Re: CSDoes anyone ever mail CS ?

2014-02-08 Thread Monique Sauve
Be careful with cold temps. I ordered some online in winter. It was in a 
plastic bottle and it had cracked in transit and no CS left in it.


On 2/8/2014 7:01 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:

google around and see. L
On Feb 8, 2014, at 7:31 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

Can you buy 16 oz's of CS for under $13.00?

On Saturday, February 8, 2014 6:30 PM, Gary Hilt wrote:

Better yet whats the cost. Liquids are heavy???

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

Have a friend who wants me to mail her a bottle of 16oz's
Does anyone here ever send CS in the mail? If so what do you tell
the Post Office?

Thanks in advance,


Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from 
the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gary  Lennie

Re: CSOT: Tinnitus

2014-01-06 Thread Monique Sauve
A friend of mine has really bad tinitis but as long as she keeps up 
regular meditation, it goes away.  She uses some cd's developed by a 


On 1/6/2014 2:07 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:

Thanks Neville. Lena
On Jan 6, 2014, at 4:50 PM, Neville wrote:

I am led to believe tinnitus is caused by damage to inner ear hairs 
and their relationship with cells contained within the inner ear, 
once those hairs are damaged there's no turning back.  I don't 
personally believe tinnitus can be fixed, regardless of what I have 
read others say about 'cures', I've had it for some time.  Lot's of 
things supposed to help, 'white noise' etc, but in reality one can't 
be listening to white noise 24/7, just gotta learn to live with it, 
or have a diesel engine idling next to you 24/7 to drown out the 
ringing in the ear/s g.

Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 11:43:50 -0500;;;;

Subject: CSOT: Tinnitus

Hi Everyone!

A dear friend who's a musician with CFIDS, is having trouble with 
tinnitus. I KNOW I've filed several posts that cover this over the 
last year, but haven't yet followed through with my New Year's 
resolution to put them in order (a time-consuming task) and I'd love 
to help her now if possible.

I vaguely remember the mention of Apple Cider Vinegar, Swedish 
Bitters, and some vit. supplements, but don't know the 'how'  and 
'how much' of these.

If anyone out there has some info, I'd be so grateful.  I know how 
wretched this condition can be. She'll be calling later to tell me 
more specific details, but I thought if I could offer her any 
promising leads when she calls it might cheer her up.

Happy New Year Everyone!
Be well,

Re: CSOT: Tinnitus

2014-01-06 Thread Monique Sauve
I'll e-mail my friend and ask. I think she said they were cd's this 
psychologist just uses with her patients, but I'll see if she has any 


On 1/6/2014 5:19 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

Is it possible for you to find out the name of the tapes or a website?
Thanks. PT

*From:* Monique Sauve
*Sent:* Monday, January 6, 2014 7:04 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSOT: Tinnitus

A friend of mine has really bad tinitis but as long as she keeps up 
regular meditation, it goes away.  She uses some cd's developed by a 


On 1/6/2014 2:07 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:

Thanks Neville. Lena
On Jan 6, 2014, at 4:50 PM, Neville wrote:

I am led to believe tinnitus is caused by damage to inner ear hairs 
and their relationship with cells contained within the inner ear, 
once those hairs are damaged there's no turning back.  I don't 
personally believe tinnitus can be fixed, regardless of what I have 
read others say about 'cures', I've had it for some time.  Lot's of 
things supposed to help, 'white noise' etc, but in reality one can't 
be listening to white noise 24/7, just gotta learn to live with it, 
or have a diesel engine idling next to you 24/7 to drown out the 
ringing in the ear/s g.

Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 11:43:50 -0500;;;;

Subject: CSOT: Tinnitus

Hi Everyone!

A dear friend who's a musician with CFIDS, is having trouble with 
tinnitus. I KNOW I've filed several posts that cover this over the 
last year, but haven't yet followed through with my New Year's 
resolution to put them in order (a time-consuming task) and I'd love 
to help her now if possible.

I vaguely remember the mention of Apple Cider Vinegar, Swedish 
Bitters, and some vit. supplements, but don't know the 'how'  and 
'how much' of these.

If anyone out there has some info, I'd be so grateful.  I know how 
wretched this condition can be. She'll be calling later to tell me 
more specific details, but I thought if I could offer her any 
promising leads when she calls it might cheer her up.

Happy New Year Everyone!
Be well,

Re: CSOT: Tinnitus

2014-01-06 Thread Monique Sauve

Here is the info. on the meditation cd's:

Is it possible for you to find out the name of the tapes or a website?
Thanks. PT

Re: CS[List owner] Vibration and fear...

2014-01-02 Thread Monique Sauve

Well said Mike.

Thank you

On 1/2/2014 3:06 PM, M.G. Devour wrote:

Hi folks,

I think both Debbie and the others have perfectly valid points, so let's
just not be judging the other's contributions and accept them as they
were intended, okay?

It is clear from the link Debbie posted that this is not an uncommon
complaint. The site is obviously conventionally oriented, so the first
response is Hie thee to a specialist and have an MRI! But it does
illustrate her sole point... others are asking the same question. And it
illustrates that most people are freaked about it rather than just
curious or accepting, and that it's obviously not something that the
mainstream is really equipped to address simply.

Which gets us to the others' reaction to the tone of the cited message
and the replies to it... Those people are assuming that something is
wrong and it needs to be fixed, and Mr. mainstream doctor is ready with
the usual fearsome potentialities. So, yes, it qualifies as a fear-based
response in general, and not the sort of attitude we bring to the issue.

So, Dan, or whomever made the first reply to Deborah, needed to comment
on the content, and not make any assumptions or projections as to what
Deborah's motives were in posting it. Nowhere do *I* see that she's
advocating those people's fear-based response.

Heck, I've had buzzing sensations like this occasionally, usually when
lying in bed. If I just relax and observe, they usually stay a little
while and then stop. I've even tried consciously encouraging them to
spread, just to see what would happen. Usually not much, but

Hey, it might even be some of that Kundalini stuff they talk about, for
all we know, eh?

Be well,

Mike D.
[all too rarely: list owner]

On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 09:17 -0800, Deborah Gerard wrote:

Boy your sure not alone there are other people with the same problem,

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:00 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

I would certainly do some research on this...I never even heard of it

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 11:47 AM, Dan Nave wrote:

I'd say, relax and enjoy it.  Consider yourself lucky.


On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 11:32 PM, 2Words
 Is there someone on the list who is familiar with the

 phenomenon of feeling the body vibrating? For the last few
 days I've been experiencing the sensing of how my body is
 vibrating in cycles - it goes one way - then flips and goes
 the other circular way. My feeling is the vibratory rate is on
 the low side - but nonetheless - its there and I feel it. It
 is like a hum/rumble. And there are no electronics or devices
 involved. Just plain physical sensation.  Any substantial
 evidence with this would be appreciated.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
  Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMS to Gary Hilt

2013-12-31 Thread Monique Sauve
WA probably also has one of the lowest rates of sunshine in the US so 
that could also be involved - ie. lack of Vitamin D.


On 12/31/2013 9:01 AM, Vicky wrote:

Add to that list low soil levels of causes white muscle 
disease in sheep and goats which I'm told is the same as MS. 
Washington State has the lowest levels of Selenium in the country and 
the highest rates of MS in the country.

*From:*Harold []
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 31, 2013 8:47 AM
*Subject:* CSMS to Gary Hilt

In the northern climes MS is linked to a severe lack of Vitamin D, low 
exposure to sunlight.Also, a persons pH is of supreme importance.The 
general public on todays' SAD [Standard American Diet] regimen is 
usually highly acidic.The diet has to to be radically altered. this 
will in most cases alleviate bloating and other gastric problems,ie 
GERD. I know this from experience.A good supplement to take re acidic 
problem is VAXA,which I get from iHerb

Anyone who has had a swimming pool,and/or an Aquarium will know the 
value of the right pH [Potential Hydrogen].

This acidic condition is invariably linked to serious 
diseases,especially cancer.

To test for pH get pH test paper marked in .2 increments from 5.5 to 
8.0; Diabetic test paper will not do !

You're listening to some one who had to learn all this health stuff 
the hard way.

PS, I did have a swimming pool too.

The very best to you all for the coming year.


Re: CS

2013-08-14 Thread Monique Sauve

On 8/14/2013 12:50 PM, Anne Ney wrote:

Ratios, please!

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 14, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Bob Smith wrote:

Dr. Jarvis'  apple cider vinigar in a cup of water taken before every 
meal has worked for many.  I knew a lady confined to a wheel chair 
that made a significant recovery.  Bob

Re: CS

2013-08-14 Thread Monique Sauve

On 8/14/2013 12:58 PM, Monique Sauve wrote:

On 8/14/2013 12:50 PM, Anne Ney wrote:

Ratios, please!

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 14, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Bob Smith wrote:

Dr. Jarvis'  apple cider vinigar in a cup of water taken before 
every meal has worked for many.  I knew a lady confined to a wheel 
chair that made a significant recovery.  Bob

Re: CSarthritus/arthritis

2013-08-13 Thread Monique Sauve

That is what I tell people who invite me for dinner. :-)
On 8/13/2013 1:38 PM, Dan Nave wrote:

Maybe better to list the foods you *can* eat...


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Nenah Sylver wrote:

Alan wrote (snipped): I recently discovered a book called The
Virgin Diet.  The book advocates basically a Paleo diet, but also
addresses food allergies/sensitivities. The 1st 3 weeks you
eliminate the 7 most likely candidates:  gluten, corn, soy, dairy,
eggs, peanuts and sugar.  (I actually haven't read the entire book
so I'm not an expert, but for sugar I think fruit is still OK and
small amounts in things like ketchup are still OK.) After the 3
weeks are over you have challenge weeks which re-introduce one of
these foods at a time, if you want to, that is.

I've been trying this for a week so it's still early, but have had
no arthritis pain (or any other pain; I often get random abdominal
pains) since I started.

Good suggestions, Alan. To the list of “no” foods I would add
NIGHTSHADES. They contain chemical compounds that many people
cannot neutralize, and the debris ends up in the joints and causes
pain. Nightshades include white potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, most
pepper (bell  hot—including cayenne—though not peppercorns),
tobacco, Goji berries, belladonna, and a few other things.

Weston Price website has some great articles on nightshades,
including why sensitive people should stay away from cayenne. You
can do a search.



Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, the NEW //Rife Handbook// (2011)

//Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy//(2004)

VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification;

Re: CSarthritus

2013-08-13 Thread Monique Sauve

Lots of great recipes  here:

Lots of legal carbs: squash sweet potatoes yams fruit

I eat a carb protein (meat or fish) and veggies with good fats at each meal


On 8/13/2013 6:39 PM, Gail Naranjo wrote:
Can you or anybody on the strict paleo diet give me an example of what 
you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner,  snacks?  Do you eat meat for 
breakfast instead of the usual breakfast food. Just trying to get an 
idea.  I've tried the Atkins and South beach programs but find after 
the first day I feel worse, much worse, very wasted.  As soon as I eat 
some carbs I feel much better.  I have CFS and don't need to feel worse.
Also, on the supplement you mentioned is that just for somebody that 
has Hashimoto or is it more for the pain from the fibromyalgia?  Does 
it help with fatigue, and in your opinion would it be useful for 
somebody with CFS as I also have pain often?


*From:* ASL
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:27 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSarthritus

Like most people, due to having autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's) --- I 
learned I had to go on a strictly paleo diet with NO dairy and night 
shades. Every time I slip and ingest dairy, gluten or night shades 
I'm in excruciating pain in my spine and joints.  So most people who 
contributed tips - I agree with whole heartedly. It's not an easy 
diet/life style... but if it makes the pain go away--- it's worth it.
I've noticed though that little bit of RAW goat milk is fine  
guess it has to do with live enzymes benefiting our intestines. Sadly, 
In Colorado, it's illegal to sell raw goat milk in stores - they have 
this expensive goat Share program expect to pay tons of money on 
top of paying for a few gallons per month. No can do... way above my 
financial budget.   Dr Geronimo also prescribed me a supplement to 
keep the inflammation down called

  Glutathione Recycler SM

*I cannot live without this supplement -- with fibromyalgia, 
Hashimoto's disease and osteo-arthrititis... I am now able to live 97% 
pain free! I noticed I skipped 1 1/2 month with out it and I was like 
crippled, literally and I'm only 43 years old. As soon I got my 
supplement refill, within 2 days, I was back to active self. *

*Forgive the length of this note. *

Re: CSarthritus

2013-08-13 Thread Monique Sauve
Also: Practical Paleo is a great book as it lists food lists and 
provides menu plans for many different health conditions including CFS 
and RA.

On 8/13/2013 10:44 PM, Monique Sauve wrote:

Lots of great recipes  here:

Lots of legal carbs: squash sweet potatoes yams fruit

I eat a carb protein (meat or fish) and veggies with good fats at each 


On 8/13/2013 6:39 PM, Gail Naranjo wrote:
Can you or anybody on the strict paleo diet give me an example of 
what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner,  snacks? Do you eat meat 
for breakfast instead of the usual breakfast food.  Just trying to 
get an idea.  I've tried the Atkins and South beach programs but find 
after the first day I feel worse, much worse, very wasted.  As soon 
as I eat some carbs I feel much better.  I have CFS and don't need to 
feel worse.
Also, on the supplement you mentioned is that just for somebody that 
has Hashimoto or is it more for the pain from the fibromyalgia?  Does 
it help with fatigue, and in your opinion would it be useful for 
somebody with CFS as I also have pain often?


*From:* ASL
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:27 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSarthritus

Like most people, due to having autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's) --- 
I learned I had to go on a strictly paleo diet with NO dairy and 
night shades. Every time I slip and ingest dairy, gluten or night 
shades I'm in excruciating pain in my spine and joints.  So most 
people who contributed tips - I agree with whole heartedly. It's not 
an easy diet/life style... but if it makes the pain go away--- it's 
worth it.
I've noticed though that little bit of RAW goat milk is fine  
guess it has to do with live enzymes benefiting our intestines. 
Sadly, In Colorado, it's illegal to sell raw goat milk in stores - 
they have this expensive goat Share program expect to pay tons 
of money on top of paying for a few gallons per month. No can do... 
way above my financial budget.   Dr Geronimo also prescribed me a 
supplement to keep the inflammation down called

  Glutathione Recycler SM

*I cannot live without this supplement -- with fibromyalgia, 
Hashimoto's disease and osteo-arthrititis... I am now able to live 
97% pain free! I noticed I skipped 1 1/2 month with out it and I was 
like crippled, literally and I'm only 43 years old. As soon I got my 
supplement refill, within 2 days, I was back to active self. *

*Forgive the length of this note. *

Re: CSarthritus/arthritis

2013-08-12 Thread Monique Sauve
The diet you describe is basically the autoimmune paleo diet. It works. 
I have rheumatoid arthritis and this diet keeps me mobile without meds.  
It is not easy but is worth it.


On 8/12/2013 7:54 AM, Nenah Sylver wrote:

Alan wrote (snipped): I recently discovered a book called The Virgin 
Diet.  The book advocates basically a Paleo diet, but also addresses 
food allergies/sensitivities. The 1st 3 weeks you eliminate the 7 most 
likely candidates:  gluten, corn, soy, dairy, eggs, peanuts and 
sugar.  (I actually haven't read the entire book so I'm not an expert, 
but for sugar I think fruit is still OK and small amounts in things 
like ketchup are still OK.) After the 3 weeks are over you have 
challenge weeks which re-introduce one of these foods at a time, if 
you want to, that is.

I've been trying this for a week so it's still early, but have had no 
arthritis pain (or any other pain; I often get random abdominal pains) 
since I started.

Good suggestions, Alan. To the list of no foods I would add 
NIGHTSHADES. They contain chemical compounds that many people cannot 
neutralize, and the debris ends up in the joints and causes pain. 
Nightshades include white potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, most pepper 
(bell  hot---including cayenne---though not peppercorns), tobacco, 
Goji berries, belladonna, and a few other things.

Weston Price website has some great articles on nightshades, including 
why sensitive people should stay away from cayenne. You can do a search.



Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, the NEW //Rife Handbook// (2011)

//Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy//(2004)

VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification;

Re: CSarthritus -- avoid foods

2013-08-12 Thread Monique Sauve
Sounds like a rotation diet. If you only eat the same food every 4 days 
there is much less chance of reacting to it.

On 8/12/2013 8:46 AM, Judy Knowlton wrote:

Yes, it's often a food we eat A LOT OF!
I found I can eat almost anything every 4th or 5th day, but not daily

JOY Is Lovely Liquid Light
is a quote from my biography
Patched, A Spiritual Memoir
Written by me, Judy K.
Happily available on Amazon.

-Original Message-
*From:* Gary Hilt []
*Sent:* Monday, August 12, 2013 11:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSarthritus -- avoid foods

Ahhh i do like potatoes and tomatoes bummer. Will give it a go

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Judy Knowlton 

Don't forget to avoid the nightshades.
Potato, tomato, eggplant, green pepper, paprika  and cheddar
Judy Down Maine

JOY Is Lovely Liquid Light
is a quote from my biography
Patched, A Spiritual Memoir
Written by me, Judy K.
Happily available on Amazon.

-Original Message-
*From:* Alan Jones []
*Sent:* Monday, August 12, 2013 10:24 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSarthritus

I recently discovered a book called The Virgin Diet.  Don't
worry, it's not what you think, the author's name is JJ Virgin.

The book advocates basically a Paleo diet, but also addresses food

The 1st 3 weeks you eliminate the 7 most likely candidates: 
gluten, corn, soy, dairy, eggs, peanuts and sugar.  (I actually

haven't read the entire book so I'm not an expert, but for sugar I
think fruit is still OK and small amounts in things like ketchup
are still OK.)

After the 3 weeks are over you have challenge weeks which
re-introduce one of these foods at a time, if you want to, that is.

I've been trying this for a week so it's still early, but have had
no arthritis pain (or any other pain; I often get random abdominal
pains) since I started.  My arthritis was not severe, it only
occasionally gave me minor pain, but my Dad had it pretty bad and
I want to address it before it gets bad.

You absolutely cannot cheat during this 3 weeks or it's all a
waste of time.  For some reason knowing this has made it easy for
me so far, I've not even had the slightest urge to cheat.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:09 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:

Its me again. i have been active everyday lost 48 pounds. i
have tried, borage oil ViteE, potassium,sveral others
calium/magnesium etc. i stillhave this annoying achesin hips
and shoulders. i have used dmso and caposaisin australian
dream cream.
Any other ideas ??? MSM dont set with me so im looking for any
i also use cayenne internally.
Thanks a lot!

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and

from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Gary  Lennie

Alan Jones

The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to
the States respectively, or to the people.  (Tenth Amendment to
the US Constitution)

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the 
Lord Jesus Christ.

Gary  Lennie

Re: CSarthritus -- avoid foods

2013-08-12 Thread Monique Sauve
Dairy can be very inflammatory for many. It sure is for me.  Dr. Wahls 
has MS and is out of a reclining wheelchair and biking again on the 
autoimmune paleo diet.

On 8/12/2013 7:48 AM, sol wrote:

Judy Knowlton wrote:

Don't forget to avoid the nightshades.
Potato, tomato, eggplant, green pepper, paprika  and cheddar cheese!
Judy Down Maine

Why cheddar cheese?

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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSarthritus

2013-08-12 Thread Monique Sauve
I can't take fish oil as it gives me hormonal issues - actually 
increased my inflammation in certain areas.


On 8/12/2013 3:26 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:
Hi, How much fish oil are you taking.  It is well known for helping 
with inflammation.


*From:* Gary Hilt
*Sent:* Monday, August 12, 2013 10:09 AM
*Subject:* CSarthritus

Its me again. i have been active everyday lost 48 pounds. i have 
tried, borage oil ViteE, potassium,sveral others calium/magnesium etc. 
i stillhave this annoying achesin hips and shoulders. i have used dmso 
and caposaisin australian dream cream.
Any other ideas ??? MSM dont set with me so im looking for any 

i also use cayenne internally.
Thanks a lot!

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the 
Lord Jesus Christ.

Gary  Lennie

Re: CSarthritus -- avoid foods

2013-08-12 Thread Monique Sauve
I hear you sol. Eating autoimmune paleo is so restrictive as it is. I 
find eating this way I don't need to rotate these foods. I wonder 
however if people could add in occasional cheats every 4 days and not be 
as hurt by them?  Never tried so not sure.

On 8/12/2013 5:29 PM, sol wrote:

Monique Sauve wrote:
Sounds like a rotation diet. If you only eat the same food every 4 
days there is much less chance of reacting to it.

Quite right, but some of us don't have enough safe foods to do a 4 day 
rotation. Hell, I can't even do a two day rotation. I simply try not 
to eat the same foods two meals in a row, but sometimes, in order to 
avoid histamine build up in leftover meats, I can't even do that. It 
is a frustration for me.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSarthritus

2013-08-12 Thread Monique Sauve

Yeah I only use coconut oil, olive oil, animal fats, and sometimes butter.

On 8/12/2013 5:34 PM, sol wrote:

Monique Sauve wrote:
I can't take fish oil as it gives me hormonal issues - actually 
increased my inflammation in certain areas.

Sticking my oar in againI can't take fish oil due to 
allergy issues, but I have had a big decrease in joint pain from 
avoiding polyunsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils like soy, canola, 
corn, and so on). I also completely stopped flax oil, and evening 
primrose oil.
All the PUFA oxidize as soon as they are ingested, even if not 
oxidized before that. Fish oils are the MOST oxidizable of PUFAS, and 
I have read of people saying fish oil helped inflammation at first, 
but over time made it worse.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSArthritus

2013-07-25 Thread Monique Sauve
Joint Formula 14 is helpful.  I have RA and have tried many things. This 
supplement does help.

Hope you find some relief
On 7/25/2013 5:27 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:

Hi to all: im back again to find some wisdom.
i have 2 bad shoulders both worked on rotator etc. and both hips. i 
try to walk with the aid of a rolling walker and i ride a bike.
im using Capsaisin which affords some relief and i have used DMSO 
little help. i also use Capsaison capsules and ginger. Any ideas for 
Arthritic pain and soreness. im 65

Thank You

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the 
Lord Jesus Christ.

Gary  Lennie

CSstoring CS

2013-07-15 Thread Monique Sauve
I am wondering how long CS keeps when stored in a dark bottle in a cool 
place?  Does it lose efficacy with time?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMy story

2013-06-18 Thread Monique Sauve


What has taking silver helped you with over the years?


On 6/18/2013 4:53 AM, Neville Munn wrote:
I've been ingesting 30ml of home made product {which is a 
predominantly ionic silver solution} every morning for nigh on 10 
years now so what would you think I should be witnessing on or in my 
personage by now?  And over that time I've consumed up to 16 ounces a 
day for 2-3 days, and done this on several occasions.

I don't know where you heard, or why you would say not to take Ionic 
Silver internally?  Ionic Silver is eliminated from the body in very 
quick time frame, regardless of whatever compounds people believe is 
evidently created when in contact with stomach acids etc.  There are 
many more substances within the body silver can react with which may 
negate that belief.  May work in the text books, but in real life 
context things may work rather differently.

I wouldn't believe everything I read.


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 20:40:53 -0700
Subject: Re: CSMy story

The blue man made his silver(Ionic Silver!) all wrong!, he used tap 
water(a big no-no), he used salt in the water(he made silver chloride 
a bigger no-no), he was taking in large amounts of his Ionic Silver! 
*You should only use Ionic Silver(IS) externally*,use Colloidal 
Silver(CS) for internal use! Silver Chloride will bond to human tissue 
on contact and ionic silver will get into the cells and be locked in 
by the selenium in the cells. We use silver as needed in our family 
for infections and in the wifes nebulizer for flu/cold/upper 
respiratory infections.

*From:* Joyce Miller
*Sent:* Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:43 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSMy story

Sarah wrote:  I've been taking CS for about a yr. straight now. I want
to know if any has developed argyria. I would like to know more about


I have never known of anyone who has had argryia from using CS. Yes, I
saw the video of the man who claims he turned blue, and yes, I have
read stories of people who have had argryia.

I have been using colloidal silver for myself for years with no
problems. I have never turned blue! I am very very healthy. I take a
teaspoon of CS in the morning and sometimes, I take a tablespoon at

Dr. Mercola has information:
or use the tiny url:

Natural News also has info about CS --

And one more, very detailed site about CS with good info about this :

All three of these sites speak about Argryia as well as CS.

Joyce Miller

When having a bad day, become the witness and stay present in every

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMy story

2013-06-18 Thread Monique Sauve
Have you tried colloidal gold for the joint issues? James says it works 
well for his wife.

On 6/18/2013 3:03 PM, Neville Munn wrote:

I don't have any serious or long term health problems.

Have used it on myself and family members for various issues such as 
Shingles, white spots on tonsils, onset of colds/flu's, open wounds, 
stomack upsets and 'the runs', sunburn, toenail fungus, and there are 
probly more which escapes my memory, but these are all kindergarten 
issues so I guess I can't really do your question justice g.

I use it as a daily maintenance thing - does that mean it's working 
really good in preventing anything? - I don't know and couldn't 
possibly hazzard a guess, but I feel pretty good, and it does nothing 
for arthritis or other joint related issues for me.


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 14:01:48 -0700
Subject: Re: CSMy story


What has taking silver helped you with over the years?


On 6/18/2013 4:53 AM, Neville Munn wrote:

I've been ingesting 30ml of home made product {which is a
predominantly ionic silver solution} every morning for nigh on 10
years now so what would you think I should be witnessing on or in
my personage by now?  And over that time I've consumed up to 16
ounces a day for 2-3 days, and done this on several occasions.

I don't know where you heard, or why you would say not to take
Ionic Silver internally?  Ionic Silver is eliminated from the body
in very quick time frame, regardless of whatever compounds people
believe is evidently created when in contact with stomach acids
etc.  There are many more substances within the body silver can
react with which may negate that belief.  May work in the text
books, but in real life context things may work rather differently.

I wouldn't believe everything I read.


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 20:40:53 -0700
Subject: Re: CSMy story

The blue man made his silver(Ionic Silver!) all wrong!, he used
tap water(a big no-no), he used salt in the water(he made silver
chloride a bigger no-no), he was taking in large amounts of his
Ionic Silver! *You should only use Ionic Silver(IS)
externally*,use Colloidal Silver(CS) for internal use! Silver
Chloride will bond to human tissue on contact and ionic silver
will get into the cells and be locked in by the selenium in the
cells. We use silver as needed in our family for infections and in
the wifes nebulizer for flu/cold/upper respiratory infections.

*From:* Joyce Miller
*Sent:* Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:43 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSMy story

Sarah wrote:  I've been taking CS for about a yr. straight now. I want
to know if any has developed argyria. I would like to know more about


I have never known of anyone who has had argryia from using CS. Yes, I
saw the video of the man who claims he turned blue, and yes, I have
read stories of people who have had argryia.

I have been using colloidal silver for myself for years with no
problems. I have never turned blue! I am very very healthy. I take a
teaspoon of CS in the morning and sometimes, I take a tablespoon at

Dr. Mercola has information:
or use the tiny url:

Natural News also has info about CS --

And one more, very detailed site about CS with good info about this :

All three of these sites speak about Argryia as well as CS.

Joyce Miller

Re: CSMy story

2013-06-18 Thread Monique Sauve
Have you tried colloidal gold for the joint issues? James says it works 
well for his wife.

On 6/18/2013 3:03 PM, Neville Munn wrote:

I don't have any serious or long term health problems.

Have used it on myself and family members for various issues such as 
Shingles, white spots on tonsils, onset of colds/flu's, open wounds, 
stomack upsets and 'the runs', sunburn, toenail fungus, and there are 
probly more which escapes my memory, but these are all kindergarten 
issues so I guess I can't really do your question justice g.

I use it as a daily maintenance thing - does that mean it's working 
really good in preventing anything? - I don't know and couldn't 
possibly hazzard a guess, but I feel pretty good, and it does nothing 
for arthritis or other joint related issues for me.


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 14:01:48 -0700
Subject: Re: CSMy story


What has taking silver helped you with over the years?


On 6/18/2013 4:53 AM, Neville Munn wrote:

I've been ingesting 30ml of home made product {which is a
predominantly ionic silver solution} every morning for nigh on 10
years now so what would you think I should be witnessing on or in
my personage by now?  And over that time I've consumed up to 16
ounces a day for 2-3 days, and done this on several occasions.

I don't know where you heard, or why you would say not to take
Ionic Silver internally?  Ionic Silver is eliminated from the body
in very quick time frame, regardless of whatever compounds people
believe is evidently created when in contact with stomach acids
etc.  There are many more substances within the body silver can
react with which may negate that belief.  May work in the text
books, but in real life context things may work rather differently.

I wouldn't believe everything I read.


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 20:40:53 -0700
Subject: Re: CSMy story

The blue man made his silver(Ionic Silver!) all wrong!, he used
tap water(a big no-no), he used salt in the water(he made silver
chloride a bigger no-no), he was taking in large amounts of his
Ionic Silver! *You should only use Ionic Silver(IS)
externally*,use Colloidal Silver(CS) for internal use! Silver
Chloride will bond to human tissue on contact and ionic silver
will get into the cells and be locked in by the selenium in the
cells. We use silver as needed in our family for infections and in
the wifes nebulizer for flu/cold/upper respiratory infections.

*From:* Joyce Miller
*Sent:* Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:43 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSMy story

Sarah wrote:  I've been taking CS for about a yr. straight now. I want
to know if any has developed argyria. I would like to know more about


I have never known of anyone who has had argryia from using CS. Yes, I
saw the video of the man who claims he turned blue, and yes, I have
read stories of people who have had argryia.

I have been using colloidal silver for myself for years with no
problems. I have never turned blue! I am very very healthy. I take a
teaspoon of CS in the morning and sometimes, I take a tablespoon at

Dr. Mercola has information:
or use the tiny url:

Natural News also has info about CS --

And one more, very detailed site about CS with good info about this :

All three of these sites speak about Argryia as well as CS.

Joyce Miller

Re: CSblood cancer

2013-05-07 Thread Monique Sauve

Great to hear. Can you give more info.?  How much and for how long?

On 5/7/2013 4:57 PM, Rod Samuelson wrote:

yes and his white blood count is almost normal

*From:*Bob Banever []
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 07, 2013 11:00 AM
*Subject:* RE: CSblood cancer

Is that the only therapy being used?

*From:*Rod Samuelson []
*Sent:* Monday, May 06, 2013 7:06 PM
*Subject:* CSblood cancer

Leukemia is being treated with colloidal silver.  Please comment.

Rod Samuelson
860-881-3734 cell
new email address

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Re: CShello!

2013-04-20 Thread Monique Sauve
I agree.  I had all my amalgams removed and it didn't help my health at 
all. I have several health issues. My husband, my dad, and his wife all 
have amalgams and they all have very good health. Better if we stop 
using mercury for sure but its removal isn't the cure all some claim it 
to be. Some argue that if one's gut is functioning well with proper 
bacterial balance, mercury can be chelated safely from the body by the 
good bacteria.


On 4/20/2013 5:09 PM, Neville Munn wrote:
I don't recall mentioning anything about Mercury being good for ones 

What I did suggest is that there are millions of other things we 
consume nowadays one could be pointing a finger at which may 
accumulate or compound in the body, or head, causing some people to go 
loopy or be afflicted with some other malady.  Replacing the fillings 
may have aided some in some way, and that's great I guess, but there 
would be many many more who have not had issues with those fillings 
over the ages and lived to a ripe old age, and still had their marbles.

Put it this way, there are many many people who have had false teeth 
for decades and still end up loopy, or be afflicted with some other 
malady when older?  It's also been proven apparently that some people 
just have an intolerance to Mercury, not dissimilar to what they say 
about a persons intolerance to silver with body metabolism or whatever?


Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 16:49:05 -0700
Subject: Re: CShello!

You got to be kidding me? And how does mercury, which is proven to be 
in the silver filling's, help anyone's health!

*From:* Neville Munn
*Sent:* Saturday, April 20, 2013 7:46 PM
*Subject:* RE: CShello!

Yeah, I believe they remove mercury from your mouth and replace it via 
vaccines???  I don't believe the mercury in teeth thing anyway, 
there's a squillion other things nowadays one could be pointing a 
finger at {personal opinion}.


 Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 11:45:39 -0600
 Subject: Re: CShello!

 I had all my amalgam fillings removed 3 decades or more ago, without 

 change in my overall health whatsoever. So while I don't want any new
 amalgam fillings, I am not personally a believer that having such
 fillings removed is going to help anything, except for me it stopped 

 galvanic pain.
 YMMV, this is just my two cents and my personal experience.

 melissa adams wrote:
  Thanks, Debbie!
  Yes, I have 4 fillings ( unfortunately ).
  Missy :)

  Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2013 10:23:12 -0700
  Hi you have mercury filling's in your teeth? (look like
  welcome to the group,

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 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSAllergies

2013-04-03 Thread Monique Sauve

Cool. Thanks Lena. That is good to know.


On 4/3/2013 11:57 AM, Lena Guyot wrote:

Hi Pat,

If allergies are about local pollens, eating raw local honey can help 
the body cope. As a retired beekeeper, I've noticed this really works, 
but it has to be LOCAL, from the same flowers, trees, and grasses that 
aggravate. When we travel, to any new place for more than a week, I 
get the local honey from that area.

Be well,
On Apr 3, 2013, at 1:39 PM, Pat wrote:

Anybody home?

Does anyone have a great help for allergy problems besides vitamin D 
and the sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C?  I used to have horrible 
allergies years ago, but mine are pretty good now.  My daughter and 
husband are suffering (even after using these supplements and Allegra.)


Re: CSStem Cell / Cleopatra's milk

2013-03-24 Thread Monique Sauve
I can't handle any raw milk - only cheese and butter.  The lactose is a 
problem raw or not.


On 3/24/2013 12:45 PM, Cyndi wrote:
What else do they eat? Usually even lactose intolerant people can 
handle raw. I'd think it would be the same for dogs. Do you feed 
kibble? I know that tends to give a dog a sensitive stomach.


On 3/24/2013 3:34 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

I find only lactose free milk allows my pet to have no bowel problems,
so they don't get the raw milk.


It's illegal in many parts of the US too so they sell it for pet
consumption only. I do let the pets have a little!

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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSc diff

2013-03-04 Thread Monique Sauve
I thought silver only killed bad bacteria not good?  I thought that was 
the benefit of taking it over antibiotics.

Fecal transplants are good for treating c diff.


On 3/4/2013 4:02 AM, Dianne France wrote:
Silver kills bacteria good or bad if reached.  I had a problem with 
C-Diff after back to back major surgeries.  My natural therapy doctor 
(also an MD) told
me the very best probiotic to help C-Diff is Saccharmomyces 
Boulardii+Mos.  I can buy it local at the health store or order it 
This probiotic is also non-dairy which works for me since I am 
allergic to dairy.  This probiotic also helped my dad when he was 
having problems.

Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 05:51:35 -0500
Subject: CSc diff

I have late stage lyme and treating but developed c diff.  I have 
argentyn silver and was wondering 2 things does silver treat c diff 
and does silver kill beneficial bacteria like an antibiotic would?

Re: CSRecommendations for CS generator

2013-02-20 Thread Monique Sauve

Does anyone on this list use:

If so how do you like it?


On 2/20/2013 7:30 AM, ATOMICSILVER wrote:
I sent my cs generator back to Silvergen - he wanted over $ 100 to fix 
it , was aggressive in chasing me for payment and generally pretty 
unpleasant to deal with - take your choice !

On 20/02/2013, at 9:17, Gene Wolfe wrote:

I have both a silver puppy and a silvergen. They are both excellent 

I did have a problem with the puppy and emailed Ode and he came back 
and said he would fix anything for $20. I mailed the unit back to him 
with $20 and he fixed it and sent it back with a $10 bill. You can't 
ask for better service.


On 2/19/2013 11:02 PM, Walter Anderson wrote:

We would like to buy a quality CS generator for home use. By quality, we
mean a unit that produces quality CS as well as a quality unit that we can
expect to work well for many years to come with minimal maintenance.

We do not have any personal experience with a CS generator, though we've
enjoyed CS given to us by a friend in the past who uses the home unit from She's been fairly happy with it, but recommended we ask
here as she hasn't looked into this for some time.

FYI we have both 24VDC and 60Hz 120VAC true sine wave power available in our
off-grid home, though we like to turn the AC power off while we sleep.

Ideally, we would like to buy a unit built to produce excellent quality CS,
last 20+ years with only electrode replacement, and accept electrodes that
are not more costly than necessary.

Is there such a unit available for sale?

What would you recommend?

This is new to us, so all feedback and suggestions--even what to look for,
if not a recommendation of a specific unit--are welcome. If you recommend a
specific unit, we'd love to know what features lead you to recommend it.

Thanks for your time! Please let us know if we can help with any further

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   Rules and Instructions:


List Owner: Mike


Re: CSsharing my experience - OT

2013-02-08 Thread Monique Sauve

Doesn't the CS cause a herxing of its own?

On 2/8/2013 2:17 PM, James McDonald wrote:
What we call the Herx Reaction, so much dead stuff is dumped into your 
system that is temporary overwhelmed. You can get flu-like symptoms. 
Need to drink lots of water (ozoneated better) and drink some 
colloidal silver (CS). Slow down what you are doing so the body can 
catch up. Then resume full out.

*From:* PT Ferrance
*Sent:* Friday, February 8, 2013 3:57 PM
*Subject:* CSsharing my experience - OT

About 7-8 weeks ago I decided to purchase a zapper and start zapping.  
I used it on an average about 8 hours per day.  In less than a month I 
no longer needed thyroid medication and much of the body pain I manage 
was under better control.  I was more comfortable and happier.  About 
2-3 weeks ago I started having arrhythmias and they got progressively 
more frequent and more serious.  This week I had one bout that went on 
for over 2 hours and which left me exhausted.  Clearly something was 
wrong.  I spoke with my practitioner who suggested that I not zap for 
a few days and that I up my B vitamin and mineral intake.  I did this 
and the arrhythmias disappeared.  I even zapped today and did not have 
any problems.  When we discussed this my practitioner offered the 
possibility that when we zap we are killing critters and dumping a lot 
of trash that is wound up in our connective tissue into our system for 
excretion.  This is a stress on the body and uses B vitamins and 
minerals.  I did not know to adjust for this event and ended up 
putting myself through some very nasty experiences.

I offer this so those of you who do similar things consider the stress 
on the body that getting healthy can cause and that you might want to 
up your supplementation to help support a healthy state.  If I can 
help anyone avoid what I went through it will be a Blessing.


Re: CSCS and RA

2013-01-26 Thread Monique Sauve

Sending this one more time since I didn't get an answer before.


How many oz is 10 mg of CG?  Is there a reason for taking it every 
other day instead of daily?


On 1/20/2013 2:17 AM, James McDonald wrote:
We have been taking the CG for over 6 months now. Her RA has never 
been better, I have a damaged spine and it only took 5 days for me to 
notice a difference but took the wife almost two weeks to feel a 
difference but she has! She can now stand up at work for the whole 
day and come home and not collapse into bed! Her hips and joints do 
not hurt like they used to, she tells me the pain level is down about 
85%. She is very happy also that there are no super nasty side 
effects unlike big pharms drugs(death is one of the listed side 

*From:* Monique Sauve
*Sent:* Friday, January 18, 2013 10:49 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSCS and RA

Hi Can you tell me more about the colloidal gold. How long has your 
wife been taking it? Is she doing other things as well?

Thanks so much for your help
On 1/18/2013 6:53 PM, James McDonald wrote:
My wife is using Colloidal Gold(CG) 10mg every other day, it has 
worked wonders andf dropped her pain and joint discomfort level 
about 85%

*From:* Monique Sauve

*Sent:* Friday, January 18, 2013 8:18 PM
*Subject:* CSCS and RA


Am new to this group.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and put it into 
remission using minocin. But then after a few years the minocin made 
me sick. So am looking at safer ways to kill off the bad bacteria 
that I think are causing my symptoms. Has anyone here has success 
using colloidal silver for RA? if so at what dose?


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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and RA

2013-01-24 Thread Monique Sauve
How many oz is 10 mg of CG?  Is there a reason for taking it every other 
day instead of daily?


On 1/20/2013 2:17 AM, James McDonald wrote:
We have been taking the CG for over 6 months now. Her RA has never 
been better, I have a damaged spine and it only took 5 days for me to 
notice a difference but took the wife almost two weeks to feel a 
difference but she has! She can now stand up at work for the whole day 
and come home and not collapse into bed! Her hips and joints do not 
hurt like they used to, she tells me the pain level is down about 85%. 
She is very happy also that there are no super nasty side effects 
unlike big pharms drugs(death is one of the listed side effects!).

*From:* Monique Sauve
*Sent:* Friday, January 18, 2013 10:49 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSCS and RA

Hi Can you tell me more about the colloidal gold. How long has your 
wife been taking it? Is she doing other things as well?

Thanks so much for your help
On 1/18/2013 6:53 PM, James McDonald wrote:
My wife is using Colloidal Gold(CG) 10mg every other day, it has 
worked wonders andf dropped her pain and joint discomfort level about 85%

*From:* Monique Sauve

*Sent:* Friday, January 18, 2013 8:18 PM
*Subject:* CSCS and RA


Am new to this group.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and put it into 
remission using minocin. But then after a few years the minocin made 
me sick. So am looking at safer ways to kill off the bad bacteria 
that I think are causing my symptoms. Has anyone here has success 
using colloidal silver for RA? if so at what dose?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and RA

2013-01-20 Thread Monique Sauve
Thanks James. Good to hear.  Do you make the CG yourself? if so what 
machine do you use? Or do you buy it and if so from where?  I don't know 
anything re the CG.

I am also curious if your wife tried CS before the CG?


On 1/20/2013 2:17 AM, James McDonald wrote:
We have been taking the CG for over 6 months now. Her RA has never 
been better, I have a damaged spine and it only took 5 days for me to 
notice a difference but took the wife almost two weeks to feel a 
difference but she has! She can now stand up at work for the whole day 
and come home and not collapse into bed! Her hips and joints do not 
hurt like they used to, she tells me the pain level is down about 85%. 
She is very happy also that there are no super nasty side effects 
unlike big pharms drugs(death is one of the listed side effects!).

*From:* Monique Sauve
*Sent:* Friday, January 18, 2013 10:49 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSCS and RA

Hi Can you tell me more about the colloidal gold. How long has your 
wife been taking it? Is she doing other things as well?

Thanks so much for your help
On 1/18/2013 6:53 PM, James McDonald wrote:
My wife is using Colloidal Gold(CG) 10mg every other day, it has 
worked wonders andf dropped her pain and joint discomfort level about 85%

*From:* Monique Sauve

*Sent:* Friday, January 18, 2013 8:18 PM
*Subject:* CSCS and RA


Am new to this group.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and put it into 
remission using minocin. But then after a few years the minocin made 
me sick. So am looking at safer ways to kill off the bad bacteria 
that I think are causing my symptoms. Has anyone here has success 
using colloidal silver for RA? if so at what dose?


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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


2013-01-19 Thread Monique Sauve
Thanks Scotty. Unfortunately I do not tolerate curcumin. I get major 
dizziness and nausea from it.  I get that from MSM too - it has 
something to do with liver detox pathways not functioning correctly.


On 1/19/2013 7:57 AM, Scotty wrote:
I found a good article this morning regarding RA and the use of 
curcumin. Hope it helps!


*Have a great day!*


2013-01-18 Thread Monique Sauve


Am new to this group.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and put it into 
remission using minocin. But then after a few years the minocin made me 
sick. So am looking at safer ways to kill off the bad bacteria that I 
think are causing my symptoms. Has anyone here has success using 
colloidal silver for RA? if so at what dose?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and RA

2013-01-18 Thread Monique Sauve
Hi Can you tell me more about the colloidal gold. How long has your wife 
been taking it? Is she doing other things as well?

Thanks so much for your help
On 1/18/2013 6:53 PM, James McDonald wrote:
My wife is using Colloidal Gold(CG) 10mg every other day, it has 
worked wonders andf dropped her pain and joint discomfort level about 85%

*From:* Monique Sauve
*Sent:* Friday, January 18, 2013 8:18 PM
*Subject:* CSCS and RA


Am new to this group.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and put it into 
remission using minocin. But then after a few years the minocin made 
me sick. So am looking at safer ways to kill off the bad bacteria that 
I think are causing my symptoms. Has anyone here has success using 
colloidal silver for RA? if so at what dose?


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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and RA

2013-01-18 Thread Monique Sauve
I've considered using this but 
not a zapper.  Why?

On 1/18/2013 8:21 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

Have you considered trying a zapper?

*From:* Monique Sauve
*Sent:* Fri, January 18, 2013 8:18:01 PM
*Subject:* CSCS and RA


Am new to this group.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and put it into 
remission using minocin. But then after a few years the minocin made 
me sick. So am looking at safer ways to kill off the bad bacteria that 
I think are causing my symptoms. Has anyone here has success using 
colloidal silver for RA? if so at what dose?


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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour