Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

2021-03-25 Thread Terry Ward
Do youreally believe you’re convincing anyone of anything, or making a 
contribution in any way with your insults and name calling? 

> On Mar 25, 2021, at 3:50 PM, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> Congrats to the DUMMY you are a ticking time bomb people are dying daily 
> after these shots from hell are WILLYFULLY IGNORANT
> On Thursday, March 25, 2021, 05:52:02 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
>  wrote:
> I got mine. I was not afraid nor was I coerced. I was smart!
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 9:33 AM Gmail  > wrote:
> Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Lord Acton


2021-03-25 Thread Terry Ward

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>SOLUTION to trolls: Join the New Group

2021-02-20 Thread Terry Ward
The Constitution guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from 
restricting the press or the rights of individuats to speak freely. It 
guarantees no such freedom of expression with respect to privately 
owned/operated businesses, websites, etc.

And you were disagreeing with Nenah, not denigrating her (a la “Cyndiann”).

> On Feb 20, 2021, at 4:04 PM, PT Ferrance  wrote:

> Except this is not your home, Nenah... it is a public forum and as long as 
> she is not inciting to violence she has a voice here... just like you do.  
> You get to choose how you take comments.  
> If that is what you took from my comment about saner people then you have a 
> problem... not me or Cyndiann.  After all you are the one trying to throw her 
> out of the group Are you going to do that to me also because I don't 
> agree with you?   Like I said "totalitarian state"!
> PT
> On Saturday, February 20, 2021, 05:44:58 PM EST, Nenah Sylver 
>  wrote:
> PT wrote: Actually, all Cyndiann is doing is exercising her right to free 
> speech.  It is guaranteed by the Constitution!  And you want to throw her out 
> just because of that . . . what you describe is the same as a 
> totalitarian state... 'Think like we do or we'll throw you out!'  Really? 
> Thank goodness there are also saner people on this list!
> ===
> PT,
> There's a huge difference between expressing an opinion and denigrating 
> others because of *their* opinions.
> There's a way to express an opinion with respect without resorting to name 
> calling (as when you called me, by inference, "not as sane as other people").
> If someone comes into my home and hurls insults and negativity, I ask them to 
> leave. It's very simple.
> Nenah Sylver, PhD
> author, The Rife Handbook
> of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition
> NEW Etsy Shop: Earth Riches
> Handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry
> of semi-precious stones from the Earth
> plus rare and unique vintage items

Re: CS>Mindless Mask Mandates Likely Do More Harm Than Good -

2021-02-18 Thread Terry Ward
"He is an osteopath, so he should be sticking to massage and physical 

I’m not a fan of Mercola by any means, but your understanding of DO training 
and functions is extremely dated.

> On Feb 18, 2021, at 1:43 PM, Lynn Greene  wrote:
> I have been following Mercola for years. He is an osteopath, so he should be 
> sticking to massage and physical manipulation. He creates his own overpriced 
> products. Many of them are cut with cheap fillers. He occasionally has new 
> ideas, but he also recommends many unproven remedies and ideas, some of which 
> have been proven to be snake oil. I rarely look on his site these days since 
> his theories are so wacky - right up there with Dr Oz. Since Mercola pays for 
> his own advertising, he is not regulated and can say and do as he likes. If 
> you send him any message that anything he says is not correct, as in the case 
> of an aromatherapist with extensive education and practice, he will not 
> correct his mistake. Beware of Dr Axe, too, since he does all he can to make 
> poor, cheap "essential oils”. 
> Also, if masks did not work, the experiment in the 1900’s would have made 
> surgical teams in hospitals look especially silly. They work, and it is the 
> norm in hospitals
> or hospitals would be the most unsafe places in the world. 
> On a personal level, my husband and I have not had a cold or flu during all 
> this time of mask wearing. Usually we get two or three during a year, 
> sometimes more. Collectively we have
> COPD, heart problems and asthma, as well as shingles.
> Dr Abram Hoffer wrote over 30 books on niacin (nicotinic acid - must be the 
> flushing kind) and has a protocol in his book listed below for shingles which 
> includes 2 grams of lysine, and the lysine is a powerful antiviral.
> (book: Niacin, the Real Story). CS has also been powerful, and Lipospheric C. 
> Lynn
>> On Feb 18, 2021, at 11:40 AM, Gmail > > wrote:
>> Read carefully-
>> The brutal reality is that the dollar was worth 1/40th ounce of gold fifty 
>> years ago and now is worth 1/1,900th ounce of gold. Someday, perhaps soon, 
>> it will be worth 1/10,000th ounce of gold.

