Re: CSRe: What to do about a broken toe (black salve)

2005-11-16 Thread Christos Moussouliotis
A German friend of mine with broken spinal cord used orgone accumulator,
homeopathy  and Spectro-Chrome therapy (Darius Dinshah).
The prediction for heeling from his doctors was 1 year. After 3 months he
went back to work...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread Christos Moussouliotis

After one year I'm saying again that the use of orgone accumulator is 
the best solution along with other good things. Stimulating the total 
energy of the organism is the presupposition for everything else.
O.A cured my TB 30 years ago in one month. Before that time I had the 
smart. idea that using orgone and orgone accumulator is  totally 
Today I know hundreds - between them 5 cancers sufferers - who became 
healthy after the use of O.A.

My best
Christos Moussouliotis


I've been working very hard the last week exploring alternative cancer 
therapies in greater depth. A good friend is diagnosed with colon 
cancer, with possible liver involvement. He'll get word back on the 
liver pathology tomorrow, so we'll know more soon.

From what I see, he's a good candidate for the alternatives. He's still 
quite strong and healthy, his wife is open to these ideas and has 
health-care experience, and they have friends and family enough to 
provide support if they need it.

I've found good, solid information on the Gerson therapy. Anybody have 
any stories to tell about it, good or bad? 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[List Owner] Comment...,

2004-06-10 Thread Christos Moussouliotis

Hi all,
I expect (from you Mr. Mike D.) civil, courteous, and considerate  
behavior at all times and in all discussions, regardless of topic.  
Aggressive behavior will not allowed. Attacks, ridicule and insults are  

I totally agree
Christos Moussouliotis

(working as a publisher for 10 years and in a greek daily newspaper for  

On Wed, 09 Jun 2004 10:22:13 -5, M. G. Devour wrote:


I think this thread illustrates aptly just how *impossible* it is to
communicate succinctly in an all-text medium such as this!

Was I casting aspersions on all of our alternative thinkers?

Was Bill's post *really* tongue-in-cheek?

Am I insulted by his OT Loony Bin remark?

dum dum dum... (Organ music, with lots of tremolo!)

The reason for my original post was to encourage you all to keep the
more speculative stuff short, or move it to the OT list.

The fact is, I'm not so many years removed from my pre-awakened state
that I've forgotten how *I* would have reacted to chemtrails, pyramids,
orgone or the persecution of Tesla, if early on I had stumbled into a
forum like this looking for information about colloidal silver.

When deciding about topics I always visualize somebody arriving,
relatively new to the net, a bit nervous about this alternative
medicine stuff, and ultimately skeptical about anything that's not been
blessed by coverage on the evening news.

Do we want to help them or scare them away?

What we have here is a balancing act. I don't want to stop everybody
from enjoying the discussion, but for the sake of the mission we have
to be sure that the crazy sounding stuff stays to a small-ish
fraction of the content. That way folks will see that there *is*
worthwhile information to be found here despite the handful of
crackpots and lunatics who believe in all that other junk...

In time, of course, they'll begin to realize that we're practically
*all* crackpots and loonies by those standards -- and hopefully they'll
balance that against the solid things they've learned about CS and
maybe, just maybe, start to re-examine their assumptions about what
they think is real.

As I see it, CS is an easy first step on the road to waking up. It
works, it's easy and cheap (or should be anyway), and it can be
explained in pretty conventional scientific terms. It'll *also* get
them rubbing elbows with all of us kooks who've decided to stop
believing everything our doctors say and taken personal responsibility
for our health.

Can you imagine a better way to get through to people?

Let me reassure you, Bill, that I include myself firmly in the ranks of
that same lunatic fringe whenever I make such a comment. Like so many
of you here, I've come a *long* way in what I will admit to the realm
of possibility, since coming aboard the internet a dozen or so years
ago. Thus, even if I poke a little fun at us, it's with respect and


Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

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