Re: CSCoconut

2008-03-16 Thread Carlos Prez


Actually, coconut water is the liquid inside the coconut, and milk is a 
milk looking/oily liquid obtained by blending the pulp or meat that forms 
the rest of the inside of the coconut, when it is tender. When this pulp is 
dry, it is usually grated or passed through a food processor, then pressed 
through sieve or cheese cloth in order to extract the milk.

When the pulp is not totally tender and not dry either, it is normally 
blended with some of the coconut water.

Actually, the pure milk is used in many recipes in countries where 
coconuts grow, for different foods and also deserts.

Any combination of coconut water and tender, firm or dry pulp, in any 
proportions, is plainly delicious.


Subject: Re: CSCoconut
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:10:10 EDT

Coconut water and milk are the same and is the fluid filling the coconut. 
best are the green ones we have in Florida. Once it turns slightly yellow 
is ripe and sweet and the meat is tender. If you can't find a good coconut 
to health food store and get Vita Coco pure coconut water. I was recently 
on a

cruise and every Carribean island we stopped at I got my coconut treat. If
you ice them before it's even better on a hot day and enjoying it in a 

is the best!

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RE: CSCS Lupus

2007-09-04 Thread Carlos Prez


In my experience cayenne pepper or habaneros or any other one of these 
marvels of nature, should be used directly in contact with mouth sub-lingual 
and laringeal mucose and all the others of the area, because it is precisely 
this direct flux through them into the bloodstream what produces the highest 

It helps clean the arteries, it activates blood circulation, it regenerates 
blood vessels, and due to this it is specially fit to regenerate heart 
tissues when blood irrigation is deficient due to their being damaged.

Of course, it is just a matter of using it daily, and GRADUALLY increasing 
the ammount without getting much discomfort (I use it fresh and raw in every 
meal, by direct biting and chewing pieces together with bites of food) 
Remember it should be done gradually. If you get to the point that you start 
feeling a little hot (in your mouth naturally, but a little on your head and 
rest of your body) and you start sweating a little, you are in the right 
track. These waves of heat several times a day bring the highest benefit. 
If you happen to exceed yourself a little through lack of practice, no 
problem. The discomfort will go away in a few minutes, and you will be more 
careful in your dosage next time.

In a short period of time you probably will be eating and enjoying ammounts 
of pepper that would make others cry.

Cayenne extract and cayenne tea, several dropperfulls under the tongue, have 
saved many lives of persons with a severe heart stroke, practically dead on 
the ground. I am sure that, since it has normally been in cases of common 
persons and not Hot Pepper Eaters, it burned the hell out of them, but a few 
minutes later they were very glad that by using this method they were again 

A few months ago, even though I never get sick, I was having some 
irregularities in my heart beat. I did not pay much attention to it, but 
when more than a month had elapsed, I got curious and went to a recommended 
very famous heart specialist to hear his opinion. He examined me very 
carefully, had me have heart and chest X-rays done, asked me all kinds of 
questions about eating and life habits, put a Holter 24 hours on me, had me 
have effort tests, and after all was finished he had me seat in front of him 
and told me very gravely:

You have some supra-ventricular arrhytmia.

Don't pay any attention to it. Your heart looks in perfect condition, size 
and everything. There is not any sign of calcification in your aorta, in 
spite of yor 74 years. You eat far better than me and any other person I 
know. You exercise wisely and daily (interval exercising doing bicycle, 
swimming, hill climbing, etc). You are in a better shape than most men 20 or 
more years younger than you.

I have no idea what to tell you do, except ... maybe pray, which you 
probably already do...!

I am sure the many years I have been using hot peppers had something to do 
with these results.

In my case, at the moment I was going through a lot of stress, and that 
created a temporary irregular situation that later came to normal.

Watch for stress, whether it be emotional, from work or lack of it, 
economical or whatever. It can be a dangerous disease. It can produce a 
syndrome equivalent to Chronic Fatigue. It can be very destroying.

Review yor eating habits and exercise.

I hope my experience is of some help.

Kindest regards,


From: Scott
Subject: RE: CSCS  Lupus
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 10:46:21 -0700 (PDT)

Yes, I use it on at least one meal per day.  It is very spicy and I cannot 
eat a whole lot of it without it burning too much.  Let me know if there 
are other ways to ingest/use it. Thanks.

In His Service,

Dee wrote: Have you tried cayenne, Scott, this is very 
good for the heart.  Dee

---Original Message---

From: Scott

Date: 04/09/2007 17:39:37


Subject: RE: CSCS  Lupus

At times my heart feels like it is not beating strongly. I'm not sure that
answers the irregular part. I have an appt with the pulmonologist next week
and hopefully he can help me with some of this problem. I do eat raw garlic
almost daily with at least one meal and use Diamond Brand Kosher Salt
which has no caking agents or additives in it and is made in purified fresh
water. I use it almost daily on my meals but have not used it in a glass of
water for quite awhile. I take potassium tabs each day but my doc says I am
still low overall on it. I will try the other items you suggested. Thanks,
Jess. Stay in touch.

In His Service,


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Re: CSAn even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-04 Thread Carlos Prez


Concerning raw eggs, I honestly believe the right approach is a totally 
different one. It is a matter of learned apprehentions to see, understand 
and overcome. To be natural again is not that difficult. Have you ever 

Why make so complicated something that is so easy?

The idea that eating a raw egg is something horrible is absurd and totally 
new, it is modern, only a few decades old. Does YOUR BODY feel that a raw 
egg is horrible? or is it all mental allienation performed by the irrational 
things we are made to believe? It is a concept that we are attached to, 
concepts really taste horribly.

Concepts block our possibility to perceive reality, even a relative reality 
at this simple bi-dimensional world we love to live in.

Our body would consider horrible trash 90% of what we buy at a supermarket. 
And in our mind we get to believe we like it after being brainwashed. I 
really like smoking cigarrettes. Do your lungs and cardiovascular system 
also really like your smoking cigarrettes?

Ever since the beginning, our ancestors ate raw eggs, honey, fruits, leaves, 
roots and different types of meat and fish. Afterwards they also cooked 
them. Until very recently, this has been done, specially amongst farming 

A Coke or any one of those cold drinks with fluorescent colors and flavours, 
or Oreos, or whatever toxic trash we are offered, may SEEM delicious to a 
person that has no sensory connection with its body.

A person that makes an effort to improve its nutrition and eats what its 
body requires, and exercises adequately, and tries to live as a live being, 
ruled by natural biological laws may at a given moment find out they taste 
horribly (Right, Wayne?) and many other things also.

A live lobster is seen like a horrible monster by many, but if it is served 
a la Thermidor at an expensive french restaurant, those same persons 
will probably say This is delicious!!

In my early days, not only in the countryside but even in the cities (real 
eggs were easily available then) it was very normal for us kids to pick an 
egg from the hen's nest, or brought from our neighbour's house, crack the 
tip a little, suck the white through the little hole, and afterwards open a 
hole large enough for the yolk to be poured whole inside our mouth, where we 
pressed to break it and swallowed it. What a treat! What a flavour! It is a 
shame the aftertaste did never last a whole day, as Dee said. It only lasted 
for a while. Probably the aftertaste they are talking about is only in their 

Concepts. Remembrances. These can last a day, a month, a whole lifetime, 
together with many other aftertastes that are treasured and cherished 
...and are highly toxic.

Chelation should be done in regards to them, before bothering with poisoning 
from heavy metals, including mercury amalgams. These concepts are much more 
toxic and are at the root of many diseases, which are only their effect.

Just the idea of driking one's own urine will make many members of this list 
faint. It is a shame, because it was the first liquid they ever drank, even 
seven months before they were brest fed with their mother's milk. They drank 
it, breathed it and swam in it. In this case, it might be useful if they 
could have kept the REMEMBRANCE of this, they would not consider it a 
horrible toxic waste from our body. They would instead value it as it is, a 
miraculous gift of Nature, about as useful as CS.

As a matter of fact, being able to drink their own urine might even save 
their lives at a given moment, as it has done to thousands the world over.

I hardly ever use any eggs anymore. It has been about six years since we 
sold our last farm and with it our chickens that ran on the loose all time, 
eating whatever Nature put in front of them as delicacies, including all 
types of worms and larvae, and scorpions, and cockroaches, and a little 
grain in order to put them inside the chicken house at the end of the day. 
Those were delicious chicken, delicious eggs, raw or cooked!!

Now I eat fresh raw fish everyday.

Are raw turnips, raw squash or zucchinis, raw okra, horrible? Many modern 
ones think so. And even a raw carrot also.

CS produces argyria. Yes, if we really try hard many times a day every 
day, every month, and do exactly what we are told by the experts in this 
list NOT to do, it would really be hard work, but at the end we might 
succeed, if we are consistant enough. Stanley Jones succeeded. Grind a 
silver dollar (hard to find) and add it to all you eat and it will help get 
there faster.

Feeling oneself is totally different that thinking about ourselves.

A raw egg is not by all means more horrible than an overfried and refried 
chunk of meat that you have to use a hacksaw to cut.

Relax, center yourself, quiet your mind, feel yourself, and your body and 
all senses will tell you what is delicious and what is horrible.

Concepts avoid perceiving what is really there.

Re: CSHot vs Spicy

2007-09-04 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Chuck,

You wrote:

Cayenne is relegated to spicy for me.

Now, them there Scotch bonnets still have to be respected...
But I'll slice them onto a tomato sandwich.

Hey, Chuck,

Have you tried Red Savina Habaneros? They can reach 300,000 Scoville Units.

What about little Tepin hot peepers? They broke the Scoville scale. It 

They grow wild in the south of USA and the north of Mexico. You can pick 
them for free there. (Be careful what you do with your hands afterwards, 
though, specially if you had a few beers and you feel you should visit the 
man's room).

Actually, they are very small, around the size of a pea.

Chew on a few of them and, if you survive, I will invite you to a lunch of 
fresh raw fish A La Tepin¨here at my home in Margarita island.

If you don't, I will send your relatives flowers ...(whole tepin plants with 
flowers and their beautyful tiny little red balls that are the end products. 
They look like a small Chistmas tree. We are still in time).

Good luck


Subject: Re: CSHot vs Spicy
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2007 22:21:19 -0400

They're relative.

Gave a single drop  of Daves Insanity Sauce on a cracker to a friend
who thought he liked hot.
He cried.
and sweated.

My first bottle lasted 10 years as I was getting used to it.

Now I buy a hotter version by the 6 pack.

Cayenne is relegated to spicy for me.

Now, them there Scotch bonnets still have to be respected...
But I'll slice them onto a tomato sandwich.

If you're merely mincing words, cayenne IS a spice, and therefore

I planted some bird seed.
 A bird grew.
 Now I don't know what to feed it.

On 9/4/2007 9:56:26 PM, Dan Nave ( wrote:
 OK you guys.

 You are pushing the button of one of my pet peeves. ;-))

 Cayenne is not spicy, it is hot.

 Indians make a distinction between something being spicy
 and how hot it is.  And I certainly agree with them.


 Re: CSCS  Lupus wrote:
 I've been able to take 9000 HU cayenne in a smoothie (heaping
  teaspoon) and just notice that it's
  The rest of the smoothy was raw liver, raw milk, lecithin, raw eggs

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Re: CSAn even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-04 Thread Carlos Prez
The same old books tell us that later (several tens of thousands of years 
ago) our ancestors ate animal products. Paleontology coincides.



From: John Plumridge
Subject: Re: CSAn even easier way to eat raw eggs.
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 05:16:00 +0100

--On 4 September 2007 23:39:00 -0400 Carlos Pérez wrote:

Ever since the beginning, our ancestors ate raw eggs, honey, fruits,
leaves, roots and different types of meat and fish. Afterwards they also
cooked them. Until very recently, this has been done, specially amongst
farming families.

You can't say that, you have no authority. According to some old books - 
the veda, and the bible, we were vegetarian.

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Re: CSFw: Non S/C - Tick Removal and Lyme Disease WebSite

2007-09-02 Thread Carlos Prez
Another remedy very widely and efficiently used, if available, is anti-lice 
shampoo (for human use, even though dog anti-fleas/ticks shampoo is 
eventually used in emergencies).

When a person gets all over its body hundreds or thousands of ticks, the 
first thing to do is to try to get them out as soon as possible, preferably 
whole. Not wasting time is important since the possibility to be infected 
rises in direct proportion to time elapsed after being bit. Shampooing them 
will also finally kill them, but one has to learn the right timing. Washing 
the shampoo too early leads to have a few ticks loose, alive and kicking, 
and the majority still attached, alive and sucking. Of course, using 
irational methods like shaving them off (it has been done, I tell you...!) 
can lead to serious trouble.

Using natural greases tremendously difficults their breathing, therefore 
they try to get off BEFORE they die, even though these tiny monsters are so 
tremendously stubborn that sometimes they would rather die than let go.

I have never used vaseline, petroleum jelly or any artificial grease, but I 
can assure you in emergency I would not hesitate to use them if it was the 
only solution available. Getting one or half a dozen ticks off is a 
relatively simple matter. If you get them in numbers you can not count, then 
you are in trouble, even if they are not infected with Lyme, Ehrlichiosis, 
Tularemia, Babesiosis, Encephalitis or any of the many infernal gifts easily 
available from them.



From: Dee
Subject: Re: CSFw: Non S/C - Tick Removal and Lyme Disease WebSite
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 09:36:46 +0100 (GMT Standard Time)

I think because if it suffocates and dies before it lets go, then the
mouthpiece could conceivably be left in the skin.  Ditto burning it. Dee

---Original Message---

From: Sol

Date: 02/09/2007 00:37:19


Subject: Re: CSFw: Non S/C - Tick Removal and Lyme Disease WebSite

I've never read WHY NOT to use Vaseline to remove a tick (or a flea).

Anybody know?



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RE: CSTick Removal, How Quick ( My bogus History )

2007-09-02 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Wayne

You wrote:

My real questions is, if the tick is infected, how long does it have to 
remain attached before the body is infected ? One minute, three minutes or 
5 minutes?

One minute, very little possibilities.

One hour, some possibilities

One day, many possibilities

I my experience, and in many other persons and investigators' experience 
(including CDC and others, which are sometimes right), time has A LOT to do 
(in direct proportion) with the possibility of being infected by a tick, as 
does leaving mouth parts inside a person's skin.

In contact with a natural environment (mountain, sea, prairies, 
semi-desertic places, farms, etc.), where I have spent a good part of my 74 
and 3/4 years, I and any other person with some experience will try to solve 
problems that arise in the best way we can. Stepping on a half buried river 
sting ray is no joke, a dozen large sea urchin's imbedded spikes not either, 
as not a joke either a forest fire that is surrounding a family house in a 
farm, or a half frozen person that got lost in the Andes mountains peaks and 
would for sure have died if left to what his body knew what to do.

As a swimmer (and lifeguard), and scuba diver, and fisherman, and sailboat 
passionate, I saved the life of many dozens of persons of all ages, 
including small children that were drowining just a few feet away from their 
mothers, while they very animatedly chatted to each other sitting right in 
front of them on the edge of the swimming pool, with their legs inside the 

In the water, plains, mountain or wherever, in all cases I and many, many 
others (including you) have done the best we could in order to help 
ourselves or others. If in many cases we had left our own or somebody elses' 
body  alone, withot help, do what it knows how to do, there for sure would 
be many sad relatives or friends mourning for additional unnecessarily lost 

In all these cases, and in dozens of others, I (and I am sure you too) have 
considered to act and try to do something about the problems when they 
arise, instead of assuming

The body knows just what to do about that.

I believe the body of any live being also also knows just what to do about 
some available help in any moment. As a matter of fact, that is how any of 
us function every second of our lives. Food we get is help. CS we use is 
help. Making an effort in trying to lead a healthy life is help. Trying to 
find water to drink after being very much dehydrated is help. Drinking your 
own urine is help (and a big one...!) if you find no water.

Helping our body do what it knows how to do usually helps.

I am sure your (and also mine, in spite of Ehrlichiosis) way above average 
good health would not have been and would not be the same if you and I and 
many others would not at a given moment acted instead of just waiting to see 
what our body decided to do. Trying to learn, learning how to think clearly 
(not too common...) is trying to find help.

You wrote:

Many, many years back, when I got on the nutrition bandwagon many good 
things happened.

Trying to feel ourselves, trying to find out how we work, trying to lead a 
life which is in accordance to our human nature, which means in accordance 
with Nature, are all efforts that we make in order to help ourselves or 

As soon as Adelle Davis started writing her books I started reading them. In 
spite of many mistakes she made (some serious ones), they helped me and many 
others to improve our health. As a matter of fact, they helped me to find 
out many instances where she was wrong.

Learning from our mistakes is one of the best helps we can get.

Your wide experience in many fields, your permanent disposition to help, 
your available archives and files, all of which have so much benefited me 
and countless others, is available help.

Thank you, Wayne.

Kindest regards,


From: CWFugitt

Subject: CSTick Removal, How Quick  ( My bogus History )
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 06:55:45 -0500

Morning Dee,

At 03:36 AM 9/2/2007, you wrote:

I think because if it suffocates and dies before it lets go, then the
mouthpiece could conceivably be left in the skin.  Ditto burning it.

  So what if the head stays in the body?  The body knows just what to do 
about that.   It will spit it out in due time.

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Re: CSOde

2007-09-02 Thread Carlos Prez

Second one today, Wayne,

No, you are not at the bottom of the list. Battles of Egos are normal (we 
have seen several examples of them in the last few weeks, have we not?), and 
the more knowledge we have (about any subject except ourselves), the more 
refined and sophisticated and complicated they get.

All of us, in a larger or smaller measure, get involved in them (or is there 
anyone around that can boast about having totally dissolved that ego or 
having that Ego totally dissolved him?).

I have been a dog breeder, and a very successful one (who is talking here, 
my ego or my love for others?), for  around 45 years, and my obedience 
methods give excellent results (ask Ivan Balavanoff, one of the most famous 
dog breeders in the world, for sure in USA, of the Ot Vitosha kennels, about 
his methods... neither of us use the Beisbol Bat Technique ) but the fact 
that you use a very controversial method does not in the littlest way opaque 
all the good you do through this list.

You can be sure you are not at the bottom of this list.

(Sorry if I gave a little OXIGEN to your ego. It was not my 


Subject: Re: CSOde
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 18:33:49 -0500

I think Ode's Brain is getting heavily oxygenated by absorption through 
the  ethers regarding the topic of MMS. He is racking up the points today.

   It seemed to make me get my terms mixed up.
Now every one has me on the bottom of the list, ..
or, Maybe I was there all the time.

Hopefully I will recover soon.

Possibly I did not take enough.


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Re: CSOde

2007-09-02 Thread Carlos Prez

Second one today, Wayne,

No, you are not at the bottom of the list. Battles of Egos are normal (we 
have seen several examples of them in the last few weeks, have we not?), and 
the more knowledge we have (about any subject except ourselves), the more 
refined and sophisticated and complicated they get.

All of us, in a larger or smaller measure, get involved in them (or is there 
anyone around that can boast about having totally dissolved that ego or 
having that Ego totally dissolved him?).

I have been a dog breeder, and a very successful one (who is talking here, 
my ego or my love for others?), for  around 45 years, and my obedience 
methods give excellent results (ask Ivan Balavanoff, one of the most famous 
dog breeders in the world, for sure in USA, of the Ot Vitosha kennels, about 
his methods... neither of us use the Beisbol Bat Technique ) but the fact 
that you use a very controversial method does not in the littlest way opaque 
all the good you do through this list.

You can be sure you are not at the bottom of this list.

(Sorry if I gave a little OXIGEN to your ego. It was not my 


Subject: Re: CSOde
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 18:33:49 -0500

I think Ode's Brain is getting heavily oxygenated by absorption through 
the  ethers regarding the topic of MMS. He is racking up the points today.

   It seemed to make me get my terms mixed up.
Now every one has me on the bottom of the list, ..
or, Maybe I was there all the time.

Hopefully I will recover soon.

Possibly I did not take enough.


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Re: CSDoes Salt/C protocol interfere with CS protocol, cayenne pepper?

2007-09-02 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, S-Max,

No, I am not planning to use the MMS protocole.

Regarding Lymestrategies Yahoo Group, I know about it but, even though I 
have for years been a member of Yahoo-Groups, I have avoided becoming a new 
member of any other of the groups there since I had a big problem trying to 
unsubscribe from one of them. It took many months to solve this issue, and 
in the meantime it turned into the worst nightmare I have ever got through 

I am glad about what you tell me concerning Bryan Rosner and Marc Fett 
recommending the use of CS together with the Salt/C protocol. They should 
know about the subject. The opinion of others that are also using Cayenne is 

I have not any type of sympthoms of Ehrlichiosis any more, except some that 
might resemble a mild Chronic Fatigue, but nevertheless never get sick with 
absolutely anything, not even a cold, and at almost 75 years my activities 
are usually more than those a normal man 20 years younger would perform, but 
I am not totally sure I am cured of the disease, because due to a 
misdiagnosis it became chronic and had invaded absolutely all my organs and 
systems, included bone marrow, lymph and nervous nodes, skin and all else.

Thank you very much for your help


From: S-Max
Subject: Re: CSDoes Salt/C protocol interfere with CS protocol, cayenne 

Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 10:58:18 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Hi Carlos,
And my condolences first off. I guess you have found the Lymestrategies
Yahoo Group. If you have, you will quickly become a family member. Welcome!

Bryan Rosner (Lyme Disease and Rife Machines) and Marc Fett 

of Lymestrategies and co-author) recommend taking CS while doing the
SeaSalt/Vitamin C protocol. There is no reason not too. It can do no harm,
and it can do all the world of good as you have experienced. Regarding
cayenne, many who are fighting Lyme with Salt/C take this as a very helpful
supplement for a variety of reasons. No problem there at all.

If you are already a member of LS, do a search and you will see all of the
people and posts regarding the inclusion of both CS and cayenne.

Are you planning on doing the MMS? I don't think the two protocols can be
done together, as Vitamin C is the anti-dote for MMS.

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Re: CSDoes Salt/C protocol interfere with CS protocol, cayenne pepper?

