Re: CS>LDN (low dose Naltrexone)

2021-11-25 Thread Linda Ellis
Do I need a prescription for this?   


When I went to Amazon, I got a list of a lot of other things, not this.  A 
compounding pharmacy said it required a prescription. 


 From: "pc"  

Date: Mon, Nov 22, 2021 9:05 am 


Subject: Re: CS>LDN (low dose Naltrexone) 

 Jean - if you go to ... lots of info and also where to 
buy.   Ive been taking it for years ... got off for a bit when I recently had 
knee surgery and having some trouble  getting the dosage back up to 3 mg.  I'm 
at 1.5 now.  Major difference in my immune system .. I used to have pneumonia 
several times a year .. Not had it at all since taking ldn.  lots of other 
benefits .. My understanding is that it is more effective if taken at night .  
you will have to research it.   Pat 

 Patricia Cassidy 

 On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 12:30 AM Jean Baugh <> 
wrote: I used to be on a list called the LDN (low dose Naltrexone).  It was 
fascinating and very informative, but like the Chemtrail list, one day it 
disappeared, never to be seen again.   Before it was 'disappeared', I'd 
researched a bit and found it offered for sale by River Pharmacy in Canada.  
Not sure why I originally ordered it but think it had to do with it balancing 
your immune system, as needed.  The first time I ordered it, the package was 
gobbled up by customs and they resent the package.  Then I realized this was 
something to stock up on.  It was not illegal in any sense of the word, but 
apparently had some very good side effects.  I remember hearing a TV anchor 
saying, "If they found a cure for cancer, our economy would crash."   Low and 
behold if this didn't come up today on Dr. Mercola.   The way I used it, brand 
Nodict, was one pill dissolved in 50cc of water but I always used colloidal 
silver, then the dose was started at 2.5cc and raised to about 4.5cc.  Some 
people reported they were very sensitive at even 1/4cc but some I suspect were 
trolls.  Never to be hesitant, I took the 4.5cc right off and it did have an 
effect on me and that was technicolor dreams that were interesting.  For one 
thing, I took it first thing in the morning because it seemed to make it harder 
to fall asleep if taken late in the day.   What is REALLY interesting about the 
LDN list being disappeared is, the list was discussing using it at much higher 
rates, and bam, it was gone.   If I remember right, addicts or alcoholics, were 
guinea pigged up to 5 pills a day, so apparently it was safe.   There were so 
many stories from the list members that it seemed as if was a miracle drug.  
Off patent so they couldn't charge big bucks.  I did notice they used this and 
something else together, to use to lose weight.  How that works is, the same 
way it works in druggies and alcoholics.   Here is the link if they haven't 
taken it away:

Re: CS>Ivermectin for cancer

2021-10-29 Thread Linda Ellis
When I tried to open the link in Duck Duck Go, I got an odd message about 
signing in to my Gmail account.

I followed Jean's suggestion and searched Ivermectin Cancer, also in Duck Duck 
Go, and have a lot of research options to review.  We've been on the FLCCC 
Preventive Protocol since a casual exposure last January, and I've been 
noticing other small changes, wondering what in the Protocol might be 
addressing issues I never knew I had.

I'm also working on a research package for my PCP, to provide justification for 
continuing the scrips.  He has recently been "advised" that continuing to 
prescribe IVM without a documented case of Covid could result in investigation 
and other censures.

Thanks, Jean

From: "Jean Baugh"
Date: Wed, Oct 27, 2021 7:23 pm
Subject: Re: CSIvermectin for cancer


  I clicked on my link about Ivermectin and cancer and it opened. It might very 
well be opposed by a lot of people, who stand to lose a lot of money. What 
would I have given to know this back in 2005? My Mother was lost to 
chemotherapy and greed.

  Passing on that link was hopefully helpful to others who are dying because 
they represent lots of money. I heard a TV anchor say, If we found a cure for 
cancer, our economy would crash. He spoke the truth!

  May I suggest you use Duckduckgo to search for those terms?


  On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:43 PM Rick wrote:

  For me it says The Conversation Requested Could Not Be Loaded

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:50 PM p c wrote:

 Yes  Me too.  My doc won’t prescribe ivermectin - he likes 
hydroxychloroquine. But also said crack down on drs writing scripts.

  Sent from my iPhone

   On Oct 27, 2021, at 4:41 PM, Smitty wrote:


I got a message.

 *Not able to download*

 Censored. ??

 Does Anyone have this problem ?

 On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 11:27 AM Jean Baugh wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>covid fatality chart

2021-10-28 Thread Linda Ellis
One of Cyndiann's fatal flaws is her thinking that she's the only one on this 
list that has any contact with doctors and nurses to ask about conditions "on 
the ground."  Another of her fatal flaws is treating everybody else on this 
list like we're all stupid lemmings.  A third fatal flaw is her constant 
vulgarity.  If she really wanted to persuade anybody here to her viewpoint, she 
would benefit greatly from some time with a Dale Carnegie course - and taking a 
cue from a lesson I learned from my parents.  People who constantly use vulgar 
language are simply showing their own lack of education and vocabulary. 


Since she's sticking to her script, I assume she has no real interest in 
persuading anybody.  She's apparently getting some other benefit by continuing 
to post her screed.  I'm thinking maybe this is the closest she gets to having 
any people pay attention to her.  Probably has driven away everybody who could 
get away.  Probably has little social life - probably gets a lot of "I have to 
wash my hair" excuses when trying to set up a social event. 


I'm still trying to block her, but I may actually have to change servers to 
accomplish this task. 



 From: "Cyndiann Phillips"  

Date: Sat, Oct 23, 2021 12:53 pm 


Subject: Re: CS>covid fatality chart 

 The only ones in hospitals that are vaccinated are the staff. 

 On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 12:53 PM Cyndiann Phillips <> 
wrote: No they aren't. They really aren't. Go ask a nurse that works in the 
ICU.   Believing this makes you not do what you need to do so you won't die. 
Why are you not upset at them for telling you lies that will kill you? 

 On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 6:02 PM MaryAnn Helland <> 
wrote:   You're the one believing lies.  Most of the people in hospitals now 
are vaccinated -- twice -- plus boostered.  And they're still sick, still in 
the hospital, and still dying.  The so-called 'vaccines' don't work.   On 
Friday, October 22, 2021, 11:57:57 AM CDT, Cyndiann Phillips <> wrote:     Yeah if you believe the lies. It's a fake chart. 
  Most the people in hospitals now are unvaccinated and under 50. 

 On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 8:56 AM MaryAnn Helland <> 
wrote:   That's what's insane about this whole plandemic/injection issue.  You 
have better than a ninety-nine percent chance of not getting Novid.  And if you 
do get it, you have better than a ninety-nine percent of surviving it, even in 
the 75+ age group.  And for this, we have destroyed people's lives and the 
economy.  Insanity. MA   On Friday, October 22, 2021, 01:32:40 AM CDT, Max <> wrote:     

Covid, a disease of hyper-inflammation in the old and unwell 


Re: CS>covid fatality chart

2021-10-28 Thread Linda Ellis
One of Cyndiann's fatal flaws is her thinking that she's the only one on this 
list that has any contact with doctors and nurses to ask about conditions "on 
the ground."  Another of her fatal flaws is treating everybody else on this 
list like we're all stupid lemmings.  A third fatal flaw is her constant 
vulgarity.  If she really wanted to persuade anybody here to her viewpoint, she 
would benefit greatly from some time with a Dale Carnegie course - and taking a 
cue from a lesson I learned from my parents.  People who constantly use vulgar 
language are simply showing their own lack of education and vocabulary. 


Since she's sticking to her script, I assume she has no real interest in 
persuading anybody.  She's apparently getting some other benefit by continuing 
to post her screed.  I'm thinking maybe this is the closest she gets to having 
any people pay attention to her.  Probably has driven away everybody who could 
get away.  Probably has little social life - probably gets a lot of "I have to 
wash my hair" excuses when trying to set up a social event. 


I'm still trying to block her, but I may actually have to change servers to 
accomplish this task. 



 From: "Cyndiann Phillips"  

Date: Sat, Oct 23, 2021 12:53 pm 


Subject: Re: CS>covid fatality chart 

 The only ones in hospitals that are vaccinated are the staff. 

 On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 12:53 PM Cyndiann Phillips <> 
wrote: No they aren't. They really aren't. Go ask a nurse that works in the 
ICU.   Believing this makes you not do what you need to do so you won't die. 
Why are you not upset at them for telling you lies that will kill you? 

 On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 6:02 PM MaryAnn Helland <> 
wrote:   You're the one believing lies.  Most of the people in hospitals now 
are vaccinated -- twice -- plus boostered.  And they're still sick, still in 
the hospital, and still dying.  The so-called 'vaccines' don't work.   On 
Friday, October 22, 2021, 11:57:57 AM CDT, Cyndiann Phillips <> wrote:     Yeah if you believe the lies. It's a fake chart. 
  Most the people in hospitals now are unvaccinated and under 50. 

 On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 8:56 AM MaryAnn Helland <> 
wrote:   That's what's insane about this whole plandemic/injection issue.  You 
have better than a ninety-nine percent chance of not getting Novid.  And if you 
do get it, you have better than a ninety-nine percent of surviving it, even in 
the 75+ age group.  And for this, we have destroyed people's lives and the 
economy.  Insanity. MA   On Friday, October 22, 2021, 01:32:40 AM CDT, Max <> wrote:     

Covid, a disease of hyper-inflammation in the old and unwell 


Re: CS>Respiratory Therapist Blows Whistle: "I'm Watching People DIE"

2021-10-21 Thread Linda Ellis
Yes, Mary.  A question I've been pondering for a while now.  Is it a 
"conspiracy theory" if it turns out to be true?" 



 From: "Mary Scholer" <> 

Date: Sun, Oct 17, 2021 6:18 pm 


Subject: Re: CS>Respiratory Therapist Blows Whistle: "I'm Watching People DIE" 

 Is there anyone else out there thinking like me?   Mary 

 On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 4:17 PM Mary Scholer <> wrote: The 
media and the medical system must comply with the mass extermination of humans, 
the only answer to climate change.   Mary 

 On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 3:47 PM Rick <> wrote: 

It seems like you are listening to actual liars and believing their lies 
(Fauci, Gates, CDC, FDA, etc). Don't you know that only a few men financially 
own ALL the mass media (news), big tech (social media like Youtube)(apps like 
Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.), all the products you buy even...and those 
media sources ALL get the SAME information to pass on through their platform, 
word for word even. If you are able to scan the news across the country you can 
hear the script word for word. You can see this too when a Truther puts 
together a collage video and shows this so clearly. It sounds like that Breck 
shampoo commercial Different 
stations around the country saying word for word what they've all been given to 


Sure, people like the self-called Health Ranger has his own website. And allows 
others to post their content, even the inventor of mRNA and other well known, 
well medically published individuals, including interviews with more people 
like this whose knowledge and experience can not be said to be untrue, false, 
or what the media likes to call "misinformation" while at the same time saying 
the script they've been given which is full of "misinformation". This is what 
you listen to which is just one side of the story. The other side is the 
doctors who are independent who do not work for a hospital or medical group, 
and who are treating and interacting with these patients in the best interest 
of their health.  


And who else better than to tell of their health immediately following these 
shots (1st) or after the (2nd) or Booster. But all those people don't get aired 
by the national news because of mass censorship and it not towing the official 
storyline. The same goes for the doctors treating the vaccinated. 

 The whistleblowers are coming out like no one's business even with threats to 
their lives because they can no longer in good conscience continue living the 
lies and practicing the mandates they've been given while people die or their 
health deteriorates after the Covid shots. They simply can't morally continue. 
If they are religious, they know they will be judged for knowingly practicing 
the ill will of their bosses rather than practicing actual medicine. What many 
in hospitals are doing now is pretending to treat patients but not for their 
health but towards a negative outcome by using toxic drugs that will not help, 
only harm people. This is what Faucci did with AZT during the Aids Epidemic. He 
is doing it now with Remdesivir and with Covid shots they are calling vaccines 
that do not function like vaccines at all. 


Israel the most "Covid Vaccinated" country on earth right now has all 
vaccinated people in hospitals and every time they do the shots more get sick 
and go to hospital but they are told that it isn't from the vaccine just like 
they tell people here. They say that because it is part of the script for 
medical professionals working in the hospital not to blame the shot with the 


I can continue for the next hour or so, but I will stop now because the point 
is made. I just wish you could open your mind and use it to understand why we 
are sharing all those links even to NIH and PubMed, the Vaeers Adverse Vaccine 
Database, even occasionally the Yellow Card Database in the U.K. because they 
back up what we've been sharing here.   At first, I thought to continue to 
ignore you but I had a change of heart. Ok, I'm ready for your attack and 
belittling. Go ahead and make me go back to ignoring you if that is what you 
want. No problemo. Or we can coexist here without drama, confrontation, and 
negative words.     

 On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 2:58 PM Max <> wrote: Dr Peter 
McCullough shows the data proving vaccine failure 




 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 

   Rules and Instructions: 






 Off-Topic discussions:  

 List Owner: Mike Devour  


RE: CS>Fwd: The threat from vaxxed

2021-10-07 Thread Linda Ellis
Yes!  Thanks! 


 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2021 10:05 am 


Subject: CS>Fwd: The threat from vaxxed 



 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon 

Begin forwarded message: 

 From: Pastor Rob Bremer  

 Date: October 7, 2021 at 7:38:25 AM EDT 

 To: "T. J. Garland" , "D. Kevin Desmond" 

 Subject: The threat from vaxxed

Re: CS>no pandemic - Max

2021-10-07 Thread Linda Ellis
Max, it appears we have another Troll.  I have to hand it to you - you are a 
much more patient person than I am. 




 From: "hanan bissar"  

Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2021 8:16 am 


Subject: Re: CS>no pandemic 

 Perpetuating lies is not going to end this bs either.    Max, until you can 
provide actual evidence by way of a photo...because if they can supposedly see 
these nano particle virus with their super duper microscopes then they should 
also be able to provide a clear photo of it in all it's spikey splendor... I 
ain't buying it.   Finding a bit of genetic material is not the same as finding 
and isolating a complete pathogen. I mean, don't they say that we are 98% 
genetically the same as a chimpanzee or whatever? So according to your logic, 
we are chimpanzees?   If you're truly searching for truth, which I'm doubtful 
of, you will need to understand that you cannot take at face value anything 
that any "authority" is putting out there. You must think for yourself.   And 
don't bugger your head too much as to why they sometimes show us information 
which would appear to against their best's like a child molester 
who abuses the child and then cuddles and consoles them afterward. That's 
exactly how you manifest a mind controlled slave.   Zinc everyday...silver when 
you forget. Works for me.     

 On Thu, Oct 7, 2021, 1:44 AM Max <> wrote: Hanan 


 Sorry about missing your correct gender.   I agree with most of what you 

 say here until you get to the personal anecdote.  After all my friend of 

 many years died from covid, several others have been incapacitated, and 

 my wife has patients that were fit and now can only walk 30 yards before 

 they run out of breath. Anecdote is, however, the thing that people 

 respond to.  "I literally cried when Derick, once the lead quarterback 

 in his college football team, cant even walk down the street with me and 

 our dogs   dreaming of great things to come. His doctor said, he will 

 never be the same, will never play football again, now that his lungs 

 are permanently scarred and his heart is operating at 45% capacity.  His 

 fianceblah blah" 


 Why would you say "if covid is so deadly" when I have said its not 

 deadly, but is a trigger for immune dysregulation that kills primarily 

 the old and sick?  Compared to the flu, experts say covid is probably 

 less dangerous, while it is 1000 times more dangerous for people over 

 70.  This is not the same as the flu. It has a unique clinical course. 


 You and others keep saying you can kill it, whatever it is. But Im glad 

 you arent taking care of my friends because the infectious stage is not 

 really the problem.  You would need immune modulators and anti 

 coagulants to save lives.  If you were to actually try and treat 

 somebody for covid, you could easily fail, coming in with a bunch of 

 silver and stuff when they get really ill and have already defeated the 

 virus and are into the inflammatory stage. 


 There is minimal excess death, as I pointed out with actual numbers, but 

 this is not really true for older age people. The numbers add up. Those 

 are three or four million lives that left someone heartbroken.    The 

 pandemic has a clear epidemic curve.  If this curve was invented 

 anew...a fake pandemic... by every country and province taking data, 

 then it would not have the classic Gompertz shape, it would be an 

 invention.  Likewise if it was only a result of testing.  It would not 

 show seasonality...they would invent something to show an effect of 

 masks and lockdowns and injections.  But this is not the case. Do you 

 grasp that? 


 Why is the PCR test not good?  There is more than one reason. The cycle 

 threshold is too high, false positive rate is dependent on how, who and 

 when you test, the primers are apparently too  limited, with a lack of 

 checks and so on.  Not long ago I posted the link to the retraction 

 report detailing the failings.  That doesnt mean it doesnt find bits of 

 the virus in question.  That doesnt mean the PCR test measures NOTHING. 

 It could, for example, test a part of a lab engineered coronavirus.  The 

 test could be based on genetic sequences that were known  months before 

 that guy died in Wuhan.  Or years before.   Understanding the full 

 implications of the PCR test scandal is a lot more complicated than 

 saying its entirely useless and therefor there was no virus and therefor 

 the vaccine is a clot inducing bacteria. 


 When you dismiss the doctors fighting for ivermectin, when you dismiss 

 Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech, Michael Yeadon, Peter McCullough, 

 Dr Cahill,  you are dissing the very people who expose the debacle. The 

 people who have worked out protocols to save lives.  This is working 

 against your future.  Without those people,

RE: CS>WHO European Advisory Group VP Says All Vaxxed People Must quarantine Over The Winter Months | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

2021-10-07 Thread Linda Ellis
hyperlink, please!  I know you know how! 



 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2021 6:40 am 

To: "Margaret Needham" , "Jeff Orr" , 
"Ralph Petersen" ,, "Jack 
Prepper" , "Melissa Carpenter" 
, "Andrew Garland" , 
"Elisabeth Winkler" , "Neal Weegens" 

Subject: CS>WHO European Advisory Group VP Says All Vaxxed People Must 
quarantine Over The Winter Months | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & 


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

Re: CS>hanan

2021-10-06 Thread Linda Ellis
Whether there's a "real" pandemic or not, isn't the major issue of the day.  
Like it or not, "the pandemic" is front and center in our lives.  It's on the 
news every hour of the day.  Stores are back to "suggesting" or "requesting" or 
"requiring" masks again.  All federal offices, on all federal property, require 
masks.  In some states and cities, proof of vaccination is required to even 
ENTER buildings - both public and private. 


Some of us here are further along on the CS research side of things than 
others, and I'm sure are comfortable working with that medium to deal with 
protecting themselves. 


I'm pretty far behind on the CS learning curve, though, and I'm looking at the 
whole range of options that I have, that can address the illness that's going 
around.  Call it a pandemic, or Wuhan Virus, or whatever else you want to label 
it there's something that is making many people - including some of my friends 
- sick.   


I'm happy to have a group like this, where we can talk about everything that 
may possibly address the pandemic/virus/whatever? 


