Re: CS>Bruce's pulsed DC CS generator

1998-12-07 Thread Paul Bembower
7.6 vdc sounds about right, depending on the cost of the meter you are
using to measure it.  Remember, please, that Bruce's generator produces
a pulsed square wave, which when measured by a normal, inexpensive
Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter will register ONE-HALF the actual voltage, because
half the time the voltage is ON (approx. 15.2 vdc, with loss in the
circuit) and half the time the voltage is OFF (0 vdc).  The meter
averages the two, and reads 7.6 vdc.  Simple, but elegant.
grace & peace from Paul Bembower.

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CS dosages & PPM

1998-10-07 Thread Paul Bembower
Hi, y'all!  I would find it really helpful if everyone who
mentions a dosage of CS they are taking would be careful to
say how much, how often, and what you believe the PPM to
be.  All at the same time.  People should know that there is
a big difference between a "swallow" (1/8 cup??) of 3-5 ppm
home-made CS and an equal amount of 30-40ppm CS.  Then we
have to go back and ask and it gets confusing and fills up
the hard drive with quoted messages ad infinitum.  And if
you dont KNOW the PPM, at least tell us what you THINK the
PPM might be.  Thanks & Grace & Peace from Paul Bembower

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Re: CS>A Call To Action by Dannion Brinkley

1998-10-02 Thread Paul Bembower
I don't know this gentlemen, and I certainly don't want to be negative
about someone who speaks with such fervor
However, I smell a rat.  When the government wants to get involved in
Alternative Medicine, I suspect that someone with a vested interest to
protect is seeking some form of control over another interest that
threatens it.  
Is there anyone in the silver-list who can sort this out for us??? 
Before I try to influence my representatives, I'd like to feel I wasn't
asking the courts to split up Ma Bell, as it were, so my costs for doing
just about everything could go up.
p. bembower

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CS> Welcome, Ivan...

1998-09-24 Thread Paul Bembower
Ivan, welcome to the list.  Please do keep us up to date on your
research and testing.  Please don't be too quick to dismiss AC
methods for making CS..  Yes, there is a lot of hype on the
commercial side of that, which I guess most of us would tend
toward if we were trying to make a living with it and had invested
a great deal of time and money in it.  To be sure, most of us need
to keep our costs down and are content with the product we are
working toward using DC and the "tried and true".
But...there are a number of people on this list treating serious
conditions, and getting RESULTS that work for them, using
HV-produced colloidal silver.  And I am experimenting with it as
well.  This is where the rubber meets the road, for me.  If people
are USING something to treat a condition or disease which other
methods have failed, and getting positive results, that's a pretty
good indication that the product, whether home-made or bought, AC-
or DC-generated, is helpful.
All of us, I think, are interested in this goal more than any
Welcome to the list, and as fall and winter come upon the northern
hemisphere, be sure to brighten our days with your presence and
your wisdom from New Zealand.

Paul Bembower

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CS...ozonated water.

1998-09-19 Thread Paul Bembower
The literature for most of the ozonators on the market suggest that the
ozonation is very transient.  That is, the ozone doesn't remain in the
water for more than about 20 minutes.  The purpose of ozonation is first
of all to kill bacteria in the water, which is a "safeguard" for water
that has been distilled.  A second purpose for ozonation is for
immediate consumption by persons wishing to enhance oxygenation of their
blood.  The oxy-list has much more to say about this, I think.

At any rate, I believe that much -- if not all -- of the silver oxide
sludge generated when making DC colloidal silver is generated from the
oxygen set loose by the electrolysis itself, and not as much from free
oxygen which may be dissolved (or suspended) in the distilled water.
Unless your distilled water has been ozonated within the twenty minutes
before you start your CS process, you've not got a lot to worry about. 
Grace & Peace, from paul bembower.

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Re: CS>Bad State of U.S. Utilities

1998-09-18 Thread Paul Bembower
Has it occurred to anyone but me that a simple way to check out
what would happen on Jan 1, 2000 would be to set the system
computer (at a time when backups are current and everything could
be reset in a matter of a few minutes or hours) for Dec. 31, 1999,
11:59pm.  Then observe the results and do complete systems checks
to see what doesn't work 2 minutes later?  Could this be a helpful
exercise for anyone?

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Sota Instruments

1998-09-03 Thread Paul Bembower
Could someone please post the URL for Sota Instruments?

Thanks & Blessings!  bembower

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CS protocol

1998-08-10 Thread Paul Bembower
Mike, there's been so little of late about the CS protocol, I'd like to
suggest something to get us back to that--

I think the simplest setup possible, with the greatest possibility for
duplication in a wide variety of settings, should be adopted.

I vote for:

3 - 9v batteries  (cheap & commonly available)
1 - 28v 40ma incandescent bulb for ballast  (ditto)
16 oz (1 pint) mason jar container  (ditto)
3" immersion  (so 6" electrodes can be revesed end for end for economy)
14ga .999 silver electrodes (2)  (commonly available but not cheap)
3/4" spacing of electrodes, with minimum of 3/4" clearance from sides
and bottom of brewing container  (spacing of standard dual banana pin
plug/jack is 3/4")
brewing time = 2 hr.  (this product should be used by users & compared
to whatever they have been using for efficacy against whatever they have
been treating with CS...a longer or shorter time might be better for
some users/conditions)
stirring w/ nonmetallic stirrer at 1/2 hour intervals  (McDonald's Stir
Sticks or bamboo skewers do quite nicely)
wiping of electrodes at 1/2 hour intervals  (keeps down the sludge)
filtration with a single, normal 10-cup coffee filter  (cheap & commonly

All apparatus should be cleaned and rinsed with distilled water before

I suggest that each person make a starter batch by heating the distilled
water (by microwave or by hot-water bath) to 180 deg. F. to start, using
NO electrolyte of any kind.  Subsequent batches, following Bruce
Stenulson's suggestion, should be made with 75% fresh, room-temp
distilled water, and 25% of the starter (or previous batch), to improve
conductivity.  I believe that no electrolyte or protein of any kind
should be used.

Storage of completed product should be in brown glass pharmaceutical
grade bottles only (available from your druggist/apothecary).  Plastic
(even used Hydrogen Peroxide bottles) seem to affect the CS)

Now that ought to provide something to arouse a comment from almost
everyone!  [very big grin]  It is not a sacred cow to me (no hurt
feelings), so jump in and let's get this settled, folks, before my
wife/partner tells me I can't honor my pledge 'cuz I've spent too much
on my apparatus!

Grace & Peace to you all.  Paul Bembower

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Re: Lights Out: City vs Rural

1998-08-08 Thread Paul Bembower
Michael C McNeill wrote:

> I know I keep saying this, but it bears repeating. The higher density
> population areas(read larger customer base) will get power repairs first.
> Everyone living in rural areas is on their own. Do you think your little
> local
> power company has the time and money to fix the y2k problem? Above quote
> confirms what I've thought all along. Cities are where the money is, and
> that's all that's important.
> Be prepared.
> Mamaturtl1
> - End forwarded message --

The smaller the utility, the more likely it is that they have not replaced
their original (manual or mechanical) system controls with completely
computer dependent systems.  I lived in Metropolis, Illinois which has a
municipal utility, and their powerhouse is mostly manual or mechanical
systems.  I suspect that most rural electric and other small utilities will
manage to keep their distribution systems up at Y2K.  More likely source of
trouble will be the larger grids which have gone over completely to
computerized systems but aren't large enough to have Y2K teams working on the

This is not to say we shouldn't be concerned  A lot can and will go wrong
around January 1, 2000, and you are right to remind us to be prepared.

Paul Bembower

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Re: Hanna Inst. PWT & micro-Siemens

1998-08-04 Thread Paul Bembower
I may have gotten the ration fouled up...Situation Normal.

You divide the number of micro-Siemens in *half* to get PPM of Total
Dissolved Solids.  So a calibration of 84 uS is equal to 42 ppm of total
dissolved solids.

Sorry about the foulup.  'Swhat happens when a theologian-philosopher
tries to delve into physical chemistry .

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Testing for TDS...

1998-07-31 Thread Paul Bembower

Mike and silver-listers:  I talked to a gentleman named Pete at Hanna
Instruments in Rhode Island, and told him exactly what it is I'm trying
to do with CS, and what range of PPM I am trying to achieve.  He originally
had intended to suggest the $15 TDS-1 or the $46 DiST-WP1, but upon further
reflection he suggested what they call the PWT.  It has a range of
0-99.9 uS/cm (micro-Siemens).  1 micro-Siemen/cm  is equivalent,
Peter says, to 2 mg/l or 2 ppm.  So, you could use this instrument,
which has an accuracy of 2% of full scle (or 2 uS/cm) on CS with an actual 
TDS of 12ppm, and get a reading of 22-26 uS/cm.  This number is easily
and, perhaps more accurately, translated into a reading of 11-13 ppm, an
accuracy of +/- 1 ppm.

Further, Hanna can supply a calibration solution for $8.40/460mL, which,
if properly cared for, could last for a very long time.  The calibration
standard is at 84 uS/cm, which is 42 ppm, and is much closer to our range
than anything we could manufacture reliably ourselves.
Before I spend anything on this, I'd like to know what some of you
think of this.

You can look at this on-line at:

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"International CS Council"

1998-07-28 Thread Paul Bembower
One of the vendors of High-End CS machines mentions in his advertising
something called the "International Colloidal Silver Council" as if this
were some sort of quality control, or quality *monitoring* group.  Has
anyone on this list ever heard of such a group?

BTW, I just got back from a five-day trip & found over 150 posts to this
list.  Whew!  You gals & guys are almost too much!  But I sure do enjoy
reading most of what you write.  Thanks.

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Source for Ag wire...

1998-07-21 Thread Paul Bembower
Listmaintainer Mike:  Please review this post to determine if the little
sales pitch I am putting here is consistent with the rules of the list.
If not, please do not post it, otherwise, remove this paragraph and edit
as you feel appropriate.  You'll not hurt my feelings either way. {grin}

Upstream someone posted a note suggesting that Handy & Harmon is selling
. silver wire but calling it .999 Fine.   Hauser & Miller here in
St. Louis buys some of their silver from Handy & Harmon, & tells me that
they (Handy & Harmon) charge a premium for the four9 stuff, hence it is
*highly* unlikely they are selling it as .999 for the same price.

I live about a mile and a half from Hauser & Miller Co, a supplier of
precious metals to the jeweler trade.  Anyone can buy from them, but
they charge a $2 handling charge for cutting into a large roll of silver
wire, and they have a $25 minimum purchase.  I'd be willing to take
orders for 6" .999 fine 14 gauge Silver Wire Electrodes at $5/pair,
postpaid.  You might be able to get them cheaper elsewhere--I'm not in
this for profit or competition, just for a good quality well-tested CS I
can make at home.  If any member of the list is interested, email me at and I will reply with my mailing address so you can
send me a money order for the number of pairs you want.  Missouri
residents please note your address so I can find a way to pay the
appropriate sales tax, as I am not a vendor and don't have a tax ID
number with the state.

On another item, I'd like to suggest that most of the home-made CS
generators I have heard about run on (3) 9-volt batteries.  Perhaps that
is what the survey is supposed to determine, but whatever we settle on
for testing purposes should be, I think, from the most common of
machines.  I have a 3x9volt machine, and a 2x9volt Pulsed DC machine,
but never saw a design for a 4x9volt machine.

I will kick in a $20.00 pledge to the testing fund, also.

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Testing, protocols, etc.

1998-07-17 Thread Paul Bembower
I have only recently joined the list, but I have several suggestions re:
testing of CS that might stimulate some discussion.  Here goes:

1.  Could a standard method of "home brewing" be proposed, by which
individuals with commercially built and home built generators of various
types could produce sample CS lots for testing?  That is to say, could
we suggest that sample 1 from each source might be made with room
temperature distilled water, 1 hour, no electrolyte added;  sample 2
might be made with distilled water at 150 deg. F. starting temp, 1 hour,
no electrolyte added;  sample 3 might be similar to sample 1, but run
for 2 hours;  sample 4 might be similar to sample 2 but run for 2 hours.

2.  Each sample would be coded with a unique indicator of its production
method (Sample 1, 2, 3, or 4) and its source machine
(Type/Mfr/AC/DC/etc.), grade/type of silver ingot used, etc.
3.  Those samples should then be tested for Particle Size, Total
Dissolved Solids/volume of solution (not PPM, which is not helpful in
light of differing particle sizes.

The above tests would make it possible to generalize about what is
*being produced* by the CS community.  THEN representative samples of
what is being used should be tested for efficacy against various
pathogens, microbes, viruses, etc.

If a typical home-produced CS solution were found to have, for example,
an average particle size of .011 micron, and a TDS of .0005 mcg per
liter (I just made these up, folks!) then it would seem reasonable to
send samples across  a range of particle size and TDS both above and
below the typical level to some organization, lab, or other testing
agency (How 'bout Consumer's Union or Good Housekeeping?) to determine
the efficacy of *typical* CS solutions against a variety of pathogenic

Conversely, if we (and I do include myself) donate money to finance
testing of something we can't practically make at home, we'll not be
serving the needs that seem to be driving this discussion.

I'll shut up now & let someone else talk.  Paul Bembower

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