CS>Silver Gen

2013-04-09 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
 Thanks so much for reassuring me that the silver I am making is safe to drink.

CS>Silver Gen silver

2013-04-08 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
Hi and thanks  to all on this wonderful site.

I asked awhile ago about cleaning the jars for making silver. I got great 
responses and tried I think all of them. I tried first cleaning up my old jars 
and rods per your instructions. When I made a fresh batch of silver it  still 
had a slight golidish grennish cast--slight but noticeable and white particles 
on the bottom and particles in the air if I looked at it soon after it was 
Tried a new water--Walgreens steamed distilled. Still the same problems. So I 
bought new jars and put on a new rod-- still the same problems maybe even worse 
with some black particles on the bottom besides the white. 

So I called Silver Gen and a gentleman answered this time and gave me a lesson 
in why this would happen and says that the silver is fine and just let the 
particles settle and go to the bottom and then pour out most of the CS into a 
different jar leaving the particles behind.
This was quite different than the woman from Silver Gen  had said to me several 
days before. She said it should be  a clear solution.

So I would appreciate any suggestions any might have. I am hesitant to drink it 
since the made silver is no longer clear.  The solution was clear and no 
noticeable white for several months when I first bought my Silver Gen. 

Thanks, Sandy

CS>CS for swwollen knee with heat?

2013-04-04 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
I am wondering how much homemade silver  to try for the following condition. 
Does anyone have experience with something like this or heard of someone where 
silver helped a extremely swollen hot knee? I have heard of DMSO but he gets 
nauseated from the smell of the DMSO and his own breath afterwards so he does 
not want to do the DMSO and silver.
My 25 year old child  knee is swollen twice
> its size and hot. It has been swollen for over a year and just recently got
> Many doctors and no help.
> Recently he had surgery to clean out the knee and a culture was taken.
> Nothing grew on the culture. That was 2 weeks ago and now the swelling is
worse than before and more painful.
> He has gluten intolerance as well as grain intolerance, so he eats meat,
> poultry, eggs, homemade yogart SCD style, almond flour, fruits and vegetables.
> He drinks only water and as organic as much as possible. His diet seems very
> noninflammatory.
> I, his mom, was diagnosed recently with Chronic Lyme. His test came back
> negative. Just talked to a LLMD nurse and she says it does not sound like Lyme
> We are at a lost what to do.
> Thanks for any suggestion which you might have.
> Sandy
> Sandy

CS>How to clean jars for silver making

2013-04-04 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
Would you please share how you clean your jars for silver making.
I was told by Silver Gen not to put the glass mason jars in the dishwasher. 
to rinse in how water.
I also thought they said to just keep reusing the jars ...no need to wash or 
rinse them after a use.
As I recently posted.  I have white on the bottom of the recent batch. So 
Gen said to rinse them in hot water. 

Do others rinse or wash out their jars which they use to make silver in?
Thanks, Sandy

CS>Silver generator leaving white dots on bottom of glass jar

2013-04-04 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
 I bought a silver generator --Silver Gen several months ago and all was 
fine until my last batch of silver.
I saw there were several white dots about 1/16 of an inch on the bottom of each 
jar. There was also a whitish cast on the bottom.
The jar had a yellowish-greenish cast which it did not use to have. Before it 
was clear.

 Silver Gen spokesperson was very reassuring that it was safe. But it 
be clear and to rinse the jars in hot water and make a new batch. Well the dots 
do not rinse out. Even after soaking for several hours.Also was suggested to 
a different distilled water. I buy my from the local grocery store Meijers and 
have always bought them there. So why the change?

  Any suggestion on what is going on would be appreciated.
Thanks, Sandy

CS>CS and Extreme Dry Mouth

2013-01-26 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
Thanks for the suggestions. I use to drink 2 quarts of water a day. Now I upped 
it to a gallon a day. I also added a good salt to it. It seems to help me get 
much down.  

   I tried Miracle Soap and unfortunately I could not tolerate it. Thanks for 
suggesting it though. 