2007-09-02 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, S-Max,

Thank you for the information. I am glad to know that knowledgeable and 
experienced persons like Bryan Rosner and Marc Fett recommend the use of CS 
and Salt/C protocoles together. I am also glad Cayenne pepper is also giving 
good results together with both of them.

Even though all my Ehrlichiosis sympthoms have disappeared, except one that 
resembles a mild chronic fatigue syndrome, I am not totally sure I am fully 
cured. I understand that Salt/C is also used for CFS, so it will probably 
make a favorable change in that also.



From: S-Max
Subject: Re: CSDoes Salt/C protocol interfere with CS protocol, cayenne 

Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 10:58:18 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Hi Carlos,
And my condolences first off. I guess you have found the Lymestrategies
Yahoo Group. If you have, you will quickly become a family member. Welcome!

Bryan Rosner (Lyme Disease and Rife Machines) and Marc Fett 

of Lymestrategies and co-author) recommend taking CS while doing the
SeaSalt/Vitamin C protocol. There is no reason not too. It can do no harm,
and it can do all the world of good as you have experienced. Regarding
cayenne, many who are fighting Lyme with Salt/C take this as a very helpful
supplement for a variety of reasons. No problem there at all.

If you are already a member of LS, do a search and you will see all of the
people and posts regarding the inclusion of both CS and cayenne.

Are you planning on doing the MMS? I don't think the two protocols can be
done together, as Vitamin C is the anti-dote for MMS.

---Original Message---

From: Carlos Pérez

Hello, friends,

In my battle against a very serious 10 year old chronic Ehrlichiosis (many
of you know have read about it), which all indications tell me I am winning
or already wan with the help of CS and Cayenne pepper (besides my normal
healthy habits related to eating, exercising and avoiding inconvenient
activities), I am ready to start the Salt/C protocol, as a previous step
before starting another intense cycle in which I consume around 24 ounces 

CS  snip

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CSRe: Sorry, wayne, I mispelled!

2007-09-02 Thread Carlos Prez

Sorry, Wayne,

I mispelled (goofed).

BASEBALL bat technique you told us about some time ago, when you mentioned 
yout method to have a dog obey.

From: CWFugitt
Subject: Re: CSOde
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 18:28:07 -0500

Evening Carlos,

 At 03:49 PM 9/2/2007, you wrote:
and my obedience methods give excellent results (ask Ivan Balavanoff, one 
of the most famous dog breeders in the world, for sure in USA, of the Ot 
Vitosha kennels, about his methods...


neither of us use the Beisbol Bat Technique ) but the fact that you use a 
very controversial method does not in the littlest way opaque all the good 
you do through this list.

OK. I can examine that.  Did not realize it.


 Beisbol Bat Technique

 Not familiar with that term.

You can be sure you are not at the bottom of this list.

(Sorry if I gave a little OXIGEN to your ego. It was not my 

   Maybe I needed it.


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CSDoes Salt/C protocol interfere with CS protocol, cayenne pepper?

2007-09-01 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

In my battle against a very serious 10 year old chronic Ehrlichiosis (many 
of you know have read about it), which all indications tell me I am winning 
or already wan with the help of CS and Cayenne pepper (besides my normal 
healthy habits related to eating, exercising and avoiding inconvenient 
activities), I am ready to start the Salt/C protocol, as a previous step 
before starting another intense cycle in which I consume around 24 ounces of 
CS along 16 hours every day for around 3-4 weeks, and come back to my 
maintenance dosage of around 8 ounces per day in 16 hours, which I am 
normally using simultaneously with a relatively high ammount of fresh 
Cayenne pepper in my 3 main meals.

Even though Lyme disease (another disease also mainly transmitted by Ticks 
like Ehrlichiosis) is very different (produced by Borrelia burgdorfery, a 
spiroquette, instead of several different Ehrlichiae, Riicettsiaceae, which 
cause Ehrlichiosis), the synthomathology is very similar. Since there are 
good experiences in treating Lyme with Salt/C, including several reported 
cures, I believe it wil not hurt me trying this.

In the opinion of the experienced ones, would there be any counterindication 
in doing it all at the same time?

Thanks in advance for your helpful oinions and suggestions.



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Re: CSRe: Spider bite ( Simon, Follow the logic )

2007-08-30 Thread Carlos Prez
Chuck, when I was new here about a year ago, one comment you made about the 
way to drink CS (doing it in a ¨macho¨ way in a shot glass, remember?) made 
me feel slightly uncomfortable and I responded in consequence. Short after 
that I understood the real meaning behind your wise remarks. By now, I 
really look forward to see every one of your posts, learning from them and 
at the same time enjoying your real signature, those few words written after 
¨Chuck¨, which sometimes make me and my family, with which I share them, 
laugh so much that we cry. We all wonder how do you have access to such an 
enormous arsenal, if it all snaps directly from your creativeness, or you 
have a specialized gigantic book hiding under your bed, or what.



Subject: Re: CSRe: Spider bite ( Simon, Follow the logic )
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 13:27:06 -0400

On 8/30/2007 11:39:22 AM, Marshall Dudley (
Are you saying that people are taking Clorox bleach internally, or am I
missing something?


Yeah, you're missing something Marshall.
Love to have your input though...

Please don't comment 'till you've read the free download though.

I believe this is as outstanding as CS turned out to be.

I like pitbulls too.  Let's exchange recipes.

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Re: CSSpider bite, Many Treatments

2007-08-30 Thread Carlos Prez
After having been bit by literally thousands of ticks along practically all 
my life, specially between ages  17 to 50, without any visible problem 
deriving from them, I got Ehrlichiosis from ticks in my German Shepherd dogs 
in our last farm at age around 64, and it became chronic and invaded all my 
organs due to misdiagnosis and almost killed me. I have it controlled (maybe 
cured?) mainly through the use of EIS/CS during the year I have been a 
member of this list.

Regarding methods of tick removal, I am familiar with several dozens of 
them, of which I will mention several that gave results in each particular 
situation. Sorry if some of these methods are not approved by the 

Ticks are of two types: hard ticks, or Ixodidae, and soft ticks or 
Argasidae. I was mainly bit by hard ticks.

A) Adult ticks- After learning at a young age how to do it properly, they 
were mainly and successfully removed by careful use of thumb and index and 
their fingernails, our natural ¨tweezers¨. Metal tweezers were not normally 
available out in the fields or woods or pasture lands, and if they would 
have been I would have preferred our usual method. The sensitivity a person 
develops out in the wild can not be easily surpassed by a mechanical devise. 
I never got any infection or any type of problem doing it. Normally washed 
with soap afterwards, or applied kerosene (excellent bacteriostatic, 
wonderful first-aid product used for everything including burns, available 
literally everywhere out in the countryside in my young days.).

If we found a tick that seemed it was going to be hard to pull out, we would 
approach a small piece of live coal (none of us smoked, but a cigarrette 
would do the same) without touching the tick, but close enough to cause it 
great discomfort until it pulled its mouth parts out in order to move to a 
beeter place. Another method was to put animal grease (like pig lard or even 
butter) on them in order to loosen them up (difficulty in breathing). Never 
tried petroleum grease or vaseline.

Whenever we had a tick in our hands, we normally crushed it between our 
thumbnais, unless there were too many, and in that case it was easier to put 
them inside a container with soapy water as we pulled them out.

B) Larval and nimphal stages- Very difficult to extract without leaving 
pieces of mouth parts in the skin, more complicated due to the fact that 
when we got these it was usually hundreds to thousands of them at the time, 
covering sometimes practically all our skin. We normally would not do 
anything until we got back to camp or farm house, then we would usually 
cover the affected area, sometimes all our body except our head (they 
normally do not like it) with kerosene, left it there for a while, and then 
bathing and covering our body with a heavy soap lather for some five to ten 
minutes, then rinsing and at the same time scraping with a flat edgeless 
object to remove ticks that were relatively loose due to difficulty 
breathimg throgh kerosene and later soap lather.



From: Dee
Subject: Re: CSSpider bite, Many Treatments
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:53:40 +0100 (GMT Standard Time)

Here in the UK we have a little tool which looks like the 'foot' on a 
machine.  You just hook the 'foot' under the body of the tick and just 
  Hey presto, the tick lets go and comes off intact without leaving its 

in the skin.  Dee

---Original Message---

From: Ode Coyote

Date: 30/08/2007 14:49:25


Subject: Re: CSSpider bite, Many Treatments

I'll try the alcohol thing next time I get a tick. I get several every


Doubtful, but worth a try.

Here's why.

Back in the forestry days on an herbicide contract in Alabama, we'd come

Out of the woods covered with ticks and scrape them off into a cup of the

Herbicide. [VelPar]

The carrier was pure Methanol.

Those ticks would walk around under the Methanol for 20 minutes. Amazing

Little buggers.

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A new home for Mom, no cleanup required. All starts here.

RE: CSRe: CS: Carlos- Re: Plantain

2007-08-29 Thread Carlos Prez
Diane, thanks for clarifying that the plantain you are talking about is 
Plantago Major and not its synonim Musa Paradisiaca, the large banana 
normally used cooked and not raw. It is a shame that it is not the last one, 
very common here. I have not found out if we have the Plantago major 
available in our country. It seems to be very useful.



Subject: CSRe: CS: Carlos- Re: Plantain
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 23:27:18 EDT

 I only know it by another name of Plantago Major or lanceolate. It looks
like a common weed to me. Seeds and leaves are both used.   In woods, I 

taken the leave, bruised it, and put it on affected area in poultice form.

I think what you are talking about is plantains, which is a  relative of 
banana, but not sure. Very good eating, if that is what you are talking 

Diane M

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RE: CSSpider Bite, Poisonous insect bites

2007-08-28 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Diane,

Is what you call Plaintain the banana family plant (Musaceae)?

If so, we have them everywhere in our country.


Subject: CSSpider Bite, Poisonous insect bites
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 22:02:06 EDT

For any poisonous insect  bite, I have done the following
Wash area with clean water and soap, if the bite just happened and you have
Apply cold compress on person , in meantime making a poultice or 

from Plaintain, then apply
   it over  the bite area. Leave on this area till swelling and all 


For Brown Recluse Spider bites, I would use the Plantain fomenation 

with Echinacea TIncture and  Calendula ointment if  you have until skin
healed.If you cannot make the fomentation, I would use the tinctures only  
over the

bite area.

Orally , I would take Echinacea Tincture , plaintain tincture, and cohosh
tincture. Watch person for chills, fever, etd, and if so, then Horsetail

I was with someone that was bitten by a snake, and I had him take the whole
bottle of  Ecinacea Tincture.

I live in Florida where snakes are common, so I keep these on me at all 

when I am outside.

Hope this helps some.
Diane M

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RE: CSCaramelized sugar

2007-08-18 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Dan and all others that answered,

By caramelized I meant just common white commercial sugar with a little 
water added and heated until it becomes caramel, then ground after it became 

Your description of the sugar making was very impressive. It made me vividly 
remember my childhood, when I frequently spent time at a sugar cane 
plantation and white sugar factory my maternal family had, managed by my 
grandfather with the the help of several of my uncles. That was for me such 
an unforgettable experience!. I helped the workers in many of the chores 
related to the process:  taking the cut cane that came in brought by a pair 
of oxen yoked to a wooden cart (made at the carpentry at the sugar mill) and 
putting it by hand on the transporter belt that took it into the mill, which 
was moved by a one cylinder diesel motor that explodedwhen it was started 
every morning at 4:00 am when activities began, unmolding the 1.5 kg whole 
sugar cones, packing the white refined (almost 70 years ago!) sugar in 
cotton 10 kg bags to be marketed, checking the density of the boiling sugar 
syrup (the tachero or expert used his eyes and nose as his only precision 
instruments!), the making of alcohol at the distilling tower, etc. The very 
primitive, large cristal sugar was only passed through the centrifugue 
twice, the second time washing it at the end of the centrifugating process , 
the molasses going to two different tanks, one or both of them  pumped into 
the distiller to make alcohol.

Oh, how I loved to do all that, which included riding the ox-carts, horse 
riding, swimming in the river, and innumerable other activities that we all 
brothers, sisters, cousins and friends had to chose from!!

With very, very few exceptions we at my family up to now still only use the 
whole sugar cones or rectangular blocks (we do not own the old family farm 
any more) whenever we use sugar. We mostly use honey produced in our hives 
or from someone we know, without any heat treatment or filtering.

Thanks to all.


From: Dan Nave
Subject: RE: CSCaramelized sugar
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 12:16:53 -0500

Hello Carlos,

It depends on what you mean by Caramelized.  If by this, you mean sugar 
that has been less refined than white table sugar, the answer would yes.  
Each step of processing takes out more minerals and qualities of the 
original cane juice.


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CSCaramelized sugar

2007-08-10 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

A lady friend of ours that just began using our EIS/CS is trying to improve 
her family's health. She has practically turned to raw fruts and vegetables, 
coconut and other tropical nuts, low-gluten, no-transfats, no commercial 
oils (only extra virgin cold pressed olive oil). She uses mostly unprocessed 
raw honey or whole cristalyzed sugar cane syrup (¨panela¨/¨papelón¨), but 
due to normal family addictions she is having trouble totally eliminating 
white sugar. She wants to know if ground Caramelized sugar, as a transition, 
is any better than white sugar. Since my chemistry knowledge is very 
limited, I could not answer that, and therefore have to call call for help 
from the chemistry knowledgeable members of the group.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: CSMaximizing Dog Health.....Minimizing cost

2007-08-10 Thread Carlos Prez


I agree 100% with you. I have been a German working bloodlines, pure GSDs 
breeder, for several decades. Our dogs were mostly destined for family and 
property protection or for police work, some of them for Schutzhund sport. 
They have always basically had raw food. Even though I have been practically 
retired for the last 6 years, I am just now retaking German Shepherd 

Since I moved to Margarita Island 6 years ago, I only left with our family 
one of our female puppies, from the last two litters that were precisely 
born here just upon arriving, a week separation between litters.

Forced by the circumstances, the diet this dog has had since she was born 
(she is now 6 y.o.) has been ¨top quality¨commercial food, Purina's ProPlan, 
when I can find it, which is a good part of the time. Second choice, 
Pedigree, not available any more. Third choice, Purina Dog Chow. Fourth 
choice, whatever other trash I can find. The only raw food she eats several 
times a month is sardines. The water she drinks is from a pail size 
container which I carefully rinse every 3 days, without disturbing the green 
algae and the rest of the beautyful vegetation plus all types of larvae and 
the most unbelievably astonishing live beings that form there (we see all 
kind of miraculous beings under the microscope), and refill with normal 
chlorinated tap water. The water receives around 6 hours/day of morning sun.

Now, here comes the important thing:

In all her 6 years of life, this dog has never ever been sick, not even a 
mild cold, not even a reddish eye, not even one single sneezing, not one 
soft deposition, much less even a hint of a diarrhea.

She has never consequently seen even a photograph of a veterinarian, much 
less a vaccination.

Not even Ehrlichiosis, which 99,99 of all dogs in the island have, has 
affected her. She probably would be an asymptomatic carrier of the disease.

As a matter of fact, she is the healthiest dog I have ever had or known.

?  ?  ?  ??



From: Teri Johnston
Subject: Re: CSMaximizing Dog Health.Minimizing cost
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 19:19:34 -0500


You can feed what you choose to that is your right.  But common sense 
dictates a carnivores ideal diet would be meats and bones.  It is really a 
shame that you refuse to believe that the way your are feeding your dog 
could be harmful.

The current crop of kids here in the US are being fed terrible diets I'm 
sure you can concur.  So yes they adapt to eating fast food or Hamburger 
Helper etc. But the health of these kids is not the best, few are really 
healthy eating that way.  Common sense dictates feeding organic food not 
chemical laden food.  Wherein lies a difference between children diet and 
health and dogs, diet and health?

Do you use a homeopathic veterinarian or an allopathic one?   What does the 
vet say about you feeding a vegetarian diet to your dog?

Dr. Mech has as others have pointed out stated wolves shake out the stomach 
contents prior to eating the stomach.

Can I ask you to get Dr. Mech's books and read them before you close your 
mind totally to these facts?

I didn't get where I am today by not researching the best possible diet for 
my dogs and myself.  I have many puppy buyers who are veggans and they feed 
the dogs they get from me a raw meaty bones diet.  They get it that maybe 
their body dictates what they eat but they accept dogs are carnivores and 
require meaty bones.

One of my puppy buyers recently commented about how his raw feed, 
unvaccinated dog had never been to a vet and healthy as can be (dog is 4 
yrs old) but that the neighbor who got a pup at the same time, well that 
dog who was given all the recommended vaccines and HW preventives, flea and 
tick treatments is being taken to the vet all the time for one problem or 
another.   This is the typical scenario.

I know you are a good person as I've been reading your posts on this list 
for a long time.  I just want what is best for all dogs not just my own.


Teri Johnston
Fireside Welsh Springer Spaniels
Young Living Essential Oil
Distributor #935975
Natures Pharmacy

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RE: CSLyme Disease

2007-08-03 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Revonda,

I hope my experience may be of help.

I had chronic Ehrlichiosis, with recurrent outbreaks practically every six 
months to a year during more than 10 years. Even though the bacteriae that 
causes it are not the same (different types of Ehrlichiae, Rickettsia 
family, instead of Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochette, in the case of 
Lymes), they both have many of the sympthoms in common and both are mainly 
transmitted by ticks.

The normal treatment for Ehrlichiosis and Rickettsiosis is oral Doxicycline 
and it usually cures the diseases if diagnosed promptly. In my case, it was 
misdiagnosed (it very frequently is), it almost killed me, and it became 
chronic invading all my organs and and body systems. I had to use in the 
recurrent crisis, besides Doxicycline, also fluoroqinolones, rifamycines and 
others which are effective against the disease. The crisis of the disease 
always came back, and the sympthoms became attenuated, but never 

That, until I learned, with the help of many members of this list, how to 
make CS/EIS. As soon as I started using it, the sympthoms started changing 
and by this moment they have totally disappeared.

I have been very consistant in my consumption of EIS and have not used 
massive doses of it, but I drik about 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day as a 
maintenance dosis, and every two or three weeks I use 3 to 4 times that 
dosage, incrasing the frequency of my little sips practically to one every 
hour, and then go back to the maintenance dosage.

I am planning to start on the Salt-C protocol soon, and after finishing it I 
will do an intensive treatment with EIS for about a month, to make sure my 
Ehrlichiosis has been totally wiped off.

With tthe constant help of my many friends of this list, It seems the 
product I am making is of a very good quality by now, so I am not afraid at 
all to use massive doses of it with the certainty that I am not running into 
any risks. The average concentration according to the Faraday equation is 
around 16-18 ppm in my production, and if I deduct some due to loss in the 
form of residues when cleaning electrodes or in some other form (I use long 
time process at a very low miliamperage) which is very scarce, it still 
should be more than enough, with an abundance of very small particles, which 
makes it more effective.

Strangely enough, even though Ehrlichiosis is as common as Lymes disease, so 
far I have not found any person in this list or other ones that has had some 
experience treating it with EIS. I seem to be the first one!!



From: Revonda Henderson
Subject: CSLyme Disease
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 23:23:42 -0500

Does CS help or cure Lyme Disease?

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RE: CSSterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?

2007-07-27 Thread Carlos Prez

Dear Dr. Dave,

Thank you very much for your response. I will immediately relay it to my 



From: David Kenney
Subject: RE: CSSterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 19:01:46 -0600

I have had to catheterize myself a few times a week due to BPH,
I put the catheters in CS and use them as needed.
So far, no problems.
I totally agree with the traumatologists use and agree with his results.
I would think immersing surgical instruments in CS would be totally
Dr. Dave

-Original Message-

On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: CSSterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?

Don't forget prions which are not affected by CS( I think)

 From: Carlos Pérez
 Date: 2007/07/24 Tue PM 02:36:44 EST
 Subject: CSSterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?

 Hello, fellow members,

 A traumatologist and very good friend of mine has been utilizing EIS I
 produce, for himself and patients, orally, externally and in many ways
 excellent results, even in open bone surgeries, including a hip with
 infected bone. In these surgeries he has only used EIS, NO ANTIBIOTICS.

 For some types of surgery he wants to sterilize surgical instruments by
 immersing them in EIS during an adequate ammount of time.

 He wants to know if the sterilization that would take place in that case
 would take care of bateriae and also viruses that may be contaminants
 from a previous patient, like for example hepatitis viruses and others
 (HIV-Aids, Ebola?).

 In case it can be done, how long would it take to make sure 

 has been fully done even in the cases of the most resistant organisms of

 Any comments and/or suggestions are very welcome.



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the most rascally individuals of mankind. -- Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

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Re: CSSterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?

2007-07-25 Thread Carlos Prez
Thank you for your answer since prions are something I had not thought of, 
but what about viruses, bacteriae and suggested use of EIS in order to 
sterilize surgical instruments?



Subject: Re: CSSterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 7:19:40 -0500

Don't forget prions which are not affected by CS( I think)

 From: Carlos Pérez
 Date: 2007/07/24 Tue PM 02:36:44 EST
 Subject: CSSterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?

 Hello, fellow members,

 A traumatologist and very good friend of mine has been utilizing EIS I
 produce, for himself and patients, orally, externally and in many ways 

 excellent results, even in open bone surgeries, including a hip with
 infected bone. In these surgeries he has only used EIS, NO ANTIBIOTICS.

 For some types of surgery he wants to sterilize surgical instruments by 

 immersing them in EIS during an adequate ammount of time.

 He wants to know if the sterilization that would take place in that case
 would take care of bateriae and also viruses that may be contaminants 

 from a previous patient, like for example hepatitis viruses and others
 (HIV-Aids, Ebola?).

 In case it can be done, how long would it take to make sure 
 has been fully done even in the cases of the most resistant organisms of 


 Any comments and/or suggestions are very welcome.



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Conservative Libertarian American!!

The trade of governing has always been monopolized by the most ignorant 
and the most rascally individuals of mankind. -- Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

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CSSterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?