Re: CS>Covid Nasal Spray -- anti-Covid ACTIVE Ingredient -- similar to CS (Colloid of Silver)

2020-12-14 Thread Terry Ward
> "A mask is easy to do and saves your life…”

Right, because no one who wore a mask has ever died from Covid.

> On Dec 14, 2020, at 2:51 PM, Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> A mask is easy to do and saves your life, could stop you from getting others 
> infected. I have COPD so it's hard to breathe at all but I manage to wear 
> one. It's just stupid to not do something that easy.
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 7:43 AM Shelby  > wrote:
> Well this would be good news. I don’t want to take the vaccine but I am in a 
> profession that may be forced. Since I like to pay bills and eat and all that 
> other good stuff I am in a situation. However, I carry an epi pen and an 
> inhaler. I have had anaphylaxis over the years to several things and even 
> some we couldn’t pin point. From the current reports in the UK, I may be 
> excused for now from the vaccine. I would think they would issue us some sort 
> of vaccine record to prove we have had it. They wouldn’t just take our word 
> for it. I wouldn’t mind doing a nasal spray as much if I had to keep my job. 
> However, I put CS in a nasal spray bottle when I go out and I put it in a 
> nebulizer at home. So far I have been fine. I would like to thing the CS has 
> been keeping me healthy because I have gone most place I want to and I have 
> had and been to gatherings. I have flown on a plane and taken a train half 
> way across the country. I have been dancing a few times and I don’t wear a 
> mask unless requested by the store.
> Shelby
> From: Douglas Haack>> 
> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 10:39 PM
> To: Silver-List>>
> Cc: Kym Borrett>>
> Subject: CS>Covid Nasal Spray -- anti-Covid ACTIVE Ingredient -- similar to 
> CS (Colloid of Silver)
> From:
> Integrity Research Institute  >
> .. a great bioenergetics answer to the recent complex discussion about 
> vaccines and the question of whether they can prevent the initial infection 
> from a coronavirus. Medical researchers at Columbia University have come up 
> with the answer in the form of a nasal spray. Specifically, it is a 
> intranasal fusion inhibitory lipopeptide that prevents direct contact 
> SARS-CoV-2 transmission as reported on bioRiv: DOI: 10.1101/2020.11.04.361154 
>  Similar to colloidal silver spray, it may prevent infection in people 
> exposed to the new coronavirus, since it blocks the usual pathway for the 
> virus to enter the body. “People who cannot be vaccinated or do not develop 
> immunity will particularly benefit from the spray. The antiviral is easily 
> administered and, based on the scientists’ experience with other respiratory 
> viruses, protection would be immediate and last for at least 24 hours. The 
> scientists hope to rapidly advance the preventative approach to human trials 
> with the goal of containing transmission during this pandemic.”
> Enjoy .. in SILvation,
> DH in OZ
> Top News - Sponsored By Newser 
> Man Climbs Onto Wing of Plane As it Prepares for Takeoff 
> ER Doctor: My Honesty About COVID Got Me Fired 
> $340K Painting Found in Dumpster 

Re: CS>Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over" | HubPages

2020-10-22 Thread Terry Ward
50/50 chance the person who died received a placebo.

> On Oct 22, 2020, at 11:51 AM, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> Person Dies In COVID Vaccine Trial & More Experts Speak Out On The Efficacy 
> Of Masks/Lockdowns 
> Person Dies In COVID Vaccine Trial & More Experts Speak Out On The Effic...
> Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, dedicated to bringing you the most relevant 
> independent news, as we see it, from t...
> On Thursday, October 22, 2020, 12:44:18 PM EDT, Gmail 
>  wrote:
> If you think your thoughts are your own, think again. —Black Mirror

Re: CS>Keep info coming

2020-10-19 Thread Terry Ward
He did pull out of WHO. Do you think it’s possible he felt the money would be 
better spent partnering with more than 25 heads of state and 50 leaders of 
international agencies, NGOs and private industry to develop a vaccine? I do.

> On Oct 19, 2020, at 11:50 AM, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> Exactly!! Trump SAID he pulled out of WHO and turned around and gave GAVI 
> ...which is Bill Gates ..over a BILLION dollars.
> On Monday, October 19, 2020, 02:33:56 PM EDT, Gmail  
> wrote:
> WHO is a pack of Agenda 21 one worlders financed by Gates and Soros. Do some 
> research. Lying Ba#$&@ds.
> If you think your thoughts are your own, think again. —Black Mirror
> On Oct 19, 2020, at 1:23 PM, PT Ferrance  > wrote:
>> There is another Dr. Richard Bartlett.  You might want to do some research 
>> so people will be able to discern between them.
>> PT
>> On Monday, October 19, 2020, 12:57:50 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
>>>> wrote: 
>> Make sure you pass this on too.
>> But in the viral video, Bartlett dubiously suggests the medication is 
>> already being used so widely as to keep COVID-19 fatalities low in Taiwan, 
>> Japan, Singapore and Iceland. “They’re doing what I’m doing … an inhaled 
>> steroid,” he claims.
>> The WHO, in a statement provided to , 
>> said “there is no evidence suggesting that inhaled corticosteroid have 
>> reduced case fatality rate in Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, and Iceland.”
>> Asthma Medicine Not Proven as COVID-19 ‘Cure’
>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 9:25 AM p c > > wrote:
>>> Invaluable info about Dr Richard Bartlett. I will be passing on to my 
>>> doctor.  Thank you.  And James - thank you. 
>>> Thanks to this list, I have learned many things- one was about LDN.  Praise 
>>> God we have people on this list that are knowledgeable and share 
>>> information and protocols. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> --
>>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>>   Rules and Instructions: 
>>> Unsubscribe:
>>>   >> >
>>> Archives: 
>>> Off-Topic discussions: >> >
>>> List Owner: Mike Devour >> >

Re: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan

2020-06-20 Thread Terry Ward
Aye, mate :)

> On Jun 20, 2020, at 4:04 PM, Neville Munn  wrote:
> A rather large  on that.
> N
> From: Terry Ward>>
> Sent: Sunday, 21 June 2020 5:10 AM
> To: <> 
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan
> "Most reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so 
> often by conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.”
> Bwahahahaha…hahaha…hahaha…
>> On Jun 20, 2020, at 9:27 AM, Cyndiann Phillips > <>> wrote:
>> Most reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so 
>> often by conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.

Re: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan

2020-06-20 Thread Terry Ward
That’s about how long I’ve been this list as well, and I couldn’t agree more.

> On Jun 20, 2020, at 2:18 PM, Gmail  wrote:
> I have been on this list for 20 years, and have never read a statement more 
> insane than 
> “Most reporters want the truth out there”
> This conversation needs to be on the off-topic list.
> Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.  Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1762
> On Jun 20, 2020, at 3:10 PM, Terry Ward  <>> wrote:
>> "Most reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so 
>> often by conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.”
>> Bwahahahaha…hahaha…hahaha…
>>> On Jun 20, 2020, at 9:27 AM, Cyndiann Phillips >> <>> wrote:
>>> Most reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so 
>>> often by conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.

Re: CS>Re: L-Tryptophan

2020-06-20 Thread Terry Ward
"Most reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so 
often by conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.”


> On Jun 20, 2020, at 9:27 AM, Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> Most reporters actually want the truth out there but have been trashed so 
> often by conservatives only because they don't want us to know reality.

Re: CS>free ebook / Vaccines / Detoxing with CS

2020-06-06 Thread Terry Ward
Nenah, thank you for your rational message.

> On Jun 6, 2020, at 3:08 PM, Nenah Sylver  wrote:
> Deborah Gerard wrote: Government always creates the problem then offers the 
> solution. You think our government has our best interests at heart you better 
> think again...Monsanto poisoning our food supply...soon coming wicked 
> 5G...chemtrails that are loading us up with heavy metals...this wicked new 
> vaccine that Trump will employ 1,000,000 troops to force on us? Come on wake 
> the heck up.
> ===
> Deborah,
> To try and put your mind at ease: I don't think that the mandatory 
> vaccination agenda will happen. I have seen pages of Trump's tweets going 
> back all the way to the year 2012. He has never been pro-vaccine; he's said 
> things like "That poor kid got vaccinated, and now he's autistic" and 
> "Vaccines aren't safe."
> A friend pointed out to me that I have to listen carefully to what he says 
> about vaccines: "They must be safe." I emphasize the word "safe." We know 
> that vaccines haven't been proven to be safe. This way, he's putting the 
> burden of proof of safety onto the vaccine manufacturers.
> People won't stand for it.
> Onto a different topic . . . A few weeks ago I had the flu. After drinking 
> two quarts of CS in two days I felt a lot better. Recently I started taking a 
> supplement that's causing a lot of detox reactions in me. I've been feeling 
> very ill with a sore throat. The solution to this is the same: I'm drinking 
> CS. It works!
> Nenah
> Nenah Sylver, PhD
> author, The Rife Handbook
> of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:
> an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases 
> NEW 5th Edition
> NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop:
> Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from
> semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment

Re: CS>Making EIS

2020-03-05 Thread Terry Ward
You’re a nasty, insulting piece of work. Good bye.

> On Mar 5, 2020, at 1:35 PM, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> Putting the pieces of the puzzle in place that is how!! Trump is pushing 
> vaccines and 5G, doing nothing to stop Monsanto from poisoning the hell out 
> of our food...not stopping chem-trails that are loading us up with heavy 
> metals..standing with the most wicked nation on the planet vile Israel our 
> troops will die in Iran for NOTHING but Israel to go in and steal their oil. 
> Those in power in Israel hate Christ practice sodomy and go by the Satanic 
> Talmud not the Bible and by the way Trump is all trained in Kabbalah says so 
> in his book. You want to play stupid and trust in any gov't you go for it but 
> he works for the NWO so get over yourself.
> On Thursday, March 5, 2020, 03:25:40 PM EST, Terry Ward  
> wrote:
> And that reflects his affinity for a NWO how?
>> On Mar 5, 2020, at 12:31 PM, Deborah Gerard > <>> wrote:
>> For those who have a memory Trump created the FEMA Text alert...he also 
>> signed the executive order for DNA based vaccines back in September...what 
>> he says and what he does are totally opposite like any other politician.
>> On Thursday, March 5, 2020, 01:15:12 PM EST, Terry Ward > <>> wrote:
>> Trump is pro-NWO? LOL
>>> On Mar 5, 2020, at 11:12 AM, Deborah Gerard >> <>> wrote:
>>> We know their goal is to bring the NWO what a mess this is doing. Expect 
>>> your FEMA Text from Trump when Medical or Martial Law is bought in.
>>> On Thursday, March 5, 2020, 01:02:45 AM EST, Neville Munn 
>>>>> wrote:
>>> G'day Dan.
>>> I've read a few articles about this COVID thing ("They" can always come up 
>>> with some name).  The shops are running out of toilet paper as fast as they 
>>> fill the shelves..LOL.  This is what happens when the media starts a panic, 
>>> even the bloody Governments are creating panic among the people.
>>> I heard it was a respiratory thing, then I heard it was an intestinal 
>>> thing?  Intestinal bug will be easy to treat with our stuff.  Even if 
>>> respiratory, Nebulizing  it would/should take it out anyway.  Of course, 
>>> the populous will never know because it won't be tested and made public 
>>> with the media and the Establishment agenda. (Opinion)
>>> People today are so drugged up with so many medications that the immune 
>>> system hasn't stand a chance. (Just another personal observation and 
>>> opinion)
>>> N.
>>> From: Dan Nave>>
>>> Sent: Thursday, 5 March 2020 2:25 PM
>>> To: <> 
>>> Subject: CS>Making EIS
>>> Got out the old SilverPuppy and started cranking out colloidal silver.  
>>> Almost set for the COVID-19 pandemic...

Re: CS>Making EIS

2020-03-05 Thread Terry Ward
And that reflects his affinity for a NWO how?

> On Mar 5, 2020, at 12:31 PM, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> For those who have a memory Trump created the FEMA Text alert...he also 
> signed the executive order for DNA based vaccines back in September...what he 
> says and what he does are totally opposite like any other politician.
> On Thursday, March 5, 2020, 01:15:12 PM EST, Terry Ward  
> wrote:
> Trump is pro-NWO? LOL
>> On Mar 5, 2020, at 11:12 AM, Deborah Gerard > <>> wrote:
>> We know their goal is to bring the NWO what a mess this is doing. Expect 
>> your FEMA Text from Trump when Medical or Martial Law is bought in.
>> On Thursday, March 5, 2020, 01:02:45 AM EST, Neville Munn 
>>>> wrote:
>> G'day Dan.
>> I've read a few articles about this COVID thing ("They" can always come up 
>> with some name).  The shops are running out of toilet paper as fast as they 
>> fill the shelves..LOL.  This is what happens when the media starts a panic, 
>> even the bloody Governments are creating panic among the people.
>> I heard it was a respiratory thing, then I heard it was an intestinal thing? 
>>  Intestinal bug will be easy to treat with our stuff.  Even if respiratory, 
>> Nebulizing  it would/should take it out anyway.  Of course, the populous 
>> will never know because it won't be tested and made public with the media 
>> and the Establishment agenda. (Opinion)
>> People today are so drugged up with so many medications that the immune 
>> system hasn't stand a chance. (Just another personal observation and opinion)
>> N.
>> From: Dan Nave>>
>> Sent: Thursday, 5 March 2020 2:25 PM
>> To: <> 
>> Subject: CS>Making EIS
>> Got out the old SilverPuppy and started cranking out colloidal silver.  
>> Almost set for the COVID-19 pandemic...

Re: CS>Making EIS

2020-03-05 Thread Terry Ward
Trump is pro-NWO? LOL

> On Mar 5, 2020, at 11:12 AM, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> We know their goal is to bring the NWO what a mess this is doing. Expect your 
> FEMA Text from Trump when Medical or Martial Law is bought in.
> On Thursday, March 5, 2020, 01:02:45 AM EST, Neville Munn 
>>> wrote:
> G'day Dan.
> I've read a few articles about this COVID thing ("They" can always come up 
> with some name).  The shops are running out of toilet paper as fast as they 
> fill the shelves..LOL.  This is what happens when the media starts a panic, 
> even the bloody Governments are creating panic among the people.
> I heard it was a respiratory thing, then I heard it was an intestinal thing?  
> Intestinal bug will be easy to treat with our stuff.  Even if respiratory, 
> Nebulizing  it would/should take it out anyway.  Of course, the populous will 
> never know because it won't be tested and made public with the media and the 
> Establishment agenda. (Opinion)
> People today are so drugged up with so many medications that the immune 
> system hasn't stand a chance. (Just another personal observation and opinion)
> N.
> From: Dan Nave>>
> Sent: Thursday, 5 March 2020 2:25 PM
> To:  
> Subject: CS>Making EIS
> Got out the old SilverPuppy and started cranking out colloidal silver.  
> Almost set for the COVID-19 pandemic...

Re: CS>Vaccination or No Vaccination

2020-01-30 Thread Terry Ward
There is no vaccine for the novel coronavirus at this point. They’ve just now 
deciphered the genetic structure.

> On Jan 30, 2020, at 12:11 PM, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> No you read right...I have read that too.
> On Thursday, January 30, 2020, 01:55:20 PM EST, 
>   > wrote:
> I think I just read that Bill Gates and his organization own the patent on 
> this new
> virus making headlines at the moment?  Maybe I misread?
> Lola
> - Original Message -
> From: Phil Morrison  >
> To: 
> Sent: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 13:27:41 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: CS>Vaccination or No Vaccination
> "World Health Organization and UNICEF, which issued a joint statement 
> admitting the vaccine is causing polio."
> "Polio vaccines are often cited as a success story proving that vaccines work 
> to eliminate infectious disease. In truth, nearly all the cases of polio in 
> the modern world are caused by polio vaccines themselves."

Re: CS>Vaccination or no vaccination

2020-01-29 Thread Terry Ward
A (Harvard med school educated) dermatologist told me he would never take a flu 
shot. He was leaving the clinic where I was a patient to take over the private 
practice of dermatologist who became permanently disabled  (Epstein-Barr virus) 
as a result of receiving flu shots.

> On Jan 29, 2020, at 1:28 PM, V  wrote:
> It isn't that I think vaccines are bad i discovered they are bad. Watching 
> babies i know personally and my own affected badly shortly after. Then 
> because of those observances, doing a lot of reading from many sources. 
> I cant imagine anyone looking deeply into the issue accepting any of them. 
> On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, Ron  > wrote:
> Why would one NEED a vaccine?
> On 1/28/2020 8:42 PM, Steve G wrote:
>> Well,  I almost never get sick, so it is generally not an issue for me.  
>> Except due to my age, I'm considered susceptible to a lot of things, so my 
>> doc wants me to get flu vax, shingles, pneumonia, and something else... I 
>> forget.  I did take a flu vax last week when Iwas in the hospital for my 
>> heart attack.  Absolutely no repercussions.
>> I have never been vaccinated for whooping cough.  I had this full blown 
>> disease when I was four around 1957.So I guess there was no need after 
>> that.   But that was over 60 years ago.   Does anyone know whether I should 
>> get whooping cough vaccinated after so many years?
>> Regardless, I get the feeling that many of the people on this list think 
>> that vaccines are bad.   I am not one of those people.  
>> So, to answer YOUR question, if my doctor's office was insisting I really 
>> needed some particular vaccination, I'd go for it.   
>> On Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 09:55:57 AM EST, Bernadette Burch 
>>   wrote:
>> I am jumping into the conversation a little late.
>>  I refuse all the offered vaccines, no flu vacs, no pneumonia vacs, no 
>> shingle vacs, etc., .  They never argue with me.  I had a nurse say “we have 
>> to ask you if you want them, but between you and me, we think you are right 
>> to refuse them”.  
>> I did, however, accept the whooping cough vaccination, considering my 
>> daughter said “no whooping cough vaccine, no holding your new 
>> granddaughter”.  This was a no brainer.  
>> Bernadette
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Jan 28, 2020, at 9:16 AM, Nenah Sylver  
>>>  wrote:
>> Reid wrote: Can others on the list please tell me, how do you respond (or 
>> not) when the doctor's staff tell you you really, really need that 
>> vacination. I'm inclined to tell them I'll only do this if I were to be 
>> barred from further appointments. Am I being unreasonable or are they?
>> Marshall wrote: We just say no.  If they can't accept that, then we change 
>> doctors.
>> =
>> I agree. We are paying for their services and aren't obligated to make them 
>> happy. They are supposed to abide by what we want, not vice-versa. I would 
>> never consent to being bullied like that.
>> Nenah
>> Nenah Sylver, PhD
>> author, The Rife Handbook
>> of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:
>> an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases
>> NEW 5th Edition
>> NEW! See my EarthRiches Etsy shop:
>> Beautiful, handmade, one-of-a-kind items from
>> semiprecious stones for healing and enrichment
> -- 

Re: CS>Silver, Stem Cells and the work of DR Robert O Becker PHD -- a post I made to a friend of mine THIS AM

2019-10-20 Thread Terry Ward
I see that there’s a holding site for silverlist on 

> On Oct 20, 2019, at 7:26 PM, MaryAnn Helland  wrote:
> As Yahoogroups is discontinuing all chat groups and deleting all files, 
> photos, etc. -- is there someone who can contact Mike and let him know that 
> within a week, this will all be gone?
> I've heard that most groups are migrating to -- and that the 
> transition is easy.  
> Anyone
> On Sunday, October 20, 2019, 12:00:19 PM CDT, Sandee George  
> wrote:
> You may like to investigate a company called Life Wave in my view they have 
> gone a step further in bringing to us what we have forgotten with age of time 
> - 
> Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs to you all 
> Sandee
> An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything
>  & or 
> Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Does anyone know this product?

2019-01-04 Thread Terry Ward
Agreed. There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of significant recent 
developments (personal, industrial, governmental, et al) regarding silver, and 
perhaps the information/benefits that are already known have reached most of 
the subscribers to this list.


> On Jan 4, 2019, at 4:36 PM, MaryAnn Helland  wrote:
> Not that I know of.  And your question makes me so sad because the 
> Silver-List used to be a happenin' place.  :-(
> On Friday, January 4, 2019, 12:35:54 PM CST, Jean Baugh 
>  wrote:
> Hi MA,
> I understand and thank you for this information.
> Do they have an EIS list that is better than the Colloidal Silver list?
> Thank you,
> Jean
> *
>> On Jan 4, 2019, at 8:12 AM, MaryAnn Helland > > wrote:
>> Jean -- EIS stands for Electrically Isolated Silver, another (and some think 
>> a more appropriate) name for Colloidal Silver.
>> MA
>> On Thursday, January 3, 2019, 9:17:40 PM CST, Jean Baugh 
>>>> wrote:
>> Hi PT,
>> What is EIS?
>> Thank you,
>> Jean
>> **
>>> On Jan 3, 2019, at 8:22 PM, PT Ferrance >> > wrote:
>>> Hi,  I make lotions and recently it occurred to me to use EIS as part of 
>>> the water part of the lotion.
>>> Then a friend recommended this product...  
>>> I have never heard of mixing citric acid and EIS.  Does anyone know of a 
>>> down side?
>>> Thanks.
>>> PT


2019-01-01 Thread Terry Ward
PT - I found this email exchange from 2009, when Tel was responding to an 
inquiry from Beth. It’s by no means comprehensive, but it might shed a little 
light on your question.



Your on the right track, Keep trying and asking.

 I use organic Bee's Wax for a stabilizer. If you choose The bee's Wax you need 
to cook it in and start with a small amounts, Cook it means to use a Doubler 
Broiler pan (water in the bottom pan,) bring to low heat and melt the wax, you 
must stay with it and not over cook it, I mix all my ingredients in after the 
wax melts, (that will sorta harden the wax for a while) but it will melt fast 
now that it has broken down,  you must keep stirring it, sounds like a lot of 
work but it is awesome. Most people can cure cold sores in one day, and use on  
cuts, Itch, bites, scratches, scrapes, any skin problem. (You don't want to 
start with a big batch)  I don't have it on my website because I can't keep up 
with my local customers.
 Don't use my name, "Super Silver Salve," I like a soft salve myself.
(Super Silver Salve)

Tel Tofflemire 
Dewey, AZ.

--- On Mon, 9/14/09, Bethany Methven>> wrote:

From: Bethany Methven>>
Subject: CS>silver gel
Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 11:36 AM

I am trying to do some research about making a silver first aid gel.  I am 
thinking of mixing coconut oil ( an excellent antiviral) and base, vitamin E,  
aloe vera gel and approx. 15 - 20 ppm ionic/ colloidal silver.  I would love 
any feed back from you all about that.  Any ideas of things to add, percentages 
in the mix, etc? 
Thanks - Beth

> On Jan 1, 2019, at 9:47 AM, PT Ferrance  wrote:
> It was great but I just have a little bit left and would like to make some 
> since Tel crossed over.
> PT
> On Monday, December 31, 2018, 10:20:48 PM EST, Jean Baugh 
>  wrote:
> Hi PT, 
> I don’t know but have a question for you; was it good?
> Thank you,
> Jean
> **
>> On Dec 31, 2018, at 8:38 PM, PT Ferrance > > wrote:
>> PT

Re: CS>Removal Request

2018-05-09 Thread Terry Ward
I corresponded with Marlys years ago, shortly after I was dx’d with prostate 
cancer. I just wanted to say that she was very kind.

> On May 9, 2018, at 10:58 AM, Alan Isaacson  > wrote:
> Please remove Marlys Isaacson 
>  from your email lists.  She is deceased.
> Thank you,
> Alan Isaacson

Re: CS>Fwd: 15 April - Article on Colloidal Silver

2018-04-17 Thread TERRY WARD
I'm sure the profit motive influences certain research and drug development 
decisions, but I haven't seen a cure for cancer coming out of socialism or 
communism either.

> On April 17, 2018 at 5:17 PM Neville  wrote:
> It's funny isn't it, all those so called 'Academics', the Medical 
> Fraternity, the WHO, the AMA, the Pharmaceutical Industry and all the other 
> white coats put fancy names/numbers blah blah on their next best treatment to 
> keep that money wheel turning into more billions, and expecting people to 
> keep throwing money at them, when *some* of the people have actually read 
> material way before these idiots new how silver works.  Bjorn Nordenstrom, Dr 
> Robert O Becker, Royal Rife, Henry Crooks and other past researches who are 
> now dead, and forgotten, to name a few. It's such a HUGE finance Industry 
> supporting thousands of people around this planet turning billions of dollars 
> to keep Cancer 'treatments' going, and they have the audacity to keep 
> standing on street corners holding a hat out trying to entice people to toss 
> money into it.  Their is not one researcher alive on this planet who actually 
> is able/allowed to find *TRUE CURES* for Cancer due to someone else's agenda. 
>  But that's Capitalism I guess, it's all about the money, not about the 
> people, never has been.
> -
> From: Sandee George 
> Sent: Wednesday, 18 April 2018 6:06 AM
> To: Mike Devour - Silver List
> Subject: CS>Fwd: 15 April - Article on Colloidal Silver
> These links may interest some of you - enjoy we will out 
> Peace, love, blessings, and hugs to all
> Sandee
> An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything
> & or 
> Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
> Topical Gel & Eye Drops