RE: CS>ions and particles
Featherwon wrote: >> Before i purchased the SilverGen, i was using Sovereign Silver, >> but it became too expensive. A small amount was effective, and >> im wondering what dossage of the silvergen will equal Sovereign Silver? Provided that you get you concentration to 10 ppm, lab analysis of the physical properties indicates there should be no distinguishable difference between what you make with a home generator and Sovereign Silver. Both are ionic silver with a small percentage of silver nanoparticles present. The TEM images do not contain a valid representation of colloidal particles present. Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS> ions and particles
Langsley wrote: >> I'm currently trying to Google "measuring ions". So far I haven't >> found much other than measuring concentration. Concentration is all that is measurable for silver ions. A silver ion (Ag+) has an atomic radium of 0.129 nm or 129 pm. Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>ions and particles
Featherwon wrote: >> They state on their bottle that the particle size is .0008, and >> that it is made with ultra pure water. I thought colloidal silver was >> made with distilled that the same thing as ultra pure? Ultra pure water is deionized water which and is more pure than distilled water. The 0.0008 um size claim for Sovereign is exaggerated. Here is the lab analysis page and particle size plot for Sovereign Silver: The mean peak for the smallest particles are 8.7 nm, more than 10 times larger than claimed. Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS> ions and particles
M. G. Devour wrote: >> In other words, folks, getting from isolated particles of silver >> suspended in water to "particles" dried out on a surface is *NOT* a >> trivial exercise. There's little reason to believe there's any >> relationship between TEM photos and what's in the water. Right on Mike. TEM images are virtually worthless for showing colloidal particles in ionic solutions. Here is the technical explanation why that is so: TEM images are pervasive on internet ads because those using them are either trying to deceive the non-technical public or they themselves don't understand what the images are showing. The proper way to determine the particle size distribution of colloidal particles is to use an instrument that is specifically designed for that purpose. The method is called 'dynamic light scattering'. One of the foremost companies in the world that manufactures these instruments is Malvern Instruments in the U.K. Here is a brochure on their latest instrument: This is the instrument we use at the Colloidal Science Lab. Here our lab setup: Here is a sample of a particle size distribution plot made using the instrument: There are particle size distribution plots available for about many silver colloid products listed in the comparison table shown here: Just click on the product name to bring up the lab analysis report and then click on 'Complete Size Report' at the lower right of the lab report page. Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Health Freedom Protection Act - HR4282
List Members, This legislation that should be of interest to every member of the silver list. Here is Congressman Ron Paul's magnificent floor speech introducing the Health Freedom Protection Act (HR4282). Also see: Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Silver - The Dark Side of a New Health Craze - Rebuttal by Marshall Dudley
Silver - The Dark Side of a New Health Craze - Rebuttal - The original article by Jonathan Campbell contained so many inaccuracies, false statements and misinformation that we asked Mr. Marshall Dudley, a recognized researcher in the field of colloidal silver to prepare a rebuttal. See the rebuttal here: Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>WaterOz
WaterOZ ionic silver is silver citrate. Frank Key The dont seem to mention what is in it here. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Health Freedom Protection Act - more info
The Health Freedom Protection Act The Food and Drug Administration is in the business of censoring health information. You may recall how the FDA prohibited the claim that folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects for four years while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended to every woman of childbearing age taking that supplement to reduce neural tube defects (NTDs). FDA thereby contributed to an estimated 10,000 preventable NTDs. FDA continues this same kind of censorship despite 4 court orders condemning the practice as a violation of the First Amendment. There is a wealth of scientific evidence that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are effective in the treatment of osteoarthritis; that omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of sudden death heart attack; and that calcium may reduce the risk of bone fractures. Yet, the FDA prohibits each of those claims. In the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act this Congress compelled FDA to let the public have access to scientific articles and publications on the role of nutrients in disease. FDA has defeated that purpose of DSHEA by deeming every article of that kind evidence of a company's intent to sell a drug. Rather than give the public access to health information, FDA has ensured that the public is deprived of it. Indeed, FDA prohibits every claim that a nutrient treats a disease whether true or not. The "Health Freedom Protection Act" would end that practice of censorship. It would codify the First Amendment standard adopted by the federal Courts but that FDA refuses to apply. It would open the marketplace to all manner of truthful health information. It would make the consumer King and the government the consumer's servant, as it should be. The Health Freedom Protection Act not only prevents FDA from denying the public access to health information, it arrests actions by the FTC that are destroying businesses all across the United States. Under the First Amendment, the government must prove an advertising statement false before it may act against that statement. Under FTC's regime, no company can advertise a health benefit for a product unless the company has proof to a near certain degree that the statement is true. Ladies and gentlemen virtually nothing in science is provable to a near certain degree. Science is evolutionary and depends on probabilities. To prevent FTC from blocking innovation and evolution in the marketplace, we have got to limit its role to acting against speech it can prove is false and not prohibiting all speech unless the speaker can prove it true to a near certain degree. This legislation will do that. It will return the burden of proof to the place the First Amendment demands: against action by the federal government unless the government possesses proof of falsity. It also makes FTC warn parties that their advertising is false rather than drag them into long costly and economically destructive investigations and hearings. We have got to protect the livelihood of innocent American workers. Its high time the FTC came to respect their right to earn a living, and all of our rights to free speech. This bill achieves that objective. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>The Health Freedom Protection Act - to stop FDA/FTC censorship
The Health Freedom Protection Act Stop FDA Censorship Support the Health Freedom Protection Act The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is censoring health information. The pharmaceutical companies are the winners. You and your family are the losers. The FDA is censoring health information. For example, the FDA prohibited the claim that folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects for four years while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended every woman of childbearing age take that supplement. Thus, the FDA contributed to an estimated 10,000 preventable neural tube defects. An estimated 300,000 Americans die each year from sudden-death heart attacks. That number, however, could be reduced by 40% if people were allowed to know that fish oil treats heart arrhythmias and heart thrombosis. An estimated 20 million Americans suffer pain and debilitation from osteoarthritis. That number, however, could be reduced substantially if people were allowed to know that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate treat osteoarthritis. An estimated 50% of males over the age of 50 suffer from a benign enlarged prostate. That number, however, could be reduced if men were allowed to know that saw palmetto extract treats benign prostatic hyperplasia. The evidence for these dietary ingredients claims is overwhelming -- yet the FDA bans them outright! In 1994, the U.S. Congress ordered the FDA to let the public have access to scientific articles and publications on the role of nutrients in disease by passing the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). In addition, four federal court orders have condemed the FDA's practice of censorship as a violation of the First Amendment. Yet, censorship by the FDA goes on!! The Health Freedom Protection Act would prevent the FDA from censoring Americans' right to know about truthful, health-enhancing benefits of foods and dietary ingredients. Congressmen Ron Paul and Walter Jones will introduce the Health Freedom Protection Act on Wednesday, November 9th. Please urge your U.S. representative to become an original cosponsor of this legislation. Go to the link below to send your message. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>Silver Hydrosol
Robert Berger wrote: >>Good info thanks. here is a place that makes silver that is even smaller >>which is .65 nm and is 10 dollars cheaper for the 8 ounce size. the argentyn >>23 below is .8 nm The particle size claim for Argentyn 23 is based on TEM imgages of an ionic solution which produces false data. See: The size of the particles in Argentyn 23 is 8 nm as determined by dynamic light scattering. See the particle size distribution plot here: Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>silver ions vs. particles
FRANK CUNS-RIAL wrote: >>> ... because all minerlas are transported into the cells by ionicelectrical transfer. True for minerals in ionic form, not true for colloidal nanoparticles of non-noble metals. Nanoparticles of silver, gold, platinum, palladium, iridium, and other noble metals are absorbed through the lining of the small intestines directly into the bloodstream and remain as nanoparticles until they are eliminated from the body. >>> In the case of ionic silver (silver combined with some anion such as chloride, sulphate, nitrate, etc) the silver ion is already formed while the collidal has to undergo that transformation. There is no transformation of noble metal nanoparticles such as silver. For information on a related topic, see Bioavailability of Colloidal Silver: Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>ionic-colloidal
Terry Chamberlin wrote: "All that you are saying is that charged silver particles smaller than a certain size (what you are designating *ionic*) interact with chloride in a certain way, and charged or non-charged particles bigger than a certain size (what you are calling *colloidal*) do not." That is not a true statement. Ionic silver consists of individual ions not "silver particles smaller than a certain size". Chamberlin's statement fail to make a distinction between ionic charge and particle charge. Ionic charge is defined as" "A positive or negative electric charge possessed by an ion as a result of the gain or loss of one or more orbital electrons . Silver ions always possess a positive ionic charge due the loss of a single electron. Ionic charge is responsible for the electrostatic repulsion that causes ions to remain dispersed in a liquid." Particle charge is defined as: "A charge imparted to the particle due to adsorption of ions from the surrounding solution . The charge is produced at the slipping plane surrounding the particle and is called the zeta potential . Particle behavior in an electric field is determined by its zeta potential." 'interact with chloride' is not the same as 'forms a chemical bond'. Silver particles do not form chemical bonds with chloride ions, ONLY silver ions form chemical bonds with chloride ions(AgCl). >>> The difference between silver ions and silver particles boils down to the fact that silver ions combine with chloride ions to form silver chloride and silver particles do not.