Re: CS nasal spray

1998-05-06 Thread Elizabeth King
Hi Ginny and List,
I have used cs nose spray for at least two years.  I started by 
putting some in the Ayre spray I buy; then with the saline solution, I 
was afraid of the combination.  So, when the bottle emptied, I filled 
it with JUST the CS solution I make at home which is usually between 
8 and 18 ppm.  I used ot have chronic sinus infections and have to be 
on repeated rounds of antibiotics; now I just use the cs all the 
time. I havenot been to the doctor for sinus in over two years.

> From:  "Zeigler, Virginia A. x1969" 
> I am presently using a CS nasal spray (somewhere between 10 & 20 ppm as
> best we can tell from our TDS-1 tester).  This is part of my regimen to
> fight systemic candida.  I am drinking pau 'd arco tea and taking some
> CS orally (letting it sit in my mouth & throat  awhile first)this in
> The reason for all the assorted approaches is that I have had repeated
> sinus infections and stomach/digestive system problems for about my
> whole adult life and would like to be healthy and free of all the
> prescription meds (some of which have brought about fungal problems).
> Has anyone out there used CS as a nasal spray for any length of time?
> (To be truthful, the account of the "blue lady" has caused me to
> question the wisdom of using the nasal spray approach).

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Re: CS testing

1998-04-09 Thread Elizabeth King
Do you measure while the water is still warm?  Then later it is cold?
Do you store your silver in darkness?  In what?
Do you ever notice any of what I call "fallout", the powder at the 
bottom of the container?
Just some thoughts

Also, what are you using to hold 3 c of distilled water on a 
hotplate? I plan to make one of these for my sister and would like to 
make one now in order to take with me (already tested)in May to Mass. 
I am impressed that 3 nine volt batteries can give such a high ppm 
reading.  That's just what I want.

Now another thought/question.  Is the storage capability maybe what 
some of the discussion re. high vs low voltage and ac/dc discussion 
might be about?  Is there any reason one would store better than the 

Thanks for sharing.

> I finally have the results from the kimball labs.  Below are the results.
> Device used is 3 nine volts batters, distilled water with ppm reading of
> 1ppm,water heated to 180 degrees then transfered to a hotplate.  Total run
> time was 2 1/2 hours with 3 cups of Distilled water.
> TDS 1 meterkimball
> March 31 1998
> 23ppm  32.9ppm (tested on 4/2
> It looks like a difference of +10ppm
> I will use this for future reference when making my CS.  
> I did notice though that after I measure out a dosage of CS and then test,
> it reads at a lower ppm.  Anyone know why?  Sometimes it also reads lower a
> few days later.
> Donna Earnest 
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

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Re: Cs prosystems;Willard water,good for CS? and Bare/Rife unit

1998-03-26 Thread Elizabeth King
I have not cooked it together, but I have sometimes put CS in my
Willard Water to drink.  Just a matter of convenience

> P.S. Has anyonetried to cook up(make) CSin Willard water ?

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Re: Testamonial

1998-03-17 Thread Elizabeth King
Jennifer and others, 
I also use the silver in my Ayre bottle (emptied to avoid salt w/cs). 
I find immediate results and when I went to Las Vegas last week it 
was the first time ever that I didn't come home with a sinus 
infection!  I highly recommend the solution in a spray bottle and use 
it on my grandchildren (we live in dry NM) when they complain or 
start nosebleeds.  

I also packed a 12 oz bottle to drink while on my trip.  It really 
did the trick very nicely!

So glad you had immediate results also.

> Date:  Mon, 16 Mar 1998 23:09:23 -0600
> From:  Jennifer Ruby 

> Thought I'd like to share an experience with you. Today, I thought my
> head was going to explode. There was such a pressure behind my eyes,
> sinuses, and headache.  I always get nosebleeds when I go home to
> Colorado, as it is so dry compared to where I live. This year, I was
> there for 3 months, and had this nose bleed, scabby problem for the
> duration, and for the last three months as well. We are talking about 6
> months total. I guess it finally got infected, and wow, what pain!
> Linda Townsend suggested I take CS, which we keep on hand, but as I was
> in so much pain, didn't even cross my mind.  Within 5 minutes of
> drinking it, the pain was so relieved, that I could again see clearly. I
> also filled a "Nostrom" bottle and am using it to irrigate the sinuses.
> I really couldn't believe how FAST it worked.  Even antibiotics don't
> work that fast.

