Re: CS>Making Quality CS at Home

2006-05-01 Thread Maryau Jeune

Thanks for welcoming me, Debbie. :)

I sure know what you mean about self-empowerment in learning to do 
things ourselves.  I've abandoned the rat race and started walking new 
self-sufficiency trails about 3 years ago. ;)


Maryau wrote:
Mike is right we have some great people here that are more than 
willing to help, it hasn't been that long for me since I started 
making my own it is really empowering to become independent of the 
drug's that get pushed at us to get well...welcome to the group by the 
way.debbie from Michigan :)

Re: CS>Making Quality CS at Home

2006-05-01 Thread Maryau Jeune

It's me again, with more questions! :o)
It's based on area. The area is proportional to the length for wire 
electrodes, which is why they'd give you a figure like 4". Your area 
depends on how deep you can set your coins. More area will deposit 
silver into the water sooner than less area, yes.
Ah ok, got it. I made two bacthes of CS yesterday.  Both batches were 
left to 'brew' for 3 hours or so, in about 2 cups of water (is that too 
long?  guess I'll have to get myself a laser pointer).

For the first batch, one coin turned black, and the other grey with 
silver oxide particles attached to it.  The second batch generated the 
silver oxides much faster - I am assuming because more of the coins were 
submerged - to the point where they looked like stalactites 'florets' 
almost touching the bottom of the 2-cup container.

In both batches, there were some silvery particles floating at the 
surface of the water (more so in the second batch than in the first).  I 
tried to avoid them, but my impatience got me drinking the water with 
them.  Any else experiencing the same?

"Decent CS" is anything that's pure and that works. You don't need 18-
20 ppm. Anything around 5 to 10 ppm is fine. Anything much above 13 ppm 
or so gets harder to do reproduceably and requires more careful control 
than your setup allows. Be satisfied with making and using more, lower 
concentration CS and you'll incur less hassle and expense.
My CS almost tasted like tap or 'country' water with a slight metallic 
after taste, but without the chlorine smell/taste.  I was wondering if 
leaving it running longer would increase the PPM, but from what you say 
I gather it doesn't.
If you get a meter and monitor the current, plotting current versus 
time will give you a curve that rises slowly at first, gets steeper, 
then starts to flatten out. About the time it starts to flatten out 
it's gotten about has high a concentration as you can easily get.
Seems I will have to get myself a meter, then.  Just out of curiosity, 
do you use a home-made generator?  Do you make your CS in a small 
glass?  And if yes, how long does it take until it is 'done'?
The CS you made is still usable. All you did was waste a little silver 
making bigger particles. You can use the approximate shutoff time for 
your next batch if you keep everything about your setup as constant as 
you can.
Speaking of wasting silver.  About how long will these Maple Leaf coins 
last?  Will I actually seem gradually reduce in size?  Also, the coins 
were very shiny before I used them and now they are more matte, with 
some dark stains from the oxides which are hard to get rid of.  How do I 
clean them to regain their shine?  Is this even required?
The negative electrode will start to turn grey and dull, too, but it 
will be a lighter, medium grey. It will start to accumulate little 
fuzzy tufts of silver particles. The longer you run the more will 
accumulate. You're not really getting the brew any stronger once the 
fuzzies get obvious.
Is it a good indication then to stop the brew when the accumulation of 
the silver particles become obvious?

Thanks for all the answers so far Mike. :P


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CS>What the Bleep Do We Know

2006-05-01 Thread Teri Johnston
This movie for each who views it will affect them differently. For 
myself it was an explanation of how I think. I highly recommend those 
interested in quantum physics to watch this movie.


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Re: CS>

2006-05-01 Thread debbiegerard99
thanks Larry I'll have to check out the movie...

-- Original message -- 

> The Biology of Belief is now on my 'BUY' list. It sounds somewhat 
> parallel to a movie I recently enjoyed called "What the (Bleep) do we 
> know" which demonstrated and illustrated the quantum physics of our being. 
> I don't want to spoil the presentation but will report that its 
> enlightening presentation has been an awakening experience for me. Check 
> it out. 
> Larry 
> -- 
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
> To post, address your message to: 
> Address Off-Topic messages to: 
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making Quality CS at Home

2006-05-01 Thread debbiegerard99
Mike is right we have some great people here that are more than willing to 
help, it hasn't been that long for me since I started making my own it is 
really empowering to become independent of the drug's that get pushed at us to 
get well...welcome to the group by the way.debbie from Michigan :)
-- Original message -- 
From: "M. G. Devour"  

> Maryau writes: 
> > Considering I never made or tasted CS before, I will probably end up 
> > purchasing some CS and comparing with the home-made CS to make sure I am 
> > not doing anything wrong. :) 
> There's a slightly metallic taste to the water, which different people 
> describe as everything from undetectable to very strong... there seems 
> to be that much variation in perception. If you're making it 5 to 15 
> parts per million, or so, it looks clear with maybe a hint of faint 
> yellow color, and a laser pointer shined through it produces a barely 
> visible beam, you won't be far from perfect! 
> As for what you buy, there are lots of products being sold as 
> "colloidal silver" that are different from the sort of brew we're 
> discussing. Some are made from chemical precipitation processes, others 
> use protein stabilizers, some are soluble silver compounds, and 
> concentrations vary from zero to hundreds of ppm... There are cases 
> where plain water or food coloring were the only "active ingredients." 
> What I'm trying to say is that you won't have too much trouble being 
> sure you're producing something good... and you might not be able to 
> rely on whatever you're trying to compare it with to be a good model. 
> As long as you don't give in to the temptation to demand to know to the 
> Nth degree the exact concentration and composition of your brew, it's 
> pretty darned simple to make this stuff. Going from "that's about 
> right" to "I have exactly..." is where the cost and complexity goes up 
> by orders of magnitude, and the efficiency and value go down 
> accordingly. 
> Keep it simple, have confidence, and pester us with questions until you 
> think we're tired of you... then ask some more! 
> Be well, 
> Mike D. 
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] 
> [ ] 
> [Speaking only for myself... ] 
> -- 
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
> To post, address your message to: 
> Address Off-Topic messages to: 
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making Quality CS at Home

2006-05-01 Thread M. G. Devour
> All right, so I did manage to get some pure silver coins at a coin shop
> nearby (.).  I set it all up with the guide Marshalee sent to me.  I
> am not using a multimeter, therefore there is no measurement of the
> current being done currently.  I do have a question and it is how much
> of the silver coins much be submerged?  The way I have put it together
> (using Scotch tape, not touching the water), I have about 1/3 of the
> coins in the water (to prevent the clips from touching the water).

It'll work that way. You will surely have as much wetted surface area 
as a few inches of wire would provide.  

>  I seem to recall reading somewhere that at least 4" of silver needed
> to be in the water, does that make any difference?  Maybe in the amount
> of time I let it run? 

It's based on area. The area is proportional to the length for wire 
electrodes, which is why they'd give you a figure like 4". Your area 
depends on how deep you can set your coins. More area will deposit 
silver into the water sooner than less area, yes.

> And if yes, how long should I keep it running to get decent CS, say
> around 18-20ppm? 

"Decent CS" is anything that's pure and that works. You don't need 18-
20 ppm. Anything around 5 to 10 ppm is fine. Anything much above 13 ppm 
or so gets harder to do reproduceably and requires more careful control 
than your setup allows. Be satisfied with making and using more, lower 
concentration CS and you'll incur less hassle and expense.

The details of your setup are different from everybody else's, so we 
can only make *very* approximate guesses of how long you need to run. 
Instead, it might be better to look for recognisable signs that your 
process is "done."

If you get a meter and monitor the current, plotting current versus 
time will give you a curve that rises slowly at first, gets steeper, 
then starts to flatten out. About the time it starts to flatten out 
it's gotten about has high a concentration as you can easily get. 

The CS you made is still usable. All you did was waste a little silver 
making bigger particles. You can use the approximate shutoff time for 
your next batch if you keep everything about your setup as constant as 
you can.

Watch your electrodes. The one connected to the positive wire from your 
battery or batteries will start to get dull, maybe even turning a sooty 
grey or black. If that's happening you know for sure you're getting 
product. It'll stay that way until the end of the run, so it doesn't 
tell you much about your progress.

The negative electrode will start to turn grey and dull, too, but it 
will be a lighter, medium grey. It will start to accumulate little 
fuzzy tufts of silver particles. The longer you run the more will 
accumulate. You're not really getting the brew any stronger once the 
fuzzies get obvious.

Get an el-cheapo laser pointer from the store. Shine it through the 
brewing vessel. You may have to dim the lights. If you can see the 
beam, you have what is called Tyndall effect. It indicates you have 
particles of silver in the water. Compare it side-by-side with a 
similar container of distilled water and you'll see what I mean.

With a better controlled CS generator design, you can make good CS with 
almost no Tyndall effect. With your simple generator, you'll be able to 
see the beam. Even if it's quite dim, you've got a good brew.  

Remember, Maryau, at the level we're talking about you will *not* know 
exactly how many ppm you've got, how big the particles are, the ratio 
of particulate to ionic content, or any of the subtler parameters that 
the serious researchers around here enjoy mapping out.

What you *will* have, is a "colloidal silver" preparation that, if it 
has even a slight tyndall, any taste, even a faint yellowish tint, will 
definitely be worth experimenting with to see what it will do.

Want a simple demonstration? Go out and buy a dozen carnations or pick 
some of your favorite flowers from the garden. Split the boquet and put 
it into two vases. Fill one with distilled water, the other with your 
CS. (Fill a third with your tap or well water... that would be an 
interesting comparison!) 

Let us know how they all look in a few days. 

Believe me, it's not difficult to make "good" CS. It *is* difficult to 
make it carefully enough to predict exactly what you've made. The good 
news is, the exact properties don't matter. Simply use enough to see an 

Keep the questions coming!

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Poison Ivy

2006-05-01 Thread Jim Holmes
PI is not an infection; it is an allergic reaction.  


-Original Message-
From: Carol Ann [] 
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 5:43 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Poison Ivy


When I was a kid I used to get poison Ivy every summer for years, regardless
of whether I built my tree house that summer or not.  I heard many years
later as an adult that once PI is contracted it has a 7 yr cycle. Dont know
if this is true or not  but i havent had it as an adult.

I remember going thru bottles if not gallons of Calamine lotion and hot
baths to open the blisters. 

Jeff  wrote:

That hurts just to think about it. Maybe mine is not so bad after all. :)

-Original Message-
From: Jim Holmes [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:40 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Poison Ivy

One of the great horrors of my youth was to 

1. Fall asleep in the Florida sun on a beach nude, lying on my back
sun-burning my entire front. 

2. At the same time, touch some Poison Ivy and then touch my sunburned
...err thingy. 

-Original Message-
From: V [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:50 PM
To: Jeff
Subject: Re: CS>Poison Ivy

Hi Jeff,

poison ivy is really not an infection. what causes it is an oily acid called
carbolic acid. It soaks through the skin and combines with some substance in
a lower layer of the skin and produces a substance that the imuune system
then reacts to with blistering. I have had it many times and have not found
something that gets rid if it fast. I wonder if the DMSO might carry the
carbolic acid further into the body. It may not be good if it does that.

Take care,

> I recently have been infected with Poison Ivy. I am spraying with cs/dmso
> mixture in hopes it will be a quick cure. This is the first time I have
> had it. Is there anything else I should do to speed things along and has
> anyone else had good results using cs for this?

> Thanks 

> Jeff





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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Carol Ann


The Pessimist complains about the Wind; 
The Optimist expects it to change; 
The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors. 


Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone
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CS>Lysine and Herpes

2006-05-01 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Carlene said,
>I'm wondering if Brooks Bradley's comments about
Lysine for herpes simplex would apply to genital

Lysine has a suppressant affect on both types of
Herpes Simplex (Type 1 & Type 2). It also is effective
with Herpes Zoster (Shingles), canker sores, measles
and chicken pox, which are viral cousins.

In addition to taking 1,000 mg, 3xday of Lysine, it is
essential to avoid the foods that contain the amino
acid that *promotes* the Herpes virus and its cousins,
which is called Arginine.

The two foods with the highest levels of Arginine are
chocolate and peanuts, followed by the rest of the
nuts, then beans, seeds and grains. Until the Herpes
sores are gone, one should avoid these food items. In
an especially virulent case of Herpes, as much as
10,000 mg of lysine may be needed to conquer it.

The foods that are highest in Lysine are meats
(including eggs and fish), dairy products and
nutritional (brewers) yeast. Fruits and vegetables
contain almost no amino acids, so are safe to eat.

Colloidal Silver in generous quantities is also
effective against the Herpes virus.

Info from:
Herpes Can be Prevented, by Nicholas Sampsidis, M.S.
Published by Advances in Preventive Health,
Sunflower Publishing Co., Glen Head, NY

Terry Chamberlin, B.Sc., C.N.C., Bioanalyst
Metabolic Solutions Institute
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia B0S 1M0 Canada

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re Herpes and lysine

2006-05-01 Thread Jim Holmes
According to the guys who sell it. 

-Original Message-
From: Nina Whit [] 
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re Herpes and lysine

Acylovir is the drug of choice for herpes.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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2006-05-01 Thread Robert Berger
  There is no real relationshiop between uS/cm and PPM.
  The uS/cm will change with time. Check it as made, and again 24 hours later. 
The last reading MAY be within (higher) 10 to 15% of PPM.
  You need to standardize everything. But most importantly measure the initial  
cell current as it will determine how long to reach a given concentration or 
PWT reading.
  Basically a 2 to 1 difference in initial current will affect the end point by 
that inverse ratio.
  "Ole Bob"



2006-05-01 Thread larry
The Biology of Belief is now on my 'BUY' list.  It sounds somewhat
parallel to a movie I recently enjoyed called "What the (Bleep) do we
know" which demonstrated and illustrated the quantum physics of our being.
 I don't want to spoil the presentation but will report that its
enlightening presentation has been an awakening experience for me.  Check
it out.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Making Quality CS at Home

2006-05-01 Thread Tad Winiecki
Maryau- Many people use Canadian Maple Leaf coins.  They are supposed to be
99.99% pure silver.  I have one simple emergency generator that is just a
solar battery charger that comes with alligator clips.  And it will work
without electricity if there is sunshine.  It also works next to a lamp.



Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 15:17:28 -0400
From: Maryau Jeune 

 I was leaning more towards buying a unit until I noticed the simplicity of
building a home unit myself with few materials.  The only thing that may
prove to be a little challenging is locating the silver wires.  I'm in
Ontario, Canada; if anyone is in the area or has any knowledge about where
I could find them locally, please let me know.  Failing that, I can always
turn to on-line stores, I gather.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making Quality CS at Home

2006-05-01 Thread Maryau Jeune
All right, so I did manage to get some pure silver coins at a coin shop 
nearby (.).  I set it all up with the guide Marshalee sent to me.  I 
am not using a multimeter, therefore there is no measurement of the 
current being done currently.  I do have a question and it is how much 
of the silver coins much be submerged?  The way I have put it together 
(using Scotch tape, not touching the water), I have about 1/3 of the 
coins in the water (to prevent the clips from touching the water).  I 
seem to recall reading somewhere that at least 4" of silver needed to be 
in the water, does that make any difference?  Maybe in the amount of 
time I let it run?  And if yes, how long should I keep it running to get 
decent CS, say around 18-20ppm?


M. G. Devour wrote:

Dear Maryau,

It is very easy to make good quality colloidal silver with a home-made 
or commercial CS generator. There are a few brands of commercially made 
CS that appear to be well made, but there's nothing like knowing for 
sure what's in the stuff you make.

The cheapest commercial product you can buy is many times the cost of a 
jug of distilled water, which is essentially all the cost of a gallon 
of home-made CS, discounting a little electricity, of course. Building 
or buying a generator will pay for itself quickly. You'll also be 
likely to get better results, since you'll feel free to use CS more 
liberally than if you're buying it for dollars to the ounce.

If you or someone close is the type that likes to tinker, it's trivial 
to build a working CS generator. A couple of pure silver coins from a 
local coin shop or lengths of pure silver wire from a jewelry supply 
(or various online vendors) will provide the silver. Add a battery or 
two, some wires and clips to connect them, and an inexpensive 
multimeter to monitor the current, and you'll have what you need to 
make acceptable CS in the container of your choice.

Commercial generators range from kits providing little more than the 
above, to large machines designed for bulk production. You can easily 
get into a decent generator for personal use for $40 to $150, depending 
on how sophisticated you want to go.

There are folks here who use a number of commercial generators that can 
tell you about their experiences. A couple of vendors are also regular 
list contributors, whom you are welcome to contact off-list when they 
(or their customers) identify themselves.

I hope that'll get the ball rolling and other members will pipe up with 
their suggestions. Keep asking questions until you're up to speed.

Be well,

Mike D.


Hi everybody:

I subscribed to this group yesterday.  I have been reading a bit about
CS and how it can help fight Candida.  Someone suggested that it can be
home-made and this is why I am writing.

Any information and help is much appreciated.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


CS>Re: Poison Ivy

2006-05-01 Thread Tad Winiecki
My experience with PI is that getting the skin wet helps it to spread.
Keeping it at dry as possible, avoiding getting it wet when showering if
possible, helped me end a long session with it spreading to other areas,
without special treatment.  Topical things that are drying help.  I haven't
tried the homeoepathic PI preparations, how long do they take to clear it


Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 16:14:55 -0500
From: "Jeff" 
I recently have been infected with Poison Ivy. I am spraying with cs/dmso
mixture in hopes it will be a quick cure. This is the first time I have
ever had it. Is there anything else I should do to speed things along and
has anyone else had good results using cs for this?





The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS and baggage screening

2006-05-01 Thread Tad Winiecki
I've taken CS in an ordinary water bottle on flights several times, and
also Colloidal Minerals, without any problems or comments.  I can't say
whether the xrays damage the CS, but I did have a cold last time and got
some relief from it, in spite of being away from most of my supplements,
though I did end up with a sinus infection for the first time since I began
taking CS, I think because I had such poor sleep for the whole 18 days, and
the bacteria got off into a sinus over my teeth where the CS couldn't reach
them.  My infrared heat wand took care of it when I got home.:-)


Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 03:31:42 -0400
From: ". ." 
Subject: Re: CS>CS and baggage screening

if I sneak it in a bottle of water and it looks like water, even if its
opened, that shouldn't raise eye brows, I'm only thinking if they run it
through the screening equipment, given it's metal particles suspended in
water, will that make the red light go crazy...?

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re Herpes and lysine

2006-05-01 Thread Nina Whit
Acylovir is the drug of choice for herpes.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver & Copper Bar

2006-05-01 Thread Marshall Dudley
If you have some copper bar, you should be able to simply wrap silver
wire around it, as long as they contact, it should be enough.

Marshall wrote:

>  I have some old Copper Buss bars out of old electrical equipment
> (Early 1950's)I like the idea of cleaning up a piece and pouring
> melted pure silver on it.It should bond goodBob

CS>Thought for the day

2006-05-01 Thread Harold MacDonald
Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." 


2006-05-01 Thread Silver Smith

I want to  determine the concentraion of my EIS. I  have a meter that reads
u Siemens.   What is the relationship of uSeimens to PPM?



RE: CS>Poison Ivy

2006-05-01 Thread Carol Ann
When I was a kid I used to get poison Ivy every summer for years, regardless of 
whether I built my tree house that summer or not.  I heard many years later as 
an adult that once PI is contracted it has a 7 yr cycle. Dont know if this is 
true or not  but i havent had it as an adult.

I remember going thru bottles if not gallons of Calamine lotion and hot baths 
to open the blisters. 

Jeff  wrote: That hurts just to think about it. Maybe 
mine is not so bad after all. :)

-Original Message-
From: Jim Holmes [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:40 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Poison Ivy

One of the great horrors of my youth was to 

1.  Fall asleep in the Florida sun on a beach nude, lying on my back
sun-burning my entire front. 

2.  At the same time, touch some Poison Ivy and then touch my sunburned
...err   thingy. 

-Original Message-
From: V [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:50 PM
To: Jeff
Subject: Re: CS>Poison Ivy

Hi Jeff,

poison ivy is really not an infection. what causes it is an oily acid called
carbolic acid. It soaks through the skin and combines with some substance in
a lower layer of the skin and produces a substance that the imuune system
then reacts to with blistering. I have had it many times and have not found
something that gets rid if it fast. I wonder if the DMSO might carry the
carbolic acid further into the body. It may not be good if it does that.

Take care,

> I recently have been infected with Poison Ivy. I am spraying with cs/dmso
> mixture in hopes it will be a quick cure. This is the first time I have
> had it. Is there anything else I should do to speed things along and has
> anyone else had good results using cs for this?

> Thanks 

> Jeff





The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make  PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! 
Messenger with Voice.

CS>Re Herpes and lysine

2006-05-01 Thread genesis4
I'm wondering if Brooks Bradley's comments about Lysine for herpes simplex 
would apply to genital herpes.  Would appreciate additional information from 
anyone with this experience.

Many blessings,

Re: CS>Poison Ivy

2006-05-01 Thread Gertrude

Is this the same plant...?In Holland the name is different  poison ivy
=toxicodendron a homeopatic herb I think?


- Original Message - 
From: "V" 
To: "Jim Holmes" 
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 2:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Poison Ivy

> Hi Jim,
> That sounds pretty darn painful.
> one tiem somebady haded me a poison oak bush in the dark to stick into a
campfire. I looked like the mask for  over a week
> Take care,
>  V
> > One of the great horrors of my youth was to
> > 1.  Fall asleep in the Florida sun on a beach nude, lying on my back
> > sun-burning my entire front.
> > 2.  At the same time, touch some Poison Ivy and then touch my sunburned
> > ...err   thingy.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 