CSQuestion: too much cs

2001-12-22 Thread David Judy Dufresne
I am getting a cold and sore throat and wonder if I have over done the cs as I 
have just started taking it. I recently read about an effect that causes flu 
like symptoms when someone uses too much cs at first. Could someone refresh my 
memory and if this is what I am feeling, what should I do?

Re: CSQuestion: too much cs

2001-12-22 Thread David Judy Dufresne
   Thanks for the reply. I know if a little is good that does not necessarily 
mean a lot is better, but each time I took it my throat felt better so I just 
kept taking it.

CSQuestion: Too much cs

2001-12-22 Thread David Judy Dufresne

You have a cold. You aren`t getting enough CS! Take 3 big swallows, at least a 
cupful total a day, see if that`ll help.
 OK, Marshalee,
 Bottoms Up!! Thanks,

Re: CSQuestion: too much cs - Herxheimer revisited

2001-12-22 Thread David Judy Dufresne
   Thanks for this great info.

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Re: CSNeed help in dosing my dog

2001-12-16 Thread David Judy Dufresne
I want to thank everyone for all their help and suggestions in treating my
Dozer with cs. I am very grateful and hopefully this will be the answer to
my prayers. Again, thank you.
   Judy in NY

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: Need help in dosing my dog

2001-12-16 Thread David Judy Dufresne

CS will also build up his immune
system and should eventually undo the damage done by the antibiotics.
  This is the first I have read about cs being an immune system booster. What 
great info. Thank you,

CSNeed help in dosing my dog

2001-12-15 Thread David Judy Dufresne
I just made my first batch of cs with my new Ole Bob and it was so easy, I
am thrilled with the results. My question is: I have a 50 pound bulldog that
has terrible skin problems my vet has been unable to diagnose or cure. I am
praying cs will be the answer for us. Should I use this orally or topically
or both? How much should I give him and how often?
   Judy in NY

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSNeed help in dosing my dog

2001-12-15 Thread David Judy Dufresne
Hi Julie,
   Dozer is 11 months old. He is on a raw diet with numerous supplements to
boost his immune system. I got him at 6 months of age, he had all his
vaccines except rabies at that time. I took him for his first vet visit the
next day, he had a staph skin infection on his neck, the vet put him on
antibiotics and gave him a rabies vaccine. Ever since he has continued to
have patches of hair loss with red dry skin on his neck and upper chest with
few small spots on his front leg. It does not itch him at all. My vet has
given him antibiotics 2 or 3 times for this and antifungal shampoo and
spray. He sent a hair sample to a lab for fungal analysis which was
negative, he scraped for mites and that was negative. He finally said young
dogs can have skin problems which they outgrow. Dozer has never had fleas
and is an indoor dog. He also has very bad yeast problems in all his
wrinkles and his ears. I have learned a lot since this all started about
vaccines and wish I had known all this before. I have had a few people
suggest vaccinosis and homeopathic treatment. I feel like I have tried
everything I can think of and just don't know where to go from here. I
apologize to everyone for posting my dog problems, this is probably not
appropriate on this list.
   Judy in NY

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CS feedback on Generator from silverpuppy

2001-11-18 Thread David Judy Dufresne
Thank you Larry for the info and thank you to everyone for being so helpful,
sharing your knowledge and opinions. You have all certainly made me feel
very welcome.
  Judy in NY

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2001-11-16 Thread David Judy Dufresne
I am new to this list and VERY new to using CS. CS has been recommended many
times on a dog list I belong to, so I thought I would give it a try and join
this list to learn more. Sad to say, I am very confused and have no idea
what anyone is talking about, I feel like I need a degree in Chemistry.
Anyway, thanks to Larry for his input on the Ole Bob, I am going to jump
right in and buy a generator. After paying $40 for 8 ounces of CS, I decided
if I am going to continue this, I need to make my own. I have a dog with
chronic skin conditions and a child with chronic ear infections, so I am
hoping I have found a solution in using CS. I am an RN and the idea of using
alternative medicine rather than conventional treatments is a real change
for me, so if I do start asking stupid questions, please bare with me. Now I
will return to lurking and hopefully as I get my feet wet I will have a
better understanding of what everyone is talking about.
  Judy Dufresne
   New York

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSChronic ear infections for Judy from New York

2001-11-16 Thread David Judy Dufresne
Judy Down Maine,
   I never thought of the milk issue, Thank You. My daughter Kaedi is
adopted and AA. As a baby she could not tolerate milk and it is not uncommon
for AA people to have milk or lactose intolerance. Duhh, I should have
thought of that.
   Judy from NY

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSChronic ear infections for Judy from New York

2001-11-16 Thread David Judy Dufresne
   Were the infections treated inner ear, outer ear, or both? I am confused
here as to how the cs reached the inner ear if the tympanic membranes were
   Judy from NY

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Re: CSFeedback on Generator from SILVERPUPPY

2001-11-16 Thread David Judy Dufresne
   I am curious, why did you buy the Ole Bob rather than the $75 generator,
and did you buy the heater for the Ole Bob?
   Judy in NY

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