> Jennifer

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Re: Blood purifier

1998-03-06 Thread Elizabeth King

I am very interested in building a blood purifier.  Please share.  I 
will be away (Las Vegas) for about 4 days, but back by Wed.  I'd like 
to build one ASAP after that and have no idea where to begin.  

Liz King

> Not sure how you can have in vivo UV blood purifier? The only way can
> imagine is in vitro. Anyway the same can be done with micro currents and
> this can be done in vivo. You can build one for about $30. or you can
> purchase them form:
> or
> There is a testimonial here by a person who used this method to cure Lyme
> decease.
> If you are interested in building let me know.
> Chris Gupta
> At 12:48 AM 3/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >Chris (I hope I got the name right),
> >
> >You mentioned here a blood purifier...
> >
> >I am in search of a UV En Vivo Blood Purifier.  Do you know where I may be
> >able to get my hands on one?  How about an estimate cost?
> >
> >Any info you have would really help me out.
> >
> >Thanks, in advance.
> >
> >Chris Grunau
> >
> >
> >At 12:24 AM 3/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >>Nancy:
> >>
> >>My choice for Lyme desease would be Dr. Beck's protocol using the blood
> >>purifier, pulser and CS. These data can be found at:
> >>
> >>http://www.explorepub
> >>.com/articles/article_list.html
> >>
> >>(Explore! magazine Sample articles. Robert C. Beck is the man to check out
> >>I am
> >>building this in vivo blood and lymph purifiers. All kinds off patents on
> >>these
> >>ideas but totally suppressed from the public. Don't be put off by the AIDS
> >HIV
> >>slant on these, that's just the tip. He also made a brain tuner which does
> >>wonders for addiction, depression and generally allows you to relax - Super!
> >>Have constructed.) 
> >>
> >>
> >>Chris Gupta
> >>
> >>At 09:59 AM 3/4/98 -0500, you wrote: 
> >>>
> >>> (I think I used the wrong return address so I'm resending this.)
> >>>  
> >>> Hi, everyone!
> >>>  
> >>> This list seems to be growing and growing!
> >>>  
> >>> I read briefly of Mike D's use of the ppm meter someone has devised and
> >>would
> >>> appreciate more info personal experience with it
> >>> (
> >>>  
> >>> I'm working on adding a table of test results of my own cs from a local
> lab
> >>> to post on my silver page.  I've been negligent in doing the final test
> >with
> >>> no salts and using heat; maybe next week!  I've been very busy with
> >>> homeschooling and related matters and just haven't gotten a round tuit!
> >>>  
> >>> Below is a copy of a response I sent recently to
> >>> in response to
> >>> someone's request for info on colloidal silver.  (Perhaps some of you may
> >>> feel led to write the poster or the news group.):
> >>>  
> >>> (Anti-spam measures in effect.  Remove the X to reply to me.)
> >>>  
> >>> Here's my CS update I promised the LD news group in November which will
> >>also 
> >>> address Patricia's post.
> >>>  
> >>> For details of my colloidal silver experience and other NON COMMERCIAL
> >info 
> >>> on colloidal silver (positive & negative) visit my newly updated and 
> >>> relocated site:  
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> /members2/silver-works
> >>>  
> >>> I'm alive and well on the planet earth, thanks to home made colloidal 
> >>> silver.  I bounced back from my unexpected fall Lyme relaspe within 3
> >weeks 
> >>> of resuming colloidal silver.  (As you may recall from my post in Nov. or 
> >>> December, 1997, the relapse occured after discontinuing daily colloidal 
> >>> silver for several weeks this fall, following months of assymtomatic and 
> >>> nearly assymptomatic, relapse-free lyme disease.)
> >>> [Snip] 
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >>
> >>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
> >>  -or-
> >>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> >>
> >>To post, address your message to:
> >>
> >>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>
> >>
> > 
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-  silver-digest-re


1998-02-27 Thread Elizabeth King

To everyone who asked

> It is a PPM meter  with a range of 0 to 999 ppm, 1 ppm resolution,
> typical EMC deviation +/- 1% F.S.,Temp. compensation automatic 5 to
> 50 degrees C (41 to 122 degrees F), operates approx. 150 hours on
> 4x1.4V alkaline batteries, size 5.9x1.2x0.9", Weight 3 oz.  Price is
> $30 including shipping in U.S. Outside of US may be more.  Payment
> must be by check or money-order as I do not have a Merchant MC/Visa
> account. Personal checks will have to clear before unit is shipped. 
> I'll be ready to start sending on Monday of next week.
> If you are interested, my address is:
> Gerald D. Perry
> 2501 County Road 911
> Joshua, TX  76058
> Please make checks-M-O payable to C-M Perry Inc

> Subject:   Re: PPM METER
> Reply-to:

> Hi Liz - Would you have an address for the PPM device or a phone number
> My thanks
> Don Tunney

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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1998-02-26 Thread Elizabeth King
Yes, Gerald is shipping the meters.  I ordered w/a money order to 
speed up process; ordered last weekend and received mine today 
(Thursday), but I live in neighboring state.
I believe I just saw the address, so won't post again, but they are 
Liz King

ps. He has been kind enough to calibrate them before shipping.  Isn't 
that wonderful (especially for those of us that are new to this)!

> >Does anyone know if Gerald is shipping the ppm meters yet?
> >Thanks!
> >Bob Kramer
> I too would very much like to order a ppm meter.  Would some kind soul 
> please e-mail me the appropriate address and dollar amount so that I may 
> order one.  Thanks, i advance.
> Very sincerely, 
> Robert Grant

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: PPM meter

1998-02-20 Thread Elizabeth King
OOPS!  I was so excited about ordering the meter I forgot to change 
the address.  Sorry.

Guess it's still too early in am

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: PPM meter

1998-02-20 Thread Elizabeth King
Mr. Perry,

I have been interested in acquiring your meter since hearing about it 
on the list.  I am sending you a check, but thought I'd E-mail you of 
my order as well.

I understand it is $30, correct?  Is there any delay in shipping?  
Have you been rushed by the list?  

BTW, where is Joshua, TX?  Just curious as I live in Las Cruces, NM  
just about 50 miles north of El Paso, TX.

Looking forward to hearing from you and using my meter!

Liz King
1815 Lester Ave.
Las Cruces, NM  88001
PH 505/5230333 (H)  505/522-9242 (W)
Answ Mach on both lines.

Check will go out today.  Thanks.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Temp of water

1998-02-06 Thread Elizabeth King
I have noticed that when I put cs in my cat's water he will make the 
special effort to get up and come over to drink a long drink.  Even 
when he has just left the dish he often does this.  So I guess the silver 
is recognized as 'good'.
> When I boil my water it is 212 degrees, I put the silver wire in and the
> bubbles form right away on the wires, I know my silver water is good because
> our dog will drink out of the dish will CS in it and leave the regular tap
> water alone. I hope this is of some help to you.
> In Good Health
> Ted

Pls Keep the MS Info Public

1998-01-27 Thread Elizabeth King

 If it's CS related, or even close, please bring it on!?

 Yes, and keep the MS info flowing, if possible.  I am very
 interested in anything to do with MS and silver.  Have a young
 friend diagnosed last year, not too bad yet, but would be nice to
 offer alternatives.

Re: Another question or two

1997-12-18 Thread Elizabeth King
Would you be willing to give a little more information about the 
silver maker you have?  I haven't heard of this and it is fascinating 
to think of.  Must make quite a few ppms.

Design?  Flat silver bars/probes or wires?
Other info that came with it

I have one that isn't a brand name, just made by someone in a lab. 
I have no problems with it.  Uses a rubbermaid square tub that holds
one gallon, which is what I make each time to be sure to cover the
silver probes as much as possible.  Makes 5ppm in 20 minutes.  Last
time I used distilled water and it took several hours to see
anything happening.  After it was bottled -I looked again a day
later - it had turned a light golden yellow.  Have to try that

Would like for others to share what they have and how it works.  I 
would think that using a 'mother' batch would be great for folks like 
Deb who have a need for large quantities.

