Re: CSNewbie: My Brief Intro

2001-07-23 Thread Daniel Hernandez
It will work if you decrease the size of your fonts. Your letters are to
big in other words.


On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 09:40:47 +0200 Tony Moody writes:
 I just get garbage on the screen. Lots of overlaying pages.Pity. Some 
 it seems very interesting.
 Stephen Summers wrote:
 Hello Anne
 Check out the following site for completely objective and v.g. info 
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Re: CS selling?

2001-07-16 Thread Daniel Hernandez
Here is the correct addy. Daniel

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 19:35:12 +1200 Nick Grant
 Hi everyone
 I was reading through a phamplet in one of the health shops here in 
 NZ that
 sell CS...I noticed that they are saying that all other brands are 
 (surprise!!) but they also said, and I quote:
 Homemade (2nd generation) CS lacks strict, controlled manufacturing
 procedures and the purity of basic raw materials, the dangers exist 
 producing a solution that contains toxic substances, namely silver 
 silver sulphate etc.  At best it is an inferior quality, which 
 bioavailability and a short shelf life, at worst, it is toxic and 
 dangerous.  It is not only illegal to sell homemade CS, it is also 
 risky making something so scientifically technical at home without 
 analysis...blah, blah, blah...
 So we are all poisoning ourselves ,grin.
 They said that their silver is 50mcg per 5ml of atom sized particles 
 of pure
 silver approx 1.26 angstrom...
 Whats that in ppms?  They are trying to sound very 
 technical..why can
 they not put it in plain English...
 Their website is you want the best CS EVER 
 to be
 produced on this planet
 Comments? on the above warning about homemade silver selling being 
 please?  I know quite a few that do itno FDA over here to shoot 
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Re: CSStrange Reaction

2001-07-10 Thread Daniel Hernandez
This is most bizzar, Try it again and see what happens. Let us know.

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001 11:31:05 -0500 Wayne Fugitt
 Yesterday I made a 16 oz batch of CS using virtually the same 
 methods I 
 have used before.
 In the past, I have used the 27 volt LVDC generator,  with 2 small 
 12 volt 
 batteries connected in series.
 This would be 51 VDC, virtually the same as the telephone generator 
 I am 
 I used no saline.  Added about 1 oz CS from a previous batch.  ( 16 
 oz batch )
 The color is lemon, or pale yellow and tastes bitter.  The time on 
 batch was about 3.5 hours.
 After determining that the batch was ok, ( or so I thought )  I used 
 a four 
 ounce bottle and mixed 50-50 with DMSO for a fungicide treatment to 
 be used 
 for toenail fungus.
 Even thru the brown bottle, I could see strange things happening.  
 Plus a 
 noticable warming effect was noticed.
 The bottle did not get hot, but it was more than slightly warm.  
 warm, but not hot.
 After a time, it cooled off.
 The bottle was a 4 ounce dropper bottle with the rubber bulb.  No 
 glass or 
 plastic dropper tube was installed in the rubber bulb.   The bottle 
 about 90% full.
 12 hours later, the bottle was about 20 % full.   The top was 
 screwed on 
 with a reasonable tension.
 Can anyone offer and facts as to what happened?
 I have 16 ounces of the CS and more of the DMSO.  Should I see if 
 this will 
 happen again?
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CSPregnant or nursing moms

2001-07-09 Thread Daniel Hernandez
I have a question? 
Does any one have any idea if Cs is safe for nursing or pregnant moms and
the baby.
My wife is a student midwife and this question has come up. At this
point, we are not willing to suggest its use to any expecting or
lactating moms till we find out.  Note: the concern is not for the
mothers but rather for the baby. Daniel

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Re: CSA question of ticks and lyme

2001-06-30 Thread Daniel Hernandez
Marshalee, (a language purist)

When I was a child, I thought Alzheimer was pronounced old timers, I
never saw the spelling
till I was older. All I ever did, was here the word not see it, and since
it seemed to affect the elderly most of the time thats the way it stuck
in my mind till I was 18. Ignorance is bliss.

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 07:20:27 -0700 Ode Coyote writes:
   Musta Meanderthall upbringin in Alzheimer Arkansas [a 
 At 07:40 AM 6/29/01 -0600, you wrote:
   Lymes is pretty rare especially if you get that tick off within 
 3 hours.
  Usually one gets flu like symptoms and  the spreading rash or 
  not always.
 Ah, come on, Ken, surely you`ve been on the List long enough to 
 know it is
 Lyme, not Lymes Disease! Named after a town, not a doctor.
  Then there`s Alzheimers, how many know the z is said like ts and 
 not like
 an English z?
 And it is Neander-tall not Neander-thal even though it`s 
 spelled that
 Marshalee, (a language purist)
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Re: CSRE:plaque in blood

2001-06-29 Thread Daniel Hernandez
According to Judith's article it is, but better for you compared to what?
I don't drink milk. If I did however, I would drink raw milk and most
likely from a goat. 

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Re: CSDoggie-help please!

2001-06-29 Thread Daniel Hernandez
You might also try MSM in capsule form. (Methol Sulfanol Methane) organic
sulfur can be bought at almost any health food store. I think I spelled
it right. Daniel

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Re: CSRE:plaque in blood

2001-06-28 Thread Daniel Hernandez
Sorry Dottie, 

But I think you miss understood the statement. Judith was talking about
the proses the milk goes through before we drink it  that makes it
potentially dangerous when we drink it.

In other word, the 40,000 pounds of pressure pertains to the homogenizing
process, not to how hard or fast it is coursing through our bodies.   


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Re: CSGatorade/CS Study is Now Underway Please Follow These Simple Directions

2001-06-24 Thread Daniel Hernandez
I don't have the time to participate, but I'm willing to sponsor the one
on your list who can't pay

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Re: CSMy cold !!!! Making silver

2001-06-19 Thread Daniel Hernandez
There is always the possibility that your fighting an allergy instead of
a cold. CS does nothing for my allergies but works great for every thing
else. When you blow our nose is it clear fluids or yellowish green.
Daniel (aka The Surfer)

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CSFw: Fw: Fw: Guns or doctors?

2001-06-17 Thread Daniel Hernandez

- Forwarded Message -
I know this has nothing to do with Cs but some of you might like it. My
daughter sent it to me.  Daniel
- Original Message - 
From: Mike Clarke 
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 11:39 AM
Subject: Guns or doctors?

Number of physicians in the US: 700,000. 
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year: 120,000. 
Accidental deaths per physician: 0.171 

Number of gun owners in the US: 80,000,000. 
Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups): 1,500. 
Accidental deaths per gun owner: 0.188 

Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than
gun owners. 

FACT:  Only  about 25% of U.S. residents have a gun, but most people have
at least one doctor. 

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.  We must ban doctors
before this gets out of hand. 

Statistics on lawyers are being withheld as a public health measure; the
shock could cause people to seek medical aid.

Mike Clarke
Technical Director of FX/Lighting
972-869-5969 hm
214-352-4694 wk

CSUnidentified subject!

2001-06-15 Thread Daniel Hernandez
Hello! I'm new to this list, my name is Daniel and I have been reading
your listings for some time now on the Internet. 
this is a good list.

Here is a letter that I sent to Jill Carroll author of the artical that
apperd in the wall street journal. let me know what you think.
Dear Jill Carroll,
I’m not sure where to start, but here goes. 
I read your article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on June
14th.I’m not a buyer or a seller of the silver fortified water and I
won’t make any out rages claims. So that you don’t miss understand me in
any way, I am a user of colloidal silver. I brew my own colloid from a
generator that I designed and made.
Your correct when you indicate that there is some snack oil claims about
colloidal silver or as those of us in the clicks refer to it as…CS. 
Claims such as CS kills 650 know diseases are self-perpetuating. I have
searched the Internet over and have never found the documentation to
support this claim. My only conclusion was that it was a bit published at
one site and picked up by one maker of the supplement after another. 
This and a few other unsupported claims give CS a bad rap. But before you
toss out the baby with the bath water, give thought to this. 
First: Rosemary Jacobs did not use Colloidal Silver, she used a silver
protein or a silver nitrate.
Silver in CS is measured in parts per million, 5 to 40ppm in most
colloids. Your average city water has more total dissolved solids in it
than that. Silver proteins and nitrates are measured in percentages 5 to
20%. That’s a lot higher concentration than you would find in colloidal
silver. Consider measuring a baseball to a football field for a
comparison, and that might give you a vague idea of the difference
between the amounts in what Rosemary absorbed and what most consumers
buying the supplement consume in a life time.
Second: I challenge you to find one documented case of some one
developing argyria from colloidal silver. Please note I said colloidal
silver not silvers nitrate or a silver protein or other related silver
Third: All I can offer you is my own testimony to its effectiveness in my
own health. I have not truly been sick with a viral or bacterial
infection in over two years. Having had numerous sinus infections that
would turn to upper respiratory infections (complications of allergies,
which I still have, but not the infections) when I started to take the CS
the infections stopped. Mine and the testimonies of many others on CS
clubs through out the Internet have to give this substance some
credibility. I encourage you to truly give an open mind to doing research
on this supplement. I can tell you this, that some clubs have over 800
members. Some new and drawn to the clubs by hope while others are older
members drawn because they know it works for them. 
Please correspond and I will try to find some of the more credible sights
that I have been to and email them to you for you own research.
Sincerely Daniel Hernandez 

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CS club

2001-06-15 Thread Daniel Hernandez
Heres the biggest one I'll dig up the others later

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