Re: CS>Silver Oxide

1998-12-23 Thread NCOAMA
In a message dated 98-12-22 08:47:15 EST, you write:

<< Hi silver free radicals!
 I've got a Robey Delux and was just wondering if the silver oxide that
 builds up when making CS is harmful in any way. I've been filtering through
 coffee filters but still get a metallic taste.  Is all OK, or is there
 something I need to be doing differently.
 Steven Geigle >>


I have been using a self made 3 ea 9 volt cs maker for well over 2, soon  to
be 3,  years now. The silver oxide (I am guessing you mean the sludge that
builds up on the neg electorde) is normal. I too filter with coffee filters
and i have always had the metallic taste. 

>From what you have written you are on target.

My wife and I are both the same color that we were when we started using cs
with no gray color to our skin or any other place for that matter. 

Good health

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Re: CS>Reinfection and the Thumper (pulser)

1998-12-15 Thread NCOAMA
In a message dated 98-12-15 00:16:53 EST, you write:

<< Think it might be worth considering the pulser as a serious adjunct to CS.
 I suspect the reason besides having multiple strains of the lyme bug, why
 CS does not always work is due to CS's inability to reach the lymph nodes
 and cavity areas. So while you are dealing with pathogens in the
 bloodstream and gut etc possible reinfection is occurring from places where
 CS has not been able to go. The pulser in my opinion is a must for more
 complete treatment. Everyone on the list should read Bob Becks material
 just to understand these type of issues.
 Chris Gupta. 

I read a lot about Bob Beck on this list. From what I have heard, he is the
one that got his all started (3 each 9 vdc) CS makers. Where can I read about
his stuff. I ahve also read about his pulser (?) sound interesting but I can
find anything new about him. I need help here.


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Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-07 Thread NCOAMA
In a message dated 98-07-05 21:00:56 EDT, you write:

<< Hi all,
  I have been here for a while. I was all for silver a first. I am not now. I
owe an explanation. 
  (1) Silver is questionable in it's effectiveness.
  (2)Silver may have after effects...(turning blue)...I don't want itDo
  (3) There are better alternatives.olive leaf extract...grapefruit seed side effects!!!
  Thats it! My two cents worth. I suspect I will be flamed for this. That's
okay..I enjoy it.
  Hope you read this far,
 Paul >>


My complaments to you. I like I have an opinion. So does my brother-in-law. He
had all of him lower teeth removed do to gum infections and was scheduled to
have the upper removed for the same condition. I worked very hard to get him
to try brushing with and then swishing and then holding CS in him mouth for 5
to 10 min to rid him of the condition before the tooth fairy struck again.
Thankfully for him he listioned. He now has a fine set of fake teeth on the
bottom and a much better set of original teeth on top, with out any gum
problems. Too bad he wouldn't liston to me sooner. And he guess what - he has
not changed color yet. I could go on but I truely believe there isn't any use.
You study very hard and learn all the things herbs can do, but when you run
against a real problem that needs some hard working antibotic action - try CS,
you may find you like it.

Have a great day and happy hunting

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Re: Easy experiment - what about yogurt culture

1998-06-02 Thread NCOAMA
In a message dated 98-06-02 12:18:36 EDT, you write:

<< Michael and List
 This idea sounds very interesting.  I'm not sure if a simple observation
 would tell you whether or not any "good" microbes were being
 "eliminated" or "killed" within the yogurt rancid yogurt a
 sign of "dead" microbe culture???
 BUT, what this thread does elude to is finding out whether or not you
 actually "kill" microbes or merely "revert" or "convert" the "bad" ones
 into "good" ones (possibly by the observation of sustained culture life
 in the yogurt for a prolonged period of time).  It would at least point
 to a possible conclusion that CS does not "kill" "good" microbes.
 I am not on an experimental track at the moment, but if anyone tries
 this, please post to the list!
hi all

reading this brought an experament to mind that i am going to try. i'll do the
two milks test myself, using the correct amount to make yogurt in our yogurt
maker. then i'll use the milk that did not (assuming it does not) spoil, to
make the batch of yogurt. if cs kills off good bacteria it should also stop
the making of yogurt, even though you have to introduce a good strain of
yogurt to make the batch. 


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Re: CS and herb teas

1998-05-23 Thread NCOAMA
In a message dated 98-05-23 10:51:14 EDT, you write:

<< I have a question for the list. I would like to have some feed back 
 with ideas, or if anyone has tried this, let me know.
Would it be possible to make CS using an herb tea combination 
 instead of distilled water? If you did this would the silver bond to 
 the ingredients of the tea to make something good or bad?
There are several formulas which including CS might improve the 
 effects, plus you should be able to store the teas for a long time 
 with CS as bacteria would not grow in it!
I know I can always just add the CS to a very strong tea base, and 
 this may be what I do, but I was just wondering what might happen if 
 you used an herb tea to "cook" your CS in???
Give me your thoughts!
Jim Einert, N.D. >>

for what it is worth, the idea sounds interesting but i believe you would has
such a hard time trying to get the cs made in the herbal tea that mixing it
later will prove to be the best idea.

even in the distilled water i buy i sometimes to much contamients to make a
clean batch.

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Re: CS/burns

1998-05-22 Thread NCOAMA
my pleasure

that is what i joined this list for.


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Re: CS nasal spray

1998-05-22 Thread NCOAMA
Mike D

I started to use cs for dandruff. I apply it in the morning before I head off
to work. How much i use is not easy to tell. I keep it in an old CS bottle i
got from some company. a squeez type plastic bottle, anyhow i just put in on
my head until it runs off. sounds funny i guess but there is a good saturation
going on. then i just comb the hair and let it dry by its self. i do rub it in
befor combing. the cs seems to make the hair set in place and holds it all
day. plain water will not do that for me. anyhow a lot of new hair has grown
and tends to maintain a more youthfull color than it had before.

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Re: nutrients FINAL FLAME! off list from here!

1998-05-22 Thread NCOAMA
And I say Amen

noise is noise no matter where it comes from

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Re: CS nasal spray

1998-05-21 Thread NCOAMA
i havn't used it in my nose for very long but i have put it on my head for
nearly two years. my scalp is still flesh color and my hair is much younger
looking (even the new hair that the cs grew)

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Re: Wasp Sting and other usages

1998-05-01 Thread NCOAMA
In a message dated 98-04-30 12:40:34 EDT, you write:

<< >A quick testimony: A wasp just stung me on the arm. I applied yellow
 >CS liberally for about 3 minutes. The pain stopped instantly and the
 >swelling has gone. Good stuff this CS.
 Here's something else that works... take a piece of an asprin, and rub it
 the Wasp Sting wound... and it will also stop the pain..
 Gig >>

Some extra tid bits that you may want to add to your list of nice things to
know.  :-)

My family and I have used CS for almost everything from killing fungus on
plants to brushing our teeth. If we had to buy it we would have to be
millionares, but thanks to a man in New york (and I never learned his real
name) I learned how to build my own CS maker (as I call it). 

Anyhow, Adding to the wasp sting usage of CS above I want to add the

1) When someone has had surgery, put CS on the stich area. It takes he pain
away and speed healing. It works the same on the cut areas too but some are
afraid to mess with that area. If there is an infected area - I would suggest
giving CS a try. It seems better to me to dab on  CS rather than take

2) CS works wonders on a Sun Burn. Just rub on or, if you want to be nice,
spray it on the burn. Try it you'll like it. :-) But don't just use it once,
use it repeatedly. Your working against burnt flesh here and time and
application is the answer.

3) CS will kill Moles and worts. Just dab it on and let it work. It does take
time, but it took time for them to grow so don't expect over night results.

4) I had a cancer type growth on my arm. I say cancer type because I didn't
have a doctor look at it, but I have seen skin cancer on may of my friends,
I'm 52, and if any thing looked like skin cancer what I had fit the bill.
Anyhow, I put CS on it each morning and evening and in two weeks it was gone.
NOTE: it returned when I stopped treating it so that is a warning about
stopping a treatment. I'll treat the area again for about 6 months (morning
and evening) and see if it returns after that.

5) Many members of our church have suffered with strep throat and so I have
had the opportunity to see what CS will do in may cases. Some it killes it
right off, but in some it doesn't do the trick. Yes it seems to do great for a
day or two but then the strep seems to come back two fold. But in all cases CS
and Antibiotics working together knocks it out in short order.

6) Believe it or not but CS taken daily has stopped my snoring. I don't know
if it is because it killed off some parasite (sp?) or what, but my wife is a
very happy camper because of it. She use to say that I could wake the
neighbors but now I sleep as quiet as a baby. This took about 2 month of using
CS at a rate of 4 oz per day - 2 oz in the am and 2 in the pm. 

That"s all for now, I'll share more some time later

God bless you, and I thank God for the man (who ever he was) that introduced
me to CS and how to make it.


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Re: Replacing/renewing the silver electrodes

1998-05-01 Thread NCOAMA
For what it is worth, I just take my two leads and grip them with two cloth
pins and connect them to my home made 3 each 9 volt battery unit with clips
and set the pins on the mouth of the jar I use to make silver colloid in.
Seems to work well for me and allows me to clean the leads without any

Simple as it is, it works. The only problem I can see with me approch is that
the gap between my silver wires is never any close than the width of half the
two pins, but still I seem to make some darn good batches.

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Re: Clear or Golden?

1998-03-28 Thread NCOAMA
Well said Mike!

I am one of those silent readers that would rather learn than talk until I
have, what I truely believe (and hopfully know) to be fact. 

I joined your list because I had hopped I would be able to be in contact with
fellow users of CS so I could compare issues of importance to me and my family
- health.

I am not complaining but I have seen very little constructive information come
accrost my monitor for some time. I see people that are forward with opinions
on what is better and so on but I see little information how to attack a cold,
the flu, strep, toe fungus, yeast infrections and the like. 

The issue with me is not if CS works, it does. When I first started to make it
I used the salt method, and then I changed to the hot water method because I
learned that the partical size was better. I don't know if the partical size
is better or not - I can't see that small so what am I to say. I, and
hopefully others want to move forward. If yellow is best fine, if clear is
best fine. I use what ever color comes out in the batch, and it does differ
based (I think) on the distilled water I get. One time it tastes terrible and
anther time tastes ok. I, as you have said, have not turned blue yet. But I
have to guess on how to use it. I realize that the PPM is likely important but
that seems to very from one batch to another, at least I know the color does.

Some say they make CS in such a way that it always comes out the same. Good
trick - it doesn't work that way for me.

The list of questions is longer than the list of answers. And as you so
clearly stated - we don't know the answers - we only think we know the
answers. So why don't we share what we have observed in usage, successes,
health and things like that. 

I started using it on my bald spots as a by product to attacking the fungus
that caused my scalp to flake. Guess what happened - my hair started to come
back. Why did it come back? Who knows - but it did. My friend had mouth sores.
Why did he have the sores, I don't know. All I know is that when he started
using the silver I make they went away. Why? Who knows. But it worked. His
kids were sick all the time with cold, flu like conditions and so on. He
started to give them silver and for almost a year now they have not been to
the doctor. Why? Who knows. I suggesed, with a smile, that he stop giving his
kids CS and see if that was what was doing it and he laughed at me. If it
isn't broke don't fix it and if it works don't change it.

We need to, as you said, stop batting the same old this is better and that is
better and get back to what works and what doesn't work. The medical world is
not going to give us a hand, and that is a fact. We need to share and use our
own minds.

Thanks for your posting. It has renewed my hopes that some day we will band
together and head for a better life where and when CS is useful.


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Re: Hi silver List/Refute

1998-02-21 Thread NCOAMA
In regard to those that don't believe CS works - :-) - PLEASE DON'T TELL MY

But I will tell you that it does not work on every thing. I have a filling
that fell out and it did not fix it. It did stop the pain and removed the
plaque build up but it didn't refill the tooth. 

A friend of mine told me that CS was all in my head and he may be be correct,
but when the antibiotics the doc gave his wife for strep didn't help he sure

take care - Larry

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Re: PPM meter

1998-02-21 Thread NCOAMA
Could I please get some informaion on the PPM. What does it tell me, Why would
I be intereted and, if possible, where can I get one, if I am interested in

I do hear a lot about this or that PPM but I just make my silver using the hot
distilled water method (using 10 inch 1/4" diameter 99.99 clear silver leads
that I get from Montana) and guess at what PPM I have. I expose my leads first
to 16 oz of hot distilled water @ appox 170 - 180 degrees for 60 min. then add
the 16 oz to 64 oz of the same temp distilled water and apply power for
another 60 min. 

Anyhow I guess I have answered my own question but I do want to hear about the
meter and know where to get one. 


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