2007-07-24 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, fellow members,

A traumatologist and very good friend of mine has been utilizing EIS I 
produce, for himself and patients, orally, externally and in many ways with 
excellent results, even in open bone surgeries, including a hip with 
infected bone. In these surgeries he has only used EIS, NO ANTIBIOTICS.

For some types of surgery he wants to sterilize surgical instruments by just 
immersing them in EIS during an adequate ammount of time.

He wants to know if the sterilization that would take place in that case 
would take care of bateriae and also viruses that may be contaminants coming 
from a previous patient, like for example hepatitis viruses and others 
(HIV-Aids, Ebola?).

In case it can be done, how long would it take to make sure sterilization 
has been fully done even in the cases of the most resistant organisms of the 

Any comments and/or suggestions are very welcome.



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RE: CSEhrlichiosis

2007-07-13 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Gwlynda,

I am a German Shepherd dog breeder. I live in Margarita Island, Venezuela.

As we dogs breeders in all parts of the world well know, by these times 
Ehrlichiosis is a disease so widespread that there is no country free from 
it and it is not limited to dogs. One of the original reservoirs in USA is 
deer, one of the main original vectors from deer to other animals and man 
is, coincidentially, the Lone Star Tick. Any of the many hundreds of other 
ticks can transmit it. Actually, in its differet types, E. canis, E. 
ewingii, E. platys, E. chaffeensis (HME), HGE, Ehrlichia (and other 
Rickettsiae like Venezuelan Human Platelet Rickettsia) attack dogs, horses, 
goats, cats and other domestic and wild animals, and also HUMANS, going many 
times misdiagnosed and creating a great human health hazard that can can 
easily be mortal if not properly diagnosed and treated in time (probably 
hundreds of deaths every year in USA alone). Actually, lice (main vector of 
E. sennetsu in Asia), fleas, horse flies and, yes, even mosquitoes and other 
hematophagus insects, can be vectors in human and animal cases of 
Ehrlichiosis and Rickettsiosis

I have (or had, not sure yet) chronic Ehrlichiosis I got from my dogs. It 
was misdiagnosed as measles with neumonitis and almost killed me. I have 
been very successful using EIS (CS) and, even though it had invaded all my 
body including all organs and bone marrow, it has been totally controlled. I 
used to get relapses every few months while I was forced to use antibiotics 
for lack of a better remedy. Not any more, not any antibiotics, only silver 
and high quality nutrition and exercise. Will come back to that if anyone is 
interested in more details

Concerning your female bulldog, I have several questions:

What type of tests were done?
What type of Ehrlichiosis was detected?
What antibiotics have been used in the treatment?
The common ones are oral Doxicycline or Tetracycline, but Ciprofloxacine, 
Rifamicine and Fluoroquinolones are also used.
Have you had ALL the rest of your dogs tested? They may be asympthomatic and 
still have it. Very seldom a single dog in a pack gets it.

Have you or any other person in contact with your dogs been closely watched 
for sympthoms? Ehrlichiosis can mimmick any diseases, from a simple cold to 
chicken pox to mononeucleosis to diabetes to HIV-AIDS and many others. Watch 
for any sympthoms which may indicate any health issue, even mild. Remember 
that detection in humans is very difficult and a normal laboratory will find 
nothing in submitted infected blood samples.

In my dogs I have not had any Ehrlichiosis/Rickettsiosis outbreaks in about 
four years. I used to control them with the mentioned antibiotics. At this 
point, based in my personal experience, I would not hesitate to intensely 
use Silver if I had any case in my dogs. In the meantime, they get a mild 
maintenance dosis in their drinking water, plus reasonably good food and 
enough exercise.

If I can be of any help please let me know.



From: Gwlynda and David Irek
Subject: RE: CSEhrlichiosis Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 23:19:54 -0500

One of my female bulldogs has been diagnosed with Ehrlichiosis.
Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne rickettsial infectious blood disease. The
organism is called Ehrlichia, the disease is called Ehrlichiosis.
Ehrlichiosis (bacteria) attacks the red blood cells.

My question do I get CS to the red blood cell of my bulldogs to
kill the bacteria. She has been drinking CS but after a month of CS and
antibiotics she still has the bacteria attached to her red blood cells.

Gwlynda Irek, Country Ridge Bulldogs
Educational Program Coordinator

Members of:
Bulldog Club of America
Lone Star Bulldog Club

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Re: CSVoltage...Where did my H2 go?

2007-07-13 Thread Carlos Prez

Hellow, friends,

As you remember, with the help of many of you I have learned how to make a 
very decent EIS, but I still have questions to ask in order to keep 

The latest provisional setup I am using consists in the following:

A cylindrical glass flower pot 20 cm high, 10 cm in diameter, which holds 
1350 ml

A plastic disk covering the container, with two sets of two holes, distance 
between holes 25mm, distance between sets 45 mm, drilled to accomodate two 
 10ga silver wire electrodes, 262mm long each, bent in a long U, the 
tips coming out of the holes, one tip in each used to clamp the alligator 
clips coming out of the circuit (built with the help of list members and 
with some home made additions), which results in two U form electrodes 
with 25 mm separation between legs, 45 mm distance between electrodes, 
immersed 232 mm in water.

The power source is a 24 V DC output computer transformer.


I use 250 ml of previous EIS batch, usually averaging 16 ppm according to 
Faraday equation. Add 1100 ml of bi-distilled, filtered, de-ionised water 
which has a conductivity of 0.2-0.25 mA.

Example of readings every hour from last batch, no stirring at all:


At this moment I stoppped a few seconds in order to clean
cathode´s mild accumulation of silver oxide w/ paper towel.


Clean cathode again.

I prefer to take a longer time in order to maintain the process at a maximum 
of 0.75mA, since I understand this way I get smaller colloidal particles 

According to the Faraday Equation, I got 16.5 ppm after 10 hours. I can 
reach above 20 ppm within the same 0.75 mA if I need it just letting the 
process go two hours longer.

Here are my questions:

There is not any hydrogen bubbling produced at the cathode. Where does the 
hydrogen go?

Do I still need stirring in this setup?

The EIS produced is cristal clear, no yellow hue even after months, 
practically invisible Tyndall effect, no residues at bottom of jar, 
occasionally 3 or 4 tiny white specs floating that I remove at the end.

What am I getting in my EIS? What are the approximate proportions of 
ionic/colloidal silver?

If I don´t clean the cathode, dark grey beard-like fuzzies naturally build 
at the lowest part of it towards the end of process and I get two or three 
little pools of mirror-looking silver floating on top.

Thanks again for your help!!


From: Ode Coyote
Subject: Re: CSVoltage
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:26:24 -0400

  Voltage is irrelevant.
 Any voltage over 1.2 will do.
 Current density, the ratio of current drawn through your changing 
conductivity in the water to surface area of the electrode is important to 
keep the Nernst Diffusion layer from over loading.
 Current draw can be controlled by gradually increasing distance between 
electrodes, or by using a constant current circuit that drops the voltage 
as the conductivity goes up.

 It's all about Ohms law.
 A 20K series resistor with a 24 volt power source works ...OK.


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RE: CSVoltage...Where did my H2 go?

2007-07-13 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Dan,

I am using large electrodes, 45 mm separation between them, low current 
(under 0.8 mA at end of process), trying to obtain a good quality EIS with 
very little residues and without stirring. The Faraday equation helps me 
very much in order to understand what goes on along the process, and I am 
conscious that the final ppm concentration is somewhat lower in the end 
product. I will increase separation between electrodes 20 mm more and keep 
amperage lower in order to see new results. It will probably take several 
hours longer but results should be better.

Thank you for your help.


From: Dan Nave
Subject: RE: CSVoltage...Where did my H2 go?
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 15:13:37 -0500

With large electrodes and very low currents you may not see hydrogen 

The Faraday equation gives the total amount of silver released into the 
water, and if you have residues building up your final product will be of 
less ppm than indicated by the equation.  The Faraday equation indicates 
the *maximum possible* ppm but you will have to subtract the losses from 
that maximum.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVoltage...Where did my H2 go?

2007-07-11 Thread Carlos Prez

Hellow, friends,

As you remember, with the help of many of you I have learned how to make a 
very decent EIS, but I still have questions to ask in order to keep 

The latest provisional setup I am using consists in the following:

A cylindrical glass flower pot 20 cm high, 10 cm in diameter, which holds 
1350 ml

A plastic disk covering the container, with two sets of two holes, distance 
between holes 25mm, distance between sets 45 mm, drilled to accomodate two 
 10ga silver wire electrodes, 262mm long each, bent in a long U, the 
tips coming out of the holes, one tip in each used to clamp the alligator 
clips coming out of the circuit (built with the help of list members and 
with some home made additions), which results in two U form electrodes 
with 25 mm separation between legs, 45 mm distance between electrodes, 
immersed 232 mm in water.

The power source is a 24 V DC output computer transformer.


I use 250 ml of previous EIS batch, usually averaging 16 ppm according to 
Faraday equation. Add 1100 ml of bi-distilled, filtered, de-ionised water 
which has a conductivity of 0.2-0.25 mA.

Example of readings every hour from last batch, no stirring at all:


At this moment I stoppped a few seconds in order to clean
cathode´s mild accumulation of silver oxide w/ paper towel.


Clean cathode again.

I prefer to take a longer time in order to maintain the process at a maximum 
of 0.75mA, since I understand this way I get smaller colloidal particles 

According to the Faraday Equation, I got 16.5 ppm after 10 hours. I can 
reach above 20 ppm within the same 0.75 mA if I need it just letting the 
process go two hours longer.

Here are my questions:

There is not any hydrogen bubbling produced at the cathode. Where does the 
hydrogen go?

Do I still need stirring in this setup?

The EIS produced is cristal clear, no yellow hue even after months, 
practically invisible Tyndall effect, no residues at bottom of jar, 
occasionally 3 or 4 tiny white specs floating that I remove at the end.

What am I getting in my EIS? What are the approximate proportions of 
ionic/colloidal silver?

If I don´t clean the cathode, dark grey beard-like fuzzies naturally build 
at the lowest part of it towards the end of process and I get two or three 
little pools of mirror-looking silver floating on top.

Thanks again for your help!!


From: Ode Coyote
Subject: Re: CSVoltage
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:26:24 -0400

  Voltage is irrelevant.
 Any voltage over 1.2 will do.
 Current density, the ratio of current drawn through your changing 
conductivity in the water to surface area of the electrode is important to 
keep the Nernst Diffusion layer from over loading.
 Current draw can be controlled by gradually increasing distance between 
electrodes, or by using a constant current circuit that drops the voltage 
as the conductivity goes up.

 It's all about Ohms law.
 A 20K series resistor with a 24 volt power source works ...OK.



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RE: CS[List Owner] I'm here...

2007-07-07 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, fellow list members,

I honestly believe we all have the main responsibility in relation to 
keeping this marvelous list within reasonable limits and maximum efficiency 
for the benefit of all of us, including Mike, the list owner.

I have learned so much from the off-topic subjects posted that I can not be 
thankful enough to posters and Mike´s patience, but we have come to a point 
in which Silver topics are...Off Topic!!!

I have been quite busy recently, and in just around three days I found 395 
unread messages. Revised about 200 of them, and 2 days later I had over 200 
between unread and new ones.

We are the only ones, not Mike, that can make the difference between 
something extremely useful to improve our knowledge and everybody´s health, 
and a boring big load to face in order to sort out what is really important 
for the benefit of the group, and what should go someplace else.

We should exert moderation when it comes to our own personal problems. The 
welfare of the group should always be above our own personal interests.


From: M. G. Devour
Subject: CS[List Owner] I'm here...
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 02:55:59 -5

Hi folks,

In response to a few comments and issues:

Yes, I'm here. Life continues to be too busy. Things will improve in
time but they're not ready to just yet.

I'm not always right up-to-date with the list, but I am ready to
respond if something gets out of whack. However, as always, I depend on
and expect all of you to govern your own behavior.

I'd like Wayne and Kirsteen to call a truce now. And Chuck? Please
don't bring up the darned dog thing!!! sigh

I think it's an appropriate time to retire the threads about gmail,
subject lines, idiots, programmers, and anything to do with dog

We have a couple of newcomers whose questions are being neglected.
Please give them your attention.

Thank you.

Mike Devour
silver-list owner
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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RE: CSDeclines in uS ( uS not ppm )

2007-05-31 Thread Carlos Prez

Good morning, Wayne,

I am all confused about the uS/ppm issue.

With the help of many in the list, including you, I have learned very much 
and I have managed to make what I consider very good quality EIS. From what 
I have read before, well made EIS is very stable after a couple of days, and 
it will last a long time, some of the more knowledgeable ones in the list 
even said it will last for years.

I meticulously have registered the V/mA readings every 15 minutes or every 
30 minutes, depending on the length of the process in any case, in every 
batch I have made since I started many months ago. After I finish, I 
introduce the data in the Faraday Equation sheet you guys gave me at the 
beginning, in order to get an estimate on the ppm concentration for every 
batch, which I try to maintain around 15 ppm allowing for some slight loss 

I proceed to bottle it, label it with the date and ppm info, and store it 
and share it with family and many friends. I am making an average of 1.5 
liters/day. A couple of months later there has been no visible change in the 
cristal clear color, no sediments, no apparent changes in flavour. After 
recycling many times, some containers (transparent, no color, soda pop 
bottles) start getting a slight amberish hue, which I assume it means a 
little of the silver depositing on the walls and bottoms of them, which I 
assumed meant a very slight, negligible loss of the silver contents.

The only sophisticated method I have in order to guess what I made is to 
maintain a very low mA all along the process, which allows for only a little 
cathode cleaning during the last third of the process, and gives me cristal 
clear EIS, no amber color hue and practically no Tyndall effect (both of 
which I assume mean very small colloidal particles), no residues, and the 
conductivity mA readings which are later fed into the Faraday equation 

Now I am all confused. Even Ode said that the larger the batch, the greater 
the changes. What am I getting and how can I give my EIS to others not 
knowing if will be of any effect after some time?

Thank you very much.


From: CWFugitt
Subject: CSDeclines in uS  ( uS not ppm )
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 14:59:15 -0500

Evening Julius,

  At 03:49 AM 5/27/2007, you wrote:

Everyone is familiar with the decline in ppm/uS over time but I There is 
no discernible reason why there are variations as storage is the same  , 
the distilled water comes from the same source  the same machine makes 
it.  Has anybody found a reason  or a way to preclude this ??

   You are going on the idea that uS is true ppm.
You have taken water and silver, added them together, and bottled it, put a 
lid on it, . how do you think it got out?

I have used an EC meter but still depended on calculated  ppm.

I have also worked with reasonably expensive  EC sensors with an analog 

The more money you spend, the better the instrument.

Don't bet your life on a low cost EC meter.

After all, ppm is a weight, not a charge.  EC meters are not true weight 
devices.  They are reading ions that tend to change, interactions between 
elements, and lots of other things enter into the picture.

When I weigh a specific amount of chemical, add that to a specific amount 
of water,  I know the ppm.   I never look back and never worry about it 

I would be interested in what point you are trying to understand or to 

You are getting into laboratory techniques and without proper instruments, 
you are doomed to failure, or confusion, or lost sleep,  or plain old 



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RE: CSDeclines in uS ( uS not ppm )

2007-05-31 Thread Carlos Prez
Wayne, thanks for the pat on my shoulder and tranquilizer you sent me. I do 
everything by hand and direct observation (and a tired Carlos at the end of 
each batch...!).

In a very short time I hope to be at the stage of setting everything, 
registering the inicial readings, and coming back a short time before the 
end of the process to check and make sure everything went well during my 

That electrode cleaning on the last third of the process I hope to eliminate 
by lowering the mA, but that will take even MORE TIME watching until I make 
sure everything is running properly (Ouch...!). I might end up with a home 
made automatic conductivity shut-off generator...!!!. Maybe at that moment I 
should register it as The Silver List Generator. ( I scratched out the 
first word Eskimo so that Mike does not have to sue me...)

I am normally using a cylindrical glass container that is 10 cm in diameter 
and 20 cm high (external measurements), which holds 1350 ml of filtered, 
deionized, bidistilled water including 150-200 ml of previous batch as a 
starter, 10 Ga  silver wires for electrodes, no stirring at all.

Method A)

12 cm long electrodes bent in U form, tip 2 mm above water level, 65 mm 
separation between electrodes, around 0.3 mA at the start, maximum 0.55 mA 
at the end. It usually takes around 10-11 hours. mA. (Can you imagine me 
stirring with my very appropiate plastic spoon during 10 hours, changing 
hands, part dozing, part sleeping, part having nightmares about drowning in 
an EIS torrent, etc.?).

Method B)

The same, but with double the length of electrodes, 45 mm electrode 
separation and a maximum of 0.85 mA at the end, which usually takes around 
6.5-7 hours.

I also have a larger cylinder that holds a little over 3 liters, same height 
but 14.5 cm diameter, but I want to master this smaller batch size first.

I try to maintain the current way below 1 mA per square inch of immersed 

I will keep learning from you and the many other friends that have helped me 
so much.



From: CWFugitt
Subject: RE: CSDeclines in uS ( uS not ppm )
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 10:39:43 -0500

Morning Carlos,

 At 08:44 AM 5/31/2007, you wrote:

You are doing a much better job than most.

I am all confused about the uS/ppm issue.


If you continue to keep records on the changes, you will have some 
valuable information that others will analyze and report what they think.

I have limited knowledge relative to chemistry.
Most of what I learned was by observation and hands on practice.

Others can answer your questions relative to uS better than I can.

 some of the more knowledgeable ones in the list even said it
 will last for years.

 I think they are right.  I have given away CS over 1 year old and the 
people have excellent results with it.

I meticulously have registered the V/mA readings every 15 minutes or every 
30 minutes, depending on the length of the process in any case, in every 
batch I have made since I started many months ago.

  Very good.  Not you have developed knowledge and instinct and could 
continue without doing that if necessary.

Record keeping never hurts.  I did that for a time, then stopped.

I still have the records but as long as my memory works, I use the times 
that I remember and no longer make records.

I would suggest that you work with larger batches.  I make one gallon per 
batch, and often make two runs and two gallons.

After I finish, I introduce the data in the Faraday Equation sheet you 
guys gave me at the beginning, in order to get an estimate on the ppm 
concentration for every batch, which I try to maintain around 15 ppm 
allowing for some slight loss later.

   I think the uS will serve little if any purpose for you.
It is not as exact as the other parts of your methods.

The only sophisticated method I have in order to guess what I  made is 
to maintain a very low mA all along the process,

Are you controlling all this manually?   I hope so.
As I have said many time,  You have the best control system of all,
your brain.

When I used to study Chess and Computers playing chess, the one thing I 
learned that was superior about the brain, relative to the computer.

The brain can change, reanalyze, ect, and the computers could not.
If you read about the size of the computer required to beat the human brain 
playing chess,  and the cost, you would be amazed.

 small colloidal particles), no residues, and the conductivity mA
 readings which are later fed into the Faraday equation sheet.


Now I am all confused. Even Ode said that the larger the batch, the 
greater the changes. What am I getting and how can I give my EIS to others 
not knowing if will be of any effect after some time?

   Yes, I think you can.  Just ask them about the results.
That is better than all the uS readings in the 

RE: CSConcentration?....ppm?

2007-05-25 Thread Carlos Prez
A liter is one cubic decimeter of anything. One cubic decimeter of water is 
equal to one deciliter of water, and  contains 1000 ml of water.

One mililiter of DISTILLED water weights one milligram.
A liter is a unit of volume.


From: Ode Coyote
Subject: RE: CSConcentration?ppm?
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 06:53:40 -0400

 At 0 deg C or 32 Deg F water isn't water any more.

At 12:52 PM 5/24/2007 -0500, you wrote:

Which is colder, -40 degrees C, or -40 degrees F?

Water is a special case.


-Original Message-
From: CWFugitt []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: CSConcentration?ppm?

Evening Marshall,

 At 10:07 AM 5/24/2007, you wrote:

It is numerically correct.  Actually it is mg/kg, but since a kilogram
of water is a liter, then the equation holds.

Thanks for explaining all this.

Of course you can for water. The DEFINITION of a liter is 1000 grams of

water.  Thus from the definition there are 1,000,000 micrograms in a

  So, ... a Liter is a unit of weight?  I thought it was a unit of
volume?  Both I guess.

That is correct, ppm for something is weight/weight, IE for water it
is1 mg/kg of water which equals 1 mg/liter of water.

   Ok maybe I should accept this. I am used to working with
weights that have a specific value, always, every day.

I suppose this water standard means  relatively pure water.
Low, very low, EC.   I think some water, especially the mineral water
in TX, CA, and Nevada would mess up the weight of one liter by some
small percent.

It is for the English system. But in the metric system when dealing
with water, volume and weight are interchangeable at STP provided you
know the equalities.

   I understand that water should have a standard.
I don't have any of the mineral water to weigh.

Oh well... I hope to explain a few things that may be of value to
the ones that don't normally work with small units in my next message.

As always, . correct me when I am wrong.

Thanks again,


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Re: CSConcentration?....ppm?

2007-05-25 Thread Carlos Prez

Absolutely right!

Thanks for the correction.


From: Heidrun Beer
Subject: Re: CSConcentration?ppm?
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 14:46:37 +0200

On Fri, 25 May 2007 08:39:27 -0400, Carlos Pérez wrote in

A liter is one cubic decimeter of anything. One cubic decimeter of water 

equal to one deciliter of water, and  contains 1000 ml of water.
One mililiter of DISTILLED water weights one milligram.
A liter is a unit of volume.

Slight correction: One cubic decimeter of water is
equal to one liter of water. One deciliter would be
1/10 of a liter or 100 ml.

Heidrun Beer

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training

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RE: CS[List Owner] Dissention in the ranks!

2007-05-11 Thread Carlos Prez


I am sure there are not many lists like this one. I find it a true privilege 
to belong to it. I find the way we maintain off topic subjets out (or IN 
with a grt elasticity, including yourself with your wise and 
enlighting O.T. participations), makes this list a true live encyclopaedia 
about any subject, specially health related (I am not so sure the MAIN topic 
is EIS anymore...!). You hardly ever have to intervene in order to say 
enough of that in the elegant way you know how to use.

