RE: CSThyroid

2013-01-20 Thread Laura Zolman

yes...I was diagnosed with hypo a few years ago...after much research and 
expreraminting with my doctor (Internist) I am now no longer on any meds...n
one...I had to take a med for my thyroid for about 4 yearswas only on 
Armour(natural which some doc hate..but it is a balanced T1-T2-T3-T4 
products...for my thyroid..most docs in truth do not undertand what docs of 
years ago knew abou the thyroid function...or the adrenal gland involvement...

Docs dont know what the T 1 and T 2 say they have no value.
here is a couple website...learn all you dont want to travel the 
horror story so many do today..
mostly because they dont know any different/better way to go...just follow what 
the doc says..

you will learn too...many do not believe the testing is enough..symtoms of =
our bodies should be as important has the TSH test.

I also recently learned how much histimine can affect the thyroiddid 
research..then went to doc to discuss it...he said yes..he can very much affect 
it..I said..for some allergies seen worst and it is causing 
histimine issues

Well the mystery is solved..I have a negative reaction to cashews..which I love 
and was eating many during the holidays..and the further in time away from 
them..inflamation(and water retention) is gone..and even a clicking in a thumb 
joint is gone...

so research research...



Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 19:13:48 +
Subject: CSThyroid

I have been tested and found to be low in thyroid and they have put me on 
something called thyroxin.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  Many 
thanks.   dee  

CSSilver Wires

2012-02-10 Thread Laura Zolman

where is everyone getting their silver wires..I need 12 ga round good wire...




CSsilver Rods

2011-07-11 Thread Laura Zolman

still needing silver rods for making silver




RE: CSbluish fingernail beds

2010-10-26 Thread Laura Zolman

  I have used silver for about 20 yrs...not fancy equipment...but my ppm is in 
the range of 5ppm which I have been told is a better choice for internal 
use..and avoidance of issues. I have taken between a teaspoon to a cup a day 
depending on the issue I was addressing.
I have no hint of blue skin yet I am very light/blonde colored.
My research and teaching was higher ppm should only be used topically..never 
I use Trims’ silvergen  which produces crystal clear silver.  I drank about 6 
oz of 13-17ppm each day for about 2 years.  Approx 6 months ago, my nailbeds 
started to turn the bluish color.





Subject: RE: CSbluish fingernail beds
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 09:30:48 +1030

Hi Cecil,
Just so you're aware, I'm no naturapath, alternative fanatic, supplement 
popper, medical practitioner, undercover establishment ferret g or EIS/CS 
guru, but I'd like to get my questions out the way if you don't mind, and I've 
been ingesting around an ounce {30 odd ml} every morning for several years now 
and nothing has been observed with my person.  And that figure for ingestion 
jumps dramatically if/when there is an issue I wish to treat.
Excuse the seemingly intrusive and/or irrational questions, and a simple Yes or 
No will suffice for most of the following.
1. Distilled Water used in the production process...Yes/No?
2. Any settlement {mud or gravel} laying in the bottom of the storage vessel 
observable over time...Yes/No?
3. Any other supplements taken in conjunction with the EIS/CS...Yes/No?
4. Are you using a TDS meter {which reads in ppm} or an EC meter {which reads 
in microseimens ie;'uS'}
5. Is Tyndall cone {using a laser pointer} observable through the solution...if 
Yes was it weak, good or strong?
6. Nothing added to the water before/during production process...Yes/No?
7. Any history of blood circulatory issues that you're aware of...Yes/No/Don't 
8. Does your diet consist of a quantity, or praps regularly eaten fast 
9. Any objections to giving your vintage?

Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 16:42:38 -0400
Subject: CSbluish fingernail beds

Having just joined, I don't exactly know who to submit my question to.  
I have a question.  My fingernail beds have turned bluish.  I have had both 
medical doctors and alternative health practitioners look at them.  They do not 
know why, but are not concerned.
I use Trims’ silvergen  which produces crystal clear silver.  I drank about 6 
oz of 13-17ppm each day for about 2 years.  Approx 6 months ago, my nailbeds 
started to turn the bluish color.  Has anyone had this happen from silver 
Cecil Peebles 


2010-05-21 Thread Laura Zolman

 Has anyone used silver to treat Hep C???



Hotmail is redefining busy with tools for the New Busy. Get more from your 


2010-05-21 Thread Laura Zolman

 Thank you Deb.I have a friend who found out months ago she has Hep 
Cshe paniced and started traditional thinking ...looking for treatment in 
the main stream medicine world.she came to realize she has had it since the 
80's when they classed it as non A and non B.


I taught her about silver many many years ago...after I learned how valuable it 
is to knock out sinus infections..which I have learned by John Hopkins and Mayo 
clinic research...95% to 97% of them are fungal infections.


She has been accepted into a research study...but now after the 
counsultationsand knowing the many side effects she has come back to my 
thinking..that if it were me betting my life on something.I would use a 
quality silver. (I had told her to research the side effects of the study med.. 
she didnt...but this counsultation whatever was said...has scared her more then 
the Hep C itself.  She is 68 yrs...doesnt look sick..and docs are shocked she 
even has Hep C. She has come to realize with the study med...she could well 
loose the quality of life she has now.


