CS>narcolepsy and iodine, etc.

2007-06-03 Thread Shirley Reed

  With narcolepsy, you can be pretty sure a serious contributing factor is
stress--profound stress.  www.emofree.com is painless, free, and amazing for
stress.  Frequently, you only need to read about others' experiences to get
relief of your own, and when you begin to tap yourself, you may well find
that things that once bothered you greatly are now boring!!  And no one else
needs to know you are doing this, so the embarrassment factor is nil.
Pantothenic acid is a B vitamin that is really good for relieving stress.
Might get some 500 mg, tablets and take one a couple of times a day.  If
body tension is great, then the relaxation will probably be very noticeable
at that dose.  Beware, however, of doing this amount for very long since if
the B's get too far out of balance, psychological symptoms can appear
quickly and fiercely.  Anger can be a real biggie.  If this person is not
taking a very fine multiple vitamin/mineral supplement every day, then he
needs to begin quickly.  Just my opinion as I have no licenses or anything
like one authorizing me to prescribe anything.   I have found that a Don
Croft zapper has made a very big difference in my life and a very good
difference.   Best wishes,  pj

CS>Carpal Tunnel

2007-06-03 Thread
Wow!! Thanks to all the many people who made suggestions for me.  They are 
great and I am checking them all out!  Ya'll are the greatest!  


Re: CS>Krishna

2007-06-03 Thread Carol Ann
we seek and have not yet found.
Everything is !fight! ...fight for peace, war against hunger, terrorize 
  Wars against drugs vs find your own value."The Pharm and Doctor 
cabal" vs using common sense and making own choices to live AND die by.
  Blame others vs self responsibility.
We don't trust ourselves.
  Ode, ya forgot the War on Cancer.  Set me straight here...is the US the 
only so called First World country that declares WAR on everything and anything 
it dosen't understand?
  What intrigues me about our country and its people is that they will  talk 
about everything with everyone about anything.  Got a problem, call your 
sister, chat with the car mechanic or solicit the opinion of several neighbors. 
 But get sick and Western Doctors with their portfolios staked Lipitor, Nexium 
and Lunesta are the be all, end all of knowledge and trust. 

Ode Coyote  wrote:

That olde pendalum swing into the unknown , eh?
..somewhere between control by force and enlightened self control is what 
we seek and have not yet found.
Everything is !fight! ...fight for peace, war against hunger, terrorize the 
Wars against drugs vs find your own value."The Pharm and Doctor 
cabal" vs using common sense and making own choices to live AND die by.
Blame others vs self responsibility.
We don't trust ourselves.

The 3rd alternative eludes us, but is at least, gradually heading away 
from *kill and steal for prosperity* into "let's make a deal".

But, there are some traditions that have evolved into, 'Kill and steal for 
prosperity and blame the Jews/whites/Christians/doctors..whatever.. for our 
poverty because they don't do that and are rich"
If they have it and we don't, they must have *somehow* stolen it because 
the only path to wealth we've ever seen was by theft and ransom...steal it 
*Force* all "thems" to make us happy, healthy and wealthy.
Good luck.

No one "makes" anyone take the Pharms poisons.
WE don't trust ourselves to make decisions and live or die with the 
It's safer for "them" to be wrong.
So, when they ARE wrong, they get all the blame and we get to stay the 
helplessly innocent children we deny we are.
..and STILL not live forever.

OK, so I took an Tylenol PM and it got me run down by a bus.
Danged Pharm wasn't paying attention to my beer consumption rate! [LOL]
BAN BEER !!! Death to Jack Daniles? BAD headache pills! ..for a bad 
headache...picked my pocket and shoved em right down my throat, then 
re-scheduled that blasted bus.

Clue: You can walk your own path, but there are roots growing across it to 
stumble over.
If you use a guide dog, then you can shoot the dog when you fall down.
Then, you can get another dog to shoot.
But its not long till the dogs want "Fancy Feast" before they take'll on 
that job.

Freedom is risky, no way around it.
Buying your way out of taking your own risks is expensive.

But the thang is:
Death is inevitable and we aren't in charge of how and when.
We want to believe that putting someone else in charge of that will 
-Somehow- work better.
Then we get to whine about them not being able to do it any better than we can.
So, decide. [You cannot not decide, but you can deny you did.]
How much is complaining over this *how and when* vs that *how and when* , 

"That one" worth more?
Being an old worn out wreck in a hospital bed beats falling off a horse at 45?
Willing to trade freedom for the myth of security and blame a paid 'god' 
[guide dog] when a myth is still a myth?
Fine. Nothing wrong with it...just a choice that does what it does.