Due to all this, we should watch ourselves in order to avoid getting 
personal about any list members opinions, so we can to maintain it at the 
highest level of human quality, which includes the normal altruistic 
attitude of practically all members, including specialists on different 
subjects, which abound here, always willing to share their knowledge and 
experience with all of us.

I am sure the great majority of this list's members will always be backing 
any any effort you make in order to keep it within appropiate limits, 
includind our constant incurring into O.T., which we should do with 
moderation imposed by ourselves.

Thank you, Mike for giving me the previlege to belong here.


From: M. G. Devour
Subject: CS[List Owner] Dissention in the ranks!
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 18:53:07 -5

Greetings folks,

I must apologize. I've been running about a hundred posts behind for
the last several days, or I would have stepped in a bit sooner on the
raw feeding topics.

The number one mistake made by each of the participants in the
aggression was making remarks about the PERSON whose opinion you
disagree with, rather than the subject under discussion.

The debate was NEVER about:

Janet being blase, or naïve, or deceptive...
Dee twisting things, or her choice of tactics...
Getting other people to abandon their positions...
Nitpicking another's arguments for minor logic flaws...
Becoming so emotionally embroiled you can't disengage...

Remember this:

PERSONAL!!!  (Capitalized for emphasis, not meaning to shout.)

As soon as you see yourself using the word you in an argument, back
off and look at it. Are you accusing the person of some flaw of morals,
character, intellect, or intention? The best thing is to delete the
entire sentence or paragraph and start over!

At several points people made attempts to defuse the situation. The
suggestion of agreeing to disagree is good! Everybody watching the
discussion got a big dose of the reasoning of both sides. So leave it
at that and let them make up their own minds!

Lastly, yes, these threads have certainly run their course and ought to
be retired now.

Again, I permit other health-related topics to be brought up and
discussed, but those that do not involve CS should *not* be allowed to
drag on for days and dominate the list discussion.

That has been happening, and I accept responsibility for letting it go
on for too long without intervening. It got so bad we even got Mary
yelling at us!! wink!

My excuse is being too busy and overwhelmed here to devote the time to
keeping up as I should have. Umm, what's yours?

So, let's not talk about animal feeding any more for a while, please?
And stop trying to win arguments. Everybody loses.

Thank you, all.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSCS gel other burn remedies

2007-05-09 Thread Carlos Prez


I like very much your weird weirdiness. Several parts of my brain and also 
joints and specially the bones I broke at different times (only speaking 
about my own) come into resonance with many things you write. I am sure the 
world that I create has you included.


From: Ode Coyote
Subject: Re: CSCS gel other burn remedies
Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 15:00:39 -0400

At 12:28 PM 5/7/2007 -0700, you wrote:

LOL.  It sounds like you are an experienced traveler.

Once was enough, no regrets and a cool time, but never again.
 Two days later...showed up in Fed court.
 Something bled over and made the SBI, FBI, BDDN and BATF arrest me in an 
apartment while I was in jail for that crime. [matter of opinion and 
theirs has badges, dogs and lots of guns ]
  Space/time glitchperfect alibi, couldn't a done it without busting 
the laws of physicsout of jail free card.

One thing:  If you think you can't create an entire and completely 
believable populated world and live in it,  that stuff will show you 
otherwise. [It's either that, or I went somewhere else ]
  I saw and did some things that I only heard stories about years later, 
so what's with that?

 How could I know that I'm not 'making up'  THIS  world? [with everyone 
who went here,  including the me I think I am]

Anyhow, they turned me loose because you can't arrest someone who isn't 
there, but they did, which is why I was in jail...not at the scene of the 
crime to not get arrested.

 I learned, don't get busted, it's very confusing to people and they get 
mad. [especially if they followed you around taking pictures for 6 months 
first ]


Ode Coyote wrote:

It's a common field weed that ranges from the southern tip of florida to
the arctic circle to Oregon.
Try just beyond your lawn, or, in my case, in the green stuff I call a 

Careful now, unless you like walking with Ents and toasting
marshmallows with cross bow toting gnomes for a few days at a 

teleporting through space time membranes with MIB on your tail. [Creepy
kritters, those! ..and the gnomes don't like them, that's why the cross
bows. Gnomes are cool, so are Ents MIB? scary and dogged! ..but pretty
slow and stupid almost like zombies]

The ticket's free, the destination...unknowable and it's a pretty long
and weird journey. [Maybe witches have steering wheels ]

..never saw any zombies anywhere.


At 03:41 PM 5/6/2007 -0700, you wrote:

Jimson weed is both used by witches to fly

Hey Ode,
Airline tickets are getting rather expensive these days, not to mention
what a harassment Home land security is.

So, where do I get Jimson weed? :)

Ode Coyote wrote:

Cyanide is used to cure cancer, present in apricot and apple seeds.
Tree frog poison is used by Shamans to see beyond the boundaries.
Extract of Jimson weed is both used by witches to fly and as an
antidote to most poisons. Atropine and Scopolamine, also used in
sleep-eze, included as an injection in the anti bio-terrorist tool 
kit. you won't die in this reality.
Blood thinners are also rat poisons..table salt can be made into plastic
explosives, dynamite for heart attacks, a whack with a willow stick to 

a headache, eat a little willow bark the whack broke loose to get rid of
it, aspirin on and on.

At 09:27 PM 5/5/2007 +0100, you wrote:
 What about cyanide, or green tree frog poison? (lol) Dee
 ---Original Message---
 From: Ode Coyote
 Date: 05/05/2007 16:25:58
 Subject: Re: CSCS gel
 Everything in it's own context of use and abuse.
 Everything is toxic when over done or mis-done.
 Nothing is toxic when under done or done correctly.

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Re: CSCS gel other burn remedies

2007-05-06 Thread Carlos Prez
Can you please tell me what do you call bleach? Is it Sodium Hypochlorite? 
Is it old type bleach made from wood ash?

Thank you


From: Lisa Shepherd
Subject: Re: CSCS gel other burn remedies
Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 04:12:29 -0700 (PDT)

Why not? I mean with all the poisons in the environment that we are exposed 
to today, I dont think it would even be noticed, so go right ahead. Use 
  On the other hand, or rather reguarding the hand, if you have ever been 
close to a grill, hot from cooking, and realize the temp it is heated to, 
add grease, you have to have a lot of grease to block a grill, then along 
with the fact the residue from the block also holds grease and sticks to 
everythingits like wet sand, paints an ugly picture. I was looking at 
losing many layers of hide from my hand, which may well have meant I would 
even be off work for some days, which i could ill afford. I also had an 
experience when frying chicken at home one time, the grease, bubbling and 
very hot, splashed when a piece of chicken i was turning slipped from the 
tongs i used to turn them with, this splashed over my entire hand, even the 
tender backside, both cases i used bleach immediatly, didnt kill the pain, 
but i had NO EVIDENCE of a burn the next day, both cases would have scarred 
horribly had i not used bleach. I witnessed what grease burns untended will 
do, i saw a woman
 come into the emergency room once with severe grease burns, holding her 
hand, or the remains of it, in a tub of water, white skin floating all 
around it, i still remember hearing her screams in the waiting room, they 
scraped her hand to remove the majority of the burn.
  Whether it is an exhaust burn from a bike, or a severe sunburn that 
leaves you unable to wear clothes for days, yes foolish but we humans do 
this occasionally or grease spalshes on skin during cooking, or even from 
a motor, fire or whatever, bleach will reverse the damage if applied 
immediately, and in some cases at allas in sunburns when my daughter 
couldnt wear clothes the second day, i drew a bleach bath, she was fine in 
a few hours and attended school on monday just fine, no irritations.
  And yes, bleach isnt good for us, but how many of us have drank it in 
our water for most of our lives? or used it on floors and breathed the 
vapor, or washed clothes and had our hands in it? I didnt mean to use it 
inwisely, or everyday in these instructions, I would seriously hope if ever 
only once or twice, and God forbid you ever had a serious burn on a child, 
but if you did, would you prefer the scars? on your babies? Would you like 
to go have your hand scraped? Serious accidents call for serious remedies, 
sometimes silver cant work fast enough, bleach will!  But in extreme burns, 
where scarring will occur, bleach will reverse all unripped or torn skin 
that was damaged by burn, and you WILL have a total healing within 24 
HOURS, what else offers this?
  It is your choice Dee, I truly hope you never have a child that has a 
scarring burn, but if you ever do, or if you ever have a severe grease 
burn, it is your choice, you have every right in the world to endure very 
painful burns for days and to have the scars, they are yours, It is your 

  Though, honestly, I would seriously advise against the cyanide, its 
intended design was to kill.

Dee wrote:
  What about cyanide, or green tree frog poison? (lol) Dee

---Original Message---

From: Ode Coyote

Date: 05/05/2007 16:25:58


Subject: Re: CSCS gel

Everything in it's own context of use and abuse.

Everything is toxic when over done or mis-done.

Nothing is toxic when under done or done correctly.

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RE: CSDistilled water vs others

2007-04-21 Thread Carlos Prez

A few comments about Terry's post concerning distilled water vs. others.

Using distilled water instead of fluorinated-chlorinated normal city water 
is undoubtedly better.

During many thowsands years our ancestors used available water from their 
environment. We are here because they did it.

Many extremely healthful groups of primitive people have been for decades 
studied until very recently ( I don't know what became of them lately), 
including the Hunzas in Pakistan and the Vilcabambans in Bolivia, where 
longevity and perfect teeth are normal.

In Venezuela, the indian Yanomami and other tribes that inhabited isolated 
regions around the upper Orinoco basin had very strong bones and perfect 
teeth, and the river water they used was usually muddy looking. They seemed 
to not lack any minerals in their diet.

Dr. Weston Price studied many of these primitive peoples in the world, and 
made very interesting comparisons, for example isolated Seminole tribes vs. 
ones that were in close contact with civilization, in Florida. Fist ones, 
perfect teeth. Second ones, few teeth left.

There are many world famous waters, some of them even available bottled in 
stores, that are supposedly very good for health, according to the 
characteristics of each one.

Actually, distilled water for normal home use is a very recent invention. 
Along that order, we should not even use EIS, since our body would have to 
demineralize it first.



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RE: CSWorking with your doctor

2007-04-20 Thread Carlos Prez

Bravo, Terry!!

First thing, as a complementary reading I suggest Death by Medicione, by 
Gary Null, PhD, and other collaborators. Here are some introductory lines:

Death by Medicine

By Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, 
MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD

Natural medicine is under siege, as pharmaceutical company lobbyists urge 
lawmakers to deprive Americans of the benefits of dietary supplements. 
Drug-company front groups have launched slanderous media campaigns to 
discredit the value of healthy lifestyles. The FDA continues to interfere 
with those who offer natural products that compete with prescription drugs.

These attacks against natural medicine obscure a lethal problem that until 
now was buried in thousands of pages of scientific text. In response to 
these baseless challenges to natural medicine, the Nutrition Institute of 
America commissioned an independent review of the quality of 
“government-approved” medicine. The startling findings from this meticulous 
study indicate that conventional medicine is “the leading cause of death” in 
the United States .

The Nutrition Institute of America is a nonprofit organization that has 
sponsored independent research for the past 30 years. To support its bold 
claim that conventional medicine is America 's number-one killer, the 
Nutritional Institute of America mandated that every “count” in this 
“indictment” of US medicine be validated by published, peer-reviewed 
scientific studies.

What you are about to read is a stunning compilation of facts that documents 
that those who seek to abolish consumer access to natural therapies are 
misleading the public. Over 700,000 Americans die each year at the hands of 
government-sanctioned medicine, while the FDA and other government agencies 
pretend to protect the public by harassing those who offer safe 


Terry, I have only found ONE MD, a young (around 43), very bright fellow (he 
is also an Engineer, amongst other things), very outstanding traumatologist 
that happens to also live here in Margarita Island, that is everyday 
investigating about alternative medicine. The minute I talked to him about 
EIS he paid much attention, he investigated and since them he uses EIS for 
himself and many patients, with excellent results, even in a case of bone 
infection. I give him several liters a week for himself and his patients, 
for free.

We also share Cayenne and many other hot peppers that I get and also some 
that I plant myself. He also prefers raw foods, including fresh, high 
quality fish and meat, he leads a very healthy life. We are also together in 
a project to teach small scale family gardening that can be done even in 
window sills if there is no more available space.

He is no idiot, either. Whenever I como up with any radical abnormal idea 
about medicine, health, food, living habits, etc., he listens with great 
respect and attention, tries it on himself right off hand if I have had good 
personal experience with it, while at the same time seriously investigates 
on the subject.

He has never mentioned it, but I have noticed that he does not charge 
anything to about 30% of his patients, those that have very low income.

I also have other MD friends that are interested in our ideas, some of them 
are daring to even try some things. One of them is a cardiologist. I went to 
see him out of curiosity due to some slight irregularity in my heart beat. 
After he took down my basic personal information for the file, after I told 
him I was 74, next thing he asked was: ¨When was the last time you were 
checked by a cardiologist? I answered: The only other time I have  ever 
been seen by a cardiologis was 56 years ago, in October 10 1951, when I had 
a terrible, almost deadly motorcycle wreck. He almost dropped dead, and 
after a few seconds in deep silence, he muttered: Well, that should be done 
about once a year...

After he told me to get an x-ray of my heart and checking me very carefully, 
and reading the results from a 24 hour holter he installed, he told me: I 
dont know what to tell you: your aorta shows no sign whatsoever of 
calcification, which for you age is totally abnormal. Your cardiovascular 
system is better than in most men down to 30 year olds I know, including 
myself. Your eating habits are better than practically all people I know, 
better than mine for sure. You exercise daily. Really, I don't know what 
else to tell you to do...maybe to pray...!



From: Terry Chamberlin
Subject: CSWorking with your doctor
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:19:42 -0400 (EDT)

Mike Devour said,
 Of course, anything complimentary 

CSRebounder brand.

2007-04-19 Thread Carlos Prez
Thanks to V., Wendy, MA, Kristeen, Charles and any others helping me with 
the Rebounder Brand question I posted.

Regards to all.


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RE: CSRebounder brand.

2007-04-19 Thread Carlos Prez

... and Mike...!!!

From: Carlos Pérez
Subject: CSRebounder brand.
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:52:31 -0400

Thanks to V., Wendy, MA, Kristeen, Charles and any others helping me with 
the Rebounder Brand question I posted.

Regards to all.


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CSRebounder brand.

2007-04-17 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

I am a little lost (better...VERY lost!) concerning trustable rebounder 
brands besides the Cellerciser, which seems to be top of the line (both in 
quality and in cost). I would not want to injure myself or any of my family 
members by using an unrecommended brand.

I excercise everyday since I was young, and at a given moment, when I was a 
swimmer, I exercised at the trampolin at the university, and later on, 18 
years after my motorcycle wreck (around 1970) I also used one that was 
accessible for me during several months.

I am very familiar with the extraordinary benefits rebounding brings, even 
though at those times I did not know any technique except the endurance 
method, which now from the comments of Mike and others I understand it was a 
wrong approach.

I have to be careful with my injured back, which I am maintaining very well 
in spite of daily


Any suggestions are very welcome.

Thanks in advance.


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RE: CSSlivers of silver for what ails you?

2007-03-27 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

If the EPA is too worried about Silver as an Environmental Hazard, I wonder 
if they are giving the same serious consideration to other industrial 
contaminants continuously being dumped in our waters and lands. What about 
fluor in water, salt and tooth paste, for example?  Fluor is highly toxic, a 
little less than Arsenic, almost as toxic as Lead. If a 25 lb child eats the 
contents of a large size fluorated tooth paste, he will be at a very high 
risk of dying. By the way, has anyone noticed that dental caries problems 
have not gotten any better since the beginning of the fluor craze, which is 
mainly political and pharmaceutical creation and produces millions to the 

There are many really dangerous contaminants EPA should consider before even 
thinking about silver.

What about polen from Genetically Modified vegetables (like corn and soy, by 
Monsanto little angels). They are contaminating thowsand of hectares of corn 
and other plantations all over the world.

Hundreds of industrial contaminants and harmful substances are being used in 
the food industry or dumped daily and many of then do not seem to worry the 
EPA or the FDA.


From: Ronald ( Susan) Hart
Subject: CSSlivers of silver for what ails you?
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 18:36:18 -0400

Seen on today

Slivers of silver for what ails you?

• Silver long known to possess antibacterial and other beneficial 
• Scientists harness metal's potential by shrinking it down to miniscule 

• Recent boom of consumer products that utilize small amounts of silver
• Some environmentalists worried that pervasive silver could disrupt 

By Greg Botelho, CNN
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Want to get rid of germs? Mold and grime? Smelly feet?

A growing number of scientists and businessmen say such a miracle substance 
exists, and in fact has for millions of years: Silver.

Innovative technologies and approaches have fueled an explosion of products 
taking advantage of silver's antibacterial properties. Consumers today can 
buy clothes, disinfectants, laundry machines and other items that utilize 
silver as an active agent.

People have found out you can use [silver] far more effectively when you 
shrink it down, says Andrew Maynard, science adviser to the Project on 
Emerging Nanotechnologies, a joint effort of the Woodrow Wilson 
International Center for Scholars and Pew Charitable Trusts. The range is 
quite incredible. It's as if a lightbulb has suddenly gone off. Though 
silver is generally harmless to humans, environmentalists worry that 
excessive use of silver may allow it to seep into the environment, kill 
small organisms and disrupt the ecosystem.

The projected uses are just too broad, says Jennifer Sass, a senior 
scientist at the National Resources Defense Council. It is being used 
around the world in anything that you would want to kill bacteria ... It's 
reckless [and] many of the uses are frivolous. While hardly the only 
antibacterial substance, Maynard says silver's ability to use multiple 
mechanisms to target germs otherwise resistant to antibiotics makes it 
especially effective -- and also may make it persist longer in the 

There isn't a huge amount that is unknown [about silver], says Maynard. 
Is there any risk to the environment? That's a little bit fuzzier. There 
are issues out there [for which] there aren't easy answers.

Miniscule slivers of silver

In recent years, scientists have discovered cost- and time-effective ways 
to divide silver into miniscule particles, some just a few nanometers 
across. This not only lowers the price to buy and reproduce silver, but 
enhances its surface area, thus compounding its effectiveness.

We're getting incredibly small, [which] gives us unprecedented control, 
Maynard says. You can make it go a lot further.

The number of nanotechnology consumer products is surging, according to the 
Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, which expects its inventory to 
surpass 500 such products this spring. And silver leads the way, surpassing 
all other elements, including carbon.

It's not going to rival photography, jewelry and coinage in terms of 
overall demand, but the demand [for nanosilver] is growing, says Michael 
DiRienzo, executive director of The Silver Institute, an industry trade 
group. We've known for centuries that silver has these special properties, 
[but] only recently have they found how it works.

One of the most well known applications is X-Static, which Noble 
Biomaterials president Bill McNally says is used in 1,000 products -- from 
sportswear and socks to hospital linens and military uniforms.

Silver [is] antibacterial, it's used in every burn care center, and it's 
naturally anti-odor because it binds with anti-odor causative agents, said 
McNally, who co-founded Noble 11 years ago and calls the 

Re: CSEIS-Salt/C question.

2007-02-24 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Jody,

It is indeed a surprise to find a close relative to the very famous Dr. Paul 
Ehrlich, whom I admire very much!!

As you probably have already found out, Ehrlichiosis is a very serious 
disease that if not properly diagnosed and treated in due time, can be 
deadly.There are thousands of deaths due to it every year all over the 
world, including of course USA. Nowadays there is no country free from it.

Veterinarians, mainly the ones that deal with dogs and horses, are quite 
familiar with the disease, specially Ehrlichia canis, E. platys, E. equi, E. 
phagocytophilae. There are several types that are affecting humans, like 
Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis (HME), Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (HGE), 
E. chaffeensis, E. ewingii and others. Just in case they were not enough, in 
addition in Venezuela we have Human Plaquetary Rickettsia, Venezuelan Human 
Ehrlichia and maybe one or two others...!!! (We are so proud of them...!!). 
I have two of them.

Very unfortunately human medicine has neglected the dangers of this emerging 
disease, and it keeps spreading and causing very serious problems of all 
types amongst humans, which in most cases contract it fom ticks from their 
own dogs. In urban areas dogs become reservoirs mainly of Ehrlichia ewingii, 
and the main vector by which they transmit it to humans is ticks, but 
actually fleas, lice, ¨horse flies¨(Stomoxis calcitrans), and in general any 
hematophagus insect, including mosquitoes, is a potential vector.

In countries with warm and hot climates, like in most of our country, 
including Margarita Island, Venezuela, where I live, around 95 per cent of 
dogs are infected with the disease, and usually can be expected that around 
40% of their owners and handlers are also infected.

Very fortunately Ehrlichiosis is in most cases self limiting. It can produce 
sympthoms that resemble practically any disease, like colds, flu, coughing, 
chronic fatigue, measles, chicken pox, headaches, amigdalitis, 
mononucleosis, hepatitis, diabetes, diarrhea and many others, even HIV-Aids. 
It is very common to also have some type of skin rash and very high 
temperature in the acute stage which does not give way using anything except 
the specific antibiotics that are effective against the disease.

If diagnosed early, it can normally be cured with very few antibiotics, of 
which the most common ones suggested by both human MDs and veterinarians are 
oral Doxicycline or intramuscular Tetracycline. Only two or three others are 
also effective, some being tested.

In my case, it was misdiagnosed as maeasles with neumonitis and the MD 
prescribed me a shotgun treatment which included Azytromycine and two 
other antibiotics, none of them effective against Ehrlichiosis, plus 
antiallergics, fungicides and a whole array of useless trash.

I only tried two antibiotics, one of them Azytromycine, and almost died.

I managed to stabilyze myself using other alternative treatments, but in the 
meantime it had invaded all parts and organs in my body, including bone 
marrow, and become chronic.