<<< Also see the Summary of Properties: What is written by Terry Chamberlin attempts to blur the distinction between ions and particles. This practice is described on the webpage dealing with bogus scientific claims: "The primary thrust of bogus scientific claims made for ionic silver products generally involve statements to the effect that silver ions are the same as silver particles, or that ions are particles. Because the products being promoted consist mainly of ionic silver, not silver particles, the promoters try to blur the distinction between these two entirely different entities. Silver particles have the property of particle surface area and ions do not since they are dissolved silver. Colloid effectiveness is determined by particle surface area making it the single most important property of a silver colloid. For more on this issue, see Particle Surface Area and Effectiveness. Ionic silver products have very low values of particle surface area." Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>silver ions vs. particles
Regarding Terry Chamberlin's comments on ions: To put all the definitions into practical perspective requires only that one understand the following sentence. The difference between silver ions and silver particles boils down to the fact that silver ions combine with chloride ions to form silver chloride and silver particles do not. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Silver Nanoparticles Kill HIV Virus, study shows. Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>Study Shows Silver Nanoparticles Attach to HIV-1 virus
Ole Bob wrote: >>Stuff, goto and look at the study between ionic >>silver and silver colloid. The colloids ar useless in an invitro study. The following link contains a professional review of the Natural-Immunogenics which states as follows: "The experiment was not designed according to nationally standardized methods used to test product efficacy." "The test parameters were designed outside of actual usage parameters and according to non-standardized methods." Used parameters that were "seemingly designed to mislead". "Conclusions drawn from this experiment that ionic silver is less inhibited than colloidal by HCl at low concentrations for 8-minute exposure are meaningless with regard to product efficacy". Furthermore, when a comparative test between ionic and colloidal silver is conducted that exposes the silver products to the 3600 ppm chloride envirnoment found in stomach acid the ionic silver is almost completely ineffective. Here is a link to that study: Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>Damaging silver
Frank Cuns-Rial wrote: >> ...Silver will react readily only with strong compounds such as oxygen (tarnish)... Silver oxide is not tarnish. When silver tarnishes, it combines with sulfur and forms silver sulfide. Silver sulfide is black. Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>Damaging silver
Terry Chamberlain wrote: >> ... When high voltage is used to make it, neither sunlight nor freezing have any affect on it. Freezing will not damage ionic silver. If all the liquid is frozen completely solid the silver particles present in colloidal form will settle out when the liquid is thawed. Freezing will "break" (damage) a metal colloid. If a colloid freezes but a small portion remains unfrozen, then the particles will be forced into the liquid portion and the particles will re-disperse into colloidal form when the ice is thawed. Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Silver particles in the lungs
Nanometer size silver particles introduced into the lungs will be absorbed into the blood stream. Particles that are to large to be absorbed will be ionized (converted into ionic form) which will then be absorbed. The lungs have macrophages whose purpose is to clear particles that may become caught in the lung tissue. The macrophages produce H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) which dissolves silver particles too large to be absorbed directly. Once dissolved (converted to ionic form) the silver is then absorbed. See: We know of thousands of users of nanoparticle colloidal silver who have successfully used nebulized silver in the lungs for bacterial, fungal and viral infections. Frank Key
CS>Product Lab Analysis
For those who are interested to know "what's in the bottle", product lab analysis have been added for: Argentyn 23: Silver Biotics: See how these product compare to others on the market here: Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>Argentyn 23. Is it a load of CS?
David wrote: > Has anyone else downloaded and read the pdf for Argentyn 23; Natural immunogenics > 'professional' formulation? It's an interesting but sometimes confusing read. > I can't work out whether they are saying its ionic or particles. > (Maybe they don't want me to understand) > David > Argentyn is ionic silver. For years Natural Immunogenics has produced advertising copy that tries to convince the buyer that their ionic silver product is colloidal silver. Like Sovereign Silver (SS), this just ionic silver. See the lab analysis for SS here: Natural Immunogenics is the company that pioneered the use of TEM images to promote ionic silver. For details on why this is nonsense, see: Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2005 #421
A, perfecto! Please send the artwork to Overnight Labels with a copy to me. Nice work John! Frank Key -Original Message- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 7:44 AM To: Subject: silver-digest Digest V2005 #421 -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
RE: CS>Study Shows the Effects of HCL (Stomach Acid) on Colloidal and Ionic Silver
Marshall wrote: >> Not really. The amount of HCL added was far below the stomach content. The best available literature indicates that stomach acid is 3600 ppm, which was used. Why do think it is "far below the stomach content"? What concentration of HCL would you think is appropriate, and based on what info? Frank Key -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Study Shows the Effects of HCL (Stomach Acid) on Colloidal and Ionic Silver -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>CODEX News -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS>Which Plastics Are Safe?
This article explains which plastics leach chemicals into water or other liquids. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour