I believe CG's colour should be pale purple through red and then to deep
blue with increasing gold concentration. I don't know if particle size would
effect the concentration.
One method that's used to produce CG is an underwater high voltage arc
between gold electrodes seperated by about 1/4". A neon sign transformer
typically is used as it has the characteristic of being effectively current
limited and able to produce enough voltage to keep the arc sustained.
Commercial neon sign transformer are limited in the range of 20 to 120mA,
with the most common units being 30 mA. It has been mentioned to me that
15Kv (15 thousand volt) neon sign transformer with 60mA capacity is what
gives good results. These neon sign transformers have an alternating (AC)
output. The high voltage (15Kv) would, I assume, start the arc, and then the
neon sign transformer will adjust output voltage to some lower voltage to
keep it's current limited output going through the arc. Electrode spacing
apparently has some effect on current as well. In a previous post, it was
said that keeping the gold electrodes small was required to sustain the arc.
I believe, the arc, in effect, releases colloidal gold particles. This
method also uses distilled water that's cooled and kept in motion during
the process; a bit different than the process described by akaJhon.
BTW, I've received many responses to my query about creation of a colloidal
gold discussion grup. They are all encouraging me to setup this list, so
I'll proceed. It's been suggested by several that moderation is essential
for such a group for various reasons. More details to follow.
- Original Message -
From: "akaJhon"
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 10:22 AM
Subject: CS>Fw: CS>CS RE: Colloidal Gold
> Trem etc,,
> Laser says lots of sparkles,,
> and if my voltmeter is set correctly
> and I am reading it right,,says 1,000 volts DC..
> - Original Message -
> From: "akaJhon"
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 10:08 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>CS RE: Colloidal Gold
> | No specs on voltage,,can test it tomorrow,,
> | color on the 2 month old is a very pale gold,,
> | reads 190 on the Dist 1 scale,,
> | am taking Brent at his word about the ppm..
> | laser dead,,can get new batteries tomorrow for 'sparkle effect'..
> |
> |
> | - Original Message -
> | Subject: Re: CS>CS RE: Colloidal Gold
> |
> |
> | | Hi John,
> | |
> | | Thanks for the feedback. Guess I'm still in the dark as to voltage
> | | current. It's sort of like saying how high is "up". So, guess you
> don't
> | | know the voltage or currentcorrect? Does the unit have specs.
> | | might tell? I suppose you don't have a multimeter to measure
> | itcorrect?
> | |
> | | What color does it come out?
> | |
> | | If the reading on a DIST 1 is 100 at the start, what is the reading at
> the
> | | end? 110 after an hour and 115 after 2 hours? Or something
> | I'm
> | | trying to get a handle on the method of reading CG. Or are you told
> | will
> | | be 10 PPM after an hour, etc. and taking it on faith?
> | |
> | | Yep, I knew you were a customer. Looked your first name up in our
> | database.
> | | It's not in your email address.
> | |
> | |
> | | Trem
> | |
> | |
> | | - Original Message -
> | | From: "akaJhon"
> | | To:
> | | Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 3:33 PM
> | | Subject: Re: CS>CS RE: Colloidal Gold
> | |
> | |
> | | > My understanding is as follows,,,
> | | >
> | | > high currant/amps. for making CG,
> | | > 24 kt electrodes,(one gold,,the other siver,,)
> | | > uses baking soda for CG only
> | | > one qt. of distilled water,,tested with DIST 1ppm tester (100reading
> | with
> | | > bking soda)
> | | > Water heated to 190 degrees F.
> | | > One hour running for 10 ppm
> | | > 2 hours for 15 ppm etc.
> | | > silver gives off hydrogen gas ,,gold gives off co2
> | | > has switch for silver/gold..
> | | >
> | | > I use gold sometimes,,silver daily,,I haven't got in the habit,,I
> am
> | in
> | | > very good health so nothing seems to change me health or mental
> wise..
> | | >
> | | > Please excuse my slow typing,,a hunter and pecker typer.
> | | > BTW Trem,,I use your 'Silver/Gen' for making my C/S..
> | | >
> | | > aka Jhon
> | | >
> | | > "The biggest conspiracy of all is the claim that there are no
> | | conspiracies!"
> | | > ~
> | | >
> | | >
> | | >
> | | >
> | | >
> | | > | Hi John,
> | | > |
> | | > | Have you measured the current and voltage this unit operates at?
> | so,
> | | > | would you care to share?
> | | > |
> | | > | What color is the CG? What strength? Measured with? How long to
> | make
> | | a
> | | > | batch and the batch volume?
> | | > |
> | | > | Do you heat the water? How much?
> | | > |
> | | > | Notice any physical or mental effects?
> | | > |
> | | > | Thanks for answering.
> | | > |
> | | > |
> | | > | > I have bought this gold gen...
> | | > | >
> | | > | >
> | | >