Since I discovered this list and, with the big help of many of its members, 
began making and using several times a day a good quality EIS, I have 
definitely improved on the disease and have a clear plan on how to cure 
myself, using other protocoles besides silver, of which I already was using 
several during years, like urine therapy, cayenne pepper therapy, magnesium 
chloride, cream of tartar, and I plan to soon include salt-C, which seems to 
be very effective against Lymes disease, which is not produced by a 
Rickettsia but by Borrellia burgdorferi (a spirochette), but has a quite 
similar sympthomatology and is also very hard to erradicate. I am planning 
to eventually also use for some time DMSO to try to get EIS into hard 
reaching areas. Of course, not everything at the same time.

Very fortunately I have always been extremely healthy and, even with chronic 
Ehrlichiosis/Rickettsiosis that I have had for around 11 years, I never ever 
got sick, not even a cold, headache, or anything, except during the 
Ehrlichiosis crisis 11 years ago. My heart and arteries are like those of a 
healthy young man (normal blood pressure around 110/65). I attribute this to 
my healthy way of eating (mainly raw food like tons of fruits and vegetables 
including the hottest peppers available) and plenty of physical activity 
(farming, swimming, snorkeling, jogging, bycicling, hiking and others that I 
at 74 still do several of them daily). Now  that I am using EIS it will even 
be harder for me to get sick!!.

I feel confident that I will eventually get up to the last one of these 
unicellular bacteriae, no matter where they are hiding. In the meantime, 
silver is getting everyone that circulates around in my blood.

Thank you for your interest, Jodi, I hope this information will answer 
several of your questions that were not asked.

Take care.


From: Jodi W Menard 

RE: CSCS and Ehrlichiosis

2007-02-24 Thread Carlos Prez


I just answered Jodi and I think there you will find the answers to your 
questions. I will gladly answer any additional ones you may have.

Thank you very much for your interest.

Be well.


Subject: CSCS and Ehrlichiosis
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 09:29:56 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Carlos -
Can you be more specific as to how you have treated and are now treating
your Ehrlichiosis?
How were you diagnosed and what were your symptoms?
Do you have any other co-infections or mycoplasms that you are treating?
Thank you.

Now, since you and other fellow friends in the silver list have
helped me to learn about EIS production, it has helped me very much in my
fight against the chronic Ehrlichiosis I have had for more than 10 years. I
now use siver even more than urine. It serves for everything.

Thank you for your help.


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CSEnvironment affects EIS brewing?

2007-02-23 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

I live in Margarita Island, Venezuela, and was wandering what difference 
altitude, relative humidity, air saltiness, etc., might make in the EIS 
making process, compared, for example, to doing the same, with identical 
equipment, same distilled water, etc., in the Andes instead of Margarita 
Island, at 2500 meters above sea level, dry, cool climate.



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RE: CSHas anybody out there got MRSA ? Its resistant to antibiotics

2007-02-23 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Wayne,

These are very impressive pictures.

Did you treat your spider bite with EIS?

I assume it should work in these antibiotic resistent strains.

Take care.


From: CWFugitt
Subject: CSHas anybody out there got MRSA ? Its resistant to antibiotics
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 18:31:25 -0600

It is a bad news critter.

At 05:25 PM 2/22/2007, you wrote:

It was on the local news today.

  Here are SIX pictures of MRSA infection.
I think I collected these when I had the spider bite.
I reduced the size for faster loading.  About 40 K each.

A Dr. Strickland called me a few times from Atlanta after he saw my spider 
bite pictures.


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RE: CSMRSA not mine, Spiderbite

2007-02-23 Thread Carlos Prez


Thanks for your answer. It clarifies my confusion.

These pictures are also impressive.

Like you, at our farms and everyplace I try to only use good nutrition, 
mostly raw food and healthy living as the main medicine. Besides that, I use 
urine for almost everything, and also wild herbs, and other natural 
products. Now, since you and other fellow friends in the silver list have 
helped me to learn about EIS production, it has helped me very much in my 
fight against the chronic Ehrlichiosis I have had for more than 10 years. I 
now use siver even more than urine. It serves for everything.

Thank you for your help.


From: CWFugitt
Subject: CSMRSA not mine, Spiderbite
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:56:33 -0600

Morning Carlos,

At 07:45 AM 2/23/2007, you wrote:

Hello, Wayne,
These are very impressive pictures.
Did you treat your spider bite with EIS?
I assume it should work in these antibiotic resistent strains.

  I am sorry, I did not mean to suggest the MRSA pictures were me.
These are some I found someplace and added to my collection.

There are pictures of my spider bite in this directory.

Yes, I used CS,  MSM mixed with Everclear,  onion poultice and bentonite.

I did not use any H2O2 because I read that it would damage healthy cells.

I never went to a doctor and never put anything on it that you could not 

I was eating 5 kinds of fruit daily while fighting the spider bite.

The 4 numbers in each file are the date. 
25-Apr-2005 16:1345k

25-Apr-2005 16:1328k


The pixel size is reduced for faster loading.


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CSEIS-Salt/C question.

2007-02-20 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

In my trying to get a cure for Ehrlichiosis I have been using home made EIS 
with a noticeable improvement in my health. I am also using Magnesium 
Chloride three times a day, which has many benefits, including 
decalcification and calcium relocation in organism.

After reading the many posts on Salt/C protocole for Lymes and other 
diseases (Lymes synthoms very much resemble Ehrlichiosis, even though it is 
produced by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spiroquette, and Ehrlichiosis is 
produced by a Rickettsia), I am very much interested in trying salt/c as an 
additional treatment.

Can some one with experience tell me if I can keep using EIS and magnesium 
chloride without one treatment interfering with the other?

Any opinions are welcome.

Thank you.


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Re: CSCS and Stinky Sneakers

2007-02-20 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Richard,

The family of a german couple which are excellent friends of mine lives in 
Ibiza. My friends also go there once in a while, and they love it. Maybe I 
will someday go there with them...

My health has been improving and I am interested in trying in addition the 
Salt/C protocole.

Be well.


From: Richard
Subject: Re: CSCS and Stinky Sneakers
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 10:09:43 +0100

Dear Carlos, I live on Ibiza - Spain - and we have some lemon trees  in the 
garden and we often take them as presents for people who do  not have any . 
Last w-end I went to see some friends who have an eco  resort  where they 
grow  a great array of organic produce such as  aloe vera, grapes, figs and 
carob- but no lemons. When I handed over  the bag of lemons to the owners 
wife she thanked me profusely and  said  great , these are going straight 
in my panty drawer  ! It  seems there is no limit to the use of a lemon - 
hope you are getting  better , best wishes - Richard

On 20/02/2007, at 2:17, Carlos Pérez wrote:

At home, we use plenty of limes and lemons. We take a squeezed (or  new) 
half and rub it under arms. The best deodorant we have found,  it easily 
lasts a full day, and it is free, just one step between  the kitchen and 
the compost pile. This might have something to do  with the GSE.


From: Del
Reply-To: Del
Subject: Re: CSCS and Stinky Sneakers
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 08:34:05

Foot and underarm odor is mostly caused by bacteria buildup in  confined, 
damp spaces.

I tried cs on underarm odor and it was not effective for me (can't  use 
any commercial deodorant due to skin irritation - probably a  good thing, 
considering what is in them).  What did turn out to be  very effective 
was to put between 250 to 300 drops of GSE  (Grapefruit Seed Extract) in 
8 ounces of distilled water and use  it as a daily deodorant spray.  
Voila! No more odor (most of the  time) and no irritation.

If the sneakers are infected, then they are re-infecting your feet  every 
time you wear them.  To stop this, spray the sneakers  liberally with 
this GSE solution and spray your feet as well  before putting them on.  I 
am betting this will gradually get rid  of the odor.

If not, then it is time for new sneakers.  And keep spraying your  feet 
to prevent new shoes from suffering the same fate.


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Re: CSCS and Stinky Sneakers

2007-02-19 Thread Carlos Prez
At home, we use plenty of limes and lemons. We take a squeezed (or new) half 
and rub it under arms. The best deodorant we have found, it easily lasts a 
full day, and it is free, just one step between the kitchen and the compost 
pile. This might have something to do with the GSE.


From: Del
Reply-To: Del
Subject: Re: CSCS and Stinky Sneakers
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 08:34:05

Foot and underarm odor is mostly caused by bacteria buildup in confined, 
damp spaces.

I tried cs on underarm odor and it was not effective for me (can't use any 
commercial deodorant due to skin irritation - probably a good thing, 
considering what is in them).  What did turn out to be very effective was 
to put between 250 to 300 drops of GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) in 8 
ounces of distilled water and use it as a daily deodorant spray.  Voila! No 
more odor (most of the time) and no irritation.

If the sneakers are infected, then they are re-infecting your feet every 
time you wear them.  To stop this, spray the sneakers liberally with this 
GSE solution and spray your feet as well before putting them on.  I am 
betting this will gradually get rid of the odor.

If not, then it is time for new sneakers.  And keep spraying your feet to 
prevent new shoes from suffering the same fate.

  - Original Message -
  From: Cinder Ella
  Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2007 8:50 PM
  Subject: CSCS and Stinky Sneakers

  I've used cs to spray in the insides of stinky sneakers.  This is caused 
by bacteria from what I know and the stink won't go away.  Previously I've 
thrown the soles into the washing machine and washed them by hand with 
every soap and every possible cleaner known to man.  Why isn't cs working?  
How can I get rid of the stinky sneaker smell?


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Re: CSCS plating

2007-02-10 Thread Carlos Prez


We do not use any type of soda bottles at home, but practically everybody 
else does at home and everywhere they go, so it is very easy  to get them 
everywhere. I also get them from restaurants, clubs, liquor stores, etc., 
easily. Could you not get them the same way where you live? The addiction to 
pop drinking here is just incredible. Very few persons drink just plain 
water...!!! (It probably is too healthy to even consider it...!!)


From: sol
Subject: Re: CSCS plating
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 09:57:15 -0700

I've been storing my EIS in distilled water jugs for years now. The pete  
or pet soda/water bottles may be better but I have never found any with 
handles. Because of tendon and grip problems with my hands, I have to have 
a jug with a handle, so for me that over-rides any slight concern about the 
DW bottles not being as good. (And my concern is very slight--as these are 
the jugs the distilled water comes in after all).

I distill my own water and also used jugs from purchased DW for that.

I confess when I tried (and found I couldn't use)the big 2 liter soda 
bottles, I bought a couple of cheap generic sodas and simply dumped them 


M. G. Devour wrote:

 And for us who never drink soda-  can we use the bottles our water
 comes in?

Use the bottles that are the same crystal clear plastic that pop bottles 
are, but that are used to package spring water.

The milky, translucent plastic that a lot of distilled water comes in, as 
well as milk, for that matter, is not as good.

At least so I've heard.

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RE: CS[List Owner] Time out...

2007-02-05 Thread Carlos Prez


Undoubtedtly you are a top class moderator and this list is full of really 
high quality members. I am very proud to belong to this gang of freaks, 
silver nuts or whatever we or others want to call us.

Thanks to all for the tremendous help given me all along my process of 


From: M. G. Devour
Subject: CS[List Owner] Time out...
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2007 20:00:12 -5

Okay, gang. We need to take a time out here.

Our regular members are starting to lose their patience and it's
showing up as inappropriate aggressiveness.

Our new member, Gina, is either not reading what is being addressed to
her or is ignoring it purposefully. She is starting to repeat questions
that have been answered already and accusing the group of not answering
when they have... repeatedly.

Argyria Victim has had an ample opportunity to present her case and has
done so with vigor. I have done my best, ma'am, to keep things civil in
the face of your angry tone.

It's now time to end this topic and move on. The fact that I've
extended you both a courteous reception is not an abdication of my
obligation to the rest of my members.

Gina, contact me privately at if you want to
continue to participate in the group. Your questions have and will be
answered, fully. Assuming you are still prepared to take responsibility
for your own decisions the group is prepared to help you.

Janis, I think you should not give up on a cure for your Argyria. I
believe Jason is the best resource you have and the results he is
seeing are significant. You can be as impatient as you want, but you
must not quit trying!

Contact me again at any time if you have something to contribute or
need anything from our members.

Everyone, thank you for your attention and restraint. Feel free to
discuss until you're satisfied.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
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RE: CSEye cataracts options with MSM, NAC, etc.

2006-12-13 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Dan,

Even though your post might be taken as a joke (Chuck will probably see it 
as a revenge...!), with my daily consumption of a good ammount of hot 
peppers three times a day I pursue regeneration of blood vessels ans damaged 
tissues in many places in all my body, including EYES. Even though my 
cataracts are progressing very slowly, they have not stopped. I have 
seriously considered applying Cayenne drops in my eyes, but I first want to 
try other methods suggested by list members, that seem to revert the 
process, like MSM and N-Acetyl-carnosine.

I sure hope I do not have to put Cayenne paste in my eyes! From accidental 
experiences, I can assure you that burns like fire!!


From: Dan Nave
Subject: RE: CSEye cataracts options with MSM, NAC, etc.
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:25:04 -0600

Well, Carlos, you might have to use your cayenne pepper paste in your 
eyes...   ;-0


-Original Message-
From: Carlos Pérez []
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: CSEye cataracts options with MSM, NAC, etc.

Hello, friends,

Thank you very much for your answers to my alternative cataracts solutions 

Even though we always had dairy goats in our farms during 20+ years and 
made cheese, yoghurt, khefir and other goat milk products mostly for family 
and friends, I have almost totally stopped consuming dairy products 
starting about 2 years ago. I came to the conclusion that, not even goats 
milk, which I consider far superior to cows milk, is necessary or even 
normally convenient for humans after 2-3 years of age.

MSM seems very promising but I do not know if I can find it here in 
Margarita Island. Medical grade DMSO is available, in case it could be 
N-acetyl-carnosine also seems to be another very valid option, but I do not 
know about its availability here either.

With your help, very soon I will be doing some experimenting. I will keep 
you informed.

Any additional information on the subject will be welcome.



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Re: CSEye cataracts options with MSM, NAC, etc.

2006-12-12 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

Thank you very much for your answers to my alternative cataracts solutions 

Even though we always had dairy goats in our farms during 20+ years and made 
cheese, yoghurt, khefir and other goat milk products mostly for family and 
friends, I have almost totally stopped consuming dairy products starting 
about 2 years ago. I came to the conclusion that, not even goats milk, which 
I consider far superior to cows milk, is necessary or even normally 
convenient for humans after 2-3 years of age.

MSM seems very promising but I do not know if I can find it here in 
Margarita Island. Medical grade DMSO is available, in case it could be used. 
N-acetyl-carnosine also seems to be another very valid option, but I do not 
know about its availability here either.

With your help, very soon I will be doing some experimenting. I will keep 
you informed.

Any additional information on the subject will be welcome.



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Re: CSThermotherapy

2006-12-11 Thread Carlos Prez
What about cayenne pepper? It works wonders in circulatory system and tissue 
regeneration. It has been used with great success in hemorrhoids problems. 
Besides using one teaspoon in 1 cup of warm water morning and evening, this 
should also be complemented by using tincture, or a paste made with the 
powder and warm water, inside the anus and affected area.

HOT? ...Yes, but it can cure...!


From: M. G. Devour
Subject: Re: CSThermotherapy
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 12:08:10 -5

Thanks for the link, Sharlene.

I've heard of devices for directly heating the prostate. I don't know
much more about them, but I do have direct experience with effectively
treating hemorrhoids!

I pretty much chanced on the fact that CS with about 20 to 30 percent
DMSO will cause the pain to go away within hours and the swelling to be
completely gone within a day. End of problem!

Just soak a tissue in the CS/DMSO mix, apply it to the area of the
anus, and leave it there as you go about the rest of your activities.
Before you know it the pain, itching, and swelling will be over.

Yes, it may be that the CS is optional. It was the mixture I had ready-
made and thought I'd give it a try.

I hope that's of help to some! grin

Be well,

Mike D.

 I thought this might be an interesting site I came upon. For those of
 you that are crafty, you might be able to come up with something
 simplified to benefit those with hemorrhoids and prostate problems.
 I'm sorry it is OT.


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CSEye cataracts options ?

2006-12-11 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

I am very glad Mike and team have fixed the list problem.

I have progressive eye cataracts that started around 10 years ago, when I 
got Ehrlichiosis. Even though they have evolved very slowly, maybe in great 
part due to a healthy life I try to live, I am approaching a point in which 
the normal recommendation would be surgery.

I believe this theme was brought up in this list a short time ago. Besides 
exercise, high quality food and daily EIS consumption, I would like to know 
if there is someone with experience with an alternative way to clear the eye 
cristaline lenses from protein accumulation, avoiding surgery.

In my experience concerning my Ehrlichiosis symptoms and EIS consumption, 
the general itchy spots that covered all of my body have decreased 80%, a 
tendency towards halitosis was wiped out overnight, arthritic-like pains and 
swelling on my hands and specially finger joints have totally disappeared, 
the blank spaces I sometimes got in my coordinating thought and speech under 
stress have decreased 90%, and my general state has evidently improved.

I am also consuming a lot of cayenne and other hot peppers, more than I 
normally have used all my life, which is plenty, trying to regenerate blood 
vessels that have been damaged by Ehrlichiosis.

Any suggestions are welcome.



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Re: CSThermotherapy

2006-12-08 Thread Carlos Prez
What about cayenne pepper? It works wonders regenerating blood vessels and 
damaged tissues, including gangrene. For hemorrhoids it is used directly 
inside the anus. It is hot, but heals...!!!


From: M. G. Devour
Subject: Re: CSThermotherapy
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 12:08:10 -5

Thanks for the link, Sharlene.

I've heard of devices for directly heating the prostate. I don't know
much more about them, but I do have direct experience with effectively
treating hemorrhoids!

I pretty much chanced on the fact that CS with about 20 to 30 percent
DMSO will cause the pain to go away within hours and the swelling to be
completely gone within a day. End of problem!

Just soak a tissue in the CS/DMSO mix, apply it to the area of the
anus, and leave it there as you go about the rest of your activities.
Before you know it the pain, itching, and swelling will be over.

Yes, it may be that the CS is optional. It was the mixture I had ready-
made and thought I'd give it a try.

I hope that's of help to some! grin

Be well,

Mike D.

 I thought this might be an interesting site I came upon. For those of
 you that are crafty, you might be able to come up with something
 simplified to benefit those with hemorrhoids and prostate problems.
 I'm sorry it is OT.


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[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
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CSEtheric Biology/CS

2006-11-29 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, fellow members,

A friend just sent me this, which many of you may find interesting:

Etheric biology.

Martin WJ.

Center for Complex Infectious Diseases, 3328 Stevens Avenue, Rosemead CA 
91770, USA.

Several observations made during the course of studies on stealth-adapted 
viruses are explainable by a pervasive, energy-rich, ether environment. 
Activation of an alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway provides stealth 
virus damaged cells with a repair mechanism that is independent of the 
cellular immune response. ACE activation can also assist in the systemic 
healing of infections caused by conventional viruses such as Herpes simplex 
virus, Herpes zoster virus and human papillomavirus. ACE pigments convert 
conventional forms of physical energies into a biological cell healing 
energy, the nature of which is still uncertain. More recent studies suggest 
that ACE pigments may also capture etheric energy. In addition to cellular 
repair, ACE pigment activation can lead to the biogenesis of lipid-like 
chemical structures. ACE pigment and virus culture healing activities were 
also seen with several natural products, including a homeopathic 
formulation. A colloidal silver solution appeared to facilitate the 
transmission of ACE and to enhance its biosynthetic activity. These results 
open a window into a greater understanding of a fundamental force of nature 
of potential therapeutic importance.

PMID: 15893748 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Regards to all.


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Re: CSPolarity Switching ?...-Some thoughts about it.

2006-11-24 Thread Carlos Prez

Thank you, Steve, for your answer.

At this moment I am brewing 1200 ml batches with a huge 250 gr 999 swiss 
silver ingot that I located here. My cathode is a large stainless steel 
spoon, placed 75 mm apart, in a very wide mouth glass jar.

I was in the process of finding a jeweler to melt the ingot and convert it 
into silver rods or whatever, and was having difficulty trying to get this 
made without contamination from gold alloys, and Mike suggested using it as 
the anode...which seemed to me a very comical but bright idea! I immediately 
put it into practice, and I like the results very much.

Using this method, unattended during 4.5 hours, during the day, no stirring, 
no cleaning, I am producing cristal clear, no color, no residues, EIS, with 
an average of around 15 ppm, with a beginning amperage of of 0.5 mA and a 
final amperage of 2.4 mA, average around 0.84 mA, using 15% from previous 
batch as a starter. At the end of the process, the spoon (cathode) is 
covered with a dark grey creamy looking coat of silver oxide, which I easily 
clean with a paper towel. The ingot anode I also clean the same way, but 
naturally remains slightly stained. I do not know yet of any way I can leave 
it totally clean like I do with my thin wire electrodes using slightly 
abrasive Scotchbrite material, without getting it all scratched. It has high 
relief lines, seals, numbers and words in it, and I am not planning to sand 
it all down until it gets smooth. I think the best way to maintain it clean 
would be changing the polarity.

Since I only have one, I have considered simply cutting it in two so that I 
can have both electrodes identical and that way I can switch polarity from 
one batch to the other. I have not done it because that way the anode 
immersed area would be only half and all will change.

I am also using the same setup in a one gallon glass mayonnaise jar, 
electrode spacing 70 mm, and get good results also after 7 hours, but I do 
not like the final 2.8 mA.

As soon as I can I will place in series a current limiting diode, but for 
this temporary setup with only one huge electrode like mine (around 11x45x42 
mm immersed area) I do not have any idea of what should the characteristics 
be. (I am going to use the trial and error method anyway, and I will begin 
with the 0.2 milliamperes you suggest...!)

Once I can manage to have sent from USA some 10 and 12 ga silver wire, I 
will have other options. Even though I like very much its simplicity of 
operation, I have not built your circuit yet due to the lack of adequate 
electrodes, but they will eventually get here.

I am very stubborn and, with the help of all of you friends, I am learning a 

Best regards.


From: SJY
To: Silver List
Subject: Re: CSPolarity Switching ?...-Some thoughts about it.
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 08:05:05 -0700


In practice, it takes a finite amount of time, every time the polarity is
switched, for the flow of ions to stop and reverse direction.  During that
time, ion production is less.  So in practice, a polarity switched setup
will produce less silver in solution than an unswitched version, keeping 

other parameters the same.

