CS>Emergency Aquarium Advice needed

2002-05-01 Thread Nicola Kay
> I know some of you out there have experience with aquariums so I am asking for
> expert advice.
> I have a little fish, not sure what kind but from the looks I would guess him
> to be a killifish of some sort.
> He is very ill and I really don¹t want to lose him.  He has been waning for a
> couple of days and today he is on the bottom of the tank.  He doesn¹t have the
> strength to swim anymore.  Hasn¹t eaten at all for two days.
> There is no sign of sickness on his body and all the other fish are fine.  I
> cleaned the filters last weekend and did a 1/3 tank water change yesterday.  I
> took him out for a few minutes yesterday and put him into a fish bowl with
> aeration and clean water but was afraid the drastic change in water quality
> might put him over the edge so I put him back into the big tank.
> I know I can¹t use CS in the big tank but I¹m desperate and want to put him
> back into the fish bowl with water from the big tank which I have medicated
> with ŒQuick Cure¹ which is 99.20% formaldehyde and .75% Malachite Green for
> ick and lymphocystis and added some Ammo Lock. the medication doesn¹t seem to
> be helping and I thought if I put some CS into the fish bowl water that might
> do the trick.  
> I think it is an infection of some kind that¹s attacking him.  It seems to be
> in his head as that¹s where he shows the most symptom ­ the way he moves, etc.
> I¹m not concerned about the biological balance because it is a short term
> treatment and he will go back into the big tank if there¹s any sign of
> improvement before the bacterial balance can hurt him ­ I hope.
> Any advice or knowledge about this?
> I have to do something tonight as  I¹m afraid to let him go through another
> night without some intervention.  He¹s very weak now but still fighting and
> trying to move around.
> I will greatly appreciate any help that can be given.

CS>Re:laser lights

2002-04-30 Thread Nicola Kay

Hi all,

I bought a laser pointer today and shone it into my silver water but I don¹t
have a clue what to look for.

Could someone please tell me what I should see when there is CS in the

Thanks very much.


CS>To Janis

2002-04-15 Thread Nicola Kay

Hi Janis,  

Well, you took care of your Lyme problem; now if you could only get people
to stop being rude and ignorant, life would be pleasant.

When people ask you about it you could always tell them it¹s because you are
a blueblood ­ of royal descent, seriously.

It doesn¹t detract from their experience and doesn¹t leave you feeling
inferior or abused to have them think you are of a higher lineage.  They may
even become jealous or envious and want what you have.   Just an idea.
There are ways of turning it into a positive experience rather than a
negative one.  

All the best to you.

CS>Argyria and Beneficial Bugs

2002-04-15 Thread Nicola Kay

Hi I just read Janis¹ post and have some questions:

Is ionic silver different from colloidal silver?

I was at a website last night that showed various kinds of Œbugs¹ and
Œparasites¹ in and on our bodies and assume that these are the bugs that cs
kills.  But in the description of some of them, it said that dust mites, for
one, actually help our bodies sluff off the dead cells on our skin because
they eat them.  And there were other intestinal bugs that keep mucous and
other stuff from blocking or coating our intestines.  Does CS kill the good
bugs too?  Wouldn¹t we be better off with them?  Maybe it would be better to
take CS only when an invasion of bad guys hits us.

If I put cs in my Yoghurt would it kill all the bacteria that make it

Maybe argyria results from the mass destruction not only of the sickness
causing organisms, but of all the organisms that keep our bodies healthy as

Is that worth a thought?

 I have to admit I should have heeded the words of someone saying that high
parts per million and taking ionic silver wasn't a good idea.  I should have
stayed with the colloidal silver I made and knew exactly what went into it
(distilled water and . pure silver.  For the last year and a half I have
been told I have a slight blue tint and at times they tell me I look really
tired at work.  When I ask why they are asking me that they usually reply
"Its because I look a little grey."


2002-04-12 Thread Nicola Kay
Could anyone tell me if I put CS in my milk or cereal cream, would it keep
it from
going sour?  Also, does it keep vegies fresh longer if they are rinsed or
soaked in CS? 

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V102 #256

2002-04-09 Thread Nicola Kay
> www.PurestColloids.com

Thanks all for your advice re air problems.  It is true that I am allergic
to dust and dust mites so that may be a large component of my problem.  Also
appreciate the info re negative ions.  Will look into that. 

CS>Air problems

2002-04-08 Thread Nicola Kay
Does anyone have problems breathing the air around their computer?

I have a terrible time when I am at my computer.  It feels like the air is
thick with smoke ­ my sinuses plug up, nose and mouth dry out, throat gets
sore and a tickle starts in my lungs.  The effects stay with me long after
I¹ve left my computer and can last for days (although I¹m at my computer
every day) but sometimes I don¹t experience any problem with the air and
other times I do.  

Don¹t know what it is and no one else seems to notice any problem with the
air.  I have a Mac now but had the same problem with my PC.  Would sure like
to find out what it is.  I know it¹s not directly CS related but if I can
find out what the cause is, maybe I can apply CS in a way that will

CS>CS as deodorant

2002-04-06 Thread Nicola Kay

Anyone know if using CS as a deodorant spray would inhibit the body's
removal of toxins ? 

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V102 #234

2002-04-06 Thread Nicola Kay

Ken, copied your text for future reference.  Hope it¹s okay with you.  Are
you a theologian?

Thanks all for your responses to cs / aquariums question.


CS>To Ronen re CS generator

2002-04-02 Thread Nicola Kay
Hi Ronen,

I am new to all this but I have made what might be the simplest of all
generators.  The pro¹s here will hopefully correct any erroneous advice and
add their knowledge to what I¹m telling you.

If you have an AC/DC adaptor (I used one from a no longer functional
cordless phone ­ has 24 volt output), just cut the jack end off, separate
the wires and trim them back so you can wrap them around  small alligator
clips (cost about 25 cents).  IF you don¹t have an AC/DC adaptor, you might
find one at a garage sale or 2nd hand store for 50 cents or more (some
people give them away as useless).  Get some .999 silver (you can get it at
ebay or perhaps from a local store, jeweller) or there are people on this
list who sell it very cheaply.  Shouldn¹t cost more than $5 or so to get

You have to buy distilled water which is no more than a couple of dollars
from your local supermarket or drugstore.  Then sterilize a glass jar of any
size (I use a 2 cup canning jar) and create a Œcover¹ or lid for it that
will accommodate the silver wire.  You can also insert an air hose (air
pumps for aquariums are only a few dollars ­ often you can find them at 2nd
hand stores for around $1) to help keep the wires from producing black gunk
in the water when the CS is being made.

There are many ways to create a cover but here¹s what I did (creativity is
the key here):
I made a cover for my jar from an oversize plastic peanut butter jar lid.
This lid is larger than my canning jar and therefore just sits on top of the
jar.  I hammered a large nail through the lid to run the air hose through,
and then made a couple of small holes by hammering small nails through two
opposite edges of the lid so they fit just inside the jar ­ the small nails
are the size of the silver wire.  Then you can lay the alligator clips
holding the silver wire on top of the lid so the wire runs down into the
water.   You should sterilize all tools and components by pouring boiling
water to cover the items before putting anything into the distilled water.
This includes the cover and jar and all bits and pieces being used to
produce your CS. 

My CS startup cost was $2:  I had the AC/DC adaptor, my friend gave me the
two pieces of silver wire and the alligator clips, I already had an aquarium
pump and hose (which I sterilized), only had to buy the distilled water.

Good luck and be creative!  Just make sure everything is sterile before

CS>Ozone in water

2002-03-31 Thread Nicola Kay
Have question:  anyone know if ozone can purify water?

Thank you.

God save Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mum. 

CS>Maxine - re canker sores

2002-03-31 Thread Nicola Kay
Do you have a lot of sugar/sweeteners in your diet?

Cut all sugar/sweeteners out of your diet and see if the canker sores don¹t
Must do it for at least a week to see results. 

CS>Silver wire

2002-03-26 Thread Nicola Kay
Is there any reason to choose, say, 14 gauge over 22 gauge?   What is the
difference in terms of quality for CS?


CS>Silver coins

2002-03-26 Thread Nicola Kay
Thank you all for your information re silver prices.  Very much appreciated.


CS>Maple Leaf coins

2002-03-25 Thread Nicola Kay
I found some .999 Maple Leaf coins here where I live ­ they are $30 each.
Is that a reasonable price?

CS>Making CS

2002-03-25 Thread Nicola Kay
I was amused to see that I am not the only one who boldly uses knee high
stockings in the kitchen.

I also am new to CS.  A friend told me about it last week and showed me what
I needed to make the stuff.

I went home and cut the jack end off my 24V dead cordless phone AC/DC
adaptor (I just read someone else has done the same ­ and I always feel so
original, ha!) separated the wires and put them on the alligator clips with
silver wire that my friend gave me into the jar of distilled water ­ and let
Œer rip!Well, this was all after spending a couple of days reading
through all the old posts on this board and the Yahoo one and after
sterilizing the jar other tools used in the process.

In the first batch I added a pinch of sea salt and could easily see the
white wisps sluffing off the wire.   I could see little bubbles rising off
the other wire.  From all that I had read, this confirmed the production of

I threw the first batch out (down the drain instead of on my plants as I had
intended to do, drat!) and made another.  The solution is very clear and
there is no solid matter in the water that I can see.

Is this going to give me an effective CS solution?  Is there anything I need
to be concerned about?

I know that many of you treat this as a highly evolved science which I am
not capable of understanding so I just thought I would run this by you and
see what kind of feedback ensues.

Thank you for all the information ­ I enjoy reading it all even when I can¹t
understand the technical parts.  I think if I keep reading it long enough
maybe I will gain some understanding through absorption.  Works with other

Health and happiness...


CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V102 #197

2002-03-22 Thread Nicola Kay

Looks like someone here heard Jonathan Goldman on Art Bell show a few days

Quite fascinating...