She has now found a company that is suppose to have quality silver..and even 
has a homopathic doc she talked to. I believe truly silver is her best bet for 
quality of life and even knocking out the Hep C.


I have known someone in another study at the Cleveland Clinic...about 11-12 yrs 
ago..and which is still looking for something to work against the hep c from 
big pharma world. They are very very sick from whatever meds was used in the 


Thank you Deb for your reply.
  I will cut and paste your reply to give her hope her direction has 

  Thanks again



Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 16:11:40 -0800
Subject: Re: CSHep C


Three and 1/2 years ago my husband found out he had Hep C and started taking 
Mesosilver it. He also cleaned  up his diet a lot -- no sugar, no alcohol 
(except communion wine), and ate a lot more healthy foods.  Took Milk Thistle, 
and for awhile, ALA, and some daily vitamins.  His liver functions are normal 
now.  He never had a viral count done until this spring so we've nothing to 
compare it to, but our Dr. said it seems to be resolved because it is fairly 
low now.
He's a lot more relaxed about his diet now, but still takes a couple TBSPS of 
silver a day.


The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.

CSspy bot - search and destroy is free and works well to take junk out/nm

2009-11-19 Thread Laura Zolman



Gulf War Veterans
Gulf War veterans there is a clinic for you-NOT associated with VA but this 
doctor  has special understanding of chemical damage to the immune system and 
organs. He is willing after your exams/tests to write letters of the results to 
VA for a disability claim or to carry to your personal local doctor.
Petfinder--help those pets that need homes. -a GREAT place to locate that pet you want to love  and 
share your life 
May the Lord bless you greatly.

Join me   

RE: CSAsthma, CS and drugs: Is there an asthma cure?

2009-11-15 Thread Laura Zolman

  Personally, I might do bothbut use a different cup on the nebulizer for 
CS ..many children grow out of asthma..I have known severalwith meds 
being used to assist this. There is so much to trigger in our homes and our 
enviroment...I believe that is why more are having asthma..but can out grow it 
as they body overcomes the triggers.


 I have used CS in an nebulizer for a small child and saw remarkable 
results.(as well as for diaper rash). The child continued her meds as the doc 
wanted..but CS was used when breathing seemed difficult.


.as well has I have used it on myself...I do not have asthma...but I have used 
it to counter allergy issues.


 I have also used it on my dog(nebulizer with CS)..who got into mold and 
affected her lungs and respitory system..


  It is just what you are comfortable to much do you want to do meds 
or how much do you want to try CS in the nebulizer...or do both.


There is natural anti inflamitories that can be used to counter the inflamation 
of the respector system.



Join me

Subject: RE: CSAsthma, CS and drugs: Is there an asthma cure?
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 08:42:04 -0800

I gave my daughter alternating treatments with CS and the asthma steroids and 
broncodilators and she did fine.  However, I would like to know if anyone has 
thoughts on this as well – whether it’s really ok to do that or not!
My daughter ended up in the hospital again Wednesday night because she was in 
so much pain from breathing.  We got home Friday afternoon.  I hate taking her 
to the hospital for an asthma attack!  If anyone knows a cure, please let me 
know!  She’s only 3 years old and has had 8 asthma attacks in the last 14 
months, 4 of which sent her to the hospital.  She doesn’t need an inhaler daily 
– she has acute severe attacks caused by triggers (dogs and fall/spring pollens 
seem to be the big ones).  My husband and I are very much tired of this and 
want to fix the underlying problem!  I give her Vit C, B-complex, D3 and CS 
daily, but I know it can take (seemingly) forever for supplements to work.
I saw the posts on enzymes and am wondering if that would be ok to give to a 3 
year old.
I’d appreciate anyone’s input on this!  I just want to stop these asthma 

From: Deborah Gerard [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 7:14 AM
To: cs
Subject: CSAsthma, CS and drugs

Hi folks,

I have met someone who has a child who is on steroid's for asthma. They have a 
nebulizer. What are the rules for giving someone cs when they are on different 
kinds of drugs and inhalers? Is it okay to take cs when someone is on 

Thanks much in advance,


RE: CSNew water device - from Costa Rica - 3 Aug

2009-08-03 Thread Laura Zolman

  I would appreciate your feedback about the product...maybe give an update to 
the list??

Join me

 Subject: Re: CSNew water device - from Costa Rica - 3 Aug
 Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 22:28:58 -0400
 Rene - thank you for this one, I am going to investigate it 
 immediately as I have contacts in CR
 Cheers and thanks for giving this one to us
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CSJust on Waynes still working

2009-08-02 Thread Laura Zolman

For our newer members, here is a link to his website - 




CSFW: Colliodal Silver

2009-07-26 Thread Laura Zolman

 Anyone checked this out before...and if yes, what is your opinion.

Join me

Subject: Colliodal Silver
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 07:22:53 -0400





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