It happens that Ivermectin is a hot topic right now.  We chose to follow an 
Ivermectin-based protocol starting in January, when we were casually exposed.  
When I submitted a new prescription in August, for the first time a pharmacist 
grilled me on why we're using a drug.  Since then, there have been all kinds of 
moves to try to restrict its use for Covid-19 prevention and treatment, despite 
the continuing stream of positive results coming from all over the world.  Some 
pharmacists are refusing to fill valid prescriptions (that's called "practicing 
medicine," and is mostly illegal, but); the alphabet agencies are 
demonizing this Nobel prize-winning drug as nothing more than "horse dewormer," 
and the compliant media is carrying that water.  Last week, I learned that the 
state medical board has issued a blanket warning to all doctors.  Our PCP now 
tells us he must have documented proof that his patient is sick with the Wuhan 
Virus before he can prescribe Ivermectin, or risk action by the state medical 
authorities.  Everything I've learned in my research says that we have our best 
shot at staying healthy if we move to Phase II of our protocol "at the onset of 
symptoms."  Getting to a doctor and getting tested can take days.  My friend 
was fine on Monday, got sick on Tuesday, was told to come in the FOLLOWING 
MONDAY to be tested, and by then the illness had progressed to the "Covid 
pneumonia" stage.  She has had Multiple Sclerosis and has other co-morbidities, 
and she had to wait A WEEK to get a test!  We don't want to wait that long. 


Perhaps, in a few months, I will feel confident enough to try making CS again.  
It's been a long time, and I never felt I had the hang of it.  When life got in 
the way, the gear got stuck in the back of a cupboard.  I expect, at that time, 
my posts to this group will be riddled with "newbie" questions as I learn. 


Thanks for listening. 





 From: "hanan bissar"  

Date: Wed, Oct 6, 2021 11:22 am 


Subject: Re: CS> 

 There's no fkn pandemic! 

 On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 9:20 AM Rick <> wrote: 

 Since the main focus is temporarily focusing on helping to resolve this 
pandemic, I see no foul or difference in what most other are posting. Sorry 
about my rapid input of government articles, but that was meant for anyone on 
the fence and for our resident vaccine zombie. 


Nothing more from me for today or possibly a couple of days  

Keep it up are an inspiration and are helping me to spread the 

 On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 12:08 PM hanan bissar <> wrote: 
I'm sorry Rick, us this the Ivermectin group or the COLLOIDAL SILVER group?   I 
think I've had well everyone. 

 On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 8:00 AM Rick <> wrote: 

 The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication 

of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro  

Re: CS>Ode, vaporizer vs. humidifier.

2021-10-05 Thread Linda Ellis
Thanks!  As usual, you give me a lot to consider.  I have an ultrasonic 
humidifier and a diffuser, and a negative ion generator.   


Still working on my acquisition list. 




 From: "Ode Coyote"  

Date: Tue, Oct 5, 2021 7:53 am 


Subject: Re: CS>Ode, vaporizer vs. humidifier. 

 Typically, a vaporizer heats up water and emits invisible 'water vapor' which 
condenses in the air as steam...making a mist as the steam with 
distillation..and impurities [like CS and other minerals] are left behind. A 
tea kettle on the wood stove.   A Humidifier simply moisturizes the air by 
any means.  A vaporizer is a type of humidifier.   But what you want is a 
humidifier that physically "throws" water into the air as a "mist" [rather than 
steam] ...a Mister for the Missus?  An Atomizer would qualify as it sends water 
through a small orifice under a paint sprayer. [Older 
nebulizers use that principle using an air compressor for the pressure ] Very 
old mist producing humidifiers used a fast rotating wheel to 'sling' water into 
the air.   An Ultrasonic Humidifier uses high frequency sound waves to finely 
divide water into a mist.  A room humidifier is a smaller version of a whole 
house humidifier. Ultrasonic nebulisers are the same, only REALLY small. 

 On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 9:09 AM Linda Ellis <> wrote: This 
is a very interesting report.  Can you help me understand the difference 
between a vaporizer and a humidifier? 


 From: "Ode Coyote" & lt; 

 Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2021 7:52 am 


 Subject: Re: CSAre my posts being seen? Yes 






   This from here, posted on PrepperNet 





   Day before yesterday, Sodaman was called up by a friend saying her fully 
vaxed husband with co-morbidites from cancer treatments was deathly ill from 
COVID after being sent home from the hospital. [not because the hospital was 
full, but because so many staff had quit over the mandates] 




 He was found to be nearly unconscious, barely breathing, too weak to sit up in 
bed and getting worse. 




 Sodaman went to Walmart and bought an ultrasonic vaporizer, filled it with 
silver water, set it up next to her husbands bed so the mist would settle 
mostly near his face where he would breath it in all night. 




 Next morning he was MUCH better, sitting up and talking, fully aware. 




 Updates when I get em. 


 Sanford, NC·Posted Fri, September 24 








 This morning, out of bed, breathing easier, lungs pretty clear, no fever, 
walking around...stuffy nose and occasional cough. 


 Sanford, NC·Posted Fri, September 24 
















   On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 6:00 PM Linda Ellis wrote: 






    I've seen, and just responded. 








    "hanan bissar" & lt; 



    Date: Sun, Oct 3, 2021 4:48 pm 






    Subject: CSAre my posts being seen? 




     I posted earlier but did notsee it in the archives. Please let me know if 
you see this post. 













 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 

   Rules and Instructions: 






 Off-Topic discussions:  

 List Owner: Mike Devour  


Re: CS>3 stage disease

2021-10-04 Thread Linda Ellis
Max you are amazing!  Thank you so much for taking this all on.  I so look 
forward to your essays!

From: "Max"
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2021 6:23 pm
Subject: Re: CS3 stage disease
 From Cyndianns excellent link

"As there is growing evidence that the manifestations evident during
the early inflammatory phase are driven by host immune responses
rather than ongoing viral replication or viral virulence factors,
there is support for trials and re-search exploring the role
of different immunomodulatory therapies at this stage. "

With this link Cyndiann is at once undermining the vaccine push and
vindicating her injunction that we shouldnt call the vaccine a therapy.
The cause of the severe or dangerous phase of covid is not caused by the
virus or viral virulence factors, nor is it caused by a lack of
antibodies, as made clear in her referenced paper. What is needed are
immunomodulatory therapies. The vaccine is not a therapy here and is
not permitted in patients at this stage. Immunomodulatory therapy
includes sunshine, walking if possible, a good clean diet or fasting,
budesonide and ivermectin, herbs like licorice and maybe antihistamines.

As Cyndiann has pointed out, ivermectin is being actively suppressed, a
criminal action just to boost sales of the injections. She also
pointed out that the entire expenditure of the U.S. population on doctor
prescriptions for ivermectin, which are not needed, and overpriced
versions of the drug is half of what one man, bill Gates made during the
pandemic. The CEO of Pfizer could have bought everyone ivermectin on
his vax profits. Trump could have taking 1/1000 of his warp speed
program and gotten ivermectin for everybody. The failure of the
vaccine is illustrated by Israel which has cancelled the vax passport
unless you have booster shots, while the epidemic ebs and surges
regardless of vaccine status.

Exposing these uber criminal acts is easier when we work together like
this. Thanks Cyndiann!

Kind regards

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:;
List Owner: Mike Devour;

CS>Ode, vaporizer vs. humidifier.

2021-10-04 Thread Linda Ellis
This is a very interesting report.  Can you help me understand the difference 
between a vaporizer and a humidifier?

From: "Ode Coyote"
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2021 7:52 am
Subject: Re: CSAre my posts being seen? Yes


  This from here, posted on PrepperNet

  Day before yesterday, Sodaman was called up by a friend saying her fully 
vaxed husband with co-morbidites from cancer treatments was deathly ill from 
COVID after being sent home from the hospital. [not because the hospital was 
full, but because so many staff had quit over the mandates]

He was found to be nearly unconscious, barely breathing, too weak to sit up in 
bed and getting worse.

Sodaman went to Walmart and bought an ultrasonic vaporizer, filled it with 
silver water, set it up next to her husbands bed so the mist would settle 
mostly near his face where he would breath it in all night.

Next morning he was MUCH better, sitting up and talking, fully aware.

Updates when I get em.

Sanford, NC·Posted Fri, September 24

This morning, out of bed, breathing easier, lungs pretty clear, no fever, 
walking around...stuffy nose and occasional cough.

Sanford, NC·Posted Fri, September 24


  On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 6:00 PM Linda Ellis wrote:

   I've seen, and just responded.


   "hanan bissar"

   Date: Sun, Oct 3, 2021 4:48 pm


   Subject: CSAre my posts being seen?

I posted earlier but did notsee it in the archives. Please let me know if 
you see this post.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

RE: CS>Are my posts being seen? Yes

2021-10-03 Thread Linda Ellis
I've seen, and just responded. 



 From: "hanan bissar"  

Date: Sun, Oct 3, 2021 4:48 pm 


Subject: CS>Are my posts being seen? 

 I posted earlier but did not see it in the archives. Please let me know if you 
see this post.   ~Hanan 

CS>Bad news from my PCP

2021-10-03 Thread Linda Ellis
My PCP has been very helpful in our quest to avoid The Shots and use preventive 
measures to build our immunity, as I've discussed in previous posts. 


I have just received word that he has been told by the state medical board that 
he can no longer prescribe Ivermectin for preventive maintenance.  He must be 
able to show a documented case of Covid-19, and THEN he can prescribe!  If he 
deters from this, he is risking investigation and other sanctions, including 
possibly losing his MD license. 


It's not just Ivermectin, though.  Apparently, word has gone out that 
N-Acetylcysteine - approved in 1968, another WHO Essential Medicine, and 
available OTC for decades - is also being restricted.  Amazon has pulled all 
product from its website; my main source is out of stock on everything. 


With that in mind, I'm ramping up our ability to make MMS, and have questions: 

 Are the flakes used for pool sanitation safe to use in the "recipe?"  I know 
they have to be diluted A LOT, but I'm looking for a source for the Sodium 
Chlorite I've only watched one video so far, and he talks about "TARE" and 
needing a gram scale.  He's also very specific about storage and mixing, not 
using any metal, etc. I'm also ramping up on Colloidal Silver.  Hope to visit 
with Ode Coyote when we're through NC in the next month or so, to pick up his 
stuff, see what we already have that we can use, and just do some learning. 


Whatever your feeling about The Shot, we should all be very upset that 
bureaucrats are interfering at the level that our PCPs are being threatened for 
using safe, approved drugs with long histories for off-label purposes.   


The more this goes on, the more I'm leaning toward believing those conspiracy 
theories our resident Troll keeps bashing.   



RE: CS>Hyperlink test

2021-09-30 Thread Linda Ellis
Yay!  Hyperlink works!  ThankyouThankyouThankyou! 



 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Wed, Sep 29, 2021 8:35 pm 


Subject: CS>Hyperlink test


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

RE: CS>How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart

2021-09-30 Thread Linda Ellis
hyperlink, please. 


 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Tue, Sep 28, 2021 9:28 am 

To:, "Robert Dotson"  

Subject: CS>How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon


2021-09-29 Thread Linda Ellis
I just heard an interesting interview with author/political strategist/Middle 
Ease specialist Joel C. Rosenberg that fascinated me.  He has a new book out 
called "Enemies and Allies," and he talked about his ON-THE-RECORD 
conversations with Heads of State across the Middle East, as well as many 
officials in the Trump Administration, including Trump.  While I think this 
book (I've ordered it) focuses on the Middle East, I feel that I've learned a 
LOT about what else has happened re: Covid etal.  While Trump was way down on 
my list of the available Presidential candidates in 2016 (but about one step 
higher than HRC), over four years, I was pleasantly surprised at the campaign 
promises he kept. 


For my own study, I created MY OWN timeline of what was happening with the 
Wuhan Virus, and when.  Trump was actually further ahead of most of the world 
in response - you won't hear that from the MSM. 


As to the vaccine - in large part, he was listening to the health professionals 
around him, who convinced him of the need to develop these vaccines in "warp 
speed."  You may remember that he, himself, chose to take Hydroxychloroquine 
and Zpac in the early days - when the "health professionals" were dismissing 
them.  I can't verify, but I've seen reports that he took Ivermectin at Walter 
Reed - also dismissed by the "health professionals."   


But there was the legal paperwork going on.  As I understand it, there are 
legal clauses which state that the "emergency use authorization" for theses 
vaccines become IRRELEVANT and ILLEGAL if it turns out there's a treatment 
available for the virus, that works!  Back to my timeline.  As I understand it, 
the "green light" to work on the vaccines were started BEFORE evidence came out 
that things like HCQ and Ivermectin (and now N-Acetylcysteine) showed promise.  


If those cheap drugs work, that basically negates the whole purpose for the 
"Emergency Use Authorization" for this "warp speed" vaccine development that 
the Trump Administration had authorized.  It makes all that vaccine work 


Now you have a good idea of why I have such suspicion about the goals of the 
modern Western Medical world.   





 From: "pal joey"  

Date: Sun, Sep 26, 2021 5:15 am 


Subject: CS> 

 Yes, I agree, Trump , for what ever reason; stupidity,  greed, whatever, has 
sold us out. I consider him a problem now, same as the rest. If he would admit 
that he screwed up, I'd think differently,  but he's doubling down.  But that 
doesn't negate the early animosity of the Democrat base. They seemed to hate 
him for all the wrong reasons , and now they participate in this horror show, 
even with him as ringleader.  Its like an episode out of the Outer Limits.      
        I observed how he was set up by Fauci and Birx at that conference,  Re: 
the use of MMS,  where they gave him just enough info to hang himself by saying 

Re: CS>Brighteon

2021-09-29 Thread Linda Ellis
I've been interested in that, especially since the FDA has suddenly categorized 
the OTC supplement N-Acetylcystiene (Sp?) as a drug requiring a prescription 
now.  I am shocked by how fast the Medical Industry (Pharma/Hospital/AMA, 
coupled with the Alphabet Agencies) has been working to restrict access to ALL 
inexpensive, readily available options to assist in keeping me out of the 
hospital and off a ventilator if I should be forced to show up at a hospital - 
even if the reason for my appearance has NOTHING TO DO with Covid, and I just 
want to continue the preventive protocol that I've been working with for over 
nine months now (in full consultation with my PCP) 


I haven't researched this, but in my memory, I can't recall any other time when 
something that was once a prescription drug, but determined to be safe enough 
for OTC use, has been RECLASSIFIED BACK to a prescription use!  This is scary 
to me.   



 From: "hanan bissar"  

Date: Sun, Sep 26, 2021 1:24 am 


Subject: Re: CS>Brighteon 

 Too bad no one mentions taking CS to ward off the boogie bug. 

 On Sat, Sep 25, 2021, 8:05 PM T. J. Garland <> wrote: 


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

RE: CS>Brighteon

2021-09-29 Thread Linda Ellis
hyperlink, pleasepleasepleaseplease 



 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Sat, Sep 25, 2021 10:05 pm 

To:, "Rob Bremer" , "Ralph 
Petersen" , "Robert Dotson"  

Subject: CS>Brighteon 


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

RE: CS>Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ › American Greatness

2021-09-29 Thread Linda Ellis
hyperlink, pleaseplease. 



 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Sat, Sep 25, 2021 7:50 am 


Subject: CS>Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID 
Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ › American Greatness


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

RE: CS>Brighteon

2021-09-29 Thread Linda Ellis
hyperlink, pleaseplease. 


 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Sat, Sep 25, 2021 10:05 pm 

To:, "Rob Bremer" , "Ralph 
Petersen" , "Robert Dotson"  

Subject: CS>Brighteon 


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

RE: CS>30 Facts You Need to Know: Your Covid Cribsheet - LewRockwell

2021-09-29 Thread Linda Ellis
hyperlink please. 


 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Fri, Sep 24, 2021 5:45 am 

To:, "Robert Dotson" , "Ralph Petersen" 
, "Jeff Orr" , "Eddie Terry" 
, "Val" , "Victor Bunch" 
, "Andrew Garland" , "Jack 
Prepper" , "Carol Bridge" , 
"Kevin Desmond"  

Subject: CS>30 Facts You Need to Know: Your Covid Cribsheet - LewRockwell


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

RE: CS>Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Remedy that Drug Companies Hate - Rumble

2021-09-29 Thread Linda Ellis



 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Thu, Sep 23, 2021 1:30 pm 

To: "Robert Dotson" , 

Subject: CS>Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Remedy that Drug Companies Hate - 



 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

RE: CS>How To Remove Vaccine Poison

2021-09-29 Thread Linda Ellis
This may be interesting, but without a hyperlink: 

 Highlight the website address Right-click to reveal drop-down menu Select and 
click "Copy." Open new tab in browser (two steps if I'm trying to do this on my 
phone) Right-click to reveal drop-down menu Select and click "Paste." Hit enter 
Read/listen/watch recommended content After a few weeks where email hasn't been 
in the top ten on my priority list, I've spent the last week going through over 
700 emails.  I've done those eight steps on dozens and dozens of emails 
already.  I still have about 225 emails left - this, after taking advice to 
select and delete all of The Troll's.  I have been diligently "unsubscribing" 
and deleting. 


I am exhausted.  Please, folks, if you're going to include a website address, 
learn how to make it a hyperlink, which reduces the steps I have to follow to: 

 Click on hyperlink Read/listen/watch recommended content. or, depending on how 
temperamental my email program is being: 

 Highlight the hyperlink Right-click to reveal drop-down menu Select "Open link 
in a new tab." Read/listen/watch. For example, I've changed the website address 
below to a hyperlink in my email program.  Give it a try. 


 Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon

Re: CS>I'm being forced to quit this list.

2021-09-23 Thread Linda Ellis

Neville, you are one I will sorely miss, but I'm faced with limited options.  I 
have done all I can to block the Troll, including contacting my email provider. 
 Somehow, she/he/it has penetrated all efforts.  I think my only remaining 
option is to change my email address.  Just what I need - another email address 
to monitor.  As I mentioned in my original boost, I now have over 700 emails to 
deal with.  A large number are The Troll.  Just the process of deleting 
him/her/it unread has become exhausting.

From: "Neville Munn"
Date: Thu, Sep 23, 2021 7:40 pm
To: ""
Subject: Re: CSI'm being forced to quit this list.

  Hmmm, well I blocked her/him/it/them.

  Don't let one rotten egg spoil things for you Linda, there is a clown in 
every class, or in this case, a village idiot.

  He/she/it/them will not deter me from being here. There are 'plants' 
everywhere on the internet nowadays, we have to live with it I'm afraid.


  From: on behalf of Linda Ellis

  Sent: Friday, 24 September 2021 10:24 AM


  Subject: CSI'm being forced to quit this list.

  As much as I've tried, I'm not able to stop posts from the Troll. I have done 
everything I can, including contacting my email provider, but her posts 
continue. I'mworking on that. At this point, I have almost 700 emails - most of 
them from The Troll. I just can't deal with this. What are my choices? I hate 
the idea that I have to cut off all contact with this list, but honestly, since 
there seems to be no way to suppress The Troll, I have no idea what else to do. 
Yes. I have done everything I can think of to block her. Even having my email 
provider do some special things to block her. It just didn't work.
  "Cyndiann Phillips"

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>I'm being forced to quit this list.

2021-09-23 Thread Linda Ellis

For some reason, all my attempts to block her have failed, including efforts by 
my email host.  I'm actually on the verge of seeking a new email host, also, 
but the thought of switching everything to avoid this one person is daunting.  
It seems easier to move to the new email list is the easiest option.

From: "Deborah Gerard"
Date: Thu, Sep 23, 2021 7:50 pm
To: ""
Subject: Re: CSI'm being forced to quit this list.

  I blocked her and I might see someone responding to her occasionally but that 
is all. She is not worth leaving the list for that is what she wants she is 
here to destroy nothing else.

On Thursday, September 23, 2021, 08:25:01 PM EDT, Linda Ellis wrote:

 As much as I've tried, I'm not able to stop posts from the Troll. I have 
done everything I can, including contacting my email provider, but her posts 
continue. I'mworking on that. At this point, I have almost 700 emails - most of 
them from The Troll. I just can't deal with this. What are my choices? I hate 
the idea that I have to cut off all contact with this list, but honestly, since 
there seems to be no way to suppress The Troll, I have no idea what else to do. 
Yes. I have done everything I can think of to block her. Even having my email 
provider do some special things to block her. It just didn't work.
 "Cyndiann Phillips"

 Date: Thu, Sep 23, 2021 6:56 pmthings


 Subject: Re: CS

  I believe in science and doctors.

   You are so delusional that you don't mind killing people.

   Sick fuck.


   On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 5:46 PM Smitty wrote:

Yes, keep her on board for entertainment.

 She, like many others, believes the

 pro-vax media

 On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 11:19 PM Cyndiann Phillips wrote:

  You need to go. No more trolls pushing fake news on here! All of you.


   On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 4:21 AM pal joey wrote:

Be nice; We want to keep her around, to keep her from causing 
mischief somewhere else. Imagine if she was nursing Grandma.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

CS>I'm being forced to quit this list.

2021-09-23 Thread Linda Ellis
As much as I've tried, I'm not able to stop posts from the Troll.  I have done 
everything I can, including contacting my email provider, but her posts 
continue.  I'm  working on that.  At this point, I have almost 700 emails - 
most of them from The Troll.  I just can't deal with this.  What are my 
choices?  I hate the idea that I have to cut off all contact with this list, 
but honestly, since there seems to be no way to suppress The Troll, I have no 
idea what else to do.  Yes. I have done everything I can think of to block her. 
 Even having my email provider do some special things to block her. It just 
didn't work.From: "Cyndiann Phillips"> 



Date: Thu, Sep 23, 2021 6:56 pmthings  


Subject: Re: CS> 

 I believe in science and doctors.    You are so delusional that you don't mind 
killing people.   Sick fuck. 


 On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 5:46 PM Smitty <> wrote: Yes, keep 
her on board for entertainment. She, like many others, believes the pro-vax 

 On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 11:19 PM Cyndiann Phillips <> 
wrote: You need to go. No more trolls pushing fake news on here! All of you.


 On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 4:21 AM pal joey <> wrote: Be nice; 
We want to keep her around, to keep her from causing mischief somewhere else. 
Imagine if she was nursing Grandma. 

RE: CS>Ivermectin causes sterilization in 85 percent of men, study finds

2021-09-09 Thread Linda Ellis
Tee hee, I clicked in the link.  It is now a "correction" basically debunking 
everything you quoted below.  Hee hee.

From: "Cyndiann Phillips"
Date: Thu, Sep 9, 2021 5:39 pm
Subject: CSIvermectin causes sterilization in 85 percent of men, study finds

  EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — The effects of Ivermectin therapy on human males can 
have an effect on men’s reproductive health.
  Researchers at three universities in Nigeria studied the effects of 
Ivermectin, which is used to treat river blindness and other medical conditions 
in humans, on men’s sperm counts. According to theirstudy, 85 percent of men 
who take Ivermectin become sterilized.
  The researchers found that 85 percent of all male patients treated in a 
particular center with ivermectin in the recent past who went to the laboratory 
for routine tests were discovered to have developed various forms, grades and 
degrees of sperm dysfunction.
  Dysfunctions include the following:

   Low sperm count
   Poor sperm morphology
   Two heads
   Tiny heads
   Double tails
   Absence of tails
   Albino sperm cells
   Azoospermia, or the absence of motile sperm
   Poor sperm motility
   “There was a significant drop in the sperm counts of the patients after 
their treatment with Ivermectin,” the study’s authors concluded.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Ivermectin causes sterilization in 85 percent of men, study finds

2021-09-09 Thread Linda Ellis
Tee hee, I clicked in the link.  It is now a "correction" basically debunking 
everything you quoted below.  Hee hee.

From: "Cyndiann Phillips"
Date: Thu, Sep 9, 2021 5:39 pm
Subject: CSIvermectin causes sterilization in 85 percent of men, study finds

  EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — The effects of Ivermectin therapy on human males can 
have an effect on men’s reproductive health.
  Researchers at three universities in Nigeria studied the effects of 
Ivermectin, which is used to treat river blindness and other medical conditions 
in humans, on men’s sperm counts. According to theirstudy, 85 percent of men 
who take Ivermectin become sterilized.
  The researchers found that 85 percent of all male patients treated in a 
particular center with ivermectin in the recent past who went to the laboratory 
for routine tests were discovered to have developed various forms, grades and 
degrees of sperm dysfunction.
  Dysfunctions include the following:

   Low sperm count
   Poor sperm morphology
   Two heads
   Tiny heads
   Double tails
   Absence of tails
   Albino sperm cells
   Azoospermia, or the absence of motile sperm
   Poor sperm motility
   “There was a significant drop in the sperm counts of the patients after 
their treatment with Ivermectin,” the study’s authors concluded.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 


2021-08-31 Thread Linda Ellis
We're working on a prophylactic protocol now, without any signs.  4,000mg 
Vitamin C daily; 5,000 iu Vitamin D3 Daily; 10 mg. Melatonin daily; 650-700mg 
Magnesium; I forget how much Zinc; 250 mg Quercetin.  Our plan "at onset of 
symptoms" if necessary - 1,000mg Vitamin C per hour until bowel tolerance and 
bumping the doses for all the other immune supports.   

Also doing a low dose of Ivermectin weekly, but have recommended "at onset" 
dosages on hand. 


Still working on organizing all our tools and filling in the blanks.  
Nebulizer, inhaler, humidifier, negative ion generator, CS maker, pulse 
oximeter, still maybe a oxygen concentrator.   




 From: "pal joey"  

Date: Tue, Aug 31, 2021 2:13 pm 


Subject: CS> 

 I sincerely hope you are correct, because we all have family members who have 
been duped to take the immune system destroying,  experimental gene therapy. 
(The EGT IS THEIR DESCRIPTION NOT MINE) UP until 2 months ago, Moderna was 
bragging about it as the "software of life", a mrna set of instructions that is 
uploaded with each shot. From what I'm seeing , it doesn't even offer 
protection from "covid", nor does it guard against future various strains.  But 
it makes your own innate immune system dysfunctional, and generates bloodclots. 
So, I'll take my chances without, because I have a long history of repeated 
success with mega doses of vitamin c.  Orthomolecular medicine proscribes 
titrating to bowel tolerance,  large enough amounts of vitamin c to create a 
drug like effect, and it has never failed to cure this kind of problem.  I take 
5,000 mgs at the first sign, and 5,000 mgs each half hour,  until, usually at 
hour 5-6, I get the upper hand, then lessen the dose as I need to. And BTW, 
Fauci and friends all know this. I would not be surprised to learn that they do 
it too. 

CS>Tony Moody please help Jean Baugh

2021-08-18 Thread Linda Ellis
I'm on the new list already - if you do a search on old messages, Tony Moody 
has published all the instructions here a couple of times in the past month.  
Or, find a Tony Moody post and contact him directly.   


Sorry I can't be of more help. 


 From: "Jean Baugh"  

Date: Wed, Aug 18, 2021 10:44 am 


Subject: CS>Hi, 

 What link will take me to the new silver list?   When I wash my hair, I wring 
and drain all I can and then I slowly pour a cup of colloidal sliver sll over 
my hair and let it dry naturally, except for in the beginning to stop it 
dripping too much.   Thank you,   Jean

CS>To Dawn

2021-08-18 Thread Linda Ellis
I've been a member of this list for about 20 years - just found an old printout 
dated 2002.  Like you, I rarely posted.  My husband and I are pretty healthy 
considering our ages, so experimenting with CS has been behind other life 
priorities for a long time. 


With this virus (I call it the Wuhan Virus, refusing to cowtow to the CCP's 
control over WHO), and the fact that we're traveling full-time in our motorhome 
to figure out where we want to "land" when we have to hang up the keys, we have 
been working to beef up our health self-care inventory, and pulling out all the 
tools we have collected over the years - mag pulsers, negative ion generators, 
TENS unit, infra-red light, etc.  I've pulled reference books out of storage on 
DMSO, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar, etc.   


This has brought me back to CS, as well. 


Have you considered joining the new group that Nenah Silver and Tony Moody have 
set up?  Best I can tell, most of this group has migrated over there, since 
Mike Devour gave up on this group and stopped moderating/administering.  I 
understand Mike is also over at the new group. 


I'm still here, because I'm learning a lot from Neville and Max, and the one or 
two others who remain here.  But, as I'm noticing more activity in the new 
group, and seeing familiar names over there, I expect I'll eventually figure 
out how to leave this group.  I have a lot of research to do, on a variety of 
health self-care topics, and need to divide my time amongst all these topics. 


Today's project - I found a small humidifier in my "tool chest."  Will it work 
with essential oils?  What is the best essential oil to use to help combat the 
Wuhan Flu and any other virus-type things that pop up in our travels?  Is a 
humidifier the best delivery vehicle? 






 From: "Dawn Ruhl"  

Date: Wed, Aug 18, 2021 8:20 am 


Subject: Re: CS>How many people are active on this list? 

 I don't post much, rarely at best, basically because I don't have much to 
offer. I use CS for my pets and me.  This list is extremely helpful. CS helped 
me survive CV19 or as I like to call it the RonaWuFlu. 

 Dawn Ruhl   

 On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 1:26 AM Neville Munn <> wrote: 
Rude isn't a challenge anymore. I said it before, this dipstick is a 'plant', a 
'sleeper', this it/him/her/them knows nothing about silver, that's blatantly 
obvious because nothing had been discussed, only MSM, it's like a parrot, or a 
poor case with a stammer. 


 N. From: Theresa Swift <> 

 Sent: Tuesday, 17 August 2021 8:22:34 AM 

 To: <> 

 Subject: Re: CS>How many people are active on this list?   I do the same.  

 On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 6:16 PM Da Darrin <> wrote: Being 
rude is a lot more fun. 



 On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 1:39 PM <> wrote: 


 > when I see her name I just delete it because she has no info I need.  
 > Everyone should do the same.  Like arguing with a spoiled child who wants 
 > their way all the time.  It's better than being rude. 


 > Edith 



 > -Original Message- 

 > From: siriusley13 <> 

 > To: 

 > Sent: Mon, Aug 16, 2021 8:40 am 

 > Subject: Re: CS>How many people are active on this list? 


 > Not sure why the need to dismantle this list entirely due to one trollbot? 
 > Those who want to move move those who are on both are on both. I don’t like 
 > the feel of taking charge to dismantle anything. It will hang on with a few 
 > open to wider discussion or it will fizzle. No big deal in my way of 
 > thinking. A tighter moderated list is nice in some ways but also more 
 > censorious and I am getting itchy from too much censoring. I can ignore and 
 > relish the helpful links more open minded folks provide as long as they are 
 > here. 

 > On Aug 16, 2021, 6:51 AM -0600, p c <>, wrote: 


 > I’m still here and on the new list. 


 > Sent from my iPhone 


 > On Aug 15, 2021, at 5:38 PM, Linda Ellis <> wrote: 


 > In order to fix an email problem I was having, I had to "unblock" everybody 
 > in order to be able to see my own emails and posts. Which means, I had to 
 > "unblock" The Troll. 


 > Is there any way we can figure out how many people are active here, and work 
 > to get them all moved to the new silver list - then dismantle this list 
 > entirely? 


 > I'm guessing Mike has to do that, but he seems pretty uninterested in this 
 > group any more. If anybody has any suggestions, I'm happy to do s

CS>Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For “Immediate Halt” To Vaccinations, Says They Encourage “Escape Mutant” Variants - LewRockwell

2021-08-17 Thread Linda Ellis
Hi, Jean - the only point I was making in posting his bio was that he has a lot 
of experience with vaccines, at many places, with many employers, and therefore 
has some experience/standing to have an opinion about how this particular set 
of vaccines is being handled.

I am skeptical about the workings of most of his listed employers, and 
generally have developed skepticism about modern vaccines at all. While I have 
had all the normal "kid" vaccines, I think the last one I got was the Polio 
vaccine in grade school, in the 1950s. As I've watched the rollouts of all 
these new vaccines, I have serious questions about them. Back in my day, 
vaccines were few and well-spaced-out. In my non-medical opinion, that gave my 
little body time to work with each of the vaccines individually. I'm not even 
sure that they had that triple-shot Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine, which is the 
subject of some concern by many parents who have noticed changes in their 
children, nevermind the "studies" which "debunk" their concerns.

Nowadays, kids get many more vaccines, starting with a Hepatitis B vaccine at 
birth (is a newborn's system really ready for that kind of thing?), and they 
just pile on one after another. I think, if I were a parent, I'd be holding up 
the red flag and asking a LOT of questions about all this.

I haven't taken a flu shot in more than 25 years - why, when it's really a 
guess whether the powers that be picked the right strains. Last I recall, the 
average flu shot is somewhere between 40% and 60% effective - and every year I 
have friends and relatives who got the flu immediately after taking that shot. 
Better I should stick to building my immune system against whatever virus shows 
up every year.

The last flu I had was New Year's 1987/88; husband's was 1998 - his 50th 
birthday. Since then, not even a bad cold or sore throat, despite winter 
working conditions on construction sites and daily contact with a constant 
stream of new people.

Back to Vanden-Bossche. His experience working with vaccines, to me, means his 
opinion has more value than, say, our resident Troll. When he says what he did, 
that's worth something to me. To save anybody the trouble of looking for his 
comment, I'm reposting it here

“As of the early days of the mass vaccination campaigns, at least a few experts 
have been warning against the catastrophic impact such a program could have on 
global and individual health. Mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic is 
prone to promoting selection and adaptation of immune escape variants that are 
featured by increasing infectiousness and resistance to spike protein 
(S)-directed antibodies (Abs), thereby diminishing protection in vaccines and 
threatening the unvaccinated."

"Jean Baugh" lt;oldglorytexa...@gmail.comgt;

Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2021 11:43 am


Subject: CSgt;Re: CSgt;Re: CSgt;Re: CSgt;Vaccine Expert 
Vanden Bossche Calls For “Immediate Halt” To Vaccinations, Says They Encourage 
“Escape Mutant” Variants - LewRockwell


  I was reading about Bossche but got no further than the 'Kill Bill and 
Melinda Gates' foundation. Enough ot that!


  On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 1:40 AM Cyndiann Phillips lt;
  cyndi...@gmail.comgt; wrote:

   He is a veterinarian.

Vanden Bossche’s scientific argument in broad terms is that the current 
COVID-19 vaccines, through a mechanism analogous to antibiotic resistance, will 
create mutant variants of the virus that escape the protection of those 
vaccines. This problem will be exacerbated, he claims, because people who have 
been vaccinated (and/or social distancing and staying inside during the 
pandemic) will be less capable of fighting off those strains than someone who 
has not been vaccinated. As we explain below, this scenario is speculative, 
scientifically flawed, logically inconsistent, and belied by actual data.

On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 8:45 PM Linda Ellis lt;
li...@mayaluga.comgt; wrote:

 Crackpot? Really?

 · Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, 
Belgium, and his PhD in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He 
has worked for several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, 
Solvay Biologicals), serving various roles in vaccine Ramp;D as well as in 
late vaccine development. He joined the Bill amp; Melinda Gates 
Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team as Senior Program Officer before 
working with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva 
as Senior Ebola Program Manager. At GAVI he tracked efforts to develop an Ebola 
vaccine. He represented GAVI with other partners, including WHO, to review 
progress on the fight against Ebola and to build plans for global pandemic 
preparedness. He then joined the German Cent

CS>Goodbye, Cyndiann

2021-08-17 Thread Linda Ellis
And you, Cyndiann, are a jackass. You clearly have no idea what the people in 
groups like this are interested in; or who/what they view as reliable 
reporting; or what their goals are; or what health issues they are 
experimenting on.  I can't recall a single post where you even suggested any 
alternative to help prevent or address this virus.  All you do is push these 
vaccines.  If you think your constant haranguing and harassing and insulting is 
moving anybody's position toward those vaccines; if you think constantly 
posting links from MSM sources or any of the alphabet agencies are regarded as 
"credible," you're not just a jackass; you're an idiot. 


As you choose several websites you dismiss, Snopes has a horrible reputation 
for the way it "fact checks."  I used to check them during my fact-checking 
process.  They are so biased in their "fact checking" that they're useless.  


When I had to unblock you to try to fix a problem my email server was having, I 
made the mistake of opening up some of the stuff that started to come through 
again.  I won't make that mistake again - and am going back to my email server 
re-block you.  So, go ahead and insult me as much as you like.  I have read the 
last post from you, and will quickly delete anything I see from you that shows 
up in someone else's reply. 


From: "Cyndiann Phillips"  

Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2021 1:40 am 


Subject: CS>Re: CS>Re: CS>Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For “Immediate 
Halt” To Vaccinations, Says They Encourage “Escape Mutant” Variants - 

 He is a veterinarian.    Vanden Bossche’s scientific argument in broad terms 
is that the current COVID-19 vaccines, through a mechanism analogous to 
antibiotic resistance, will create mutant variants of the virus that escape the 
protection of those vaccines. This problem will be exacerbated, he claims, 
because people who have been vaccinated (and/or social distancing and staying 
inside during the pandemic) will be less capable of fighting off those strains 
than someone who has not been vaccinated. As we explain below, this scenario is 
speculative, scientifically flawed, logically inconsistent, and belied by 
actual data. 

 On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 8:45 PM Linda Ellis <> wrote: 
Crackpot?  Really?   



·    Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, 
Belgium, and his PhD in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He 
has worked for several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, 
Solvay Biologicals), serving various roles in vaccine R as well as in late 
vaccine development.  He joined the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global 
Health Discovery team as Senior Program Officer before working with the Global 
Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program 
Manager. At GAVI he tracked efforts to develop an Ebola vaccine. He represented 
GAVI with other partners, including WHO, to review progress on the fight 
against Ebola and to build plans for global pandemic preparedness. He then 
joined the German Center for Infection Research in Cologne as Head of the 
Vaccine Development Office. In a summary of his findings regarding the Covid 
vaccination programs, he writes: “As of the early days of the mass vaccination 
campaigns, at least a few experts have been warning against the catastrophic 
impact such a program could have on global and individual health. Mass 
vaccination in the middle of a pandemic is prone to promoting selection and 
adaptation of immune escape variants that are featured by increasing 
infectiousness and resistance to spike protein (S)-directed antibodies (Abs), 
thereby diminishing protection in vaccinees and threatening the unvaccinated.” 

 From: "Cyndiann Phillips"  

 Date: Mon, Aug 16, 2021 6:00 pm 


 Subject: CS>Re: CS>Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For “Immediate Halt” To 
Vaccinations, Says They Encourage “Escape Mutant” Variants - LewRockwell 

 another crackpot   

 On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 4:52 PM T. J. Garland <> wrote:


 All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for a few good men to do 
nothing. Edmund Burke

RE: CS>Re: CS>Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For “Immediate Halt” To Vaccinations, Says They Encourage “Escape Mutant” Variants - LewRockwell

2021-08-16 Thread Linda Ellis
Crackpot?  Really?   



·    Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, 
Belgium, and his PhD in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He 
has worked for several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, 
Solvay Biologicals), serving various roles in vaccine R as well as in late 
vaccine development.  He joined the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global 
Health Discovery team as Senior Program Officer before working with the Global 
Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program 
Manager. At GAVI he tracked efforts to develop an Ebola vaccine. He represented 
GAVI with other partners, including WHO, to review progress on the fight 
against Ebola and to build plans for global pandemic preparedness. He then 
joined the German Center for Infection Research in Cologne as Head of the 
Vaccine Development Office. In a summary of his findings regarding the Covid 
vaccination programs, he writes: “As of the early days of the mass vaccination 
campaigns, at least a few experts have been warning against the catastrophic 
impact such a program could have on global and individual health. Mass 
vaccination in the middle of a pandemic is prone to promoting selection and 
adaptation of immune escape variants that are featured by increasing 
infectiousness and resistance to spike protein (S)-directed antibodies (Abs), 
thereby diminishing protection in vaccinees and threatening the unvaccinated.” 

 From: "Cyndiann Phillips"  

Date: Mon, Aug 16, 2021 6:00 pm 


Subject: CS>Re: CS>Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For “Immediate Halt” To 
Vaccinations, Says They Encourage “Escape Mutant” Variants - LewRockwell 

 another crackpot   

 On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 4:52 PM T. J. Garland <> wrote:


 All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for a few good men to do 
nothing. Edmund Burke

CS>How many people are active on this list?

2021-08-15 Thread Linda Ellis
In order to fix an email problem I was having, I had to "unblock" everybody in 
order to be able to see my own emails and posts.  Which means, I had to 
"unblock" The Troll.  


Is there any way we can figure out how many people are active here, and work to 
get them all moved to the new silver list - then dismantle this list entirely? 


I'm guessing Mike has to do that, but he seems pretty uninterested in this 
group any more.  If anybody has any suggestions, I'm happy to do some work to 
accomplish the goal. 




RE: Re:CS>

2021-08-06 Thread Linda Ellis
I've been diligently moving any posts bearing her email in the "From" line to 
Spam - today I'm contacting my host to see if there's something I can do with 
my email to permanently make her invisible. 


That said, I occasionally see what she writes when others comment on her post, 
and keep her text.  To my knowledge and recollection, the only approach she is 
taking is that we all need to get the shots; we are selfish if we don't; we 
will all die because we don't, and similar.  The links she has provided only 
support her "get the shot" mantra. 


Meanwhile, I've been busy learning about numerous ways to address the Wuhan 
Virus without getting those shots.  I'm listening to the doctors in the field, 
who are working with patients on a daily basis.  They were unsatisfied with the 
directives that were given early on - when patients present with mild symptoms, 
send them home with instructions to take Tylenol and drink a lot of water, and 
come back to the hospital when things got REALLY bad.  These doctors are 
Board-Certified in things like Pulmonology; Critical Care; and other relevant 
disciplines.  They are engaging in the practice of DOCTORING.   


Those are the voices we have been listening to, and working with a protocol to 
beef up our immune system.  If you're interested, a good place to start is the 
protocols offered by the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance.  This is a 
bunch of doctors working with real patients, who have been wading through all 
the information available to come up with protocols that are working at all 
levels of the virus.  We're doing the prophylactic protocol because we were 
exposed casually, but making sure we have the necessary supplies to step that 
up should we experience more severe symptoms. 


As time permits, I'm also bringing myself up to speed with other possible 
options - herbs; essential oils; electronic tools; etc.  And, yes, CS.  I 
believe I have all the materials with me to produce CS - we just haven't 
experienced health events that would give me an opportunity to experiment.  For 
our ages, we're really pretty healthy.... 






 From: "Gmail - peaceluv"  

Date: Fri, Aug 6, 2021 8:50 am 

To: "Linda Ellis on CS"  

Subject: Re:CS> 

 Did Cyndiann finally propose any alternative cure to the Covid-19 besides the 
shots? I tried to search all my mails from the list, but can't seem to find any 
alternative cure proposed by Cyndiann.  




On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, Linda Ellis wrote and made these points 

on the subject of "CS>": 


> Neville, just so I'm sure my motive for leaving this list is clear.. 


> I'm fine with people expressing differing opinions, and truly wish there was 
> more respectful, open debate from different viewpoints on any number of 
> topics.  If The Troll were offering RESPECTFUL thoughts on her differing 
> viewpoints, in a manner which stimulated dialogue, I'd be all-in on that. 


> That isn't what's happening with her.  She has been asked several times (by 
> Max and me, in particular) to present her thoughts on alternatives that could 
> be helpful in fending off the Wuhan Virus.  After all, this is a group that 
> is interested in solutions that are less reliant on the pharmaceutical model 
> that dominates modern medicine these days. 


> She hasn't stepped up with any of that.  This is a CS group - has she been 
> experimenting with CS to protect herself or help others?  How about herbs?  
> Essential Oils?  Vitamins?  Other supplements?  Any of the numerous 
> electricity-based tools?  As I recall, her response to Max when he asked this 
> was that she refused to engage with people like him. 


> Her only response is that we should all bite the bullet and get the shots, 
> and to denigrate and demean those who express skepticism and distrust of the 
> vaccines, despite mounting evidence that we have good reason for concern.  
> That's not even considering that a lot of people in groups such as these are 
> experiencing some medical issues, about which we know nothing, and who may 
> have very legitimate "contraindications" for those shots.  Or, they've 
> already suffered at the hands of the Pharmaceutical Model, and are 
> desperately looking for other solutions. 


> The Troll has, to my recollection, chosen to call well-intended people in 
> this group morons, idiots, stupid, and a host of other invectives I don't 
> recall.  Nobody in this group deserves these kinds of attacks.  Everybody is 
> here for their own reasons; nobody can know what those reasons are; and all 
> deserve to be treated with respect, with disagreements voiced respectfully.  
> You and Max demonstrate how to handle disputes respectfully very well.  The 
> Troll has rep

CS>Finnish Firm Scores US Patent for Nasal Spray Drug That Includes Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin

2021-08-04 Thread Linda Ellis
If anybody figures out how to get this nasal spray in the U.S., please post.  I 
would like to add this to our medicine chest. 



 From: "T. J. Garland"  

Date: Wed, Aug 4, 2021 1:09 pm 


Subject: CS>Finnish Firm Scores US Patent for Nasal Spray Drug That Includes 
Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin


 "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus 
so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

CS>What if she's 8 years old....

2021-08-03 Thread Linda Ellis

"How does it change your mental outlook if you knew (thought experiment) that 
Cyndiann was 8 years old?  Would an 8 year old cause the whole group to abandon 
ship?  Ask what is the real value of increased moderation and restriction?" 


If she were my 8-year-old, she would be seeing increasing levels of discipline 
if her behavior did not change to present her views in a more respectful 
manner.  I happen to have an 8-year-old great-niece that puts this person to 


The only "increased moderation and restriction" that I have advocated for is 
exactly that - no invectives and ad hominem attacks.  If you disagree, or have 
information that disputes someone's assertions, present that respectfully.  


This is all I will say on the subject.  If you wish to tolerate her disrespect 
and attacks, that's your business.  I'm done.  Hope to see you and Neville over 
on the new list eventually.  You have excellent insights and do good work.   






On 8/3/2021 11:20 AM, Linda Ellis wrote: Neville, just so I'm sure my motive 
for leaving this list is clear.. 


 I'm fine with people expressing differing opinions, and truly wish there was 
more respectful, open debate from different viewpoints on any number of topics. 
 If The Troll were offering RESPECTFUL thoughts on her differing viewpoints, in 
a manner which stimulated dialogue, I'd be all-in on that. 


 That isn't what's happening with her.  She has been asked several times (by 
Max and me, in particular) to present her thoughts on alternatives that could 
be helpful in fending off the Wuhan Virus.  After all, this is a group that is 
interested in solutions that are less reliant on the pharmaceutical model that 
dominates modern medicine these days. 


 She hasn't stepped up with any of that.  This is a CS group - has she been 
experimenting with CS to protect herself or help others?  How about herbs?  
Essential Oils?  Vitamins?  Other supplements?  Any of the numerous 
electricity-based tools?  As I recall, her response to Max when he asked this 
was that she refused to engage with people like him. 


 Her only response is that we should all bite the bullet and get the shots, and 
to denigrate and demean those who express skepticism and distrust of the 
vaccines, despite mounting evidence that we have good reason for concern.  
That's not even considering that a lot of people in groups such as these are 
experiencing some medical issues, about which we know nothing, and who may have 
very legitimate "contraindications" for those shots.  Or, they've already 
suffered at the hands of the Pharmaceutical Model, and are desperately looking 
for other solutions. 


 The Troll has, to my recollection, chosen to call well-intended people in this 
group morons, idiots, stupid, and a host of other invectives I don't recall.  
Nobody in this group deserves these kinds of attacks.  Everybody is here for 
their own reasons; nobody can know what those reasons are; and all deserve to 
be treated with respect, with disagreements voiced respectfully.  You and Max 
demonstrate how to handle disputes respectfully very well.  The Troll has 
repeatedly been admonished to moderate her tone, but continues to attack and 


 I "tip my hat" in respect for your ability to tolerate this type of behavior.  
I, for one, have reached my limit.  I do hope you'll reconsider and resubscribe 
to the other list - your views are valuable to all of us.  I'm not a moderator 
over there, so I can't make assurances, but I get the sense that wide-ranging 
viewpoints will be fine - the line will be drawn at the ad hominem attack lines 
we've been experiencing here. 




 From: "Neville Munn"  

 Date: Sun, Aug 1, 2021 8:28 pm 

 To: ""  

 Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why? 

 No worries Linda.   In the big wide world of communications, people are going 
to be pestering other people one way or another at some stage.   The reason I 
won't leave here is for one, I will not be dragged down to someone elses level, 
and two, because sites end up being like FB, all buddy buddy, friends, a club, 
everything is controlled, any agenda, and three, I have been here too long, "I 
live in my own world, they all know me here", so to that end, I just prefer to 
ignore or delete, everyone has an opinion, or has a voice, right or wrong, 
that's life, besides, it doesn't hurt to have a disenting voice occasionally, 
keeps the world going round , and I can use the 'delete' button anytime I 
choose, I have the control.   I joined that other site, but then I unsubscribed 
the next day, there was no point for me, I would eventually be booted out for 
one reason or another eventually.  At least here people can just delete me or 
ignore me anyway . 

 From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 
 Sent: Monday, 2 August 2021 12:04 AM 



2021-08-03 Thread Linda Ellis
Neville, just so I'm sure my motive for leaving this list is clear.. 


I'm fine with people expressing differing opinions, and truly wish there was 
more respectful, open debate from different viewpoints on any number of topics. 
 If The Troll were offering RESPECTFUL thoughts on her differing viewpoints, in 
a manner which stimulated dialogue, I'd be all-in on that. 


That isn't what's happening with her.  She has been asked several times (by Max 
and me, in particular) to present her thoughts on alternatives that could be 
helpful in fending off the Wuhan Virus.  After all, this is a group that is 
interested in solutions that are less reliant on the pharmaceutical model that 
dominates modern medicine these days. 


She hasn't stepped up with any of that.  This is a CS group - has she been 
experimenting with CS to protect herself or help others?  How about herbs?  
Essential Oils?  Vitamins?  Other supplements?  Any of the numerous 
electricity-based tools?  As I recall, her response to Max when he asked this 
was that she refused to engage with people like him. 


Her only response is that we should all bite the bullet and get the shots, and 
to denigrate and demean those who express skepticism and distrust of the 
vaccines, despite mounting evidence that we have good reason for concern.  
That's not even considering that a lot of people in groups such as these are 
experiencing some medical issues, about which we know nothing, and who may have 
very legitimate "contraindications" for those shots.  Or, they've already 
suffered at the hands of the Pharmaceutical Model, and are desperately looking 
for other solutions. 


The Troll has, to my recollection, chosen to call well-intended people in this 
group morons, idiots, stupid, and a host of other invectives I don't recall.  
Nobody in this group deserves these kinds of attacks.  Everybody is here for 
their own reasons; nobody can know what those reasons are; and all deserve to 
be treated with respect, with disagreements voiced respectfully.  You and Max 
demonstrate how to handle disputes respectfully very well.  The Troll has 
repeatedly been admonished to moderate her tone, but continues to attack and 


I "tip my hat" in respect for your ability to tolerate this type of behavior.  
I, for one, have reached my limit.  I do hope you'll reconsider and resubscribe 
to the other list - your views are valuable to all of us.  I'm not a moderator 
over there, so I can't make assurances, but I get the sense that wide-ranging 
viewpoints will be fine - the line will be drawn at the ad hominem attack lines 
we've been experiencing here. 




From: "Neville Munn"  

Date: Sun, Aug 1, 2021 8:28 pm 

To: ""  

Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why? 

 No worries Linda.   In the big wide world of communications, people are going 
to be pestering other people one way or another at some stage.   The reason I 
won't leave here is for one, I will not be dragged down to someone elses level, 
and two, because sites end up being like FB, all buddy buddy, friends, a club, 
everything is controlled, any agenda, and three, I have been here too long, "I 
live in my own world, they all know me here", so to that end, I just prefer to 
ignore or delete, everyone has an opinion, or has a voice, right or wrong, 
that's life, besides, it doesn't hurt to have a disenting voice occasionally, 
keeps the world going round , and I can use the 'delete' button anytime I 
choose, I have the control.   I joined that other site, but then I unsubscribed 
the next day, there was no point for me, I would eventually be booted out for 
one reason or another eventually.  At least here people can just delete me or 
ignore me anyway . 

From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 
 Sent: Monday, 2 August 2021 12:04 AM 


 Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?   Speaking only for myself, the problem 
that I see as unsolvable is, there is no way to correct the situation with the 



Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-08-01 Thread Linda Ellis
Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, there is no 
way to correct the situation with the Troll.  


Max asked her very politely to articulate what ALTERNATIVE methods she 
suggests, or is working with, to address the Wuhan Virus.  Her response was to 
figuratively flip him off, saying something like "I don't engage with people 
like you."  This kind of comment doesn't add anything to the cause of this 
list, which is to explore alternatives to the pharmaceutical model which 
dominates medical care today.   


I followed up on Max's request, asking the Troll to provide information about 
ALTERNATIVES that she is experimenting with.  I believe that post did make the 
list, although I only saw it in comments by others that included it.  I never 
saw a response from the Troll that addressed my request, either. 


While I've deleted all her posts, and am diligently sending any new posts that 
sneak through to my Spam folder, my recollection is that her posts advocate 
strongly for the vaccines, and viciously attack anybody who presents 
information that questions the vaccines' efficacy or safety.  She doesn't 
dispute these posts in any kind of positive, constructive manner - the way Max 
addresses various posts.  She uses invectives - everybody who doesn't believe 
as she does is "a nutjob," or stupid, or dangerous, or whatever.  I recall one 
post where she seemed happy that people who were resisting the vaccines would 
die and be out of the way - her only regret was that "they" would take others 
with them. 


Years ago, when Mike was involved with this group, he was very good at 
discipline and control - allowing disagreements, but keeping them civil and on 
track.  I do recall one woman who behaved a lot like our current Troll, and 
when Mike was unable to rein in her insulting attacks, I believe he gave her an 
ultimatum.  She chose not to moderate her behavior, so she was gone.  I get the 
sense that this current Troll will not take any hints and moderate herself, but 
there's apparently no way to stop her.   


Yes, I'm diligently putting her in my Spam folder, but she still sneaks 
through.  Hopefully, the new list moderators will have better control over this 
type of thing. 


There's a second reason to move over - on this list, I don't get my own posts 
to the list.  This is confusing.  Did my post make it, but my subject matter 
wasn't of interest to anyone in the group, so nobody responded?  Did I violate 
some protocol, so the post never made it?  I'm hoping that I don't experience 
the same problem on the new list, and can see when my messages are posted.  At 
least I'll know if what I have to contribute is of interest to anybody. 


Thanks for your consideration. 





 From: "Neville Munn"  

Date: Sat, Jul 31, 2021 9:59 pm 

To: ""  

Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why? 

 Why would you want to leave?  Just because there are some toe rags 
who/her/him/it/them infiltrate and cause a little inconvenience occasionally, 
so be it, that's the life of Social Platforms.   One gets plenty of stuff on 
the internet, (rubbish, scams, adverts etc etc), one only has to ignore/delete 
what one doesn't want to see/read, the same applies here, one cannot get away 
from it, and one will never get away from it, so just live with it, they don't 
control your life, or do they?  They don't control my life that's for sure, I'm 
bigger than that.   The one person in question here, him/her/it/them don't 
control my life, people see or read plenty of rubbish, so what?   Leaving 
was/is the plan, like the Great Reset, but, at least one can control it if one 
wishes to.   I know the end game, that makes me prepared, I can still think and 
reason.   Conclusion:  Nope, it doesn't faze me I'm afraid, I will still stay 
here, there are plenty of buttons on my keyboard, eazy peazy.   N.     From:  on behalf of Linda Ellis 

 Sent: Sunday, 1 August 2021 11:00 AM 


 Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?   I can't speak for James, but I've been 
around (just silent) for a long time - maybe 15 years, I don't recall. 


 I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the Troll 
Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so things 
should be more sane over there. 


 I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move the 
Troll Mol into my Spam folder. 



Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why?

2021-07-31 Thread Linda Ellis
I can't speak for James, but I've been around (just silent) for a long time - 
maybe 15 years, I don't recall. 


I'm leaving this list and going to the new list because I'm tired of the Troll 
Mol, and I have the sense that the new list will not accept her, so things 
should be more sane over there. 


I haven't tried to unsubscribe here yet, but I have been working to move the 
Troll Mol into my Spam folder. 




 From: "Douglas Haack"  

Date: Sat, Jul 31, 2021 7:07 pm 

To: ""  

Subject: Re: CS>Unsubscribe -- why? 

   James, you have been on this site for years, like me I;ve been here 
since1997 . . . Why are you wanting to unsubscribe . . .??     dh   On Sunday, 
1 August 2021, 10:00:47 am AEST, James Osbourne Holmes 
 wrote:     Unsubscribe James 1.618   James 
Osbourne Holmes   a/k/a Red Pill Media   


CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist - Oswald's Cornell CV

2021-07-31 Thread Linda Ellis
I did a little research on Oswald.  I think this is the same guy as in the 
video, but he's singing a different tune on his Cornell page.  Interesting.  I 
have a thought...what day you?

"COVID-19 is real.  Any Facebook post that suggests otherwise is a hoax and is 
not true.  Wear a mask, practice social distancing, and get the vaccine when it 
becomes available.

Research in our laboratory focuses on the structure and function of 
neurotransmitter receptors, in particular glutamate receptors. These receptors 
are the primary excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the central nervous 
system and are implicated in the molecular basis of learning and memory as well 
as a variety of neurological disorders. The laboratory uses a variety of 
methods including NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray 
scattering, isothermal titration calorimetry, and electrophysiology to study 
the biophysics of drug binding. These multiple approaches provide a view of the 
binding site that includes both the structure and dynamics. This provides more 
detailed information for further drug development and understanding of the 
mechanism channel activation. Ongoing collaborative projects include work on 

From: "Douglas Haack"
Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2021 3:55 am
Subject: CSCovid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus EXISTS -- 
I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid 
Virus DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . .
BANNED from YOUTUBE Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .
  /. . . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a 
virus" . . . .
   “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and 
have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. 
California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's postulates 
and observation under a SEM (scanning

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . .

2021-07-30 Thread Linda Ellis
Thanks for the great description, Douglas!  I have been diligently marking 
every one of her emails as SPAM, but they are still stubbornly showing up.   


Hey, Douglas - since you've been around since 1997, do you remember about ten 
years ago there was a woman who was behaving remarkably similar to this one - 
rude, cantankerous, contrary.  Not contributing one iota to furthering 
discussions about the goals of this group which, as I understand it, primarily 
revolve around experimenting with options for addressing health issues that do 
not involve the pharmaceutical industry. 


I recall that she went on a rampage, attacking me, personally.  I no longer 
recall what set her off, but the woman was just awful.  I stayed away from the 
list for a couple of days (dishwasher broke - finding, buying and installing 
the new one took precedence ;-)), to find that she had really gone off the 
rails in my absence, and after several warnings, the list moderator kicked her 
out of the group. 


Recently, our new Troll mentioned she has been here for about ten 
years...Is it possible this is the same person under a different moniker?  
She's sure behaving a lot like that last one.   





 From: "Douglas Haack"  

Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2021 2:06 am 

To: "Silver-List"  

Subject: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . . 

 . . . Now on anther matter . . . Firstly let me remind you of the old gangster 
term: a "Gangster's Moll",    the Silver list:  . . . . 
  has a virulent TROLL MOLL, who continuously, criticises and postulates and 
CENSORS against all who have an anti-vax opinion/leaning  . . . although this a 
list of "Colloidal Silver" users/makers/adherents . . . where I've been a 
member since 1997 with contributions . . .   A gangsters Moll, a derogatory 
term not popular in today's PC re-structured world of Marxist Woke shenanigans 
-- the gangster's woman/girl/lover/friend -- assuming the gangster is male and 
not a homosexual and the Moll too being hetrosexual -- well, you know, etc . . 
. there must also be an homosexual version . . . .   Can I introduce a new but 
current fitting cultural term, the "TROLL Moll" of which the site is plagued . 
. . actually traditionally a feminine term, although we are free to use it for 
both genders -- as the male and female gender introduced to us in in our early 
life of moral guidance into Christian/Bible culture -- being now torn from us 
thru the forced inoculation of genderless pronouns, into a new "Borg-like" 
existence . . . or to that effect . . .   My efforts so far may have been of no 
value or assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and 
again and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this 
Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . .   Drop TROLLS into SPAM 
-- they then won't appear again on your email inbox .   Simply tick the 
TROLL email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . .     Try it  It 
works . . . .   EASY PEASY . . . .   in SILvation,  dh 



2021-07-29 Thread Linda Ellis
I've been observing the hypocrisy of these rules and mandates since the 
beginning.  To your question about "unmasked and unvaccinated illegals," I 
would add that I don't think they are even tested before they're shipped off 
around the country.  That revelation came from one of the nonprofits that is 
trying to deal with the flood down in the Rio Grande Valley.  For your 
consideration, here are just a few of the idiotic rules and mandates that I 
observed - along with their hypocritical enforcement.  I left off the states in 
some cases, because I'm not sure how many participated in this nonsense: 

 You could go to Walmart and purchase vegetables in the produce department, but 
if you wanted to start a vegetable garden to reduce your exposure by minimizing 
your grocery runs, you were FORBIDDEN from going to Walmart's garden department 
and buying seeds, plants, and other material to do so. You could take your 
canoe, kayak, or rowboat out on the lake, but not motorized boats.  That is, if 
you had a bass boat and wanted to fish for your supper instead of expose 
yourself in the grocery store, that was forbidden. Eventually, you could take 
your motor boat out, but no matter the boat's capacity, or the quarantine 
situation, only two people were allowed on the boat.  So, a family of four, 
quarantined together, could not take their eight-person pontoon boat out 
together.  In Illinois, the small lake where we own property got threatening 
notices from IDNR that they would be checking, and if they found violations, 
they would shut down the entire lake. Michigan residets who have summer homes 
in the state were forbidden from traveling between their homes (except the 
Governor, of course), but out-of-state people who had summer homes in Michigan 
were welcome to travel. In California,  the Governor at one point told people 
they could go to the beach on the wet part, but not the dry sand. Following up 
on that beach edict, there's video of police explaining to an elderly couple 
that they were not allowed to sit in their beach chairs on the beach; however, 
that cop pointed to a couple 50 feet away who were sitting on a beach towel, 
and told this elderly couple they could sit on a towel - just not their chairs. 
In Mississippi, police issued expensive tickets to parishioners of a church who 
had organized a drive-in Sunday service.  Note:  every family was attending in 
their own car! In NYC, Bill deBlasio was welcoming Black Lives Matter to 
assemble and protest at the same time he was welding the gates of a park in a 
Jewish neighborhood shut. Speaking of all those riots and protests of 2020, 
"contact tracers" were told not to ask anybody if they had participated in 
those activities: but they were grilling people about attendance at house 
parties, funerals, etc. I'm sure I've forgotten many stupid 
policies/regulations/mandates.  Feel free to add your own! 



 From: ""  

Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2021 12:53 pm 


Subject: RE: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and 
Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities 
blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact 

 I have a question and don't mean to start WW III.  How does the present 
administration justify mask enforcements for us common folk and allow certain 
government, business and educational entities to demand that their employees 
get the shots or they are fired while they allow unmasked and unvaccinated 
illegals to not only cross the border into the US but they ship these people 
all over the country whether the localities like it or not?  Isn't that just a 
little hypocritical?  just a little disengenuous?  I haven't seen this 
addressed any where. Lola   - Original Message - 

From: Linda Ellis  


Sent: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 11:56:25 -0400 (EDT) 

Subject: RE: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and 
Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities 
blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact   Speaking only for myself, I stopped 
unquestioningly believing the evening news back during the hearings for 
Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court.  As it happened, I was 
working on several projects that kept me in my office at my computer, and 
listened to the entire hearing "live."  What I then heard on the evening news 
was most definitely NOT what I heard.  Ever since then (it actually may have 
been earlier - during the tobacco hearings, maybe, or the Bork hearings), the 
first question I ask when I hear something in a short soundbite on the evening 
news is, "is that true?"  How much I'm interested in the particular issue in 
question dictates how far I'll go in doing my own fact-checking. 

   From: "Cyndiann Phillips"  

 Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm 

 To: silver-list@eskimo.

RE: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact

2021-07-29 Thread Linda Ellis
Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the evening news 
back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court.  
As it happened, I was working on several projects that kept me in my office at 
my computer, and listened to the entire hearing "live."  What I then heard on 
the evening news was most definitely NOT what I heard.  Ever since then (it 
actually may have been earlier - during the tobacco hearings, maybe, or the 
Bork hearings), the first question I ask when I hear something in a short 
soundbite on the evening news is, "is that true?"  How much I'm interested in 
the particular issue in question dictates how far I'll go in doing my own 


 From: "Cyndiann Phillips"  

Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm 


Subject: CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths 
Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the 
“Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact 

 There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the unvaccinated that 
die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening news all week. 

 On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <> wrote: 
Read some.  Cyindiann think are all liars?


 "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a virus 
so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon

CS>Resending - appreciate response to figure out if it made it to the main list

2021-07-28 Thread Linda Ellis
Once again, I'm making sure that "" is in the "To" field. 
 Please, if you see this, respond so I know it went through. 


The following is a response I sent to Cyndiann.  I appreciate the admonitions 
of fellow list members to just put her in my "spam" folder - and I'm headed 
that way.  This is simply because she responded to a general comment I made, 
wondering "aloud" why she is in this group, since she is so clearly wedded to 
the pharmaceutical response of vaccines (only) to the Wuhan Virus 


Since you responded to my post, I will inform you that I began my journey being 
skeptical of the pharmaceutical solutions that were all I was offered when I 
was 25 years old.  That was 45 years ago.  I have been in this group for at 
least 15 years - could be longer, since I've been collecting alternative means 
to handle health issues for so long.  I've been experimenting on myself with 
all kinds of alternatives that whole time. 


Max has asked you a valid question.  You claim to be interested and involved in 
alternative medical treatments - where are your suggestions for good 
alternatives to the vaccines?  Where are your ideas for therapeutics to treat 
this Wuhan Virus in its early stages, hopefully keeping people out of the ICU 
and off of ventilators?  All I can remember is your unwarranted attacks on all 
efforts to discuss any alternative that isn't one of these vaccines. 


If you are all that interested in alternatives for standard medical care, why 
is it all you seem to "push" are those vaccines?  That's sure not an 
alternative, and the evidence is piling up that they are more problematic than 
the pharma industry - and the health agencies that are beholden to them - are 
revealing.  As I mentioned above, I'm more than willing to experiment on myself 
with all manner of alternatives, but I'm staying away from these vaccines 
because I'm not so willing to become a guinea pig for an industry that seems 
more focused on their profit margin, at the expense of the health and lives of 
real people.   


Yes, I'm taking Ivermectin, and following the entire prophylactic protocol 
recommended by the FLCCC.  You call these guys "nutjobs."  Okay, so go get your 
shots (it's looking more likely that two won't be enough), and don't follow 
their recommendations.  I've made my choice based on my own research.  These 
are doctors who are treating Wuhan Virus patients every day; who have been 
working for over a year, studying everything they could find to see what they 
could offer patients to relieve their suffering.  They have rejected many 
things, but find Ivermectin is helping.  Keep in mind that the WHO, CDC, NIH, 
FDA and other "respected" groups offered NOTHING in terms of therapeutics.  In 
the early days, they were literally sending sick people home to take Tylenol, 
telling them to return when they got sicker!  Sorry, that doesn't work for me.  
These other doctors are willing to try various therapeutics, off-label, rather 
than send sick people home with NOTHING. 


My reasoning for following their protocol is simple.  Ivermectin has a 40-year 
history of safe usage, with very few adverse reactions.  I think it has less 
than two dozen deaths "associated" with its usage in all that time.  I found 
papers going back about ten years, indicating that doctors in the field had 
been observing that Ivermectin appeared to have anti-viral properties, and 
because it is cheap and easily manufactured, they've been using it "off-label" 
for various other conditions for quite some time.  Those vaccines, last I 
checked the VAERS numbers, were 10,000 "associated" deaths since December.  I 
like the Ivermectin odds better.  I carefully checked our own health situations 
and risk factors, independently, and with our PCP, and determined that the risk 
associated with following the FLCCC prophylaxis protocol (started when we were 
informed we had been in contact with two people who tested positive and 
ultimately did become ill, along with three of their family members) is 
acceptable.  The way I figure it, at the very least, we're boosting our immune 
systems, which can't hurt.  I have a rudimentary understanding of why 
Ivermectin may be working to help us reject the Wuhan Virus, and that would be 
great if it does.  At worst, should we contract the virus, our immune systems 
are in a lot better shape to address this, maybe keeping us in the more 
moderate range of the illness. 


I deal with the annual flu in pretty much the same manner.  We haven't had the 
annual flu shot in about 30 years.  Also haven't had the flu, despite the fact 
that our jobs involved daily interactions with a variety of ever-changing 
people.  Haven't even had a cold. 


So, how about this as a compromise - you don't have to like or believe anything 
you disagree with in this group.  Just let the rest of us hash out our various 
thoughts and discuss options you may not like without your 

CS>Resending my response to Max

2021-07-28 Thread Linda Ellis
e and 

you may find you have to modify it. 




Hi all. 



On 28/07/2021 7:53 am, Linda Ellis wrote: 

> I'm glad to see that I'm still here, but I'm still concerned about my other 
> two recent posts. 





The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 

   Rules and Instructions: 






Off-Topic discussions: <> 

List Owner: Mike Devour <> 


CS>Thanks again, Neville.

2021-07-28 Thread Linda Ellis
I'll check that out when I get back.  In any event, I'll try to post again, as 
I was sharing our experience experimenting with "I" on ourselves, and believe 
some will be interested

From: "Rowena"
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 7:58 am
Subject: Re: CSThanks, Neville. Now, where are my other two posts?
If you just hit reply, you are liable to find you have answered only
the person who wrote that post.

My previous reply didn't show up either, I had just hit reply without
all the fiddle my email program puts me through. Check the To line and
you may find you have to modify it.


Hi all.

On 28/07/2021 7:53 am, Linda Ellis wrote:
 I'm glad to see that I'm still here, but I'm still concerned about my 
other two recent posts.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:;
List Owner: Mike Devour;

CS>Thanks, Neville. Now, where are my other two posts?

2021-07-27 Thread Linda Ellis
I'm glad to see that I'm still here, but I'm still concerned about my other two 
recent posts.

In both posts, I provided details of our personal decisions about - and 
experience with - the "I" word.

Did I cross a line?  Is there a moderator who would censor those and not let me 
know why?


From: "Neville Munn"
Date: Tue, Jul 27, 2021 6:42 pm
To: ""
Subject: Re: CSHello, Max - I'm confused

  Yep, you're still here thumbs up.


  From: on behalf of Linda Ellis

  Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2021 9:01 AM


  Subject: CSHello, Max - I'm confused

  Max, about six hours ago, I responded to one of your eloquent posts. I 
haven't seen it in my inbox yet. About three hours ago, I responded to a post 
by Cyndiann - I also haven't seen that one.

 I'm wondering if I've somehow been "cancelled" from this list.

 If you see this, or my other posts, could you please respond so I know I'm 
still on the list?

 Thanks! Linda

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

CS>Hello, Max - I'm confused

2021-07-27 Thread Linda Ellis
Max, about six hours ago, I responded to one of your eloquent posts.  I haven't 
seen it in my inbox yet.  About three hours ago, I responded to a post by 
Cyndiann - I also haven't seen that one.   


I'm wondering if I've somehow been "cancelled" from this list.  


If you see this, or my other posts, could you please respond so I know I'm 
still on the list? 


Thanks!  Linda 


 From: "Max"  

Date: Tue, Jul 27, 2021 3:24 pm 


Subject: Re: CS>mRNA vaccine function 


The mRNA delivers the message to your ribosomes to create the spike protein, the cytoplasm, which is then presented on the outside of your cells as a 
toxic foreign thing, and then your immune system decides what to do.   The mRNA 
doesnt deliver a message to your immune system to tell it what to do, as said 
in the puff piece cited by Ms Phillips.   The whole process is immunogenic  
from the introduction of RNA, the lipid nanoparticles, the production of spike 
protein, and able to activate a variety of pathogen-associated molecular 
pattern sensors.  In order to overcome the degradation of the RNA and the 
hyperinflammatory response they have to modify it with immune evasion 
strategies, like 5'-capping and  incorporation of N1-methyl-pseudouridine in 
place of uridine.   The whole development of the vaccine is characterized by an 
effort to make something inherently unsafe, acceptable.  

Your own body is now recognizing this RNA as 'self' and your self is creating 
toxic spike protein.  They are happy that pseudouridine reduces  triggering of 
PAMP sensing mechanisms while pumping out 10 times as much spike protein.  Yet 
the immune system is seeing all this alarming stuff made by our own cells.  We 
have become the actual source of disease.   Not only antibodies but killer 
cells are activated, killing these cells which are making toxic stuff, with 
resulting microthrombi.   This is autoimmunity.  No wonder that side effects 
include vomiting, chills and diarrhea.  The vaccine has made us generators of 
sickness and the immune system is alarmed about it.   Its probably true that 
most serious effects will occur soon after vaccination, yet the long term 
autoimmune effects, inflammatory effects and reactions to new viruses are 

How can you say that fluff piece which says its all nice and known with little 
messages telling your immune system just what to do is the truth in the real 
world?  This is a first-in-class licensure for mRNA vaccines.  Emergency use, 
not fully approved.  

 the concept of mRNA-based drugs was  conceived in 1989, when Robert Malone et 
al  demonstrated that mRNA could be successfully transfected and expressed in a 
package of  cationic lipids.  Now Dr Malone is raising the alarm about the 
covid vaccines and is being censored by various media platforms, along with 
numerous other professionals.  Rather than having dialogue, the standard 
response today is censorship and slander.  Cyndiann seems to be a part of that 





 On 7/27/2021 11:01 AM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote: But it's not false, it's the 
truth in the REAL world. 

 On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 12:05 PM Max <> wrote: 

this statement in the link below is blatantly false;  "mRNA vaccines. The 
vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to 
deliver a message to your immune system with instructions on how to fight the 
coronavirus infection."   It can be forgiven only because the article is a 
fluff piece written by an unknown for god knows what motive.  The few decades 
of research with mrna vaccines against corona viruses was a failure. 

It must be increasingly embarrassing to call all of the dissenting 
professionals nutjobs.  Can you get better credentials than the likes of John 
Ioannidis,  Sucharit Bahkdi, Peter McCullough? 

Its hard to believe the incredible narrative these people are exposing, as it 
seems so unbelievable.  Even if they are wrong on half of it, the scam is about 
as bad as it gets.  But when you look at history, mankind has always engaged in 
heinous atrocities.


I dont have a problem with people ignoring those they deem trolls, but nor do I 
have a problem exposing their false narrative.  Ive got scientific references 
for days 


Max   The new vaccines from mRNA have been studied about 30 years but you think 
using shady links to ivermectin crap is a better solution, you are a conspiracy 

Re: CS>PCR Test Kaput

2021-07-26 Thread Linda Ellis
I've been following this whole thread, and have to wonder why Cyndiann Phillips 
is even on this list.  The nature of CS is open-minded thinking outside the 
box, and that clearly isn't where her head is at. 


 From: "Diane Mackey"  

Date: Mon, Jul 26, 2021 2:05 pm 


Subject: Re: CS>PCR Test Kaput 

 So, even when the truth slaps you in the face, you still insist they lie.  You 
are really some kind of stupid. 

 On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 2:55 PM Cyndiann Phillips <> wrote: 
Natural News never tells the truth which is why Covid is still here. Keep it 
up, we will have a new variant that will just kill us all, even the vaccinated. 

 On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 2:52 PM Diane Mackey <> wrote: 
Here is the official statement from the CDC.  Fortunately, Natural News does it 
research, but Cydieann just spews her garbage opinion.. 

 On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 7:44 AM Cyndiann Phillips <> wrote: 
Natural News lies all the time. Why would you believe anything on that website? 
  I don't understand everyone's fascination with websites that intentionally 
don't tell the truth. Are you willing to die for it? Thanks to the unvaccinated 
we now have a stronger version of Covid than ever before. There goes our 
summer! The next variant could be much worse. 

 On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 4:49 AM Phil Morrison <> 

RE: CS>15,472 Dead 1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

2021-06-27 Thread Linda Ellis
I don't know who is sending these links, but I thought I would share.  Without 
any information about what is in these links, I never open them.   


Please don't say "the title is self-explanatory."  Scammers know how to set up 
something to look interesting, hoping to scam you into clicking, and then 
you're in never-never land.   


In my view, if you can't take the time to provide a brief description of why 
people on this list might be interested, I'm assuming you're trying to scam me. 




 From: "Gmail"  

Date: Sat, Jun 26, 2021 4:38 pm 

To:, "Ralph Petersen" , 
"Robert Dotson" , "Vester" , 
"Elisabeth Winkler" , "Andrew Garland" 

Subject: CS>15,472 Dead 1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious) Reported in European 
Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots


 'We are reduced to the alternative of choosing an unconditional submission to 
the tyranny of irritable ministers, or resistance by force. The latter is our 
choice. We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful 
as voluntary slavery.' -Thomas Jefferson     




2018-06-13 Thread Linda Slocum
Linda Slocum

Re: CSHappy Father's Day

2010-06-20 Thread Linda Ray
Mike that was nice :-). Happy Father's Day to you too :-).

