RE: CS Off Topic - Tape Worm

2012-02-13 Thread Tara McClintick
Food grade diatomaceous earth is supposed to be a non-toxic way to rid of
larger parasites such as tapeworms - K-min sells capsules, but you have to
take them long enough to go through all the stages of the worms' life cycle
so that any newly hatched ones get killed before they can reproduce.


Bioray sells one brand of it called K-min for $11.00 for 100 capsules:




From: PTFerrance [] 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 6:18 PM
Subject: RE: CS Off Topic - Tape Worm


I have read that one really needs to be careful with tapeworms.  One thing
you don't want to do is have it break at one of the segments.


When my dog had them we could actually see what looked like rice in her
stools.  This is one of the reasons people should do stool self-exams on a
regular basis.  I would suggest Hulda Clark's website.  She was big on
getting rid of parasites.


If I remember correctly an old time remedy was to drink some ether to knock
it out and then immediately take a strong, strong laxative to flush it out.
They are not pretty when they come out and can be very long.



From: Anthony Cullingworth [] 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS Off Topic - Tape Worm


Anybody know a way to tell if you are suffering from a tapeworm, with out
going to the Docs?  Any Natural remedies?  And is a natural remedy going to
work if you happen to be the lucky guy that has had one growing for a long
time and it is now a masive one?






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RE: CSWeed and CA

2011-08-31 Thread Tara McClintick
Sunfood has hemp oil I use for salad dressings


don't think its cannabis oil, but that is a different thing from my


From: Jim Holmes [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSWeed and CA


Hi Anthony,

In what state do you live?  It is getting easier to get a card. 

Several months ago I read a report published by the NIH.  It demonstrated
that THC interferes with the deposition of the  plaque in Alzheimer's. Now

Remember when they told us...Don't smoke that shit!  It will destroy your

Good luck finding the oil. Perhaps someone in CA could help.


On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Anthony Cullingworth wrote:

Funny you mention this, I just watched this video the other day.


Now I am trying to find someone with some good quality hemp oil.  Trying to
grow and make it myself seems kind of legaly dangerous.






- Original Message - 

From: Jim Holmes  

To: Silver-List  

Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 3:27 PM

Subject: CSWeed and CA


CSIonic minerals, is this true?

2011-04-27 Thread Tara McClintick
Question for y'all, because there seems to be totally opposite views on
ionic minerals being easily usable by the human body.  How true do you
think the following information is?
Objects in the mineral kingdom are made up of substances like carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, manganese, and a vast assortment of other
elements.   Elements in this kingdom are held together by very strong bonds.
The scientific terms for the strong, inorganic, mineral kingdom bonds are
electrovalent or ionic  . We don't have the physiological
capabilities of easily converting inorganic minerals into usable materials,
but plants do.
The minerals we eat should be from the plant kingdom Once the minerals
become part of the plant kingdom, the bonds are no longer strong; in fact
they become very weak...Our metabolic systems can use these plant minerals
easily and effectively  ~ Ted Morter, Health and Wellness

This makes sense to me, as plants can survive off of water, sun, and
sometime soil -yet humans need edible materials such as plants and animals
sources since we are higher up the food chain. 
Best to throw out the ionic mineral supplements and eat more sea vegetables,
algae, etc???  
Thanks in advance for your help or any info. you may have! 

RE: CSIonic minerals, is this true?

2011-04-27 Thread Tara McClintick
Thanks, Nenah, I'm glad to hear from someone who's researched it. I was
hoping I wasn't being snowed the other way - such opposite information!  
Thank-you, PT, for sharing the Chinese medicine view on the digestibility of
sea vegetables- I have several books on Chinese medicine in my to read
stack - it is fascinating to learn a totally different perspective on


From: Nenah Sylver [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 12:05 PM
Subject: RE: CSIonic minerals, is this true?

Well, Tara, if you want to get rid of your ionic minerals, send them right
over to me, and I'll pay for shipping and handling. (I'm serious!) Because
that website is twisting everything and handing you a load of bull just to
sell their own supplements.


I researched this issue for over two years (not a typo) when doing research
on the section on water for my Rife Handbook. In a nutshell and loosely
defined, ionic simply refers to the properties (including size) of the
particles in the fluid. And ionic WILL pass across the cell membrane. Under
certain conditions, which include movement and sunshine, minerals from rocks
are transformed so that they ARE bio-available to the system.


This plant-versus-mineral-supplementation debate appears periodically on the
Internet and whenever I see it I could scream. So keep and use your
supplement. Or, as I said before, send them to me. If they are a good brand
and are truly ionic, I will make good use of them, I promise.





Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook (2009)

Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification; 


From: Tara McClintick [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 8:32 AM
Subject: CSIonic minerals, is this true?



Question for y'all, because there seems to be totally opposite views on
ionic minerals being easily usable by the human body.  How true do you
think the following information is?


Objects in the mineral kingdom are made up of substances like carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, manganese, and a vast assortment of other
elements.   Elements in this kingdom are held together by very strong bonds.
The scientific terms for the strong, inorganic, mineral kingdom bonds are
electrovalent or ionic  . We don't have the physiological
capabilities of easily converting inorganic minerals into usable materials,
but plants do.


The minerals we eat should be from the plant kingdom Once the minerals
become part of the plant kingdom, the bonds are no longer strong; in fact
they become very weak...Our metabolic systems can use these plant minerals
easily and effectively  ~ Ted Morter, Health and Wellness


This makes sense to me, as plants can survive off of water, sun, and
sometime soil -yet humans need edible materials such as plants and animals
sources since we are higher up the food chain. 


Best to throw out the ionic mineral supplements and eat more sea vegetables,
algae, etc???  



Thanks in advance for your help or any info. you may have! 




RE: CSquit smoking

2010-11-17 Thread Tara McClintick
My husband has been a non- smoker for over two years now, I never thought
he'd quit.  He even had a heart attack at age 39 but started smoking again
after a few months.  When he really quit for good, I asked him what helped
him to make the decision to really quit this time. He said he caught the
movie Thank-you for Smoking on TV late one night and said that that movie
convinced him that he really wanted to quit.  I haven't seen that movie, but
I want to!  I'm very grateful it for whatever it revealed to him that help
him get the determination to quit  - just wanted to mention in case it might
help someone else too.


Tara McClintick



From first words to conversations,

Fun books encourage communication.



From: Jeff Maahs [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: CSquit smoking


As a non-smoker (5 1/2 years now) I have to say one wont quit until they
have a real reason to quit. Once you have that reason you wont need anything

I was having some chest pains and decided that seeing my young daughters
graduate high school was very important to me. I finished my pack, looked
into the mirror and stated I was a non-smoker and haven't had one since.

I hope your friend finds their one reason and kicks the habit.

My 2 cents,


A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be
restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. ~John Adams




From: Smitty
Sent: Tue, November 16, 2010 2:43:54 PM
Subject: CSquit smoking

I have a friend who wants to quit smoking

but procastinates.

Is there a supplement or herb that will help

a smoker quit ?

I know part of this is cleansing the body of toxins.




RE: CS20 things you need to know about serotonin from

2010-06-18 Thread Tara McClintick
Thank-you Annie, interesting!  Now, besides stress, what causes dopamine to
be too high???

 My son is on a small dose of risperdone, out of desperation so that he
didn't destroy our home, or hurt himself or us. As I understand, they
believe rispedone works because it block dopamine reception. I've been
adding lots of serotonin support, and Gaba support but for the OCD (still a
big problem for him and sometimes the trigger of his meltdowns)the doc
wanted to add Prozac too. Instead we are trying St.John's Wort - seems to be
doing great on that so far.  I have passionflower and skullcap next in
linebut I'm curious as to why the dopamine surges started happening
along with puberty - he was never aggressive until about 11-12 years old as
the hormones started coming in. I'd love to get that risperdone out of the
picture a.s.a.p but we also have to be able to live together safely.

I wish more docs were trained in the herbals and natural healing, I can't
read these books fast enough! 


Tara McClintick
From first words to conversations,
Fun books encourage communication.
-Original Message-
From: AnnieBSmythe [] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: CS20 things you need to know about serotonin from

I don't recommend SSRIs either, pharma drugs are poison, I would
recommend tryptophan rich foods or 5 HTP, St John's Wort, and there are
many others if a person has problems with serotonin levels, especially
night shift workers. It's long been known that night shift workers have
a lot more problems than day shift workers because of the disturbance
in circadian rhythm.

Someone I know once told me their doctor( an old grouchy codger doc, he 
was around 65 YO
and this was fifteen years agoor so) forbid them to work the night shift 
because it made their
diabetes worse, and caused more complications. He told her to be in bed
by 9 PM every single night and get up around 6 AM. take a thirty minute
walk every day, and drink more clean water. Within six months her blood
sugars were stabilized, her insulin dose was reduced, and a lot of
complications had eased greatly. Smart old school doc, one of the last
ones from the old ways of doctors. The new guys are arrogant and

I find the serotonin link with migraines interesting. That's a new bit
of info for me.


On 6/18/2010 2:42 PM, bodhisattva wrote:
   I don't have much time for a detailed reply right now, but let me say,
   the entire Seratonin thing is a giant SCAM.
   1) SSRI's primary function is birth control, Abortion/Miscarriage. The
   govt, and drug companies know this, it's old news. I have research
   from the 70's that prove elevated seratonin messes with fertility, and
   if pregnant, dramatically increases miscarriage rates. It's not really
   the SSRIs, its actually the seratonin increase that causes this, but
   that's what SSRI's do.
   2) Elevated Seratonin can CAUSE depression.  In more studies I have,
   they showed that in people with elevated seratonin, too much the body
   can't process, they shed the rest in the urine, but it causes ups and
   downs in moods, that are ridiculous at times. It's called Seratonin
   Irritation Syndrome.
   3) Positive Ions overload causes seratonin irritation, and most of
   manunkinds technology promotes positive ion overload. Negative ions
   help the body process seratonin, and thus, decrease depression,
   relieve anxiety, and calm down the adrenals as a result. Of course,
   you get negative ions at the seashore, mountains, waterfalls, forests.
   Which explains why people generally feel better there.
   I highly discourage anyone I know from taking SSRI's, they're playing
   with fire, and there is very little evidence they do anything
   beneficial, but there is growing evidence that they can cause harm,
   and may cost a baby, or even a pregnancy through fertility issues.
   TOO Little seratonin doesn't kill you, but too much DOES, look it up.
   Too much = Siezures, Heart attacks, Kidney Failure, Coma, Sex
   disfunction, and more.
   If you are depressed, it may likely be a nutritional issue more than
   anything. It might be a spiritual issue - and often is. It might be a
   combination. It might also be the lack of negative ions, and if that
   is the case, grab some orgonite and a negative ionizer, and give it a
   shot. Most people get little exposure to healthy negative ions, and it
   robs them of health and well being, it's not a natural state of
   Seratonin reduces brain function by reducing oxygen and blood flow to
   the brain, this is why when one enters a DOR heavy area, they feel
   brain fog, their chest constrict, like they are icky and sticky.. One
   of the causes of this is the increases seratonin in these
   environments, thanks to a gross imbalance of ionization.

The Silver List is a moderated forum

CSQuestion about Alkalized Water

2010-05-21 Thread Tara McClintick
Are there any knowledgable people on this subject that can answer this
question for me?


Supposedly it is supposed to be extremely de-toxing and balancing to drink
alkalized water - at least I keep reading that it is...


Why?  My very filtered water is slightly acidic,I tested it with a ph strip.


Lemon water, and Apple Cider Vinegar water are VERY acidic, but yet to the
body they are supposed to be alkalizing.


Units that alkalize water also make acidic water which they say is great for
the skin and sterilizing fruts  vegis, cleaning stuff, etc. but people
should not drink it.  


If anyone can explain these concepts - why some acidic liquids are
alkalizing yet water should be alkalized to be alkalizing - I'd love to
understand that better.






Tara McClintick


From first words to conversations,

Fun books encourage communication.



RE: CSQuestion about Alkalized Water

2010-05-21 Thread Tara McClintick
Thank-you Marshall,

That is a great explanation, most info I look up is so technical, and I
stink at chemistry.

Two more related questions - so when acidic water is metabolized, it has an
acidic effect on the body, and vice versa with alkalized water?  Or does it
just depend on what's in the water making them acidic or alkalized?

Thanks again!!! Tara

Tara McClintick

From first words to conversations,
Fun books encourage communication.

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: CSQuestion about Alkalized Water

Tara McClintick wrote:

 Are there any knowledgable people on this subject that can answer this 
 question for me?

 Supposedly it is supposed to be extremely de-toxing and balancing to 
 drink alkalized water - at least I keep reading that it is...

 Why? My very filtered water is slightly acidic,I tested it with a ph 

 Lemon water, and Apple Cider Vinegar water are VERY acidic, but yet to 
 the body they are supposed to be alkalizing.

Yes they are, they all have alkaline ash, and it is the ash that is 

 Units that alkalize water also make acidic water which they say is 
 great for the skin and sterilizing fruts  vegis, cleaning stuff, etc. 
 but people should not drink it.

Correct, the skin is naturally acid.

 If anyone can explain these concepts - why some acidic liquids are 
 alkalizing yet water should be alkalized to be alkalizing - I'd love 
 to understand that better.

Because we are talking about ash, not organic compounds. It is the ash 
that is important. The ash is what is left after something is burned. 
Take lemon juice for example, it will alkaline minerals in it. But it 
contains citric acid and ascorbic acid. When they are burned (or 
metabolized) those are converted to water, neutral pH, and carbon 
dioxide which although acid when in solution is quickly exhaled, leaving 
behind the alkalizing minerals.




 Tara McClintick

 From first words to conversations,

 Fun books encourage communication.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSSweeteners , where to get XYLITOL

2010-02-28 Thread Tara McClintick
We use Lakanto from Body Ecology


Here is what it is:


The two natural ingredients in Lakanto are Non-GMO erythritol and the
supersweet extract of the luo han guo fruit

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol naturally found in grapes, pears, mushrooms,
soy sauce, cheese, wine and beer, so it and has been part of the human diet
for thousands of years.

You may be familiar with other sugar alcohols like xylitol, sorbitol, and
malitol used in sugar-free candies and chewing gum. But erythritol is
different and much better than these other sugar alcohols because it is
FERMENTED. Yes, it is made by fermenting the sugar in corn.

 (That is the blurb from the site)  


Tara McClintick



From: Steve G [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSSweeteners , where to get XYLITOL


My bag of xylitol says that it is extracted from corn somehow.I googled
the stuff and there are a number fruits and vegetables that can provide
this, including birch as well as corn.

I don't use it for anything that my wife may consume as she has a very
pronounced reaction to consuming anything made with corn, corn starch or
corn syrup.  Instead of her normal daily migraine, she has extremely severe
migraines for the next three days.   We are always being blind sided too.   

Xylitol is great for me, but I won't risk it for my wife... sigh!

Truthfully, I didn't know that people had a hard time getting this stuff.  I
just bought my bag of it at the local health food store and didn't think
anything of it.


--- On Sat, 2/27/10, Tel Tofflemire wrote:

From: Tel Tofflemire
Subject: CSSweeteners , where to get XYLITOL
Date: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 12:46 PM

Go to
 Xylitol is a sweetener made from biomass,  From a company called Emerald
Forrest, I have used it for many years, it is used by millions of Diabetics
successfully. I used to have  to buy it in Sweden , but a few years ago they
put a plant in Colorado. 

Xylitol  from this plant is all natural and made from Birch Bark.  It is
very low in carbs and Calories. In Cooking Xylitol is one to one in a recipe
that calls for sugar, and it tastes just like real sugar (without the fat
left on your bones.) 


Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.







CSTransverse Myelitis

2010-02-28 Thread Tara McClintick


My sister-in-law was diagnosed last year with Transverse Myelitis.  The
symptoms are losing the sensation of touch in her hands and feet and as it
worsens her entire legs.  Also a girdle like pressure around the abdomen and
loss of feeling when she needs to use the restroom which leads to severe
abdominal pain.


They got rid of most of the symptoms with steroid IVs last year, but now,
only 6 months later the symptoms are coming back quickly.  Has anyone on
this list had experience with this condition and/or anything similar?  Looks
like it is one of those inflammatory auto-immune disorders that can do
severely impair one's ability to function.  Last time she lost her ability
to use her hands, and even had difficulty walking.  Any info./suggestions is
appreciated, Thanks!




Tara McClintick


CSGreat Site - Stop calling it autism, its an autoimmune disorder

2010-02-22 Thread Tara McClintick



Check out Daniel's story and the videos of before and after treatments.  The
test results and results from treating the inflammation are very


Tara McClintick


RE: CS..How many watched the video and passed on..these videos are about Autism

2010-01-04 Thread Tara McClintick
That is fascinating, Marshall.  

I pressed reply all this time -see if I can participate.  I've wrote this
list twice now in this thread, but haven't seen it.  This will be my third
try :) 

Tara McClintick
-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS..How many watched the video and passed on..these videos are
about Autism

Ode Coyote wrote:

 No..actually it was a conclusion jumped to without considering 
 threshold level factors and the broader picture of sources.

  The vaccine may have crossed an existing threshold for you, but by 
 your own testimony, wasn't the major source of mercury.
 The chelation and amalgam removal may have brought you just below MS 
 effect threshold.
  You see... 10 Tuna fish sandwiches may have done the same thing as 
 the vaccine.
  But you did get the vaccine and didn't eat the how do 
 you know?

You don't have to guess, the numbers are available.  A tuna sandwich 
with white tuna that contains .31 ug of mercury per gram.  A 4 ounce 
tuna sandwich would therefore contain 52.7 ug of mercury.  A typical 
vaccine contain 25 ug, so a tuna sandwich contains about twice the 
mercury that a vaccine does. However the vaccine is injected directly 
into the blood stream, however if the sandwich it were injected it would 
kill you.

Mercury is not absorbed well from the digestive system. If that were not 
the case then we would probably all be dead from our mercury fillings.  
Putting a number to it I find that only .73% of ingested mercury is 
absorbed into the blood stream of a healthy person.  Thus a vaccine 
containing mercury will typically contribute as much mercury as 65 tuna 
sandwiches.  That is assuming that the mercury is all in its most 
available form, methyl mercury.  However the vaccine is actually worse 
than this because the body has ways to get rid of very small amounts of 
mercury over time. That is why the EPA allows .1 mg per kg of body 
weight per day.  At this level the body is able to excrete it (and 
putting it into your hair and fingernails). If you have a BIG dose 
though the body gets overwhelmed and it goes into tissues and the 
brain.  Eating a tuna fish sandwich  month would likely not contribute 
to the load at all, but when you suddenly have the quantity of 65 tuna 
fish sandwiches injected into the blood stream the mechanisms are 
completely overwhelmed and the majority of it will end up going into 
tissues and the brain.

I did find something interesting though during my research.  If you are 
taking antibiotics then the absorption goes up from .73% to 34%!!!  Thus 
if you eat fish while taking antibiotics you will get around 43 to 44 
times as much mercury as if you are not taking antibiotics. The reason 
is that the intestinal flora quickly reduce methyl mercury to mercury 
metal which has no absorption to speak of at all.  So with that 
knowledge it might be good advice to avoid taking CS at the same time as 
eating fish as it could slow the flora in converting the mercury and 
could increase the mercury load significantly.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CS...these videos are about Autism,Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine

2010-01-04 Thread Tara McClintick
That is exciting to hear.  I JUST started oral chelation with my son, Jake.
I didn't find out about the heavy metal connection to autism until he was 9
years old. He is 14 now. He would be considered to be on the severe end of
the spectrum. It is tricky, his body DUMPS magnesium (I know this from years
and years of hair testing) So many chelation protocols I have started make
him very, very aggressive and extremely hyper. He is ALREADY very hyper, and
much larger than me, he's at 160 lbs now and growing rapidly.  To top it off
we have the puberty factor, so prayers are appreciated! :)   We have just
started a program at 1/4th the dose one would normally start at for a much
smaller child. I am hoping to increase increments every ten days to ease
into the full chelation formula. I have read and researched the connection
of food, diet, toxins, hormones, etc. etc. etc. for years now - autism has
so much to teach us all and the recovery process is not always simple,
especially for an older child whose body de-tox system and mineral patterns
have been out of whack for years. My son has not been one of those cases
that respond to vitamin, diet changes, yeast/dysbiosis treatments, etc. I'm
hoping chelation will have a more significant impact for his ability to
process sensory info., attend, and learn.  

Tara McClintick

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: CS...these videos are about Autism,Robert F Kennedy Jr
Shocking Vaccine

My 7 year old grandson has taken CS all his life and developed autism 
symptoms not long after his first vaccinations, and autism by 
preschool.  There seemed to be no effect on it at all with CS, one way 
or the other. However in the last 3 months he has completely lost all 
signs of autism by simply taking oral chelation. His ADD and tourettes 
were more difficult but has responded amazingly well to restricting his 
diet to contain no artificial sweeteners, refined sugar, colors or 
flavors.  Despite all these problems in the past, he now appears to be a 
perfectly normal little boy.

Marshall wrote:
 *You didn't watch both video's* ...I think Kennedy comments were home 
 school kids w/o vaccines had no autismAmish had 4 cases...3 of 
 cases were adopted after vaccines shots were given...the 4th was down 
 wind of mercury plant...or something

   Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Part2  . my question
   remains can CS help autism kids, what can be done to help..

 In a message dated 1/1/2010 7:06:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

 At 11:23 PM 22/12/2009, you wrote:
 It was Sweden, I think, that eliminated Mercury in ALL vaccines 30
 years ago, but Autism rates kept climbing there, just as fast as
 everywhere else that didn't.

 It thought that was interesting so I did some looking up.  My
 findings are that they did not eliminate Mercury until 93/94, then
 starting to phase out the use of Thimerosal in the vaccines for
 children.  On the rise of autism in Sweden, that too  seems to be not
 quite accurate as you state. They have not been rising as fast as
 everywhere .
 If you have a source to back up your statements, I would be
 interested in reading that.


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSToenail fungus

2009-11-02 Thread Tara McClintick

Hi Del,


I don't have toe nail fungus - but I've read a tsp. of tea tree oil mixed
with a cup of coconut oil is great for fungus and athletes foot, also
specifically for toes I've read vicks vapor rub applied religiously will get
rid of it - but I've heard it can take up to 30 days and you have to apply
it thick and put a sock on your foot.  Have you tried either of those


Hope you find something that helps, and I hope you hear from someone who's
actually beat toe nail fungus - sounds like you're taking the right stuff
internally,  good luck!!!  Tara



Tara McClintick




From: MaryAnn Helland [] 
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus


Try *this* -- try *that* -- has tea tree oil or clove oil worked for
you?  Personally?  *Worked* as in cleared your toenails of fungal infection?




From: Vigilius Haufniensis
To: Del
Sent: Mon, November 2, 2009 4:45:38 PM
Subject: Re: CSToenail fungus

Try tea tre oil, or clove oil.



- Original Message - 

From: Del  


Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 3:08 PM

Subject: CSToenail fungus




I have had toenail fungus for most of my life on my left big toe.  

I have tried many things to get rid of it, but nothing worked.

Recently, I realized that the fungus was spreading to my other left toes.

I did more research and decided to try a combination of two parts DMSO with
8 parts SSKI.

I have been saturating all my left toenails with this twice a day for a few
weeks now (maybe 5 weeks).

Suddenly, it looks like some of the smaller nails are getting ready to break

Actually, I consider this a positive development, since I never got any
reaction from anything I tried before..

The literature that recommended this treatment said the you should cut back
the nails as they died until nothing was left anyway.

I am also taking olive leaf and oregano oil internally to attack from within
in addition to the external treatment.

Has anyone on the list beaten toenail fungus and, if so, what was the
process like?

How will I know if I have finally succeeded?  When a new, healthy nail grows
in, I suppose?




RE: CSPrayers needed!

2009-10-11 Thread Tara McClintick
Hi Donna,

Your friend, her son's family, and you  your daughter are all in my
prayers.  Tara

Tara McClintick
-Original Message-
From: Donna [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 10:24 AM
Subject: CSPrayers needed!

Being this is considered a holy day I wanted to ask members to say a 
prayer for a friend of mine and her sons family. I just found out that 
her son's wife had their baby premature and the baby boy died.  They are 
just shattered and it brought back so many memories of my situation with 
my daughter as the same happened to me and she died 3x's but did survive 
but not without alot of brain damage  so I just thought I'd ask.
Donna ACS

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #566

2009-09-22 Thread Tara McClintick  sells K-min which is a
Diatomaceous Earth Supplement - just popped in on this topic, and sharing in
case that info. is helpful.


Tara McClintick




From: Melly Bag [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:12 PM
Subject: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #566




Where do you order your diatomaceous earth from? Wolf Ranch is  very
expensive compared to Earth Works.  However, Earth Works get their DE from
shells and farm raised which i don't like. I wonder if Wolf Ranch has the
same product as earth works. Their DE is white. I've seen edible DE in
farmer's market and it is the color of earth - brown.

--- On Tue, 9/22/09, wrote:

Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #566
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 10:08 AM


CSHigh Fever/Swine Flu - Good News

2009-09-18 Thread Tara McClintick
Well, I didn't have everything on hand that everyone recommended, but I did
have the Argentyn 23.  My son started on Monday with High fever (103
-wouldn't break after two Advils), very achy, grossly sore throat that had
scabs from the inflammation, horrible headache and no appetite (he did vomit
once during the middle of the night, but I think that was from the Olive
Leaf capsule) .  I gave a teaspoon of silver every two hours - Went to our
naturopath on Tuesday and she added Biocidin throat spray every 3 hours and
Bio EnRGy C (which delivers 4000mg. per tsp) every 4 hours.  Tuesday he held
steady at 101 all day, but he did request a half a sandwich.  Wednesday he
had no fever until the afternoon it went to a 100 and the headache came
back, he ate several times as he was hungry, throat was MUCH better.
Thursday, no fever, caught up on his homework, throat still improving. He
felt great -laughing and joking, huge improvement!  Friday back at school
:-)So far he is not showing any signs of the respiratory stuff that is
supposed to commonly come in after the fever part. As sick as he was
starting this thing out, he really came out of quickly and smoothly - Silver
is good stuff!!!  Thanks for all your suggestions! I'm going to get prepared
for this winter with some of that stuff


Tara McClintick



RE: CSHigh Fever/Flu symptoms

2009-09-15 Thread Tara McClintick
Thanks for all the ideas everyone - gave some olive leaf extract last night,
and that did end up making him puke (because he's not eating) so I will hold
off on that one!  I will check the rest of this stuff out too..

Tara McClintick
-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: CSHigh Fever/Flu symptoms

Preventing the flu and colds.  This is what I have found seems to work:

1. colloidal silver, good preventative, pretty good at ending the bout 
(kills pathogens directly)
2. Vitamin D (immune system boost)
3. Lactobacillus rhamnosus lysate powder (such as del-immune V) (immune 
system boost)
4. Olive leaf extract.  This can be tough to take on an empty stomach, 
or if nausea is present. (kills pathogens directly)
5. Serratpeptase can relieve a sore throat in a matter of minutes if you 
put the powder into the mouth and let it dissolve, swallowing a little 
at a time. (kills pathogens directly by dissolving their wall or exposed 
6. MMS.  Does not seem to work that well with viruses though.  Great for 
parasites and fungi.


Bob Banever wrote:

  When I had flu like symptoms last year I took MMS and colloidal 
 silver.  My symptoms were gone in two days.  Started with 2 drops MMS 
 and worked my way up to 6 drops every couple of hours.  Took 3 oz of 
 silver in the AM and PM.  Seemed to have worked for me.

 - Original Message - From: Garnet
 Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 7:38 PM
 Subject: Re: CSHigh Fever/Flu symptoms

 I would be taking 5 Olive Leaf Capsules or strong tea, boiled 
 (decoction) with plenty of lemon and honey to make
 it palatable, a cup every 3-4 hours.


 Tara McClintick wrote:
 Hi Silver Listers,

  I?m using Argentyn 23 for immune support for my younger son,  (I 
 know it

 is expensive, but I?ve already bought it) ? my older son has come 
 home today with Flu symptoms , 102.5 fever, achy, headache, chills.  
 I?m reading Silver can combat Flu, any experience? any suggestions 
 on how can

 I determine the dosage?  He?s 170lbs. lean build.  Thanks, Tara

  Tara McClintick

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSHigh Fever/Flu symptoms

2009-09-14 Thread Tara McClintick
Hi Silver Listers,


I'm using Argentyn 23 for immune support for my younger son,  (I know it is
expensive, but I've already bought it) - my older son has come home today
with Flu symptoms , 102.5 fever, achy, headache, chills.  I'm reading Silver
can combat Flu, any experience? any suggestions on how can I determine the
dosage?  He's 170lbs. lean build.  Thanks, Tara


Tara McClintick



RE: CSSchizophrenia help?

2009-09-05 Thread Tara McClintick
Pyroluria strips the body of B6 and zinc and can cause schizophrenic
symptoms (I learned about it take my son to the Pfeiffer Treatment Center in
Illinois). There is a urine test you can take to check for this condition
and how much extra B6 and zinc is needed  - what happens is without extra
copper levels raise in the brain causing the symptoms.  


 Lithium orotate, 5-HTP, I think these can help - I am currently trying to
find support for my son's neurotransmitter imbalances to get him off the
risperdone we had to start him on (commonly used for schizophrienia), but he
was having extreme, violent meltdowns and we had to resort to medication to
keep us and him safe, and our home from being destroyed.  We use a
supplement called Tranquinol by Premier Research Labs that seems to help him
as much or even more so than the risperdone.  Just sharing possibilities
here from our experience.Good luck.


Tara McClintick




From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 11:45 AM
Subject: CSSchizophrenia help?



I have a friend with a moderate case of schizophrenia that refuses medical
help. Does anyone know of any natural supplements that might help?

 - Steve N 

RE: CSSilver/Autism/Safety

2009-08-23 Thread Tara McClintick
Sorry, I had missed this post, I will read the info. on this site as well -


Tara McClintick




From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: CSSilver/Autism/Safety


brilliant article Ode, another one to save.  dee


On 23 Aug 2009, at 11:13, Ode Coyote wrote:

 Stephan Quinto product...good stuff...from a lying salesman.
No different in any significant way from what we make at home for $1 a
Electrically Isolated Silver [EIS]  95% ionic with completely bogus
particle size claims, mixed contexts and mixed terms designed to confuse the
Thanks to Frank Key


At 02:55 PM 8/22/2009 -0400, you wrote:


RE: CSSilver/Autism/Safety

2009-08-23 Thread Tara McClintick
Do you consider an ionic percentage of over 60% to be potentially unsafe? Is
that what the controversy is about?  I'm just curious, learning about silver
is all very new to me.


Tara McClintick




From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSSilver/Autism/Safety


Argentyn 23 is a fine ionic silver but I would not consider it the best

First, the price is $36 for 8 oz. IMO that is high. You can make your own
for about 1/100 of that. 

Second, the high ionic content, 95%, is too high. Some ionic content is very
desireable but, again IMO, you should try to keep it to less than 60% if
possible. If you make your own EIS you can increase the percentage of silver
particles to as much as 60 % by adding a small amount of hydrogen peroxide
to the EIS you make. I should let you know that ionic silver vs silver
particles is a controversial subject. 
If you choose to buy colloidal or ionic silver rather than make your own
several other good alternative sources for colloidal silver (high silver
particle content) are:

* Utopia Silver - $24 for 8 oz @ 20 ppm
* Mesosilver - $25 for 8 oz @ 20 ppm

- Steve N



From: Tara McClintick
Sent: Sat Aug 22 13:55:24 2009
Subject: CSSilver/Autism/Safety



I am new to this list.  I am looking for information regarding treating my
son with silver - specifically Argentyn 23.  A nutritional expert has
recommended this product for my 13 year old son.  I was given info. about
this list as a place to find out more info.  Any experience?  Risks?


Thank-you, Tara


Tara McClintick






2009-08-22 Thread Tara McClintick


I am new to this list.  I am looking for information regarding treating my
son with silver - specifically Argentyn 23.  A nutritional expert has
recommended this product for my 13 year old son.  I was given info. about
this list as a place to find out more info.  Any experience?  Risks?


Thank-you, Tara


Tara McClintick