Some people, myself included,  just switch electrodes every batch to keep
electrode wear the same, and don't bother with the extra complication of
polarity switching.  Going another step, if you reduce the constant current
to about 0.2 milliamp (0.0002 amp), so that your production takes 24 hours,
you can eliminate stirring as well.  The normal Brownian movement of the
water will be all the stirring that is needed.

If you need higher production, your wall adapter can run up to hundreds of 

quart CS generators at the same time, each consuming only 0.2 milliamp.
Just add a 0.2 ma constant current diode in series with each quart brewer 
connect them all to your wall adapter.  An ppripriate diode is 1N5283 (0.22
ma), available from Mouser.

--Steve Y.

- Original Message -
From: Carlos Pérez
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 1:57 PM
Subject: CSPolarity Switching ?...-Some thoughts about it.


 From what I understand, the object of polarity switching in the process 

 brewing AIS is to eliminate the normal silver oxide accumulation in the
 cathode and the harder coat of silver oxide in the cathode, which
 both electrodes clean.

 A determinate ammount of silver oxide will be produced in batch A
 polarity switching, which at the end of the process will have produced a
 noticeable moderate dark grey beard on the cathode.

 If we have an identical batch B (identical water quality and ammount,
 temperature, process time, current flow, container, electrodes, etc.) 
 have polarity switching during the process, I assume aproximately the 

 ammount of silver oxide will be produced, but 

Re: CSPolarity Switching ?...-Some thoughts about it.

2006-11-24 Thread Carlos Prez


My only possible frequency at this moment with my provisional setup is one 
cycle per batch...!

I just wanted to know what the difference would be IF I have an automatic 
control generator...

Thank you


From: Ode Coyote
Subject: Re: CSPolarity Switching ?...-Some thoughts about it.
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 09:31:44 -0500

  Frequency can tweek the process from favoring oxide production to 
favoring hydroxide production.


At 04:57 PM 11/23/2006 -0400, you wrote:


From what I understand, the object of polarity switching in the process of 
brewing AIS is to eliminate the normal silver oxide accumulation in the 
cathode and the harder coat of silver oxide in the cathode, which 
maintains both electrodes clean.

A determinate ammount of silver oxide will be produced in batch A 
without polarity switching, which at the end of the process will have 
produced a noticeable moderate dark grey beard on the cathode.

If we have an identical batch B (identical water quality and ammount, 
temperature, process time, current flow, container, electrodes, etc.) and 
have polarity switching during the process, I assume aproximately the same 
ammount of silver oxide will be produced, but instead of accumulating it 
is, in every switching of the polarity, solving into the water, aside from 
the ions and colloidal particles being produced.

If, after batch A is finished, the current is stopped and the electrodes 
left in the produced EIS, after a few seconds the cathode beard starts 
turning into a  cascade mostly dissolving in the produced batch, and a 
smaller part sedimenting at the bottom of the glass jar.

If this is the case, the only basic difference between A and B would 
be cleaner electrodes in B. Both will have a determined ammount of 
silver oxide incorporated, instead of being cleaned off at intervals 
during the process.



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CSPolarity Switching ?...-Some thoughts about it.

2006-11-23 Thread Carlos Prez


From what I understand, the object of polarity switching in the process of 
brewing AIS is to eliminate the normal silver oxide accumulation in the 
cathode and the harder coat of silver oxide in the cathode, which maintains 
both electrodes clean.

A determinate ammount of silver oxide will be produced in batch A without 
polarity switching, which at the end of the process will have produced a 
noticeable moderate dark grey beard on the cathode.

If we have an identical batch B (identical water quality and ammount, 
temperature, process time, current flow, container, electrodes, etc.) and 
have polarity switching during the process, I assume aproximately the same 
ammount of silver oxide will be produced, but instead of accumulating it is, 
in every switching of the polarity, solving into the water, aside from the 
ions and colloidal particles being produced.

If, after batch A is finished, the current is stopped and the electrodes 
left in the produced EIS, after a few seconds the cathode beard starts 
turning into a  cascade mostly dissolving in the produced batch, and a 
smaller part sedimenting at the bottom of the glass jar.

If this is the case, the only basic difference between A and B would be 
cleaner electrodes in B. Both will have a determined ammount of silver 
oxide incorporated, instead of being cleaned off at intervals during the 



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CSPolarity Switching ?...-Some thoughts about it.

2006-11-23 Thread Carlos Prez


From what I understand, the object of polarity switching in the process of 
brewing AIS is to eliminate the normal silver oxide accumulation in the 
cathode and the harder coat of silver oxide in the anode, which maintains 
both electrodes clean.

A determinate ammount of silver oxide will be produced in batch A without 
polarity switching, which at the end of the process will have produced a 
noticeable moderate dark grey beard on the cathode.

If we have an identical batch B (identical water quality and ammount, 
temperature, process time, current flow, container, electrodes, etc.) and 
have polarity switching during the process, I assume aproximately the same 
ammount of silver oxide will be produced, but instead of accumulating it is, 
in every switching of the polarity, solving into the water, aside from the 
ions and colloidal particles being produced.

If, after batch A is finished, the current is stopped and the electrodes 
left in the produced EIS, after a few seconds the cathode beard starts 
turning into a  cascade mostly dissolving in the produced batch, and a 
smaller part sedimenting at the bottom of the glass jar.

If this is the case, the only basic difference between A and B would be 
cleaner electrodes in B. Both will have a determined ammount of silver 
oxide incorporated, instead of being cleaned off at intervals during the 



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RE: CSMink rancher

2006-11-17 Thread Carlos Prez


In this interesting creativeness developed around the Mink ranch subject, I 
might have missed something, but I do not recall anyone saying anything 
about the quality of the water being used for making EIS in the flow-through 

Is it tap water? I remember how much emphasis has been placed on the great 
importance of using only steam distilled water of the best quality available 
in order to produce adequate EIS for human consumption. Or is it that in 
mink and other animals the biological laws work differently?

Regards to all.


From: Dan Nave
Subject: RE: CSMink rancher
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 15:30:26 -0600

Oops, they are 100 and 100 OUNCE bars...

Here's a 10 ounce bar:



-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour []
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:57 AM
Subject: RE: CSMink rancher

Dear Dan,

You write:
 I noticed you added a factor for electrode waste.  I don't think that
 is really necessary since with that kind of water flow all silver
 should go into the water, and since it is to be mixed with food who
 knows what sort of chemistry it will have - ions or particles, who
 cares?...  So the total silver is what I was concentrating on.

Given the geometry I was describing you couldn't allow the silver pieces
to completely erode away. You'd have water leaking out the holes the
wires come through, not to mention the wire and/or brass washer would
also start eroding and contaminating the water with copper, zinc,
nickel, etc... So I figure the coins (or bars) would be replaced when
they got thin enough they would start exposing stuff.

They would have to disassemble the cell and inspect the electrodes a few
times during the first month of operation to get familiar with how they
erode with use.

 It looks like you can buy 100 and 1000 gram ingots of silver.  Just
 pound them out or have a jeweler flatten them through some sort of
 roller press.

That sounds interesting. Where did you see those?

 Yes, I was on the low end of the silver cost estimate.  Cheap at even
 twice the price.


Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSLED Measuring Tool

2006-11-12 Thread Carlos Prez

Good morning, Wayne,

On Sun, 12 Nov 2006 04:28:18 -0600, you wrote:

Most people underestimate the power of the human body, the brain, and 
the senses.

You are absolutely right.

What about intuition? What about consciousness? Do they arise from the human 
body, brain or senses? Are there other  somethings that we can not even 
underestimate because we dont even know they exist?

What is aware in someone that is clinically dead and simultaneously 
observing his? body, brain and senses functioning, and doctors, relatives, 
nurses and everybody else surrounding the lying body or whatever, and 
SIMULTANEOUSLY aware of friends and others outside the room in the aisle? 
How and by what can all comments and sensations from everybody, together 
with the smell of the hospital, the noise from the elevator door, and 
everything else be perceived simultaneously?

Only one of many, many personal experiences...

Maybe only the unbelieveable is really worth believing...!



From: CWFugitt
Subject: Re: CSLED Measuring Tool
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 04:28:18 -0600

Morning JBB,

Thanks for the comments.

 At 11:53 PM 11/11/2006, you wrote:

It's more amazing than that!   Dr. Y. Omura has shown that by vision 
alone, human beings can absorb electronmagnetically radiated information 
which can be used to identify molecular substances if the person has a 
reference on the substance in his/her hand at the time.

   I am always glad to see a little supporting evidence for my ideas.
Some are so far out  and I get no comments, I hesitate to even believe them 

Often after studying for many years,  suddenly an idea is formed that is 
totally original.

Is it true, or just another theory?  Shall I believe it or dismiss it?

IAW, you could hold a slide of pure lead, look at a teacup with lead 
glaze, do a kind of simple test of gripping strength, and know whether or 
not lead is in the glaze.
Most people underestimate the power of the human body, the brain, and 
the senses.

I don't have time to elaborate, but those interested can find a lifetime's 
worth of astounding science from Omura's work, with very long, brilliant 
abstracts posted online for free. Links are in the (dead) archives.  
Until those come back online, those interested will have to do their own 
If you would send me a phrase or string, I can search my local 
archives with 5 different complex criteria, simultaneously.


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Re: CSmeters

2006-11-12 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Ode and other experts, and amateurs like me:

Temporarily, until I am able to buy better measuring equipment, I am using a 
volt meter to read the volts and a multimeter (my temporary conductivity 
meter!) with 0-10 mA scale to read miliamperes in my batches. Even though 
the degree of precision is very poor with these instruments, I can 
appreciate readings of 0.05 mA. I carefully record the readings at precise 
intervals, and feed the information into Herx's Faraday Equation. This is 
how I am monitoring what happens in my brewing process.

Even though the quality of the steam-bidistilled, filtered, de-ionized water 
I am using is the best available, I am sure it could be better, but it is 
all I have at the present. It has perceivable slight variations as I buy 
from different lots produced by the laboratory, enough to notice between a 
very faint movement in the dial needle as the electrodes (Huge 250 g/8.2 oz. 
999.0 silver anode, stainless steel large spoon cathode...!!) are fully 
inmersed 7 cm apart in 1500 ml , in one lot of water, or a larger reading of 
up to 0.3 mA, under the same conditions, including temperature, in another 

I try to keep the mA at a desirable level even towards the end of the 
process, with an additional control I exert by gradually increasing the 
distance between electrodes, from a minimum of 3 cm to a maximum of 7 cm.

As a result, I am always getting crystal clear, strong flavour, weak Tyndall 
effect, no residues, presumably small particles EIS, that show an estimate 
of 14-18 ppm in the Faraday equation.

I have the feeling there is not much danger of toxicity, because apart from 
trying to be careful in what I do myself, the variations in the water I 
assume are not more than my body and those of my children can handle.

I am sure, with the right attitude, our nature, which is all the time 
bombarded by an enormous contamination coming from air, food, readings, TV, 
noises, air and mind conditioning, electromagnetic fields, vibrations from 
motors and sick minds, etc., will know how to deal with them. It is 
constantly transmuting elements and energy by simply flipping one electron 
in or out of an atomic orbit, as sodium into potassium and viceversa, or 
changing the polarity of an evil thought. If it were not by these and many 
other miracles (which by the way are absolutely normal and natural), our 
human species would have attained the point of extincion we are by all means 
striving to reach.

As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions that you may be willing to 
offer me. I have learned very much from all of you.

Thank you.


From: Ode Coyote
Subject: Re: CSmeters
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 08:41:54 -0500

The Hanna PWT  [Trem sells the PWT for the same as factory price plus 
shipping. ] and the HM Digital COM-100 [ , about $15 less than factory and free shipping] are 
the leaders.

 They are both very good conductivity meters.  I have several of each and 
they're all pretty much in agreement with each other...very close.

The HM Digital TDS3 is better than most of the Hanna TDS meters, but TDS 
meters in general are only ballpark meters.

 ALL PPM/TDS meters sorta suck for this purpose, but aren't completely 
 If any two identical TDS meters read within 2 PPM of each other in the 
same 10 PPM sample, and a 15 PPM sample,  that would be an accident.
 Different TDS meter readings in different samples is no basis at all for 
a disagreement over the telephone. [Arguing?  Forget it. ]
A good source for TDS meters [such as they are] is 
[James Allison]

 Check ebay as well.


Does this conductivity meter have a name? or a brand?
I have seen the Hanna TDS meters online. I want to put
it on my Christmas list.

   You can't really use time alone to predict PPM.
  Only slightly purer water can make a really big
difference to get to
the same stopping point

Best bet is to get a conductivity meter
  Next best , a PPM/TDS meter
Or even just an volt meter [multi meter ]

Some way to tell where you are in the process.


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Re: CSCS more than just an antibiotic

2006-11-10 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, V,

Thanks for the additional information.



From: V
To: Carlos Pérez
Subject: Re: CSCS more than just an antibiotic
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 19:07:45 -0800

Hi Carlos,

   right but I read Dr Beckers books and he dose say the blood cells 
become de-differentiated(which is what a stem cell is) and then can become 
other types of cells. the silver helps this to happen long with a micro 

Take care,
Energize With Light

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RE: CSHow much EIS to purify drinking water?

2006-11-10 Thread Carlos Prez

Thank you, Richard and other friends that answered me.



From: Richard Harris
CC: Richard Harris
Subject: RE: CSHow much EIS to purify drinking water?
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 21:52:15 -0500

Hi Carlos,
One of the Experts on this Site suggested that 1 oz. to a gallon of water,
shake well and allow to sit 30 minutes--there will be NO pathogens alive in
the jug and the water tastes as though it's only water. I prepare several
gallons of this formula to use for potable water in case of hurricanes here
in central FL--Delicious
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Staya Udanvti Bob Butler []
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSHow much EIS to purify drinking water?


The entire worlds' ships have silver bullion welded into their fresh 

tanks, some like thousands of gallons.
The wave action will get the water circulating around and any contact with
that plate does the job.
So maybe just a tablespoon in a quart should be sufficient?..

I use very little (1 to 2 Oz) in my 16 Oz CPAP heated humidifier reservoir
because full strength will plate the plastic and metal base surfaces which 

consider to be a waste.
I do not have any idea how much silver is left in the dry container as the
ions are breathed-in controlling any possible fungal growth.
Long time use (week) without cleaning will produce tiny little bubbles or
beads of what looks like silver with a grayish deposit (fungus?) inside
rolling around on the bottom.

Staya Udanvti

- Original Message -
From: Carlos Pérez
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 12:30 PM
Subject: CSHow much EIS to purify drinking water?

 Hello, friends,

 How much 14 ppm EIS should be used to purify 1 gallon non potable water 


 Thank you.


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RE: CSHow much EIS to purify drinking water?

2006-11-09 Thread Carlos Prez


A friend in the list sent me the reference below, where you will find an 
Excel spread sheet designed for calculating an estimated ppm concentration.

Good luck.


From: Peter M. Stellas
Subject: RE: CSHow much EIS to purify drinking water?
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 11:16:54 -0800


I am new to this group and have been following your discussion with other
members. Would you please tell me what process you used to determine that
your CS is indeed 14PPM?


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RE: CSCS more than just an antibiotic

2006-11-09 Thread Carlos Prez

V wrote:

I talked to another friend and he reminded be of the work of Dr Becker

...and that the presence of silver dose a lot more than kill bacteria, it 
helps the body regenerate tissue by de-differentiating blood cells and that 
allows the blood cells to change into any other types of cells in the body 
to regenerate the tissue.

So the presence of the CS in the blood basically gives you an army of new 
cells to go regenerate any tissue that needs it.

Anyway this has re-stimulated my interest in taking CS beyond just as an 

This is part of the reference given:

Silver Ionotophoresis --- Healing  Regeneration

Robert O. Becker, M. D.: Retired Prof. of Medicine at Upstate Medical 
Center, Syracuse; Director of Orthopedic Surgery at the Veterans Hospital, 
Syracuse, New York; Author: Cross Currents and The Body Electric

Silver Helps Regrow Tissues in Hundreds of Patients - Destroyed Cells 
Regenerate With Silver-Based Procedure

by Samuel Etris Senior Technical Consultant to The Silver Institute

Silver can help regenerate human cells that have been destroyed by disease 
or damaged in accidents.

The silver-based procedure has been so successful in clinical tests, that 
one patient who had sustained three crushed fingers in an accident grew 
new tissue immediately. Within 2-1/2 months, skin coverage was complete 
and there was normal, full sensation, good blood supply and all joints had 
a normal range of motion. If left untreated, the 3~year-old electrician's 
fingers would have fallen off after turning black with gangrene, and he 
would have been left with a totally useless hand. In fact, his orthopedic 
surgeon recommended amputation of al1 three fingers, but the patient 
requested silver-ion therapy that was successful.

The mechanism by which silver ions help rebuild tissue has been studied for 
more than a decade by Robert O. Becker, M. D., Becker Biomagnetics, 
Lowville, New York. Becker first reported his findings at the First 
International Conference on Silver and Gold in Medicine, cosponsored by The 
Silver Institute in 1987.

In the decade since, this technique has been used in a clinical setting at 
Mountain Medical Specialties in Lakemont, Georgia, where hundreds of 
patients with various wounds have recovered. In addition, a laboratory 
study conducted by the U.S. Army Institute for Surgical Research in Fort 
Sam Houston, Texas, showed that laboratory animals with burn wounds 
treated under controlled conditions experienced shortened time for 
reconstruction with silver-nylon dressings. Recovery of skin function was 
faster when electric current was applied compared to no application of 
electric current.

Becker discovered that when positively charged silver ions are electrically 
introduced into wounds with a proprietary silver-coated nylon fabric used 
as the positive electrode, large amounts of primitive embryonic stem cells 
are produced. These stem cells are responsible for the reconstruction of 
destroyed tissue at a pace considerably faster than if the wound had been 
left to heal by itself. In other cases, the wound might not heal at all 
without the introduction of these stem cells

The advantages of this technique, says Becker, are the ease of use, use 
of the patient's own cells, no immune reaction, no need to use human 
fetusus as a source of stem cells, no need for anti-rejection drugs and it 
is economic. [bag - the pharmas just hate that]

On September 29, 1998, Becker received a U.S. patent (5,814,094) for the 
devices, materials and techniques involved in regeneration of tissue using 
silver ions.

After several hundred cases, Becker believes that the technique works in 
three stages. The first stage is the chemical combination of the highly 
active free silver ions with all bacteria or fungi present in the wound 
that are inactivated within 20 to 30 minutes. The second stage occurs over 
the next few days. Silver acts on fibroblast cells (the cells that 
normally cause wound healing by scar formation) to cause them to revert to 
their embryonic state, becoming stem cells. These cells are universal 
building blocks whose role is to reconstruct new tissue regenerating the 
original structure rather than simply to form scar tissue only.

In the final stage, silver ions form a complex with the living cells in the 
wound area to produce immediately convertible stem cells. As stem cells 
flood the wound, they are rapidly converted into new, mature normal 
tissues of the types present before the wound occurred. The end result of 
this conversion is complete restoration of all anatomical structures 
including nerves and blood supply with no scar formation. In all cases 
treated, no evidence of argyria (discoloration of skin) or any other side 
effect was noted.

No other known treatment provides sufficient 

CSHow much EIS to purify drinking water?

2006-11-08 Thread Carlos Prez

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CSHow much EIS to purify drinking water?

2006-11-08 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

How much 14 ppm EIS should be used to purify 1 gallon non potable water in 

Thank you.


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RE: CSSilver electrodes

2006-11-07 Thread Carlos Prez

Thank you,Terry, for your reply.

I got a Swiss Certified 99.9 Fine Silver 250 gram ingot, and I want to have 
it melted and laminated into 8, 10 and 12 gauge (3.264, 2.588 and 2.053 mm 
ø) but I have to make I find a jeweler that can do this without 
contaminating the silver with other metals (mostly gold alloys) they 
normally process.
I have not found so far any other source of trustable fine silver. The 
jewelers normally use below 99.0. I found one that could get me 99.5.

As you know, with the great help you and other friends in the list heve been 
giving me, I am making in my second provisional generator a good quality 
EIS, cristal clear, no residues at all, around 14-15 ppm average, but the 
batches are only 500 ml and I have to spend more than one hour stirring and 
cleaning twice the electrodes along the process, checking the 
miliamperimeter and the voltmeter to be sure I have a convenient flow of 
current all this time, my original generator substituted by a new one I 
built with the circuit John McLean sent me, plus a good computer 24 volt 
transformer a friend gave me.

In order to produce larger batches maintaining the good quality I am 
producing and in a more efficient, less time and effort consuming way, I 
need larger electrode area (the wires I am using now are only ø0.8 mm!!), 
adequately spaced, in a large enough container, and this is the reason why I 
am trying to obtain the proper electrodes to do it.

Thank you again.


From: Terry Chamberlin
Subject: CSSilver electrodes
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 08:11:50 -0500 (EST)

It doesn't matter what gauge or size silver wire or
rod you use, so long as it is 99.9%+ Fine silver. Some
folks here like wires, some like flat strips, some
like coins, but you will make good CS with any of
them. The larger/thicker the silver electrode, the
longer it lasts before it completely dissolves.

There are jewelers in every country of the world, and
they can get you Fine silver. After that, you can
assemble a device with batteries or an AC/DC adapter.

You only actually need onhe silver wire/rod/coin,
etc., the other one can be any metal that conducts
electricity. Connect the silver electrode to the
positive side, the other to the negative side.


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CSTeeth repairs affected by EIS?

2006-11-07 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

Trying to help control my chronic Ehrlichiosis, for the last 6 weeks I have 
been consuming around 10-12 tablespoonfulls of good quality EIS of around 14 
ppm strength every day, distributed in 10-12 doses from around 6 am to 
around 10 pm, and I keep it in my mouth, swishing it around, for 2-3 minutes 
as I very gradually swallow it. I started using silver around three months 
ago but in more moderate ammounts.

In the last week and a half I have had some unconfortable sensations in the 
repairs I have in my molars, which are mostly gold fillings, but there are 
some mercury amalgams. These repairs are mostly 50 or more years old, and 
for the last decades I have never had any new problem, except a piece of old 
synthetic porcelain broken and repaired two years ago in one of my next to 
incisives teeth.

These sensations, in the first couple of days, were almost slightly painful, 
and switched places, and affected indistinctly gold and amalgam molar 
repairs, one or two at the time, on both sides, but mostly on the right, and 
almost always only on the lower molars, hardly ever on the upper ones.

I thought silver was damaging these old repairs and I was planning to go see 
a dentist, but due to the fact that that this was intermitent and switched 
places, I decided to wait. This unconfort has been decreasing, and the 
sensations have become less strong and more spaced.

If any of you has had any equivalent experience, please let me know.

Thank you.


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Re: CSSteve, no more Metric/Gauge confusion!!

2006-11-07 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Ode,

Are the wires you have ø 2.588 mm for # 10 and ø 2.053mm for # 12?
Are they 99.99% or 99.9% fine silver?

I assume lengts could be cut to any reasonable size, like 5 or 6 inches, 

What would be the cost of 6 electrodes on both sizes?

I like the idea of 2.5 mm phone plugs. It will be much simpler than the 
alligator clips I am using. Let me finish deciding on the design of my next 
model provisional generator and I will let you know. I will probably soon 
have a collection of provisionals ...! (I am sure I will not be the first 
one on this list...). Who knows, I might keep my Swiss Certified 250 g ingot 
whole, after all...! It looks so nice in its velvet case that it would be a 
shame to have to melt it!

Thank you.


From: Ode Coyote
Subject: Re: CSSteve, no more Metric/Gauge confusion!!
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:00:31 -0500

At 06:56 PM 11/6/2006 -0400, you wrote:

Chuck, I have not had very good experience in having things mail delivered 
from overseas. I prefer to wait until someone can bring them.

Besides that, we have a foreign currency control regulation, and the 
complications to have this simple request processed are too many and it is 
not worth the trouble.

What I do have to do in order to be prepared is to locate a reliable 
source for the silver wire or rods in USA. I know Ode sells wire 
electrodes and once I know calibers and sizes I will need, I will check 
with him.


 I sell specific electrodes made to plug into 2.5 mm phono plugs.
 If you need something custom, email me first.  I have both #12 and #10 

#10 plugs right in.  #12 needs a diameter adapter that I make.

Subject: Re: CSSteve, no more Metric/Gauge confusion!!
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2006 21:13:20 -0500

Can't you purchase the silver you want online and have it shipped to
I have on occasion purchased overseas with no other problem than a
slightly higher shipping charge.

Why is phonics not spelled the way it sounds?

On 11/5/2006 5:23:00 PM, Carlos Pérez ( wrote:
 Steve, now all my questions are answered!!

 I am glad you responded me, because I did not know how to contact you
 trough this list.


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Re: CSSteve, no more Metric/Gauge confusion!!

2006-11-07 Thread Carlos Prez

Thank you, Sam,

Ode`s magnetic stirrer seems to be a very good idea. I will see if I can 
afford it.


From: Sam L.
Subject: Re: CSSteve, no more Metric/Gauge confusion!!
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 13:45:55 -0200

Hi Carlos.
You might consider ordering Ode's magnetic stirrer also. It's the one piece
of equipment your missing in your generating system. A TDS meter would be
nice also if you have the funds.

Sam L.

On 11/7/06, Carlos Pérez wrote:

Hello, Ode,

Are the wires you have ø 2.588 mm for # 10 and ø 2.053mm for # 12?
Are they 99.99% or 99.9% fine silver?

I assume lengts could be cut to any reasonable size, like 5 or 6 inches,
What would be the cost of 6 electrodes on both sizes?

I like the idea of 2.5 mm phone plugs. It will be much simpler than the
alligator clips I am using. Let me finish deciding on the design of my
model provisional generator and I will let you know. I will probably soon
have a collection of provisionals ...! (I am sure I will not be the
one on this list...). Who knows, I might keep my Swiss Certified 250 g
whole, after all...! It looks so nice in its velvet case that it would be
shame to have to melt it!

Thank you.


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RE: CSSilver electrodes

2006-11-07 Thread Carlos Prez


You really made me laugh!!

I could see myself with a fireman's hose, giving the silver initiation to a 
croud passing in front of me, at one of the main avenues in Margarita 
Island!!! I am sure I would immediately be in the Guinness Book of Records!.

Now all I have to do is to get myself a mega alligator clip and start 
experimenting. Maybe in a small size swimming pool I could be exercising and 
stirring at the same timegrin

I think I will make my first experiment this afternoon, but I will use a 
gallon jar instead of the swimming pool. For the cathode, I will try a huge 
kitchen stainless spoon I have that probably weights about the same as my 
brand new almost half a pound anode. I will keep you informed.

Oh, boy, this is getting exciting!!


From: M. G. Devour
Subject: RE: CSSilver electrodes
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:58:45 -5

Carlos writes:
 I got a Swiss Certified 99.9 Fine Silver 250 gram ingot, and I want to
 have it melted and laminated into 8, 10 and 12 gauge (3.264, 2.588 and
 2.053 mm ø) but I have to make I find a jeweler that can do this without
 contaminating the silver with other metals (mostly gold alloys) they
 normally process. I

I think you have your electrode already in hand, Carlos. No need to
make it into wires, just use the ingot! Arrange things so the clip you
use to hold the ingot stays out of the water. Flip it end for end in
the clip every few batches to even out wear. The thing should last you
a lifetime, unless you're supplying the whole island! grin

Calculated crudely, that ingot should be good for 25000 liters of 10
ppm CS. Enough to drown in many times over...

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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RE: CS[RE]CSTeeth repairs affected by EIS?

2006-11-07 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Brooks,

The information you sent me seems extremely interesting, and coincides with 
what I have been experimenting. The way these sensations were manifested and 
the fact that they were intermitent and moving around and later decreasing 
were the reasons why I did not go to the dentist. By today they have been 
very mild and more spaced, and it sounds very logical to think, as you 
suggested, that it is mostly a temporary affectation of the jaw's dental 

I will pay attention to see if I notice any plating, which I don worry 
about, much less if it may be repairing cracks and pores in my teeth and 

Due to these quite strong, almost painful sensations that I had in the 
beginning was that I felt the frequency and total ammount of EIS I am 
ingesting might be causing an erosion UNDER the fillings, in which case it 
really would have been a problem.

I feel sure I have nothing to worry about.

Thank you very much for helping me clarify this incident.


From: Brooks Bradley
Subject: CS[RE]CSTeeth repairs affected by EIS?
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 21:18:26 -0500 (EST)

Dear Carlos,

 We have researched the effects of EIS colloidal Silver upon both gold 
and amalgam fillings, for a number of years.  Depending upon the chemistry 
existing in the mouth fluidsat the time of introducing CS, some 
electrolytic reactions can occur.  They are, almost always, minor in 
naturethe result of short-duration, micro-currents affecting the 
nervous system.  We have never experienced a case where a high-intensity, 
long-term presentation manifested.  This does not mean that it could not 
occurjust that we did not experience it in any of our research 
evaluations.  One note:  Particulate silver (within your parent solution) 
will, in many cases, plate out on your other metal-covered tooth surfaces.  
Most especially gold surfaces;  but also mercury

X silver amalgams.  In most casesespecially on gold-covered teeth 
experiencing a recent (thin covering) surface agglomeration, just using a 
soft cloth saturated with 3.5% H2O2 and rubbing the surfaces vigorously, 
will remove the bronze-colored surface contamination quite readily.  In 
some cases (longer standing ones) it proved necessary to use a 6% solution 
of H2O2,

with which to achieve acceptable results.

  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.  Harborne Research Foundation.

p.s.  You might find it of interest to know that our evaluations of 
silver-mercury amalgams {removed as a matter of dental hygiene 

for causes non-related to our research) which had been subject to long-term 
exposure to CSproved remarkably resistant to chemical insultduring 
our in vitro experiments.  This is especially noteworthy in regard to the 

plating which tended to cover the entire exposed surfaces of the 
silver/mercury fillings.  Additionally, we found evidence of micro-filling 
with metallic silver, of tiny cracks which had propagated over the some of the extracted teeth.

[ Received Mail Content ]--

Subject : CSTeeth repairs affected by EIS?

Date : Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:02:47 -0400

From : Carlos P?rez

To :

Hello, friends,

Trying to help control my chronic Ehrlichiosis, for the last 6 weeks I 

been consuming around 10-12 tablespoonfulls of good quality EIS of around 

ppm strength every day, distributed in 10-12 doses from around 6 am to

around 10 pm, and I keep it in my mouth, swishing it around, for 2-3 

as I very gradually swallow it. I started using silver around three 

ago but in more moderate ammounts.

In the last week and a half I have had some unconfortable sensations in 

repairs I have in my molars, which are mostly gold fillings, but there 

some mercury amalgams. These repairs are mostly 50 or more years old, and

for the last decades I have never had any new problem, except a piece of 

synthetic porcelain broken and repaired two years ago in one of my next 

incisives teeth.

These sensations, in the first couple of days, were almost slightly 

and switched places, and affected indistinctly gold and amalgam molar

repairs, one or two at the time, on both sides, but mostly on the right, 

almost always only on the lower molars, hardly ever on the upper ones.

I thought silver was damaging these old repairs and I was planning to go 

a dentist, but due to the fact that that this was intermitent and 

places, I decided to wait. This unconfort has been decreasing, and the

sensations have become less strong and more spaced.

If any of you has had any equivalent experience, please let me know.

Thank you.



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RE: CSSilver electrodes

2006-11-07 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Mike,

Here is the report of my first batch made with my 250 gram Mega-Anode:

I got a glass jar with a very wide mouth (11.5 cm, almost as large as the 
inside diameter), put over the to a couple of japanese eating sticks, hanged 
a kitchen cheap stainless steel tablespoon with a large, almost circular end 
on one side, two centimeters away from the glass wall, and hanged the silver 
ingot from two laundry clothes pins, made of plastic covered steel, on the 
other side, equally separated from the glass wall 2 cm. The distance between 
electrodes was 7.5 cm free space.

One clothes pin is enough to hold the ingot, but I used two because if it 
falls to the bottom, the glass explodes. I also considered putting a round 
plastic container cap in the bottom of the jar as another security option, 
but liked this one better (and is cleaner).

I stripped the ends of a short piece of electric wire and put one end held 
between the clip and the ingot, and the other one held by the anode 
alligator clip.

I used 150 ml of a previous batch as a starter, and added 1100 ml of the 
steam bi-distilled water that has given me excellent results.

I let it run for a total of four hours, taking written note of voltage and 
milliamperes changes every ten minutes.

After 1.5 hours, the spoon (cathode) showed a thin milky looking smooth 
covering. I purposedly did not do any cleaning or any stirring at any moment 
along the process. The initial voltage was 18.3 V, the initial amperage was 
0.45 mA. The final voltage was 16.5V, and the final amperage was 3.7 mA.

There was no beard formed on the cathode, nor any drifting fumes or falling 
residues visible at any time, except half a dozen tiny silvery flakes 
floating. There were very few tiny hydrogen bubbles around the edge of the 
submerged round part of the spoon.

The ingot is aproximately 58mm by 34 mm by 12 mm, and 44 mm were inside the 
water and 14 outside with the clips and wire attached.

The 1.25 liters batch turned out absolutely crystal clear, no yellow, no 
residues. Putting the figures in Herxs Faraday Calculator they gave 
aproximately 22 ppm.

This experience made me very happy, because it seems I can leave a large 
enough batch running unattended for 3 or 4 hours and do many things in the 
meantime, with more than satisfactory results. I will make another batch in 
one or two days and compare results.

Than you, Mike, and also to Mark Siepak, for suggesting the ingot anode!!


From: Carlos Pérez
Subject: RE: CSSilver electrodes
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 14:13:06 -0400


You really made me laugh!!

I could see myself with a fireman's hose, giving the silver initiation to a 
croud passing in front of me, at one of the main avenues in Margarita 
Island!!! I am sure I would immediately be in the Guinness Book of 

Now all I have to do is to get myself a mega alligator clip and start 
experimenting. Maybe in a small size swimming pool I could be exercising 
and stirring at the same timegrin

I think I will make my first experiment this afternoon, but I will use a 
gallon jar instead of the swimming pool. For the cathode, I will try a huge 
kitchen stainless spoon I have that probably weights about the same as my 
brand new almost half a pound anode. I will keep you informed.

Oh, boy, this is getting exciting!!


From: M. G. Devour
Subject: RE: CSSilver electrodes
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:58:45 -5

Carlos writes:
 I got a Swiss Certified 99.9 Fine Silver 250 gram ingot, and I want to
 have it melted and laminated into 8, 10 and 12 gauge (3.264, 2.588 and
 2.053 mm ø) but I have to make I find a jeweler that can do this 

 contaminating the silver with other metals (mostly gold alloys) they
 normally process. I

I think you have your electrode already in hand, Carlos. No need to
make it into wires, just use the ingot! Arrange things so the clip you
use to hold the ingot stays out of the water. Flip it end for end in
the clip every few batches to even out wear. The thing should last you
a lifetime, unless you're supplying the whole island! grin

Calculated crudely, that ingot should be good for 25000 liters of 10
ppm CS. Enough to drown in many times over...

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSSteve, no more Metric/Gauge confusion!!

2006-11-06 Thread Carlos Prez
Chuck, I have not had very good experience in having things mail delivered 
from overseas. I prefer to wait until someone can bring them.

Besides that, we have a foreign currency control regulation, and the 
complications to have this simple request processed are too many and it is 
not worth the trouble.

What I do have to do in order to be prepared is to locate a reliable source 
for the silver wire or rods in USA. I know Ode sells wire electrodes and 
once I know calibers and sizes I will need, I will check with him.


Subject: Re: CSSteve, no more Metric/Gauge confusion!!
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2006 21:13:20 -0500

Can't you purchase the silver you want online and have it shipped to
I have on occasion purchased overseas with no other problem than a
slightly higher shipping charge.

Why is phonics not spelled the way it sounds?

On 11/5/2006 5:23:00 PM, Carlos Pérez ( wrote:
 Steve, now all my questions are answered!!

 I am glad you responded me, because I did not know how to contact you
 trough this list.


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CSSteve, no more Metric/Gauge confusion!!

2006-11-05 Thread Carlos Prez

Steve, now all my questions are answered!!

I am glad you responded me, because I did not know how to contact you except 
trough this list.

Everything now fits like a completed puzzle. Your diagram seems to me 
extremely interesting, because I am too busy to stay in front of the EIS 
generator more than 1 hour for every batch, stirring and cleaning 
electrodes, and at the same time I would like to make batches of at least 1 
quart at a time, and the only information I lacked was exactly this one you 
just sent me: 12 ga wire electrodes, which is equivalent to 2.053 mm in 
diameter. The rest of the parts I already have located, but needed to know 
the electrode diameter. I will make my first batch soon and keep you 

With the help of the group, I am making what I consider good quality EIS, 
crystal clear, no residues at all, around 14 ppm average, small particles, 
very stable. I am not even storing it in amber bottles any more, so that I 
can clearly see how they evolve in time. It is working wonderfully, but I 
need the same or better quality with a more efficient method.

Apart from the 0.8 mm wire electrodes I have, there is no thicker wire 
available around here. I have some .999 silver from a swiss certified 250 
gram ingot, which is the only thing I have found so far,
and I am planning to have it melted and laminated by a jeweler so that I can 
get 8, 10 and 12 gauge (ø 3.264, 2.588 and 2.053 mm respectively). Now the 
problem may be how to keep the silver without being contaminated by mainly 
gold alloys they process. I have never done this before.

It would be so much simpler if I had a reliable source of already made good 
quality wire/rods. If I have a chance I will have someone buy and bring me 
some from USA, but meanwhile I will have to solve this on my own. A friend 
of mine might travel to USA within a month and a half.

Since the process with your generator takes around 24 hours I was 
considering the convenience of keeping it in a dark place to avoid 
alteration by light, and also minimize the ammount of contamination from 
dust and lint from the air around. What do you think about this?

With the help of you and my other friends in this list, on top of all you 
had already taught me, I now know some about useful metric equivalences, and 
have several tables printed!!

Thank all of you very, very much.


From: SJY
Subject: Re: CSMetric /Gauge confusion?
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 11:55:31 -0700


12 Gauge.  Reading the label from the silver wire manufacturer, it is 12
Gauge, 2.05 MM.  The data from Richard, below, is wrong.
--S. Young

- Original Message -
From: Carlos Pérez
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2006 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: CSMetric /Gauge confusion?

 Hello, Richard,

 Now, my confusion lies in what did Steve Young mean when he mentions
 ...Electrodes are 5.5 in long  #12  0.999 pure silver wire... in the
 CONSTANT LOW CURRENT GENERATOR diagram he so kindly posted and Michael
 resent me (for the 2th time!!) shortly ago. Did he mean wire No.12, or 

 gauge wire?

 Thank you and all the rest for your help!!


 From: Richard
 Subject: Re: CSMetric equivalent to Gauge?
 Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 20:32:22 +0100
 # 14 is 3.556 mm, # 12 is 3.048 mm and # 8 2.032 - all the best to  

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Re: CSMetric /Gauge confusion?

2006-11-04 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Richard,

I am a little confused: I deduct that what Ode and you are talking about 
when you say #14, #12, #10, #8 is not gauge, but another nomenclature, in 
which the diameter gets a bigger value as the number gets bigger, contrary 
to gauge, in which the diameter gets a smaller value as the number gets 

What V measured in mm in his wires was gauge equivalent, which with the help 
of Ransley (American Wire Gauge tables) and Marshall (Wire conductors 
calculator) I understood very well.

Now, my confusion lies in what did Steve Young mean when he mentions 
...Electrodes are 5.5 in long  #12  0.999 pure silver wire... in the 
CONSTANT LOW CURRENT GENERATOR diagram he so kindly posted and Michael 
resent me (for the 2th time!!) shortly ago. Did he mean wire No.12, or 12 
gauge wire?

Thank you and all the rest for your help!!


From: Richard
Subject: Re: CSMetric equivalent to Gauge?
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 20:32:22 +0100

# 14 is 3.556 mm, # 12 is 3.048 mm and # 8 2.032 - all the best to  you,  

On 03/11/2006, at 17:05, Ode Coyote wrote:

 #10 is 2.54 mm

At 04:28 PM 11/2/2006 -0800, you wrote:

Hi Carlos,

   I measured my wire and the 12 gauge is 2mm and the 14 gauge is  1.6mm

Take care,
Energize With Light

 Will someone please tell me what is the equivalence in mm for 14  ga, 

 ga,10 ga and 8 ga silver electrode wire/rods?

 Thank you very much.


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RE: CSMetric /Gauge ( Units of Measure File )

2006-11-04 Thread Carlos Prez

Wayne and Dan,

Thank you for the very illustrative additional information on wire sizing.

I still would like to know what diameter electrode, in mm, Steve Young 
refers to when he says in his diagram ... # 12 0.999 pure silver wire... 


From: CWFugitt
Subject: CSMetric /Gauge ( Units of Measure File )
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2006 11:09:16 -0600

Morning Dan,

You did a better job of explaining gauge than I did.

Actually, I was trying to emphasize that it should not be used as a unit of 
measure across the board.

In the same fashion, AWG is also commonly used to specify body piercing 
jewelry sizes, especially smaller sizes.[1]
   One more unusual use.  I think these different uses of gauge date back 
before everyone owned a ruler or accurate measuring device.

   One thing I intended to mention that I forgot.

   When anyone thinks they have all the different Gauge Standards 
mastered, they should move to
the final exercise,  Understanding the  shotgun gauges,  10, 20, 16 and 410 

   I sure am glad they did not use gauge for handgun and rifle cartridge 

Years back, I came across a file by the name of  convert.txt
This is a text file with a line listing of many very old units and their 
conversion to another unit.

Many of these are worthless today and only fill their place in history.

There are a few minor errors in this file.  For example, it shows an acre 
as being 210 X 210 which is not correct.  There is no such thing as a 
perfectly square acre, certainly not 210 X 210 feet.

This is a very interesting file, to say the least.  Anyone with interest in 
Units of Measure should grab a copy and keep it.   Some of this information 
may be impossible to get one day.


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RE: CSSilver Wire Diameter

2006-11-04 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello again, Wayne,

Did you buy # 12 wire, or 12 ga wire...?

(It seems like a joke, but it is not!...)


From: CWFugitt
Subject: CSSilver Wire Diameter
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2006 13:50:24 -0600

Evening Carlos,

 At 01:38 PM 11/4/2006, you wrote:

Thank you for the very illustrative additional information on wire sizing.
I still would like to know what diameter electrode, in mm, Steve Young 
refers to when he says in his diagram ... # 12 0.999 pure silver wire... 

   Several weeks back, or months, I sent Mike some numbers on wire weight 
and diameter.
My wire is # 12, or at least I bought it for that.  When I measured it, it 
was very close to the standards for # 12.   I have purchased 200 feet of 
this wire. Would hate to think I got gyped on wire diameter.

Let me check my archives.

I found it within about 20 seconds.

Will post the complete message.


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Re: CSLow current generator.

2006-11-02 Thread Carlos Prez
Mike, I definitely need to increase the ammount of EIS and Cayenne Pepper I 
am consuming!! It seems the bugs affect my memory!! In a very low voice: 
Maybe I should also go back to a good glass of U early every morning, to 
complete my daily cocktail!!

This time I made several copies. Thank you very much, and also thanks to 
Steve. I surely want to try this method which requires little attention. 
With the help of all of you I am proud to say I am making a good quality, 
crystal clear, small particles, no residues, EIS, with an average of around 
14 ppm.

Again, thank you Mike and Steve.


From: M. G. Devour
Subject: Re: CSLow current generator.
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 22:22:39 -5

I believe I did this last time for you, Steve! grin

I've re-attached the smaller version of the file I created to allow it
to go through the list size limit filter.

It's the same resolution as the jpeg you sent (at 50k), but, because
it's only a black and white graphic, it's just as detailed in the form
of a very small .gif file (about 7k).

