Re: CS>Hep C

2010-05-21 Thread Debbie Phelps

Three and 1/2 years ago my husband found out he had Hep C and started taking
Mesosilver it. He also cleaned  up his diet a lot -- no sugar, no alcohol
(except communion wine), and ate a lot more healthy foods.  Took Milk
Thistle, and for awhile, ALA, and some daily vitamins.  His liver functions
are normal now.  He never had a viral count done until this spring so we've
nothing to compare it to, but our Dr. said it seems to be resolved because
it is fairly low now.
He's a lot more relaxed about his diet now, but still takes a couple TBSPS
of silver a day.


On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Laura Zolman wrote:

>  Has anyone used silver to treat Hep C???

Re: CS>OT; remedy for tendonitis?

2011-09-07 Thread Debbie Phelps
I had plantar fasciitis years ago, but not from lyme disease.  We moved into
a house with stairs, and all that up and down made the calf muscles very
stiff, and because the achilles' tendon was stronger than the plantar
fascii, guess which one got hurt.  I looked up all sorts of stuff online,
not knowing what the actual problem was.  Thought it was a bone spur,
arthritis, etc.  Reading some obscure article somewhere, it mentioned
"inflexible calf muscles" could cause the plantar fascii to be damaged.  So,
I started to gently stretch my calves.  The relief was immediate!!   I kept
stretching the calf muscles a few times per day, making sure not to stretch
so much that I hurt the plantar fascii again, until the muscles stayed.
Even now, if I'm going up and down the stairs a lot, I will feel a little
pull, and have to remember to do my stretches.


On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Guyot Léna  wrote:

> Hi Lola,
> This is good, detailed info on herbal treatment of Lyme!
> I'd begun my treatment with Rife, (luckily, because I had the weaponized
> Lyme with the full set of co-infections and had had them for 40 years.)
> Tried the herbs along with, and eventually settled on Rife and S&C for the
> most potent combo for killing the most co-infections for the least expense,
> after the initial purchase of 'hardware'.
> I still have Cat's claw and artemesinin on hand,(just in case) and
> regularly use milk thistle whenever too much die-off makes my liver crabby.
> I've learned that what might not work at one point in the process might be
> exactly the right thing at another point, so all info is potentially
> important.
> At 65, I'm resigned to the idea of some sort of maintenance, probably for
> the rest of my life, to remain feeling as 'normal' as I do. I'm so grateful
> to have come back so dramatically after circling the drain, that every day
> is an amazing gift, even with occasional aches and pains.  Still, many of my
> non-Lyme contemporaries complain of these, so I'm feeling pretty average
> these days.
> If you ever have plantar fasciitis again, a simple arch band ($4 at
> Walmart) keeps the fascia from stiffening and shortening up and helps the
> healing process considerably. I always have one with me, just in case.
> Be well and thanks!
> Léna
> On Sep 5, 2011, at 1:28 PM, phoenix23002 wrote:
> Hi, Lena... I think I had just 'normal' (if you can call it
> tendonitis.  It has been a while (almost twenty years) but the worst
> pain remember having was first thing in the am, getting out of bed,
> standing for the first time and then 'gimping' down the hall, bracing
> myself on the walls.  I had to walk on tip-toe on the bad foot,
> couldn't bear any pressure.  Then, as the day went on, the pain would
> ease somewhat.  I have no stairs in my house, but just thinking about
> going up or down steps with the horrible pain isn't something I would
> have tackled back then, I bet.
> Although the Dr. dx achilles tendonitis, I have often wondered if I
> didn't have plantar fasciitis since I did have arch pain also.  Who
> knows?.. but the Lane Labs Shark Cartilage sure got rid of it.
> I subscribe to Dr. Williams newsletter and he spent the whole
> newsletter in Dec. 2004 addressing Lyme disease.  He noted a "six
> month study that showed that cat's claw (uncaria tomentosa) was more
> effective than antibiotic therapy in eliminating the Lyme spirochete.
> 12 of 14 sufferers in the study tested negative at the end of the
> study.  The product used is marketed under the Samento lable by
> NutraMedix at  Their product differs from other
> cat's claw products in that it is devoid of certain chemicals called
> tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids (TOAs) that can be harmful to the human
> central nervous system and negate the positive effects of the herb.
> It is extremely important that you are very specific in choosing the
> right cat's claw product if you want to be successful. He has no
> financial interest in the product.  It comes in either liquid or cap
> form (caps being phased out).  The successful dosage  is generally 5
> drops added to 4 ozs of water taken 3 times per day (total 15 drops
> daily).  You may have to work up to this dosage. Two other sources he
> mentions are .. Vitamin Research Products at and
> Nutricology at . Nutricology's product is call
> Prima Una de Gato."  This info is over 6 - 7 yrs old so... ck
> carefully.
> He cautions that "in severe infections, you may experience a
> Herxheimer reaction for several days or a few weeks, depending on the
> severity of the infection.  You can help minimize this by getting lots
> of rest, drinking plenty of water, making sure bowels are moving
> regularly and using supplements that support the liver such as NAC and
> milk thistle extracts.  If reaction is too great, reduce the dosage
> and gradually work up to the higher dosage over a week or so until the
> reaction beg

Re: CS>Quality of CS/Colloidal Silver symptoms?

2012-01-10 Thread Debbie Phelps
Just some thoughts --  Maybe your symptoms are allergy related.  In which
case, I don't know if CS will help a lot, except to help prevent secondary
infections.  I know of some men who cannot shave because their skin is just
too sensitive.  You might also need more oils in your diet.


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Erick Blaine

> Hello,
> I recently purchased a CS generator and have been making CS for over 1
> month. I use distilled water from the grocery store and utilize the
> magnetic stir to prevent agglomeration. I also use the 'swap' mode in
> auto.  To make my CS more potent, I have found that cleaning my electrodes
> and then replacing them & selecting 'swap' mode/ manual does a fairly nice
> job. (I bought a digital meter that reads 37ppm but am unsure if this is
> total ppm of ionic silver or combined with ionic, colloidal, etc..)
> My concern is the efficacy of the CS I have been making or if I'm a
> non-responder to CS. I'm concerned because of the following symptoms I have
> been experiencing and am hoping to receive some feedback from the group.
> My skin is dermatitis prone and i was hoping the CS would help.  Here are
> the symptoms:
> 1. red rash & dry skin on eyelids (both)
> 2. itchy skin on my beard, pimples erupting. cyst also formed after shaving
> 3. irritated/infected nostrils for over 2 weeks. (I have placed cotton
> swab of CS in each nostril but still inflamed/infected)
> 4. pimples on skin not improved
> I should add that i use CS mostly topically in a spray bottle.
> Since I've followed the instructions in making my CS, i believe it is of
> high quality but simply not having positive effects on my skin. It actually
> seems to be causing rashes, itchiness and no effect on pimples.
> Any helpful advice you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Re: CS>cavities

2012-03-04 Thread Debbie Phelps
Some 20 years ago, I had a couple cavities along the gumline that would
give me a "zing" if I ran my fingernail along them.  When I got pregnant, I
took plenty of prenatal vitamins consistently, and after awhile, the
cavities healed themselves.  I think all the good minerals in the vitamins
was what did the trick for me.

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 7:02 AM,  wrote:

> A few months ago, healing cavities was mentioned.  I have lost my
> information on this, as I now find I have one.
> Can anyone please tell me the method used and is it possible to heal
> cavities?
> Mary
> --
> *From:* "" 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sat, March 3, 2012 4:44:26 PM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>CS on EMPTY STOMACH? (pets)
>  In a message dated 3/2/2012 8:10:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> i usually take my CS as a swig and hold it in my mouth for about 3 minutes
> before swallowing, regardless of empty or full stomach.
> Obviously my cat cannot do that so i gently syringe into his mouth but do
> it on empty stomach however i don't know if his stomach likes that so am
> wondering if it's okay to administer with food?
> Susie
>  Hi Susie, I have seen many folks that put CS down for their pets to
> drink any time they want it. Some put it down straight some just mix it in
> with their water...I really don't think food or no food is a problem...
> some of our cats like it either way & a couple want nothing to do with
> it... If you have CS questions about pets, a really good site is here  
> --SilverPets
> :sign 
> in
> it's a yahoo group...Lois

Re: CS>How long does a plain single 9V setup take to brew?

2012-03-16 Thread Debbie Phelps
45-50 minutes is about all the time it takes for mine, but I use 3 nines.
 It shows a faint line with a laser in the dark and is clear.


On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 2:55 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:

> I am helping someone in India who I got to buy this unit:
> (scroll down to the super silver option)
> This is the only reasonable unit for sale that I have located in all
> of India, btw.  It appears to be a single 9 volt with no resistor.
> Supplements plus this CS appears to be reversing the person's
> otherwise terminal cancer.  But I need to have a better sense of how
> long it would take to brew say 15PPM with this unit.  My guess is 45
> minutes, total, wiping the electrodes every now and then?  The guy who
> sells it seems to be unreachable at the moment.
> Thanks,
> David
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Helicobacter infection

2012-03-30 Thread Debbie Phelps
*To Unsubscribe:*

To *stop* receiving the list as *individual e-mails*, start a new e-mail
message with the body empty and the word* 'unsubscribe' *in the Subject
field and send it to:

* *...or *click
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On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 7:03 PM, wrote:

> I can't help you unsub from here, but if your email client has a
> tools section, under that you should find 'message rules'.  There you can
> set it up so that anything coming from silver-list goes right into your
> trash bin and you won't even see the messages.  Your client will send the
> messages there instead of your inbox.
> Samala,
> Renee
>  *---Original Message---*
> I have been trying to unsubscribe and can't seem to do so.. Is there
> anyone that can help me on this.
> Thank you
> DM

Re: CS>Homemade colloidal silver problem

2013-02-05 Thread Debbie Phelps
I have no tester or current control.  I use 3-9Volt batteries in series,
connected to silver wires and put them into the jar.  I just bought *new
wires* and put the old alligator clips on them, plus *new batteries*.  The
last thing I can think of is maybe, like you say, it *is* a bad batch of
water.  Again, I have no tester, so I will just go get another gallon of
distilled water and give it another try.  Hope that will be the key.  If it
is the water, would it still do *nothing?*   I'll have to get a ppm tester.
Thanks, everyone for your suggestions.  I'll let you know how it goes after
I try it again.

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 7:17 PM, James McDonald  wrote:

> Is there any current control?
 sometimes the DW has a bad batch

Re: CS>Nebulizer information needed

2013-02-21 Thread Debbie Phelps
I use CS for a nasal rinse, but I make it only a 25% solution.  Otherwise,
it would sting too much.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Donna M Lewis

> I've heard that CS should be mixed with a little Xylitol in a neti pot so
> that it doesn't hurt.  Never tried it though so I don't know if that's true
> or not.
> Donna
> -Original Message-
> From: sol []
> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 4:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Nebulizer information needed
> Judy Knowlton wrote:
> > Many thanks, all ... I am satisfied already that my way (OUR way)
> > works best.
> > You've given me good confirmation.
> > Unfortunately, she is an elderly pharmacist, and you know she knows
> > more than I know (grin.)
> Judy, this could be an individual difference, not just her opinion.
> Straight CS causes me a lot of discomfort used as nose drops, or in eyes.
> I have to add something to it so it doesn't cause pain. Not everyone
> experiences this though.
> sol
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>LL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

2010-08-24 Thread Debbie Phelps
Our cat had a big lump on his back that the vet said was cancerous.  We put
silver in his water, and after a few weeks we could tell it was getting
smaller.  Now, it's gone, and the vet was amazed and asked us what we did.
For your dog's, you could try that (assuming she'll drink it) and putting
silver with some dmso on the shoulder, topically for awhile.  Might have to
shave the hair first, and I'd watch for signs of skin irritation.
Hope things work out for you.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:28 AM,  wrote:

>  Just got back from the vet. Exray shows Molly, { 10 yr old,
> Lab--Australian Shep. mix } has cancer in her shoulder. The vet said it is
> the fastest spreading type of cancer. The lungs are next & then she said she
> would only give her 3 weeks.
>Any idea at all if there is anything that can be done & where is the
> best site to go for information... Thanks, Lois
>   { I'm going to post this on a couple other sites to see if anyone at all
> can help }

Re: CS>LL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

2010-08-25 Thread Debbie Phelps
Donna ACS,
I think we put a splash - maybe a tablespoon - of silver in about a quart of
the cat's water.  We use Mesosilver, which is, of course, spendier than
making it yourself.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Donna  wrote:

>  How much silver did you put in the cats water?  And where is the best
> place to buy it as I can't make my own.  My cat has a large lump behind his
> front leg.
> Thanks,
> Donna ACS
> Our cat had a big lump on his back that the vet said was cancerous.  We put
> silver in his water, and after a few weeks we could tell it was getting
> smaller.  Now, it's gone, and the vet was amazed and asked us what we did.
> For your dog's, you could try that (assuming she'll drink it) and putting
> silver with some dmso on the shoulder, topically for awhile.  Might have to
> shave the hair first, and I'd watch for signs of skin irritation.
> Hope things work out for you.
> Debbie
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:28 AM,  wrote:
>>  Just got back from the vet. Exray shows Molly, { 10 yr old,
>> Lab--Australian Shep. mix } has cancer in her shoulder. The vet said it is
>> the fastest spreading type of cancer. The lungs are next & then she said she
>> would only give her 3 weeks.
>>Any idea at all if there is anything that can be done & where is the
>> best site to go for information... Thanks, Lois
>>   { I'm going to post this on a couple other sites to see if anyone at all
>> can help }

Re: CS>Parkinson's Disease

2010-09-01 Thread Debbie Phelps
We know a very poor pastor in the Ukraine who has Hep-C.  I would like to
buy him a generator, but then there's the question of what water is
available to use. He probably cannot buy good distilled water, so he will
need his own distiller.  What brand of distiller is good and reasonably


Re: CS>wifi?

2011-01-08 Thread Debbie Phelps
If it's on, my son's electric keyboard makes a buzzy sound right before a
call comes in to his cell phone, too

 It sounds sort of like cell phone interference on a radio: a quick
> duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh followed by a beep beep beep... that gets louder
> and louder.

Re: CS>Norwex

2011-09-02 Thread Debbie Phelps
My daughter-in-law gave these as Christmas presents last year.  They are
great!  The  dish rag NEVER smells bad like the others.  I love them.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 3:41 PM, jaxi  wrote:

> Have people heard about/used these cloths?
> Using silver in the cloths.
> See ... they figure ways to patent and make money off of everything.
> Jaxi

Re: CS>CS Application question

2013-03-27 Thread Debbie Phelps
 adding something directly before application (to sinuses)

> > MA

I dilute mine.  I use  1 part CS with 3 parts distilled water.  It will
still sting sometimes, but you could dilute it even more, if need be.


Re: CS>making silver

2013-06-04 Thread Debbie Phelps
If you shine a laser light through the water in a clear glass jar, you
should be able to see a slightly red line going through it.  If it's pretty
bright, then you can dilute it with more distilled water.

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Cyndi  wrote:

> On 6/3/2013 11:31 AM, melissa adams wrote:
>> Hello again! I've been reading, but don't post much. Thank you all for
>> sharing so much information. I'm still very new to using CS, but i
>> bought a generator and have made some cs by following the directions
>> included with the generator, but I'm still uncertain as to how to know
>> if I was successful. Is there a way to know by just looking at the end
>> result? Or is there a way to test it? Still learning
>> Thanks!
>> Missy :)
> Taste it. It should taste like you are eating dimes. You can tell it's in
> there. Also the silver leads will darken.
> Cyndi
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>   ?subject=**unsubscribe>
> Archives:****
> maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: 
>  >
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>First attempt at making EIS

2014-09-02 Thread Debbie Phelps
I make mine with distilled water and three  9-volt batteries, and it takes
about 50 minutes.  A laser light shone through the water before it's
"cooked" doesn't show up, but after the 50 minutes, there is a light red
line that tells me it's done.  Like someone said, with only one battery, it
will probably take longer.  It is best to use distilled water, too, if


On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:35 AM, devidas bhonde 

> Hello all,
> Now I am all set to make my own EIS, using my own generator.
> I am staying in Pune, India and purchasing readymade machine is out of
> question.
> I took a pyrex 500 ml glass beaker.
> Pure silver wire 999, diameter 2.5 mm length 300 mm two lengths.
> Bent them into a big U each with U half diameter 50 mm,
> Took a plastic jar lid, drilled four small holes and
> fitted the silver Us into them, separating the Us about 50mm
> Took a 9 volt battery and a 10k ohm 1/4 watt resister and wired the
> circuit.
> Filled the beaker almost full and now to start the brewing.
> My question is, how long should I run the brew ?
> I yet don't have stirring, which I will have to do manually using a
> plastic spoon.
> Have I done all this correctly ? Or anything needs to change ?
> Please reply,
> Regards,
> Devidas

Re: CS> Good News from Sierra Leone

2014-10-16 Thread Debbie Phelps
I couldn't get to the page.  It says it's not available.  Did manage to
find a youtube when I searched her name, but most other sites were shut

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 6:09 AM, Phil Morrison 

> It wasn't easy, but ...
> Sierra Leone Minister of Information, Mr. Kanu, confirms that ebola
> patients are getting better on Nano Silver nutrient provided at government
> clinics.

Re: CS> Good News from Sierra Leone

2014-10-16 Thread Debbie Phelps
Thanks.  Tried google chrome first, then firefox.  Neither worked for me. I
am listening to the youtube, though. She does have a facebook page, but the
link from there, of course, didn't work either.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:19 AM, Scott Adams  wrote:

> Link just worked fine for me. Try a different browser perhaps
> Scott Adams
> I bet you know someone who has Chronic Lyme and doesn't realize it yet!
> *From:* Debbie Phelps []
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:12 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: CS> Good News from Sierra Leone
> I couldn't get to the page.  It says it's not available.  Did manage to
> find a youtube when I searched her name, but most other sites were shut
> down.
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 6:09 AM, Phil Morrison 
> wrote:
> It wasn't easy, but ...
> Sierra Leone Minister of Information, Mr. Kanu, confirms that ebola
> patients are getting better on Nano Silver nutrient provided at government
> clinics.


2015-02-15 Thread Debbie Phelps
Remember the old adage: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." It works well
for me like it is, and like many here said,..."it ain't broke."
Of course, I'm adverse to change, but I'll do whatever is decided.


Re: CS>Epstein Barr virus using EIS

2019-02-23 Thread Debbie Phelps
A couple of your symptoms rang a bell.  You still may be dealing with the
virus, too, but the fatigue and brain fog resonated with me.  I have sleep
apnea, and noticed a huge difference in my ability to think, remember, and
focus after I started on the machine. That may be something to look into.
When I was tested, I  "woke  up" 176 times during the night because I
wasn't breathing.  It's not a full wake up, but your body comes out of a
deep sleep enough to get breathing again. My oxygen level got down to 76%,
which explains all the fogginess. Oxygen to the brain is pretty important!
I hope this helps.

Debbie Phelps

On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 4:59 PM Sandee George  wrote:

> Neville you are a card, I love the way you say things, there was an
> article somewhere just a few days ago on EIS being used in Australia in
> some surgery, I do not have the article at hand however have requested same
> from the person who told me they had read it, so when and if I get it I
> will post it here so all can see it for themselves. !!
> Carrole listen to Neville, he has lots of experience with EIS, I am hoping
> that it will work for you - be blessed
> Peace, love, blessings and hugs
> Sandee🐬
> An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything
> & or
> Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
> Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Cell phone Covid trackers reportedly added to iphones

2020-06-29 Thread Debbie Phelps
What happened to Mike?

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 1:10 AM Kirsteen Wright <> wrote:

> I remember the good old days when all conspiracy theory posts went to the
> Silver off topic list and this one was kept purely for discussions on
> silver. I really miss Mike, he ran it really well.
> On Mon, 29 Jun 2020, 06:46 Mary Scholer, <> wrote:
>> Off topic conversations could be sent directly to the interested parties
>> not to this group. Other groups (with specific topics) ask that
>> unrelated conversations be conducted privately.
>> On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 8:25 PM Neville Munn 
>> wrote:
>>> LOL...No, there is only one person who walked through the door, which
>>> someone left ajar, 0h, that's right, that would be YOU who is 'trying' to
>>> ruin the group...LOL.  It won't work though, we are smarter than that, see
>>> ya .
>>> Now, where were we people?   Dang it, there are trolls everywhere
>>> nowadays.
>>> N.
>>> --
>>> *From:* Cyndiann Phillips 
>>> *Sent:* Monday, 29 June 2020 9:14 AM
>>> *To:* 
>>> *Subject:* Re: CS>Cell phone Covid trackers reportedly added to iphones
>>> Throw your phone out and your computer too in case they track you. That
>>> should at least stop all the garbage being posted here. Nenah, please stop
>>> posting here. You are ruining a great group with your paranoia.
>>> It's a notification system. not for tracking.
>>> <#m_-6886790186707832522_m_7939947985444182315_m_-385009508000861761_x_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>