   Steve--I do also have dry eyes..so  Sjogrens Syndrome is a possiblity. Is 
there anything that can be done for it? I do use eye drops often and put oil on 
my eyes at night which helps.
  I am laughing at shut your mouth  idea...but it is a good one.
Will try the coconut oil also.
Thanks again, Sandy

CS>Silver and Extreme Dry mouth

2013-01-25 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
Any suggestions for using CS or any other treatment for extreme dry mouth?
Tried MMS and a slight dry mouth has turned into extreme dry mouth --pain, and 
only being able to eat soft foods. Stopped MMS. I have done the godzilla thanks 
to suggestion from this site
> I have tried oil pulling, clay, tooth soap, no tooth paste, baking  soda, 
>peroxide. I have MCS so I am sensitive to regular mouth washes and  toothpaste.
> I would appreciate any suggestion you might have.
> Thanks, Sandy

Re: CS>silver and DMSO for abcessed tooth

2013-01-22 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
Thanks to all who responded to >silver and DMSO for abcessed tooth. What a 
selection of ideas. Will try one after another until one works. 


CS>silver and DMSO for abcessed tooth

2013-01-20 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
Anyone know if DMSO and homemade silver could help an abscessed tooth and 
prevent a root canal? If so what would be the protocol please.
Thanks, Sandy

CS>CS and DMSO more quesstions

2012-12-07 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
Thank you all for your great suggestions on CS and DMSO. Joined the suggested 
discussion group and ordered the DMSO books.

I have a few more question
1.How long should CS and DMSO be left on the skin... When can one shower?
2.I understand some people nebulize with it My container for the nebulizer 
where I would put the CS and DMSO in is plastic.I understand glass is 
but they do not make a glass container.  Wondering what you think of that.
3. How long will a mixture of CS and DMSO last? Minutes hours or days?
4. Someone asked what I have... Have been diagnosed with fibrylmyalgia and MCS 
Multiple chemical ssensitivity and ideopathic gastroparesis--stomach just slows 
down or freezes, IBS, mold sensitivity, possibly Lyme causing these symptoms . 
have a young adult son who also has many of these symptoms. I really do not 
what is the root cause of all of this. We eat very well,use safe products, etc. 

I want to give CS and DMSO a good try to see if it can help in some way as not 
much else of the many things we have done have made much of a difference.

This is a great helpful site.
Thanks, Sandy

CS>How to use Silver and DMSO

2012-12-06 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
Just bought a Silver-Gen and have been using  the silver in my mouth and taking 
2 oz two times a day. I have not seen improvement.
I would like to know how others have used DMSO and Silver. thinking that I 
need the penetration to see sucess.
Also is there a discussion group or web site that would  have good knowledge on 
DMSO and CS.

I have post nasal drip and dry sore mouth. Also digestive problems.
Also I would like any help for external use for hip pain.
Thanks a lot. Sandy

CS>Dosage of CS for Lyme

2012-10-29 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
Thank you all who explained about the slight chance of turning gray=blue from 
and suggestions for which CS maker to buy.
ANnd thank you Dave for your Lyme suggestions. I plan to try the Wobenzym M and 

I would appreciate an suggestions of how much homemade CS to take for Lyme and 
how to increase dosage.

Thanks Sandy

CS>New and want to make my own CS

2012-10-28 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
I am new and want to make my own CS.

When I went to silver puppy.com web site to purchase a machine I got very 
confused. The site does not mention silver puppy. It is Coyote  Zenterprizes. 
that the correct site to order from? IS it the  standard automatic CS generator 
that I should purchase. Should I purchase a  stirrer also?

Any other suggestion on how to start would be appreciated.

Thank you for your help.

CS>Does CS cause Argeria --turning gray?

2012-10-27 Thread JERRY PRENDERGAST
I am new to this list and considering buying a kit to make CS at home for Lyme 
I thought I had read CS does not cause Argeria--turning skin gray. But then I 
read in a  post today that  Dave  said 

>  " After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol ( 4
>   oz
> every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a day
> or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from Argeria"

I would appreciate those with experience opinion on this.

ALso when I went to silver puppy.com web site I got very confused. THe site 
not mention silver puppy. It is about Coyote Zenterprizes. Is that the correct 
site to order from. IS it the standard automatic CS generator was recommended. 
Should I purchase a stirrer also?

Thank you for your help.