Be well,

Mike D.

 Here ya go.  Print several copies  stash them in many places.

 - Original Message -
 From: Carlos Pérez
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:00 PM
 Subject: CSLow current generator.

  A short time ago, someone kindly offered to the list and sent the
  diagram of
  a very simple low current generator, that would take 24 hours to
  produce a moderate ammount of crystal clear, good quality EIS with no
  need to be stirring or supervising.
  I printed it, but I unfortunately somehow lost it. I would appreciate
  if the same person or any other list member can resend it to me.
  Thank you.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]


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CSMetric equivalent to Gauge?

2006-11-02 Thread Carlos Prez
Will someone please tell me what is the equivalence in mm for 14 ga, 12 
ga,10 ga and 8 ga silver electrode wire/rods?

Thank you very much.


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Re: CSMetric equivalent to Gauge?

2006-11-02 Thread Carlos Prez

V, thank you very much for the information.

It seems increments are around every 0.4 mm, so 10 ga and 8 ga should be 
about 2.4 and 2.8 mm respectively.


From: V
To: Carlos Pérez
Subject: Re: CSMetric equivalent to Gauge?
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 16:28:24 -0800

Hi Carlos,

   I measured my wire and the 12 gauge is 2mm and the 14 gauge is 1.6mm

Take care,
Energize With Light

 Will someone please tell me what is the equivalence in mm for 14 ga, 12
 ga,10 ga and 8 ga silver electrode wire/rods?

 Thank you very much.


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RE: CSMetric equivalent to Gauge?

2006-11-02 Thread Carlos Prez

Thank you, Ransley, for this detailed info.


From: ransley
Subject: RE: CSMetric equivalent to Gauge?
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 20:21:05 -0500

-Original Message-

Will someone please tell me what is the equivalence in mm for 14 ga, 12
ga,10 ga and 8 ga silver electrode wire/rods?

Thank you very much.


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Re: CSSeptic skeptic

2006-10-31 Thread Carlos Prez
Is human blood sterile...? Many microorganisms, including the ones we try to 
kill with our EIS, are always circulating around in our blood, and 
phagocytosis is taking place all the time.

Urine from a person is as sterile as his blood, provided there is not a 
kidney or bladder infection, as Marshall wrote. A sick person with other 
virosis or diseases would normally benefit from drinking his own urine, 
which would carry the equivalent to a Bar Code, and would introduce into his 
inmune system a booster specific to his case and made to measure to help 
cure his ailment. Remember the technique has been used for thousands of 
years to maintain good health AND to cure innumerable diseases.


From: Marshall Dudley
Subject: Re: CSSeptic skeptic
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:31:47 -0500

Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

 It makes no sense to me also, given the widely published claim that
 urine is sterile, containing no pathogens at all.

Whether or not urine is sterile depends on the health of the person. A
person with a kidney or bladder infection, or a UTI, and many STD's can
have very high levels of bacteria in the urine.  If the person is healthy,
then the urine should be sterile.


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CSLow current generator.

2006-10-31 Thread Carlos Prez
A short time ago, someone kindly offered to the list and sent the diagram of 
a very simple low current generator, that would take 24 hours to produce a 
moderate ammount of crystal clear, good quality EIS with no need to be 
stirring or supervising.

I printed it, but I unfortunately somehow lost it. I would appreciate if the 
same person or any other list member can resend it to me.

Thank you.


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RE: CSU T and babies

2006-10-30 Thread Carlos Prez

Faith Saint Francis wrote:

Anyway, my friend the doctor, whom I may refer to as Dr. R. L. also 
mentioned Prime Minister, Morarji Desai, and he told me the following 
interesting thing, which may give rise to new discussion and/or 

A new-born baby, to whom his own urine is given to drink from the very 
beginning, wil NEVER, in all his life, be ill.

Faith, we could remind the unbelievers that amniotic fluid, which we breathe 
and swallow for many  months before we are born, is mostly composed of 


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CSThanks, Ode and Terry...!

2006-10-29 Thread Carlos Prez
My thanks to Ode and Terry and any others to come for your opinions and 
recommendations. With your help I have learned a lot and hope to keep 



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RE: CSSecret health and longevity practices

2006-10-29 Thread Carlos Prez


Practically all known civilizatios, during several thousand years, have used 
urine therapy as something normal and extremely efficient. In India this 
practice is called Shivambu Kalpa or Amaroli, and has been used since the 
origins of their civilization. The same in antique Egypt, China, Aztecs and 
Mayas, Incas, etc.

There are innumerable anecdotes from all corners of the world, regarding 
people that did not know about this therapy, that in emergencies recurred to 
drinking urine when they were in danger of dying from thirst, including 
Ferdinand Magellaes and the crews of his five ship fleet, who in their 
famous 1519 trip saved their lives by drinking their own unine when they had 
no water. In earthquakes, shipwrecks, and all imaginable emergencies, 
including cuban `Balseros` trying to escape, urine has saved lives by the 

There are tribes of Brazilian aboriginals who now in these days use urine as 
their only medicine, even having access to antibiotics, for every imaginable 
problem, from lice to conjunctivitis, burns, cuts, abrasions, rashes, and 
hundreds more.

A very bright and efficient India Prime Minister, Morarji Desai, in office 
from 1977 to 1979, I believe it was in his 99th birthday that he publically 
declared that he owed his excellent conditions to the fact that every 
morning, during all his life, he drank a glass of his own urine.

If a person eats healthily, the urine produced is not unpleasant at all. It 
has sort of a rosemary infusion flavor.

Before I found out about CS and this list, for years I have used urine 
practically as my only medicine. I even tried to control my chronic 
Ehrlichiosis by drinking during more than a year all the urine I produced 
since the moment I got up in the morning until around 5 pm, which was easily 
more than  one quart. For abrasions and cuts is excellent.

My grandmother and great grand mother and their generation, had beautiful 
skin in their faces, and the very well kept secret was that they dipped a 
piece of cotton in their first morning urine and generously applied it all 
over their faces...!

I could sincerely say that it comes very near to CS in as much as it serves 
por practically everything...!

There are hundreds of references, old and recent, about the many benefits of 
this marvellous practice.



From: Dan Nave

Subject: CSSecret health and longevity practices
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:19:55 -0600

A few people on the list have occasionally mentioned urine therapy.

I have heard about it for a long time as it has been used in India
for health and longevity, particularly in the yogic traditions.
The healthiest people in India when I was there were the yogis and
wandering holy men, even those who traveled naked, with a string around
their waist, a container for water, and a trident or staff, in other words,
with nothing...  I believe that most of these people performed this 

How about a free source of HGH, hormones, colloids, structured water,
purifying agents, candida controllers, nutrients, vitamins, enzymes,
antibodies, etc, all personally tailored to you?

Anyway, it is interesting reading.  In the past it always sounded like a
kind of superstitious practice to me.  Lots of anecdotal reports are 
but considering it from a more technical aspect, as a filtered blood 

makes it look pretty exciting as a stealth health and nutrition modality.

Get over the yuck factor!  Check out the article noted below. There are 
many others.

Some people even site Biblical mention of this practice.

(Also posting to the off-topic list)


Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus, 
rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic 
insufficiency, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis, adrenal 
failure, allergies and so many other ailments have been relieved through 
use of this therapy. After you overcome your initial gag response (I know I 
had one), you will realize that something big is going on, and if you are 
searching for health, this is an area to investigate. There are numerous 
reports and double blind studies which go back to the turn of the century 
supporting the efficacy of using urine for health. The recurring points to 
all of the medical research done to date on urine indicates that it is 
completely sterile. If it becomes contaminated it happens after it leaves 
the body. Urine is a by-product of blood filtration, not waste filtration. 
Urine contains compounds that are very specific to the individual from 
which it comes. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antineoplastic 
(anticancer), anticonvulsive, and antispasmodic. It is totally non-toxic.

No virus found in this outgoing 

Re: CSSecret health and longevity practices

2006-10-29 Thread Carlos Prez

Del wrote:

Well, it is difficult to go against documented benefits, but my wife's
simple logic always seemed correct to me, namely, if it is a waste
product that the body is getting rid of, how could it make sense to put
it back?

It is not a waste product, as our faeces are. It is a filtrate from our 
blood, as aseptic as our blood. Our kidneys equilibrate our system retiring 
from our circulation elements that are in excess, but it is also accompanied 
by enzymes, hormones and many other substances that alltogether come to be 
like a reproduction of our general state which, when reintroduced, boosts 
our immune system, amongst many other beneficial actions. It has so many 
internal and external uses, tht it would take several pages to describe.

The subject is very well documented.


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Re: CSGarlic dangers

2006-10-29 Thread Carlos Prez

Del wrote:

No, seriously, I don't know for sure of any other danger in garlic than
very bad breath, but I seem to have a severe allergy to it, because even
the smell can make me ill, and if I eat any (as I did once so as not to
be impolite to a host) I get very sick indeed.  So there is something
going on there in my case.

Undoubtedly there are many different individual reactions, as in Del`s case 
concerning garlic. Peanut butter, which is eaten by many millions of 
consumers in USA and Canada every day, can produce in some persons reactions 
as severe that they could be deadly. Some of them could easily commit 
suicide by eating a peanut butter sandwich...!!


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CSGarlic/CS?, CS consumption along day with foods/drinks?

2006-10-27 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, friends,

I, together with my family, have all my life used tons of garlic, many times 
as medicine, and never had so far any problems with it. First time I see it 
labeled as a poison! Dr. Beck and others must have had a good reason. 
Naturally, that worries me, and I want to know what the experience of list 
members is regarding its use WITH around 10-12 tablespoons of my CS along 
the day.

What I am now producing, thanks to the great help you members have been 
giving me, is cristal clear, no residues at all, probably a good balance of 
ionic/colloid nanoparticles, around 14 ppm average.

Additionally I would like to know the best way to use my CS, which as many 
of you know I am using with cayenne pepper and other natural inmune system 
boosters trying to control my chronic Ehrlichiosis.

I try to drink my CS alone, swish it inside my mouth for as long as I can, 
swallow it very gradually. Normally I drink it at least 20 minutes befpre 
any food or drink or 30 or more minutes after them.

I am confused about how it reacts with: a) Hydrochloric acid in stomack, b) 
acids from all kinds of fruits I consume, c) All kinds of minerals, 
proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and everything any food has, etc.

Some list members use CS for everything they make at home: soups, pancakes, 
blended beverages, etc., but I ask myself: Would not in that case CS react 
with the hot metals and foods in pans and utensils?

I learned at the beginning that salt should NEVER be used as a starter, 
since it would produce silver chloride, which is toxic, and logically I 
never used it since then. But, what about silver chloride produced when CS 
contacts hydrochloric acid in the stomach? And silver citrate? And silver 
ascorbate? etc., etc.?

Should CS be used together with foods or driks for better absortion?

A shor time ago many of you were recommending to use it with Gatorade. What 
about yellow Nº 5, Red Nº 40, Blue, 2.9 ph (to help `maintain`enamel in 
teeth...?), atificial flavour, and all the goodies that come with it? Are 
silver malate, silver glutamate, or whatever, etc., a good form of 
conversion for our high quality CS we are trying to make? Many other better 
`Sports Drinks`can be prepared at home, very simply, if it were convenient 
for faster absorption.

In other words, I am confused, but ingesting my CS every few minutes a 
little sip at the time.

(trying to learn more from you members every day..!)

Thank you.


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CSRE: DMSO, Controversial ?

2006-10-05 Thread Carlos Prez

Good morning, Wayne,

I live in Margarita Island, Venezuela, a very beautiful place. I do not know 
if DMSO is available here. Today I should have some information from the 
racetrack and some veterinarians in Caracas, the capital.

Later I will for sure check the DMSO list you sent me. It would be 
interesting to know if DMSO can help CS get into the bone marrow, for 
example. I assume CS should be able to kill Ehrlichia organisms somewhere 
between the morulae form inside the blood cells and the unicellular form as 
they travel around in the blood stream in search for other host blood cells.

It still seems very strange to me that so far I have not found one single 
person that has any experience treating Ehrlichiosis with CS, being this 
disease at least as common as Lymes disease. I still hope someone will come 
along soon.

In the meantime, I continue to fight it with natural means, now including 
good quality CS that you friends have taught me how to make. I have been 
gradually increasing my intake (at the moment about 10 times a day from 6 am 
to 10 pm, around 2 tablespoons per dose, around 12-15 ppm minimum) with the 
intention of keeping what I could call a constant high level of small silver 
particles in my blood.

I have not used antibiotics for years. It is a very treacherous and 
dangerous disease, and when it gets to be chronic and intense as in my case, 
is always waiting hiding in the darkness, looking for an oportunity in which 
it can can catch me by surprise and do a disaster. It can be mortal.

By the way, you have not mentioned what do you use DMSO for. Is it as a 
preventive, or are you treating a health problem with it?

Again, thank you very much for your help.

Have a good day.


From: Wayne Fugitt
To: Carlos Pérez
Subject: DMSO, Controversial ?
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 17:52:17 -0500

Evening Carlos,

Here is a DMSO list.

I was on it at one time.  It is run by a female that is somewhat 
knowledgable.   Not too many messages either.

What country are you in?   Somehow, for some reason, some countries do not 
want DMSO to be used.


==   DMSO list links below

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RE: CSDMSO, Controversial ?

2006-10-04 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Wayne,

You wrote:

   Surely you do not shy away from controversial  materials, do you?

(Laughter...!) That was a very good joke...!!!

As you might have suspected, practically everything I do is controversial, 
including my being in this list with you and a bunch of other fellow crazy 
guys to share our crazy experiences!!

My list of abnormal  behaviour is so long it would take many pages to 
describe, including my eating very hot peppers, raw fish, using urine for 
everything (yes, also drinking...!), etc. And now making and using CS ...!!

I do not know anything about DMSO. How is it used?  For what? To me it has 
seemed interesting enough to try to find out about its availability here. No 
luck so far. I will try the race track and veterinarians, they should know 
about it. Dr. Stanley Jacob used it on bladder problems, but aside from that 
I still have not found precise references concerning its use for other 
health problems. have not had too much time to investigate yet.

Thank you very much.



'Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause 
and reflect.'- Mark Twain

From: Wayne Fugitt
Subject: CSDMSO, Controversial ?
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 07:48:56 -0500

Morning Carlos,

 09:14 AM 10/3/2006, you wrote:

I have not used DMSO. I am not familiar with it. It seems to be a 
controversial subject.

   Surely you do not shy away from controversial  materials, do you?

What about CS, Sunshine, and 1000 other things that are good for us?

Many CS users do not consider DMSO that controversial.
Ten to twenty per cent seems to be the order of the day.

I use 10 % for nebulizing, spray it into my eyes, apply to cuts, and even 
drink it.

The king of DMSO has been taking it by the spoonful for 32 years.
( Dr. Stanley Jacob )   Search for his name and read a few articles.

Hopefully it is not banned in your country as it is in some.

In Canada, I have heard that 4 ounces cost 80 dollars.  In the USA  16 
ounces is about  $6.00


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RE: CS How should CS be consumed in my case,

2006-10-03 Thread Carlos Prez

Hello, Bob,

Thanks for your suggestion.

I have not used DMSO. I am not familiar with it. It seems to be a 
controversial subject.



From: Staya Udanvti  Bob Butler
To: silver-list
Subject: CS How should CS be consumed in my case,
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 17:36:53 -0400

Carlos Pérez!

Thank you for your definitive posts on your progress.

I have a question ?.
Have you tried to add DMSO to your CS to take it into the cells faster?.

Staya Udanvti

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CSHow should CS be consumed in my case.

2006-10-02 Thread Carlos Prez

Dear friends,

With the help of many of you, I am actually making a very decent CS product, 
far superior to what I was making in the beginning. Even though my generator 
is still very primitive and requires for me to daily spend around hour and a 
half to make every 500 ml batch, the product is crystal clear with 
practically no residues, and the amber color is almost imperceptible, to the 
point it has to be compared to distilled water in order to notice a faint 
hue. The estimated concentration is around 15-18 ppm, based in the Faraday 
estimated ppm table you sent me. This should be more than enough for me, 
with the proportions of small size ionic/colloidal silver particles I assume 
are being produced.

I hope to soon have a generator that can produce one gallon at a time, 
because I am using CS for all my family, dogs, cleaning and many other uses, 
and can not afford to spend so much time making it, except during this first 
learning stage. During my following learning stages, which probably will 
take many years, I hope to be producing the CS I need in a more comfortable 
manner and once a week.

As many of you will remember, I am trying to erradicate chronic Ehrlichiosis 
that I have had for over a decade. The bacteriae that produce this disease 
mainly affect blood cells and therefore are able to invade bone marrow and 
all organs, including skin. I believe CS, due to the fact that it destroys 
intracelular bacterial parasites, should reach my blood cells, and therefore 
be a big help to me in this long battle against Ehrlichiosis I have been 
engaged in.

Since my product has stabilised at an acceptable level of quality, I have 
considerably increased my intake, which at this moment is around 9-10 
tablespoons a day distributed in many small dosis from 6 am to around 9 pm., 
which every time I swoosh around in my mouth for several minutes and slowly 
swallow in very small parts trying to keep all those mucose surfaces wet. At 
early morning and last thing at night, I put several dropperfulls on each 
nostril while I strongly aspire in order to disperse into microdroplets that 
will reach all the area, including bronchiae, act there, and at the same 
time get the CS directly from those mucose into the bloodstream.

I plan to continue increasing my intake, doing it more times during the day, 
in order to reach an adequate level of available silver at least 15 hours a 
day in order to reach as many active parasites as possible, including the 
ones that get out when their morulae break up and liberate them into the 
blood stream. The ones that are more difficult to reach are those in cists 
and bone marrow, but I assume that having silver available everyplace at all 
times, these bacteriae will eventually come in contact with silver and will 
be destroyed.

As I have mentioned before, my diet is far superior to normal, mainly 
consume raw vegetables including very hot peppers, fresh and dried fruits, 
dried nuts, fresh raw sea fish, no coffee, tea, soft drinks, ice cold water, 
no air conditioned at home (moderatily warm island climate, everybody else 
uses it), no smoking, no drugs, exercise everyday.

In the last 55 years, after a serious motorcicle wreck I had in October 
1951, the only health problem I have had is this Ehrlichiosis. Besides that, 
not even a cold, headache, diarrhea or anything. In spite of this very 
serious disease, at 73 years my heart and aorta, etc., are equivalent to 
those of a healthy man several decades younger than I.

Following your recommendation, I am planning to soon start taking Vitamin E 
plus Selenium.

I am still hoping to establish contact with someone with experience in 
treating Ehrlichiosis with CS.

Any observations, criticisms, suggestions and recommendations regarding what 
I am doing and/or should do, will be gladly and seriously considered.

Thank all of you for the invaluable help you are giving me.

Kind regards to all.


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Re: CSIonic Silver XEThe Powerful Defense Against Viruses And Other Microbes

2006-09-26 Thread Carlos Prez

Mike, Rowina and other friends,

Besides asking ourselves what are they selling, we should also find out 
who finances the investigations that originate the scientifically proven 
evidences about how harmful can a cheap, simple, natural remedy be, whether 
it is CS, garlic, lemon, Cayenne pepper, honey, urine therapy, or whatever, 
of which so many of us have more than enough evidence about how miraculous 
their use may be, a multitude of them used by our forefathers and their 
forefathers during thowsands of years up to now.

The Transnational Giants of the Pharmaceutical Industry, with more than 
enough power to influence gubernmental supervision and control entities like 
the FDA and others, together with the normal Medical establishment, are the 
great majority of times behind these investigations.

Do you think it would be profitable for them for normal people to find out, 
for example, that simple urine, which we have avalable 24 hours a day, 7 
days a week, 365 days a year, which does not cost us anything, does not have 
to be made, does not need a container to be carried in, does not have to be 
searched for, etc., can serve for all kinds of health problems and emergency 

We all know of hundreds of natural remedies that, if they were known by 
normal citiciens for their curative properties, together with simple 
preventive medicine, like eating according to our biological being, instead 
of being permanently manipulated and forced to eat trash and do all kinds of 
stupid and harmful things, would drive 3/4ths of the Establishment totally 
bankrupt. That is really dangerous!

We are only victims of our own ignorance. The moment we start using our 
intelligence and capacity to investigate and come to our own conclusions, 
instead of blindly obeying what we are ordered to do, things start to 
drastically change. We have the possibility of becomong true human beings, 
instead of deambulating zombies.

And if, as we deviate from slavery towards freedom, we spread the word 
around, and help others to go from ignorance towards knowledge, Oh, boy!!, 
that is really subversive!! All the governments in the world will be after 

There are enough reasons for we being permanently infuriated. Let´s put this 
fury to work and make the gratest effort to be a living example of true 
human values put into practice every day of our lives. This world will 
surely change.

Regards to all themembers of this wonderful group.

Thank you, Mike, for making it possible.

(Pardon my fury.)


From: M. G. Devour
Subject: Re: CSIonic Silver XEThe Powerful Defense Against Viruses	And 
Other Microbes

Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:59:37 -5

Thank you, Rowena. That's a comforting message for us as a community,
and a fine example of strategy as well.

Be well,

Mike D.

 Indeed, this is the place to speak up.  Thanks to the people on this
 group who have reported and exposed the salesmen who rubbish CS in
 order to sell their product I was ready when my friend rang me in a
 panic after having received some material warning of the dangers of
 colloidal silver.  We bought our CS generators together  the same day,
 though we live hours apart, and keep in touch about health stuff.
 Straight away I asked what they were selling, and she told me, yeah,
 sure, some safe super duper silver.  She took a bit of convincing at
 first, but when I quoted you guys and how this sort of thing is always
 being reported, she took comfort.  What low down tactics.  Oh well,
 warning bells now ring whenever the ploy is to rubbish the opposition,
 whether on price or product.  The liars have queered the pitch for the
 people with genuine warnings about stuff, though, probably.

 First question, then: What's he selling?

 Thanks again Citizen Mike for keeping the group going for us to keep


 sorry for my sarcasm
 but who can i tell if i cant tell you guys

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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