Thanks for all the work you do on these lists (CS  SO).

Stay well. 


From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Sun, June 20, 2010 3:44:19 AM
Subject: CSHappy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to those dads who live where the holiday is 
celebrated. To all, salutations for all that you've done for your 


Mike D.
(Father of 3, of whom I am inordinately proud. grin )

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSLiposomal Vitamin C LECITHIN question

2010-06-08 Thread Linda Ray
Hi Nenah,
No the LET C made with Soy Lecithin granules does not contain any threads, 
strings, nor particles.
I forget where I read it,but I came across it written somewhere (looks up) that 
liquid lecithin was undesirable for a few reasons, only one of which was its 
lesser emulsion attributes. There is also some difference in the way it is 
absorbed by the body.
I used Soy Lecithin granules with homemade sodium ascorbate, and it was a 
perfectly homogenous liquid, every time. No meniscus either.
I intend to try the Sunflower Lecithin Granules if I can locate them, because I 
don't like Soy either...
Stay well,
Linda :-)

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Nenah Sylver wrote:

From: Nenah Sylver
Subject: CSLiposomal Vitamin C LECITHIN question
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 3:06 PM

Well, folks, I took the plunge, bought a Harbor Freight ultrasonic cleaner (on 
sale now for $24.99), and made the stuff.
Not wanting to use lecithin derived from soy, I used lecithin made from 
sunflowers. However, I didn’t use the granulated kind, and here’s where my 
question comes in.
I bought the raw, cold-pressed, LIQUID sunflower lecithin from
I found it very difficult to dissolve the liquid lecithin in the distilled 
water. There were still some small strings of undissolved lecithin remaining 
after shaking it in the jar. I ran the lecithin-water-Vitamin C mixture through 
about six 3-minute cycles in the ultrasonic cleaner, because I wanted to make 
sure it dissolved sufficiently. The final mixture did indeed acquire the 
desired milky appearance. However, there were still some small bits of lecithin 
floating around.
Will this seriously impinge on the liposomal qualities of the Vitamin C? If so, 
I’ll get sunflower lecithin granules next time. Or does ALL homemade Liposomal 
Vitamin C contain small bits of lecithin?
Thanks for your help.
Nenah Sylver, PhD
electromedicine specialist and author
The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009)
 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004) 

Re: CSLyme disease/calibrating

2010-05-18 Thread Linda Schmidt
I'm really curious about using calibration/dowsing to determine the best course 
in treating Lyme, or whatever else is going on in my body. I'm still very new 
to using calibration and don't trust my accuracy yet. I would love to get your 
insight (off-list is this is more appropriate) into treatment methods that my 
body wants or needsCS, ozone, rifeTLC (lol!). 

Thanks so much,

On May 17, 2010, at 6:14 PM, bodhisattva wrote:

 Marshalls paragraph calibrates at about 1000 (or very close, I round 
 up/down), your reply is dangerously close to zero.  So either CS wasn't the 
 sole reason you are cured, or you still have lyme, or a combination of both.
 To date, I have never heard of anyone curing themselves of Lyme with just CS, 
 it seems to always been a concerted assault with a variety of protocols.  
 Although CS is probably a good factor in it, I suspect there are other 
 factors.  Even simple dietary changes has proved to be immensely successful 
 in clearing lyme.
 People promote Salt-C as a good Lyme cure. But I will point out, there have 
 been suppressed clinical studies that PROVE Negative Ions dramatically 
 improve the absorption and usage of VitaminC by the body. So Negative Ion 
 Therapy, combined with C+Salt, would probably prove pretty efficient in 
 killing off Lyme. Or in fact, just C+Ions, skip the salt.
 Dave Cline is running a very short duration sale of $20.00 off his Ionizers, 
 this is one of the very few actual working units that really pushes ions into 
 the room. Most of the big name ones, or ones sold at Walmart, don't do a darn 
 thing. You can find out about the studies regarding vitamin/mineral mobility 
 and ions in the book Ion Effect for 15 cents off Ebay.

CSSerrapeptase experiences, please....

2009-09-28 Thread Linda Ellis
Well, I'm taking two or three 40,000 IU Doctor's Best Serrapeptase almost 
daily, but my BP seems to be sticking in the 140s/90s range, unless I have a 
couple of glasses of wine - then it's down to the 115/70 range!  

I have been taking the Serrapeptase since last Thanksgiving, starting with one 
per day as some people on this list reported that too much could cause 
problems.  I kicked it up when Marshall first posted, but it looks like I'll 
try kicking it up once again.  Maybe to four 40,000 IU capsules per day, split 
into a couple of doses.
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

- Original Message 
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 9:03:29 AM
Subject: Re: CSSerrapeptase experiences, please

OK, here is a follow up on this.

The doctor took my wife off of the high blood pressure medicine last Thursday. 
Mind you she had been on high blood pressure for over 30 years!  Her pressure 
then stabilized at between 110/70 and 120/80 which is way below the expected 
pressure of someone her age (150 is average), and in fact would be considered 
excellent for someone in their early 20's.  Mine has gone down about 20 mm/m as 
well, and is now in the same range.

So before starting the serrapeptase she was running about 140/90 with her blood 
pressure medicine. After about 4 weeks of taking it her pressure had dropped to 
around 95-100/55-60 and she was fainting and really tired all the time. After 
stopping her blood pressure medicine she is now running 110/70 to 120/80, and 
says she is feeling better than she has in years.  Both her and my stamina has 
increase significantly.


Marshall Dudley wrote:
 My wife and I started taking it about a month ago.  Two 100,000 IU non-coated 
 tablets a day.  I have noticed increased stamina.  She has had high blood 
 pressure for the last 20 years or so, but the last week she has been getting 
 dizzy, and has fainted twice.  When I check her pressure it is running about 
 95/55, prior to starting the serrapeptase it was typically running 140/90.  
 She has an appointment with the doctor, so we will see what he says in a week 
 or so.

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Re: CSChemotherapy

2009-09-16 Thread Linda Ellis
Yes, Pat, there are many places, but don't expect to be able to use your health 
insurance at most of them.  I know of one in San Diego, one in Germany, a 
couple in Mexico.  

There are also doctors working in the U.S. who will help with this, but 
quietly.  I have found a few here in Chicago, near where I live, and I've 
slowly been keeping a little list of who I'd talk to if that ever happened.

There is a Yahoo group called cancercured where a lot of this is discussed.  
And, although they also use conventional chemo/radiation, Cancer Treatment 
Centers of America do address some alternatives...

Like Thora, I've done a lot of research without really having a need to, as 
cancer hasn't touched my family yet
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

- Original Message 
From: Pat
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:22:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSChemotherapy

So, if you were diagnosed with cancer, are there places where you can go that 
will direct an alternative course of therapy?  Very few people would know just 
what to take and how much.  Also, you'd need to be monitored to see if it was 
working and you wouldn't want to go back to the regular oncologist.


- Original Message 
From: Bob Banever
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:58:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSChemotherapy


  It just so happens that the only type of cancer that does respond well to 
chemo is lymphoma Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins.  These are liquid cancers 
and not solid tumors (until an advanced stage).  As far as breast cancer is 
concerned... if a woman is lucky enough to have the tumor surgically removed 
that hasn't spread and is the only growth, then that will cure the cancer 
(but not get rid of the cause).  The chemo and radiation is done just in case 
but does not work well on breast or any solid tumor. By far and away 
alternative methods work better.  Cannabis oil (not hemp seed oil) is one of 
the most effective on this planet.  Oleander extract (Sutherlandia OPC), IP6, 
colloidal silver, iodine (specific for breast and thyroid cancers), cansema 
(blood root tincture) are all very effective as well but are usually used 
together.  Cannabis oil is by far the most natural and effective therapy out 
there IMO.

- Original Message - From: Pat
To: silver list
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:51 PM
Subject: CSChemotherapy

Why do these people (Health Ranger) emphatically claim that NO ONE has ever 
been cured of cancer by chemotherapy? My father in law had chemo for 
non-Hodgkins lymphoma at 85 and an interferon therapy a couple years later, 
then had heart bypass at 89 and was fine till 94. I know several women who've 
had breast cancer and after surgery and chemo have survived without cancer 
symtoms for all these years. That is just why alternative medicine proponants 
lose credibility, they make sweeping dismisals of all mainstream medical 
treatments. They are so hostile to physicians that they don't even realize that 
might try home treatment if it ever happens to me. Pat

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Re: CSiodine allergy?

2009-09-02 Thread linda k
Just a thought...was it the solution or the scrub? The scrub has detergent. The 
solution also has listed as one of the inactive ingredients nonoxynol-9 which 
could irritate the skin.

   some people are allergic to iodine and
  shouldn't take supplements of it.  dee 
  I'll never believe that, or
  at least not that way. I'm not denying that REACTIONS
 don't occur but they
  can be from a plethora of reasons other than actual
 allergy. We are all
  born with a gland that needs iodine so how could we
 ever be truly allergic
  to it? There is something else going on, maybe a lot
 of somethings else
  but I think allergy/allergic is entirely the wrong
 wording. I have had many,
  many reactions to iodine that could have been wrongly
 interpreted as
  allergy. I'm so glad I forged ahead with it.
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Re: CSHeartburn

2009-08-29 Thread Linda Ellis
I've had success with Apple Cider Vinegar in water.  Dilute to tolerance.  I 
don't think it tastes bad at all - maybe a bit like regular apple cider?  Maybe 
a bit like a wine?
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:11:00 AM
Subject: Re: CSHeartburn

  Baking soda and water.. The old timey soda water cure..neutralizes the acid 

Works better than any OTC.

Made weak over ice and sipped isn't too bad, even an acquired taste.
Probably better than gulping down a strong mix.

I lived on the stuff for 30 years, now suddenly don't need it at 


At 03:52 PM 8/28/2009 -0400, you wrote:
  I suffer from heart burn all the time. It gets  bad at night. Sometimes to 
the point of where I need to sit up that helps most of the time but some time 
I have to regurgitate after that I am fine and sleep well. I have been taking 
over the counter stuff but I no longer want to do that I know there has to be 
a natural remedy for this problem.

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Re: CSC grows on trees

2009-08-13 Thread Linda Ellis
For that same SHTF scenario, I've been collecting info on this very thing, 
and getting details on what plants are edible and which are not.  Also 
experimenting with my mega-HP blender.  Whole strawberries, hull, greens and 
all, are good.  Whole watermelon with the rind, not so much.  
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

- Original Message 
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:24:29 AM
Subject: CSC grows on trees

Dan wrote:

It grows on trees (bushes actually).  See rosehips.

Hey folks- 

I have so much going on that I just can't be everywhere and had to drop
participation here a while back. (Sorry Craig for not getting back to you
but I will sooner or later.) 

Someone forwarded Brooks' post to me and, because of my wife's issue with a
breast tumor, I was nearly ecstatic about it. A friend and I have ordered a
case of Livon Labs Liposomal C and we're splitting it. Friend has a retail
business and license so Livon sold wholesale to her, but be it known that
they won't do that unless you can prove you have a retail biz. 

Another friend found out that our local Harbor Freight store has the
ultrasonic cleaner on sale right now and she's getting one for me and one
for herself today.

Now about C growing on trees...Yes it really does and most of you will be
stunned to learn just how easy it is to come by: pine needles. Any species.
Google pine, needles, vitamin C, tea, soup. I was originally sent this info
by the same friend who alerted me to Brooks recent post (Thanks Renee!) but
I forgot about it. My recent focus on my wife's health, plus my general
interest in survival, made me start looking around again for what would be
the best source of C in a SHTF scenario. Well here in the eastern Carolinas,
that sure won't be a problem. A handful of pine needles has as much C as 5-6
lemons. White pine is supposed to be the best but any pine will do. We are
overrun with Loblolly here.

You can eat them but who wants to do that. Best to make a tea.

Cedar is supposed to be nearly as good. 


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CSWhole watermelon with the rind....

2009-08-13 Thread Linda Ellis
Well, okay, I'll give it another try, but to get my husband to drink it, it'll 
have to be hidden with other stuff.  Yesterday, I tried to make a watermelon 
slushie type of thing.  I think maybe using the ice cream setting on the 
blender was part of the problem, since when I use the extra-long smoothie 
setting, it pulverizes everything. 

Do you have suggestions about what to mix it with to hide it from hubby?  He 
HATED it by itself!
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

From: Renee
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 1:39:35 PM
Subject: Re: CSC grows on trees

Whole watermelon with the rind is an EXCELLENT kidney cleanser.  Be careful if 
you drink a LOT of it in one day, because it can really clean things, so not 
only will you be peeing a lot, but it may hurt due to excess acid being taken 
Don't forget the wild plants--cleavers, chickweed, miners leaf lettuce, etc.  
All super nutritious, all free, all can be blended up with some sweet fruit and 
you won't even know that stuff is in there, cause some of it is bitter.
---Original Message---

 Whole strawberries, hull, greens and all, are good.  Whole watermelon with the 
rind, not so much.

CSSerrapeptase Spider Veins

2009-08-11 Thread Linda Ellis
Dorothy, can you estimate how long it took on the Doctor's Best (I'm on that, 
too, one per day) to see beautiful results on the spider veins.  I should 
have taken pics before I started, but I do believe the veins in my legs are 
improving - both the tiny spider veins, and I have one more ropey vein in the 
calf of each leg which I believe are also improving.  I keep hoping to see some 
improvement on a number of scars, but haven't seen that yet - at least not so I 
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 12:31:09 PM
Subject: Re: CSSerrapeptase

I have mine from Rainbow Wellness and the tablets are 80,000 units each and I 
take two in the morning on an empty stomach with no side effects at all.  I can 
see though, that someone with medical issues should proceed with caution.  dee 

On 11 Aug 2009, at 16:35, sms wrote:

I have used Serrapeptase now, on and off, for years.  The brand I am currently 
using is Doctor's Best.
One capsule is 40,000 units.  The directions say to take up to three a day, 
but I always only take one a day and get results.  I use them to eliminate 
spider veins.  It does this beautifully.

CSSteps to take to avoid forced flu vaccination

2009-08-07 Thread Linda Ellis

The statement at this website looks a lot like what some U.S. parents are doing 
already to try to prevent the mandatory vaccines they are told their children 
must have to enter school.  I think it depends on the tenacity of the parent, 
whether they are successful or not.
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

- Original Message 
From: Hanneke
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2009 10:52:13 PM
Subject: CSSteps to take to avoid forced flu vaccination

This is NOT a fear mongering email.  Just be realistic and learn what to do to 
avoid the forced flu vaccination.

We all know what to do when we get the flu and there are enough suggestions for 
anti virals available, here and on other lists.

Dealing with martial law and forced vaccinations is a different matter.

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CSLyme disease

2009-08-04 Thread linda k

Current article on Dr. Mercola's website, 
Dr. Klinghardt's Treatment of Lyme Disease.
Very interesting reading.


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Re: CSHelp for scar tissue in neck?

2009-07-10 Thread Linda Ellis

I'm taking Serrapeptase, too, in an experiment to see if it helps with 
scarring, old and new.  I started out taking one a day, but after six months I 
saw no changes in scars.  But interestingly, at about four months, my dental 
hygienist made a comment that the plaque on my teeth was very soft this time, 
and blew off when he just touched it.  This is a change from my previous 
hygiene appointments.  I noted that Serrapeptase is also supposed to help with 
arterial plaque, and asked if he and the dentist thought that maybe my regular 
regimen was having some effect on that.  They made a note of it in my file, and 
the plaque since then still seems to be very soft.  Is it the Serrapeptase?  
Don't know, for sure, or if I'm unknowingly doing a better job of home 
maintenance.  I guess the way to find out would be to stop and see if the 
plaque reverts to the hard stuff.  Not willing to do that experiment at this 
time, as I want to see what progress may
 be made on the scars and blood pressure, if any.

It's also supposed to help with blood pressure, and while I had one reading 
that was lower than my normal, I haven't been monitoring that the way that I 

Anyhow, recently, I upped my Serrapeptase to two per day, to see if there is 
any better effect on the scars.  I know sometimes these more natural healing 
therapies take a lot more time, and I'm patient, but there will come a time 
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

- Original Message 
From: Jean Baugh
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 8:18:39 PM
Subject: CSHelp for scar tissue in neck?

Hi Deb,

For what this worth, I saw a doctor on TV who recommends enzymes to dissolve
fibrin, or scar tissue.

I take Serrapeptase to hopefully keep fibrin in check, just in case.



 Anyone on the list have experience with neck surgeries and having discomfort
 from scar tissue? Any suggestions on what a person could take to help the
 thanks much,

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Re: CSThe spark plug protocol

2009-07-07 Thread Linda Ellis

We used one an a Sufi Babba to re map and reconnect his arm nerves after a 

Okay, Ken.  I have to ask.  What is a Sufi Babba?
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

- Original Message 
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 5:28:29 AM
Subject: Re: CSThe spark plug protocol

  barbecue igniter is stronger and has a better plunger..home depot  nice but expensive.
Look around, similar used to be had for under $10

home made

At 12:02 PM 7/6/2009 +0300, you wrote:
Hi group,

Since a spark plug and engine are not always available and usually clumsy 
to carry with me(!) I reworked a cigarette lighter so that the sparking 
wire goes out and I hold(touch) the metal part(the other electrode) of the 

You just put the wire close to the bitten spot and click the lighter as 
many times as you want.

There you have a mobile emergency unit !


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CSTo Marshall and others thinking of unsubbing

2009-04-27 Thread Linda Ellis

Marshall wrote:
I have been a member of this list for 10 years, and do so to try and help 
people. What this list has become because of Indi is just too much  for me to 
handle, and Mike does not seem to be doing anything about it.  I am therefore 
unsubbing the list. If anyone wants any help from me on colloidal silver or 
health issues please email me directly.  If the list gets straightened out, 
someone can email me and I will rejoin.

Well, I for one want to plead with y'all to hang in there.  This is not normal 
for Mike to let this go on so long, so something isn't right on his end.  In 
fact, it's so uncharacteristic of him that I'm flat-out worried about him.

A few months back, we had this same problem on the OT list, and after several 
members AND Mike called her on her list behavior, Indi chose to quit that list 
rather than change her behavior.  She certainly knows that all of this is WAY 
past list guidelines and belonged on OT from about the second post, but 
admonitions to move it there aren't possible for her, because she doesn't 
like the rules there, either.

That this is now happening on this list as well, with (I think) a new bunch of 
people asking her to change her behavior, says a lot about her, doesn't it?  

You may note that I have been totally silent through all this nonsense.  
Mostly, I'm a lurker and learner here.  But Indi, this is about the third or 
fourth time you have been in the same situation, and called yourself the 
victim, when, in fact, you're at the very least an equal contributor to the 
agitation.  Maybe it would be useful to take a step or two back and try to 
consider why this keeps happening to you?  

Meanwhile, I'm emailing Mike directly, because something isn't right.

Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 


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CSSerrapeptase update....

2009-03-18 Thread Linda Ellis

Just a note to share that I had my bi-monthly dental hygiene appointment 
yesterday.  I've been taking one Serrapeptase daily since Thanksgiving, to see 
if it did anything for all the old tom-boy scars.  No improvement on that front 
yet, but the hygienist commented during the cleaning that the plaque was very 
soft and easy to remove, and while I have a couple of spirochetes floating 
around, all in all things looked pretty good.  

I go to a holistic dentist, and so I finally mentioned my experiment.  I said 
that I knew one of the effects of Serrapeptase is supposed to be to dissolve 
arterial plaque, and asked if this might also be having a positive effect on 
dental plaque.  They were quite interested, and decided to take note of the 
situation and pay closer attention in future appointments.  All in all, the 
dentist said it's a positive thing to take an enzyme in any event.  

I'll keep y'all updated.


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Re: CSSerrapeptase update....

2009-03-18 Thread Linda Ellis

Per Steve's recommendation, I'm getting it from  I forget the 
details and pricing.
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

- Original Message 
From: Sandee George
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 12:08:39 PM
Subject: Re: CSSerrapeptase update

Linda this is very interesting please keep me in the loop - where do you get 
your Serrapeptase from ?
I am sure this information has been asked for before however I did not make a 
note of it - sorry 

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Re: CSSerrapeptase update....

2009-03-18 Thread Linda Ellis

Sorry, no experience on this front.  Don't have Lyme disease.  I've just had 
tooth problems going back to childhood.  I have easily spent enough to finance 
a house or two at the dentist office over the years - and WAY more than I have 
had to spend on any other health issue.  Don't know why, but it's the hand I've 
been dealt.
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

- Original Message 
From: ransley
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 11:20:06 AM
Subject: RE: CSSerrapeptase update

and while I have a couple of spirochetes floating around

Linda- Are you a Lymie? Your post caught my eye because I am doing several
anti-calcification protocols right now with great success. However, our
youngest daughter has Lyme and we have reason to think that it is attacking
her teeth. Do you have any experience or knowledge of this?

Thanks, Daddybob

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Re: CSSerrapeptase update....

2009-03-18 Thread Linda Ellis

They take some plaque and make a slide and put it under a microscope.

Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner

- Original Message 
From: jessie70
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 9:33:54 AM
Subject: RE: CSSerrapeptase update

How do you know you have spirochetes? Thanks, Jess

-Original Message-
From: Linda Ellis []
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:18 AM
Subject: CSSerrapeptase update

Just a note to share that I had my bi-monthly dental hygiene appointment
yesterday.  I've been taking one Serrapeptase daily since Thanksgiving, to
see if it did anything for all the old tom-boy scars.  No improvement on
that front yet, but the hygienist commented during the cleaning that the
plaque was very soft and easy to remove, and while I have a couple of
spirochetes floating around, all in all things looked pretty good. 

I go to a holistic dentist, and so I finally mentioned my experiment.  I
said that I knew one of the effects of Serrapeptase is supposed to be
to dissolve arterial plaque, and asked if this might also be having a
positive effect on dental plaque.  They were quite interested, and decided
to take note of the situation and pay closer attention in future
appointments.  All in all, the dentist said it's a positive thing to take an
enzyme in any event. 

I'll keep y'all updated.


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Re: CSSerrapeptase update/Linda

2009-03-18 Thread Linda Ellis

I rotate Hydrogen Peroxide in between the dentist-recommended rinses, 
yes.  Probably not as frequently as I should.
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

- Original Message 
From: Carl Deb Charter
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 7:55:34 PM
Subject: RE: CSSerrapeptase update/Linda

Hi Linda,

Have you tried rinsing with hydrogen peroxide? It might help the plaque

-Original Message-
From: Linda Ellis [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSSerrapeptase update

They take some plaque and make a slide and put it under a microscope.

Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or
predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. William Faulkner

- Original Message 
From: jessie70
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 9:33:54 AM
Subject: RE: CSSerrapeptase update

How do you know you have spirochetes? Thanks, Jess

-Original Message-
From: Linda Ellis []
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:18 AM
Subject: CSSerrapeptase update

Just a note to share that I had my bi-monthly dental hygiene appointment
yesterday.  I've been taking one Serrapeptase daily since
Thanksgiving, to see if it did anything for all the old tom-boy scars. 
No improvement on that front yet, but the hygienist commented during the
cleaning that the plaque was very soft and easy to remove, and while I
have a couple of spirochetes floating around, all in all things looked
pretty good. 

I go to a holistic dentist, and so I finally mentioned my experiment.  I
said that I knew one of the effects of Serrapeptase is supposed to be
to dissolve arterial plaque, and asked if this might also be having a
positive effect on dental plaque.  They were quite interested, and
decided to take note of the situation and pay closer attention in future
appointments.  All in all, the dentist said it's a positive thing to
take an enzyme in any event. 

I'll keep y'all updated.


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Re: [FW]CSBrooks tiptoe rebounding :COMMENTARY

2009-03-06 Thread Linda Ellis
And in classical dance, this action is called a releve'  When I was troubled 
by shin splints, the Dr. described this exercise - said to do hundreds a 
day.  I recognized it, and said if I had to do that many releve's a day, I was 
going to put on my toe shoes and go back to ballet, and do it to nice music!
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner 

From: Gaiacita
Sent: Friday, March 6, 2009 11:56:42 AM
Subject: Re: [FW]CSBrooks tiptoe rebounding :COMMENTARY

I was taught this 20 years ago.  It was called the shaman's bounce because it 
centered and gave energy to the person.  :-)
---Original Message---

and elevating the body via tip-toeingthat is, raising to the balls 

of the feet. One can do this as fast...or as is convenient for them 
to do so. The 

faster and more completely one releases...the more the internal physiology is 

stimulated.simply as a result of the inertial forces generated when the 
heels strike the 


CSSerrapeptase update

2009-03-01 Thread Linda Ellis
Just thought I'd let you know of an observation.  My husband asked me the other 
day if I had anything around that would help him clear up his morning cough, 
which really is just something he does to break up the mucus every morning.  
After two nights taking the Serrapeptase, he claims he is much improved.  I'm 
not sure if part of it is a placebo effect or not.  

Also, I've been taking one a day since Thanksgiving, at bedtime, throwing in an 
occasional extra one when I wake up in the morning.  Went to the doctor and had 
my BP taken.  I didn't take it when I started the Serrapeptase, but previously 
it was running about 140/90.  Had it taken on Friday, and it was 135/84.  I 
haven't seen anything below 90 for a long time!  Maybe this is working.

Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself. William Faulkner

Re: CSBipolar disorder

2009-01-30 Thread Linda Ellis
Dianne wrote:
Knowing someone has this problem up front and considering a relationship is 
playing with fire.  RUN.
Bernadette adds:
 I have to agree with Indi. Been reading and waiting, but now will step in. My 
 EX-SIL, is bi-polar. What a terrible disease. This bipolar person struggles. 
 He is either flying so high and moving so quickly that it is impossible to 
 calm him down or he is so low that he needs recreational drugs to pull 
 himself back up. 

Indi chimes in:

There's a big difference between finding yourself already in a relationship of 
some kind (parent? sibling? child?) with someone with this diagnosis, and 
taking it on VOLUNTARILY.  It is a really tough thing to live with.  Although 
my BIL has been relatively stable since 2002, when he was diagnosed, we are 
still very concerned about some of his actions.  My SIL was also diagnosed in 
2002, having gone from a soaring high-profile life with a money's-no-object 
spouse to bankruptcy in a matter of months.  She has had two more relapses, and 
I'm guessing that's why she can't find a job these days (employment law 

We want nothing but the best for our family members, but if I found myself in a 
new relationship with one of these folks?  I'd be heading for the hills as 
fast as my feet would take me.  You just never know how the disease will 
manifest itself.  Drug addiction?  Sex addiction?  Spending sprees?  Stupid 

The Truly Educated Never Graduate

Re: CSBipolar disorder

2009-01-29 Thread Linda Ellis
We have two family members who are bipolar.  It's possible to work on this 
holistically, but really, really hard.  My brother-in-law is diligent 
about checking his blood, and does pretty well in moderating things with 
Lithium.  My sister-in-law has not been so successful.  Here are some things 
that have caused real trouble for her.

1)  A proper diet is critical - I don't know what the proper diet would be, 
but it's not just one thing.  
3)  Proper sleep cycles, every night.

As I said, it's a LOT of hard work to manage bipolar holistically, and the 
person has to really want to do that work.  In my experience, doing all the 
research for someone and giving them the info doesn't work very well.  I have 
tried it a couple of times - once with a terminal cancer patient, and once 
about childhood vaccines.  Both people realized I was trying to be 
compassionate and helpful, but neither ever followed up on any of the 
research.  The cancer person died, and the mother of the children just said 
there's nothing I can do.  They have to have the vaccines to be allowed into 

Bipolar is at least as tough as that - maybe tougher, because when they're in a 
manic high they are often super-productive.  They think they're cured and 
stop medications, or loosen up on their routines, and by the time people around 
them realize they're crashing, it's too late
The Truly Educated Never Graduate 

From: Marshalee Hallett
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 2:54:19 PM
Subject: Re: CSBipolar disorder

My son (31, married, 2 kids) has found that one caffeine tablet knocks his 
moods right out! He never takes any coffee, tea or colas, so it really does 
some good. His lithium never worked very well. 
Hope this helps.

2009/1/29 Marshall Dudley 

Someone I know has started dating a girl with bipolar disorder.  Does anyone 
know of anything natural or holistic that might help or cure?



CSElectricity as medicine

2008-12-02 Thread Linda Ellis
Steve wrote:
I have used the 6v lantern battery the microelectricity germkiller group calls 
the Godzilla and it works great for killing infections/colds, you name it.  
The current of a 6v battery is safe enough to use almost everywhere except 
the head. Limit the current and you can use on the head area as well. Just so 
you know that using electricity to cure disease is not quack medicine 
please have a look at this:
Perhaps the medical field will get it and use something that is actually 
beneficial and safe holding to their oath of first do no harm. 

Much as I would love this to be the case, I've been researching this for many 
years, and I don't believe that will ever happen.  One only needs to drive past 
the major medical centers in any large city to understand the 
financial devastation that will occur if simple devices like these become 
acceptable.  Read Racketeering in Medicine, Politics in Healing, and The 
Cancer Cure that Worked, among other good books to see what happens when 
real cures are found.

Bottom line is, a lot of people make a lot of money in the mainstream medical 
community.  If a little 6-volt battery and a few wires, a device just about 
anybody can make themselves, is found to have success treating ailments that 
are now treated by expensive drugs, chemotherapy treatments, surgeries, etc., a 
lot of people would not take kindly to the radical cuts in their incomes and 

You may remember a few years ago, when Bill and Melinda Gates announced an 
effort to help people in Africa who got Malaria.  I went on their website, and 
realized that they wouldn't be interested in talking to the guy right up the 
road, across the border in Canada, who has been sending inexpensive machines to 
a clinic in Africa.  One little machine was able to treat dozens of people per 
day.  I don't recall the cost of the machine any more, or even which one it 
was, but I'm sure it wasn't more than maybe $200.  Compare that to the drug 
regimin that the Gates Foundation was willing to support.  But their criteria 
were very specific.  This guy's machine wasn't mainstream, so they weren't 

I've adopted the philosophy that I need to be aware of that 6-volt gadget, plus 
many other simple modalities.  Thankfully, we don't have any major medical 
problems, but if the time comes, I want to know where to look for the simple 
stuff that causes what the modern medical world calls spontaneous remissions, 
which are probably much more related to aggressive use of any number of 
alternative experiments
The Truly Educated Never Graduate

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Re: CSSerrapeptase experiences, please....

2008-11-29 Thread Linda Ellis
Steve, after your description yesterday about the plaque first, with other 
stuff repairing later, I couldn't help but giggle as I imagined the 
Serrapeptase granules as a tiny army of PacMen, landing in my stomach 
and evaluating my personal health situation.  Okay, guys, first we have to hit 
the arterial placque; then we'll go after the junk in the intestines, liver and 
kidneys.  Meantime, the triage team will check for suspicious tumors and cells 
elsewhere.  The skin scars can wait for now.  Everybody ready?  A-team, you 
take the left ventricle, then move into the heart; B, get the carotid; C, 
you're on for the femoral.  GO.  

It's actually a funny way to think of things, but until I have reason to 
believe otherwise, I'm observing these changes and concluding that this is just 
part of my own body's way to eliminate the toxins and other trash the 
Serrapeptase is digesting.  I am used to the idea that often when you use an 
alternative to address a situation, first I get ill and then I get better.

I was interested to learn, Steve, that you're only doing one a day.  The bottle 
says one to three, and I've been taking three most days, but now I'll not be 
concerned if I miss that middle-of-the-day one and only get them in in the 
morning and at bedtime.  Those really are the best times for me to be 
consistent with any dosage issues, anyway.
The Truly Educated Never Graduate 

CSSerrapeptase experiences, please....

2008-11-28 Thread Linda Ellis
Hi, all - well, after Steve's recommendation and further reading, I started 
on the Doctor's Best Serrapeptase on Monday, and I've got some questions...

First, I am primarily experimenting to see if the Serrapeptase does anything to 
reduce skin scarring due to insect bites and tomboy wounds.  Has anybody 
noticed any changes of their own based on use of this?  I'm taking two or three 
capsules spaced out over the day, and I'm wondering how long to wait before I 
should inspect for any improvements.  

Secondly, I'm wondering if some other things I'm experiencing suddenly may be 
other reactions to the Serrapeptase, as that is the only change I've made this 
week.  First, I know that with some alternatives, the healing process starts 
with some type of a herx reaction.  The last two days, I'm sneezing like crazy, 
for no apparent reason.  I'm wondering if this might be a herx.  If so, 
it's certainly tolerable.  The other thing is - delicately speaking -  I'm 
noticing a change in bathroom habits.  Everything seems to be starting to move 
easier, and more frequently, if you get my drift.  

If anybody else has experiences to contribute, I'd love to hear them
The Truly Educated Never Graduate

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Re: CSSerrapeptase experiences, please....

2008-11-28 Thread Linda Ellis
Dianne wrote:
My husband was on it for a short while (possibly a month to two months) and 
stopped.  It wasn't many months after that he had to have by-pass surgery.
He had testing three years before that showed no blockages.  I don't know if 
that caused it or not but it is mighty suspicious.

Dianne - what were the reasons your husband was taking the Serrapeptase - and 
why did he stop?  Was he following the recommended dosage, or doing something 
different?  There was someone on this list who did have a bad experience, but 
who stated he was taking far in excess of recommendation, while Steve has been 
reporting good results with the plaque issue.  I'm continuing to read and 
The Truly Educated Never Graduate 

 Hi, all - well, after Steve's recommendation and further reading, I started 
 on the Doctor's Best Serrapeptase on Monday, and I've got some questions...
 First, I am primarily experimenting to see if the Serrapeptase does anything 
 to reduce skin scarring due to insect bites and tomboy wounds.  Has anybody 
 noticed any changes of their own based on use of this?  I'm taking two or 
 three capsules spaced out over the day, and I'm wondering how long to wait 
 before I should inspect for any improvements.  
 Secondly, I'm wondering if some other things I'm experiencing suddenly may be 
 other reactions to the Serrapeptase, as that is the only change I've made 
 this week.  First, I know that with some alternatives, the healing process 
 starts with some type of a herx reaction.  The last two days, I'm sneezing 
 like crazy, for no apparent reason.  I'm wondering if this might be a herx.  
 If so, it's certainly tolerable.  The other thing is - delicately speaking -  
 I'm noticing a change in bathroom habits.  Everything seems to be starting to 
 move easier, and more frequently, if you get my drift.  
 If anybody else has experiences to contribute, I'd love to hear them
 The Truly Educated Never Graduate 
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CSSerrapeptase question for Steve

2008-11-17 Thread Linda Ellis
I thought I'd check out what's available locally, just to get started, and 
found the following combo product. 

Steve, as you know more about this, would you mind telling me what you think?  
I still have a couple of other local places I can check out, so I may find 
something else, but this store is very convenient
The Truly Educated Never Graduate

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Re: CSSerrapeptase question for Steve

2008-11-17 Thread Linda Ellis
Thanks for the opinion, Steve.  As it happens, I'm on the iHerb website now, 
and will place the order today.  It looks like the Doctor's Best brand is the 
best deal, and Tom wants to take it as well, after I read a little of the info 
and customer comments to him.  I'm going to watch Tom's scalp sun damage and a 
couple of my more obvious scars, to see what happens.

Appreciate your sharing your experience and research time.
The Truly Educated Never Graduate 

- Original Message 
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 6:32:07 PM
Subject: RE: CSSerrapeptase question for Steve

It looks like a good supplement for digestion but since it is not enteric 
coated only about half of the 25,000 units of Serrpeptase will get to the 
intestine for absorbtion into the blood stream. The rest of the Serrpeptasewill 
be destroyed by stomach acids.
In contrast, I use a 40,000 unit enteric coated capsule which is on the 
conservative dosage side. I would look for enteric coating or higher amount of 
Serrapeptase in a capsule.
The price is kind of high. You could probably get much higher dosage capsules 
at with priority handling for less.
    Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Linda Ellis [] 
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 4:10 PM
Subject: CSSerrapeptase question for Steve

I thought I'd check out what's available locally, just to get started, and 
found the following combo product. 

Steve, as you know more about this, would you mind telling me what you think?  
I still have a couple of other local places I can check out, so I may find 
something else, but this store is very convenient
The Truly Educated Never Graduate 

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Re: CSAnyone Know of a natural Plaque buster???

2008-11-14 Thread Linda Ellis
Steve, can you get oral EDTA and Serrapeptase without interference from a 
doctor?  I wonder if the Serrapeptase would work on old skin scars?  I am a 
biting bug magnet, and since I will not give up spending my summers out in the 
woods, I put up with all kinds of bites all summer long.  Add that to my 
tomboy-days scars, and long sleeves and pants are becoming a necessity to cover 
up all the damage - particularly evident when I've got a suntan
The Truly Educated Never Graduate 

From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 10:47:33 AM
Subject: Re: CSAnyone Know of a natural Plaque buster???

I have a condition that may be caused by plaque build-up and so I have 
investigated plaque removal. There are several intravenious (IV) methods - EDTA 
and H2O2 IV. But there are 2 non IV that are effective - oral EDTA and 
Serrapeptase. Oral EDTA is slower than IV since only 5 to 20 percent of EDTA 
taken orally actually enters the bloodstream. I have both but am only using the 
Serrapeptase right now. Serrapeptase works slowly. It takes 12 to 18 months to 
clean the plaque from the arterial walls. But slow is what you want - you don't 
want piecies of plaque breaking away and causing blockages. Interestingly, the 
Serrapeptase is also disolving a large cyst on my scalp. I had read that 
Serrapeptase disolves cysts but I really didn't expect that any supplement 
could actually affect one as large as the one I have. It is not yet gone but it 
is fairly small now.
When using Serrapeptase blood tests will show increase levels of cholesterol. 
This is normal - the additional cholesterol is the plaque dissolved by the 
Serrapeptase. The additional cholesterol is then removed by the liver.
One other benefit of Serrapeptase is its ability to dissolve dead tissue and 
scarring material. My sister has a lung condition that causes scaring in the 
lung. She uses Serrapeptase to remove the scarring. Just after starting 
Serrapeptase my sister noticed nodules in her feces. Concerned, she went to a 
specialist and he found precancerous nodules, some as large as an inch, in her 
colon and removed them. She feels that the Serrapeptase has already saved her 
life because she is too young for scheduled colonoscopies and it would have 
been discovered too late.
If your friend uses EDTA, use the calcium form of EDTA.
Good luck,

- Original Message -
From: Teri  Kavakos
Sent: Fri Nov 14 06:23:20 2008
Subject: CSAnyone Know of a natural Plaque buster???

A family friend who is just 50 has had several heart attacks and he mass
produces plaque does anyone have any info on natural things he can do to
break up this plaque???


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Re: CSAnyone Know of a natural Plaque buster???

2008-11-14 Thread Linda Ellis
Thanks, Steve.  I'm willing to experiment and see what happens.  Maybe I'll 
photograph and measure a couple of the more prominent scars, and try to keep 
tabs on them.
The Truly Educated Never Graduate 

From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 11:26:49 AM
Subject: Re: CSAnyone Know of a natural Plaque buster???

Both are available without a prescription. I found the best price for calcium 
EDTA on eBay and the best price for Serrapeptase at
They claim that Serrapeptase will remove or reduce skin scarring
 - Steve

- Original Message -
From: Linda Ellis
Sent: Fri Nov 14 11:09:06 2008
Subject: Re: CSAnyone Know of a natural Plaque buster???

Steve, can you get oral EDTA and Serrapeptase without interference from a 
doctor?  I wonder if the Serrapeptase would work on old skin scars?  I am a 
biting bug magnet, and since I will not give up spending my summers out in the 
woods, I put up with all kinds of bites all summer long.  Add that to my 
tomboy-days scars, and long sleeves and pants are becoming a necessity to cover 
up all the damage - particularly evident when I've got a suntan

The Truly Educated Never Graduate

From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 10:47:33 AM
Subject: Re: CSAnyone Know of a natural Plaque buster???

I have a condition that may be caused by plaque build-up and so I have 
investigated plaque removal. There are several intravenious (IV) methods - EDTA 
and H2O2 IV. But there are 2 non IV that are effective - oral EDTA and 
Serrapeptase. Oral EDTA is slower than IV since only 5 to 20 percent of EDTA 
taken orally actually enters the bloodstream. I have both but am only using the 
Serrapeptase right now. Serrapeptase works slowly. It takes 12 to 18 months to 
clean the plaque from the arterial walls. But slow is what you want - you don't 
want piecies of plaque breaking away and causing blockages. Interestingly, the 
Serrapeptase is also disolving a large cyst on my scalp. I had read that 
Serrapeptase disolves cysts but I really didn't expect that any supplement 
could actually affect one as large as the one I have. It is not yet gone but it 
is fairly small now.
When using Serrapeptase blood tests will show increase levels of cholesterol. 
This is normal - the additional cholesterol is the plaque dissolved by the 
Serrapeptase. The additional cholesterol is then removed by the liver.
One other benefit of Serrapeptase is its ability to dissolve dead tissue and 
scarring material. My sister has a lung condition that causes scaring in the 
lung. She uses Serrapeptase to remove the scarring. Just after starting 
Serrapeptase my sister noticed nodules in her feces. Concerned, she went to a 
specialist and he found precancerous nodules, some as large as an inch, in her 
colon and removed them. She feels that the Serrapeptase has already saved her 
life because she is too young for scheduled colonoscopies and it would have 
been discovered too late.
If your friend uses EDTA, use the calcium form of EDTA.
Good luck,

- Original Message -
From: Teri  Kavakos
Sent: Fri Nov 14 06:23:20 2008
Subject: CSAnyone Know of a natural Plaque buster???

A family friend who is just 50 has had several heart attacks and he mass
produces plaque does anyone have any info on natural things he can do to
break up this plaque???


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: more unwelcome email: RE: CSAnother 9/11?

2008-09-24 Thread Linda Ellis
Well, I was going to stay out of this and do what I've been doing to TJ's mail 
forever - deleting unread.  I have several objections to these posts.

FIRST, TJ is well aware that there is an off-topic list for topics unrelated to 

SECOND, as usual, TJ simply posts a link with absolutely no commentary or 
original thought.  I long ago decided that I personally felt this was arrogant 
of him, to assume his judgment about the value of the linked material should 
be accepted unquestioningly, and others should therefore take the time to 
access the link before knowing if the subject is remotely interesting to them.  
I may miss some stuff I'd like to know about, but if TJ can't take the time to 
write a few lines about what he found valuable in the linked material, I don't 
have the time to follow him around.  I'll just have to make do with my own 
research on subjects of interest.

THIRD, I, too, have been uncomfortable with other people's email addresses 
showing up in the address lines of his posts.  Is TJ likewise sending my email 
address out to people I don't know, and wouldn't want to have contact with?  Is 
this, perhaps, one of the reasons I've been seeing more and more spam?

To be honest, I've been thinking lately about removing myself from the 
off-topic list, anyway.  It seems it has turned into nothing more than a 
constant barrage of people (particularly TJ) posting links, without any 
substantive interchange between list members on the topics raised.  I much 
preferred earlier discussions about corporate welfare, reforming the social 
security system, global warming, etc., when people actually posted their own 
original thinking, or at least made the effort to explain why linked material 
might be interesting in view of the topic at hand.  

This topic coming up here prompts me to consider other possible groups where 
the discussion is more stimulating and interactive, though I would dearly miss 
Ode Coyote, Mike, and a few others

The Truly Educated Never Graduate

- Original Message 
From: Wayne Fugitt
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 8:37:32 AM
Subject: Re: more unwelcome email: RE: CSAnother 9/11?

Morning Bob,

 At 08:14 AM 9/24/2008, you wrote:

  You are worrying too much.

  There are many, many ways to handle that.  Do I have to tell you?

  And  Your bogus messages are more offensive than his.

  You are wasting more bandwidth.

  Maybe he did not do it, maybe I did.

  Any half smart person can do such things.

  Once me and another guy, hijacked the List owners information,
  and sent messages to the list, which appeared to come from the list owner.

  Now,  what else do you want to know.

  Don't Tread on me !



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2008-03-25 Thread Linda Ellis
 It is a treatment for cancer that has brought people back
from the brink of  death, but is not readily available here
in the U.S., though it is available  in other parts of the world.

 OK -- I've got to ask it -- if there is successful
treatments available for cancer *in other parts of the world*,
then why don't people like Patrick Swayze and Farrah Fawcett
-- who have all the money needed for traveling for treatment
-- go to places like this for help?  MA

Actually, it's been widely reported that Farrah Fawcett is going to a clinic in 
Germany for treatment.  Suzanne Summers used Iscador to treat her breast cancer 
- I believe she was able to find someone locally to help her with that, but she 
refused the chemo/radiation route.  But I agree with Marshall - it requires 
taking personal responsibility for your health, and way too many people just 
can't do that.

Re: CS

2008-01-22 Thread Linda Ellis
--- joe bloggs wrote:
 Ode wrote:
 .The FDA was formed to get a handle on Cocaine and Opium Patent Medicine 
 salesmen.  Their
 job was to ensure drug safety because the people were too dumb to not buy 
 into that stuff and
 needed that protection
 Sorry Ode, but your take on human nature is a bit tainted.  I mean, where did 
 you get the idea
 that we all need 'looking after'?  I can fend quite well for myself thank you 
 very much and can
 well do without the Government or any other regulatory body telling me what 
 is 'for my own
 good'.  How insulting.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like this.  
 In fact, it is
 precisely the control freaks and manipulators that have brainwashed people 
 into believing that
 they cannot make decisions for themselves.  Please don't buy into that 
 pretence, or repeat the
 misinformation.  Thanks.

Now, see, this response to Ode is a prime example of a knee-jerk reaction!  I 
think anybody on
this list who has paid any attention at all to Ode's writings must be chuckling 
at this!  Of all
the people I've known in my life, Ode would be in the TOP TEN of people who 
don't believe we
need looking after!

Frankie, spend a little more time and pay a little more attention to the 
context of Ode's
writings.  When he writes stuff like the piece you pulled out, he is 
figuratively speaking in the
voice of the elites and bureaucrats who actually DO believe we are too dumb to 
look after
ourselves, or to make our own decisions in most all aspects of life.  It is 
these elites who:

- Use the FDA to keep harmless products off the market - not because they can 
be dangerous in any
way, but because they will compete with the institutionalized drug pushers (big 

- Confiscate our money from us under the guise of caring for us through Social 
Security and
Medicare - not to help the poorest among us, but because we can't be trusted 
to save and provide
for ourselves.  They will resist mightily any option which gives any 

- Want a government-run health care system, because we can't possibly be 
expected to make wise
choices for our own health care.

- Resist any option which would allow parents to take their kids out of the 
failing public school
system - they know better than we do how our children should be educated.  
Of course,
meanwhile, they send their kids to St. Albans and other posh private schools. 
 Maybe that's the
reason they don't like school choice - you may choose to send your kid to 
school with theirs, and
they simply can't have their progeny mingling with the riff-raff!

- Confiscate our money to fund failing social welfare programs, the arts, the 
humanities.  They
know better who needs help - we can't be trusted to discern who needs help 
from lazy bums who
need a kick in the rear and a few hungry days to motivate them to get jobs.  
They are better
equipped to evaluate whether a guy putting a crucfix in a jar full of urine, or 
a woman who strips
naked on stage and covers herself in chocolate to simulate human feces, or an 
idiot putting the
American Flag on the floor to be trampled upon, is art worthy of funding.

Please, Frankie - read Ode's stuff more carefully!  You've got him all wrong!

I just noticed that this is on the CS list, not the OT list.  That could be 
part of the problem. 
I will now cease on this topic, and look to see if it pops up over on the OT 

The Truly Educated Never Graduate

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS

2008-01-22 Thread Linda Ellis
--- Carol Ann wrote:
 Hi Linda,
 Chuckling alright. :)  
 I will also add -  that Ken is the last person in the world that anyone 
 should feel that they
 would have to speak up for or defend, so to speak. 

You're absolutely right, Carol Ann!  It was just so funny to me that anybody 
would think Ode had
that viewpoint that I just about spit out my milk when I read it!  
 Linda Ellis wrote:
 Now, see, this response to Ode is a prime example of a knee-jerk reaction!  I 
 think anybody on
 this list who has paid any attention at all to Ode's writings must be 
 chuckling at this!  Of all
 the people I've known in my life, Ode would be in the TOP TEN of people who 
 don't believe we
 need looking after!
 Frankie, spend a little more time and pay a little more attention to the 
 context of Ode's
 Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

 Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

The Truly Educated Never Graduate

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMuscle twitching

2008-01-06 Thread Linda
I take a magnesium/potassium supplement before bed. Actually I take 4 of
them. I seldom have the leg cramps or restlessness anymore and even when it
does show up it's very mild.

I have also discovered that on the nights that I have soaked in a hot epsom
salts bath I never have had any restlessness.

Okie Linda

On 1/6/2008 10:03:57 AM, Deborah Gerard ( wrote:  I know 
we discussed cramping, but what about restless leg syndrome. Is the  potassium 
the best for that at night as well? thanks debbie   
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. [link:  

CSList Archives

2007-11-28 Thread Linda
Where do I find the list archives?

---Original Message---
From: Wayne Fugitt
Date: 11/23/2007 8:00:24 PM
Subject: Re: CSCS nebulizer bronchitis

I have searched the list archives and found several interesting  messages
on nebulizing but most do not mention the exact time intervals.

Re: CSVaccine Links for Jonathan

2007-11-22 Thread Linda
My brain must be foggy this cold morning.
Just what is MMR and DPT?

---Original Message---
From: Kurt Milkowski
Date: 11/21/2007 8:25:28 PM
Subject: CSVaccine Links for Jonathan
Heres a bunch of links, I hope they come through:

  I know it sounds unbelievable and doesn't make sense at first, but
really is something to the MMR and autism and lyme and numerous other
diseases. I really don't like spending the time to look up references
but I guess I will. Basically, there is just too much of an 
outcry linking the MMR to various diseases that it just can't be
ignored. The DPT comes in second place. I have seen so many 
stories, news reports, science, etc. But the bottom line is the
overwhelming evidence. You don't want to know it. If you don't want to
cry, than don't look at these websites because your view of mankind 
be changed forever. This is just a tidbit of the beyond numerous
arguments against vaccines. Do you really think all these people have
nothing better to do than to donate their time for such a cause if 
was not some truth to it. The evidence is beyond overwhelming. As far 
MMR causing Lyme. Some theories I have heard is that it harms the 
system, allowing pathogens like lyme to grow; vaccines contain 
that link with other pathogens in us to make a new stronger species; 
the vaccines, themselves, contain pathogen contaminations, infected by
the various animals the vaccines are made from, being that it is
unrealistic to believe that all viruses can be removed from living

_http://www.rense. com/general45/ tentimes. htm_ 
(http://www.rense. com/general45/ tentimes. htm) 

_http://www.aapsonli newsofday265. php_ 
(http://www.aapsonli newsofday265. php) 

_http://video. videoplay? docid=6890106663 412840646
q=autism+ vaccines total=492start= 0num=10 so=0type=
searchplindex= 0_ (http://video. videoplay?
docid=6890106663 412840646 q=autism+ vaccines total=492 start=0num=
1 0so=0type= searchplindex= 0) 

_http://www.uow. sts/bmartin/ dissent/document
s/AIDS/Elswood94 .html_

(http://www.uow. sts/bmartin/ dissent/document
s/AIDS/Elswood94 .html) 

_http://video. videoplay? docid=8610554679 207090010_ 
(http://video. videoplay? docid=8610554679 207090010) 

_http://www.autismfi issue1_10. htm_ 
(http://www.autismfi issue1_10. htm) 

_http://www.jpands. org/vol11no1/ geier.pdf_ 
(http://www.jpands. org/vol11no1/ geier.pdf) 

_http://www.mercuryp _ (http://www.mercuryp 

_http://home. dstormmom/ metcalf.htm_ 
(http://home. dstormmom/ metcalf.htm) 

_ content/view/ 319/41/_ 
( content/view/ 319/41/) 

_http://www.liferese archuniversal. com/vaccine. html_ 
(http://www.liferese archuniversal. com/vaccine. html) 

Heidi N


Re: CSSimon aka Charles

2007-11-22 Thread Linda Ellis
Simon is GONE, folks - can we PLEASE let him be gone, and forget about him?  
Pretty please?  Can't
we PLEASE come up with more interesting stuff to talk about than rehashing 
Emily Post incessantly?

The Truly Educated Never Graduate

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNeed advise- Levi's question

2007-11-21 Thread Linda
So, with my three little 9 volt batteries am I making ionic silver or
colloidal silver?
Just when I think I know I see something else that confuses me.

---Original Message---
From: Clayton Family
Date: 11/20/2007 8:34:19 PM
Subject: Re: CSNeed advise- Levi's question
Hi, Wayne,
On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:51 PM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:
  Other than me, Kathryn replied to it, and made some decent
 statements, but ignored others.
I like to think I know everything!   (Big Grin)   But I didn't know
what he was talking about, so I didn't address it.
I am not sure why no one else replied either, esp since there are many
more knowledgable people around, who must know something about making
colloid vs ionic
PS- Levi, although the web has lots of conflicting info about colloids
vs ionic, they both seem to work, and most people use the ionic because
it is easier to make at home (I presume), and works very well.
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
To post, address your message to:
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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNeed advise ( What a Subject )

2007-11-20 Thread Linda
I was in a hurry and couldn't think of what to say.
Guess I really could have done better. LOL
This is the first time I have seen anyone make this point and it is a very
good one.
I definitly will take it into consideration in any further postings. It
really would be helpful.

Thanks, and thanks to all who responded.

---Original Message---
From: Wayne Fugitt
Date: 11/19/2007 2:52:51 AM
Subject: CSNeed advise ( What a Subject )
  A Rather Lousy Subject Line 
  One day you, me or someone may need some of this information.
  And a silver list Archive does exist.   Maybe TWO Places.
  One is MINE.
  It is terrible and a disaster to have great information.
  Maybe 20 subjects kinds all under one subject  Line that says nothing.
  Read it and Weep, or do nothing.
  I guess  Need Advise could be used for 50,000 messages and be just as
true for
  One as for the Other.
  I have a younger friend  with RA.  I called him yesterday and read a few
message to him on the phone.
  If the subjects were right, I could  pull all the messages, put them into
a file for him
in a New York minute.   I could do it anyway, but it would be more of a
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
To post, address your message to:
Address Off-Topic messages to:
The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNeed advise (on RA)

2007-11-20 Thread Linda
thanks, I remember seeing something about the LED arrays but can't find it
I do have an LED flashlight though. Will have him try that.

---Original Message---
From: Dave
Date: 11/19/2007 9:24:33 AM
Subject: Re: CSNeed advise

Brooks Bradly had a number of postings on making and using LED arrays for
that purpose.
One day I caught an infomercial on TV that was selling a flexible array that
you could wrap around the affected area but they wanted something like $100+
for it so I soon forgot the whole idea.
One day while getting groceries at Costco I noticed a flashlight that had 31
LEDs on the side of it to use as a flood light and 6 on the end of it to use
as a flashlight. At $29 I figured I could give it a try. I used it on my
sore shoulders one evening and got a good night's sleep for the first time
in months.

Linda wrote: 
I would love to do that but I'm afraid there's no way.
I guess some people are just too poor to be healthy.
With the way things are not what with all the contaminated food supply and
foods from which the nutritian has been removed I don't see how any but the
rich survive.
Thanks for the information though. I will file it away incase I ever win the
lottery. (going to be kinda hard to do that since I don't play:)
---Original Message---
Date: 11/18/2007 8:08:16 AM
Subject: Re: CSNeed advise
Purchase a Respond Laser (or rather, he should) -- and use it liberally. 
You can find them by Googling.  Caution -- they are expensive.  But they
work.  MA

-- Original message from Linda

I have a nephew that has rheumatoid arthritus (so I can't spell:)
He's in his mid to late 40's and has a hard time walking.
We figure that by 50 he won't be able to walk enough to work any longer.
Does anyone have any ideas for a protocol he can use the help?
I just gave him some silver to start using internally.



Re: CSNeed advise

2007-11-19 Thread Linda
I would love to do that but I'm afraid there's no way.
I guess some people are just too poor to be healthy.
With the way things are not what with all the contaminated food supply and
foods from which the nutritian has been removed I don't see how any but the
rich survive.

Thanks for the information though. I will file it away incase I ever win the
lottery. (going to be kinda hard to do that since I don't play:)


---Original Message---
Date: 11/18/2007 8:08:16 AM
Subject: Re: CSNeed advise
Purchase a Respond Laser (or rather, he should) -- and use it liberally. 
You can find them by Googling.  Caution -- they are expensive.  But they
work.  MA

-- Original message from Linda

I have a nephew that has rheumatoid arthritus (so I can't spell:)
He's in his mid to late 40's and has a hard time walking.
We figure that by 50 he won't be able to walk enough to work any longer.
Does anyone have any ideas for a protocol he can use the help?
I just gave him some silver to start using internally.


Re: CSCS and Fever Blisters

2007-11-17 Thread Linda
My husband gets them every fall and they usually last off and on all winter.
This time I used a Q-tip to apply the silver and they were gone in about 2
days. He's not a great one for these types of remedies so he only let me
apply it once. Because of the fast recovery he is beginning to come around:)

On 11/16/2007 9:06:33 PM, Silver Smith ( wrote:  Does CS 
work on fever blisters? If so what would be the most  effective way to apply 
it?   Thanks,  SS--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for 
discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List 
archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSNeed advise

2007-11-17 Thread Linda
I have a nephew that has rheumatoid arthritus (so I can't spell:)
He's in his mid to late 40's and has a hard time walking.
We figure that by 50 he won't be able to walk enough to work any longer.
Does anyone have any ideas for a protocol he can use the help?

I just gave him some silver to start using internally.


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