"It" in a nutshell...
Pay UP...or... take the risk yourself.
Or, do a bit of both.
It's YOU that decides.

The motto of the free:
"Today is a good day to die"
..when tomorrow never comes, it's just a bet to be hedged.
And at some unknowable point, the probabilities become certainties.
Insurance companies know that well and play you as "the house" making rules 
for you in your own casino with you pulling the one armed doctor/pharm 
cabal bandit, feeding it dollars in hopes of beating the odds.

Face it. You "might" be able to delay losing, but winning is impossible.
...and the longer you delay by using one armed bandits, the more painfully 
tired your arm gets...till finally, you can't move at all and wind up 
paying someone else to pull the lever.

Why is it that we're so afraid to go home when there is no other place to 
go?..and... pay other people to be afraid *for* us.
By golly, we're even afraid to be afraid.

Fact: You gonna die and no one knows when.
So, how will you live?
Like it or not, you do.
If you think you don't, you're wrong...but you get to fight somebody 
who fights you for the same reason.
And that "feels like" it's doing something, if, for no other 
reasonit's a lot of work...a struggle.
A struggle in quick sand, that is.


At 03:46 PM 5/27/2007 +0100, you wrote:

>The trouble is, we seem to be going backwards

Re: CS>OT(Sorry!) Carpal tunnel:COMMENT

2007-06-03 Thread Brooks Bradley
We conducted some rather extensive investigations into protocols of promise.for addressing Carpal Tunnel insults in calendar 1999.  Although measurable beneficial results were obtained from a variety of approaches, one simple health supplement yieldedby far.the most desireable control/suppression results.  This simple protocol involved ingesting vitamin B-6.  The median dosage for best result was.200 mg daily, the first two days (to raise the titer immediately)  followed by 100 mg daily on a continual basis until favorable resolution was effected.  (Much larger dosages were utilized among some of the more challenging experimental volunteer cases, without 
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome presents as a nerve insult and the more effective protocols (we have found in our experimental researches) involve positive means of reducing inflamation of the nerve group directly affected..especially the sheath tissue.  We consider it to be nothing short of criminal, that allopathic medicine has, almost unilaterally, chosen to keep the well-documented work of Dr. Roger Williams (University of Texas affiliate) essentially, ignored for general application.  His seminal work using Vitamin B-6 for multiple systemic insults involving the nervous system.stands head and shoulders above a majority of the academic pablum  passed off as useful research.by the conventional allopathic establishment (at least that is my opinion).
 Additionally, Dr. John M. Ellis's  Book or Vitamin B-6, entitled "Free of Pain"  certainly recommends itself to individuals with a genuine interest in supporting real health among their family and friends. 
  These comments are offered without adversarial intent and in
the spirit of cooperative research.  I hope you find them useful.
 Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.  Harborne Research Foundation.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>OT(Sorry!) Carpal tunnel
 Date : Fri, 01 Jun 2007 19:40:20 +0200
 From : "Tony Moody" 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

On 31 May 2007 at 16:51, rer...@mindspring.com wrote about :
Subject : CS>OT(Sorry!) Carpal tunnel

> (Please forgive this off topic question, but maybe someone will say to
> soak my wrists in CS!) 
> I have recently started a part time data entry job and I am concern
> about developing carpal tunnel. I am a knitter too, so sometimes I
> feel some twinges there already. Do any of you wise ones have any
> suggestions?TIA Lisa 

Hi Lisa,

Yes you could soak your wrists in CS and DMSO mixture. :-) that should take the CS in to the 
possible inflammation sites. Taking CS before should act as a preventative. 

I would also do stretch, lubricate and relax. 
I would also do gentle stretching and bending of the wrists before starting the work. Like 
warm up execises to get into condition. I would also drink my full quota of water every day 
and perhaps take a suitable oil  to lubricate the tissues internally. Also I would do "dancing at 
the keyboard" often as I can: shifting on seat, blinking, changing eye focus,  to break the 
tension and held stiffness. Relax and try to think a pleasant scene at the end of each line of 

Good luck,

PS. if you were Waynes dog he would beat you and shout at you to get on with your knitting. 

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Re: CS>narcolepsy

2007-06-03 Thread Deborah Gerard
Big help Jodi thanks again for all your info...debbie

Jodi  wrote:  Hi Deb -  

Shirley is so right about the iodine, and I wish I had mentioned it as 
something to try before resorting to Armour but I must have went blank there.  
Taking iodine along with 200 mcg. of selenium a day can help to balance ones 
thyroid production.  They should both be taken, because taking only one can 
cause imbalances.  As long as one does not have the autoimmune thyroid disorder 
called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, then the iodine should speed him up and help.  
Otherwise, it could make the narcolepsy worse because with Hashi's, ones body 
makes antibodies that attack and destroy the thyroid gland, and that's where 
the iodine needs to be processed to help.   I think the iodine would be worth a 
shot regardless for now though, because he can see how it makes him feel and go 
from there.  If it doesn't work out and he has difficulty finding a good 
thyroid doctor (one that is willing to prescribe Armour and go up to a dose of 
3 to 5 grains a day) then he can always look into
 self-treating.  I did and it works for me.  I learned how by joining a group 
at Yahoo called NaturalThyroidHormones.  

Hope this helps.   


Deborah Gerard wrote on 6/2/2007, 7:36 PM:   
  thanks for your reply...do you think that iodine could help with the 
narcolepsy? thanks again debbie

Shirley Reed  wrote:   Might want to use the procedure 
found at www.emofree.com to reduce stress.  Great technique.   And using iodine 
can really strengthen the immune system.  That always helps everything.  Iodine 
can be taken internally, but be careful not to overdose.  Also, start slow to 
see if there is any allergy to it.  Lugol's is probably best for this purpose.  
Iodine may explain how the Japanese are so long-lived in spite of all that 
mercury in the seafood they eat.  Seafood has lots of iodine in it.   best 
wishes,  pj-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To 
post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Address Off-Topic 
messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com The Silver List and Off Topic 
List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: DMSO gel, was Re: CS>shingles

2007-06-03 Thread sol

parj...@bellsouth.net wrote:

Richard Harris's recipe is " 2oz cs,2msm,1oz dmso "
I tried it and it's fine for me


Using liquid DMSO or the gel? And is that 2oz msm?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: DMSO gel, was Re: CS>shingles

2007-06-03 Thread parjac7
Richard Harris's recipe is " 2oz cs,2msm,1oz dmso "
I tried it and it's fine for me

> From: sol 
> Date: 2007/06/03 Sun PM 04:26:39 EST
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: DMSO gel, was Re: CS>shingles
> I think it is primarily the strength of the gel--the one we tried is 90% 
> DMSO. I have also wondered if the ingredients which make it a gel 
> actually increase the burning. I have been unable to find out what those 
> ingredients are, so that is a another big reason why I prefer the 
> liquid--ours 99% pure DMSO. Since I have a lot of allergies and chemical 
> sensitivities, I just do not like using a product that is a carrier and 
> transporter and penetrant that also has unknown ingredients, which will 
> be carried into my body.
> sol
> Dee wrote:
> > I wonder why that is?  I am ok as long as it is fairly diluted, 
> > but the fifty fifty ratio was just too strong.  I will try the liquid 
> > but wonder why the gel is different.  Thanks. dee
> >  
> > /---Original Message---/
> >  
> > /*From:*/ sol 
> > /*Date:*/ 03/06/2007 17:17:08
> > /*To:*/ silver-list@eskimo.com 
> > /*Subject:*/ Re: CS>shingles
> >  
> > Neither my husband nor myself can tolerate the DMSO gel at all. Even if
> > diluted.
> >  
> >
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >   
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

DMSO gel, was Re: CS>shingles

2007-06-03 Thread sol
I think it is primarily the strength of the gel--the one we tried is 90% 
DMSO. I have also wondered if the ingredients which make it a gel 
actually increase the burning. I have been unable to find out what those 
ingredients are, so that is a another big reason why I prefer the 
liquid--ours 99% pure DMSO. Since I have a lot of allergies and chemical 
sensitivities, I just do not like using a product that is a carrier and 
transporter and penetrant that also has unknown ingredients, which will 
be carried into my body.


Dee wrote:
I wonder why that is?  I am ok as long as it is fairly diluted, 
but the fifty fifty ratio was just too strong.  I will try the liquid 
but wonder why the gel is different.  Thanks. dee
/---Original Message---/
/*From:*/ sol 

/*Date:*/ 03/06/2007 17:17:08
/*To:*/ silver-list@eskimo.com 
/*Subject:*/ Re: CS>shingles
Neither my husband nor myself can tolerate the DMSO gel at all. Even if



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>shingles

2007-06-03 Thread Dee
I wonder why that is?  I am ok as long as it is fairly diluted, but the
fifty fifty ratio was just too strong.  I will try the liquid but wonder why
the gel is different.  Thanks. dee

<'Tis not right, a woman going into such places by herself." Granny nodded.
She thoroughly approved of such sentiments so long as there was, of course,
no suggestion that they applied to her.> 
-- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)
---Original Message---
From: sol
Date: 03/06/2007 17:17:08
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>shingles
Neither my husband nor myself can tolerate the DMSO gel at all. Even if

Re: CS>wasn't there someone with CS and brown recluse bite?

2007-06-03 Thread s...@emotap
Hi Wendy,
Was this the post about the brown recluse spider bite you were thinking of? 
See below:
From: Dan Nave 
Date: 05/19/06 20:59:57 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS>brown recluse 
There are four methods generally that are being talked about here. 
Each takes a different approach to treat the bite. 
1. Kill any bacteria etc that are injected by the spider. 
- Use colloidal silver or antibiotics. 
2. Draw out any poison from the bite area. 
- Use charcoal pack, clay pack, or something similar. 
3. Counteract the action of the poison. 
- Use nicotine patch. 
4. Neutralize the poison. 
- Use heat, or high voltage (low current) shock like 
a stun gun or a spark from a car or lawnmower. 
Hope this makes things clearer. 
From: Wendy 
Subject: CS>wasn't there someone with CS and brown recluse bite? 
I'm pulling from memory here, didn't someone here successfully treat a 
bad spider bite with CS?  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>shingles

2007-06-03 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dee,
>From somewhere I have it in my head that for people with fair sensitive skin 
>the dilution of 
DMSO could be 20% or less. And that one is more sensitive above the waist. 

I usually dilute a lot because of the smell.


 I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, 
"Where's the self-help section?" 
She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

On 3 Jun 2007 at 8:24, Dee wrote about :
Subject : CS>shingles

> I have been mixing 50% DMSO gel with 10ppm EIS but found that when I
> applied it to the lesions, it was absolute agony! It really burnt and
> I'm no wimp! I've found that if I tip some of the mixture away, every

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>shingles

2007-06-03 Thread sol
Neither my husband nor myself can tolerate the DMSO gel at all. Even if 

The liquid DMSO is much easier to deal with. It seems like a mix of 
liquid DMSO and CS would run all over, but you only apply a little (for 
a cold sore, use a Q-tip as applicator). For larger areas for other uses 
I either pour a very little into a palm and spread it around the area 
that needs it, or I put it in a small roll on bottle and apply it that 
way. It absorbs into the skin very quickly so it doesn't stay wet long 
at all.


Dee wrote:
I have been mixing 50% DMSO gel with 10ppm EIS but found that when I 
applied it to the lesions, it was absolute agony!  It really burnt and 
I'm no wimp!  I've found that if I tip some of the mixture away, every 
morning and then fill up with EIS it still is thick enough to apply 
and stay on, but doesn't hurt so much.  I am assuming that I am 
watering the DMSO down with the silver and this is of course 
economical, but I have tons of DMSO as it never seems to get any 
less!  Wouldn't it be better to just put in a small amount of DMSO 
just until it is thick enough to paste on?  What was the thinking 
behind the 50 - 50 ration please?  Oh, I have it in an open container 
as I can't find one with a lid, but put it in one of those lock tight 
bags.  TIA  

<'Tis not right, a woman going into such places by herself." Granny 
nodded. She thoroughly approved of such sentiments so long as there 
was, of course, no suggestion that they applied to her.>

-- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>essiac tea to garry and rash to leslie

2007-06-03 Thread Rowena
An FIR sauna is great for getting toxins out of storage in the tissues. 
Make sure, however, that plenty of water (with minerals, celtic or Himalayan 
or other real salt) is drunk before and during.  At some stage she will 
probably recognise the smell of  the rubbish that is sweating out of her.

 I have a friend that had some major problems after using drugs. Even after 
she quit using them, she had problems. She went thru a detox of 
colon,kidney, and liver cleansing and it was very beneficial for her. I am 
wondering if treatments with far infared saunas would help as well.

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2007-06-03 Thread Dee
I have been mixing 50% DMSO gel with 10ppm EIS but found that when I applied
it to the lesions, it was absolute agony!  It really burnt and I'm no wimp! 
I've found that if I tip some of the mixture away, every morning and then
fill up with EIS it still is thick enough to apply and stay on, but doesn't
hurt so much.  I am assuming that I am watering the DMSO down with the
silver and this is of course economical, but I have tons of DMSO as it never
seems to get any less!  Wouldn't it be better to just put in a small amount
of DMSO just until it is thick enough to paste on?  What was the thinking
behind the 50 - 50 ration please?  Oh, I have it in an open container as I
can't find one with a lid, but put it in one of those lock tight bags.  TIA
-- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)<>