Re: cs physician on vancouver island that might know a thing about m.s.

1998-10-05 Thread Peter Koziol
Can anyone tell me if there is a m.d. on this island who is knowledgable
about m.s. and might be able to help me in my down hill spiral.
Peter K

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Re: Peter/MS

1998-09-10 Thread Peter Koziol
How goes the battle? Was sorting though the backlog of mail that I have
recieved and found an old one of yours. So are you making any progress with
the monster that unfortunately lives with in ? I have all but given up . The
m.s. is winning and there is so much negative stuff around me that I cannot
see the forest for the trees.
I am going to have to go through personal bankruptcy and am not too pleased
about that for sure. My health food store is long ago in Chapter 11 with out
anything that I can do. Life is so depressing that it defies description.
Hope that there is good news from your end.
Take care ,
Yours ,
Peter Koziol

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Re: How Much CS/GfSE...How Often?

1998-07-02 Thread Peter Koziol
Susan or anyone who can help;
I am in a wheel chair and getting all sorts of allergies , can't walk,
constant pain, concentration problems etc.etc. Is this all m.s. related or
should I be rigorously doing a antibiotic regime? Sure as tooting am going
downhill fast.
Take care,
Peter K.

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Re: About my letter to Lyme Research List

1998-05-29 Thread Peter Koziol
Arnie how are you coming with the m.s battle . I can't seem to take a step
in the right direction for love or money. Please write as I need some help
and there sure as hell isn't any from the neuros.
Peter K.

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Re: please take me off your list

1998-05-24 Thread Peter Koziol
You stated that you would have some information on m.s. soon. Have you
posted it yet? If so where ?
Peter Koziol

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Re: please take me off your list for everything other than the use of c.s. as it might relate to m.s.

1998-05-23 Thread Peter Koziol
Dear Sirs;
Please take me off the c.s. list for everything other than how the substance
might relate to chronic progressive multiple sclerosis.
Peter Koziol

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Re: use of silver for cpms

1998-04-09 Thread Peter Koziol
Can you please give me a method of contacting the woman you refered to in
your letter ? 
email or phone # would be a good starting place.
Peter Koziol 

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Re: use of silver for cpms

1998-04-02 Thread Peter Koziol
Susan ; 
Peter here. Thought that I would write and see how you are and how things
are going for you with the c.s.
I am well into the third week of it and cannot really see a difference but
hey am willing to give it a good scouts try as long as the side effects
aren't as bad as some of the stuff that I have tried. Didn't realize that
you were a nurse till I saw one of your posts. I have an under graduate in
microbiology and did a graduate paper in epidemology on m.s. before I had a
clue how bad it can mess a person up and before I fell victim to it. Still
am as confused as ever on what I should do / attempt/think. The paelolythic
diet seems a bit drastic and till I can find corroberation from a few
sources am sitting this one out. I like my cereals/ bread/ etc.etc. too
much for that. 
If the cs helped then can you please tell me what time frame it took.
Specifically what frequencies did you find beneficial with the riffe
machine. That to me is something that appeals to the "chicken " me. Don
Tunney sure is a honey isn't he?
Have arranged for a mitoxantrone course but want to give the cs a scouts
try first.That is why I ask about the time frame.  
Was in to get some pastoral counselling today and think that there was a
bit of headway there. ie. the concept of spirit, another dimension when
questioned about the after life, and grace. Sure is a long uphill battle
for me to let go or should I say return to a faith that I can grasp
intellectually. Don't know if I will ever  totally get there but who knows.

Any suggestions on the pain issue tylenol 3 don't come close to touching it
and morphine doesn't do a thing for the nerve pain that I experience.
Spasms, depression are also big issues that I have been attempting to deal
with on a daily basis . Can't find anyone who will perscribe anything where
there is theh slightest possibility of more siezures and if you read the
adverse effects of the baclofin and most antidepressants it is there in
black and white. 

Take care ,

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Re: MS- A breakthrough!

1998-03-21 Thread Peter Koziol
I have gone to four weeks of riffe machine stuff and am into the third
bottle of cc. According to your schedule at what point can I expect to see
some positive results? Have been falling daily about five or six times /
day . Not a lot of fun with a broken back to say the least. Did you get a
hold of  Iams book on how she "cured herself'' of cpms. I have an electonic
copy if you would like to have a peek but please don't tell her that I sent
it if that is what you would like to see.

Take care and blessings to you,

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Re: What about colloidal gold?

1998-03-18 Thread Peter Koziol
How are you doing and how are things? Do you still want me to forward the
letters as you requested some time ago. Please tell me how long did it take
for the RIffe to make a difference with your health? It is the fifth time
now and to be honest there is little or no discernable difference to date.
Am also doing colloidal silver to boot. 
Do you have Lyme in addition to m.s.? 
Take care ,
Peter Koziol 

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Re: use of silver for cpms

1998-02-24 Thread Peter Koziol
thanks for the advise Jeanette. I started cs today and will "run with it
for a while to see what happens . IF nothing then I am going to bring the
big guns in ie. a very potent cancer drug that has shown some benefit
recentlly in this condition. Hey there isnot a single thing that I have not
tried other than the big guns so if they are necessary then that is life
and you win some and loose some.
Thanks for caring,
Peter K.

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Re: MS- A breakthrough!

1998-02-24 Thread Peter Koziol
Got my first bottle of colloidal silver today and phoned Ken Tunney about
his riffe machine schedule!!! 
So no more Nike messages for me I suppose.Just thought that I would let you
know . Also started Neurontin last week. Hopefully something will come of
it.Have arranged for Mitoxantrone through a local 
m.d. here who is not the slightest bit worried about the side effects
especially on the dose that he is recommending.If none of this works then I
guess it is time for something really out of this world but what could that
be as I have tried everything possible other than "Tibetan medicine" where
they say that they have a treatment for it.. At least the treatment
couldnot be worse than the shit that has been side effects of the western
medicine that I have tried. 
Anyhow thanks for your posts and thoughts contained there in. 
P.S. want to go to northern India with me if we can't get a handle on it

Yours in hopes that something will work,
Peter K. 

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Re: use of silver for cpms

1998-02-22 Thread Peter Koziol
Will try it as soon as the shops open and am keeping my fingers crossed
that it will do some good! Thanks for the letter and thoughts contained
there in. Do you live alone on the Idaho mountain that seems most suited
for your needs at the moment? Must be very lonely is it? 
Take care and let me know how things  go for you as you beat this

Yours in hope,
Peter K. 

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Re: use of silver for cpms

1998-02-21 Thread Peter Koziol
Good for you Susan. I hope that you beat the monster and that it never
resurfaces in your body. You say that you have got quite a handle on PAIN .
Sure wish that I could say the same thing and mean it. The trouble with all
the meds is their side effects which I get in spades and the  fact that
they are not that good in combating the sort of pain that goes with this
shit sucking condition (sorry for the expletives)
Morphine, codeine, tylenol, tegretol etc.etc. just make me feel worse and
that is not the sort of thing that I want to feel like I don't feel bad
enough already.
Am ready to try a very powerful anti cancer drug and am some what leery
about it as I don't like the idea of wiping out my immune system but there
is little other alternative at this point. Try as I might my prayers go
unanswered as if there  is no god or he / she doesn't believe in me and I
continue to sewer big time.
Hey you don't live all that far away Why not give me your phone # and I
will give you a dingle.

Take care,
Peter K. 

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use of silver for cpms

1998-02-21 Thread Peter Koziol
Dear List; 
THis is my second post as I did not get a reply from the first one. Is
there anyone out there who knows of any individual who has   "healed" from
chronic progressive multiple sclerosis through the use of colloidal silver
or the riffe machine?
Yours in hope,
Peter K. 

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Re: MIcrowave

1998-02-19 Thread Peter Koziol
Hi hope things are going well for you. Tell me truly is there any
information about that the riffe machine does help with cpms? Is there any
documentation anywhere. I am still wrestling with the biggies; pain,
eyesight, balance , the after effects of the fractures, broken heart and on
and on it goes. Am seriously thinking of doing the metroxanone regime that
you may have read about in the ttie formerly Julies joint.
Any thoughts on this one. I do the requisite affirmations daily and must
admit that they haven't done an ounce of good ...damn it. Maybe it is time
to bring in the big guns?

Peter K. 

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1998-01-29 Thread Peter Koziol
Thanks for the note . How can I enrol myself in the pilot study that Farber
is doing?
YOurs with thanks,
Peter K. 

Re: NIKE--Just do it!!!!!!!

1998-01-29 Thread Peter Koziol
thanks for the letter and the kind thoughts contained there in. I have
environmental sensitivities in spades , makes me wonder if I do not have
fibromyalgia in addition to m.s. osteoporesis and the like of a truly
decaying body . Can't seem to get to the bottom of anything recently. Try
as I might things just do not get a fraction better and I have so little
that I can do to take my mind off it that I am more or less absorbed in my
pain and troubles. At least in the preceeding little while I managed to
actually work at a friends store which made life more tolerable for the
time that I was there. Stll had all sorts of problems with balance,
concentration etc.etc.but the distraction of doing something was quite a
relief. More physio tomorrow . One step forward and ten in reverse
could sure have done without the fractures. The pain that I live with is
devastating to say the least.

Where are you geographically. I would guess the east some where but that is
only a guess So you have m.s. and calendula helped with what ??...pain,
depression, or in general . If the answer is yes then the first stop
tomorrow is the health food store for a supply of it.Do you have
environmental sensitivites also and, if so how do they manifest themselves.
How about food allergies to boot? Other than avoidance what is there that
you can do about the whole state of affairs. 

Sure as hell wish that I had the faith that is apparent in your letters.For
an ex catholic atheist  where do I make a start to regain spiritual

Take care of yourself,

Peter Koziol 

Re: FARBER and treatment for m.s.

1998-01-28 Thread Peter Koziol
Thankyou for your letter and kind thoughts contained there in. I am glad
that you have found some relief from your condition through the use of c.s.
The issue that I want to address is " is  c.s. appropriate for me and how
should I be able to tell whether or not I should start a course of therapy
there in. How do or will I get answers to this question and where should I
go for the information that I need?
Yours sincerely,
Peter Koziol 

Re: FARBER and treatment for m.s.

1998-01-28 Thread Peter Koziol
Dear Sir; 
 I would like very much to enroll in the treatment pilot study for m.s. How
can I do this. I also believe that Dr.Farber has the condition mentionned .
Is this correct or not. I feel that if I can go with a physician who has
the same condition I would be far better than with my own as , at long
last, the primary care giver has the knowledge of what sort of things I am
experiencing as opposed to thinking I am making them up. How and what
should I do for the study as I have been really suffering for a long long
time and am chronic progressive. Seems to me that no matter what I do it
boomerangs on me in a dreadful way. 
baclofin=grandmal seizures with 13 seperate fractures
beestings=anaphylactic shock and almost death
corticosteroids= osteoporesis
fenteramine=allergic reaction that took me to the emergency unit of the
hospital and on and on it goes.

Hope to hear from you soon,
Peter Koziol 

Re: Cure For Lyme! How about multiple sclerosis?

1998-01-25 Thread Peter Koziol
what is a lupoid?

Re: Cure For Lyme! How about multiple sclerosis?

1998-01-25 Thread Peter Koziol
can you please share with me what your md thinks is the causes of m.s. and
how he treats it AND what sort of response he has had with what ever it is
that he does.  collodial silver? anything that you could add would be most
YOurs in hopes of better tomorrows,
Peter Koziol 

Re: Auto-Oxidation of the body

1997-12-16 Thread Peter Koziol
still haven't heard back from the hospital re; ferratin but will let you
know the minute i do
IN hopes of better tomorrows,

Re: New member

1997-12-09 Thread Peter Koziol
I subscribe to the silver group out of desperation to find something that
will make the slightest little bit of difference in chronic progressive
m.s. To date I haven't . Lord knows that I have tried everything under the
face of the sun and nothing seems to make any difference. Am open to
suggestions and will take what ever you recommend as long as it isn't
potentially dangerous 
Hope to hear from you ,
Peter K. 

Re: Horses & CS

1997-11-27 Thread Peter Koziol
Dear Sirs; 
Have any of you heard of this being used effectively with/ for the control
of chronic progressive multiple sclerosis? 
Peter Koziol