Re: CS>Alternative treatments

2002-04-30 Thread Ronen Yehiav
Use proper magnetic treatment.
Get the "Conquering Pain" book from
and apply the magnets as specified.

If you use magnets properly, it works like a charm (which is not).


  - Original Message - 
  From: Gary Green 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 4:55 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Alternative treatments

  On Tuesday, April 30, 2002, at 10:10 PM, Medwith, Robert wrote:

Any one out there know of alternative treatments for carpul tunnel in the 
hands (not sure if the spelling is correct).
 Looking for some thing besides going under the knife.
 I had the cortisone shots with limited success for a short time.

  Chiropractic adjustment of the wrist.
  Brace the wrist.
  B vitamins.
  More adjustments as needed and Time.

  Works in my practice.

CS>Gall Bladder Stones

2002-04-17 Thread Ronen Yehiav
I have a friend, a 60+ woman, who I helped get over type II diabetes, which
was found to have some gall bladder stones, up to 11 mm in diameter (about
1/5 of an inch).  She is pressured by almost everyone to have an operation
to remove the gall bladder.  She has no infection or inflammation, and no

I would greatly appreciate advice on the best way to handle that, the
dangers that may be involved, and what to expect.

Thank you very much.


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Re: CS>CS Starter????

2002-04-16 Thread Ronen Yehiav
If your using starter, and you reach higher current, it DOES NOT mean you're
getting more colloidal Silver - you may be just electrolyzing the starter,
or the water...


- Original Message -
From: "Dean T. Miller" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS Starter

> Hi Maxine,
> On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 13:44:12 -0700, "Maxine Wilton"
>  wrote:
> >Are you supose to use a starter every time you make a new jar of CS?
> No, there is no need for a starter.
> >IS the statrter supose to be  a cup of  CS that you have made???
> > Explain this and what happens if you dont use  a starter???
> > What is the end result???
> The only thing a starter does is to speed up the CS-making process a
> bit.  But it also means you have to be more careful of how long you
> let the generator run.  If you are making 16 ounces of CS in a batch,
> then adding 1 ounce of CS from your previous batch will probably cut
> the "brewing" time in half.
> If you use a CS generator that has an automatic shutoff, then you
> don't have to worry about the time.
> The reason a starter helps is that pure distilled water doesn't
> conduct electricity very well -- very poorly, in fact.  So the first
> 15 minutes (for 16 ounces) or more you're making very little CS
> because there's very little current flow.  Once there's enough CS
> made, then the current flow increases and the process speeds up.  A
> starter allows the increased current from the start of the process.
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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Re: CS>Colloidal vs silver ions

2002-04-16 Thread Ronen Yehiav
RE: CS>Colloidal vs silver ionsSo, what are the sure - fire ways to produce 
only silver colloids?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kevin Nolan 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 3:27 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal vs silver ions

  Bob Bartell wrote:
  "Dear Bobbye and all other novices.  Colloidal silver made by the 
electrolysis method, which is what we all use here on this list, is, for all 
practical purposes, harmless and will not cause the discoloration of the skin 
(argyria).  The particles and ions are all too small to have this effect.  The 
discoloration is caused by ingesting silver compounds (silver nitrate, et al - 
which are relatively huge particles like you find in some products like 
  Actually, Bob, the particle size of ionic silver compounds like silver 
nitrate when dissolved are, even allowing for solvation (surrounded by water 
molecules), the smallest possible - ions. In that much the deceptive spiel of 
WaterOz is correct. There are doubtless a number of factors determining whether 
argyria results. Marshall Dudley has already explained a number. Silver nitrate 
has far greater solubility than any other commonly available silver salt, and 
thus the higher concentration available would of itself allow an overload of 
the body's excretory capacity, locally at least. It should be remembered that 
the home brewed LVDC CS is typically 70-95% ionic - as the dissociated compound 
silver hydroxide. It's relatively low solubility is perhaps the main reason 
no-one seems to have ever contracted argyria ingesting it. Beyond mere 
concentration though it is known that nitrate ion is a tissue irritant and 
poison in higher concentrations. Someone else may have a better idea but I 
suspect nitrate has a specific action in predisposing tissue cells to react 
with ionic silver and precipitate the particulate form to give argyria. That is 
to say, I suspect other silver salts of equal silver concentration probably are 
much less likely to result in argyria. As for any medication, allopathic or 
herbal or whatever, there is also individual biochemistry to contend with. It 
is possible Janis has a predisposition to argyria, but I don't suggest any 
'controlled study' involving listers gulping down silver nitrate!
  regards, Kevin Nolan

Re: CS>Colloidal vs silver ions

2002-04-15 Thread Ronen Yehiav
RE: CS>Colloidal vs silver ionsDear Bob,
I was wandering...
I know that colloidal silver particles are a bunch of several hundreds to 
several thousands of silver atoms, in their metallic form.
Ionic compounds contain only ONE particle of silver, and some derivative of an 
acid, such as the nitrate ,molecule.  They are - at most - only several atoms 

All silver compounds are ionic, and thus break apart in water to a single 
silver atom, and one or to anions.
The ionic compound particles are the SMALL particles, and therefore they are 
the ones which can migrate, almost uncontrollably, into the cells, and collect 

I thought that because the colloidal particles are SO MUCH LARGER than the 
ions, that they cannot collect in tissues.

Can you clarify that , please?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Bob Bartell 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 7:21 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>Colloidal vs silver ions

  Dear Bobbye and all other novices.  Colloidal silver made by the electrolysis 
method, which is what we all use here on this list, is, for all practical 
purposes, harmless and will not cause the discoloration of the skin (argyria).  
The particles and ions are all too small to have this effect.  The 
discoloration is caused by ingesting silver compounds (silver nitrate, et al - 
which are relatively huge particles like you find in some products like 
Water-oz.). The benefits of our colloidal silver are fantastic and the risk is 
non-existent. I personally consumed over a quart per day for a month in 
overcoming a staph infection.  The only one that turned blue was the MD who 
wanted me to join his long list of failures.  Relax, fear not, you are in good 
hands here.  We'll help!  Just keep reading the posts here for a while and get 
comfortable with us.  Namaste:  Bob Bartell

  -Original Message-
  From: Bobbye Stegen []
  Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 5:38 PM
  Subject: CS>Colloidal vs silver ions

  Hi all,

  I am a novice in the world of colloidal silver.  I have attempted to read up

  on using the product, asking questions, etc.  I've read the Purest Colloids

  web site which holds the patent on the process of a higher % of colloidal

  particulate matter.  The web site is impressive but alas, the product is

  very expensive.

  I have read many of your messages discussing making your own CS and on other


  Now as I understand it, the CS you make at home has a high percentage of

  silver ions  Now if I understand it correctly, it is the ionic silver that

  can cause the blue discoloration.

  At this point, I don't want to even attempt to make my own CS as I want to

  experiment to see if  CS works for me and my family as many of you have

  attested to.

  My question is, if ionic silver can cause a problem no matter how small a

  chance, why would you take a chance making your own?  This is not a

  challenging question but request for information only.

  CS costing $61 a bottle is still much much cheaper and better for the

  bodyespecially if one does not use allopathic medicines unless it is a

  matter of life and death.

  I've looked at the health food stores and find 10ppm and 30ppm on the

  shelves.  Now is this ionic silver?  If you were going to buy CS, would you

  risk buying anyother on the market other than the Purest Colloids?  Have any

  of you tried Purest Colloids?

  Again, this is not to start a debate but just asking for honest opinions.



CS>Some questions

2002-04-14 Thread Ronen Yehiav
RE: CS>FliesTwo q's about CS manufacturing and use:

1.Can magnetizing the water assist in manufacturing CS?  One site claims
that only the positive charged particles of silver do any good, so maybe
positive magnetic charging of the water may help?

2.Rather than H2O2, i'm in favor of something called "Stabilized
Oxygen".  It does not attack healthy tissue, does not burn, and contains
much more oxygen than even 35% H2O2.  It is a buffered solution, and does
not react or break down easily.  Do you think there may be benefit in taking
it with CS?

Thank you all.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CD Mfgr'ing Units

2002-04-13 Thread Ronen Yehiav
OK - Where I find it, the price, the micrograph, etc???

- Original Message -
From: "AVRA / Jason" 
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CD Mfgr'ing Units

> Gary:
> The SG-7 Pro unit can produce five gallons of 5 ppm per hour ( 10 PPM in
> hours, etc. ).  For high capacity brewing, I haven't seen a unit that
> close.  The price tag is well worth the end product, in terms of real
> You'll notice that other high capacity unit manufacturer's are usually AC
> high voltage machines, and you won't see them displaying a micrograph of
> end product showing dispersion as compared to "lab quality" silvers or
> current machines.  That's because those micrographs are attrocious.
> of TEM aside, an equal comparison is still a valid comparison.
> Jason
> - Original Message -
> From: "Gary Green" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 8:03 AM
> Subject: CS>CD Mfgr'ing Units
> >
> > On Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 09:15 PM, Solar wrote:
> >
> > > Trust me when I tell you that the SG-7
> > > produces CS many orders of magnitude better in effectiveness, is made
> > > MUCH better, gives you more for your money, etc. It isn't even fair to
> > > compare the two. It is like comparing a plastic, model car, to a
> > > highly tuned formula 1 racer.
> >
> > Great, thanks that really narrows it down.  I was a little suspect when
> > he said the final product turned a "fine yellow" after a bit of storage
> > time.
> >
> > Does anyone (including you  Solar) have a recommendation for the
> > ***ULTIMATE CS PRODUCTION UNIT***?  It's not easy to get things through
> > customs here, usually involves bribes or know-who.  I'll be able to pull
> > this off one time for sure but other timesmaybe, so since I'm
> > looking at making it for family, friends and patients what is a good
> > unit for doing it in quantity?  Then again, I could probably use this
> > unit and pump out 8 gal / day so that could get me through the first 6
> > months or so.
> >
> > Anyway... what's the best people?  Thanks again for all the advice.
> >
> > Gary.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CD Mfgr'ing Units

2002-04-13 Thread Ronen Yehiav
> > Trust me when I tell you that the SG-7
> > produces CS many orders of magnitude better in effectiveness, is made
> > MUCH better, gives you more for your money, etc. It isn't even fair to
> > compare the two. It is like comparing a plastic, model car, to a
> > highly tuned formula 1 racer.

What is SG-7?
Any URL?

Thank you.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flies

2002-04-12 Thread Ronen Yehiav
Virgin Coconut Oil, for us health aficionados...

- Original Message -
From: "bonnie schmidlkofer" 
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Flies

> What is VCO?  I did a search, came up with Voltage Controlled Oscillator,
> Vice Chancellor's Office, and a bunch of foreign language sites.  Nothing
> remotely related to feeding dogs.
> BS
> - Original Message -
> From: "Bobbye Stegen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 1:11 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Flies
> > Bones and Raw Food.  Dogs are carnivoires and we don't feed grains.
> Mainly,
> > I feed chicken backs and turkey necks with organs and then greens finely
> > chopped with VCO and CS in their water.
> >
> > There are many many sites on the web discussing the BARF diets.  Just do
> > search on BARF.
> >
> > Bobbye
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Gladys Williams" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 10:48 AM
> > Subject: Re: CS>Flies
> >
> >
> > > What is BARF??
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 17:09:47 -0500 "Bobbye Stegen"
> > >  writes:
> > > > Hi Connie,
> > > >
> > > > I have two greythounds on BARF and they do not attract flies.
> > > > However, we
> > > > have bees and wasps on our backporch (especially wasps).  Will the
> > > > sugar/CS
> > > > syrup get them to move on.  I don't think I want to kill the bees
> > > > since they
> > > > polinate all my flowers.
> > > >
> > > > I have not tried to go without the flea/mosquotos/ticks preventive
> > > > in the
> > > > summer in the hot South (plus we camp a lot).  What do you do for
> > > > that?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Bobbye
> > > > - Original Message -
> > > > From: "Connie" 
> > > > To: 
> > > > Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 3:56 PM
> > > > Subject: Re: CS>Flies
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Diet changes, to RAW feedings, make the animals less appealing to
> > > > fleas,
> > > > > tics, mosquitos, do not know if that holds true of flies also.
> > > > > My rottie- out most of the time, also in the heat, is not
> > > > generally
> > > > bothered
> > > > > by flies. Flies were a problem for dogs in the past before I
> > > > started BARF
> > > > > feedings.
> > > > > Connie

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Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2002-04-08 Thread Ronen Yehiav

- Original Message -
From: "I Anderson" 
Subject: RE: CS>Unidentified subject!

> Hi Terry,
> confirm in the most, what I have learned. What does seem to be missing
> is the recognition of the manner in which calcium becomes
> bio-available. Most diseased states benefit from an increase in serum
> calcium levels, it is the most needed of all minerals and is involved
> to some extent in every bodily process, so I guess it is surprising
> that it is one of the hardest to absorb by modern man. The
> requirements for the absorption of calcium are that it is ionised
> (dissolved) and that the vitamin D receptors in the small intestinal
> wall are populated with vitamin D. In these times of little sun
> exposure, and sun blocks, one needs to supplement with vitamin D if
> one wishes to absorb 20 times more calcium than one would otherwise.
> To my mind it doesn't much matter which type of calcium one takes, if
> one remembers that calcium will form insoluble compounds with
> phosphorous, and it is advantageous to take malic acid in the form of
> apple juice which will keep the calcium ionised long enough for good
> absorption. The idea that two different types of calcium will react
> together to supply useable energy I find suspect, especially
> considering that this will take place in the stomach.

Up to this point, I agree completely:

The ONLY variable I found which consistently affects calcium absorption is
cellular metabolism.  This primary life - force process has a direct
relation to the cellular magnetic charge, which must be negative.  This is,
BTW, an alkaline state of the cytoplasm.

Any other state of charge disrupts cellular metabolism.  When this happens,
calcium absorption is not the only thing that goes wrong.

The easiest, most consistent way I found to help the body recharge itself is
through day - time charging of the sternum point with a powerful negative
pole of a permanent magnet.

If the body has a significant load of parasites, Zapping may help.

I get magnets from (they also have a very educational
and I get zappers from which I found to be the
best there are, for several reasons.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Priorities

2002-04-06 Thread Ronen Yehiav

- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 
Subject: Re: CS>Priorities

> > I post a reference challenging the central tenet of oxygen-based
> > cancer treatment, and invite comment. Number of responses - nil.
> > 

I, for one, NEVER noticed it.

Of course, it is not YOUR fault - entirely mine!!!
However, I still don't think I saw it...


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CS>Compounding Things

2002-04-02 Thread Ronen Yehiav
I practuce Bio-Magnetic healing (not selling MLM stuff to unsuspecting

I work extensively with Negative Energized (magnetized) water, and
Stabilized Oxygen.

Can magnetizing the water have any effect on CS production?  Negative or
Positive energizing?

What about combining Stabilized Oxygen with CS?

Thank you all.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>To Ronen re CS generator

2002-04-02 Thread Ronen Yehiav
To Ronen re CS generatorThanks, Nicola!

Any info on particle sizes?  Any warnings that I should consider?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Nicola Kay 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 11:21 AM
  Subject: CS>To Ronen re CS generator

  Hi Ronen,

  I am new to all this but I have made what might be the simplest of all 
generators.  The pro's here will hopefully correct any erroneous advice and add 
their knowledge to what I'm telling you.

CS>Making CS

2002-04-01 Thread Ronen Yehiav

I'm new to this list, although I know about CS for quite a long time, being
heavily into alt. med.

I would like to know what is the best way to home - make CS, using the
simplest, most basic means?

I have a distinct dislike to anything expensive.

Are the expensive CS machines really anu better than the simplest means?

Thank you.


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