Re: CSSubject: CSinjury and pain: suggested solutions

2004-08-20 Thread Val Morten
on the rife group it was reported it has a probiotic form that
is pleomorfic and can lead to cancer.

sol wrote:
   I am NOT a fan of Primal Defense or their related products. The
 company gave me intentionally misleading information about whether there
 was iodine content in their products after I specifically told them I
 had a violent iodine allergy. It wasn't until I wrote again, and
 repeated my request for info that they grudgingly and rather rudely
 said, the products are grown on seaweeds, so do contain iodine. They
 should have said so in response to my first request, but they (in my
 mind) lied.
 So they have lost all credibility with me. Some people do have good
 results from using their stuff. But I won't buy anythng from a company
 that misleads and fudges their answer to a request from a customer with
 a severe allergy who NEEDS accurate and truthful and complete
 information. And had I believed their first answer ( I didn't because it
 didn't ring true--it sounded false), I could easily have been in for
 many more months of severe eczema, as it was a course of their Candida
 product which you are supposed to do before taking the Primal Defense
 did absolutely nothing for my candida, and I did follow directions to
 the letter. That product, also grown on seaweeds probably contributed a
 lot to months of pain and suffering for me.

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Re: CSUterine Fibroids

2004-08-16 Thread Val Morten
read h. clarkes book cure for all dieases.

G  K Murray wrote:
 My sister is diagnosed with a growing uterine fibroid.  They tell her
 now it is the size of a 4 month pregnancy.  What types of therapies are
 used in this type of malady.  She is just turned 45 years old and has
 been to see  a naturopath a few times and I'm not sure what she has
 tried.  but is open to suggestions.
 G Murray

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CSMike M --What About the Hulda Clark Frequency Issue?

2004-08-16 Thread Val Morten
try the f-scan2 and see just how many of those microganisms you have?

Mike Monett wrote:
 CSWhat About the Hulda Clark Frequency Issue?
 From: Wayne Fugitt
 Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:11:01
Evening Mike,
Thanks for  all the technical exposure and  analysis  of frequency
I can  see no reason why the same problems do not  exist  with the
frequency measurement  that  Hulda Clark suggests in  some  of her
While it  would  be nice to be able to tell  good  foods  from bad
ones, and determine the state of disease with one meter (simple or
complex) .. I was turned off by this theory in Hulda's book.
I simply did not believe it to be possible.
My technical knowledge does not compare with yours. I do have some
practical experience  to  go   along   with  the  small  amount of
knowledge that I have. I simply had to refuse to believe the Hulda
Frequency theory.
Could these  people  possibly   be  measuring  something  else and
calling it frequency?
Maybe they  are measuring the total noise level from  a  live food
and a  dead food. Likewise, a live body and a dead one, or  a sick
person compared to a healthy person?
I hate to think these people are intentionally lying to us.
do they  carry a card like the politicians that says,  I  lie for
Money ?
   Hi Wayne,
   I was  not familiar with Hulda Clark's theories, but  after  a short
   web review and reading some of her interviews, it is easy to see why
   she is  so controversial. Attributing everything to a  parasite that
   is activated  by  isopropyl  alcohol is simply  bizarre.  I  think a
   competent medical doctor is better qualified to discuss her claims:
   Her syncrometer  technique is about the most  imaginative  I've ever
   seen. It is very subjective, and I don't see how you could  find two
   people that  would give the same result. If two or more  people give
   different results, which one is correct?
   Her results on cancer treatment is simply abysmal, as  documented in
   her own book:
 Case Histories
 Pages 119-372  of  The   Cure   for   All  Cancers  contain case
 histories of 138 cancer patients, of whom 103 were cured and 35
 who did not carry out instructions or could not be followed. The
 standard way  to determine whether a treatment is effective  is to
 carefully record  the  nature   of  the  patient's  disease before
 treatment and  to determine the patient's  condition indefinitely.
 Clark's reports  contain  little information  about  the patient's
 history and  no  indication   that  Clark  performed  any physical
 examinations. The  only follow-up reports are for  a  few patients
 who returned  for further treatment - usually a  few  weeks later.
 Cancer treatment  results  are   normally  expressed  in  terms of
 cancer-free status  or survival over periods  of  years. Five-year
 survival rates  are  a common measure. Clark claims  she  can tell
 that patients  are cured as soon  as  their ortho-phospho-tyrosine
 test is  negative  -  within days or even a  few  hours  after her
 treatment is begun. This claim is preposterous.
 None of  the  reports  provides  any  basis  for  concluding that
 Clark's treatment  has  the slightest value. The  majority  of the
 people described  in the 103 case reports did not have  cancer. Of
 those that  did, most had received standard  medical  treatment or
 their tumors  were  in their early stages. In  these  cases, Clark
 pronounced them cured but did not follow what happened  after they
 left her  clinic  - so she could not possibly  know  how  they did
 afterward. In  some  cases,  she counted  patients  as  cured even
 though she  noted  that  they died within a  few  weeks  after she
 treated them.
   So I  have to agree with you. I find her theories very  difficult to
 Best Wishes,
 Mike Monett

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Re: CSMy startling allergy discovery

2004-08-03 Thread Val Morten
you can still have parasites in the bile ducts!!!

David Bearrow wrote:
 I did the Dr. Hulda Clark cleanse. The one with epson salts.
 Since I have purged myself of parasites by drinking CS for years (and
 assorted home made herbal tea concoctions) I saw no reason for me to do the
 parasite cleanse. A couple of days before I start the cleanse I begin
 drinking large amounts of water to ensure my kidneys are well flushed. The
 cleanse has never made me feel worse. Its always been a positive
 experience. Especially after the first one and you see results (allergies
 gone) it makes it worth going through the diarhea.
 At 09:00 AM 8/2/04, you wrote:

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Re: CSRe:impacted wisdom tooth

2003-12-28 Thread Val Morten
Reid Harvey wrote:
 I too have some big questions as to CS and the mouth.  Please ADVISE ME
 on what to do.  My dentist has told me to have at least two wisdom teeth
 pulled, and I'm fifty three.  my wife is keen I don't have the teeth
 pulled, that this is all about dentists making money, and their playing
 extra safe.  But the dentist, and others, tell me infecting bone behind
 the teeth is a life threatening condition.
 It seems to me that if one were drinking lots of CS consistently that
 this kind of infection wouldn't arise.  But how the heck much?  And the
 idea of a zapper sounds good, thanks to dlinen.  I think I'd also go, in
 a heart beat, for the godzilla B.E. device,  DC in small doses.  Then
 there's a CS/ DMSO combination, though I think this is preventive, not
i would get the teeth pulled from what hapned to me

Still, the dentist also says that the proximity of the horizontal teeth
 to the nerve is becoming more dicey as one gets older.  He says that
 removal later on brings more risk of some nerve disorder, brought on by
 a tricky operation.
 I guess what I really need is something to tell my wife, since she
 usually makes the decisions (then convinces me *I* made the decision).

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Re: CSA question (anna)

2003-12-27 Thread Val Morten
anna try a series of liver g/b flushes,and coffee enamas, you must be
very toxic.
 Hi Richard, I sent the replies on to Anna, Here is her answer.
 Hank, I think you may remember this from NWOC. But, I had some CS
 from Innerlight. The very first time I took it...and it was only
 about 5 drops under my tonguemy throat closed up...I had an
 allergic reaction. I almost went into anaphylactic shock. Grabbed my
 inhaler just in time. Drank lots of pure water.
 I was told that it must've not been very good CS but I'm VERY
 sensitive to pills, drugs, herbs, etcso I have to admit I'm
 afraid to try it again. I don't even take pain meds like tylenol
 unless it's severe.
 I've got a really strong immune system...knock on wood, I've not been
 sick with a virus or flu since the week after 9/11. I had bronchitis
 for over a month...from the chem spraying which was heavy when
 aircraft could fly again. I had it so bad, I thought I'd die with it.
 But since, I've not even had a cold. I've had allergic reaction
 stuff..throat closing up, stuffy sinuses, watery eyes, etc. but no
 infection, cold, virus, etc.
 So - I don't have any CS.
 Sincerely Yours,

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Re: CSCS website

2003-12-27 Thread Val Morten
this is the best msp/c.silver i have used, just drink your DISTILLED 
water like it says.

Terry Chamberlin wrote:
 I am dropping in to visit this list again after a long
 absense. Apart from Mike, I don't know how many of the
 folks who were around when I was last here are still
 I was interested in the responses of the members to
 this website:
 I think I will withhold my own comments until I read
 Terry Chamberlin

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Re: CSYeast Infection Help

2003-12-18 Thread Val Morten
do some research on the net, gerd, to some is caused by yeast
 Odd coincidence that you report CS useful as an anti-diarrheal;   I
 found, quite by accident,  that it seems to work as an antacid!
 I have no idea what the mechanism could be,  but after finding, by
 chance, that a gulp of CS remedied late-night acid reflux (from
 overeating),  I have tried several times since then, with the same
 I am just guessing that if, as some claim, ionic silver forms silver
 chloride in vivo,  then the silver chloride has the chemical property
 of neutralizing acids.   I am not a chemist so this is just a guess.
 As for the effect you describe,  I just do not know.   Neither effect
 would seem related to the anti-microbial properties of CS.
 On Thursday, Dec 18, 2003, at 12:27 Asia/Tokyo, sol wrote:
 You aren't the first person to report yeast symptoms after taking
  CS. It has never happened to me though, and I often take a whole lot
  more than your 3-5 oz per day, and my CS is more like 10-15ppm. I
  don't personally believe CS can disrupt the bacteria in the human
  bowel, perhaps somewhat in the upper small intestine, but not the
  large intestine. At least I can't get it to disrupt mine. It seems to
  me like colonics, since they actually go into the bowel ought to
  disrupt the flora a lot more (by washing them out), since so many
  think CS never gets far into the bowel in liquid form unless there is
  severe diarrhea. Since I do get diarrhea once in a while (usually from
  eating too much high carb high sugar stuff) I take the opportunity to
  drink from a pint to a quart of CS very fast in hopes of getting it
  through the whole tract in liquid form, but the CS has stops the
  diarrhea so fast it could not have made a complete transit as liquid,
  or I don't think so anyway.
It makes no sense to me to take CS and a probiotic together. I try
  to take mine a couple hours apart.
I wonder what would have happened if you had upped your CS intake
  even more rather than stopped it? Or gone ahead and tried it
  topically? Could it be that CS kills some of the bacteria that might
  be keeping the yeast in check first (would not necessarily be
  beneficial bacteria), but the yeast organisms take longer to kill off,
  thus resulting in a flare? My thinking is that maybe it takes more CS
  to kill candida than to kill bacteria/viruses. I'd really like to know
  if you ever figure out exactly what is happening, as I don't
  understand it.
  days later I started getting the first signs of a yeast
  infection-never full
  blown but bad enough.  Not only was I getting sick but yeasty and I
  taking 5 ounces a day!
  I stopped my CS on Friday (to test it) and today (Tuesday) I no

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Re: CSYeast Infection Help

2003-12-16 Thread Val Morten
are you sue it was not just die off from the yeast,
try taking a probiotic 1-2 hs after silver for a while.
 I will try to be brief :)
 I started CS daily about 1 1/2 months ago and I recently tripled my dosages
 to 3-5 ounces a day because I was 'almost' getting the flu.  ( I take 5ppm
 CS Silver Tonic from a great source who is highly respected on this site.) 3
 days later I started getting the first signs of a yeast infection-never full
 blown but bad enough.  Not only was I getting sick but yeasty and I was
 taking 5 ounces a day!
 I stopped my CS on Friday (to test it) and today (Tuesday) I no longer have
 ANY yeast symptoms.
 I was very disappointed because I'm not giving up my CS!
 I turned to the archives before writing this post for any suggestions.  Some
 believe CS can disrupt the flora of the gut others don't believe that (it
 disrupted mine.)  I went on to read that some people take CS with
 acidophilus. Now this is where I need help... The advice I got was to take
 the 2 together at the same time.  But that doesn't make any sense to me???
 Doesn't one negate the other?
 Also, there were suggestions to actually use CS as a douche.  Since CS did
 disrupt my flora, would it be wise to use it as a douche?  As of right now,
 I'm no longer symptomatic but does that make sense anyway?
 FYI-I haven't had a yeast infection in OVER 10 years!  I get regular
 colonics and follow a high protein-low carb diet. No potatoes, only high
 grain-no sugar bread and very little refined sugars.  The only thing I
 changed was consumption of CS.
 Thank you in advance,

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Re: CSLYME-it does work, robb look up.

2003-12-12 Thread Val Morten
Robb,  the   find the foucus
allergyresearch newsletter, it is 15 pages long read the facts on lyme
do you understand cellwall deffiency, dormancy, and subsequent.
print it out and read it over and over.
 Is this true?...I have heard it is 3 days...and the life cycle is 30
 - Original Message -
 From: James Holmes
 Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 8:39 PM
 Subject: RE: CSLYME-it does work
  Hello William,
  You may already be aware, but the reproductive cycle of the Lyme organism
  about 35 days.  So it is probably good to continue treatment beyond
  remission of symptoms.
  -Original Message-
  From: william meyer []
  Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 11:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CSLYME-it does work
  i have had lyme success with ionic silver. i was never diagnosed with lyme
  because diagnosing lyme is a pitiful joke. i have heard story after story
  deluded souls traipsing from one doctor to another while they ordered test
  after test that are known to be unbelievably inconsistent. in many cases
  tests that came back positive were then disregarded by the doctors in
  question. for you lymies out there: lyme is a CLININCAL diagnosis and
  is no magic bullet. the last time i was bitten by a tick i ordered
  antibiotics myself from a PET STORE on the net. no prescription neccesary.
  that means i didnt have to pay 150 dollars to convince a doctor- as i did
  the first time- to prescribe DOXY. i strongly suggest anyone who is within
  five days of a tick bite with symptoms to start on antibiotics
  add silver too. in my case silver helped me in later stages of lyme
  my infection. i still have minor symptoms, but i also am still early in my
  chronic lyme treatment protocol. one has to do many things chronically to
  treat chronic lyme. one limitation of silver is my belief that i need to
  it on an empty stomach. the doxy i took with or without food and that was
  help and convenience. it is more than possible a proper silver regime will
  take care completely of an early lyme or co-infection (bartonella,
  erlichiosis, rockky mountanin spotted fever) from a tick bite. it may not
  stop the malaria like tick borne organism, babesiosis. neither will DOXY.
  my case i am well versed in common tick borne infections and i assume my
  last bite transmitted something other than lyme. whatever it  was, it was
  knocked out with doxy. i took 200mg for 14 days. if i had had lyme
  (NEW ONES) i would have continued my treatment longer. i urge anyone that
  bitten by a deer tick to start the most agressive protocol possible if
  begin to develop symptoms of lyme. i actually urge my friends to keep doxy
  around because delay is a terrible risk for chronic lyme later. again,
  someone who is well skilled with silver would probably have as \strong a
  medicine as doxy in silver. my experience is silver is VERY effective
  against lyme.

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Re: CSwhere to buy at best prices?

2003-12-12 Thread Val Morten
the only thing that helps my jaw after cavations cleaned  virus on
nerve. is the
msp5000ppm  i have to take heparin shots to get blood circulating.   1-800-877-5097
 Can someone tell me where I can purchase cs for the best prices...or a
 generator..are they difficult to set up.  I know that I need cs for
 lyme and a cavitation in jaw...please help if you can.

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Re: CSRe: LYME-it does work

2003-12-11 Thread Val Morten
i was told you need a hot bath every day to get the bug out of its 
places in the body, and must keep the blood saturated with silver for at
least 30 days after you think you are over it.
 Hi Marshall.I'm wondering why cs doesn't help everyone with
 lyme.I know darn good and well that it will kill it.but it doesn't
 seem to reach where I need it too..any
 - Original Message -

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Re: CSInvive MSP?

2003-12-10 Thread Val Morten
it is the best i have used(5000ppm)
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 10:03 PM
  Subject: CSInvive MSP?

  What does everyone think of INVIVE MSP? 

Re: CSOT Stones and parasites

2003-11-21 Thread Val Morten
 where do we get the beck protocal?
is the godzilla stronger than the sota/beck unit?
what is the difference in this and rife???

 I just ordered a Godzilla Zapper  and am expecting that  CS plus ther rest
 of the BECK Protocol to clear out any parasites if they're present in my

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Re: CSGenerator site

2003-11-20 Thread Val Morten
the fda, and quack watch can use this as an argument why silver is
 Thanks for the laugh, Trem. It looks like Haney from Green Acres wrote that
 web site.
 Whats sad is I imagine its fooling a lot of people into using salt in their
 At 10:47 AM 11/19/03, you wrote:
 Hi List,
 Check this site out.  This is an example of what I would call blatant
 misinformation and exorbitant prices for an inferior product.  Talk about
 using scare tactics.  I have customers calling/emailing asking if these are
 good generators.  I have to put my hip waders on when reading their
 +-   Bentonite Clay for sale-+
 ¦  David Bearrow ¦
 ¦  ¦
 +  Phone: (972)722-8319  +
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Re: CSNew Member ,???? roger

2003-11-19 Thread Val Morten
no, dmso seams to bother my liver,
muscle testing showes any thing under 100ppm does not do much for me,
when one person tested the 5000ppm,he said this is real good, and he
recomends 4ooppm c.silver.
 Have you tried using the CS with perhaps 10% DMSO
 to enable adequate absorption of the CS into the jaw?
 This may do the trick.  Hold it in your mouth for
 5 minutes at a time or as long as you can stand it.
 Re: CSNew Member , nancy

 i have used several kins of silver, i have lymes, hhv6 hhv5,
 ebv,nanobacteria, a lot of it is in my jawbone and liver,
 i started out with c. silver and by muscle testing the best for me is
 5000ppm out of canada, it is the only thing the seams to get into
 my jaw, along with a lot of liver g/b flushes and coffee enemas to
  dr. schults # 2. i am gaining my enegy back.

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Re: CSLYME beck--lyme

2003-11-18 Thread Val Morten
Marshall Dudley wrote:
 CS kills lyme, there is no doubt of that.  However CS must contact the
 lyme to kill it. Lyme is very good at hiding in places where CS cannot
 get to it easily, such as nerve ganglia, the brain and cartilage.  If
 the CS does not reach it, then it cannot kill it.  Thus CS can be very
 effective in preventing lyme, or getting rid of it in the early
 stages.  It does not do as well in the later stages when the lyme have
 found hiding places.
 But I have never heard of Beck's protocol not working with lyme, since
 the other elements of his protocol are specifically to get to them in
 the areas where they can hide from CS.
what is beck protocal for lyme?

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Re: CSLYME but will it get a stages???????

2003-11-18 Thread Val Morten
will it get the cyst stage in the organs, one it has been there for 
  I beg to differ...I took CS 6 years into my infection, and
  CS got rid of it. By that time I was in 3rd Stage
  Disseminated Lyme Disease.
  CS can go anywhere Borrelia burgdorferi can go.
  What is your proof of your statements???

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Re: CSNew Member ,???? nancy

2003-11-18 Thread Val Morten
i have used several kins of silver, i have lymes, hhv6 hhv5,
ebv,nanobacteria, a lot of it is in my jawbone and liver,
i started out with c. silver and by muscle testing the best for me is
5000ppm out of canada, it is the only thing the seams to get into
my jaw, along with a lot of liver g/b flushes and coffee enemas to detox
 dr. schults # 2. i am gaining my enegy back.
 Hello, I am a traditional health care practitioner as well as a life
 long herbalist and alternative medicine student and practitioner. I
 have numerous devices, have had my cs maker for about 2 months now,
 have been reading the Beck protocol, I really can't say I have noticed
 much from consuming the cs ( taking app 1 oz twice a day) I have much
 to learn from this group and probably will realize that I need to do
 something different or additionally, do feel very positive and
 convinced this is something very valid.

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Re: CSLYME-it does work

2003-11-18 Thread Val Morten wrote:
 did you have a rash and start silver right a way?
the water oz will not touch mine(igm39) had it a long time with several

 As I said earlier, I do not have the time right now to make my own
 silver, although I hope to at a later date.  I have tried many
 different brands, including CS Pro, Mild Silver Protein, and are
 currently using Water Oz. I find it effective and priced
 economically.  Besides the LYME, I have used it to heal severe
 puncture wounds and cuts, ear infections, skin irritation , sore
 throats, periodontal disease etc.  I take it everyday as a
 preventative. At this point, just a teaspoon a day unless I feel
 something coming one. I'm not professing it to be a cure all but it
 is an amazing substance.  I swear by it.

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2003-11-18 Thread Val Morten
is this why one mfg says for lyme, you need a hot bathe each night for
45 min because lyme sequester in the body and organs?
 Did it make it into your lymph system?  My sister had it and was able
 to get rid of it except for in her joints and lymph system until she
 started magnetic pulsing it.
 Check the writings of Bob Beck on his protocol. The magnetic pulser is
 specifically because CS does NOT make it into the lymph system.  He
 discusses this at length.
 Everyone is different. Maybe it did not make in into any of the hiding
 places, or your immune system was able to get them in the hiding
 places once the majority of them were destroyed.
 mamapug wrote:
   I beg to differ...I took CS 6 years into my
   infection, and CS got rid of it. By that time I
   was in 3rd Stage Disseminated Lyme Disease.
   CS can go anywhere Borrelia burgdorferi can go.
   What is your proof of your statements???
   CS kills lyme, there is no doubt of that.  However
   CS must contact the lyme to kill it. Lyme is very
   good at hiding in places where CS cannot get to it
   easily, such as nerve ganglia, the brain and
   cartilage.  If the CS does not reach it, then it
   cannot kill it.  Thus CS can be very effective in
   preventing lyme, or getting rid of it in the early
   stages.  It does not do as well in the later
   stages when the lyme have found hiding places.But
   I have never heard of Beck's protocol not working
   with lyme, since the other elements of his
   protocol are specifically to get to them in the
   areas where they can hide from CS.

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Re: CSalmonds/cyanide

2003-11-15 Thread Val Morten
try giving you pet bird apple seeds, and see what happens!

mamapug wrote:
 Hmm, my 29 guinea pigs eat whole apples almost every day.
 So far, the cyanide in the pips hasn`t harmed them.
  You do not want to get the benefit from the apple seeds.
  They have cyanide in them, according to the post.
  If they pass through your juicer whole, then you are probably OK.
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Re: CSNew here

2003-11-13 Thread Val Morten
when using mild silver protein, i was told to take 4oz oj,or
grapefrute juice 20 min before taking the msp to help cross the bbb.
and no citris any other time.
 No. But I would not take Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, or sodium
 ascorbate) with CS. It would likely product silver ascorbate.  I would
 take it at a different time.  I also would avoid drinking citric
 juices at the same time as taking CS, although I am not aware of any
 research that indicates this could be a problem
 Marshall wrote:
Hi,   I am new here on this list and have a question?
  Are there any herbs or vitamins that should be avoided when
  taking CS?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDiabetes need chromium and vanadium

2003-11-13 Thread Val Morten
try chromium  and vanadium
Charles Sutton wrote:
 I was diagnosed with type II diabetes last week.   I guess CS doesn't
 prevent it.   I hear the feds say there is no cure, so I know there is one
 somewhere.  any clues..??
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSEpstein-Barr virus and CS?(Plus Coxsckie, Candida and Interro)

2003-11-12 Thread Val Morten
will the silver kill the ebv,hhv6,5,coxscke?
how many ppm, how long do i take

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: [Lyme-Aid] chroniocally ill problems gut, liver g/b???????

2003-11-11 Thread Val Morten
  someone posted the following article on another list and I'm copying
  it herei find that this article explains oh so much
   pos for stealth, neurotoxins - in the past had herpes 6 and
  epstein barr - have been laid up for months by bug bites so
  is definitely wrong with the immune system - rnasel tested high a
  years ago.  but i love the explanation of cell membrane's the article:
  ...Healing the membrane is virtually...healing the brain...
  The Detoxx System:
  Detoxification of Biotoxins in Chronic Neurotoxic Syndromes
  By John Foster, M.D., Patricia Kane, Ph.D., Neal Speight, M.D.
  Chronically ill individuals suffering from neurotoxin exposure
  impacts patient populations with CFIDS, Fibromyalgia, MS, Autism,
  Cardiovascular Disease, Depression, Rheumatoid Arthritis, IBS,
  Infertility, ALS, Parkinsons, Lyme, Toxic Building Syndrome, Estuary
  Associated Syndrome, Psychosis, Diabetes without family Hx, Optic
  Neuritis, Refractory Heavy Metal Toxicity, Pulmonary Hemorrhage,
  Stroke. Patients diagnosed with these chronic illnesses may be
  potentially classified as 'Neurotoxic Membrane Syndrome' (NMS) with
  the endothelial cell membrane as the target of degeneration.
  While hypercoagulation involves a myriad of proteins, it is
  ultimately a membrane event, essentially disrupting the
  that structure the membrane. Agglomeration (blocked cellular
  to blood flow/nutrients and impaired cell-to-cell communication)
  indicates elevation of phospholipase A2 and the uncoupling of
  eicosanoids from the cell membrane causing inflammation. The
  agglomeration that eventually occurs is, in essence, a product of a
  weakened membrane, and ultimately a disturbed red cell fatty acid
  Clinical Research
  We have established a biomedical protocol in our clinics, The
  Haverford Wellness Center in Havertown, PA and The Center for
  Wellness in Charlotte, NC for patients with neurotoxic illness.
  Our biomedical approach is an attempt to reach the systemic nature
  these tenacious neurotoxic syndromes and provide clinically proven
  methods that eradicate neurotoxins. Our course of action is that of
  freeing the patient of pervasive symptoms of neurotoxic illness in a
  noninvasive manner that heals the membrane, and ultimately the body
  and brain.
  The recent pioneering work of Ritchie Shoemaker, M.D., as
  communicated in his book Desperation Medicine and his peer reviewed
  papers (Shoemaker 2001), lends strong support to a connection
  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, Pfiesteria
  infection and that of numerous Neurotoxic Syndromes.
  Biotoxins as Neurotoxins
  The presentation of biotoxin exposure often parallels neurological
  and psychological impairment due to the interrelationship between
  ENS (Enteral Nervous System) and the CNS. The biliary tree, gall
  bladder, and bile formation within the liver serve in the vital
  processes of detoxication (disposal of waste products bilirubin,
  heavy metals, biotoxins, xenobiotics), lipid metabolism, transport
  and digestion (bile acids). Abnormalities of the hepatobiliary
  may involve biliary stasis whereby infectious material or biotoxins
  reside within the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder, as a viscous
  suspension in biliary sludge.
  Biotoxins as bacteria, viruses, parasites, spirochetes,
  dinoflagelletes, and fungus may be within biliary sludge often
  creating neurotoxins impacting the CNS via the ENS, or the Second
  Brain (gut). The occurrence of biliary sludge may be due to
  fasting, low fat intake, high carbohydrate diets or exposure to
  pathogens. Restriction of dietary fat may impair biliary flow which
  would be contraindicated in attempting to clear toxicity as bile is
  paramount to cleansing the body and getting biotoxins and heavy
  metals excreted into the fecal matter.
  Neurotoxins are minute compounds between 200-1000 KD (kilodaltons)
  that are comprised of oxygen, nitrogen and sulfate atoms arranged in
  such a way as to make the outside of the molecule fat loving and
  water hating. As such, once it enters the body, it tends to bind to
  structures that are rich in fat such as most of our cells,
  the liver, kidney, and brain. Neurotoxins are capable of dissolving
  in fatty tissue and moving through it, crossing cell membranes
  (transporting against a gradient, particularly with potassium)
  disrupting the electrical balance of the cell itself.
  As fat soluble neurotoxins move through the cells of the body from
  the GI tract to sinus to lung to eye to muscle, to joint to nerve,
  whereby they eventually enter the liver and the bile. Once
  neurotoxins bind with bile they have access to the liver, the body
  is poisoned 

Re: CSInjectable Silver

2003-11-08 Thread Val Morten
there is some info under mildsilverprotein, do a search, i donot rember
the web address, i found one from canada with 5000ppm the really workes
oraly, but you must drink distilled water ony with it, the7 have a 
10,000 ppm for dr.use to.roger
 I understand that homemade CS is not safe to be used IV (and I have no plans
 of using silver for IV) but I am still very curious about it.  I tried to
 read more about it but the info is over my head.  I'm just wondering if CS
 could be made with Sterile Injectable Water (that doctors and vets use)
 instead of distilled water and be safe to use for IV?  Or would the process
 of making it this way at home still be unsafe due to possible contaminants
 during the process?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSleep Apnia

2003-11-08 Thread Val Morten
have you beentested for lymes??
 On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 16:08:00 -0700 mamapug writes:
  Dear List,  Well it is a moot point if I have apnea or not, as I just
 found out
  the insurance won`t help me with the machine. Dear Marshalee-
 I also have sleep apnea.  I was falling asleep after five
 minutes of inactivity.  I was falling asleep while driving,
 etc.  I did a sleep study at an ACCREDITED SLEEP CENTER.
 Out of 472 minutes of sleep I woke up 490 times.  I also
 had several episdes where I stopped breathing entirely.
 I have HIP however my policy did not cover Medical Devices.
 However, the Director of the Sleep Center wrote directly
 to HIP and told them that my life depended on me getting
 a CPAP machine.  There is a special provision and monies
 set aside for life threatening conditions that require equipment
 which the person cannot afford.  Thats the way I got my first
 machine.  However, as time went on, I had to go in for another
 sleep study, and it was determined that I needed a BIPAP.
 That machine cost $1500.  They would not buy it outright,
 however, they rented it at the rate of something like $250
 per month--until my condition improved.  Since it did not
 improve--After a few months, I owned the machine outright.
 No it is not sexy and I too am claustrophobic.  I would pull the
 machine off in the middle of the night in my sleep.  After a
 while though, you get accustomed to it.  And you really sleep
 probably for the first time in  years.  You will notice a difference.
 Sleep Apnea is a life threatening disease.  Mention what I have
 said to your doctor--Contact the insurance company again.
 Last resort contact the company that makes the machine--they
 may have a special plan or a way to force your insurance company
 to pay...
 If  you need more help, I will put you in touch with my people.
 Let me know
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour