Re: CS>lyme and cs

2003-05-14 Thread Nancy Berntsen
The rest of the story...

The account posted by Rob Allen comes from my website, 

An update of my account and other family members is on another page there. I am 
doing very well and never need anything for Lyme symptoms any longer. I keep it 
on hand for occasional use for colds and other viruses and as a preventative 
when one of us is exposed to something.

I have not had a triad of Lyme symptoms for years. Once in a while when the 
weather's cold, my bones or a couple joints might ache, but these arthritic 
symptoms have largely subsided since I gave up coffee (even decaf).

I still credit colloidal silver with resolving the last of my stubborn symptoms.

I recently attended a Lyme seminar where a doctor was asked, "Can you ever 
completely get rid of Lyme disease?"

His response made sense to me. He said he knows many patients have apparently 
completely recovered, whereas others  who seem to have recovered end up 
relapsing in a time of stress. He said when someone gets Strep throat and takes 
antibiotics, this does not completely rid him of the bacteria that causes it. 
But it brings the count down to a level where you can co-exist with it and not 
have symptoms.

Likewise, with Lyme disease, the borrelia bacteria is not completely killed by 
anything.This just isn't possible. Whereas it is initially a systemic and 
active infection, one can get to the point that it is controlled and recognized 
by his/her body and he/she no longer need antibiotics. Once in a while, there's 
a little localized attack (i.e., in a joint, or maybe forgetfulness or some 
other symptom) but the body responds to it like it would to an immunization. 
Far less a bother than the full blown infection was.

I think CS saw me through that phase of recovery; I was still fighting active 
infection, but within weeks, the symptoms nearly all disappeared except for the 
Feb. attack and the random triads of symptoms over the next several months.

Please, everybody beware, there are other tick-borne illnesses with which a 
Lyme victim is also co-infected with, challenging the immune system even more 
and stalling recovery. These include ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and bartonella. I 
believe there are a couple others too. So if you have Lyme disease, make sure 
you are screened for these other diseases. Also, there are various strains of 
Lyme (borreliosis) and the various cycles plus your response to the toxins they 
create when they are killed off can be anywhere from negligible to absolutely 
awful. For more information, go to , homesite of the Lyme 
Disease Foundation. My website is not updated on each of these other diseases 

And beware; there are a few national Lyme organizations that exclusively 
represent doctors who think nearly anyone can be cured in 2 weeks with 
antibiotics and anything else is quackery. Don't bother with those kinds of 
sites for gathering info on Lyme disease.

Nancy, founder, Tick-related Illnesses Self-Help Alliance

CS>The BolenReport Needs Articles About Colloidal Silver...

2002-12-12 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Can some of you help? I lost my silver "favorites" when I changed computers
and I know there are some great, objective, non-commercial articles on the
web, even pdf files on about colloidal silver, some from silver list
members. He's not asking for website links, but article links. See full
request below my sig.

Send them as requested to this link:
"Bolen Report" or if that link doesn't work, with Add
"Bolen Report" in the subject.

You can send me a blind cc if you want to share your favorite links with me
too! -



- Original Message -
From: "Tim Bolen" 
To: "Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 11:45 AM
Subject: The BolenReport Needs Articles About Colloidal Silver...

> The BolenReport Needs Articles About Colloidal Silver...
> The BolenReport ( is an internet
> newsletter that focuses ONLY on health care.  It gathers, and
> re-distributes information about every health discipline, and
> every health issue, we can find - and we look hard.
> Here, you'll find news, you won't find in the mass media.  We
> want you to help us.  We want to make available to the public
> WHAT YOU KNOW.  We got your name from a list of people interested
> in Colloidal Silver.  We hope you can help us with that, or any
> other area of health interest.
> The BolenReport is updated daily, and the Editor - Owen Fonorow -
> has a voracious appetite for health news.  What he wants is LINKS
> to pre-written articles in publications large, or small, or
> articles on websites.  There isn't enough room for whole
> articles.
> Please contact him at "" Add "Bolen Report"
> to the beginning of the subject line.
> Tim Bolen
> Consumer Advocate
> This "Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter"  is about
> the battle between "Health and Medicine" on Planet Earth. Tim
> Bolen is an op/ed writer with extensive knowledge of the
> activities of a subversive organization calling itself the
> "quackbusters,"  and that organization's attempts to suppress,
> and discredit, any, and all health modalities that compete with
> the allopathic (MD) paradigm for consumer health dollars.  The
> focus of the newsletter is on the ongoing activities, battles,
> politics, and the victories won by members of the "Health Freedom
> Movement" against the "quackbusters"   It details "who the
> quackbusters are, what they are, where they are operating, when
> they appear, and how they operate - and how easy it is to beat
> them..."
> For background information on the "Battle between Health and
> Medicine" go to:  A copy
> of THIS newsletter, and older ones, are viewable at the website
> For EVEN MORE interesting and related articles go to
> To unsubscribe - send a message to the return e-mail address
> listed above.

CS>Fw: Eww! Lingering microbes in Lyme patients

2002-12-09 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Hi, everybody!

Someone sent me this link.

I couldn't believe my eyes; these creatures are so horrific looking. I took
colloidal silver after months of antibiotics for Lyme disease and I feel
great. It's been six years since I was on antibiotics, and 4 1/2 since I
took CS daily for Lyme. If any of these parasites were living off of me, I
certainly hope they are all dead now. I certainly don't feel sick anymore.
But I do occasionally get mild weather/humidity related arthritis.

I did hear on a health show recently about a connection between mycoplasmas
and arthritis.

Does anyone know how CS affects mycoplasmas?

Thanks, Mike, for the basics on making DC CS. After making HVAC CS for a few
years now, I'm glad to be in the know on the currently accepted LVAC method.
It's a great reference.


Lyme support: (includes my Lyme story) my non-commercial CS site.

Description: Binary data

CS>Correct link for SilverFacts site

2002-10-27 Thread Nancy Berntsen
I was researching about Stan Jones at the silver-list archives and couldn't
connect to or com, whatever was quoted by someone. I
eventually found a link to the specific page here: that includes an apparent
response from Jones himself to Steve at silverfacts.


Re: herx

1998-04-24 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Sounds like you've got common sense, Donna.

I used to have the same phenomena with doxycycline for Lyme; I took it 4
days on, 3 days off (on another abx the "off" days).  I was totally wretched
by the 3rd day on doxy, but over the herx by the 2nd day off.

Keep taking & posting your notes, Donna, that's really good to know & keep a
log of.  I need to get where you are at and have one of those aweful - good
herxes to know I'm getting somewhere.  I haven't increased enough; I've been
too sporadic (more like pulsing).

Where's Marsha these days?  Is her computer packed up?

-Original Message-
From: Donna 
Date: Friday, April 24, 1998 1:46 PM
Subject: herx

>Hi everyone,
>  Just alittle thought about Cs building up in your system to cause agyria.
>I was taking the CS three times a day that brought on a major herx from the
>lyme, I felt so bad I decreased the dose to twice a day, within 2 days the
>pain was manageable.  Now my thoughts are this, if the CS does not leave
>system and builds up why would I have a decrease in pain within only two
>days.  Now about a week ago I went back to three times a day and the
>pain/herx is back.  The way I figure it is this, The CS must not build up
>the system if two days after stopping the dose the levels fall off enough
>stop a herx.  Does this make any sense or am I misunderstanding the concept
>of the CS building up in the system to cause agyria.
>Donna Earnest
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Personal Experience

1998-04-22 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Hi, list,

Dear Dean Woodward, glad you were "forward" on the CS list!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your account of what colloidal silver has done
for you and your personal profile.  Thanks for sharing.

Give your wife a big hug for me; I'm so glad she is responding to her
treatment for Lyme.  If she should seem to feel worse, it certainly could be
a good sign.  I felt my worse when on doxycycline but that's how I knew it
was working.  It was easy for me attribute it to that med because I was on
something else 3 days a week, and doxy 4 days a week.  By the 3rd day on
doxy every week, hypersensitivity symptoms would increase dramatically and
then fade away two days after I'd be on the other med.  I made dramatic
improvement with doxy, but all the meds I took contributed to substantial
improvement.  Some helped my neuro symptoms more, some helped the bone &
muscle symptoms more.  Yet colloidal silver was the frosting on the cake,
cutting through some of the most persistent symptoms in the long run.  Its
assuring to me that I will always have that option no matter what a doctor
may tell me.  I still use CS faithfully to keep my symptoms at bay.  (Of
course, my use of CS is at my own risk and I don't want anyone to construe
my actions as medical advice.)

Anyway, for anyone with Lyme disease, it's a good idea to keep a copy of all
your tests & records just in case your doctor decides you've "had enough"
but you know you're not fully recovered yet.  This happens all too often
with Lyme patients, myself included.

It is also very helpful to keep a logue of what meds you are on and your
symptoms, to record what your response is.  If you are prone to temperature
changes no matter how subtle, keeping record of that, taking your temp the
same time every day is good to keep track of too.

It is wonderful that you have connections with Texas A&M, Dean.

Dr. Fife is doing some terrific research there using the hyperbaric chamber
to treat Lyme disease.  I believe the HC would be a great benefit to
everyone's health as microbes just don't like all that oxygen.  Some
creation scientists as well as other scientists have acknowledged that there
is evidence that the earth used to have a heavier atmosphere with more
oxygen that wasn't conducive to longevity of the nasty microbes we are
afflicted with today.

The hyperbaric chamber has been used in FLA to re-awaken sleeping brain
cells that were shut down due to traumatic injury (brain trauma, strokes,
anoxia, etc.) with terrific results.  It's helped burn victims, diabetics,
and others with nasty infections.  And I understand some units are as
inexpensive as a couple thousand dollars.  I'd rather have one of them than
a jacuzzi, but can't afford the money or the space either!  Ü

(I think that "unapproved" hydrogen peroxide and other oxygen treatments for
Lyme are related to this phenomena.)

Anyway, Dr. Fife (at Texas A&M) is currently working in conjuction with Dr.
Leigner of NY.  They want to study the effects of using a potassium based
remedy (historically used but not popular today) at the same time with
hyperbaric treatments for Lyme patients.  I certainly would hope that
considering their openness to use of that med (which has it's drawbacks,
side effects, etc) they'd be interested in colloidal silver as another
interesting medication to study in conjunction with the hyperbaric chamber.

Maybe you could get in touch with them.  How I wish I were in your shoes!
I'd love to be that close to these great researchers!

Good health to you an your wife.

God Bless,

-Original Message-
From: Dean Woodward 
Date: Sunday, April 19, 1998 3:59 PM
Subject: Personal Experience

>I guess it is time for me to come "out of the closet", and quit just being
>careful observer. I am relatively new to the list, and joined to learn what
>I could about Lyme, and specifically the use of CS in combatting it. My
>Patsy has been fighting this horrible bug (undiagnosed) for about eight
>years, and it has really been a battle for both of us, but particularly for
>her. When the bug got around to her eyes her eye doc almost went into
>called in an associate, spent about an hour studying her eyes, and finally
>asked if she had ever been diagnosed with Lyme. She had not even brought up
>the subject to him. That finally brought things to a head, and the other
>doc's we were dealing with began to think that maybe, just maybe, her
>problem might be Lyme, in spite of the conventional wisdom that there isn't
>any Lyme in Texas (never mind that Bb was originally cultured from ticks
>fleas in Texas - or so I am told), and the fact that she tested negative,
>repeatedly. She is now under intensive doxycycline (400 mg/day) and a host
>of other medications - including steroids (just now learned of the possible
>ill effects of steroids on Bb). She is definitely improving, and her doc
>wants to see her again in three months, and was letting good enough a

CS Friendly Lyme Disease Support Group Tonight!

1998-04-17 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Announcing TRISHA
Tick Related Illnesses Self Help Alliance
affiliated with Lyme Disease Foundation of Hartford.

For those interested, tonight will be my first support group meeting in
northeast Connecticut (Willimantic) for those with Lyme disease & other tick
related illnesses.  Anyone interested can contact me, 860-450-0841, or email
to  or any address of mine.

Tonight's meeting will be lightly attended as I need to recruit people to
put up posters, etc.  We'll discuss proper removal and handling of ticks for
testing and offer general support.

TRISHA will meet at McSweeney Regional Senior Center, at the corner of
Fairview & Crescent Sts, Willimantic, 7 - 8:30 pm. every 3rd Friday/month
except holidays.

Please pass the word to anyone in Connecticut, RI, or MA that may be
interested or whom may know someone interested.

Many thanks,

The Greatest Gift I Ever Got

Re: insight LONG

1998-04-17 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Dear Cathryn,

Donna was right on target with her post.  I have slight ups and downs on CS
if I slack off or have a weak batch of CS myself.  When I quit for a couple
months, I got a full blown relapse.  CS definitely has made a big diffence
in my health unlike any antibiotic, IV or oral.

You are having results from your abx/CS no doubt.  You do feel worse before
you feel better because of all the toxins generated from killed bacteria.
Drink lots of water, keep your circulation going somehow, and get lots of
rest.  That's your "calling" so to speak for now, but you'll get through it,
one day at a time.

You had better ask for a copy of that pos. Lyme test if you haven't taken
one home already.  If you find the need to change doctors, it could make a
big difference, as it sounds like your doctor is trying to keep a foot on
each side of the fence.

The problem with lyme tests is false negatives, not false positives.  Don't
let anyone put doubts into your head about your diagnosis.  You've got to
fight Lyme day and night.  Herxes are a part of that.

I remember the days you are going through.  A walk through the house felt
like a 10 mile trek through shoulder high jello.  Carrying a couple gallons
of milk felt like carrying two concrete blocks.  And my bones ached like I
had slept in icewater all night (like a young child feels fishing around for
his favorite soda in a bucket of ice water at a family picnic).

But if you keep up your treatments, you finally start to break through like
the sun coming out from behind thick clouds, a little sunshine at a time
until the days go from "mostly cloudy" to mostly sunny!  It takes time,
though, and if you don't have a doctor that is willing to go the whole nine
yards, you really need to switch to someone who fully understands the life
cycle of the bacteria and the need for long term antibiotic treatment.

Incidentally, fibromyalgia symptoms can be caused by Lyme.  Advanced,
uncontrolled Lyme infection can also cause MS, ALS, Alzheimers & Lupus
symptoms, thyroid, heart, etc; every system known to man can be affected by
borrelia bacteria.  Its dubbed the "Great Imitator" by Lyme doctors.

You are fortunate to have found out about colloidal silver early.  I was on
oral & IV abx for 26 months for Lyme disease (borreliosis) when I finally
accepted the fact that I had plateaued in healing.  At that point, about
85-90% recovered from most symptoms, I stopped abx and started CS.  CS
cleared up the last of my stubborn symptoms; I am not over Lyme; I still get
weak, whimpy cycles of symptoms, but overall, I'm about 95-98% better having
used CS for nearly a year and a half now.  No ABX!!!   What freedom!  I feel
so much better just having gotten off them, and having something that works
that does not make me feel sick.  It actually has warded off sinus
infections I used to get all the time, and I believe it's tuned up my immune
system unlike anything I ever took before.  (Next best thing was co enzyme

My Lyme/CS story is at .

I will post my "Hope for Those with Lyme Disease" brochure later today at .

Three internet  web site references in my brochure are "must reads,"
especially Dr. Joseph Burrascano's "Managing Lyme Disease."  Anyone with
weird symptoms or syndromes such as Lupus, MS, ALS, fibromyalgia,
Alzheimers, thyroid problems, CFS, ADD, arthritis,... ought to check this
site out.

If Lyme's not behind many of these illnesses, I suspect some other
unidentified microorganism usually is.  Spirochetes can wreak havok in every
body system.  Syndromes are only catch all diagnoses for groups of symptoms
that occur together for which the cause is unknown.  Having a diagnosis is
not the solution.  The bottom line is what's causing them, and what will
cure or subdue them.

You can also visit my Lyme web site, for more Lyme info and
more of my favorite links besides the ones in the brochure.


-Original Message-
From: Cat3walker 
Date: Thursday, April 16, 1998 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: insight

>The doc. today said that I did not have fibromyalgia so I felt that was
>news.  He was a Rheumatoid specialist and said he did not think that I had
>type of arthritic condition.  He did say he did not think that I had lymes
>that I had hyperextension of the joints which meant I really had to have
>exercise.  Without the exercise, he said I would ache and have pain.  This
>news to me.  I am trying to be persistent.  Sometimes I think I am losing
>head.  I have only been going through this for 7 months.  I cannot imagine
>what it would be like for this to go on for years.  I did request that a
>thyroid panel be completed today.  Strangely enough, with all of the blood
>work, this had yet to be done.  Can you share the supplements you are
>I am on a heavy regimen of vitamins.  But at 

Re: Color

1998-04-13 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Fred makes a good point here.  If it was because of the silverware, it'd be
banned today or re-formulated just as toxic pewter has been changed so that
it is safe.

Instead, we see that silver is widely available and has recently been sold
in supermarkets around us (those buy a peice a week plans).

"Blue blood" implies anoxia, perhaps caused by genetic heart disease, or
"cold" blood.

The wealthy also used to put lead on their skin to keep it white.  Talk
about heavy metal exposure!

Just yesterday I found a neat old Rogers silver tablespoon with a pineapple
design on it down at a river site that used to be a cotton mill recreation
site and is still a favorite fishing spot on NE CT.  It was barely tarnished
or scratched; it must have been buried for some time and was uncovered by
the flooding we had several weeks ago at the site.  I don't even think it's
silverplate; looks like solid sterling to me.

I got to thinking that people on picnics would have been bringing their
silverware back then; no plastic disposables like we use today!  They ate
with silver every meal!


-Original Message-
From: Fred Walter 
To: ;
Date: Saturday, April 11, 1998 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: Color

>>From: "Bruce K. Stenulson" 
>>The 'Blue Bloods' of previous times derived their Argyria from eating
>>with all silver utinsels, resulting in their bluish grey skin tone, as I
>>understand it.
>I'd read that they were inbred, and were called 'blue bloods' because
>of problems relating to the inbreeding.
>It's only lately, with the popularity of CS, that people have started
>claiming that the 'blue bloods' label came from silver.
> fred
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Color; particle size (ppm)

1998-04-13 Thread Nancy Berntsen
I agree with George 100%.  It was Achmed that got me thinking that way.  And
then I observed two variables that were causing color change in my CS over

1.  The CS stored in brown "malta" bottles (like beer bottles) in a cabinet
sometimes left open by my kids or placed on my dresser for night & morning
doses was changing color while the stuff in the VERY DARK blue bottle with a
label covering most of the bottle anyway does not change color!

2.  The stuff in the brown bottles sometimes pops the snap on lid and I
don't realize it.  This stuff also changes color quickly.

The color has a range of change from yellow/amber to peachy pink to rosy
pink to purple to clear with sediment on the bottom.

I'm very curious about the discussion about PPM and the variables too.  But
I have to agree with Reid, if our particle size is out of the prefered range
that is "argyria" safe, why aren't we all turning blue?


-Original Message-
From: George Martin 
Date: Saturday, April 11, 1998 2:48 AM
Subject: Re: Color

> I've always suspected that the color was due to
>oxidation but have absolutely no evidence that this is the
>case.  I have a set of silverware that I've noticed
>exhibits the same sort of color change as it oxidizes. If
>this was the case I would expect to see a greater color
>change (more rapid oxidation) with the larger particle
>sizes (greater surface area per particle).  One other
>anecdotal input...if I place a recently cleaned piece in my
>mouth I don't get the same taste as I get from a heavily
>tarnished piece.  To me the tarnished piece tastes close to
>the metallic taste I get from the darker colored CS.
> For those of you who may take exception to this
>just tell me one thing...  what is the process that
>prevents the silver from oxidizing in the presence of the
>oxygen in the water?
>George Martin
>On Fri, 10 Apr 1998 14:04:35 -5, M. G. Devour wrote:
>>On  8 Apr 98 at 21:29, Paul Novak wrote:
>>> My CS batches normally start out a very pale straw color and
>>> end up after 5-7 days a rich, but light amber ...  I've followed
>>> the discussion on the scattering of light and its relationship to
>>> the colloid's color. My question then is this:  If the color of my
>>> colloid is deepening over time, what is this telling me about the
>>> particles of silver???
>>I have observed a similar thing, with my somewhat higher
>>concentration CS starting out a rich amber and darkening over 24
>>hours or so to a deep honey or even burgundy color.
>>It does change color rapidly as it cools to room temperature. But
>>then it continues to change for a while longer.
>>The stuff is still effective, though, so I don't know that anything
>>is wrong with it.
>>It is a good question and I do not have an answer for you, Paul.
>>Be well,
>>Mike D.
>>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>>[   ]
>>[Speaking only for myself...  ]
>>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>>  -or-
>>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>>To post, address your message to:
>>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Response frpm CSPro System ... Ions vs Particles???

1998-04-01 Thread Nancy Berntsen
I found it quite interesting that these people say the Motherlode produces
silver ions, not CS.  Although that doesn't mean it doesn't work as an
antimicrobial, it would not be safe to ingest repeatedly.  I just wish I
knew how this was determined.  I have a very limited understanding of ions
vs. particles.

Ions are looking for something to attach to, but particles aren't?

Can someone explain this further?


-Original Message-
From: ryb 
Date: Sunday, March 29, 1998 2:41 PM
Subject: Response frpm CSPro System to some of my queries

>I am enclosing in my text the reply I got from CS Pro systems that produces
>CSilver generators.This is THEIR response..
> Their link is
CS Pro systems speaking...

>>>I am well familiar with 'Motherlode'. Look closely at their systems and
>you will see that they are real 'Rube Goldberg' contraptions,some parts
>>>of which have been copied (very poor attempts) from us. These systems
>>>produce 'ionic' silver. I have run several of these systems, and had to
>'convert' a couple (for friends) to produce 'colloidal' silver. If he
>>>understood the process, he could make his systems produce 'proper' CS,
>>>but the price would go up accordingly. Considering that these systems
>>>are not too far below our prices, and looking 'hard' at what you get
>>>between theirs and ours, I believe you will find our systems a real
>>>bargain, by comparison. In fact, there is no comparison, between both
>>>the systems, and the products produced by them.
>> Yours,ryb
>> Go for Silver list at
>>>I will drop over and have a look one of these days when I get time.
>>>Meanwhile, I hope you will make the comparison mentioned above, and
>>>eliminate any 'quality association' you may have in your mind between
>>>"CS PRO" and "Motherlode".
>>>Thanks again for the interest.
>>>Bruce Marx, C.E.

Re: Getting Normal Saline

1998-04-01 Thread Nancy Berntsen
You may be able to get normal saline (.9) as an "irrigation solution" used
to clean wounds, etc. at a pharmacy rather than having to get IV solution.
It should be pretty cheap.


-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, March 28, 1998 6:50 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V98 #71


Fw: Colloidal Silver and Lyme (RESEARCH!)

1998-03-30 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Was this already posted to the silver list?  Sorry if it was.  Perhaps some
of us can help...  I found it on .


-Original Message-
From: Dean Woodward 
Date: Sunday, March 29, 1998 3:52 PM
Subject: Colloidal Silver and Lyme

>I am doing a concentrated study of the use of colloidal silver in treatment
>of late stage Lyme. I would appreciate input from any Lyme patient who has
>tried CS for the Lyme infection, and what the result was, positive or
>negative. Please indicate the concentration of the CS used, dosage, and
>duration of treatment. Was the CS home-made or commercial. DC or AC
>If anyone is aware of an existing study of this subject I would appreciate
>reference to it or them.
>Dean Woodward

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: OK, ... CS & Antioxidants

1998-03-20 Thread Nancy Berntsen
The medical overview of silver research I read (fung, et. al. listed at my
web page... ) discussed a
study of of mice that showed that they could tolerate a much higher
(normally considered toxic) amount of silver intake if they were given

So it makes sense to  take a daily supplement of vit. E or C or some other
known antioxidant while on colloidal silver.


-Original Message-
From: Susan M. Yensen 
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 1998 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: OK, I made CS - Questions

>>> In addition, the stomach acid is hydrochloric acid.  Silver
>>> chloride is insoluable in water so the silver, being too large to
>>> be absorbed as colloidal silver, would not be absorbed into the
>>> body and would pass through the gut and out the other end.  No
>>> problem.
>>So... What is it about silver salts that causes argyria when ingested
>>in sufficiently large amounts? I believe it is the insoluble salts
>>that precipitate in the tissues. You're assuming the NaCl is
>>segregated in the gut and doesn't absorb?
>>Of course our total consumption is orders of magnitude less than
>>required to produce argyria. That alone is sufficient reason for
>I posted the 1916 Medica so one could see different things.  It was a lot
>and single spaced.  However.  the antidote mentioned there was to give
>sodium chloride, if one suspected silver poisoning.  Most of the silver was
>silver nitrate at least that was used topically in varying concentrations.
>so I guess that NACL combines with silver colloid/any silver? to be gotten
>out of the body.  The salt solutions that are colloid are larger particle.
>They also leave he body quicker.  In the EDTA"protein Silver that is sold,
>one must remember that EDTA is used to chelate out heavy metals in the body
>when given IV.  Interesting No?
>Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Re:Lyme/tick SAVE the TICK!

1998-03-11 Thread Nancy Berntsen
UCONN does these tests:  darkfield exam and Bb Fluorescent antibody
test, and some type of culture.  (Anyone can have these tests done if they
mail the ticks in to the address in my other post; also available on my
webpage (use the link to
my old page until I get it switched over.)

CT's "free" testing includes one that can be done on dead ticks; the name
slips my mind; all I can think of is PCR.  It is a test that looks for DNA I

-Original Message-
From: Gary Grunau 
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: Re:Lyme/tick SAVE the TICK!

>What type of test is preformed to determine if a tick carries Lymes"?
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Copper Usage/ Making Colloidal Copper?

1998-03-11 Thread Nancy Berntsen
This post was sent to the Lyme disease newsgroup by an anonymous poster.  Does 
anyone have information that I can post back to him/her?


Two years ago I came across a copy of "Fight Back Against Arthritis" 
which is now out of print.  It was published by the Arthritis Trust and 
contained very helpful information.

Late last year I checked their website, which, when I checked today has 
been sorrily changed.  

I would like to know if anybody here perhaps made a hardcopy of their 
original page on copper --- so that I can learn the exact quantity of 
copper a medical doctor took daily for three weeks straight which cured 
his rheumatoid arthritis of 23 years.

I want this doctor's name, too.

Here is their current page on copper, (which also contains some good 
comments on the herxheimer reaction):

I was able to access this page through Infoseek, so I presume the above 
link will work.  It's their homepage that won't allow admittance without 
a name & address.

I have spent several weeks trying to learn about anybody else who has 
successfully utilized plain normal copper capsules .and I'm not 
having any success --- do you have ANY idea how many ads for copper 
bracelets one must dig through, when doind a search on dietary 
copper  :)

Re: Lyme/tick SAVE the TICK!

1998-03-10 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Left out a few details...

>How do you store the tick? Refrig,
>freezer, dead, alive (Go to the link from
there; I haven't "remodeled" or moved the page yet but will eventually.)

Saving the tick:
Your best defense against Lyme disease is early detection by testing the
tick that bit you!

You can call your local or state health department and ask about getting the
tick tested. Get it tested as soon as possible, especially if the time it
was embedded is unknown, and any engorgement is apparent or the tick was
improperly removed or manipulated excessively.

Preparing a tick for Testing
 The tick should be placed in a plastic bag with a blade of grass or other
source of moisture (not to saturate it, though.) It should not be killed if
it is still living.

If your state does not test ticks, you can send it to UCONN:
UCONN Veterinary Diagnostic Testing Laboratories
61 N. Eagleville Rd, U-203
Storrs , CT 06269-3203
Tel 860-486-0808 Fax 860-486-2737

They do charge $20 for a tick ID, darkfield exam and Bb Fluorescent antibody
test, if you want them to culture it's an additional $15. They also do
animals serology test (ELISA, IFA & Western Blots).

***If you live in the state of Connecticut, your town's public health
department is obligated to send your ticks for testing to the Agricultural
Research Station in New Haven at no cost to you and only the cost of postage
to the town. If your town does not cooperate with you, you can send the
ticks there yourself with a letter of explanation. This service is for
Connecticut residents only!!! Since in recent years, there has been a threat
to cut this service, it'd be a good idea to write a note of thanks to
Governor Rowland too!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Re:Lyme/tick SAVE the TICK!

1998-03-09 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Such an early response has been associated with allergic reaction to the
tick's saliva, not the lyme infection.  That reaction can take several days
to weeks to show up, and it might not show up at all if you, like me, are
amongst the 30-50% infected who don't get an apparent rash.

Taking the CS is an excellent idea.  Should you get any Lyme symptoms at
all, though, you ought to see a doctor.  The CS or Lyme itself may not show
up in a blood test, though, either, and your doctor may require a pos. test
before he treats you.

Your best bet would be to test the tick if at all possible.  It's a big
mistake to flush it down the toilet.  That tick could be your only ticket to
early treatment if it tests positive and you do not.

Try to get your doctor to put you on 5 weeks of doxy or amoxycillin if
possible.  If not, continue self-medication and watch for symptoms.

Go to and check Dr. Burrascano's protocol there
("Managing Lyme Disease.")  more specifically:

I have a personal page on Lyme too: that has lots of

-Original Message-
From: Debbie McDonald 
Date: Sunday, March 08, 1998 9:31 AM
Subject: Re:Lyme/tick

>Dear listers with lyme experience. Two days ago I removed a tick from my
>arm, it could not have been there too long. It left a small, barely
>there spot. I put alchohol on it first and then some CS?? The next
>day the spot is more red and last night it was itchy. I did not itch it.
>This morning it is still itchy and red and raised but not grown any
>larger. I am taking my usual CS, should I be doing more, is this suspect
>to you that this tick was a carrier. I have enough health problems
>without adding that to my list. My PC physician is a dip. Should I go
>and insist on meds right away to go along with any CS I use?? Flailing
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Web page prototype...

1998-03-09 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Looks wonderful, Mike.  I like the colors and the simplicity.

Help yourself to anything on my pages

I've done a little rearranging but need to clean up my text a bit to keep it

I'm going to work on my table of lab results; hope to get that up in a
couple weeks.  I think if anybody can contribute that sort of data for the
silver list page, that would be great.  The more objective, the better.


-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour 
Date: Sunday, March 08, 1998 6:52 AM
Subject: Web page prototype...

I've published the rough framework of a web site for the silver list.
For the time being the URL is as follows:

I have a number of technical questions on web development and I'm
sure some of you would like to contribute links and information to
the content. I welcome any level of collaboration.

I don't want to clutter the list up with technical chatter, though.
So if you'd like to work with me on finishing the web site, please
let me know. I'll put together a distribution list so we can chat off
list about the details.

On-list, I'd like to hear any comments and suggestions you all have
for content, style, accessability, and organization.

There is no real content yet. I'd like that to change! I need your
help. Thank you!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Silver to the Rabbit Rescue!

1998-03-09 Thread Nancy Berntsen
My friend's rabbit just died of enteritis (usually fatal bacterial/mucous 
intestinal block.)  Another one was coming down with the same thing; they got 
her on abx early and then I gave her a bottle of CS.  Guess what?  She's turned 
around!  Our home church group was praying for the rabbit (she & her girls were 
VERY attached to it.)  Can't help but think the silver had something to do with 
it.  The abx were only keeping her stable.  After the prayer and the silver was 
started she turned around!


PPM Meter / My recent post to (reposted)

1998-03-04 Thread Nancy Berntsen
(I think I used the wrong return address so I'm resending this.)

Hi, everyone!
This list seems to be growing and growing!
I read briefly of Mike D's use of the ppm meter someone has devised and would 
appreciate more info personal experience with it 
I'm working on adding a table of test results of my own cs from a local lab to 
post on my silver page.  I've been negligent in doing the final test with no 
salts and using heat; maybe next week!  I've been very busy with homeschooling 
and related matters and just haven't gotten a round tuit!

Below is a copy of a response I sent recently to in 
response to someone's request for info on colloidal silver.  (Perhaps some of 
you may feel led to write the poster or the news group.):
(Anti-spam measures in effect.  Remove the X to reply to me.)
Here's my CS update I promised the LD news group in November which will also 
address Patricia's post.
For details of my colloidal silver experience and other NON COMMERCIAL info 
on colloidal silver (positive & negative) visit my newly updated and 
relocated site:
I'm alive and well on the planet earth, thanks to home made colloidal 
silver.  I bounced back from my unexpected fall Lyme relaspe within 3 weeks 
of resuming colloidal silver.  (As you may recall from my post in Nov. or 
December, 1997, the relapse occured after discontinuing daily colloidal 
silver for several weeks this fall, following months of assymtomatic and 
nearly assymptomatic, relapse-free lyme disease.)
Ear buzzing was one of the last symptoms to go (as usual for me), and a 
recent February cold (no aches or other typical Lyme symptoms) brought back a 
high pitched hissing and a bit of cognitive trouble (wrong word choice) that 
is clearing up now.
The only side effects I've experienced after about 1 1/2 years use have been 
herxes, ???increased melatonin (or was I just having more fun in the sun this 
summer than I have in years!) and perhaps euphoria, elation, and an 
indispensible "can do" attitude that I'd hate to part with now!
Please see my page for more details about my experience with colloidal silver 
and other cs info.
My ultimate thanks for this finding (colloidal silver) goes to someone more 
precious than silver, more finer than gold, my Lord Jesus Christ.  He 
answered my prayers this way; he may use something completely different for 
someone else.  So be it.
My Lyme disease is not cured but controlled.  I have no proof of cure and am 
skeptical of cure myself.  However, I've found that when I faithfully use 
colloidal silver, I am liberated from antibiotics and physicians for Lyme 
disease and from daily thoughts and fears of Lyme disease.  
After 26 months of abx (oral & IV) I've been off abx for over 17 months and 
haven't seen a doctor for Lyme since last spring.  All I can say is, thank 
you, Jesus!  I did not deserve this.  It was an unmerited gift.I thank you 
for enabling me to live my life without thinking about or feeling or seeing 
Lyme disease in my life every day as it was only a couple years ago.  
Antibiotics only took me so far; colloidal silver brought me so much farther, 
to about 98% wellness.
Like most of you, I'm still hoping for a 100% cure.  But I can wait as long 
as my final redemption if I continue feel as good as I do today, if no 
earthly cure ever comes forth.
Home made (or commercial) colloidal silver might not be your miracle cure, 
but you won't know if you don't investigate it or try it.  I strongly 
recommend you consult your doctor about it, providing him/her with as much 
objective information available as possible.  
Doctors have little time to investigate something like this themselves.  What 
info they've seen doesn't even address small particle sized electro colloidal 
silver but almost always gets lumped in with findings on dangerous large 
particle, highly concentrated silver salts used & abused over long periods of 
time, and hazardous industrial exposure to silver.  CS is not high priority 
for pharmaceutical researchers or Lyme researchers or as a topic at Lyme 
disease conferences.  It's not "high tech" or lucrative, and as a salable 
product, the shelf life is too short to be profitable.  That's likely why 
commercial silver is made with protein additives-- to keep the silver in 
solution longer so that the shelf life is extended.  At the price of higher 
concentration, too.  Home made CS (usually under 40 parts per million) is 
ideal for self-use.  It's easy to make and extremely inexpensive.
Nancy Berntsen
Born in the flesh, born in the spirit, and now born again with CS
A fellow Lyme victim now victor over borreliosis!
Get free life time web pages from me now for your business 

Re: Golden CS: What Dosage?

1997-04-01 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Scott Berner wrote:
> Hi Nancy, and List!
> On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, Nancy Berntsen wrote:
> > The electro-colloidal silver I make always had a clear, colorless
> > appearance until recently.  I make it with a homemade generator and
> > process it 1 hr to produce 8.38 ppm.
> >
> > I'm using the same jug of water & the same procedure.  The only thing
> > different is that instead of switching the pos. & neg. wires once before
> > starting, I've left them the same the last couple times.
> >
> > Now I'm producing a distinct pale yellow clear sol.  Isn't that
> > interesting?  I always noticed one wire was always slightly golden at
> > the end of the procedure; but only since I stopped switching the wires I
> > am getting this color.
> >
> Are you using distilled water? Has the ph of the water changed somehow?
> > Has anybody else had this experience?  Should I re-test this sol. for
> > ppm, or does anybody know (for a fact) if it would be the same ppm, just
> > a different color?
> Mine is always yellow-gold, not familiar with your process.
Same (distilled) water;  I assume same ph.  There was one other thing I
remember that was different:  I only wiped the wires with a napkin and
did not rub them with a Scotch pad before the next batch for maybe 2
batches.  I did scrub them yesterday & got clear CS once again.  So
perhaps the golden change was really due to the reaction on the wires
not being debrided before a new batch.

> Have you discussed a regimine of intravenious injections with your doctor?
> Sounds like he is aware of the viability of this treatment. I know people
> using it this way. It can be used in intramuscular injuctions very easily
> and with a more powerful effect. A doctor I spoke with mentioned his
> family that was using it in injections for HIV, they had virtually
> recovered and wre back at work full time, with lots of zest for life. I
> have no reason to discount this testimony.
> It is not necessary to increase the concentration when using
> injections...5ppm is adequate. This is what the doc recommended.
> He also said to use a slow push, 5cc over 5 minutes (intravenious).
> This is to avoid the Herz.
> If you use a regular colonic program, and detox herbs, this can be a big
> benefit in reducing symptoms of heavy detox. There are also schedules and
> methods to detox the kidneys and liver. This can be a great benefit, as
> well as an anti-parasite program (like Clark's). I am finishing up Clark's
> herbal anti parasite program and am feeling very much renewed! Am going on
> the kidney and liver cleanse now. Tremendous improvement in energy,
> clarity of mind, sleep needed, strength, etc. I highly recommend this
> program.

You've mentioned this before to me.  Where can I find out more about
> > Sincerely,
> > Nancy
> God Bless, Nancy,
> Scott
> BTWI'll be glad to give you the phone number of the doctor I
> mentioned, if you like. He is very nice and extremely helpful. He charges
> nothing for the call. He also manufactures pharmaceutical grade CS, and
> has for years now. It is very injectible.
I would like the phone # of this doctor and appreciate your offer.  Is
he an MD or what sort of doctor?  Would he be willing to talk to my
doctor?  My MD definitely recognizes the value of CS and encourages it's
oral use.  I'm not what he'd think of IM or IV use, though.  If he could
talk to another MD, that certainly would help.

That's amazing about the HIV patient.  It's a shame there's no
scientific studies to show this so more people can be helped by CS.

I'm not sure whether I should get a commercial machine, or just process
more water for a longer period of time (and re-test to determine ppm.) 
I'd like to make more at a time.  My homemade machine is very similar to
the Sota, ( was at this site last Nov/Dec.  Don't now if it still is
there: to the one at this
website:  (Make Your Own Colloidal Silver) .  I use one drop of baking soda
sol. to get the process going, although I understand you can start it
with nothing, but it will take longer.  (And then I'd have to retest for
ppm.)  I also filter with just a coffee filter, not a charcoal filter as
you do.  I 

CS: FDA Decision?, Testing by Mail

1997-04-01 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Thanks everybody for your responses to my previous questions.

Back in Feb. I think, the FDA was supposedly meeting to make some
decisions about sales & distribution of colloidal silver commercially. 
Does anyone know the outcome of that or have a referenct to such a

I've been approached before about selling my homemade CS (by friends). 
So far, I only feel at liberty to give them a bottle to use as they
wish, and then encourage them to make their own.

Does each batch need to be tested for ppm & particle size in that
case(vs. one time testing and keeping with the exact procedure for
personal use)?  Anybody willing to share their experience or convictions
about this?

Kimball Laboratories (801-571-3695) tests for ppm for only $10.

EMS labs (818 - 568-4065) tests particle size for $200.

I've used a local environmental lab for ppm testing ($21).  I haven't
used either lab, but just thought I'd pass this info along since the
question comes up every so often.


   *Some Medicine from the "Good Book"**
   *   *
   * A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; * 
   * But a broken spirit drieth the bones. *
   *Proverbs 17:22 *
   *   *
   * Call unto me, and I will answer thee, *
   * And shew thee great and mighty things,*
   * Which thou knowest not.   *
   * Jeremiah 33:3 *

Golden CS: What Dosage?

1997-03-31 Thread Nancy Berntsen
The electro-colloidal silver I make always had a clear, colorless
appearance until recently.  I make it with a homemade generator and
process it 1 hr to produce 8.38 ppm.

I'm using the same jug of water & the same procedure.  The only thing
different is that instead of switching the pos. & neg. wires once before
starting, I've left them the same the last couple times.

Now I'm producing a distinct pale yellow clear sol.  Isn't that
interesting?  I always noticed one wire was always slightly golden at
the end of the procedure; but only since I stopped switching the wires I
am getting this color.

Has anybody else had this experience?  Should I re-test this sol. for
ppm, or does anybody know (for a fact) if it would be the same ppm, just
a different color?

I wanted to persue hyperbaric chamber to knock out the last of my Lyme
disease, but since I'm doing so well with the CS, my MD discouraged
going that route due to out of pocket expense.  (It's not approved by
insurance yet.)  I've had three 4-5 day relapses since Oct. (compared to
1 a month for 6 or more days at a time.)  The MD suggested I probably
need a greater ppm though, as he has other pts. self-medicating at a
higher ppm (30-44) who are "just about done" treating their LD.  They
started the same time I did.

He also suggested I put my son 12 y.o. on it as he just finished up abx
for LD himself.

Do any of you have any suggestions how much I should take?  I've been
taking 4 tsp/day (about 1/2 oz, yielding about 32 parts total), and
recently increased it to an ounce, twice a day.  Since then, I've felt
more aches in some joints:  I guess it's brought on a herx.

I've heard of people taking 2-3 oz of 30 ppm up to some amt. of 500
(five hundred)ppm sol.!  Is there an optimal amt for Lyme disease?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



   *Some Medicine from the "Good Book"**
   *   *
   * A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; * 
   * But a broken spirit drieth the bones. *
   *Proverbs 17:22 *
   *   *
   * Call unto me, and I will answer thee, *
   * And shew thee great and mighty things,*
   * Which thou knowest not.   *
   * Jeremiah 33:3 *

CS Facts (was Re: Mild Silver Protein vs. Colloidal Silver)

1997-02-24 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Daniel G. Sanchez wrote:
> Does anyone have any factual information on which is better, Mild
> Silver Protein (MSP) or straight Colloidal Silver (CS)?  I've read some 
> negative
> comments about Mild Silver Protein, but none were backed up with
> facts.  The MSP that I am aware of uses EDTA (an
> amino acid chelating agent also used in Chelation therapy).  Dr.
> Farber used this Mild Silver Protein to help cure himself of a bad
> case of Lyme Disease.  His book , Micro Silver Bullet describes his
> experiences in achieving this but does not get into the pros and cons
> of using MSP vs CS.

Below are some facts about CS & mild protein silver (which doesn't sound
like a colloidal at all to me as it's not even in the name.)  Following
that are some comments/opinions and an update on how CS is helping me.

Regarding Mild Silver Protein vs. CS., here's a quote from Zane
Baranowski's booklet, "Colloidal Silver, The Natural Antibiotic
"Of these five manufacturing processes, the grind process and the
electro-colloidal process were primarily used to manufacture c.s. 
Today, the FDA still allows both manufacturing techniques to be used. 
However, of these two methods the electro-colloidal manufacturing
process is generally considered to be far superior.  With the grind
method the particles of silver are usually no finer than four 
one-thousands of an inch.  They may or may not be magnetically charged. 
The size of the silver paritcle is so large compared to the possible
charge, that the repelling forces would not be strong enough to offset
the pull of gravity on the particles, which will tend to settle to the
bottom of the solution, producing a less effectvie product.  To offset
this settling problem, some manufacturers add a "stailizer" (usually a
protein) to make the solution more viscous and keep them suspended for a
longer period of time.  the silver particles will still eventually
settle to the bottom.  The container will have to be shaken to
re-disperse the particles.  **However, the stabilizers tend to block the
beneficial effects of the silver paritlce.**

"Other procedures used in producing colloidal silver that involve a
simple mixture of metal and liquid (grind process) cannot possess as
much potential as electro-colloids and are therefore of questionable
value.  The proper electrical process allows silver particles to be
drawn off the ingot that are much smaller than four one-thousandths of
an inch diameter.  If the silver particles are within the range of
one-thousandths to four one-millionths of an inch in diameter, and are
uniformly charged, a stabilizer is not required to keep the particles
suspended.  The propelling magnetic force will offset the pull of
gravity on the partilces, which are animated by "Brownian Movement", and
remain in suspension in a liquid medium almost indefinitely, their
stability depending on the size of the particles, the medium used and
the manufacturing process employed." (pages 4, 5)

Some other excerpts from Baranowski's booklet can be found at: and

Before reading the booklet, I suspected that all the hype about mild
silver protein was a case of the "Emperor's New Clothes".  After reading
the booklet, I am more inclined to think so.  I chose to make my own CS
to treat Lyme disease due to cost restraints and some bad rap about
Farber's and Discover's mild silver protein products (rumors of
unsatisfied customers.)  The money I would have put into my first
season's worth of commercial silver I spent on equipment & testing for
PPM.  From my web seaches and the advertising, I sensed a lot of
mudslinging between these competitors, and even wonder if they are
behind the FDA clamp down on small manufacturers of colloidal silver.

I am not selling my own CS; it's for personal use.  Taken orally, it has
helped me as much as the best oral abx I've been on over the past 2
years for treatment of LD.  It even resolved some problems that the abx
didn't seem to help at all, such as cyclical mild but abnormal
depression.  I won't be absolutely sure I am cured of LD for a while
(maybe 6 - 18 months) just because of the tricky nature of Lyme
disease... Just this week what started out like a relapse ended up early
detection of a kidney stone attack!  I even suspect the same thing went
on in Dec/January, as both times, I had generalized aches & pains so
similar to LD until it finally focalized around the kidney area Friday
and I became quite nauseous.

It's looking better & better for LD; too bad silver doesn't cure kidney
stones!  Incidentally, my MD doesn't think silver caused them either; 
it's probably the high protein diet I've been on plus recent
under-hydration due to travel.  I had a previous hx of stones with
pregnancies-- that was all pre-silver days.

Since LD can cause permanent damage, it will take time to assess what is
permanent damage, and what could be another flareup or someth

CS: My Homemade "Solution" for LD & More

1997-02-04 Thread Nancy Berntsen
Hi, All.

Thanks to my husband, and to Reid Smith and another Internet contact,
I've been able to produce my own CS with a homemade CS generator.  It's
pretty much the one described on the Rife list last fall, but my husband
modified it by using a 24 volt ac-dc converter rather than 3 nine volt

I found a particular booklet for $3.50 quite informative on CS.  It
doesn't tell you how to make your own generator, but discusses just
about every aspect of CS, including methods, tests for it for ppm and
particle size, and what they mean, and more.  Based on other studies,
research and old documents, "Colloidal Silver, the Natural Antibiotic
Alternative," by Zane Baranowski (ZB), CN (certified nutritionist) was
available at a nature food/health supplements store near me.

Regarding particle size, ZB indicates that colloidal silver by
definition should be 0.01 to 0.001 of a micron in diameter.  If the
solution requires a stabilizer, then the particles are probably too
big.  The process of making CS by electrolysis (non-chemical method)
produces particles that range in size from 0.005-0.015 microns n
diameter (p.11).  And, according to the chart on p.3, true colloidal
particles will pass through ordinary filter paper whereas CS particles
slightly above .001 microns will not.

So it would seem that running your CS through filter paper would
eliminate most of the particles slightly above .001 ppm. I filter mine
anyway to catch any possible large silver oxide or other precipitates
> from silver chloride.  Of course, it would be wise to test for the
particle size if CS someone's injecting it.

I wouldn't use my CS (orally) until it was tested at a local lab for
ppm.  The first batch (only a 5 minute process of 250 cc distilled H2O
and 1 granule sea salt plus Ag wire .999) produced not .02 as I
mis-typed to Reid, but even less, .012 ppm (parts per million)!  I next
processed it for 30 minutes and got a respectable 3.03 ppm, which was
worth using for treatment of my chronic Lyme disease.  I still would
like to get it up into the 10-20 ppm range, and will test a 60 minute
process 0f 325 ml at a later date.

In closely watching the process, I observed that as time went on, more
particles came off the lead at a more rapid rate, so based on the big
difference between test 1 (5 min.) and test 2, (30 min.) it appears that
ppm increase does not correlate additively minute by minute.  In other
words, I don't think, based on 3ppm for 30 minutes, that I'll get 6 ppm
in 60 minutes, but most likely even more ppm.  I think it will be
greater, because I think that the more silver there is in solution, the
faster the particles leave the silver wire and go into solution.  Even
for oral use, I would not recommend anybody using their homemade
solution without testing it at least once by a lab for ppm.

My lab report indicates the ppm in terms of mg/L, but it is represents
the equivalent measure in ppm.  And the cost range I heard of for the
test is $15-$20, the higher figure is what mine costs at the nearest lab
that can test for silver.  I also ran a test for nickel to make sure I
wasn't ripped off by the silver wire co., and that was "BDL," below
detection limit.  Small price to pay considering what commercial CS
would cost.

Any comments/suggestions?

As far as any effects from taking CS, I've had some but I interpret them
as good signs that it is killing off LD candida, and common viral
germs.  When I increased the quantity I was taking (once I was making my
own economical brew) I got reactions I interpret as Herxes as they often
occur about 3 hours after I take CS.  I frequently experience mild,
overall pain in my large muscles, fatigue, and a "sick," sometimes
slightly nauseous feeling long after the CS has entered my system.  This
only happened since I started taking the equivalent of 30ppm daily at
the end of December.  Also, I find it necessary to supplement my diet
with acidophilus as there is apparently some kill off of it along with
the candida;  perhaps I don't keep it in my mouth long enough.

Ear buzzing that plagued me with LD is gone, and I have an overall
feeling of wellness that has matched my response to the best oral
antibiotics I've been on for LD.  I had monthly depression due to LD &
hormone dips, but that's gone too, since I started CS this fall.  I
still get milder LD relapses: aches and have trouble spelling & typing 
(didn't before LD) recalling names & choosing words occasionally (could
be permanent damage), but it is very satifying to feel I might not need
to depend on harsh, commercial, expensive abx indefinitely, and maybe
over time I'll be cured.  CS is doing as well as those abx.  I haven't
had any colds or flu or secondary bacterial infections (sinus or
otherwise) since I stopped abx in Oct and started on CS (storebought
5ppm at that time.)  I used to get at least one in the fall, and one in
the spring, followed by sinus infections.)  If I don't get my annual
week-long bout of laryngitis (L) d