to present an ionic 'appearance' to the water molecules also be included in
>> such an attraction?
>A cluster of silver atoms do often obtain a charge.  They are not ions per
>I don't believe but just a cluster with a charge.  The charge is referred
to as
>the zeta when it is measured. The higher the charge or zeta, the more stable
>the colloidal portion is. If they have no charge, then they will precipitate.
>> Warning:  Any in depth explanation one way or the other will probably
>> confuse me.
>>  Simple answers?  Yes, no , maybe sometimes?
>> Ode
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Re: CS>New and improved CS

2005-01-22 Thread Ode Coyote
I think they're trying to break something into the mainstream market and
that something has to be unique in order to accomplish that goal.
 Since it's not 'really' unique, they have to fake it.
 Since they are faking it, they're not likely to challange anyone or come
down on the little guy.
 In the meantime, something real is getting out and doing amazing
things...promoting the reality of CS in general by going around existing
mainstream lies with more lies.
 It's a mirrors and smoke against smoke and mirrors ploy.
 The 'real deal' has a bad rep due to mainstream slight of hand...ie...for
no good reason, but reasoning with the unreasonable is a fools game.

 Essentially, they're producing a real rabbit using slight of hand by
calling the rabbit a chicken.
 Nobody wants to hear about slaughtering the Sacred Easter Bunny.

 No, we're not killin rabbits...it's a chicken.  Now eat your rabbit
wrapped in a feather suit.

 So, "crooks" might be a little harsh.
 Extremly slick opportunists, perhaps.

 Everything about them is like a "Teflon Banana Peel", but the banana
itself just might turn out be the bonanza fruit for us all.
 If they get a big first bite, that doesn't bother me.
 They did, after all, open a blindly slammed and well defended door. [If
they manage to pull it off]

 Nor does whoever uses chicken soup to cure a cold, later finding fur under
the feathers.
 If it works and can't hurtand people will try it if you call the
barking cat 'Fido'... what difference does it make if you know the animals
name before hand?

One day the truth might blind-side everyone who can't look at it now.

Fact is, I see a LOT of activity along those lines by a lot of major
coroporate concerns...not just American Biotech.

 Curead bandaids?  Agion Technologies?  ..maybe Sterling Pharm.   BIG players.

So, yea..it's a con job.  A distraction game. Reverse bait and switch.
 But so is using security and freedom in the same sentence to sell
insurance that everyone really believes they need anyhow, but don't want to
look at that need.

 Buy this big honker of an SUV and stroke your ego! 

The fine print...
 [..it's fuel cell run and gets 50 MPG, never mind that you're in this show
room for the shear status.]

>  Thanks for posting the info on Clifton Mining. I'm pretty  sure they
>  are crooks.
>Mike Monett
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Re: CS>Rejoining List

2005-01-22 Thread sandy George
Welcome back Brooks - may many blessings be yours for a wonderful 2005 it
is a
new year with new experiences - changes are never welcomed but they turn
to be just what is needed sometimes much as we may kick and scream all
the way
to the bank, so pick up your sticks and march forward, we missed you and
are happy
to have you back - 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Diabetes, neuropathy, thyroid problems, etc.

2005-01-22 Thread Nenah Sylver

- Original Message - 
From: "David W Kenney" 
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 7:39 PM
Subject: RE: CS> Diabetes, neuropathy, thyroid problems, etc.

> Excellent Nenah
> There is so much more to all of this isn't there.
> I should have mentioned the 'parasite' theory as well as proposed by Dr.
> Clark and yourself.
> And, you are right as an allopathically trained doctor I have to really
> strain somewhat to think in the alternative linesbut I'm getting
> there...  I didn't know that CS might help with parasites...Thank you.

Hi Dave.
I may have inadvertently given the impression that colloidal silver can outright
kill parasites. CS disables one-celled organisms.

However, sometimes one-celled microbes live inside more complex organisms. Once
the complex parasites are destroyed or disabled, the one-celled organisms inside
them can be handled with CS. Sorry for any confusion.

By the way, have I mentioned sauna therapy? As simple as it sounds, heating the
body is one of the *best ways* to detoxify and get rid of infections. It's all
in my sauna therapy book.


Nenah Sylver, PhD
author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
and The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
Holistic health products, supplements and services

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>cold feet

2005-01-22 Thread Tony Moody
On 21 Jan 2005 at 17:16, Denise Rollheiser wrote:

> snip

> Isuffered from cold feet (internal core cold NOT cold to touch) in
> 1998 after the radioactive isotope drink to deal with my overactive
> thyroid; this symptom went away when my thyroid counts were better
> under control. I have again been living with 'core cold feet' since my
> Thank you.

> Denise
> Saskatoon, Sk Canada
> neec...@sasktel.net

Hi Denise,

Some other suggestions:
"Working" your toes might re-establish pathways. A Reflexologist or 
Polarity Therapist near you could do this for you and teach you how 
to do it at home. If you want some details then I could write it up for 
you. But the touch is so very important.

Also leg rubs, walking, warm foot baths, walking barefoot, lymph 

You could look at magnesium supplementation, probably in 
conjuction with calcium. 

Ozone by bagging the leg (or legs) 

I think that this could be caused (among other things) by stress 
chemicals which have not had a chance to be eliminated. So almost 
anything that helps to improve elimination! Skin brushing is very 
useful. And anything that helps to cope and deal with stress! 

Watching your CS making process is a great soothing, calming 

Be very well.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour