Re: CS>Energy medicine

2005-05-27 Thread David S Osborne
hey Terry I woould like a copy of the 'how to' file you mention.

On Fri, 27 May 2005 13:19:20 -0400 (EDT) Terry Chamberlin
> Jason said,
> "How / where would you recommend that I look into
> energy medicines? Not too familiar there."
> Go to:
> I can also email you a file that shows you how to do
> what is on this webpage - called Emotional Freedom
> Technique. It is an animated tutorial, very good.
> Terry Chamberlin
> __ 
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Re: CS>? about ciprofloxacin

2005-05-27 Thread Deborah Gerard
Hi Denise,
Thank you so much for your great input. I recently obtained The Makers Diet, by 
Jordan Rubin. Got it free as a matter of fact, just paid postage. I must ask 
you this, I read on  another group that I am on that this dirt that is 
recommened to eat has some kind of cancer causing thing going on with 
it...anyone hear of that.
My friend has gone off the cipro because of the severe stomach cramping and my 
nagging about it :)

CS>Epstein-Barr was `Re: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-27 Thread sol
Chronic Epstein-Barr is another than can be the underlying culprit for a 
large suite of symptoms and deteriorations. Implicated in various GI 
illnesses, candida that continually recurs despite "successful" 
treatment, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and ankylosing spondylitis (sp?). 
CEBV disease patients often have hypoglycemia, too. Like Lyme, it is a 
great imitator of other diseases, and tests don't always detect it. It 
wouldn't surprise me to find out a lot of people have both CEBV and 
Lyme, as well as other things all at once.
Above info is paraphrased from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Hidden 
Epidemic, by Jesse A. Stoff, M.D., and Charles R. Pellegrino, PhD.


Joni Lovegrove wrote:

I was on a quest similar to yours.  After many years of continued 
decline in my health, many of the same symptoms you have and more, I 
was finally diagnosed with MS, this was after interstitial cystitis, 
chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic yeast, asthma, 
etc.  BUT, I now find out I have chronic late stage lyme disease.  It 
can mimic so many things, there are also many other co-infections that 
go along with lyme.  As someone else mentioned to you, there are 
treatments.  If you have had lyme for a long time, it usually requires 
very aggressive treatment.  It does take someone who understands and 
treats lyme regularly to properly diagnose and treat.

When you have multi-system health problems involving your immune 
system, most often there is one major culprit, but the primary problem 
can cause and mimic so many other illnesses.  Keep searching until you 
find a doctor that is capable and will listen and be your own advocate.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Energy medicine

2005-05-27 Thread

I posted about EFT a while back and have since used it on myself and many 
friends for pain relief both emotional and physical. It is almost miraculous 
how well it works. 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-27 Thread GMetropulo
I have used homeopathy to raise my 6 children with many success stories for 
acute issues. So I naturally tried classical homeopathy with the nations top 
homeopaths and one renownwd one from India for 2 years. I went to 7 total. No 
match ever worked. The rubrics just didn't match especially the crunching 
burning scalp muscle which is where the lyme showed as a primary target. I did 
a dog from being put to sleep for severe rheumatoid arthritis using ledum. It 
helped a lyme friend whose symptoms matched the dogs but nothing for me with 
totally different symptoms. At a recent homeopathic convention a homeopath 
introduced NES which has helped others but is new and has great reviews. 
limited practitioners around but some are having great results. Can't find one 
in   my area. Blessings, georgia

CS>Energy medicine

2005-05-27 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Jason said,
"How / where would you recommend that I look into
energy medicines? Not too familiar there."

Go to:

I can also email you a file that shows you how to do
what is on this webpage - called Emotional Freedom
Technique. It is an animated tutorial, very good.

Terry Chamberlin

Post your free ad now!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-27 Thread GMetropulo
check out Tori Hudson's book on woman's encyclopedia of natural medicine. 
She's done her homework. Creams aren't the only way.Blessings, georgia

CS>Dr Jose Luis Diaz Barboza, Address in Mexico

2005-05-27 Thread Tel Tofflemire

Here is  Dr Jose Luis Diaz Barboza,   Director Medico
Los Algodoens, B.C. Clazada Saratoga  #443
phone :01 (658)517-7783,  517-7252
e-mail :
Web page  This web page is one he
contributs to but is maintained by others.
Dr. Diez as he is called in person is going to Huston, Tex next week for a
week long siminar, then on to Cuba for a month I think he said,?
I was so lucky to even get in to his office. I met people form all over
ameica there waiting to see this Dr.
He also has offices in Tijuana, B.C.Mexicalia, B.C. and PO Box in
Winter Haven Ca. 92283
---Original Message---
From: James McCourt, Ph.D.
Date: 05/26/05 22:52:45
Subject: Requested
Hi Tel,
What is the contact info for Dr. Diez Barbosa?
He sounds like a good guy to meet.

Re: CS>Re: Glucosomine Powder

2005-05-27 Thread GMetropulo
check Jarro at health food store or online.

RE: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-27 Thread Joni Lovegrove

I was on a quest similar to yours.  After many years of continued decline in 
my health, many of the same symptoms you have and more, I was finally 
diagnosed with MS, this was after interstitial cystitis, chronic fatigue, 
fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic yeast, asthma, etc.  BUT, I now find 
out I have chronic late stage lyme disease.  It can mimic so many things, 
there are also many other co-infections that go along with lyme.  As someone 
else mentioned to you, there are treatments.  If you have had lyme for a 
long time, it usually requires very aggressive treatment.  It does take 
someone who understands and treats lyme regularly to properly diagnose and 

When you have multi-system health problems involving your immune system, 
most often there is one major culprit, but the primary problem can cause and 
mimic so many other illnesses.  Keep searching until you find a doctor that 
is capable and will listen and be your own advocate.


I am on what appears to be an eternal quest to figure out what exactly is
going on in my body, and how to fix it. For 7 years I have bobbed around
from Dr. to Dr. and from diagnosis to diagnosis (all of which ended up being
incomplete), ultimately leaving me on my own to figure things out.

The closest thing I can come to is either Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue, or
Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Candida, and ???  Seems like I may have a lot of
different things going on, but I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY MY BODY JUST WONT

Can anyone please help to cut through the fog of confusion and suffering? I
am only 30 years old, and have been suffering for too long!!  I am SO TIRED
of Drs not knowing what to tell me, cramming a million pills in my face, and
taking all my money and in return getting nothing besides frustration and
side effects.

Overall it seems as if my immune system is essentially just not functioning.
My body should have healed by now. I am only 30. It feels like something
SYSTEMIC is sapping my energy and hampering my immune system... BUT WHAT IS

Here's what is going on with me:

My muscles hurt when I use them, specifically my shoulders, neck and arms.
And I am talking about light use - like reading some magazines or driving
for 30 min.  I was in some fairly severe rear-ending car accidents in my
earlier years, so theoretically this could be causing some of my muscle
pain/weakness all these years later?  Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

My energy levels are also at an all time low - it is as if my "chi" or life
force is just COMPLETELY DRAINED. Hard to describe, but my "life energy"
feels like it is not even there at all. No excitement, no happiness, no
creative drive, no ANYTHING. I feel like a walking husk, like everything has
just gone flat line. Is this what Chronic Fatigue feels like?

I have a LOT of anxiety that appears to come from a biochemical / biological
level. In other words, I don't get all worked up about something and thus
experience anxiety. Quite the opposite: it's a nice day, I am in a good
mood, yet I have twisting, nervous anxiety running through my system.
Frustrating and hard to deal with to say the least.

My libido has never been so low in my life - it as if it is non-existent.

When I eat sugars or alcohol, I get the dreaded brain fog that Candida and
Fibromyalgia sufferers experience. This leads me to think that I have
Candida at a bare minimum.

These vary in intensity, but are always there to the point that people often
comment with things like "wow, you look tired!" or "wow, you look terrible!
Get some sleep!" etc etc etc. and it is not only very frustrating, but also
very embarrassing and self-esteem sapping.

When I eat wheat (like the amount in an order of tempura shrimp), I get
upper extremity muscle pain, and very uncomfortable anxiety that almost
seems to come from a nervous system level. Hard to explain but it as if
someone is sticking a fork in my whole nervous system and just twisting.
Very uncomfortable, and usually is accompanied by stomach upset/nausea.

I am sensitive to many fragrances, detergents, etc so avoid all those, but
also have problems with dust mites, diesel smoke, etc. If I eat food that
was wrapped in certain types of Saran (PVC) wrap, I break out in hives. This
was recently discovered to be a sensitivity to phthalates which are
chemicals put into some plastics to soften them. See and for
more info on phthalates.

_  ___ _  ___ __ _  _   _

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Re: CS>My symptoms - please help! - Rife treatment

2005-05-27 Thread PanAmPete
Jason and all,
I am curious if you or anyone else has heard of this "RIFE MACHINE"  helping
someone with Emphysema?!  Or the pulsating lights, or  "Zapper"?!