BTW, Deb, I fwd your last two posts to a friend of mine who has 
horses, so if you get a response from someone you never heard from, 
that is why.  Could you tell us, please, how much you make, use, and 
for what purposes?  I'd love to hear.  I work at a university with a 
large agricultural college and have been trying to think of ways for 
the silver to be researched here.  (Plants, animals, food)  Would be 
good to know how others are using cs successfully.

Liz King

> From:  "Margaret Edmonds" 
> To:"Silver List" 
> Subject:   Another beginner question
> Date:  Wed, 17 Dec 1997 22:26:55 -0800
> Reply-to:

> Dear List,
> Thanks for the info to my inquiry about the silver probes.  I have another
> question.  The first batch that you make, do you use that one to drink?
> The instructions that came with my silver maker has you take parts of the
> first batch and use them as "starter solutions" for other batches that you
> would drink.  They didn't give a reason.  But it reminds me of making
> homeopathic solutions.  Is this what other people are doing? 
> Margaret 

Re: Aging of colliodal Silver

1997-12-15 Thread Elizabeth King
Harvey, et al
That's a great solution!  I use six-packs of IBC rootbeer bottles.  
Like having the six-bottle holder.  I started with corks, but had one 
batch smell like mold.  Started using multiple layers of plastic wrap 
around the cork.  Solved problem.  Now I have the best solution for 
meThere are plastic (and metal in certain stores) bottle pouring 
spouts.  I found clear plastic in the kitchenware section of our new 
Walmart superstore.  They come three to a package for $2.95 or 
something like that.  They are removable, leakproof, washable (if needed), and
excellent stoppers as well as controlled pouring apparatus. 

I dropped one of the bottles on a tile floor and it happened to hit
on the top of the spout, the only problem from there was to find
someone strong enough to pull off the plastic cap that was jammed
on.  I still use saran and corks on the bottles in storage, but the
several that get used all have the spouts on them.

Hopes this helps those who are still looking.

> Date:  Fri, 12 Dec 1997 21:31:56 -0800
> From:  Harvey Flatbush 
> Subject:   Re: Aging of colliodal Silver
> Reply-to:

> Hi list,  
> The problem of brown bottles was solved for me sometime back when My
> brother gave me 5 cases of beer bottles less caps. I have one twist on cap
> and although they are metal, they have a plastic coating on the inside to
> form a seal.  I suppose I could find a friend that drinks beer and have him
> save some caps for me.  I'll have to give that a try.
> Cheers,
> Harvey
>-->  Harvey Flatbush  <--
><--  Ione, Washington --> 

Re: C. Silver Research - Recent

1997-05-27 Thread Elizabeth King
I am new to your list.  Is there a way to reach any archives?  I am 
interested in research that has been done in recent years and, of 
course, the anecdotal stories that you share.

I work at New Mexico State University in the Physical Science Lab in 
the Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences Division.  I have been 
talking about c. silver to other employees and sharing some of the 
silver that I make.  Recently, I mentioned that c. silver would be 
such a good product to use in the research which the College of 
Agriculture is doing -- plants, dairy industry, even the poultry 
industry -- without harming people, plants, animals or the 

PSL works by contracts, so we would have to write a proposal with 
substantial background information and research findings to 
substantiate a contract to team with the Ag College in research.  
They would probably perform the reasearch and we would build 
equipment to specification with the ultimate intention of creating 
pieces of equipment that anyone could use anywhere.

Does anyone know of any legitimate, documented research that has been 
published or know of anyone with ongoing research that might be 
willing to talk with me?

Is this a fairly busy list?  Many members?  I subscribe to Holistic 
(3-4 years now) and it is quite busy.  That is where I first 
discussed c. silver, 'met' someone who provided information on 
machines to make c. silver as well as info on the silver itself.  I'd 
be interested in any discussion you may have had in the past and, if 
there are archives, would be willing to search and read rather than 
have you re-discuss just for me.

Thanks for any help
Liz King (work - checked for mail m-f except for 
holidays/vacations) (personal - not checked as often, but that is where 
I receive the Holistic mail and other personal items)